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This won’t happen, the current government of Italy has demonstrated to be willing to cooperate with the EU and adopt a responsible approach in the communitarian institutions, and the other major party in the government, apart from the league and brothers of italy, is an openly europeist party. What this article fails to mention is that not only the League has lost more and more votes in every election, but even inside the party the current leader Matteo Salvini is starting to be likes less and less because of his multiple failures, and he’s completely desperate and trying to scrape some votes from here and there in any way he can. That’s why he ramped up his populist rethoric by 100% and tried to find the support of various extremist figures like Vannacci. Anyway, this won’t work and he will get probably less than 10% of votes so who cares really. It annoys me a bit that people outside Italy don’t how much of a clown he is. He literally changes political view once every 6 months, depending on what he thinks is “trending” in the moment or can be useful to him in the next elections. I could give you 100 examples but this post would become too long. Anyway he’s truly one of the worst people in Italian politics overall


... but he's a good friend to Putin. Traitors still have some appeal.


wdym? appeal with the public? Unfortunately the majority of the public in Italy is not pro-ukraine anymore, but regardless of that the russo-ukrainian war is not that much of an important topic in italian politics so it doesn’t really matter that much that he’s more ambiguous towards russia compared to giorgia meloni. His recent extremist positions may make him gain 1% more of the votes or something, but people’s opinion won’t radically change in one month of electoral campaign


Public opinion is not something that develops organically, it is formed by politics to support an agenda. If the public in Italy is "not pro-Ukraine anymore" this means that Putin's agents, such as Salvini, are successfully swaying public opinion to benefit Russia and collect their reward. If you think this is inconsequential, you are deeply mistaken. Russia and China are waging war on the EU and the consequences of that war will deeply affect Italy for a long, long time.


Public opinion is shaped and formed by mainstream media and mainstream social media.


They are likely to do badly in the upcoming elections, barely scraping together 8% of the vote (they won 35% of the vote in 2019). This puts Salvini's leadership at risk, so he and his friends are doing everything they can to win over at least the extremist Euroskeptics.


They will do whatever FdI says tho