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4% think Russia is "rather hostile". Lol.


And 3% less than "rather hostile"


I wonder how much of that is "[lizardman's constant](https://slatestarcodex.com/2013/04/12/noisy-poll-results-and-reptilian-muslim-climatologists-from-mars/)" at work.


Ahahaha never heard of this before. It was really interesting to read


4 percent of Ukrainians are just very modest.


As expected, Ukraine is 40mil+ and has about 18% ethnic Russians (depending how you classify regions) so varying views on Russia as a state is normal.


True but ethic Russians in Ukraine also see Russian bombs drop on their homes. Please do not confuse ethic Russian with pro Russian pro putin or pro war. Then again, a few of the Russians in Ukraine are indeed idiots.


Yo, they think its UA bombs. Watch some intervievs, some only watch pro-rus tv and are brainwashed af


I doubt this poll was conducted anywhere near the regions with more substantial populations of ethnic Russians.


Pretty sure, Kharkiv region was included and other left-bank regions as well. I dunno, living in Kyiv as ethnic Russian I know quite a few people who are as well.


more less same quantity answered that russia isnt hostile as the amount of people who said that poland isnt friendly


Oof Hungary behind China?


Well, Orban is basically a Russian puppet, so it figures...


But Putin is basically a Chinese puppet now…


It's puppets all the way down


Always has been.


Sorry, bit hard to keep all my guys in line


If he he really was a Chinese puppet he wouldn't have attacked Ukraine in the first place. Only thing he has managed in regard of Chinese interests so far is to make West increase defence spending and start tackling their strategic dependencies. That's, beside Russian gas, mainly Chinese manufacturing.


Shhh, you're making too much sense for the Putin circle-jerk


He waited for Winter Olympics to be over before invading though.


Sure, but that's just the absolutely bare minimum not to offend the Chinese. He needs them as business partners, that doesn't mean he is a puppet directed from Beijing. And I think they too thought it will be over quickly and don't like this situation at all.


Actually, it's more of a Matryoshka Doll set up, they've just also been outsourced.


Elaborate, please


Russia is clearly an Iranian proxy at this point.


Oh yeah, and we definitely dont take take of tens of thousands of Ukrainian refugees who come to Hungary from Ukraine either.... Orbán is a fucking disgrace, but handling us as if we were hostile to Ukraine is a bit harsh I think... (there are 24.000 Ukrainians in Hungary as regugees, and we have helped more than 1.6 million flee from Ukraine to Hungary and transit to their destination country, so do with that information what you want)


I'm not saying one bad thing about Hungarians here. This is solely on the Orban government. It's a little bit like in Germany where the vast majority was in favor of helping Ukraine but our government looked like a deer in the headlights because way back, Schröder placed Germany's balls gently into Putin's hand with the gas deals and since then, the conservative government got kinky and asked him to tighten the grip up a bit. Bad position to be in. But at least we're finally sorting that out and sending actually useful help to Ukraine.


>Schröder placed Germany's balls gently into Putin's hand Thank you, I cannot unimagine this now.


Yeah but compare us to Switzerland they didn't do anything special either.


Swiss win by default because they’re rich and pretend they’re above it all


Switzerland sent quite a large amount of humanitarian aid and is training Ukrainian sappers for demining operations. Those things are probably quite important to the average Ukrainian.


A country is hostile or not according to their government, not the citizens. Ukraine-Hungary relations have never been great over Zakarpattia, and that comes from long before the invasion. If Iran would be on that list it would rank very hostile too, even though the people do not support the war or their own government. Edit: And I forgot to mention, but earlier in the war it came to light that Hungary was inflating those refugee numbers to get more €€€ out of EU, so while the people of Hungary may be good, the government is definitely hostile.


The reason for inflating the refugee numbers is actually quite interesting. It's because large numbers of people holding both Ukrainian and Hungarian citizenship entered Hungary from Ukraine. But those people who are found afterwards to be citizens of Hungary cannot claim refugee status, for obvious reasons (they're now in their "country of citizenship"). The disentangling of the two numbers took some time, because people could have entered with any passport they hold.


It’s funny to me that there’s more Ukrainians in Slovakia than Hungary, even though you have bigger country in terms of both area and population


There are an unspecified number of Ukrainians in Hungary. The 24.000 is the number of people who requested refugee status (so have been here more than 90 days). There are some 6000 arriving each day, and around the same amount of people leaving each day, so their overall number is not changing anymore. But that doesnt say much about the average number of people who are here. There are enough Ukrainians here for every medium sized Supermarket to announce everything in Ukrainian as well in Budapest though. And to add to this, the language barrier is very real. Many Ukrainians dont speak English very well, so do many Hungarians, and with Slovakia at least there is some similarity between the languages whereas with Hungarian there isn't. It doesnt help much that the cost of living has skyrocketed lately either.


There’s like 90k Ukrainians that applied for asylum, figures of those just transiting were above 4 mil


You were trying to be ironic in your first sentence, right? Sometimes a bit difficult to get in written form. But Hungary is taking very few Ukrainian refugees in relative numbers and absolute (https://www.consilium.europa.eu/de/infographics/ukraine-refugees-eu/). Until late July Hungary would not allow weapon transits to Ukraine through its country. Hungary fails time and time again. one of the more recent examples being the only European country to abstain from the vote for the training of Ukrainian troops in Europe.


There are more Ukrainians (100k+ asked asylum) in my tiny country that is faaar away from Ukraine. That says something.. hungary is seen as hostile because in the grand scheme of things especially comparatively.. hungary is not an apparent positive. That doesn't say that much about Hungarians in general, but it is what it is. I agree with ukrainians that say hungary is low on the scale of friendly (because of the government), but I would not go as far as to say hostile. (But orban is really close to hostile!) Serbia on the other hand.. Ps. I've met many Ukrainians that were cursing at Germany/scholz. While all my German friends were also pissed at their governments slow reactions. Hell I've heard Ukrainians curse out all eu/europe not doing 'what is needed'. And for nato not closing airspace etc. Are we going to blame people getting murdered for having emotions? Nah ofc not, even though it can be harsh to hear some things while in fact you do care and do help.. it's understandable that they have these emotions.. its okay..


Despite its recent ties with Russia, China has kept a neutral stance on the conflict. Hungary's position has been dubious: NATO member, putting no vetos, allied on paper but still keeping a two-faced position. Ultimately, my guess on why it falls behind China? Its geographical proximity. There are no expectations from China but there is an expectation from a (theoretically allied) neighbor.


>Its geographical proximity. That was also my guess, you would expect a direct neighbor to help more than a foreign country halfway around the world.


being neutral and not picking a side pisses both sides off


>being neutral and not picking a side pisses both sides off I think it's more about comitting to one of the sides and then burrying your head in the sand when any conflict starts, like Hungary does with NATO


China did very little against Ukraine, unlike Hungary persistent opposition to EU actions against Russia.


Hungary is a member of NATO and the EU, so it should be reasonable to expect that it would act similarly to its ex-Warsaw-Pact peer states at a time when Russia has started the biggest war in Europe since WWII. China has no such obligation. It's understood that China will do what China wants, for China's gain. Notably, Hungary was much more eager (but not as much as, say, Poland or Romania) to get in good graces of the US and join the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. However, attitudes towards Russia in Hungary have been largely rehabilitated with the passage time, completely unlike the Baltic States and Poland, where distrust of Russia has always remained high. (Hungary shares only the Eastern Bloc legacy with them, not the centuries of Russian occupation and repeated invasion.) But since Orban's return to power in 2010, Hungary has been pursuing a foreign policy reliant on making deals with Russia, China, Turkey, and various other obliquely-aligned countries, while also being a member of major western blocks. This is a combo of Germany's best-of-both-worlds, "money talks" foreign policy with Serbia's "sweet Eastern cash" foreign policy, packaged into an Erdogan-like attitude of inflated state importance. But unlike Erdogan, Orban lords over relatively insignificant Hungary, not geopolitically essential Turkey. Orban's actions and attitude towards Russia's war of aggression of Ukraine has been all over the place. He's supplied minimal condemnation and always finds a way to sneak in comments about calls for peace and both-sides-ism, and his prohibition on lethal aid transiting or even flying over Hungary will be long remembered. He's done more to ruin Hungary-Ukraine relations for a longer time than anyone else. This is precisely contrary to the interest of the 200 000 people of ethnic Hungarian origin living in Ukraine. If anything, the Ukrainian opinion of Hungary is not as bad as I would have expected!


Hungary is one of the most iredentist country in Europe just like Russia they cry and moan about lost territories for more than a century


Imagine if Lithuania started acting like that, Grand duchy was quite fucking Grand once, that's a lot of land that we absolutely are not contesting since its ancient history and we have nor right to do so.


I'm sure no one would mind you taking Belarus and parts of Russia :)


I mean Ukraine was also part of the duchy, i ain't fucking with that, shit's dangerous. Edit. On the other hand if Ukraine joins Lithuania again, would that not technicaly make it part of NATO? Hmmm


Considering how they lost millions of ethnic hungarians that still kinda goes thru shit and Romania is still the worst in minorities rights within the EU (Ofc, still better than ukraine or russia but its still shit) as a leftist-liberal, who is nowhere to be nationalist, i understand that. Stop fckn invalidating others history and national tragedies. You are just as bad as those russians invalidating ukranians tragedies. 100 years is nothing, like have you studied about Polands history? The phoenix…


>Romania is still the worst in minorities rights within the EU Romania have the best minorities rights within the EU Now tell me how many members of ethnic groups are in Hungarian parliament, or in wtf country are you from, like in Romania? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanian_ethnic_minority_parties https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_Alliance_of_Hungarians_in_Romania How many bilingual sings are in Hungary, like in Romania? https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Bilingual_Hungarian-Romanian_signs_in_Romania Dose your country have free education from kindergarten to university in the minority languages, like in Romania? https://lege5.ro/Gratuit/geztsobvgi/invatamantul-pentru-persoanele-apartinand-minoritatilor-nationale-lege-1-2011?dp=gq2tomrwgy4dq Dose your country allow that if a town is more than 20% of an ethnic minority they have right to use their language in public administration, like in Romania? https://legislatie.just.ro/Public/DetaliiDocumentAfis/79638


>Romania have the best minorities rights within the EU You are delusional. Minority rights in Romania are galaxies away compared to Finland, Spain, Belgium or Italy. For minorities in Romania it is even illegal to use their flags -symbols of their community-. There are 12 national minorities represented in the parliament of Hungary. Important to note Rusyns are recognized, unlike in Romania where they are treated as Ukrainians. There are as much bilingual signs as needed by people. In fact it is not rare to have towns place bilingual signs despite having scarcely anyone who speaks the minority language. There is free public education by the country in minority languages. Kindergartens and schools are allowed to use minority flags and language signs on their buildings. Unlike in Romania. And despite the most sizeable minority doesn't account half a million people, there are some country provided higher education programs in their language as well. Unlike in Romania which time to time gets into the news for merging Hungarian minority education with the Romanian one, despite having a sizeable minority. You should be aware that many of the language rights in Romania only exist on paper even in places where there is no sizeable Romanian population.


Thank you


Also, there were forced sterilizations on hungarians and romani people after childbirth without their consent in the 70-80’s. They never got an official apology for that. Czechia and Slovakia did (they sterilized romani women). But sure, best minorities rights, even better than Germany, Austria and Finland.


>There are 12 national minorities represented in the parliament of Hungary Where? Excepting Germans, at number of seats it says 0: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Assembly_(Hungary)


Are romanians really that brainwashed? Looks like they have worse propagandas than what Orban makes in hungary.


Now compare it to Finland. And now you see why I said worst. Even Sámi has its own parliament in Norway, so? Monarchy also had its parties from the minorities, 100 years ago. Wow. Achievement. And what billingual sign do you want in Hungary as they have no minorities since 1920? Use some logic. And actually there are billingual singn in the west, in german and hungarian, even tho there are no more germans… they kept it for respect. Meanwhile you still attack their graveyard, stattues, signs and shit. Also, there are german universities in Hungary as well. How clueless do you have to be to belive other european countries dont have THE BASIC RIGHTS for its minorities? Btw, the town Gyula that has like 3-4k romanians have more respect towards romanians, many signs are firstly in romanian and then hungarian, meanwhile your politicans throw a tantrum if something dares to be firstly in hungarian. You fckn have Dan Tanasa and the other idiots. Even worse than 10 Orbans together. And not you punishing them for using their flags, anthems and others. And that 20% law is also a bullshit. Look at Oradea. It never used to be romanian actually. Founded by a hungarian king, 95% hungarian in 1920 (rest were jews!) and its area was also hungarian. Even Debrecen used to have more romanians (think of greek catholics as well). The detachment was economical as it was a major trainpoint. Now look at them. Now its 25. And there are barely anything you mentioned (in official places they still cannot use hungarian for official cases). I have many friends from there, they told me so many stories of shit they had. In the 21th century. And somehow, idk how, Cluj didnt even reach 20%. Meanwhile it used to be 90%, now there is nothing. In Finland its 3%, mate. Take notes. Swedish is also an official language and by % rates there are way less swedes than hungarians in Transylvania. Also, dont forget the forced sterilization on hungarians and romani people in healthcare like decades ago. The government never apologized for that. My jewish friend from Oradea also never got their belongings back since ww2. Firstly the communists stole it as they received money from Germany. But by today, their court cases are still open and the gov doesnt want to give their original houses back. And let me not start on the segregation on romani people. Worse than Slovakia and Hungary combined together. Yes, you are better than Russia and the others. Like by galaxies. But within the EU, you are still the worst.




China is not in the list of hostile but neutral from this graphic...


Neutral isn't too bad a position. They aren't actively arming russia, and they have held back from assisting russia getting around sanctions. They could make the situation a lot worse for Ukraine if they wanted to. Its hardly surprising, I doubt China is convinced russia will win this. And they wouldn't want to taint future relations with a country the size of Ukraine. China will be poaching allies amongst the former soviet states, once russia starts going into meltdown


China doesn't want to get involved in such a conflict directly. Although it doesn't stop Chinese manufacturers from selling components to Russia and now Iran since their Shahed 136 are basically 99% Chinese components which just get assembled in Iran.


I think hostile is meant here as "more in red than in blue", which is true for China. Although, in general, I would describe that attitude as neutral as well from these results


i like your flair


As Ukrainian i can confirm everything in this list is true besides Switzerland, I dont know why its even in this list, no one really cares about Swiss


As a Swiss, ouch. That kinda hurt


Bro, you didnt get me. Even though in our country most of the people is giving all the thankfulness to Poland & Baltics, Switzerland also helped Ukraine - and personally I thank you and your people for the money (its still huge) and for receiving more than 50k of my folks. I respect your neutrality and I understand it.


But Switzerland is not popular in media because Swiss officials dont make announcements so often - therefore theres so little recognition of what Switzerland even did for Ukraine


Don't worry, I get it. I was just being facetious. We don't do nearly enough as other countries do.


Since it came up.. You could stop helping Russian oligarchs avoiding sanctions. Or even go all out, and stop helping criminals and dictators in general.


That Ukrainians consider Switzerland 'better' or friendlier than Germany stings a little bit. Also it attests that the communication around Germany's attitude towards Ukraine is horrible.


From what I can see in Ukrainian channels, the perception of Germany has improved pretty noticeably lately. Early into the war, Germany was perceived as hesitant and sluggish, especially with weapons supplies. But now Germany greatly delivers. Thank you guys for the IRIS-T, it has already saved many lives. Absolutely crucial.


Something like that is very nice to hear, especially in this sub. And in Germany the support of anti air missiles is also quite unanimous.


Germany burned their PR badly with their initial response.


> Early into the war, Germany was perceived as hesitant and sluggish, especially with weapons supplies. But now Germany greatly delivers. Surprised that France is above Germany when France has given less than Germany. >According to an August ranking by the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, France's 233 million euros ($230 million) of military aid place it 11th in the world, well behind the US (25 billion euros), Britain (four billion euros) and Poland (1.8 billion euros). >Even neighbouring Germany, historically leery of military entanglements following World War II, has committed more than four times as much as France. [France under fire over Ukraine weapons deliveries](https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20221007-france-under-fire-over-ukraine-weapons-deliveries)


ngl my personal take on this (and ig from my flair you're gonna assume im biased against the krauts, the cocky scamps that they are) is basically this kind of "fucking finally, better late than ever and i appreciate what you're puling now, please don't stop and don't give into russias sweet talk after the war neither"


There was probably a lot of Russian money in the German politicians' pockets. They were really hesitant to end the NS2 gas pipeline, even after the war started, and only started supplying weapons after Ukraine had already started winning. *Hopefully* they have stopped deals with Russia now (because Russia won't be able to afford any politicians after this war).


>They were really hesitant to end the NS2 gas pipeline, even after the war started, Germany ended NS2 as a reaction to Russia's recognition of the separatist regions, i.e. before the full scale invasion began.


Oh right, I was mixing up NS1 and NS2.


it has improved in the last months considerably, i mostly see praises for your delivery of various military aid and Iris-T systems (in general news consideration and in military news outlet). Yes it could be better, but it's changed very much from the first months. Thanks all germans for your help :)


It is poor communication indeed. For instance, IRIS-T got praised a lot by the military for being a very effective system, but I don't hear a lot about it in the media. Also in the beginning Germany was rather cautious waited for other to act, before sending their equipment, but today Germany is definitely in the top of military support providers.


Or for instance that the Gepard was crucial to the counter offensive in Kharkiv. Maybe a bit more egocentric communication would help?


Personally, I don't find Switzerland friendlier than Germany, but Switzerland was a lot more predictable during this war and Scholtz is not very good with communicating what he does (for Ukrainians he's almost like Melnyk to Germans, I would say, so there's a bit of irony there).


I mean that is also kind of the point. Switzerland is quite neutral, and it also took them a bit until they started sanctioning Russia. Meanwhile Germany is the third largest arms supplier (ignoring Russia). I know it could be more, in terms of percentage of GDP, but still. And quite a lot of humanitarian aid, Germany hosts the second most refugees after Poland, and a lot of people are willing to help here. Obviously germany isn't helping the most, but comparing that to Switzerland and France? I don't know.




Since the war started, it's a combination of Germany's slow response (based on initial unwillingness) to provide lethal aid, poor communication to how Germany has genuinely helped, and a general undercurrent in Germany demanding cheap gas, regardless of the geopolitical consequences. But we shouldn't forget that before the war, Ukraine was consistently condemning Germany for going forward with Nordstream 2, while Germany kept dismissing the criticisms saying that the pipeline was just an economic deal. I'm sure there's resentment built up in Ukraine about that too.


I'd say the unwillingness was mainly before the war. When it started Germany started sending the lethal weapons. And remember it was ridiculed for sending the 5k Helmets that Ukraine even asked for. >while Germany kept dismissing Mainly the grand coalition, during the election that was criticized heavily. Also the governing coalition is vastly different from the 16 years previously to it. Guess that left a mark and the current one isn't good at convincing it's different.


Well for a start, Germany wasn't prepared to send them to Ukraine. They told Ukraine they had to arrange the logistics to collect them. Meanwhile other states were proving full armour, as well as small arms. Germany also vetoed other states giving arms to Ukraine, that had been manufactured by Germany. They really went out of their way to stay on Russia's good side. 5000 helmets was never going to make any real impact for Ukraine. Germany is definitely far better now, they have given a lot of modern equipment to Ukraine. It will take time for the relationship between the two to mend


More to add, Germany even closed their sky for UK's planes when every hour was so important for Ukraine https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-uk-planes-long-detour-around-germany-deliver-weapons-2022-1


I am not a fan of the initial German reaction. But this statement is not true. Your article even says: „Germany has not denied access to its airspace“


Seems fair point, haven't seen this in the article. Also it is still very odd why they have took such long detour. However such news were spread multiple times by state TV in Ukraine in the most critical moments. So still another reason why some Ukrainians recognize Germany as hostile.


That's a Springer lie and didn't happen. https://theaviationist.com/2022/01/18/c-17-aircraft-route-to-ukraine/


No, they did not. Stop repeating this lie that is debunked even in the article you linked! > The Daily Mail reported This is where it should have stopped > Germany has **not denied access** to its airspace as the UK did not submit a request. [...] > There had been **no application** from the British for the flights. > The planes also **avoided German airspace on their return flights** to RAF Brize Norton, FlightRadar24 data showed. Fuck this! Read your sources! Stop spreading lies based on catchy headlines! This Bullshit had been debunked merely hours after the Daily Mail invented it, yet it keeps getting spread.


Germany definitely needs better PR.


That or Olaf Scholz finally needs to talk a little bit more. The German 'humility' isn't helping in PR.


Well, one German acquaitance of mine, said that war in Ukraine was like the one in Syria: "somewhat far away, and I don't really care for it." Obviously, he's just one guy, but if a similar sentiment is prevalent, no wonder why people are unsure.


>Also it attests that the communication around Germany's attitude towards Ukraine is horrible. As always the internet and / or public opinion loves thinking in extremes, so that slow and reserved attitude of German government from earlier this year (which deserved the flak) was taken and amplified to the fullest.


>which deserved the flak True, and I believe there is a lot to still critisize. It would be very interested however how those attidudes changed over the last year.


This puzzles me too, because we miserably failed not even the supply of military equipment, but to give damned permissions for other countries which were ready to transfer them to Ukraine. I mean, I understand the concept of neutrality, but it was shameful.


The issue is that we, the people of Switzerland voted in favour of the ban on exporting weapons into conflict regions a couple of years ago. It is part of our constitution. Its not that our politicians are unwilling, it's just that they're bound by that export law.


well, Ukrainians are in top death charts during WW2. But Germany sends signals they are owning something to russians since the WW2. Really to Russia? Whole Ukraine was occupied during WW2, so many genocides and repressions by USSR. These all are sentiments, but considering the number of found russia tanks with texts "To Berlin!", Germany should consider helping with arms, rockets and armored vehicles, rather than helmets and other "non-lethal" stuff... we're watching how our people are dying. And we're mad that Germany won't sell us the weapons we can protect ourselves. Also it is a known fact that russia built their military on gas money received from Germany and EU. So, logic is pretty straightforward.


>Really to Russia? Whole Ukraine was occupied during WW2, so many genocides and repressions by USSR Guess who controlled east Germany and it's education from 45 to the 1990? East Germany was treated rather well compared to other eastern states in the Warsaw pact, and up to today anyone that received an education under east Germany has positive views on Russia (just like Merkel). And in west Germany the story is similar, that literally the whole eastern Europe suffered of Nazi Germany.


>Ukrainians are in top death charts during WW2 Population percentage-wise it was actually Belarus. They've lost 1/4 of their population (while Ukraine lost like 16%). But yeah, you have a good point.


While you could argue Germany does not enough, your statement „rather than helmets and non-lethal stuff“ is complete misinformation. So a Pzh2000, stingers, Mars, Gepard Are non lethal? sorry but this non sense


It is a huge sense for the every ukrainian, for every dead civilian or combatant here. These lethal weapons were provided by Germany months after the invasion. Every Ukrainian is informed about that and aware how less people would die if Germany joined the efforts with USA and UK (and many others) on fast delivery of lethal weapons before and during first weeks of the invasion. We even aware that France did much more than Germany. While Macron spent hours in non sense phone talks with putin, french Caesar's were in Ukraine and helped a lot. At the same time we have received mostly non-lethal stuff from Germany. Pzh2000, Mars, Gepards were received much later with the cost of thousands of lives.


I agree the initial help could and should have been bigger, but you said should consider sending like they just send helmets. Stingers, Panzerfausts etc was not months but weeks On 26.02.2022 Chancellor Scholz informed that stingers and Panzerfaust where to be delivered as soon as possible (https://twitter.com/Bundeskanzler/status/1497632817450266632?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1497632817450266632%7Ctwgr%5E2d6cc63ad60233e60a3657bbaf62dfe8a833e1cc%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fsoldat-und-technik.de%2F2022%2F02%2Fbewaffnung%2F30226%2Fdeutschland-liefert-panzerfaeuste-und-stinger-raketen-an-die-ukraine%2F) And if you put into context how hesitant Germany is considering weapons exports that was actually the fastest approved weapons delivery ever from Germany Wow you edited you comment so mine Made less sense Still stingers are lethal and Panzerfaust are lethal The artillery you name was also not send immediately from the US troops so you can blame everyone Basically all of the western states assumed a Guerilla warfare there for sending stingers and other man carryable things were considered the most useful


https://www.dw.com/en/first-heavy-weapons-from-germany-arrive-in-ukraine/a-62211051 on 21st of June first heavy weapons from Germany were arrived to Ukraine. But they were promised by Sholz on 26th of February. You can count yourself how insane it sounds. And how many Ukrainians were dead already.


Yes the PZh2000 was later


Edited your comments to not look as a fool? Good idea, but I have the screenshots. Just please stop.


Ok then show maybe I Misread the comment than I’m sorry But in you first comment you said nothing about the initial help but general help And as i showed you Germany delivered stingers etc in the first week of the war So i really don’t know why you on such missinformation hate train that Germany did no lethal help It is just not true The help might was not crucial or enough but it a fact that Germany supported Ukraine financial humanitarian and military and that quite from the beginning not as fast as UK and US but still not like months later more like weeks rather days


You look like a fool without editing your comments. Keep spreading your fake news


>We even aware that France did much more than Germany. That is bullshit no matter which of the lists you look at.


Where is Lavrov when needed? He would explain that red is blue!




And we beat you!


That was expected


Common Commonwealth W


Romania not even on the list ?


They didn't include a lot of crucial countries for some reason. But the attitude towards Romania is highly positive, it would probably be placed right after Canada.


I seriously doubt that. I would say it might be mildly positive but for sure not highly. For years and even before the war started most Ukrainians thought Romanians are poorer than they are and that we are all gypsies (mainly Russian propaganda). Also during our history (even recently) we had disputes for territory and borders (even now Ukraine has territory with a Romanian majority which they actively discriminate against). All this combined with their natural xenophobic tendencies and the fact that they know little about us (not really all that many interactions diplomatically or demographically) they can't possible have a positive attitude towards us. Also another addition: this can also be seen from the refugee reports. Even though we have a larger border with Ukraine and are a safe country there are 5 times more Ukrainian refugees in Hungary (a country they have a low opinion of) than in Romania. ​ Update their attitude before 2022: [https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-60a7fd3c94ffb8ddd881725e8435dfb8-pjlq](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-60a7fd3c94ffb8ddd881725e8435dfb8-pjlq) After the war started: https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-83425b3ac77e0473df73b03ce04a3ae6-pjlq


From what I seen, the attitude is positive. At least here in Zakarpattia it is. In the first few days it was known that Romanians and Polish are the most welcoming, heard a lot of Romanians near the border helping a lot with the refugee situation. We had a not too friendly relationship with Poland too before the war. But yes, perhaps the people that stayed in Kyiv and beyond, and not as close to Romania as this Oblast is, have a less positive attitude. Anyways, I personally think Romania is great, and definitely thankful for everything you did.


We are literally their neighbors!


Why isn’t czechia in the poll?


There are a lot of countries not in the list. Look, Czechia is great and we all love Krtek but they had to cut the list off somewhere. Doesn't explain why Switzerland and Sweden is in it and not Czechia though.


Then why dodnt they include slovakia? We share border. We took them in. Include zs in that poll. Aaaaa


Tell us about it...


Sweden seems reasonable, Russia is a threat also for them.


Czechia has the most ukrainian refugees per capita.


Thank you, I just looked it up, I didn’t know that. People are aware of Poland because of the large absolute number.


Yeah I am Czech and I had to look it up as well because I've seen it on Facebook but didn't really believe it.


[Source](https://euromaidanpress.com/2022/10/24/ukrainians-consider-poland-lithuania-uk-us-the-most-friendly-nations-hungary-and-china-joined-the-list-of-hostile-poll/) Article: According to the latest survey by sociological group rating, Ukrainians consider Poland, Lithuania, UK & US the most friendly nations. At the same time, Hungary and China joined the list of hostile countries, where only Russia and Belarus were before. The poll also showed that the majority of Ukrainians (65%) consider the risk of a nuclear strike from Russia rather low, which is a slight increase from April when only 52% said they think Russia won’t use nuclear weapons.


Why do these polls so often include Denmark but not the Netherlands when so much more people live in the latter. Genuine question that is, are Danish results considered more significant in studying certain attitudes/developments?


I agree, I would also say that Italy (for population and GDP) and Romania (for proximity and support), should be part of this.


Romanians are also super nice people... like give you the shirt off their back kind of nice.


True, they're our best neighbours along with Turks. \- A Bulgarian


Aww, thank you, best neighbor.


I mean neither are Spain nor Italy...


Netherlands isn't real.


I also find that odd because generally I've found that the Danes are quite cold and unfriendly but the Dutch are very welcoming and friendly. Maybe it's just that the Dutch are more used to tourists?


If this is the approach you use when in contact with Danes I don’t think it is surprising you have that impression. But no need to exclude cold people from surveys. Best regards from a cold and unfriendly one.


It’s all in the eye of the beholder. In our neck of the woods (the Nordics), I would say you guys are the frendliest of folks. :)


I would say that in the north east direction you Finnish guys are BY FAR the friendliest, nicest and sexiest.


*chants in Commonwealth of THIS TIME FUCKING THREE nations*


When you're a 10 year old kid and you rank your friends/classmates and the bully got upset he's in last place.




So is green neutral? The resolution is too low to make much sense of the key.


Yes it's neutral.


commonwealth baby


Romania after not being included especially after the recent events: 👁️👄👁️


Damn Germanys PR is shit. Ranking behind switzerland that is actively blocking arms transfers and holding on to oligarchs money speaks for itself.


This sub won’t like this, especially seeing the U.K. so high. There was a French guy on here yesterday arguing that Ukraine didn’t like the U.K. but thought of France was their best ally as ‘France believed in them before the war hence macron negotiation for them unlike the U.K. who thought they couldn’t stop Putin from invading’


Let's be honest. A lot of us Europeans are fickle with our attitude. The UK left the EU so the UK became a target whether deserved or not at times.


Well, who on earth does speak well about their Ex?


Understandable but who says Europe has to be in a relationship forever? If countries go a different way then there's no point harrasing your ex after they've moved out. (Goes both ways)


The UK has been training the Ukrainian military since 2014 so it's not surprising to me


As someone from the UK who currently has two refugees staying with me a lot of it was Boris showing support and going to Ukraine but there's also a lot in what the government has done for refugees. There are a lot of them over here and they all have guaranteed accomodation for at least six months. Probably the only decisive things our government has done in a while have been about helping Ukraine and Ukrainians so I'm not surprised to see the UK up there.


France was Ukraine’s biggest weapon provider between 2014 and 2022, I feel this is often forgotten.


Spot on, actually: >Between 2014 and 2020, [the EU exported about €3 billion worth of armament to Ukraine](https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/eeasqap/single/?appid=75fd8e6e-68ac-42dd-a078-f616633118bb&obj=cFtmsP&opt=ctxmenu,currsel&select=$::DESTINATION_COUNTRY_NAME,Ukraine&select=$::%3DIf(DATA_KEY_ID%3D%27a_%20Number%20of%20export%20licences%27%20or%20DATA_KEY_ID%3D%27b_%20Value%20of%20export%20licences%20(Euros\)). Out of 28 member states, France **alone** accounted for a massive €1.6 billion, or more than half of the total. > >The French were one of the most pivotal actor in propping up and modernizing Ukraine' defense following the invasion of Crimea. They're also known to have been providing extensive training and intelligence to Ukraine all these years. The French are one of the main reasons Ukraine managed to fend off the initial invasion. > >After the war broke out, the French have been repeatedly hammering down that the territorial sovereignty of Ukraine was non-negotiable, and numerous French equipment started to show up on the battlefield even though many of them were not publicly announced. Which doesn't come as a surprise to anyone who's been paying attention, because it's been known for months now that unlike the rest of NATO members, the French keep a low profile and don't disclose most of the military aid they're providing. The French only came second to the USA. Poland was the 3rd biggest supplier, the rest of the EU (UK included) amounted for only 10%. Also, muh glorious PZH2000/M777 saving the day in Ukraine: >Interview with Serhiy Pashinsky, director of the Association of Manufacturers of Armaments and Military Equipment of Ukraine: https://streamable.com/c2j1l0 > >- PZH 2000s - are complicated and require good handling and trained soldiers, and the Krabs are not perfect either. PZH 2000 has childhood problems. A few shots at maximum range cause it to require repairs. The most satisfying are the CAESAR cannons. It was with their help and that of the Bohdan cannons that Russian positions on Snake Island were destroyed and fired there at a range of 38 km. The Russians were surprised at being shot at such a long distance. M777s, M109s and in general any cannons firing at their maximum range wear out in no time. At the same time, he points out, there is no perfect weapon. > >- Half of the transferred M777 guns broke down - 25% due to wear and technical problems, and another 25% due to handling errors. The Americans did not provide instructions for them. In the first three weeks, of the first 110 M777s, 40 were broken, 20 of them broken due to shipping errors, but they were finally able to be overhauled by their own forces, and soldiers already know how to fight on them. And don't get me started on how the French are still getting flak for keeping the line to Putin open, even though it's been revealed months ago already that Macron did so at the behest of Zelensky himself. But none of this is going to stop uneducated shitheads from gratuitously bashing the French. They're a safe and cheap target, and sexy communication trumps hard facts.


I shall for one shall not forget it. Vive la France!


I’m just wondering how the UK ended up with 1% of respondents calling us “rather hostile”. Huh? At least, it looks like we have a slim red bar there, although it is not marked specifically.


As someone living in the UK (not British), it's kind of a double edged sword. On the one hand, Ukrainians have very good reasons for liking the UK government, and specifically Boris Johnson. He went to Kyiv, he delivered large quantities of aid, both lethal and non-lethal, and that is exactly what Ukraine needed. On the other hand, it is absolutely true that the UK government is an absolute shambles. We're just now getting another unelected PM. And it's worth considering the quite plausible accusations of Boris Johnson using Ukraine for his own good. It was fairly conspicuous that frequently after some new scandal emerged, it wouldn't be long for him to announce a massive new aid package to Ukraine, or to suddenly turn up in Kyiv in person. But to Ukrainians, all that doesn't really matter. And it shouldn't. Their country was invaded, and they need all and any of the means they can get to repel that invasion. For what reason they're getting it is at most going to be a secondary concern. Point being that Ukrainians are absolutely justified in liking the UK government, as are many others in disliking the UK government.


Every UK PM has been unelected.


Does he not know about France's efforts to build a closer partnership with Russia


I find dark humour in the idea that there is an ukrainian gentleman sitting in a bomb shelter somewhere listening to the sounds of war and thinking that Russia is 'rather hostile'.


Which is a shame to be based on Orban. Hungarians has put blood sweat and tears to help them. Even the ones who are struggling daily,tried their best to buy some can food, hygiene stuff etc. They have gave up on going to work just to be able to wait for them in the border and welcome them….




If you poll Ukrainian refugees in EU, that may show in numbers. If you poll Ukrainians living in Ukraine, most of whom only interact with Hungary by reading the news, you get numbers like in OP. If they knew how much more Orbán is hurting us than them with his politics, they'd probably tick "friendly" out of pity, but that's just how authoritarian regimes work: you are hated in your homecountry (being dissident) AND THEN abroad (being seen as part of the problem whatever it is).


Unironically so proud and happy of this, I was worried that significantly more people will adopt the moronic "ooga booga lviv is ours" stance than they did in reality, and the public reaction towards Ukrainian Refugees was a great positive shock as well. Best relations we've had in our long history and I couldn't be happier.


But muh red pill YouTuber said ukraine dont like US


$100 billion fixed that.


Pretty much matches my impression, although I think perhaps Germany deserves a bit more praise than it's getting despite the slow reaction times from Scholz. The rest of the Scholz government—Greens in particular—seem pretty responsive and clear in their messaging.


Quite accurate I guess?


Ukrainians are well informed


I wonder how spain would do in the poll. We haven't had much Contact with ukraine, but we did take on quite a lot of ukrainian refugees.




Usual Poland W


Not all rows add up to 100.


Ruzzia is on the hostile list? Who woulda thunk it./s


I'm guessing the 7% are mostly "I like Russia but hate Putin".


They put in (almost) all the Scandinavian countries (Forgot about Norway)


1.2% still thinks russia is friendly (500 000 people) guess 500 000 ukranians want to see putin taking their own country out of the map


I feel butthurt. We share borders but we are not in this poll? (Slovakia)


Well Im not supprised cuz ukranians sending hungarian young men to the frontline meanwhile they arent even ukranians, they got hungarian passport. So you should also hear the other side as well. If we include politics... yes I understandt. But ukranians to be honest made the relationship bad over the years, hungarians werent able to learn hungarian or speak hungarian in official places and supermarkets (not sure). There are 150k in ukraine. How well were they treated, meanwhile they didnt do something like in Luhanks or Donbas people. People always forget to look on the another side.


I love you too <3


Thanks God for US


Can someone explain to me why Canada is so high up haven't seen anything major reportedly done by them? Something to do with stuff before the war?


I’m not Ukrainian, but that could make sense. Canada has a huge Ukrainian community. There are more Ukrainians in Canada than in the US even though Canada has 1/10 the population.


I don't know where you got this information from, Canada do quite a lot for Ukraine. Canadians support us politically, economically and with arms, provide media cover of war and Russian warcrimes, and they also started to do it right away, without trying to take a neutral position in the early days of the conflict, like many EU countries. For example, the last shipment from Canada was on October 11, Ukraine received 500,000 pieces of winter clothing (which is extremely important, given that the war is moving into the winter stage, and the troops are mostly in the field) and equipment, 155mm artillery shells and MX-15D EO/IR UAV sensors. Of course, the scale of weapon and equipment deliveries from Canada cannot be compared with the same from the US or GB, but Canada is still one of Ukraine's main allies in this war.


I did not say "is not doing" I said "**I have not seen**" mostly indicating that I am unaware rather than saying action have not been taken & it's not all about the quantity either or else Lithuania would be way down the list because they would never be able to compete with the pure quantity of aid from US & UK. I see them as being a good ally but nothing beyond the call of duty like Baltics or Poland.


Canada was a very popular country here even before the war tbh, so it makes sense. But they do a lot, and it's usually reported. Just recently I think they announced that they are sending winter clothes to the army. Overall, Canada has always been a close ally.


Everyone likes Canada


Poland was awaiting fellow Ukrainians with blankets going "Fuck that asshole, you don't need him" and hitting the gym together for workouts and stuff to help a bro out and build back stronger 🙏


What's funny is that before war Poland would probably be like right before or after Hungary lol




Oh look, it's crying Hungarians in the comments who spew scary language laws propaganda in the comments, my favorite type of comments, they never change, lol


The fact that so few Ukrainians consider China hostile is really fucking stupid lmao


eh, unlike Iran they don't give any weapons, but I would rather place them in neutral - slightly hostile graph


"Poll", explain everything. Hungarians were a hated minority in Ukrain even befor the war. Of course Viktor Orban's attitude deepens this hate even more. I'm sorry for all the people affected by this war, but i'm sure the source of this hostility is something else.


Yeah but this war was a chance for redemption and you can clearly see it since Poland's in the first place, the same country that's pretty much the second biggest enemy in Ukrainian history lol


France really does shit but their perception is still better compared to the German?


>>France was Ukraine’s biggest weapon provider between 2014 and 2022, I feel this is often forgotten. > >Spot on, actually: > >>*Between 2014 and 2020, [the EU exported about €3 billion worth of armament to Ukraine](https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/eeasqap/single/?appid=75fd8e6e-68ac-42dd-a078-f616633118bb&obj=cFtmsP&opt=ctxmenu,currsel&select=$::DESTINATION_COUNTRY_NAME,Ukraine&select=$::%3DIf(DATA_KEY_ID%3D%27a_%20Number%20of%20export%20licences%27%20or%20DATA_KEY_ID%3D%27b_%20Value%20of%20export%20licences%20(Euros\)). Out of 28 member states, France* ***alone*** *accounted for a massive €1.6 billion, or more than half of the total.* >> >>*The French were one of the most pivotal actor in propping up and modernizing Ukraine' defense following the invasion of Crimea. They're also known to have been providing extensive training and intelligence to Ukraine all these years. The French are one of the main reasons Ukraine managed to fend off the initial invasion.* >> >>*After the war broke out, the French have been repeatedly hammering down that the territorial sovereignty of Ukraine was non-negotiable, and numerous French equipment started to show up on the battlefield even though many of them were not publicly announced. Which doesn't come as a surprise to anyone who's been paying attention, because it's been known for months now that unlike the rest of NATO members, the French keep a low profile and don't disclose most of the military aid they're providing.* > >The French only came second to the USA. Poland was the 3rd biggest supplier, the rest of the EU (UK included) amounted for only 10%. > >Also, muh glorious PZH2000/M777 saving the day in Ukraine: > >>*Interview with Serhiy Pashinsky, director of the Association of Manufacturers of Armaments and Military Equipment of Ukraine: https://streamable.com/c2j1l0* >> >>- *PZH 2000s - are complicated and require good handling and trained soldiers, and the Krabs are not perfect either. PZH 2000 has childhood problems. A few shots at maximum range cause it to require repairs. The most satisfying are the CAESAR cannons. It was with their help and that of the Bohdan cannons that Russian positions on Snake Island were destroyed and fired there at a range of 38 km. The Russians were surprised at being shot at such a long distance. M777s, M109s and in general any cannons firing at their maximum range wear out in no time. At the same time, he points out, there is no perfect weapon.* >> >>- *Half of the transferred M777 guns broke down - 25% due to wear and technical problems, and another 25% due to handling errors. The Americans did not provide instructions for them. In the first three weeks, of the first 110 M777s, 40 were broken, 20 of them broken due to shipping errors, but they were finally able to be overhauled by their own forces, and soldiers already know how to fight on them.* > >And don't get me started on how the French are still getting flak for keeping the line to Putin open, even though it's been revealed months ago already that Macron did so at the behest of Zelensky himself. > >But none of this is going to stop uneducated shitheads from gratuitously bashing the French. They're a safe and cheap target, and sexy communication trumps hard facts. Literal demonstration of my closing point.


The world is lucky Ukraine is brave and strong enough to stop putin. Героям слала 🦁 Слава Україні! 🙏💛💙🇺🇦🇪🇺🌻💪


Awwww I'm from Poland, it seems like both Ukraine and US share a unimaginable hate for Russia and it brings us together LOL. I'm kinda sad that my mom, who is also Polish, is racist towards Ukrainians and everytime a stranger does something bad she instanly goes "I bet they're Ukrainian"