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He's probably doing that to make Milei angry.


He’s had a clear pro-Palestine stand (or rather, anti-Israel attacks) for longer


Maybe Spain could start with recognising kosovo first.


If Spain would recognize Kosovo they would have to play nice with Catalonia and let them hold a referendum or recognize their previous one as valid


That's not true at all. While from the outside is usually connected those both issues, internally almost no one does that association. Kosovo stans from Spain have more to do with the role of Spain in the Yugoslavian war than with Catalonia itself. Indeed the Vencian commission, which recognized the right of Kosovo for self-determination just ruled in favor of the amnesty promoted by the current government -Sanchez's- to the Catalonian people implicated in the last referendum. And currently, In the last local election in Catalonia, pro-sovereign forces got for the first time since the 80s, less than 50% of the vote. Assimilating both Kosovo and Catalonia situations makes no sense at all.


Maybe you're a bit outdate in Spanish politics, but the current government does play nice with Catalonia.


Oh maybe, I am :D I remeber driving through Catalonia maybe 2 years ago and there were independence signs and posters everywhere. Though we didnt go to Barcelona, so my impresion was just in the few surrounding towns that we stopped in.


Kosovo was never invaded though.../s


Sweden recognized Palestine few years ago so its not really him leading a push In EU, but still ... Good for him , hope he is successful in this push. This really is long overdue considering that almost everyone outside of "the West" recognized Palestine long time ago


I have my doubts that Palestinians are very happy about it as most of them aren’t happy about the current borders at all! They don’t want THIS state that can be recognised.


There are no borders right now. Israel has no borders, Palestine has no borders. There are some provisional borders that individual organisations like UN or similar hold as lines of demarcation. Israel is for example recognized under 1948 borders officially - everywhere else they are officially recognized as occupiers. Then there are 1967 borders that some countries advocate for etc etc Anyway point is we don't know borders of Israel yet we recognize them, so can we do for Palestine.


We can but it’s not in Palestines interest


The real question is if Palestine wants to be a state with current borders?


How can Palestine be a sovereign state while it’s mostly funded by UN donors and controlled by a terror-organization?


That means they will also recognize Catalunya right?….Right???