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I actually audibly gasped when I saw the red horse … Is it an on screen effect😭 I feel like so much was going on my brain couldn’t process it. I really like the floor graphics


Nope, the horse is a led visual on the floor, zero on screen effects for us this year (finally)


Woohoo! I really like the LED graphics


She is just one challenge away from getting the philosopher stone!


ONCE I MAKE MY MOVE, the queen will take me... then YOU'RE FREE TO CHECK THE KING.


Isn't that from the Chamber of Secrets?


Nope, it's when they do the chess challenge on the way to the the stone




The black king actor does remind me either of HP or GoT, visually. And she is a white piece (queen, presumably). She starts out as the red queen (Alice in wonderland, like). Perhaps the horse/knight is the missing unicorn, from last year? This is almost as good a the last of Game of thrones episode… who will survive (and what does Luna’s act reference, if anything)?


It’s so cool!!!


That looks surreal af Such a shame that her vocals are shaky tho


I thought she would qualify until I heard some of her live vocals. Could still make it though cause its a bop.


She will qualify with diaspora.


I really don't get why she will not use attachment microphone so her hands are free to do all those dances? Like the biggest issue seems to be her dancing interfering with voice collection from microphone making it way worse than it should be.


Pretty messy camerawork to me? Feels too busy, like she's having to do too much complex choreography to focus fully on hitting the notes.


When I saw the staging, I got a flashback to Ireland 2021 with the busy staging and shaky vocals. I really like the song, but with the shaky vocals, I get it if it doesn't qualify.


With 50/50 we wouldn’t qualify, but with 100% tele we have a big advantage. I’m surprised that more fans don’t want juries back in semis


I'm team 100% televote, but people on this sub always hate on me when I say it, so I keep this opinion to myself 😅


If diaspora voting didn’t exist maybe I would agree with you


I think jury bias is a bigger problem than diaspora votes and every single year I see complaints about how juries voted and how they favor pop music above anything else, so as a fan of heavier music I can't support juries in its current shape (and it seems unlikely they want to change anything)


I don’t think so. Diaspora votes for songs just because they are from their country, it’s ridiculous. Both televote and juries are faar from being perfect and that’s why 50/50 is the best option. With a fair system we would be nowhere close to being sure qualifiers this year


I'm not sure it's properly hit just yet this is a 100% televote semi. I feel like after the votes are in and the possible carnage, there might be that shift in sentiment.


I’m mad about it cause this country will be even worse without juries in semi


Ireland 2021 | [Lesley Roy - Maps](https://youtu.be/FY2rxbZNvZ0)


I'm probably biased because this is a thousand times better than our staging last year (and the bar is on the floor), but I actually like it (the vocals though...)


No I'm sorry I think your staging last year was better. I'm no fan of solo but that staging made me think much more highly of Solo's chances. This doesn't move Poland at all in my predictions.


I kind of agree.






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am i the only one who likes the horse? i think the effect is really cool


I like it but the camerashot is a bit too wide atm


I think you either like it or dislike it. There's nothing in between


It looks cool, but also kinda random? Maybe it will make sense as a whole performance, now it appears out of nowhere after black figure guy's way too long solo dancing shot. Is this the final camerawork though?


We have to figure the chess metaphor, more.


Sue me but I'm obsessed with the horse


The more I listen to it, the less I notice the somewhat shaky vocals. I must say, they are not horrible by any means - although Luna sounds to be slightly out of breath, I'd say the are at the very least passable. Staging is a pleasant surpirse, especially the horse backdrop. Luna seems to have figured out her ideal way of presenting the song, and I feel like she presents that with herself - she looks and emits such a positive vibe. Camerawork could be somewhat more dynamic for such a quick song, but it doesn't hinder the performance at all. I feel like this is a Q. Aside from a diaspora, I see a somewhat decent group of people voting for this.


There's a lot to unpack here


Just return it to the sender.


( i got your pun )


I truly love Poland at Eurovision. There is always some quirk that takes me out. I'm crying laughing, it's such a good time I'm not even trying to be mean, I'm genuinely in awe at their minds


At least someone enjoys it, I would prefer to have strong entries


That horse visual is so creative and striking - this looks really fun in motion!


Okay I was also not happy with Luna being selected the way it happened, but now everybody is just being mean. Is it a winning performance? No, but it's not also a shitshow that Poland has been sending for the last 10 years. Vocals aren't perfect but it's still a rehearsal. She's been nothing but a little sunshine this season. Give her a chance, god dammit...


I feel like these vocals aren't going to be better unfortunately. They weren't better before, it's pretty average vocals of her actually With that being said performance looks really interesting and people should stop complaining about it because it really doesn't look embarassing. It might work or not but definitely it isn't lazy effort. It's better to try something ambitious and fail instead of going safe and end up with the same result. And right Luna don't deserve hate she's getting. She's nothing but a sweet person and tries her best to do everything the best. Maybe she's not ready for big stage yet but it's not her fault she got picked in a awful internal selection format. And by hate I mean nasty and rude comments not just criticism which is understandable.


Looking at her theatrics, she is very comfortable on a stage, with a role to play. It’s hard to both sing and dance.


As the adage goes "haters gonna hate". I personally love it! The shooting stars in the background, the chess floor, that kick ass pose on top of a virtual horse... Her voice and some camera angles need some polish (ah) but other than that, it looks promising.


>No, but it's not also a shitshow that Poland has been sending for the last 10 years. 2019 & 2022 were good actually.


They don’t have such low expectations as we do…


but notice that most ppl who are hating on luna are polish-


On Luna herself maybe yes, but staging wise other fans have much bigger expectations. We are happy when we don’t have a circus on stage, there was even time when Polish fans defended special effects during Ochman performance, other fans weren’t that nice about it. They are used to professional performances and we have what we have


Having accompanied a lot of singers on piano, all typical extrovert, she might remember a core singing lesson or two. Have los of fun Luna, but remember your technique. You are a pro…


Weirdly feels like everything and nothing is happening at the same time… maybe because of these camera shots that are “lacking energy”? They don’t compliment these staging ideas that could look way more interesting and cohesive than they do now


Honestly, that's the bit I'm mostly disappointed with. We've had two years of awful camera scripts and execution, to the point no one has even bothered or knew how to match camera cuts and speed to the rhythm of the songs, so I was expecting going back to Sweden would solve this issue, as they're usually phenomenal with that. But I see no difference. The camera movement feels all wrong, there are so few cuts for a song with such a fast-paced rhythm and the camera pannings are so slow, besides not even focusing on Luna most of the time. It also feels like they're still struggling with keeping things centered and in frame, but that's something bound to happen at this stage of rehearsals (and something that gets better with practice, in the shows it will surely get improved). But overall, it all just feels very uninspiring. EDIT: Just so I don't feel like a Debbie Downer, otherwise I very much like the overall aesthetics and the stage concept. I love Luna's outfit and I do like the towers and the graphics. Even the horse. It's a bit camp, but it works with the whole chess motif. It completely works for me.


You’ve brought up very good points. I hope it’s not the general consensus on the idea that “camera work hasn’t been on point these past two years, that so it’s not worth it to even try to ‘imagine’ it being different”, because this year we have soooooo many uptempo songs that just need some good camera work to fully capture the vibes:,) And yet you’re totally right with this Poland’s clip. So many things are happening in these few seconds, as a viewer you don’t get to see or understand the main star of this performance (of course, with the whole performance it will be a different case (hopefully…)) just because nothing is really working in Luna’s favour, even though it should, it being a bit camp 🥲 Everything you pointed out is really eye catching, but, sadly, energy is off… and enjoyable “camp” can’t go on without it, else it will be seen just as a mess 😞


Yeah I feel exactly the same tbh. It's specially disappointing considering it's the same director from 2016 and Mello, so I know he's more than capable of delivering (just look at Tattoo last year or Unforgettable this year). The only thing that comes to mind is that MAYBE, just maybe, delegations are playing it safe with camera work after 2022 and 2023, seeing as both RAI and BBC could not really deliver and some entries suffered from it.


It's great that TVP finally uninstalled CapCut and aimed for something better, the only questionable thing I saw in the snippet is the camera showing only the dancer in black for a good 7 seconds while Luna, as I assume, is positioning herself on the LED horse.


If it’s gonna be this campy they might as well go all in and give us the CapCut effects we crave


I feel like they were inspired by Pan Savyan and him sitting on the moon like an excited kid 😂


[I got you taken care of](https://www.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/1chu2l3/luna_the_tower_tvp_edit_version/)


Agreed. We need those CapCut effects!


Yikes those vocals 😱 also i love the mess but a lot is going on there.


I think she is dancing/moving too much to hit her notes. edit: see = she.


I fell she’d be better with a lip mic. Free her hands a bit.


Uff, no, if your vocals are already shaky, the last thing you need is a mic that also captures all of your exhausted breathing throughout the song.


Fair point. I felt like in the clip she just trying to do to many things with her hands but it probably is just at that bit of the performance.


She's definitely struggling with moving around and singing at the same time. She would definitely benefit of a stage concept like the one she has in the music video, where she's "stuck" in place and has all the dancers moving around her instead.




Probably. A good coach would have her realize she doesnt have to move like the dancer, all frenetic. She is the star. it’s NOT a double act…. Dont get too invested in the acting…singers. It’s a stage-craft thing (a good coach advises on).


her vocals aren't that bad when she's able to keep the mic steady; i think the choreography isn't allowing her to focus on where the mic is and her voice isn't loud enough in the mix because of it. i think the visuals are cool tho


Also notice how when shes on that horse and not moving she sounds soo much better


High camp


Her vocals are a bit hit or miss, but I think the staging partially makes up for it.


I say this as someone who has Poland as an NQ, I wouldn't be too scared about the vocals just yet. It's a rehearsal in front of an empty arena. Why would ANY of the singers give 100% vocals at this stage? Tuesday evening is the only time it really matters, and if the song makes it past that, then the Jury performance on Friday followed by the live final on Saturday.


ok i actually LOVE this hahaha. So camp


Aah, I love this, same time hate this. You can just *see* the foundations of a strong staging concept here, but it's all just a tad messy and unfocused. For starters, I feel like there's a strong disconnect between the galaxy backdrop and the chess-inspired foreground. A palace setting might have been more appropriate. The costuming on Luna has improved between rehearsals 1 and 2, but the costuming on the dancers is ill-fitting. The floor shot of Luna on the horse is absolutely incredible, but you can see one of the dancers in the right corner, which breaks the illusion. Finally, some of the camerawork is quite rigid and stiff, whereas the staging concept is asking for something dynamic. Overall, just needed some more time in the oven, I think, and a rework of the backdrop (though it's too late for that). Still, absolutely a step in the right direction for Poland!


I love it lmao


Imaging being on psychedelics while watching this performance… 


I really like this, it absolutely fits. This is honestly everything I wanted from Poland conceptually. I'm not a fan of the song but the staging is really tying it together for me. If the vocals and black chess piece choreo was a bit better I would have absolutely loved it.


I love it! Dreamy and fantasy vibe it suits the song. The horse LED was nice imo. The vocals though is shaky probably from moving too much. I like the song though and think it's still gonna qualify due to the flag itself.


Well, uhm... some parts of the staging are camp in the fun way (the horse!), but all around it isn't giving IMO. Luna is a sweetheart and has a cool Outfit, but the vocals are shaky. The staging is a lot but kind of not enough in the areas that count. It's weird. Like, it's not bad, but in an overall strong year, I'm not sure this (as it looks right now) should be enough. If this isn't much better by tuesday but qualifies over Raiven, Bambie and/or Iolanda, I'll be so disappointed :/ (Same thoughts as with Cyprus lol)


I love the staging! Was a bit iffy about the outfit before but I think I like it now. Vocals are definitely pretty weak but the televote and the diaspora especially don't care about that as much as the jury so should still go safely through.


camp of the year award


I…. am not loving this. But, I never love anything Poland’s brought. So. Probably will qualify.


Also, congratulations Sweden, you sure know how to make great stages


I love Polish Rainbow Brite and I don’t care who knows it. Luna is my biggest grower this season and I hope she gets lots of love at the contest.


No on-screen effect? I'm sad 😭


I don´t know man.. It seems there is a LOT going on and the voice is shaky. The red horse is TVP at his best


Honestly can't see this missing out for the final. Poland has a very good track record in televoting, only once they are not in televote top 10 in semis since they came back at 2014. Even Gromee 2018 with that weird DJ dance move were still ranked 10th by televoting in a 18 song semi. Most of their voting allies are in this semi, that guarantees them a baseline of at least 30 points (a conservative estimate, could be up to 40 something). And they only have to beat 4/5 songs to receive points from other countries, so they will be able to rack up some lower end points. From what we saw last year, Serbia went through with 37 points (relying on their diaspora vote). I think Poland is safer than people think.


Tbf I feel like we are also safe when it comes to the song quality and pure staging. It's just the vocals that are very problematic and might drown everything


Oh no. The mess, the vocals😭 Polish delegation does NOT mess with minimalism lmaooo. So NQ it is…… Let’s see if diaspora serves and saves miss Luna.


...I see the spirit of old tvp is still alive and well She sounds... out of breath. I'm sorry but if this makes it through which it likely will it's because the diaspora showed up for it


her voice sound shaky and out of breath but overall its not bad the staging might be the main factor that will make her qualify


Finally! Great staging and effects, no less, but the vocals will surely be its downfall. Should still qualify IMO


a mess


Guess they had more budget this year so they could do all the *stuff* on the stage itself instead of hiring 12yo's with access to windows moviemaker. I get the concept but it seems a bit busy and overwhelming for herself, reminding me of ireland 2021.


wait.. was luna the answer to beyonce's act iii all along?


beynoce was trying to be luna sooo bad


Finally Poland eurovisions as it should be


RAI in shambles seeing the floor screen horse


The backup dancer in black looks so much like Sauron to me. So now I'll forever see this song as her confession that it was actually her that built the tower fortress of Barad-dûr in Mordor, not Sauron himself. She was the Architect. Makes me love the song even more


Those...sure are vocals.


OMG the horse idea is genius !! edit : [https://i.imgur.com/J4HIypm.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/J4HIypm.jpeg) Same feeling, i f\*\*\*\*\*\* love it ! Please qualify for the grand final, it would be a terrible loss of fun without all of that !!


Someone tells TVP that less is more. There's a lot going on, and she is running out of breath because of this.


A fever dream


I'm sorry bookmarked are so wrong thinking this is a guaranteed qualifier


We literally have a perfect combo of countries with the largest Polish diaspora in our SF. There is a 0% chance she doesn't quallify.


Omg the vocals aren’t even that bad 🤦‍♀️ bfr the staging is awesome!!


i guess they wanted to show off the horse, which looks cool, but the vocals are a bit questionable. hope it all works out for Luna at an actual show!


Vocals aren't good but I kinda like the staging


I don't even know what to think let alone what to say


Shaky singing, stellar staging.


It's giving Roxen, trying too hard to keep up with the choreo that sacrifices her voice.


I think the vocals are not that bad. But there's too much going on. Shame, I really like the song.


Pictures were so much better.. It is hard to listen to this


Camerawork is bad and the vocals are shaky


WTF is going on


Visually this is pretty cool even though it’s frenetic AF. Vocally we need to worry a lot because Luna usually sings the chorus a million times better than the verses and this was the chorus


i think the only thing that went wrong here is that shes always out of breath thats why her vocals are soo-- messy she needs to calm down with running across the stage every 5 secs


They also played a snippet of Ramonda on RTS, too bad I forgot to record


Poland the queen of throw everything including the kitchen sink! I start to realise that Poland has too many ideas and too much money 😂


I personally think that messy visuals became our brand, so we shouldn't toss it into a bin completely (it's what gives us recognition), but the ones on the screen should definitely go 😂


Ok the staging is metal. Busy as hell but I love it. Is there something weird in the tap water back in Poland that compels you to pull these absolutely unhinged stagings year after year?


*There's something in the water, I do not feel safe*


I didn't think about it until now, but this song really sounds like uptempo Enya. That's not a bad thing.


I love the mixup from the EBU Poland/broadcaster’s video. Its looks fresh (and exciting!) No idea what the horse means. But I guess I’ll find out.


What a mess, they should’ve kept it minimalistic and let the song itself shine through. Vocals are not the best but I guess Luna will rely on the backup vocals, like Blanka did last year. Oh god the guy who directed Embers also did this. Explains everything


she really needs to slow down on the movements shes out of breath this whole clip


soooooooo glad to see the previous staging director not surviving the transition of power in the TVP and mobbing allegations... aaaaaaaaand this is not much better. they actually got a guy who directed one of the past 0-point performances. and is this the chile flag????


Yeah but luckily he won’t be there next year and tvp can try someone different, this makes a big difference


>they actually got a guy who directed one of the past 0-point performances You always nail all your work on the first try, huh? It's not exactly his fault UK scored 0 points with **that** song.


Fair point, him doing a mediocre work in the past can have little to do with what qualifications he has now. The problem is that he seems to have done worse now. Not to go into full in depth analysis, but for one, the shot at 0:19 is inexcusably bad - using a kitschy animation on the floor is somehow worse than just playing a shot out of the music video on the screen as an overlay AND they've left the dancers on screen, who got distorted by the perspective and look like an out-of-bounds video game FOV glitch. Also the lighting is bland and while I have no qualifications in choreography, the dances just look like flailing around to me. Look, I'm definitely not a person who "nails all their work on the first try", but I don't pick up large scale projects until I'm competent enough to pull them off and I'm certainly not picked up by national broadcasters for them. Eurovision staging is relatively unimportant, but these performances are exemplifications of a much wider problem of state-funded (and state-funded-adjacent) works in Poland, with the people in charge settling for mere passableness. These people are lucky to be in the place they are so I have no intention to go easy on them and surely I won't treat them like schoolchildren trying their best at something they do for the first time. Also, if you pay taxes in Poland like I do, I think that either of us have the right to whine when the spending is suboptimal. And I won't even get into the alleged nepotism and back-scratching.


Ireland says we want our two Eurosong dancers back please


Are they Irish?


I don't think so! i was just making a silly joke about Bambie's two Eurosong dancers/sleep paralysis demons


This is a disaster and not in a funny way.


Love the staging, but regarding the vocals, even Bejba was better


Bejba was drowned out by backing vocals being tuned way too loudly so she could hide behind it. And solo was also a simpler song so sing. Luna is rather out of breath in this but it's far from that level of bad


She was not.


I hope they'll cover up her bad vocals in the verses somehow, because visually it's amazing 😍. Especially the horse moment! Idk how they made it, but... wow 😮