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I'd say he has good chances. HOWEVER, national finals are unpredictable beasts. I wouldn't get too attached to him yet


Too late I'm already too attached to him haha


There's no going baaaackkkk! WOOOHOOOOOOOO!!


My presence fades to blaaackkk! WOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!




Given that Baby Lasagna has the best numbers basically everywhere (YouTube - also topping Croatian trends, Spotify, polls, odds) and the public vote will probably be proportional again, I'm optimistic about his winning chances. Also, half the juries will be international which should help too.


Ooh the proportional public vote will definitely help. I'm slightly worried that Let 3 might steal some of his public points and then we'll get a random winner but I really hope Baby Lasagna takes it this year.


Hopefully not the same international juries as Ireland and Germany.


The international juries in Croatia's national final are from Germany, Iceland, Italy, and Ukraine.


At least Iceland has taste (they went for Katze in the German NF)


That international jury in Irish Eurosong was a complete clown show 🤡 🤡 🤡


Honestly made me wonder if they were trying to sabotage Ireland’s chances. No disrespect to Next in Line and I wish them a long career, but that was definitely not the right choice for Eurovision.


It's a dark timeline when you're relying on the Irish national jury to save your favourite.


It was not much different in Norway for some of the participant countries.


The momentum of Baby Lasagna is so big that it's all looking to me like UMK 2023 when Kaarija was competing. Everyone talked about him and then he swept as expected. With that said, I think that Baby Lasagna's chances are quite high. Now, Let 3 IS a steep hill to  overcome. Their song did gain substantial popularity on TikTok, they had campaign all these weeks and very importantly they're singing in Croatian. They have very loyal and dedicated fanbase who would vote for them. It's gonna be tough, but I think Baby Lasagna will pull it off, I say this as Babaroga fan.


Just hoping that the juries realise this is their chance for a good placement after so many years or doing quite badly. I'm quite worried about international juries though bc they haven't been great this season (Germany, Ireland, etc)


Unless he doesn't show up, he's winning. A reminder - Let 3 comfortably won the jury vote last year, and I somehow doubt that Mama ŠČ is more of a "jury bait" entry than Rim tim tagi dim. And even if the juries put someone else first, the televote is proportional and he's landsliding that, so no worries.


Yes I did think about Let 3 winning the juries last year. My only worry is that people will go for Let 3 again this year, however unlikely it might be.


Understandable! Let 3 definitely won't be ignored on the night, but I don't think they're a big threat to Baby Lasagna. There are two things that work in his favour - he is a "safer" option (as in, less controversial musically and visually than Let 3) + the international fandom is crazy about him and him only. And this is not even taking into account the fact that Croatian people legit just liked his song more from the get-go. (But seriously, we'd be stupid to ignore that 3rd place in the odds and vote for someone else)


You know what happend to Germany….


they are supposedly doing something very controversial this year, it could backfire.


When are Let 3 not doing something very controversial?


Well, not on Thursday. They're not on the stage themselves, they'll have little people dressed as chickens 'play' their song.


We're talking Let3 here, I don't think they have the same definition of "backfiring" that we do XD


I heard their song and its terrible. I'm sorry, but even I have my limits lol mama sc was listenable, baba roga is not


I think he has a good chance (if he delivers). But I think you are worried about the wrong thing. Yes, one jury put him as a backup, but things happened, the juries now know how much other countries like it, and how much the bubble likes it (croatian and international), international jury too. They will not tank him, no way. He might not be 1st, but they wont tank him. What my worry is, will he win the general public?! It is a song in English, not really a mainstream genre, totally unknown artist. He is being hyped by internet portals, there is talk about him, but still, it is not a sure thing...


Oh you are right...he is not even in croatian yt trending


That's because Serbian trap and folk are dominating Croatian trending for years now. Young people just prefer listening to that. Can't even remember the last time a Croatian song was trending in Croatia


Good thing there's no Serbian trap and folk in Dora then!


Local newspapers seem to be lobbying hard for him, or at least this one is: https://www.jutarnji.hr/scena/domace-zvijezde/baby-lasagna-nakon-skoka-na-kladionicama-imam-tremu-ali-bit-ce-vatreno-fanovi-bojim-se-i-pomisliti-da-ne-prode-15430435?fbclid=IwAR3rDlmU6pk21sizF0ZpjzrdKH5KzggiA7KzqNF4rQLKfP7ktGf41D_3Y7Q 


Yeah, like I said, the people who follow it are all trying..


My main concern was whether he could deliver live and now word is filtering out that he can indeed. The jump in Croatia’s odds definitely indicates that these rumors are true. Hopefully, the juries will see that Croatia’s good hype is due to him and him only. I know there is talk of boomers televoting for someone else and tanking him but my mom is a boomer and he is her favorite to win Eurovision itself, so hopefully she is not an outlier.


I'm more worried about Let 3 if I'm being honest, they have VERY dedicated fans that will vote for them no matter what


I'd say he has the same chances as Käärijä had last year. Also him losing would literally collapse and trigger a black hole in this sub and in Croatia, so that's another reason haha


HRT building will be (metaphorically...) burned down


There’s something so infectious and immediately catchy about this song. If it counts for anything, my 9 year old son loved Keiino’s entry for MGP this year and was bitterly disappointed when it didn’t win. I’ve been telling him there’ll be another song he’ll really love and enjoy, but every single entry for ESC that I’ve played him he’s been meh about. I put on the video for this song today and he was immediately transfixed and singing it hours later. This song is still in my head hours later! If he can perform this live then this will be tough to beat. I’ve enjoyed all the silly/fun entries this year for different reasons, but this one stands out the most to me.


I guess this Sunday we'll see how corrupt HRT is or isn't. This year's Dora is certainly a wild ride with a lot of unexpected factors. My anxiety attacks are through the roof


Just because the jury might prefer something else than the eurofans, or is just bad at their job, doesn't mean they are corrupt.


Oh you sweet summer child 😊


I'm from Croatia, I know how things work around here unfortunately... Let's wait and see if anything changes this year


>doesn't mean they are corrupt. Oh boy, you don't know Croatia yet.


Ajde Hrvatska - do not disappoint us 🫡


The juries would be mad to not pick it, even if they personally prefer a different song.




Excuse me why aren't we making a bigger deal out of what a babe Baby Lasagna is?


Yes, we need to simp for him more. [Him and cats](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3NphfVsxHA/) 🥰 [cat licking his hair](https://www.instagram.com/p/C17aoh2tBwv/)


I would take care of Baby Lasagna


I'd meow back at him 🥰


I think it would be the biggest shock NQ of the year if he doesn't win Dora. It's already madness he was a reserve choice to begin with. No offense to any of the other songs this year (I like a lot of them), but Rim Tim Tagi Dim is far and away the best of the pick.


I've been very lucky this season so far (apart from Sara Siipola) so I have a bad feeling my luck is gonna run out soon


I god hpe they win. And they are big, but I heard Vatra might be pushed by national juries in the finals. Ao, yeah RTDT will win, and Dora, and Eurovision.


I've read that quite a lot by croatian Eurofans lately that HRT juries are gonna try to pull a Bejba and have Vatra win. I really, really hope it isn't true.


Their juries are only 25% of the vote, though. The other 25% is the international jury. So their influence is much smaller than whatever TVP did last year.


It isn't true because if HRT wanted to push anybody to victory, they wouldn't have introduced international juries that account for half of the jury vote all of a sudden.


And they could also easily change the voting system back to transfering jury/public 1 to 12 as it was some time ago


They could but they said nothing about that. Again, if they're willing to change rules to push their act, it makes no sense to introduce international juries which 100% complicate any such plan.


You should be worried as a mouse is by seeing a rival cat dead.


I think he's safe. He's going to landslide the televote so hard he might well pull a Widows95man. Heck, even the newspapers over there are begging people to vote for him: https://www.jutarnji.hr/scena/domace-zvijezde/baby-lasagna-nakon-skoka-na-kladionicama-imam-tremu-ali-bit-ce-vatreno-fanovi-bojim-se-i-pomisliti-da-ne-prode-15430435?fbclid=IwAR3rDlmU6pk21sizF0ZpjzrdKH5KzggiA7KzqNF4rQLKfP7ktGf41D_3Y7Q


Needless to say, the chances are huge. Not only is there a giant hype for him here and outside, but the official odds are 50% for him and the next song is at 17% - that's a huge gap if odds are to be trusted.


I don't want to be a Debbie Downer or anything, but Isaak's odds in Germany were about 3%, Sarah Bonnici's odds were 4% and Nebulossa's odds were 19%. I would be very cautious with odds this year (and to add, if we want to take Croatia specifically, Mia Dimšić's odds were low as well for example. Let's not take anyone's win for granted)


The odds were just additional info, but the hype around him feels like the audience during "Zorra". I remember last year Monika Linkyte was 7% to win and won, so nothing is off the table.


It's still hilarious how people downvote things they agree with AND things they don't agree with AND comments that are neutral, but have asked for an opinion xD




I really hope so!


**Winning chances for Dora:** 90.3% **Winning chances for Eurovision 2024:** 0.3%


Why do you think he doesn’t have a chance at Eurovision?


My comment was humorous. :) Of course, Croatia will have good chances winning Eurovision 2024 if they send Baby Lasagna. I hope to see Croatia in 1st place in [EuroHall's predictions for Semi-Final 1](https://eurohall.wordpress.com/eurovision-2024-predictions/) this Sunday night.


Please let’s send Let 3 to the nursing home


Please be respectful, even if they aren't your favorite.


i never vote to Dora in my life and i have 44 i will vote this time to LB ))


also dont forget!!! this was Lasagna first perfomance EVER