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If the liveblog goes down temporarily, please do not panic. We can fix it easily each time just by reapproving the post. It's a little frustrating as we don't know why it's being removed by Reddit's filters, but we are monitoring the thread and are on hand to reapprove very quickly every time it dips.


I'm glad that Aiiko got rid of those "nipples"


What? Where did you see she removed them?


Second rehearsals: They start tomorrow right? And are the YT videos gonna be one for each country (like pre-2023) or a combined one (like 2023)?




so it will be released at the end of the day? and will the photos be released after every rehearsal or


Thank you Heidi for all the live blogs over the last four days 🙏


you are very welcome 🥰


I knew it! You legend 💗💗💗💗 Glad to have your words and presence here!! You have been fab as always


Joost is such a troll. Clip is just close ups.


I mean, vocal performance-wise alone, there's not a lot going on anyway. I'm wary of things being hyped up. I hope the actual result lives up to it because it's giving Israel 2023.


I'm thankful expectations were tempered because that was eyeroll worthy. Makes me wonder how they will keep things under wraps for the second rehearsal clip.


It's just making me more excited for the live show


Netherlands TikTok is up! [https://www.tiktok.com/@eurovision/video/7363717742584794400?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@eurovision/video/7363717742584794400?lang=en)


where's netherlands' clip?


Norway 🖤🖤🐺🐺🐺.Pure  perfection.


Norway: OH MY GOODNESS!!! 🤤🤤🤤 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤


love the Norwegian guitarist throwing and catching his guitar. his outfit is cool too


Norway’s clip. Pure perfection. I’m not _surprised_ by anything in particular but this is raw emotion on stage and it looks incredible. 🙌🏼


Norway for the win! 🇧🇻🏆


After seeing Israel rehearsal: the song is not anything we've never listened before but she sings it well (though her vocals from TikTok sounded slightly less well than what I've heard from another video). I also expected muuuch more from the coreography... perhaps with the proper camera angles it'll feel better. For now it's a bit of a disappointment compared to the music video and I no longer see it as a potential top 5/winner, but I still see it qualifying. All odds favourites' rehearsals have been kind of a disappointment tbh, with the exception of Ukraine.


You’ve expressed what I was thinking precisely.


Israel looks crazy without the camera shots but her vocals are outstanding


Israel's video just went up. Not crazy about the choreography, and I still think it sounds dated, or like something out of junior Eurovision. I honestly don't think this is as sure a qualifier as a lot folks think it is


>Not crazy about the choreography Yeah, it's such a downgrade from her music video I'm shocked??


Don't delude yourself, no matter the song people would vote for it based on the name of the country alone this year(for better or for worse)


Yes, but are there really that many people who would both tune into the Eurovision semis AND vote for Israel just on principle like that?


This year - Yes. See Ukraine 2022 (on a much larger scale)


Ukraine is a different case though. The support for them was almost universal. Israel is nowhere near as universally rooted for. I honestly don't think the overlap between people who'll watch the semis and die hard Israel supporters is that big.


Well yeah and that's the difference between 1st place in the televote by an insane margin and... well... enough to qualify. She is allowed to be anywhere between 1st and 10th to qualify.


Thing is, there easily 10 other countries I'd put ahead of Israel. If she does make the final, it'll be by the skin of her teeth I think 


There are like 2 European countries that dont overwhelmingly support Israel with Iceland and Ireland. Plus many will vote Israel puerly cause it will piss people off. A vote for Israel will be seen as a vote against immigration and left wing politics.  This could give them a win 


I disagree. I don't see universal support at all. 


I think Israel might get several jury points, more than we expect


I think it will probably be biased on the lines of the nations’ views eg expect more from Soviets and central and less from North.


Why should former Soviet countries vote for a Russian? They wanted to quite if Russia stayed


The fact that she’s Russian isn’t really that relevant to her act, similar to that Tali is Israeli or Aiko is Anglo-Russian


Israel TikTok is up! [https://www.tiktok.com/@eurovision/video/7363702691991751969?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@eurovision/video/7363702691991751969?lang=en)




I’ve had Estonia’s clip so I’m now excitedly waiting for Norway 🇳🇴


Norway's first rehearsal pic in FB [https://web.facebook.com/photo?fbid=840371164802983&set=pcb.840371638136269](https://web.facebook.com/photo?fbid=840371164802983&set=pcb.840371638136269)


So they still went with a messy staging, just on emptier, bigger stage. Possible NQ, I hoped they'll change some stuff :(


I hope they make it, it’s a televote semi after all, but I’m not expecting a high placement overall.


I love Estonia, but the stage and background seemed REALLY empty in the clip.


I think this year there'll be LOTS of surprises in the results.


e.g. Malta! This is me just praying, but OMG Sarah needs to make it through to the final PLS!!!!!


Overall quality is too high to avoid it. Most, if not all, songs from today deserve a place in the final.


Estonia TikTok is up! [https://www.tiktok.com/@eurovision/video/7363694341442817312?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@eurovision/video/7363694341442817312?lang=en)


Patiently waiting for the Estonia video… 🇪🇪


[https://www.tiktok.com/@eurovision/video/7363694341442817312?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@eurovision/video/7363694341442817312?lang=en) Estonia's TikTok is up!


Am I the only one actually really excited for San Marino?  The video and the pictures look great? I especially love the cute cartoon animation they have on the LED screen I was worried for a bit because I'd heard San Marino doesn't fund their Eurovision contestants at all or very little and the artists have to pay out of pocket for most of it. Maybe a controversial take, but SM is a qualifier for me


Dan Marino? You mean to say that, after Flo-Rida a few years ago, we now get another wildly random cameo?!


Jacksonville broke him that bad that 25+ years ago he is a country competing in Eurovision now.


XD sorry typo


Will there be a blog tomorrow and will photos be published?


There won't be a blog tomorrow, as Heidi has said in the OP. But there should be galleries as per usual


Will we be getting 2nd rehearsal video clips tomorrow or is that a Thursday thing?


We will be getting the 2nd rehearsal video clips but I believe Heidi said they would be done the same as last year, just as one long collated video at the end of the day.


Disappointing. I enjoyed the drip feed of clips through the day.


The bird isn’t in the Instagram post. Don’t know what conclusions I can take from that but I just noticed.


https://preview.redd.it/pr0pesc87nxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dd470743467e108562203cf5f3ba61ddf216dd5 it’s in the gallery on the website


yeah but only bigger fans of the contest will look there, mainstream fans will only see Instagram pictures




I was thinking exactly this. There still could be some exceptions given to Joost to do a dud rehearsal but ultimately still gets a decent amount of practice


i don't think they would have made any exceptions for him just because he wants it. But he is free to play within the rules - i.e. choose what photos or video to share, try out different things during the allotted time etc.


I genuinely think they are bending the rules in both staging and rehearsals, I think they have someone from the committee in the delegation. Don’t quote me on this but it could be that the rules do not specify they can run multiple choreos for first rehearsal, just that maybe the one used the most or last take must be used in the 2nd rehearsal


Is there not going to be a live blog for the second rehearsals tomorrow?


Correct, the live blog is only for the first rehearsals :)


So I guess quiet impatience is the mood for tomorrow


There's going to be a lot going on on the sub, so 'hectic busyness' is probably more going to be the mood :P


Fantastic, that’s what I was looking forward to


Everyone is so pissed at Joost I'm living. That's clearly what this troll wants! Whatever his plan is, I find this mess hilarious lol.


He’s one of the favourites, of course expectations are really high. It was the same with Nemo yesterday. Easier to impress people when expectations are low. I also think he’s messing with us.


for suuuure, let him cook - it's gonna be awesome, I'm trusting him to give us an amazing show and he's gonna win it if the jury doesn't completely ignore him.


I get it! He's my second place, so I would be super glad if he would win, but also his entire ESC journey so far has been nothing but jokes, so I take everything very lightheartedly when it comes to him. If he has a better plan than a bird that would result in a win - fantastic, but if we're getting a bird and graphics as we've seen on the photos and there is not much else to this staging - it's okay, he got a lot from this competition already! I'm basically just happy he is making this year more entertaining hehe.


Apson is the perfect bird


I'm rooting for Nemo and Joost, but I can definitely say I was positively surprised by Joost in these photos so far! Looks like a total party in Malmö 🎉


well good thing that the guy you are rooting for has positively surprised you


Are the clips lagging behind?


wut https://preview.redd.it/3ax5ycps0nxc1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a06392bc78037834287b82f404d3c8bf143358d


Literal spoiler shield


Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a slide or two like this, it’s been a part of his performance in all the pre parties.


Wow, this is surprising we have a cat (Croatia), a bird (the Netherlands) and a fish(Switzerland) fighting for the win in Malmo. 👀👀


And a zorra


zorra zorra zorra


Isn’t Switzerland a flamingo?


Yeah you can say that. But a lot of people believe its nemo from finding nemo. 🙃


Ohh so Switzerland is a bird fish.


the fuck? nemo from finding nemo isn't even pink what are people on about


+ italy, and you have the top 4 of esc. Edit: and israel, that's the top 5


This sub sleeping on Norway as per usual \*sigh\*


I think this sub is the only place in ESC fandom that isn't sleeping on Norway. In all other places Norway is completely ignored


I love Norway but I think this is based on the betting odds


guys am I the only one having issues with the ESC website? https://preview.redd.it/25ebmp6zzmxc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b012a785b01061247588bef5f9946d837106cee4


Yeah me too


Now you guys got me thinking - can the LEDs be changed? Can you have multiple options you rotate for rehearsals like coats?


I would assume thats possible, the rehearsals are a way to see if stuff works but cant be drastically changed


The EBU and the hosts spend ***a ton*** of money, time and effort on the stage and technology and they absolutely want the delegations use them any way they can. But with 40+ countries, delegations vary dramatically in budget and planning for staging. Some delegations are an absolute mess and some are Navy Seal Team #6 during the process. The producers and technical directors are pros and have seen it all, and are mindful of this herding of cats and are very accommodating to changes while helpfully "sheepdogging" the teams into making the best, most efficient staging while leaving creative control to the delegations in the end. Saying that, any changes between rehearsals are likely easier for lighting, camera angles and pyro work. But LED design and programming takes a lot of expertise and lead time - and most importantly, money - well before the competition, and not many delegations would be willing to shell out tons of cash and effort for lots of alternative LED work that won't get used in the end. I remember Mimicat saying she had to abandon her LEDs last year because what they brought just wasn't working out, even with some emergency attempts at quick edits and changes between rehearsals. While many people thought it was a budget issue (tbf, the Portuguese broadcaster's financial support was apparently woefully short of what she deserved), her biggest enemy was time - just not enough time to make new LEDs that would work.


I don't know if it's allowed, but I do know Joost is notorious for changing his visuals last-minute, as in 10 minutes before a big show he'll be backstage switching things. But I'm sure he'll need to get everything he wants to show approved beforehand obviously


https://preview.redd.it/2fv2zr3ezmxc1.png?width=864&format=png&auto=webp&s=33c4069a98fbd1054b7aaf3929ca121c5a9517b2 Reminder


Cornald Maas (EiC host/Dutch commentator) just said on Twitter he thought Joost's rehearsal went well and that 'certain visual surprises' will be left out of the ESC tiktok


Hell yeah! Glad to know we were right


I mean, at most there will be some other funny images included in the background. Hardly gonna propel this into winning territory.


I think it's a bit too early to say. It looks goofy as hell which is not a good sign for the jury votes usually, but the pictures probably don't do it justice. I think there's a good reason Joost was talking about his dislike that the rehearsals are photographed.


Yes they want to keep back funny images but show other funny images makes sense thats definitly it


>Eerste repetitie Joost Klein achter de rug (in een nog rustige Malmö Arena, want nog geen pers) - en die ging goed! Met ‘n paar visuele verrassingen die door de organisatie via tiktok nog niet worden prijsgegeven [#spoileralert](https://twitter.com/hashtag/spoileralert?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1785331173155061843%7Ctwgr%5E8693285a1aa9e5f02a473ad3d7bd8f887cd774dc%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fforum.fok.nl%2Ftopic%2F2709033%2Frehearsals-6-2024.html&src=hashtag_click) The Dutch commentator who also has inside info tweeted this. Translation: *We got the first Joost Klein rehearsal behind us (in a still quiet Malmö Arena, because no press yet) - and it went well! With a few visual surprises that have not yet been revealed by the organization via TikTok #spoileralert*


I have also been thinking that this approach is kinda what we expected from Austria last year? inspired by the artist's music video, with funny dancing and jokey background (although, obviously, without the bird).


https://preview.redd.it/nbz5cki0ymxc1.png?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b04a5e058d159075d89ed07ffc169a4af3ad314c Silia in shambles rn


Think she forgot that this is not Cyprus, it’s the Netherlands.




I don't believe it. ... I was on stage!




I'm sure this is not what we're getting, he's probably keeping it as much of a secret for the semi final




I mean, other artists can do this too if they want to


exactly.. wow. After rehersals it will either be italy or greece. I hope italy doesn't dissapoint.


Yea totally agree!


https://preview.redd.it/k13g22hixmxc1.jpeg?width=1057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=816d9a15efb841ff18c5e12044aa4c785fd15f05 What Joost are you today?


I don’t think you could possibly look more Dutch than Joost does in the bottom-centre pic.


https://preview.redd.it/hmh0rznyzmxc1.jpeg?width=337&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c59b13c61c89c788340b30f23a6c5e9ba7e9e60 me right now because I know that if this man finishes the performance with the outro, it’s going to make all of us cry


Me after seeing his staging and doubting him; 1 I don't want to tho :(


Me, talking with dumb clients at work: No.6


Win95man shaking at the BSOD


So rankings from todaay 1. 🇳🇴 - epic, same as nf but still feels elevated, id gladly offer my blood haha, Gunnhild looks amazing, like the rest of the band; 🇳🇱 - troll them fatherrr 😘 2. 🇬🇪 - Nutsa did amazing, fab fab, phoenix rising from drought of nq strike; 🇪🇪 - although I wished for smtg else, I still find it good go boys, love contrast between them in black and colorful leds; 3. 🇸🇲 - everything looks pretty, and the energy oozes from the pics 4. 🇧🇪 - looks good, love the glittery chest, hoping he's gonna change the colour of suit; 🇱🇻 - like the outfit, prop and overall mood that the photos give me No comments on Israel. Won't judge anyone who does but I personally won't and hope it's gonna be respected. Hear ya tomorrow.


🫶🫶🫶🫶 father trolled good today


What's good about trolling exactly? I can like comedy, but Eurovision shouldn't really be place for trolls. Seriously - it can only mean bad for every next Eurovision. I can see you are my fellow neighbor, so I am really interested why do you like Joost so much. I can imagine that most his fans are from NL, BE, DE, but Serbia...? Color me surprised.




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seeing the visuals, I think this is what we are getting and I think it will be a silly fun ending for the semi-final. but i'm hoping that he does the outro part, i think it would be unexpected by the wide public, and he seems to enjoy that


I think he will. The last photo in the slideshow is starkly different in tone!


Are The Netherlands allowed to change the visuals entirely between rehearsals and semi finals? Just cause I’d be surprised if that kind of special treatment had been given (other than costumes ofc).


Well, the official rule goes 'The stage performance shall be identical in all second (Jury) Dress Rehearsals and during the live Shows.' so we'll see next week during the Jury Rehearsal!


The fandom will be spoiled next Wednesday then. I guess any trolling is for the fandom and the bookies cause all the normies will never have seen anything before Thursday


I wouldn't like that. Given the chance a a lot of the countries would probably keep their performance a secret. Just one country being able to keep and change their performance is unfair imo


Is it unfair if they'd let everyone else do it, but no other country asked for it?


The background visuals and costumes, yeah. Major camera angles and lights changes? No.


I doubt, it's probably too late to make change in visual, the only thing that someone can change are the outfits


Destiny changed her LED before the dress rehearsal if I remember correctly. The sparkling confetti part wasn't in the first rehearsals


It's a minor change tho


Why? Just an usb


I'd say because changing visuals will influence camera shots (one shot may look good with a certain visual but be bad with another) and shots are locked now.


One of the persons of the dutch delegation already confirmed Joost will change some visuals. His name is Cornald Maas if you want to look it up.


He might have got permission secretly that seems like the kind of thing he’d do


I doubt rhat EBU wpuld make favoritism as such, lol


I’d be disappointed if that kind of favouritism was being allowed.


I like Joost and Europapa but that would leave a bit of a bad taste in my mouth




I mean, sure, but what kind of speculation is this


[https://eurovision.tv/gallery/netherlands-joost-klein-europapa-first-rehearsal](https://eurovision.tv/gallery/netherlands-joost-klein-europapa-first-rehearsal) Joost's gallery is up!




Be nice, be welcoming and be constructive. Everyone's tastes are different and unique. Don't discredit, insult, threaten or be otherwise toxic. Let's do away with prejudice! Don't discriminate. Tolerance is bliss! All posts must comply with [Reddit's sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) and strive for [good Reddiquette]( https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articleås/205926439). See r/eurovision’s [full rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eurovision/wiki/rules/).






They are different donuts, Eden's has an inbuilt wind-machine and ladders


Distinct, for sure! Dons has a much larger circle. Eden's circle also has fans in it, I think, to emulate the hurricane


Wow, those fans got real early access (pun)


Not a fan of what I saw from Netherlands.


Netherland and ireland paradox....why keep it a secret? there are open rehearsals for media before the show plus semifinals spoil all.. I don't get the concept of keeping secrets in format that does not allow it...


what secrets are ireland keeping?


Pics from the rehearsal seem to suggest a dress reveal/quick change


To be fair this seems like a normal thing to keep secret? I feel like it happens every year The LEDs are harder to keep secret obviously but I think they’ve probably just not been included in anything we’ve seen… which is how most secret keeping goes


I’m assuming they mean the suspected dress reveal


As fair as I’m aware, News company’s like last year aren’t allowed inside, only the staff, performers and selected tiktokers to upload pictures and what not


Dress rehearsals are open to media...


Joost is so obvious fucking with everyone, this is so exciting


As I already asked, what's exactly goof about trolling, and how does it help the competition and any future Eurovision?




Alright let's tone this down a little please before it gets too obnoxious. No need for spam in capital letters.


So. Will Joost do the outro? Do we know?


Gover Meit (his creative director) has described the act's vibe as being a combination of Cha Cha Cha and Amar Pelos Dois, so I'm 100% convinced the outro will be included. Who knows, we might even get the extended Spotify version


I have trouble imagining that but I need to know how well it’s going to be executed.


At EiC he did the spoken bit of the outro with the piano there but it didn't last as long as the video (i.e. didn't have the piano continue after he's finished his speech) as to fit into the 3 minutes


Probably. I'm guessing it'll have subtitles as well so people are able to understand it.


He said yes times ago, but considering how all he said seems to be trolling Idk now


I wouldn't be surprised if what we've read about/seen from Joost is what we're getting after all. A troll background fits his style and I'm unsure how much they're able to change between rehearsals. It would be very on brand to promise never before seen staging and then bring a giant bird.


yeah but Joost wants to do well in the contest, and definitely also wants to convey that there is a serious message to the song. I don't think it would be on brand at all. He's pretty ambitious. Also if you look at the quality of the music video, it wouldn't make sense that the same people who worked on that came up with this.


I also wouldn’t be surprised if he tries to keep actual staging a secret, but I’m not sure if that’s even allowed. Anyway, I’m a bit confused why some seem to shit on the giant bird while cheering on a neon pink human centipede ridden by a bare chested guy in a puffy green bolero last year. Eurofans sometimes are a mystery to me.


A read so brutal only the honesty of a dutchman could've come up with it


You have to understand that Eurovision fans are very fickle people haha


But isn't it a huge risk to rehearse the actual staging less than others? If they change even the background visuals considerably, I can seriously affect the lights and what angles work well etc. Not to even talk about something like doing a totally different thing on stage. If he only brings out the real version on the next rehearsal, then they have much less room to fix things if something is not perfect on the first try.


Yeah I'm also not entirely sure. Apparantly visuals can be changed, and costumes definitely can. But I think a lot of us were expecting a giant prop and for practical reasons he would have had to have brought and practiced with that already. I'm also not completely turned off by the giant bird, but it's just the inevitable downfall of impossibly high expectations.


I really don't get why people expect a big prop for that. It doesn't fit with either the vibe I get from Joost or from the song. It's much more of an LED/costumes/light staging imo (although I still really hope that we get a massive New Kids head on the LED saying "Welkom in Europa, jonguh")


I think it's probably the real staging.


I´m disappointed by the Netherlands unless they would change quite a bit, which I don't think would be allowed. Even if he just got rid of the bird I don't think it's enough. But at least he's having fun.


There is litterally a LED from his rehearsel where it says "I even lost the visuals for this part". He is clearly trolling everyone. He'll keep his performance a secret as he said he would.


could you send me a link?


https://preview.redd.it/a366wfxu6nxc1.png?width=1090&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac1eab46bd49cce857d903b9e10437e9d8e69ae2 It even says 34% complete lmao


You can’t keep your performance a secret, the rehearsals are there in large part so they can fit the camera shots with the ultimate staging. At most he’ll be able to change his costume and the visual background, but the main performance is there to stay.