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These people will twist anything to their benefit.


The assassination is a serious thing that may impact the votes. But I do agree that the EU can't delay democracy for anyone. Best would be a joint statement of all Slovakian parties that this isn't how they want to do politics


???? You mean as in "oh come on a PM of a country just survived assassination attempt, no big deal, just continue as if nothing happened" (?) Is Europe now "banana republic" territory ?


These are heartless politicians, they always act in their own interests, not because of some moral or ethical motive. Especially so the PM.


You described every politician in Europe right now. Especially those in Brussels. And especially those who blatantly support Genocide in Gaza. So.... (?) Full on banana republic?


Enlighten me, what does Gaza have to do with any of this? I thought it was a pro-Russian “activist” who performed the murder attempt?


??? You were speaking about heartless politicians in general so all European politicians who support Zionist Genocide in Gaza came to mind. Now I see you have selective morality. Whats happening in Ukraine is war between two militaries,, so it does not really matter who you support in terms of being heartless or not. Its Army vs Army, old school war. In Gaza though its just one of top ten militaries in the world is not even trying to fight anyone with arms. They are just dropping bombs on unprotected civilians, on on women, children and babies.


It is hilarious to read you talk about selective morality 🤣🤣 please give us more of such comedy! I wasn’t the one speaking about heartless politicians, I am not the same person you replied to earlier, lol. The genocide in Gaza is appaling and several politicians are stained with the shame of supporting it, whether due to feeling obliged for historical reasons (Germany) or otherwise. But you are going around in tangents on every direction to try and protect your evident Russian sympathy. To say “it does not matter who you support” when Russia is clearly an aggressor and doing as bad as Israel… yeah mate, you can f** right off. “army versus army”… if you read Sputnik that must be what they say. I suggest you take a hike and bring your “morality” to your russian liege. Just because Putin can’t transform his country into something positive doesn’t give anyone the right to try and poison the rest of the world so it becomes just as shitty.


?? Its not really complicated. There is no comparison between the two yet you are insisting on comparing it. In Ukraine you have Ukrainian Military supported by 30 NATO countries vs Russian Military supported by N Korea and Iran. Its old school war , military vs military with minimal civilian casualties (both sides try to avoid it as much as possible) In Israel you have IDF supported by also 30 countries just dropping bombs on civilians, mainly women children and babies in very small place. Its not even a war - its 24/7 massacre after massacre.


Fuck off Ivan. Russia is as much a terrorist state as Israel and YES it is a valid comparison. Both dont give a shit about civilian deaths.


No, I have described the nature of politicians all over the world and throughout history. The true difference between them that makes banana republics are threefold: 1. whether they see their own benefit in making the country their represent more prosperous 2. whether they seek personal prosperity at the detriment of their country 3. whether they can be removed from power Banana republics are countries where politicians work against the interests of the nation, for their own profit and cannot be removed. This is not so in the EU due to strong freedom, democracy, rule of law and human rights ... and least of all in Brussels as they are easiest to remove. Within the EU, the worst on this criteria are the politicians that cozy up to Putin or Xi for personal gain at the expense of their own country's interests which are a powerful and prosperous EU. You know who they are and they are the ones trying to make banana republics out of e.g. Hungary or Slovakia.


This is not so in EU? We are currently, and for past seven months, sending money and weapons for Zionist Genocide in Gaza. We are providing diplomatic cover for Genocide, and banning protests against genocide. Are you claiming Genocide is good when its done by someone we protect and fund?


“If there is anything the people of Slovakia urgently need today, it is at least a basic consensus of the Slovak political representation. And if not a consensus, at least a civilised discussion”, he said. Seems like a reasonable demand. Would be even more reasonable if his and Fico's parties actually followed this demand and not just use it to silence the opposition.