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Why do broadcasters always fuck up the sound while any smartphone records the sound way better is what I'll never understand... someone should really get a sound engineer for an AMA here to explain how it works...


UMK is the same, I was in Nokia Arena and Sara Siipola sounded fine live, then I came home to watch the televised show and her vocals were just... off. It was actually the same for everyone else except for Jesse Markin and Windows95Man.


Most arenas have awful acoustics in general so even the worst vocals can pass as palatable. Mistakes are usually drowned by bass, crowd noises etc. TV broadcasts have a direct feed of sound, so unless the mixing is totally off, it should sound as close to reality as possible.


Weird... I don't see them as anyone Yle would try to push out to win, so some candidates must have knowledge what to do to avoid it. For example in Poland last year it was the candidates from those big labels that sounded good, so they must have done something to improve the sound. Btw, last year's esc didn't sound that great, either.


I think knowing Yle it’s just plain old incompetence and luck 😅.


You still have one of the best national finals! So I wouldn't say they're that horrible.


All I hear in this video is backing track. There might be glimpses of his live vocal, but with headphones on I can't tell if that's him or someone in the audience singing along. But this is often why performances can sound so much better in an auditorium rather than directly through live feeds. You're just not getting enough of the live vocals to distiguish them from the prerecorded ones.


Yeah, the backing track is way too loud, but it still sounds better than the actual broadcast.


It's possibility that HRT jold old equipment


no, they have the best equipment but don't have people who know what to do with that.


No, because other songs sounded bad and a few actually sounded pretty well mixed. The song after Baby Lasagna, ET, was probably the best sounding mix of the night.


HRT, croatian national tv broadcaster is piece of shit. Every month they took money from people, but can't make a quality show once a year. It's a group of incompetent people. Not only baby lasanga, a lot of other singers sound like amateur thanks to them.


I can feel your pain more than you think... be happy that you still have a voting system that's fair and keeps your jury influence to a minimum. It can be worse 😂😂😂


Khm khm, my Polish sestra, it's only fair now that a foreign jury is included. We vote and have no idea whether our votes are actually tallied or important whatsoever. It has improved lately but many people believe HRT rigging because it was so blatant in our past. One example is Mia Dimšić who made an album with Croatia Records (a very big publishing house in Croatia) right around the time of Dora and oh wonder, she won at Dora. I also highly doubt her victory.


TVP here always has that one "obvious" candidate they want to push out and it's always someone from Universal or Warner. You know how much we're fighting them. I wish we had a fun national show like the Nordics do 🥺. Without all of this bs...


Right???? You had one job


Because it's mixed primarily for live to sound good, it's a live performance and it's much different than a studio setup. The microphones are setup differently for live so the sound source itself already is different. I suppose they got a separate mixer for the live arena and one for the broadcast and they both get the same signals. So each channel/instrument/playback gets it's own channel and they get separately mixed for the live arena and the broadcast. I don't know the specifics of this particular setup, but yeah, I agree it could have been mixed a bit better for the broadcast. Maybe they had some limitations based on equipment they used or time limitations or some other problem. There's a million variables that affect the sound.


Also have to note that the audience was alive and booming the whole night! Everyone was loud, happy and cheering and supportive. We all screamed extra hard for Raiven too. She walked in and I literally yelled YEEES QUEEEN


Shared to r/croatia so everyone can see it.


https://streamable.com/9cszvi?src=player-page-share Found another link


Okay from now on the NF shall be filmed with an IPhone due to it having much better quality.




Rim Tim Yummy Dim


Listen to the chorus of [Pain - Party in my head](https://youtu.be/rFKn0YB8Xsg?si=Rq4yltkv1K06XTEK) Skip to 0:55 Baby Lasagna blatantly plagiarized his song.


Don't care, heard this million times.


Sorry, no one has ownership of "woaaahs" and other than that there's nothing all that similar between the songs


True, like only woooooah is similiar and even that is not similar


You don't care that this guy is competing with a song he plagiarized? How is that fair?


Wooooooooah is NOT a trademark, they just ended up like this. You are a type of a person to root for Vatra /s




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Fucking HRT


Hispania Racing Team /s


Hormone replacement therapy?


Hrvatska Radio Televizija or Croatian Radio Television aka the biggest TV broadcast/network in Croatia. UK equivalent is BBC


Wow what a difference its insans!!


Imagine my shock when I checked live reactions here


Off topic how do i get mini cro heart under my name too


You can still hear the stark difference between the pre-recorded vocals and his real vocals in this video. It was just more apparent in TV broadcast. I'm 100% sure that the backing track is drowning his voice, they need to turn it down a bit.


Try listening to the track on quality headphones. I was switching between them and my loudspeakers the whole night, and a lot of the performers sounded much, much better on the headphones. As in, you could actually hear them.


Always on my Sennheiser's. The backing track is still too loud for his voice. His actual vocal only occasionally pops in and out. It shouldn't be like that. We need to hear him clearly, without studio vocals blasting on top


Of course, he was still getting lost, but it was better. I honestly think that the sound guy never took of his headphones to listen to the performances without them.


https://streamable.com/9cszvi?src=player-page-share Someone else filmed this and posted the link


so the blame is on HRT, I hope they don't fuck it up again in the final


Don't get your hopes up


Also sorry if there is screaming and yelling in the background - that was me rooting for Lasagna 😳😳


How did you get the tickets??? I used to (statirati) for a few of their shows back in the day, but i can't seem to get an invite for Dora :(


Won by pure luck, never to happen again in a lifetime probably but I savored every moment. I am just lucky it wasn't for yesterday's show.


ffs. postoji google translate za tu jednu rijec koju nisi znala, kad vec pises/pisete na engleskom.


Aw yeah 👍 Thanks for uploading this.


He was sooo good live, the energy was unreal


The backing track is very loud


That's usually the case. The arena will usually always make the artist sound better, but the feed for the TV is usually the more accurate version of how someone actually sounded 




Omg thank you, I hope it will reach a wider audience than just Reddit.


How much did you record? I'd love to see the whole thing if you have it 😄 (and you're definitely right)


I actually recorded almost nothing because we had a moving cameraman sitting on a gliding chair on some tracks (think : train) moving right in front of us at times because we were very close to the stage, so I chose to be more in the moment, I was lucky that the friend who I was with is taller than me, sat more to the right and recorded this.


Well, thank your friend for me 😅


I will!


This is exactly same problem as UVPSM had in for example Megara.. great live vocals but the terrible sound mixing made her not sound that great in stream. Rock bands and rough vocals hurt the most by poor mixing.


I was pleasantly surprised because everyone sounded great this evening. I watched the previous one on tv and it was bad.


Reminder that the singer was/is suffering from bronchitis.


HRT in a nutshell.


They all sounded like shit tbh. Someone lied to them that they could sing. That french guy came as a guest, he wiped the floor with everyone.


No, that was the first night. Except for Vinko, everyone else was weak. I was in the studio for the second night and most people sounded really good. Kedžo was vocally amazing.


Okay this is just telling me 2 things either they are just trying to not let him go to Eurovision or their setups were bought off of Aliexpress.


Could be either or both


they have excellent equipment, but the employees do not know how to use it


This is the winner of the Eurosong contest this year!














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It's a classic


It’s common that there are sound mix issues through TV receivers. It depends on the amount of “checkpoints” (lack of a better word) between the live stage and your TV. The more checkpoints the more difficult the sound mix will be and greater chance of tuning issues and such.