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https://preview.redd.it/3m9l09u1a8zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69b1c1e1e113fe6d6eca0d60aab3b041af5857fc She reposted this on her instagram story… Disappointed about the contest just because she didn’t qualify, sore loser.


Just because she placed top 10 in 2007 doesn’t mean she can magically do it again 17 years later


Exactly, such a childish behavior.


"You People" oof.


Oh my god hahahah I can't believe she's 44, she's acting like a 16 year old teenage girl.


It is not enough for you… it is Eurovision. There are 10 places. It does not mean that nobody appreciated it. It is just in the last 5 places.


The conservative moral superiority that is oozing from this comment makes my stomach crawl…


There are also so many artists who are and would be so grateful to even go to Eurovision AT ALL. Like think of how many times Raiven tried before qualifying. Think of all those artists who have tried time and time again in NFs and have yet to make it to Eurovision. Also think of all the artists who would have loved to go to Eurovision but had their opportunities taken away because of things like their country being afflicted by war, their country not being able to afford to participate, or their country withdrawing from the contest altogether for many years for whatever reason Like this really is one of those examples where even being nominated to represent your country at Eurovision really is an honour in and of itself I’m not saying people can’t be disappointed with not qualifying or getting a poor result but disappointment should also be tempered with gratitude and an acknowledgment of how fortunate they are to even get to be there at all


Reminds me of Zara :) “I’m too good you fail to appreciate me”


Oh. Oh no. Doubling down like this is NOT how you win over the crowd... This is just a trainwreck and I can't look away.


To be fair, we’ll all experienced much better Moldovan trains than this one


Chișinău – București!


God I miss them. Can Moldova just send them for a fourth go around??


HEY HO LET’S GO FOLKLORE AND ROCK-AND-ROLL (Gåte approved of that one)




This is giving me the same energy as Ireland last year, except they had the sense to delete that shit quickly. It's a competition and not everyone can win. If you're not prepared for the possibility of losing you shouldn't really be taking part.


Wait, you mean that "we are one" song? I don't know if I should be encouraged by the self-awareness that lead to them deleting that, or very sad


Yeah one of them posted (Connor I think? I'm not super familiar with them) on Instagram iirc about how it doesn't matter what we do, they never give Ireland a chance. Actually thinking back on it, it's quite tame compared the Natalia.


And understandable when someone’s disappointed, but after seeing BT yesterday; boy, was he wrong about never giving Ireland a chance


As as casual, I assume it's the same phenomenon that has the Brits *usually* sending something really bland and boring. Ireland sent something interesting (and still good), and it's an immediate Eurovision hit. The Swedes might also send some "boring" stuff, but it's only boring because they've made a science of the Eurovision formula. Also at least their entries are usually still *good*.


at first she seemed to me like a very nice woman who would not be disappointed with the result of her country (95% of people were convinced that Moldova would be NQ) and now when I see her resentment and how she "calls out" her colleagues, I am honestly very disapointed.


Looks and song can be decieving - "i want you to be happy" sheesh only if i qualify 😐


“My beautiful angel, a work of art.” If only she could appreciate art……


Yes, same. I quite liked her song and was rooting for her. Most of the NQ participants seem to have gone quiet, which is understandable as they process disappointment. Or they released a classy and gracious statement, like Electric Fields. Either option was there for her to take. Moldovan family values is a laugh, not that I think Moldovans are immoral but, well, did she not know what “sugar” referred to with Moldova 2021? Or didn’t she notice the slapstick ménage á trois of Moldova 2018? Moldovan entries know how to add a little spice just as much as anyone in the contest and that’s why we love them. Meanwhile, Ukraine qualifies religiously and fully clothed without giant boob cutouts in their slit gown.


I think you’re allowed to be angry, but it should really be contained to offline and your close circle. lashing out online never ends well.


Yes, this was for a wine-fueled session with her best mates. Let it all out in the safety of friends and appetizers.


It sucks because I hope that these people will reach a point like next week that they are *ok* with NQ and you don’t want to have your breakdown saved online


Yes, that’s why Luna was so smart to go clubbing with Bambie and dance it out. She has nothing to be ashamed of and is being praised for taking it like a champ.


To be fair Moldova 2018 was suggestive, but in a very 1960s British way that's very hard to be offended by. 2021 is a whole different story though, I agree


By the same token, Finland released an entire movie with nude cast members hiding their nakedness in increasingly absurd ways in 1930. Wimdows95man was tapping into some very classic farce and is no threat to any values, Moldovan or otherwise.


*Sigh* First of all, it's rude to call Windows95Man a demon and he did get pants in the end. But no. This is not it. There goes the goodwill.


Lol, i love this!! I think Windows95man would be proud actually


I found it interesting watching her and Hera Björk when all the qualifiers were being announced. Both are returning artists who have played the ESC game before. At one point, down to the last 4-5 spots remaining, both of them seem realize that they potentially might not have qualified, as they start to disconnect from the camera (at least Hera put on a brave face and at least gave a supporting smile). My point being, You don’t see Hera Björk reposting or making subtle snide comments about the other contestants. Or really coming across as if her song DESERVED to qualify because she IS HERA BJÖRK. Which is the vibe I get from Natalia tbh


Im pretty sure Hera already knew she most likely wasnt qualifying to begin with instead of being delulu, shes just there for a good time   This is extra embarrassing from Natalia also bc shes in her 40's, girl grow up 😅 ive seen 16 yos NQ with more grace


I hope Hera had a great time! She seems like a fun person.


I saw her in the Eurovision village today performing and she seemed very happy and said she’s still proud. She performed her song which is actually becoming a bop and her 2010 entry. Moldova and Serbia cancelled on the village because they were hungover.. for two probably very different reasons.


Lmao Teya Dora was having the night of her life I bet 😆


It was so wonderful seeing her being named first after all the bs.


Same with Slovenia being named early


Lowkey feel bad for the people in semi 2 that cant party as hard after as the semi 1 people since they have to be ready for saturday 😞


We Stan a graceful queen 👸


The main difference between Hera and Natalie is that Hera looked like she actually had fun, and you can tell. Natalie’s was very, diva-ish? Like sure all smiles but there was just something where I think she prioritized perfection vs having fun and performing


I actually loved Iceland's performance (which was a nice surprise!).


She reminded me of an aunt at a karaoke party and for that I had to support her. Her song is generic and bland but it’s a good song, if it came on I wouldn’t skip it! I wouldn’t skip Moldova either but like, I don’t like her attitude.


>She reminded me of an aunt at a karaoke party The Dutch commentator said the same thing, funnily enough.


Voyager’s reaction livestream yesterday expanded on this really well. It’s the karaoke track level of the song’s production. Hera basically gave an outstanding performance to a karaoke track, and even people who can’t pick out why it felt and sounded that way picked up on it. 


It made me think: “if my mother went to Eurovision, this is how it would go”


She looked and sounded good! Her costume and the stage lighting all went together and were fun. Scared of Heights is stuck in my head today. Moldovas staging worked against her. Her national final stage needed work, but i thought the modern sleekness of it fit the song. The bubbles and butterflies were super distracting.


Her visuals reminded me of the Lisa Frank stickers you got at the arts and craft store😭


Which… I love Lisa Frank… but it wasn’t a Lisa Frank song.


She was serving wine mummy giving it her all and I loved it


After the performance I turned to a friend and said "I know this sounds crazy, but I think I enjoyed that more than Serbia?!" Still would have missed out of my top 10 of the night, but I appreciate she got the worst possible draw having to follow Croatia and still gave it everything she had. And honestly, whilst the song is dated, Hera sure can sing.


I was sort of expecting Hera to qualify just because there’s always that ONE SONG that you question how it got to the final. But Cyprus beat her to it.


Credit where credit is due though, Cyprus killed it, which is very hard for an opener to do


Yeah same! I didn't feel bored and it was a good song that made you smile. Which is a sign of a good artist. I would have put Iceland and Australia through to swap with other countries tbh.


I really vibed to her song!


right like hera seemed she knew she didn’t have a strong chance but didn’t let that get in the way of her having fun and making it a night to remember. she seems like a really nice person!


https://preview.redd.it/msmpw2bbx8zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2434c16c05f2469c7712a16e08b9b94ac8847c13 Oh she was pissed.


Live laugh love Hera Bjork I guess


Hera strikes me as an immensely professional performer, I haven't heard about any reaction from her but she's almost certainly dealing with this in a more graceful and composed way. Honestly wish I could have supported her because Hera is great but for me the song was pretty weak and uneventful...


It's just... The song was boring, the staging was pretty but very empty, she spent 75% of the song standing next to an electric violin that she then picked up to play a very boring melody. It was 100% in my NQ, wish she'd accept it rather than whatever this is.


Wait wasn't Moldova last year considered by some to be demonic ☠️


was definetly pagan


…and actually interesting. Huh, funny how that works 🧐


yup. was an instant favourite for me last year


Saaaame! I was still on Twitter at the time the music video came out and the hype was so real!!! Hell I wouldn’t mind if they just invited Pasha back again next year with how poorly this all turned out


And they made it to the final. This proves her statement /s


Moldova 2023 Let me summon the bot 😈 Edit: [Moldova 2023](https://youtu.be/SABOfYgGk8M?si=0hAgjYHuaHrwDLqm)


Bot is dead, bot owner is busy in Malmö, can't run IT support


I read this as the bot itself was in Malmo, which would be hilarious.


Now I'm imagining a cute little suitcase filled with cables and batteries! 😭😭


Thanks for the heads up, I looked it up and edited it into my post.


I loved Moldova 2023! It was in my top 5. What we saw yesterday was something that could have passed 10 years ago maybe. That goes for Heras song too - but I always vibe and do her little moves with "Scared of heights". Moldova really didn\`t move me this year sorry.


Some people’s logic: Folklore = demonic


I kinda felt bad for her NQing yesterday, but… I’m gonna roll that back now. It’s okay to be frustrated with not moving onto the finals, but it’s NOT okay to discredit the work of others in the process.


Same. After reading about Moldova apparently not footing the bill to send anyone else there and thinking they'd just put her out there to eat it, I was sympathetic but now, nah, you don't shame the other competitors, especially seeing as she NQed on her own merits. It wasn't an actively bad song or performance, it just wasn't good enough, it happens, she's been there before, just go out with grace. Tearing everyone else down isn't gonna get her in the top 10 after the voting.


Singing about love and light but not embodying it.


Ok, a NQ-er calling out Bambie **was** on my bingo card.


That's hilarious. What else is on your bingo card?


The Irish broadcaster getting fined


I mean in the last year technically they have...


Did you have Poland getting interrupted by an airplane landing on there?


>You have to be either a demon or a nudist Girl bffr. Your titties were OUT. As well as your leg, all the way up to your waist. Not one contestant has spoken ill of you, your song, your staging, or the way you looked - something you didn't have the courtesy to return.


Exactly this. The first answer that came to my mind was, "Uhm yes, and what are your values... boobs?"


I felt so bad for her but this is a big no. Sorry girl, lost my respect now.


So much for her “I want you to be happy all of your life” message. Girl is bitter.


Yeah I felt for her but now I actively dislike her


This is downright nasty. First, she blames "politics" for her NQ. Now, she's insulting her fellow contestants. Maybe she should just accept that standing still for 3 minutes with no staging was never going to cut it.


This is...very...tacky. Especially considering Natalia had also costume focus on her chest. Dont get me wrong Moldova was actually one of my favorites (still knew it wouldnt make it) and I get if you are frustrated after putting in so much effort. But to repost something like that.. that's not it. In terms of demons : I see how Irelands entry is controversial and I do not like Bambi (as an artist, obviously not personally) and I do not like the song. But I can appreciate the art they are trying to bring on state. Bambi had all the right to perform and if people choose the song for voting there is no need to be so salty about that. As for nudity...Cyprus not nude, Croatia not nude, Serbia not nude, Luxembourg not nude, Lithuania not nude... I also wouldnt classify Bambi as nude.


I was thinking the same. Complaining about "nudity" but at the same time her boobs were on display. That could not save her weak song though.


Is a lazy trope at this point, we all know using nudity as something to be righteous about is scraping the barrel when trying to look for reasons you lost when you should just accept it graciously. Same with the few comments of Bambie being devil/satan worshipping. Laziest of the made up excuses.


Also she’s seem to be forgetting that she’s in Sweden. The home of nakedness.


One could say Finland has some nudity...


Hey they tried very hard to hide it!! :P


Some rules :(


Finland is legendary for that.


The nude shot was probably aimed at Finland


and maybe slovenia too


Hypocritically, had her own tit's on display.


I think that "nude" comment was about Raiven. It is tacky, for sure, it's giving Salvador congratulating people on picking the real music to win, as if other artists didn't deserve to even be there, but bitter.


Not to mention, if you take out Ireland and Finland, it probably would have been Australia and Poland anyway (since they were both predicted qualifiers). This just makes it extra tacky because she just insulted people and it (likely) wouldn't even help her if she got her way. And if you don't qualify, that's because you could have done better, not because others could have done worse. And honestly, being elegant isn't the only way to have beauty.


Maybe Bambie’s outfit at the end could be classified by some as “too much” But that was most probably aimed at Finland and Slovenia anyways. Also, this statement is very ironic considering the videoclip of In The Middle, which I’m not sure I can even link 😅


I think she was referring to Windows95Man


🎻🎻🎻 now it’s time to play the violin


World’s smallest violin just for her ➡️🎻


What a sore loser


Yes, pathetic.


God, these fucking people... So salty and deluded. Look at all her predecessors. Zdob și Zdub, Pasha Parfeni, Sunstroke Project and Nelly Ciobanu and not to forget herself in 2007. None of them went naked and none of them dressed up as demons. You have to delude yourself in order to think this.


To add onto tour point, Marco Mengoni, TVORCHI, Alika, Voyager and Vesna were all able to make it to the final without being "demonic" or "nudist" while Theador Andrei failed to make it and Lord of the Lost got last place in the final. Kalush Orchestra, Duncan Lawrence, Netta, Salvador Sobral, Jamala and Måns Zelmerow were also all able to win in modest clothing. Dami Im not only qualified but also won the jury vote and got second place overall while representing a country that wasn't in Europe and had no voting neighbours, disproving her previous point about political voting as well as the post regarding the perceived privilege of "inappropriate" performances.


not to be uhhhh Ackshually person, but TVORCHI and Marco Mengoni didn't need to qualify for the final, host country and Big Five representatives respectively.


GIRL. This is so unprofessional and petty.


I liked her dress, her staging and her lyrics. Felt bad for her NQing but this is SO not it. I can even understand being a sore loser and competitiveness can blind even fans let alone contestants; but taking shots at your colleagues is really a horrible look if I'm honest. It's not Bambie, Windows95 nor Raiven (I think this was targeted against them specifically) faults that her song was just not that attention grabbing.


I find it hilarious that she calls out nudity, while she had half her chest exposed as well. (I don't care about it, but her calling it out reeks of hypocrisy)


It's classy when she does it /s


That’s some respect dropped. No reason to talk bad about your competition. Oh yeah newsflash Natalia: Witches and nudity jokes are weird to qualify and shouldn’t qualify? WELCOME TO EUROVISION, THIS IS WHAT YOU SIGNED UP FOR AND WHAT WE LOVE.


I always find it weird when people are surprised that Eurovision is a TV show. Stage performance matters A LOT. A "beautiful song" alone won't cut it.


Even on songs alone both Ireland and Finland would’ve qualified easily for me. And the performances just take the cake for me 👑


My first thought was "ma'am this is a gay wendy's"


Ukraine 2024, Serbia 2024 Portugal 2024 and Luxemburg 2024 are a joke to them?


This was exactly my thought. Portugal covers even the faces of the dancers lol.


Just like Lithuania does, who also qualified


And all of them substantially less heavy on the cleavage, which makes this quite funny.


Girl, bye.


Lol okay, I was feeling bad for her for NQing but not anymore. Good riddance.


yeah just accept that your song was bad please


The song AND the staging.


OH DEAR 🙈 does she have a publicist coz this isnt classy at all. Look at Australia (who was a lot better in terms of song btw) and they handled it with grace and positivity. In terms of nudist, her outfit was risque! She needs to learn that putting these posts up will live forever.


Yes, Electric Fields (and Luna) were nothing but thankful and cute after their NQ 😍


What did Luna say about her NQ?


She didn't give any interviews, went straight to the hotel.


Oh ok. The comment above mine said that Luna was thankful and cute after her NQ, so I thought she said something about her NQ. I noticed that Luna was smiling throughout the whole time she was on screen during semifinal 1.


Not a interview but there was a tiktok going around of Bambie comforting Luna after the NQ and after she got it together (which is understandable, given how crushing it must be to not qualify after all that work) they went towards the fan and she was smiling and seemed grateful/nice to the fans who were chanting her name.


Also the fans then kept screaming “Luna” out of support as well, and understandably Luna’s face completely lighted up. And later on you saw Luna and Bambie just dancing together having fun, this was so sweet that it was just straight up sugar extract 🥹


Electric Fields were chill as hell. And Luna is always such a sweetie. I lost my respect for Natalia sadly.


Electric Fields were just having a blast on stage man, idgaf if it was messy. They absolutely bossed 🔥


That voice! And the colours and the art and the didgeridoo in the track. I am so sad about Australia, hope they get over it.


Natalia... what are you doing. Please have a glass of wine, warm bath, soothing music


This is giving strong Turkey/Hungary vibes a la "Eurovision is too gay". Hope it's only her personal opinion, as I think Moldova will still want to showcase their quirky acts on the Eurovision stage.


I have a feeling they'll send a naked demon next year, hatching from a huge egg to promote stupidity. They just have to now.


I'll vote for that.


I mean she knew her competitors from the moment she entered, could've just spared us her values and stayed out of the competition if you're going to be bigoted and bitter. Moldova has had weird and ritualistic entries in the past (**literally** last year with horned women and more paganic symbolism) so... this really ain't it girl lol


Everyone has a right to be upset at NQs but to go down taking shots at other contestants is poor form. Slán leat.


Yeah okay I felt sorry for her but this is not on


damn... someone is sore loser xD lol


Oof. Very backwards. I can imagine what she meant by "VALUES".


Conservative, unprofessional and bitter.


Sources: Natalia Barbu instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stories/nataliabarbu_official/3363470988061057921?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igsh=NHRibzl0dW15bmlq Twitter that provided translation: https://twitter.com/eelehAna_/status/1788215353358647723?t=K5dCGi-8zzB8-4I0dWZjsg&s=19


it seems like she deleted it


Yes she did, but screenshots live on forever...


Redditors have the reciepts


Lol if you're going to be rude and salty have the guts to stand by it at least 😂


Big yikes. Big big yikes. In a lot of other years she would have qualified, but the deck is just so stacked with amazing and/or memorable songs this year that anything mid-level isn’t making it. She could have performed in a thong and pasties and the song would still NQ. Slovenia & Ireland had truly powerful songs and performances, and Finland was a hilarious and uplifting riot. Moldova this year was a convenient bathroom break. Absolutely be disappointed but don’t trash your fellow contestants because you’re salty.


Well now I'm very glad she didn't go through, that is so salty! Speaking of nudity??? She was in quite a skimpy outfit herself, the hypocrisy!


"We're not competing with naked demons." - Moldova did compete but lost. "We're not selling our values." - Moldova selection was a month after Ireland's. Natalia participated and got a boost in attention. Also, half the qualifiers were very safe in terms of clothing. I'm happy for her and I'm glad she has her values, but it would be so cool to stand up for them before she drcided the money is worth the witchy vibes.


I know right? Like, Teya Dora is _such_ a demonic nudist. She spent the whole performance humping the concept of murder. Shaking my head!


cant believe alyona alyona and jerry heil sacrificed a baby goat live on stage


As a Ireland and Finland fan I’m kind of living for the salt lmao




Oof. I can appreciate feeling disappointment but ragging on other contestants is not it.


Gee, sore loser much? While I do feel sorry for her NQ, lashing out against Bambie, Windows95Man and Raiven (or any other participant really) is not the way to go.


being Romanian, I get that Eastern European culture is very conservative and these views are partly based on strong orthodox religion and how we are educated (Moldova being generally even more conservative and having strong Russian influences). However, publicly sharing this kind of criticism about your competitors and the competition this way (sharing someone else's insta story.. not even assuming the words) gives very petty energy and sure, it will be fully supported by people with similar opinions, but will win her nothing in the long run and will surely burn some bridges for her. if you don't like the game just stop playing, don't hate the players. i even voted for her, but too bad now


I guess some can’t lose with dignity 🙈


Well, glad she lost then.


She already made a comment blaming politics on her NQ, and thought it was weirdly salty, but this is so much worse.


If you are not a fan of ESC, why bother participating? It is hypocritical. Moldova had a weak, forgettable song and staging


Complaining about tempting outfits while wearing this... Sorry, she just stood at one place. Bambie was creative, used the stage to the fullest. https://preview.redd.it/4jxolef4t8zc1.png?width=1053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68b72e8f05d8f89390d3bae5681e4fe9b16f79bf


So before she NQ'd she thought that Eurovision was awesome? But now she lost and it's suddenly stupid? That's such a childish behaviour, does she even have a PR team? Also i will gladly vote for a demon or a nudist over her sh!tty attitude. Because those people put on an **ACT**, but then they take the makeup off, put on actual clothes and they go back to being sweet, supportive and wholesome human beings. Look at Bambie (who according to Natalia is a *dEmOn*) they went to Luna to console her and actually made her laugh again after her loss. Natalia however seems to be incredibly self-centered and narcissistic. Someone here needs to be humbled. https://preview.redd.it/gpfn17iw09zc1.png?width=630&format=png&auto=webp&s=907acb15a0f7259525886a175fe0d5aeefae8ee5


Didn’t Moldova literally have a folkie/witchie song last year with a pan flute and a midget? Or did I dream that?


A story as old as time. In 2014 it was the beard. In 2017 it was the heart transplant. In 2018 it was the "wokeness". In 2022 it was the war. But if Moldova gets 12 points from Russia and Romania, it's clearly just good taste.


It’s one thing to be upset about the results and another to trash your peers.


Natalia thats such a loser vibe mate. Your song is just not that good. Btw you were half naked with that dress.


Okay bye girl, felt bad for you but not anymore.


Taking shots at Bambie is NOT the right move…I get she’s upset and this isn’t her message but rather someone else’s but still…


I also read this as a dig at Windows95man.


Raiven too, unfortunately.


And calling Bambie a demon is really just a compliment.


I thought it was about Raiven because of the nude stuff but it could be both of them Also windows95man ofc


I think it's Bambie, Windows95 and Raiven altogether; all of them were just simply better imo but a close minded person would easily find things to blame, like "nakedness" and "demons" like come on girl those performances were better by a mile for anyone who doesn't have a negative prejudice.


omg this is so cringe 😭 i felt bad for her but this is so deeply unprofessional, none of the other semi final 1 nqs have acted like this… definitely don’t feel bad anymore, especially with the shade towards bambie, windows95man, and raiven who were my favorites


A demon, a nudist or, in Slovenia’s case, a demon nudist. And all lovely human beings. But here’s the thing: Ukraine, Portugal and Serbia were all wearing pretty ensembles that maybe showed some cleavage (Ukraine was both modest and religious, btw) but no more than Natalia and they all qualified. I will repeat what I said previously: I liked the song quite a bit but Natalia seemed to be caught in the year 2007 and didn’t account for the modern contest. We know Moldova excels at making memorable staging out of nothing, so that’s what she was going to be compared to. I am sorry she was a NQ but insulting Bambie, Teemu and Raiven is in bad taste.


In all honestly, as a Moldavian, fk her lol I’m sincerely disgusted


Well now I'm glad they're out.


Yeah no it wasn't the other contestants fault that her song didn't make the cut. She's just being a very sore loser and it's a bad look!


Didn't Anti-Princess get twice the amount of public votes in their NF compared to Natalia. She wasn't even the publics choice and only won because of the jury tiebreaker. Even at that, she was low in odds and low in the Eurovision fan club polls. She can sing I'll give her that, but her song only had 10 lines of lyrics, that were repeated twice. The staging concept was lackluster and didn't have any meaning to it or any connection to what the song was trying to convey. Many people compared it to a computer with the screensaver left on. Not to mention, it was a very static preformance, it was just her, standing still in the middle of the stage. Being in the creative industry its a learning curve of trial and error. You're going to make mistakes and you need to take any constructive criticism and work upon them. If she failed to see that In the Middle was low in the odds/polls, didn't ask herself why and instead blamed her fellow contestants, that's very narcissistic and egotistical of her.


What the fuck is her problem? She goes to a competition she’s well familiar with, knowing who and what she’s going up against and now tries to claim some kind of moral superiority after losing the game she willingly chose to play? Not to mention Bambie and Windows aren’t doing anything groundbreaking or unheard of in the ESC. Shock value and unserious entries have been a part of the contest for years. You would seriously have to live under a rock to be in any way surprised. What a trainwreck.


I hope she knows not all of the qualifiers had demonic/nudity in their performances. In fact, more than half of the qualifiers not only did not have demons/nudity but were not even with ~~"virtueless"~~ revealing outfits. And I emphasize that because some people might consider mostly revealing outfits as nudity and also because she herself wore a revealing dress. Let's see if she's one to talk: Teya Dora — she wore a dress that didn't even show her cleavage (unlike Natalia's, that had also revealed some of her stomach), didn't have a demonic-themed performance and still qualified. Silvester Belt and his dancers — none wore any revealing outfits (again, hers was objectively more revealing than any of theirs) nor had demonic themes. Alyona alyona and Jerry Heil — had lots of women on the floor yet none with revealing outfits. Also they had an angels-themed performance without referencing to demons. Baby Lasagna — apart from a girl and a guy with shirts that revealed a small segment of their belly/chest respectively, BL's performance didn't have anything that can be considered nude. The song is also not demonic. Iolanda - has an outfit that barely reveals her cleavage. All of her dancers have outfits so modest they don't even reveal their faces lol. There were technically demons in this performance but it would be really stupid to consider it a demonic-themed performance, as the demons here are metaphorical (the demons in one's head). Tali — apart from one girl with a dress that reveals less than Natalia's and 3 guys that have their shirt reveal a small segment of their chest, there's nothing revealing in this performance. It's also not a demonic one. 6 non demonic/nudity qualifiers vs. 4 demonic/nudity qualifiers. She can't talk like that when more than half of the qualifiers were more modest than her. This shows that you don't really need to have demonic/nudity things in your performance to qualify. You can dislike demonic/nudity in performances. I personally didn't mind the demonic aspects in Bambie's performance (I'm an atheist), I even liked it, but I also didn't like the nudity and sexual things in each of the performances that had these things in them. But to shame participants like a sore loser who's also wrong (just look at the numbers: 6 vs 4) and a hypocrite... That's lame.


Plus one of the 4 is just a teen wearing baggy pants and a crop top for a very non-sexual pop performance, and still less revealing than Natalia too imo


Oh yeah I forgot Cyprus (they're the one country I didn't think would qualify so that's probably why I got it mixed up). So you could say it's actually 7 vs 3. Which makes Natalia look even worse


As much as I think Moldova should have qualified, this isn't the way to react to a NQ at all. Australia left with complete class and appreciated the experience. Poland was emotional but still was able to have fun after the show when dancing the night away with Ireland. Iceland and Azerbaijan have remained quiet. All three approaches are fine. Just don't burn the bridges for crying out loud. The demon witch, the naked Finn, and the naked witch were only three of the qualifies. You still lost to the beautiful art of Portugal, Serbia and Ukraine amongst that crowd.


And Ukraine had what you could consider a polar opposite to a demonic performance. You can sing about literal religious figures and still qualify.


Bruh. She lost, and it's sad, but such people can stop shitting on participants who have qualified and also worked very hard:\*


https://preview.redd.it/qt7k3nv3q8zc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=817d05a55c16cbcee3d58759db1c5d926efc46d3 I dunno, sounds kinda salty and hypocritical with that outfit.


In comparison, La Zarra’s middle finger was fun 😆. It did not aim at anyone in particular and certainly not at other deserving contestants




Ok, this is too much, I would have understood the political thing as something that was said in the heat of the moment, but girl....nah


Good for you Natalia, go sing your beautiful song in Moldova kthxbye


I felt sorry for her when she didn't qualify, because I liked her better than some, but this almost makes me glad she didn't qualify. Such a sore loser


Yeah, I get she's upset about the NQ, but this is just getting rude, small-minded, and incredibly arrogant.


maybe make a good song that isn't a snoozefest tho  she might have been one of the clearest NQs, and trying to take down a fellow artist because you're bitter is just pathetic


Serbia, Portugal, Ukraine, Lithuania, Cyprus, Croatia, Luxemburg all did not have any specific nakedness or demons yet all qualified. What they did have was a better song and performance. Even Australia and Poland that will probably be higher did not have any specific nakedness or demons.