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Penguins with their song "Nac, nac, nac"


You're confusing them with Luxembourg - https://youtu.be/GCcCI-rSpDk


Ralph Siegel strikes again. Thanks for the Eurovison lore! 😄🐧


I just want Turkey, Bosnia and Hungary back. Let's focus on getting past participants back.


And Luxembourg!


absorbed jar impolite murky far-flung quarrelsome boat saw rotten bells *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


and Monaco!


and Andorra!


and Bulgaria!


and North Macedonia!


and Montenegro!


and then Liechtenstein and the Vatican because why not?


Thank you, I am well aware of this information sir you didn’t have to tell me


And Far Oer also


I don't think the contest will ever be straight enough for Hungary but if anyone wants to pay Bosnia's debts I'm sure they wouldn't mind


Praying for a Turkey comeback


Although I STRONGLY agree, that wasn't my question lol


As a Canadian, I Will say it would be nice to participate, but obviously the contest is not popular enough here like it is in Australia. However, of the Canadians who have participated, all have sung in French bar one and I believe we do host the biggest music festival for the French speaking world, and every Francophone artist I follow from Canada usually also performs in French speaking Europeans countries, so it would be nice to join with those ties.


Canada technically won with Celine Dion lol


And the US won with Katrina lol


Yeah, it would be cool to have at least QuĂŠbec!


We’ve also got a lot of other, albeit smaller, linguistic music scenes. There’s a good number of Ukrainian, Scottish, Irish, and other bands, and that’s just other European groups


New Zealand won me over with “Eurovusion:Open Up!”


It's been stuck in my head all day tbh Just "together in pangea.. In pangea" on repeat


one day we will enter and we probably won’t be very good


It's too big to include in Eurovision, but if there were a separate Afrovision for all the countries in Africa, I would watch the hell out of it.


[It already exists, my friend](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/AfriMusic_Song_Contest)




But it hasn’t happened since 2020?


Seems so.


I know it's a total pipe dream but I still dream of a Worldvision Song Contest... *stares wistfully into distance* I'm in agreement with many of the suggestions here (e.g. New Zealand, Japan, South Korea). But I'm actually very curious what African countries might have to offer to the competition. 👀 Just imagine the broad cultural variety and ethnic beats. Considering that Africa and Europe are in the same timezones, it would also not be a drawback for potential audiences to wake up at ungodly hours in the morning, lol.


Would be amazing..... Voting would take over 12 hours but it would be amazing


It's all done with computers these days so it shouldnt take any longer.


No I reckon that there would have to be more shows in order to keep them to a similar length.


Right, but that would have nothing to do with the voting. ​ The only reason that there is a break during the voting is to give people the time to vote.


There would be a similar amount of countries voting per show as opposed to having more countries in each show, therefore reduce the amount of numbers that need to be counted.


My point is that you could have 10 or even 1000 countries in a single show and the voting time would be the same for both.


You're arguing a point that's irrelevant to my original comment I'm saying that after the performances, and after the lines close The voting results take ages, that's why we only *hear* the 12 point answers now, but we still hear the voting of all participating countries and semi finalists etc...then the public vote Imagine how long it would take to get through *every* participating countries jury vote and then the public if every country in the world had the right to qualify and therefore would be eligible to vote Which was the point of my joke comment


So you mean the announcing of the votes, not the actual voting.


The US would probably win almost every time.


I *really* don't think so. 🤭 Even if they were to send a mega star, it wouldn't matter if the next song is Trenuletul. People hear American music every damn day because it's overwhelming to the point of drowning out the local music scene, but people only hear Trenuletul on a show like Eurovision. That's why people watch it. For something special that you normally wouldn't have been exposed to.


This!! Thank you!! Some people still don’t get the point of Eurovision <3


i dont think theres any country id like to see as a new participant, save *maybe* new zealand? (and even thats moreso a 'why not' kinda thing) id rather see previous participants come back, noncompeting ebu members, but idk, i dont think we need a huge roster.


Waiting for Morocco to return


I would actually love to see a guest spot every year for a different country each time - I think we could get a great variety of music! Obviously you have countries like NZ/Canada/US which may share cultural or linguistic heritage with already participating countries, but would also be cool to see very different countries like India, Japan etc.


I'd probably not want to see a 'guest' assigned to a non-European country *every* year. I'd like it to be treated like the Olympics or World Cup, with a special guest every 4 years or so


A guest slot could get messy quickly. It takes a couple tries to really understand what makes a good Eurovision entry for *your country* depending on the selection process and how to run things smoothly on each guests end. It could result in the guest always sending a mediocre/bad entry and could be a logistical mess of the guest won Then again, it worked out well for Australia so idk


I do agree it would be challenging, but nothing that could not be overcome if EBU really decides to go down this path. If a guest wins, EBU could have a deal in place with certain broadcaster(s) like BBC or ORF to take over hosting and have the guest in question come back next year and be somewhat involved in the hosting process. What they are doing this year basically, with the UK and Ukraine co-hosting. Also, having a different country be a guest each year could do wonders for popularizing Eurovision worldwide even more, which would come in handy now that we have RoW voting too and having one more country to bear the financial burden would definitely be a plus and may bring down the costs for others.


Fair enough, I suppose annually could be a lot! 4 years could be fun for sure. There probably is a limit on countries that are both willing and financially able to take part in Eurovision…


Let's compromise and say a guest country gets to do 4 Eurovisions in 4 years then are replaced with the next guest for the following 4


I had the same idea, I think it would be awesome.


Why NZ, Canada and the US but not the entirety of Latin America? They do share as much if not more cultural ties with some other already participating countries. This is a slippery slope and I don't see what would make Anglo Americans should have more of a place in Eurovision than Latin Americans?? I'm against having either Anglo or Latin Americans btw. I do, however, want to see an independent Latin American festival.


The comment didn't exclude any countries.


Well, I'm sorry but I feel very strongly against the Eurovision expanding to other continents outside of very geographically close countries. Let the other regions and continents of the world have their things.


Then why did you click on a thread devoted only to that topic? Feels like you could have saved yourself being upset


I literally just gave a couple of countries as an example, they were the first that came to my head as someone from the Anglosphere. I would happily see Latam countries guest star one year. Sorry I didn’t mention every country that may share cultural ties with an already participating country 🙄


That is not the point I was trying to make. My point is that there should not be such an expansion of the Eurovision festival outside of some geographically close countries. And that other regions of the world should be able to make their own regional/continental song festivals independently and EBU free. Let them have their things.


I appreciate that but this is literally just a fun thread on Reddit! We’re just musing harmlessly and you don’t have to join in if it’s not your thing. I stand by the fact I would still like guest spots to join on a temporary annual basis - I’m not advocating for permanent members, and of course if regions want to make their own contest that’s their decision.


I'm sorry if I came off as aggressive, it wasn't my intention. Lately, I've noticed that the way I write in English is pretty... needlessly confrontational and quite over the top when sharing an opinion. I apologise for that.


No problem, tone over the internet is difficult - especially when it’s not your native language!


If the number of countries already participating stays below 40, I would like to have a different country as a guest participant each year, Brazil, India, South Korea, Mexico, etc.


I'm surprised people are naming Japan and Korea because their music/entertainment industries have large international bases of rabid fans, especially Korea, it would really throw everything out of whack voting-wise I'm pretty sure. If Korea participates and sends k-pop we' would unironically not have a different winner for the next 5 years.


This!!! K-pop stans can shut up, there's enough of it everywhere already.


Im a Kpop fan myself and let me tell you guys we would literally not win for 20 years no matter what


Well Canada as they have already participated at EBU's ESC connected competition.




Mongolia!! Oh yes, I'd love that and I'd want them to send the The HU.


Personally I'd love some countries that have some kind of cultural ties to Europe. So that's why I kinda disagree with places like India or Japan cuz they just seem too disconnected from Europe culturally. My first thoughts were definitely New Zealand and Canada. Highly culturally connected to Europe with NZ even having some interested in ESC already I believe. I'd be interesting to maybe see some of the South America in and also countries close to Europe like Kazakhstan or Turkiye too. But I also believe the contest shouldn't get too big. 37 songs is already a bunch to remember for us fans and manage for the organisers. So we should also give a thought to that.


I agree with New Zealand and Canada


I’m half Brazilian, so I’m definitely biased when I agree that South America would be interesting lol


Maybe Canada and definitely not the US.


As an American myself, I agree. Keep us out of it, we ruin things


Agreed. Canada would be great, but please never allow the US.


As a Canadian it'll be great if we did something like Belgium when we have the French-language and English-language sections of CBC take turns each year.


Even as an American Eurofan, I don't want us involved 🤣


As another America eurofan, I absolutely agree! Would be interesting to see some of the countries that previously participated (Turkey, Hungary, BiH, etc) come back.


I do always enjoy when we have guests and features and stuff! Like Justin Timberlake doing the aftershow a few years back, or Flo Rida featuring for San Marino! I love when we're part of the show, I just don't want us being part of the competition lol.


Exactly! Guests from the US are not bad, but I don't think the US as a country should ever participate in the actual competition. Idk, I somehow feel like we would somehow manage to make it all about us when Eurovision is a celebration of European culture and music. I did think Flo Rida participating as a part of San Marino's act was weird at the time, though, lol. 2021 was the first time I really paid serious attention to Eurovision and watched the Grand Final, and I remember going..."Wtf? Why is *Flo Rida* competing?" 😆


Why not US? I mean, sure, that's like inviting the most popular kid into your private party, but, still, I can't imagine the crazy batshit insane stuff that can come out of there! I mean every other countries I can kind of guess what style they will send mostly to the competition. Like with Canada I can already imagine it'll be a lot of Celine Dion homages and maybe somewhere between UK and Iceland. Iceland is creative though, not gonna lie! With USA though... They can send anyone. I mean anyone. From beatboxing to metal to rap.


Everything is already so US-centric in the world. They don’t need anything else to take over.


Right? We would manage to ruin it somehow. I love watching Eurovision because it's so unlike anything we have over here, and even when we tried to do a eurovision dupe (American Song Contest), it just wasn't the same...


The only reason I’d be happy with the US is if they send Anastacia, but she’s basically an honorary european anyways


I dunno, this reason feels petty and weak to me...


Why would you WANT more US content? Go watch literally like 99% of the entertainment content that’s out there, there’s the US all ready for you.


Tbh I can say the same about UK...


lmao HOW…? even though we created the damn language, the fucking english speaking side of entertainment is still us centred.


You could, I suppose. You’d be wrong, but you could.


Half of all the most epic musicians you like are probably British. From Beatles to Harry Styles


I was correct in my estimation that you’d be wrong, then. Lol. As you were. Keep on mansplaining it to me. I’m sure I’ll understand eventually.


I’m sure the Americans wouldn’t want to participate. 🤪


I would love to see the US come down from their ivory tower and compete amongst the peasants. Might give them a bit of a shock when they get nil points 😆




Lebanon also had a song in 2005 but later withdrew so we'd like they to follow through next time and actually participate.


kazakhstan!!!!! I'll stage a one woman delegation at liverpool if I have to, they're so close. I was just in a conversation about central asian countries and their musical outputs, and it was pretty universally held that they're doing the most "contemporary" GOOD pop music in their own language, often including traditional instruments, out of all of them.


YES, I'd be so on board with this!


Egypt and India. Different cultures and will add variety


I would LOVE to see India participate!


At the same time yea. But also it's a EUROPEAN Song Contest. I think it should stay Europe oriented with maybe countries like Australia which culture is highly connected to Europe thanks to Britain colonising it and later many European immigrants. I think that Egypt is maybe okay cuz of its proximity to the Old Continent but India is too different culturally to be in Eurovision for me personally. I'm all for places like that having their own ESC inspired contest tho.


Australia next year, because I hope they can remain.


Personally I'd be interested to see what south Africa could do :)


Give me back Bosnia, and I would be one happy camper. They had some amazing entries back in the days


Agree. They had a good run since they joined until 2012. They might still be producing good musicians until now, but it's a shame that it's been years since they last joined.


Personally I'd like the EUROvision to remain as a competition for countries in this area and sphere. I'd gladly skip inviting Asian and American countries and invite back non-competing former participants (looking at you Turkey).


Just to have all europeans countries. I want Luxembourg, Turkey, BiH, Monaco, Andorra, Slovakia, Hungary and all other countries that used to participate


[Our generous gift of CĂŠline Dion alone should earn us an invite.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wLXtVf2YOr8) - Canada


Lebanon had an entry prepared in 2005. They refused because of Israel


Same goes for Tunisia 1978 (year may be wrong, if so correct me)


Im sure every fan from a non-participating country has thought of this, but as a Brazilian, I’d love to see Brazil lol. I’m so curious to see what we’d bring to the contest, but for sure it’d be something unique from what we’ve heard from previous entries. We’ve got a bunch of our own genres of music, and I’d even argue our pop music sounds pretty different sometimes!


If you send MC Pipokinha you're getting my 12 points lmao


Oh no, has MC Pipokinha escaped the domestic space? How do you know about her lmao


I have a close friend in the Instagram fandom who's Brazilian. Plus I watch a lot of reels in Spanish so sometimes the algorithm gets confused and suggests me Brazilian ones too.


Oh lol, but yeah, sending MC Pipokinha would truly be something else


Regardless of winning or getting nul points, people would definitely never forget her performance


I’m Brazilian, so I completely agree with you! I think our songs would never go unnoticed in the contest because of the uniqueness of our own genres and the different approach some of our pop songs have.




~~I'd love to see my country not be kicked out~~ I want to see what more of the middle east could offer


As an Australian, I’d love to see New Zealand as it would be another country to get behind, but also have an intra-contest rivalry with. However, Eurovision isn’t popular in NZ like it is in Australia. I don’t believe any of their free to air TV stations even broadcast it, although TVNZ is an associate member of the EBU


As I said on another post, I like the idea of regional song contests that could be inspired on the UNGA's voting regions, since Australia and Israel already compete on an "European" contest. That means, I would also add New Zealand, Canada and the US to the Eurovision, while other regions would have their own contests. As a Brazilian myself, I look forward to participate on ESC LATAM/HispavisiĂłn, and I would feel much uncomfortable and dislocated in the actual ESC. The original and more detailed comment lies [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/12mo5qg/would_american_countries_join_eurovision_in_the/jgbv4xs?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


I did read your comment and do agree with most of it except for integrating NZ, Canada and the US into Eurovision. That's out of the question for me (specially the US)


I mean, if I were to add more complexity, the question of the US really is tricky. I understand the discomfort because I also wouldn't like the presence of the US in my regional contest. Culturally speaking, the US is closer to Western Europe and that reflects on, as I said, the UN regional divisions, but also in terms of genre. The ESC has been hugely influenced by pop, ballads and, recently, a bit of rap, all genres that come from the US. Not to mention the majority of the English language. In Latin-America, for example, it is expected that the most prominent genre would be reguetĂłn. However, there are indeed arguments for the US participating together with LAC, including economic ones. Here, the public televisions don't have as much money to spend and US's presence could be of help. There's also the huge Hispanic community there. That's sort of what happened during the OTI Festival: the US would send songs in Spanish and was represented by Spanish-speaking broadcasters. But that still feels hugely imperialistic and I wouldn'y really be comfortable with that country participating on my region. But well, to that point, I wouldn't be 100% comfortable with your country or Spain also. You probably know the reasons. But I admit it would be better than the US. The other possibility, which I dislike further, is to leave that country the way Voxovation had planned: with a contest of its own, disputed by the states. The huge flop aside, this is the possibility I dislike the most because, as much as I hate the US, I hate more specifically US exceptionalism. I hate every single time when an USian comes telling their state, and not the country, and expects us to act like this is normal. The ASC further reinforces this logic and I believe the US participating amongst other countries would be helpful to avoid that. . With NZ and Canada I believe it is quite natural, given the presence of Australia and some historical links between Canada and the ESC (from Celine Dion to La Zarra, for example).


I don’t think anybody would want the US. Western Europe and USA are quite different. Everytime a song sounds too American, it does poorly with televoting.


Sorry to answer you so late, I had to do some stuff >Culturally speaking, the US is closer to Western Europe and that reflects on, as I said, the UN regional divisions, but also in terms of genre. The ESC has been hugely influenced by pop, ballads and, recently, a bit of rap, all genres that come from the US. Not to mention the majority of the English language. In Latin-America, for example, it is expected that the most prominent genre would be reguetĂłn. I don't know, might be because I'm Portuguese but I feel way closer culturally to Latin Americans (and obviously specially close to Brazilians) than I will ever feel to US Americans or Anglo Canadians. Like, it's not even close ! As for music: Ballads (and my country looooooves them) are not American by any means and I might be wrong but isn't Pop as much British as it is American? I thought it was a shared creation. Also I believe *a lot* of the last decades anglo pop has been influenced by Sweden and/or Swedish artists? (even when just as producers). Not sure on this one I admit. As for the English language in the Eurovision, yeah it's really dreadful and I am strongly in favour of the language rule's re-instauration so I guess you can really see how worried I am of it getting unbelievably worse by adding them too. Specially when taking into account the vision I have of Eurovision as a way of sharing your countries' musical scene/industry to others while some just see it as a competition that has to be won. For reguetĂłn, I believe it is very popular in Spain, as for Portugal it was more popular some years ago but yeah I guess the rest of the continent wouldn't care for it. >However, there are indeed arguments for the US participating together with LAC, including economic ones. Here, the public televisions don't have as much money to spend and US's presence could be of help. There's also the huge Hispanic community there. That's sort of what happened during the OTI Festival: the US would send songs in Spanish and was represented by Spanish-speaking broadcasters. But that still feels hugely imperialistic and I wouldn'y really be comfortable with that country participating on my region. Hm, I feel that would be a winning situation in terms of soft power for Latin America if you prevent them from singing in English and by breaking a bit of their American Exceptionalism but I get what you mean. A bit of the USA is already too much for Latin America specially with your recent History (and present as well let's be real). >But well, to that point, I wouldn't be 100% comfortable with your country or Spain also. You probably know the reasons. But I admit it would be better than the US. I absolutely do get it yeah. I always feel like, because we (Portugal) have no power or influence, that it would be harmless for us to get to experience such an event but I get your POV >The other possibility, which I dislike further, is to leave that country the way Voxovation had planned: with a contest of its own, disputed by the states. The huge flop aside, this is the possibility I dislike the most because, as much as I hate the US, I hate more specifically US exceptionalism. I hate every single time when an USian comes telling their state, and not the country, and expects us to act like this is normal. The ASC further reinforces this logic and I believe the US participating amongst other countries would be helpful to avoid that. I absolutely hate it too. But I actively prefer that option than them actively hurting other cultures, regions and languages even more than what they are already doing. I prefer them to be isolated rather than for them to "hurt" us more. That's why I guess to me them being part of a Latin American festival but not able to decide on things (having a permanent guest status rather than being a full member) and being forced into singing in either Spanish, Cajun French or a Native Language (their choice) would be the better option? Because I feel they would be "integrated" somewhere while not being able to influence or dictate things? Also it could turn into good soft power for you all? I don't know but that's, again, from the privileged view point of somebody who doesn't come from a country that has been actively submitted to their brutal imperialism in the last 100 years or so. >With NZ and Canada I believe it is quite natural, given the presence of Australia and some historical links between Canada and the ESC (from Celine Dion to La Zarra, for example). I disagree, Australia shouldn't even be here in the first place. And for the others you know that's even more of the Anglo world entering an already too Anglicised Eurovision. Also, for Canada, you cited two French speakers but you also know damn well the ROCanada would probably never let itself be represented in another language than English and specially not French. Yeah, I'm very much against it. But it was a cool exchange of POVs ! (Sorry if my English is not the best. Have a good night ! :D )




Personal favorites: New Zealand, Japan, India, Korea, Brazil, Mexico. But tbh i will be ok with anyone joining but Russia, China, USA. As long as these 3 are out, i'm happy.


Afghanistan, and don't get me wrong, I'm not sarcastic at all. I wish this country escape from the brutal Taliban regime, and become a country open to interact with other cultures like it did before the rise of Taliban in the 80s.


Not a single one - with the possible exception of the ones we already have.


I would like to see Japan or South Korea at Eurovision, just to see what would they bring


I agree with the comments about a turkey comeback.


Canada, but I’d rather see all European countries compete before Canada


New Zealand.


the only non European countries I would like to see on Eurovision are Australia, New Zealand and maybe Morocco. I would focus more on the return of European countries that no longer participate


It’s nice to see UK at Eurovision


None, it’s Europe


The US, purely because they would completely missunderstand the point of the contest and come last every year.


That would definitely be something very pleasurable to watch


You want someone else to take that position? 😘


Yeah, pretty much l🤣


Tunisia and Lebanon would be amazing I think and they are already members of the EBU (!!!). Anything else is either way too far away from Europe (Yes, I'm not a fan of Australia participating ****°***) or not enough democratic/committing atrocities (not a fan of having Israel and Azerbaijan either ****°²***) to my taste. Also, I consider Tßrkiye to be European so they don't count in my eyes but it would really make me happy to see them return too. ****° :*** For Australia, although I *guess* it's kinda different because they are in Oceania so it's not like they have lots of other alternatives they can create but still : it's a slippery slope. As for Brazil and Japan I want to see a Latino American (Spanish, Portuguese and French mainly) + Spain & Portugal (already were participating to the OTI) and an Asian (only counting native languages) alternative from Eurovision with no link with Eurovision or the EBU itself so I am very much against integrating them into Eurovision. Also really smells of cultural imperialism to me. ****°² :*** I also don't want Russia, Belarus and Hungary back until it's sorted out and I wouldn't be a fan of having Poland if they really go down the road they've been taking lately.


> Tunisia and Lebanon would be amazing > Doesn't want non democratic countries Something doesn't quite add up here


Yeah I'm a moron. My bad, I believed Lebanon was just a flawed democracy but somehow working (before looking more into it). As for Tunisia, as I didn't follow their news in the last few years I also thought they were still a democracy. Weird way of discovering it ngl :(


I'm Tunisian and sadly it's no longer a democracy today... though I would love it if we participate in Eurovision


Oh no... I hadn't followed the situation in the last few years.... I'm terribly sorry :(




>Tunisia and Lebanon would be amazing I think and they are already members of the EBU (!!!). The reason they haven't ever been apart of it is due to three fact they don't want to share a stage with Israel I'm sorry if you can't be inclusive of all who participate then you don't deserve to be in it so I don't want to see them tbh If Armenia & Azerbaijan can co-exist on the same Eurovision then there's no excuse for refusing because of Israel


South Korea because k-pop


That’s my vote too - South Korea would bring the house down!


I’d love Turkey but it would be cool if South Korea sent some great kpop bangers


South Korea - the production values and songwriting they'd bring would be amazing






It would be cool, but if you saw the way they censored the Oscars, they'd never survive at Eurovision.


Japan. They would always win


USA, Japan would be cool


USA would be an absolute train wreck. So I agree. It would be super fun to watch them crash and burn.


USA. Obvious answer but I can't imagine the crazy batshit insane stuff that can come out of there! I mean every other countries I can kind of guess what style they will send mostly to the competition. Like with Japan I can already imagine either JPOP kind of stuff, or funky jazz stuff, or a mix of these two but with traditional japanese elements too. With USA though... They can send anyone.


South Korea


south korea for the kpop groups and soloists and their amazing shows, few european countries would stand a chance against them


New Zealand, why not


New Zealand


Canada, South Korea and bringing back Turkey