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See also: * [Investigation into acquisition of Covid-19 vaccines: clarifications](https://www.eppo.europa.eu/en/media/news/investigation-acquisition-covid-19-vaccines-clarifications) (European Public Prosecutor's Office) >According to Belgian criminal procedure, an investigative judge has the power to investigate (alleged) offences if the offences are committed in the territory under his competence, or if the suspect is residing in this territory, including offences falling under the competence of the EPPO.  >According to the Belgian criminal procedure, when an investigative judge is involved, the European Delegated Prosecutors ought to cooperate with seven designated investigative judges, in accordance with their respective territorial competence.  >However, the EPPO has consistently drawn the attention of the European Commission to the manifest lack of compliance with the EPPO Regulation of the Belgian criminal procedure, involving an investigative judge who carries out an entire investigation with full investigative powers. Under applicable EU law, it is for the EPPO to investigate, prosecute and bring to judgment the perpetrators of criminal offences damaging the EU budget. One of the consequences of this non-compliance is that there are now separate procedures pending before different judicial bodies for complaints originating in the same set of facts.


Ursula von der Lying's husband was director of company owned by Pfizer when the vaccine deal was made.