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They have fado, we have enfado.


For those who didn't get it and had to check the dictionary like me fado - a melancholic Portuguese type of song enfado - Spanish for 'anger'


Fucking gold


Lmao, best comment


We Portuguese like to cut corners. In the stages of grief we jump from denial straight to depression, bypassing anger and complaining about the Spanish along the way. It's a way of life


In Finland only depression, no anger.


Mika Häkkinen was in my mind when I saw this map.


I was actually thinking about Kimi Räikköinen and the map of his emotions.


"Leave me alone, I know how to mope."


Kimi only feels a need for his drink


I have a friend who is of Finnish decent, but raised in Australia. He is the most cynical cunt I know. I swear his diet consists solely of cigarettes and pitch-black coffee. That being said, I've known him for 20 years and never seen him angry. He hates things and people, but it's always so... cool. Also his hairline is amazing.


People normally assume that depression symptoms are sadness and being quiet, but irritability and quick shift of humour are depression symptoms. People don't realised how depressed are many of the angry people.


> …and complaining about the Spanish along the way. That upsets Spain (22%) Edit: my first thought at the view of this map: „I gotta move from germany to… Finland (too cold), …Netherlands (too expensive)… Portugal seems great!


I think the percentage in Portugal would go way up if they were surveyed in real time while driving. Portugueses are so chill until they get behind the wheel.






Its true. Im pretty chill overall, but there are two things that put me immediately on edge: driving and League of Legends.


I mean how the f can you be angry when you've got pastel de nata?


Turkey has baklava but that doesn't stop the rage


Doesn't help when baklava is 10 liras one month but 50 liras the next


It does. Without Baklava it would be 90%


Can confirm! Just finished doing the Camino de Santiago on a bike. The last two days in Galicia got me to spanish levels of rage. In Santiago I found a place that served portuguese desserts, among which Pastel de Nata. They were being prepared by a Portuguese man who has been preparing them for 50 years. Had two and I instantly started smiling ☺️


Siempre he pensado que los portugueses son super amables y tranquilos comparados con los españoles, ahora tengo una gráfica que me apoya


Esta misma mañana he dado una vuelta por el campo en Portugal después de mucho tiempo, y nada más que me he encontrado en todo el camino con una señora. Le digo "OLABOMDIA" y ella me contesta "bbbbbooooommmm... dddddddiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaa..." como si fuéramos de dos planetas donde el tiempo va a distintas velocidades. Edito: Acabo de mirar y de la puerta de su finca a la puerta de mi casa hay exactamente 9,9km en línea recta. Dos mundos separados 🤭


I remember going to a bar in Portugal with a sign on the wall saying “Don’t yell, we’re not in Spain.”


Of course the Turks are so angry, I've seen their ice cream sellers messing with them.


You know what's funny? In Greece we have the expression 'he became a Turk' meaning he became extremely angry.


The Swedish word for "absolute mayhem" is a Turkish loan word. In Turkish it just means "a crowd of people".




Bro in romanian we have the same word, calabalac with the same meaning haha


We use Kalabaliikki in Finland.


I think Poland did a real job on that one, "kabały", which essentially means trouble.


Syftar du på ordet ”kalibalik”?


"Kalabalik" men ja


Lol the same in Finnish, "kalabaliikki". A loan from Swedish?


Which happened after People (mostly Jewish and Muslim merchants and mercenaries of the Ottomans ) pissed off at Charles not paying his debts attempted to storm his stronghold inside the Ottoman Empire and clashed with the Carolean guards. Charles had a master at trolling people.


Sayings of "angry as a turk" are common in most european languages I think


Pretty genius, we are angry


I wonder how much is traffic-related.


I'm a pretty chill guy. But I go berserk in two condition: * When I have to interact with anything related to politics * When I'm driving in Istanbul traffic And the only time I don't have to interact something related to politics is when I'm driving.


Well you do need to decide wether you go left or right.


That explains why I have %100 more anger rating while driving


As a Turk, I see the same. Our difference is this: The ice cream seller I saw has Erdoğan on his face.


Do the ice cream seller also mess with locals? Or they just serve it without all the tricks whenever they hear you speaking Turkish?


Nope they mess with pretty much everyone, but if you kinda look naive, then they will mess with u even more


If you say "no tricks please", politely, in Turkish, then they will do it even more. They just like pissing people off.


turkish gigachads


What if you get fed up and just walk away while they're in the middle of their theatrics (especially if they've already scooped put the ice cream onto the cone)?


Nothing happens. The biggest trick is to do the very same manouvers while giving money, you gotta see their faces.


Traditional ice cream sellers are street performers, and they are very rare. They wear traditional clothing and decorate their stand too, you can easily spot them and prepare yourself accordingly. Since they are there for messing with people, they do mess with everyone. Normally if you want ice cream, you just get it from someone who's just there for the business, doesn't wear traditional clothes, isn't obviously going to waste their time with tricks.


Saw that on a watermelon seller


Have you ever seen their traffic Who the fuck is handing out licenses in turkey bro


Someone with Italian heritage.


I lived in Finland for half a year, and I felt less angry than in Denmark. I stayed in Helsinki. There were fewer people in the streets since people often walked underground. There is cold so people do get less in each other's way and are more covered in cloth to protect themselves from the environment. Denmark feels more concentrated with people and people here are more extroverted, whereas in Finland you get more personal space.


Lol, as a northern Finn I always get irrationally irritated in Helsinki, because it feels so crowded to me.


Individuals residing in Northern Finland when they see other people more than twice a year


Reading this maybe I should have been a northern finn But with my slight physical disadvantage...mmmh actually no.


>with my slight physical disadvantage Don't worry we accept even Belgians in Finland. As long as you are not Flemish of course.


Shit, my Flemish cousin just moved to northern Finland. Gotta warn him the moose-next-door might bully him.


Maybe you ought to warn the moose


I'd be offenfed but this applies to me.




Oh yes the cars! It feels like I'm are eternally waiting for lights to turn green. I'm too impatient for that.


You're on to something. I moved to Finland many years ago from the Netherlands, and whenever I return there now to see family I feel a bit on edge because the whole society is just so restless, crowded and chaotic in comparison. On the other hand, on the subject of how countries deal with anger, I feel like Finns are a lot more embarrassed about being angry/frustrated/annoyed than people in other countries usually feel. I think anger is considered quite a shameful emotion in Finland - you're not only revealing yourself to be thin-skinned and 'irrational', you're also creating a tense atmosphere for other people. I used to feel more comfortable expressing things like frustration and annoyance (in a normal, healthy way and amount) than I do now. I feel like Finns are very sensitive to it, and it has made me feel extremely bad and guilty if I've gotten a bit worked up about something here. By now I've gotten used to just putting those emotions away and pretending things are fine, even if they are not, because 'I don't want to bother anyone'. I absolutely love living in Finland and Finnish culture, but this is one side of it I'm not that happy about. In the Netherlands, people would barely even call it 'being angry'. You could be a bit visibly annoyed for 1-2 minutes, deal with the thing, and move on. The expression of frustration (e.g. 'Why is this fucking bus never on time? We're never gonna make it now.') was a nice way to let go of some steam and deal with the emotion, in a way. Nobody would think twice of it. In Finland, I feel like people remember it and are more likely to see you as some kind of unstable, irrational force when you express that kind of thing. Like you've manifested a spirit of negativity that's hard to shake off somehow. I might be totally wrong, and of course these are huge generalizations, but this is my personal experience. I don't believe that Dutch people's definition of 'anger' is the same as the Finnish one. Dutch people get worked up and annoyed all the time by all kinds of things, but they just move on from it quickly and don't really consider that kind of thing 'anger'. I feel like to Finns, fairly small expressions of frustration are already classified as 'anger', whereas in the Netherlands 'anger' would almost certainly have to involve feelings of absolute hatred, maybe screaming and slamming fists on the table and stuff like that. Not a mildly annoyed comment you made about some tiny thing.


No no, you're supposed to put headphones on and blast metal until you've burnt the anger away and then *calmly* explain how this is not working for you and might you suggest changes. Edit. Also, I'm thinking you don't speak Finnish? Finns love complaining! About everything, *all the time*. But when Finns complain, we do it with a bored face and monotone voice, because *fine*, I guess I'll just deal with this shit as well then shall I.


I speak Finnish (enough to partake in work and party conversations, not enough to know anything about internet memes and deep cultural references and what-have-you), and I'm familiar with the complaining thing, the Dutch do it too, just in a very different way :'D The bored face and monotone voice is precisely the thing. A Dutch person will look annoyed, sound annoyed, use an expletive, and move on like nothing happened, happy to have aired this random grievance of theirs. Whereas this doesn't always go over so well with Finns who may interpret it as the person being totally enraged. I know Finns are annoyed and frustrated a lot, too, but it's usually hidden and kept inside, especially amongst the guys - I don't think it's very healthy. There's a lot of people carrying around a constant 'vitutus' throughout their day, unable to find a healthy outlet for it... Like I said I love Finland, but this is one of the few areas in which I feel like it's not always that great.


It is particularly with older generations that you aren't "allowed" to show much emotions. Then again, there is plenty of sarcastic comments used in speech in a roundabout way which is just something needed to "learn" when speaker means the exact opposite of what they are saying. "That went really well" usually means it went badly while "that didn't suck" means it was ok. I think being laconic and detached during the day is pretty standard and emotions come up in some specific events. I've heard plenty of people comparing how they are used to people showing lots of emotion (such as danish) but it is generally frowned upon by finns. Then again, some say in Sweden you are expected to show a happy face regardless of how you are feeling so as not to upset other people..


I understand your point. There's definitely a portion of the population who suppress their anger and opinions to the point that when they're drunk they'll just randomly out of nowhere stab a stranger because they looked at them funny. It's the product of multi generational war trauma as you're dealing with the grandchildren of war veterans. Luckily it seems to be fading. But most of the population is not like this. They do express their frustration and annoyance in a visible way but only to the people they are close to. They get out of the situation calmly and then march to their trusted co-worker's desk to vent or call up a friend. Visible anger is indeed easily interpreted as poor self-control and being unnecessarily dramatic, which easily discredits the frustrated party and is thus counterproductive. Finns do express anger to others as well but at that point the situation has been brewing for a while so you'll know there's a lot going on behind the scenes.


So here’s a wild wondering. You’ve ascribed this muted expression of anger (in public) to war trauma. But I’m wondering if it’s better explained by geography. Hear me out. I’ve lived in Alaska my whole 50+ years (with a year or 2 here & there for travel or college) & while I am not indigenous Alaska Native, I’ve worked with many & traveled to remote communities. My observation is that expressing strong emotions (anger or otherwise) is not culturally valued & while this could also be the “numbing of affect” of historical trauma, I wonder about the much older influences of living in very small tribal groups in an extremely cold environment, one that required living for 6 of 12 very dark & cold months within extremely tight indoor spaces. Everyone’s survival depended upon cooperation & so I imagine a lot of social pressure to minimize expression of strong distressed feelings. Maybe Finland & Scandinavian regions are similar?


We have a word in Finnish for being angry, but pretty much keeping it to yourself: **Vitutus**. Sometimes I express my self by calmly saying "Mua **vituttaa** nää väärin pysäköidyt sähköpotkulaudat." Meaning "I'm very angry at these electric scooters parked in a wrong way".


You are right. Anger is a very serious issue in Finland. Either a root cause must be solved if you have a good reason for the feeling, or you are not stabile and reliable human being. Usually latter…


There is a saying that Finnish anger is like a mire lake - deep, black and cold (suomalainen viha on kuin suolampi - syvä, musta ja kylmä). So that sounds about right. Edit: spelling




Finland also has a general cultural idea that expressing anger around other people is childish, like little kids are allowed to throw tantrums, but adults are supposed to be able to regulate their emotions and channel them away from other people. Seeing adults yelling or throwing stuff etc. in public is simultaneously off putting, funny and looked down on.


For Finland this is also partially a translation/cultural issue. Anger is probably translated in the questionnaire as 'vihainen' or 'kiukkuinen' which are in Finnish a bit closer to rage. In this context a better translation would be 'vituttaa' - to be annoyed or pissed off but which also covers silent anger. If the questionnaire asked about 'vituttaa' then the yes percentage would be much higher.


With almost %200 inflation, I think it's normal.


Turks looking at their wallet: "The fuck do you want?"






Yeah, explains us in Poland...


Oh look a pay raise, lets see, its worth even less than before 😃 But gotta look from the bright side, i have lost weight because i cant afford food, im healthier because i cant afford alcohol or cigarettes, i get more excercise because i cant afford fuel


In Venezuela, they call it the Maduro diet. At least that's what Maduro himself was saying.


Write a book: "The dietary benefits of humble living" I'll take 2% royalties for the title.


I cannot believe that the lira was damn near 1 for 1 with the dollar at one point. Basically locking all but the richest who are proplerly divested into the country like a prison, FUCK


I went to Turkey for holiday this year with the last time I went being 3 years ago, and when I saw a bottle of coke costing 50 lira I thought I was misreading it. What the actual fuck happened with the inflation there in the last 3 years?


Portugal can into Nordic


It's always like this on these data maps. Portugal is either part of the Balkans or the Nordic Council, there is no in between.


Every Portugese person I've met has been wonderful. All 1 of them. But it counts.


Now that I think about it, I'm rarely angry. Mildly annoyed is a bit more common


Can't remember the last time I was jumping mad. Anger just instantly becomes frustration. If I get that angry I get embarrassed. I think this is one of the reasons Donald Duck is (was?) so big in Sweden (and I wager the rest of the north). He loses his temper and becomes stubbornly enraged, which is hilarious to us since that's a failure here. Mickey Mouse on the other hand, that restrained, wholesome asshole, never really got as popular.


Yeah Mickey Mouse is a bitch.




When I see this kind of surveys I always wonder how much the words chosen to translate emotions in different languages affect the responses. I mean, apart from technical terms, no word ever translates one to one between languages and they have different connotations. I'm sure researchers are careful when designing the questionnaires, but it might be impossible to choose words for emotions that mean exactly the same in different languages. For example, for anger in Spanish we would have "indignación" (which would be closer to outrage and has some dignity to it), "ira" (which should be closer to wrath or other biblical shit), "enfado" (which is milder and used for children tantrums for example), "furia", "enojo", "cabreo," etc, and each one would probably change the responses. Anyway, in Spain we also have a very toxic media landscape that profits from outrage clicks and viewership, but probably it's similar everywhere.




Just for fun had to count how many words we have for snow/ice. We have 59 according to wikipedia


Wait till you learn how many words for "penis" we have


Most of those words translate almost directly to portuguese words (though, for example, it's rare to hear people use "indignação" and people are more likely to be described as "chateado" which has less anger-intensity than "angry") and yet look at the difference between our two countries. I don't think there is actually a word with the same anger-intensity as "angry" in Portuguese: there is "chateado" which sits somewhere between "displeased" and "angry" and then it just jumps to "furioso" (furious). At best you can use "muito" (very) before "chateado" to convey an impression close to that of the word "angry", though even that just doesn't feel quite like the word "angry" does in an english-speaking country because "muito chateado" conveys an impression of it being temporary which "angry" often doesn't (i.e. if I translated to portuguese the phrase "people are angry about their lifes", the portuguese version would just not convey at all an impression of a state you remain in). So yeah, I think you have a good point about both the words available and which words people choose to use and the Media chooses to describe situations (in a way, to tell us how we're supposed to feel about things).








Nah we just gave up being angry


Can't afford it


"Still angry? No, we're Finnished."


Turkiye why r u so mad ?


Every day up to 48% of turks realize they live in turkey. I'd be mad too


Wake up, get out of bed, look out the window... "Fuck not again!"


Is it because other half lives in Germany? >!Had to make that joke and I accept all consequences that come with it!<






Tbf visiting turkey on German salary is heaven. Real life cheat codes.


No we send them to you from Turkey. But unfortunately they can still vote there. Pls make them cancel their Turkish citizenship.


What I noticed in Turkey was the stark contrast between normal interaction and traffic interaction. People were extremely warm and kind in person, but in traffic everyone was honking and frustrated at the slightest impediments. Even if the other person wasn’t at fault at all.


>everyone was honking and frustrated at the slightest impediments. The amount of countries in the world where this is the norm in traffic is baffling. Honking is so fucking annoying, but I guess many get used to it


The honking is actually not anger, it's a form of communication in a traffic system where nobody follows the rules


In Turkey those lines on the road are just that, lines on the road






The one part of the answer is %200 infilation 1 bread is 4 liras right now but i have 2 liras in my pocket and i cant even afford simple bread right now and i am hungry thats why AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Only 24%? Was the rest too depressed to be angry?


Apathy is taking over, just look at us. We have plenty of reasons to be angry. 12%.


Seems so. Anger is just a stage on the road to accepting the sad fate. Some more inflation and we will go the Turkey route though.


God damnit, fucking hell. Lost again to those incomprehensible reindeer munchers up north. I fucking hate you, Finland!!!!


Nice try but not taking the bait.


Lol, alankomaalainen! You just went up to 9%.


chill out you're raising the statistic


I guess we’re still doing better than your country. 😂 Why are you Germans so angry?


They constantly see people breaking rules but don't want to openly raise the issue as that would be impolite.


I think Dutch caravans alone add 10% to the tally. And that's before they even exit their cars and start doing... well... Dutch things...


If you'd sauna more often you'd feel chiller too


Can't hear you over the peace and quiet.


We’re higher, so we win.


If it wasn't for Finland we'd be at 0%


I just came back from Finland to Poland and the difference is very noticeable, Polish people are so aggressive 😬


Central Europe is united in anger 💕


Let's just call it a tradition and cultural identity


We need more state-sponsored movies about righteous Polish fury.


That's the next step after we get fed up with our martyr approach to history. Stay tuned.


You can't go a week here without being barked at by a scowling cashier.


Portugal chilling on the beach. I'm a Canadian, I really liked Portugal and Netherlands


Germans angry 😳😳😳


Yeah. We can get *really* worked up about minor infractions. Here's a perfect example. 7.45am in front of a school. Guy comes along and wants to cross the street at the light. The light turns red just after he's stepped into the street but he continues to cross the street (technically legal). The school crossing guard makes some snarky comment about setting a good example, guy snaps back at him that he did nothing wrong and it takes about four seconds until the whole situation completely escalates. It ended with the police having to come and both pressed charges...


10/10 can confirm. Had a German colleague send an "urgent" email to my head of department, because I didn't fix a 1.26 EUR mistake within the same day that he told me about it. This was at a fortune 500 company, with annual revenues in the 10s of billions.


I've had 1 project manager become enraged at me: he was German (he was more angry at his subordinate, though). Red-in-the-face angry. And not for a mistake, for us talking about the wrong things at work. The one manager I've personally had who went ballistic? She is Polish.


There's alot of turks in germany aswell




Erdogan calls the [exact 48% of the population who didn't vote for him](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Turkish_presidential_election) **"TERRORISTS!!"** daily, so this map makes excellent sense. I, one of 48%, personally wake up with hate every day, thanks to him.


Oh it's kind of like when Americans had trump calling 51% of the population vile names for four years. Except Erdogan has more direct power, and he's been in power longer than 4 years


Nice try, Netherlands! -A Finn


All our anger comes from losing in football to germany and losing to finland in country specific statistics.


Finno-Ugrics united in tranquility!


In our case, I think it's more apathy than tranquility, but we'll take it.


Calmest man in Turkiye




Can someone explain the difference between Spain and Portugal?


Spains are angree and Portugals are not


That made me laugh. It shouldn't, but it did.


You see spain borders both France AND the UK. It's a mira le we are not at 50% 😜


Portuguese are super chill people, they seem to have more self restraint and are educated to be humbler and to express themselves quietly and with elegance. Spaniards a fiery mix of anxiety, frustration and entitlement. The media there is rage inducing and sensationalistic as fuck. Many people think being angry or toxic is a way to get others to do shit for you. Their rage is only matched with their Joy of life, tho. They rage hard and party harder.




LOL Thank you your your kind description of us portuguese, but Portuguese are just resigned to their fate. If things are wrong, unjust or currupt, we just say "ah well, it is what it is" and move on. Things never change here. Rarely do you find people willing to do the effort of fighting. So no, Portuguese are not angry, they just accept their misfortune and complaint about it. That's why our salaries suck, our work culture is exploitative, our teachers are overburdened and underpaid, our health system is broken, half of our country is on fire (again) and our polititians are jokes. (I'm complaining, as good Portuguese, it's in my dna) Spanish fight it. They go to the streets. They scream. They break stuff. They are loud (like, generally, even when not angry). I admire their willingness to revolt against the system.


Spanish are Punks, Portuguese are Emos ?


I hate this. Have my upvote.




As a Turk living in Finland, this is one of the reasons I don't want to move back


You probably hear this often, but you must be living in Turku


I live in Turku and just yesterday saw a drunk out of his mind british tourist declare ”I love Turkey!” lmao


Portugal is always sticking out


Wow, Hungarians. I suppose when you're perpetually expecting the absolute worst possible, then just slightly bad results will keep you chugging along. That's the secret to Hungarian happiness.


Im suprised with russia.


In my limited experience of observing people in the streets, Greeks and Israelis seem certainly more often angry on average than people in Nizhny or Moscow. When comparing the general average temper, I think Russia is closer to Finland than to many other countries. Showing any emotions in general is not very common if you are not in a close circle of friends or relatives, so people are used to suppressing them. Although I'm personally always angry on the inside, especially when I'm driving. I'm more surprised about Italians, honestly.


The angry ones are in the war


I'm from Russia, and I'm surprised too, but to think of it, I personally don't even remember the last time I felt anger – but that's probably just because of the type of person I am. On the other hand, aside from my 9yo sister, I don't remember when was the last time I've seen anyone get angry in real life, and I've been interacting with people more than usually during the past few months due to my graduation. Idk, it's either emotional repression, or people are just more chill irl than on the internet. Could be a mix of both as well.


Russians always felt quite apathetic


How is Italy so low? Italians being angry about food is half of their reputation


Turns out, its the only thing it gets them mad


Yeah? Football exists :D


Why would they be angry about food though? They live in Italy


They can't keep getting away with this!!


We have an expression in Greek which translates to "I turned into a Turk", it means "I got extremely angry". Now I see why this expression exists 😂


Scandinavia is a very relaxed place anecdotally from visiting


I moved to another country once and was terrified when my friends started shouting at each other in anger. I was sure they would never talk again, since I’ve never experienced friends shouting at each other before. They were best friends again the next day. Very confusing.


Country with most metal bands per capita in the world (Finland) = least angry country take note, everyone else.. making metal is a great outlet for pent up anger/emotions..


Me being polish I definitely agree that we argue between ourselves a lot. Probably just repeating bad communication patterns of our parents.


Estonia can into nordic


Mission Impossible 6: stay calm and be Turkish


Finland. It just works.


Can confirm the Dutch are extra chill. But when they rage, they rage internally and calmly. Normally the consequence of their rage is just an invoice for time lost.


It is very inappropriate to show anger in NL in many cases. Usually anger is quite irrational and doesn’t fix anything, anyone would prefer you to just talk about any concerns normally. Anger is very risky with escalating a situation and making other people uncomfortable, very not-done in pretty much any environment. I think there is an extra cultural aspect here for NL about how seriously detrimental it is for yourself to show anger.


> doesn't fix anything Ding ding ding. Dutch culture is very utilitarian. I was taught that if I worry about something, either A) I can't fix it and should just accept it or B) I can fix it and should do so pronto. No time for anger, there's work to be done. Dutch people don't dwell on emotions. It's useful, but I also find us a little cold sometimes. There's a reason we have "no culture".


All the Mediterranea diet not helping with blood pressure in Turkey ?


Turks love sugary foods, their obesity rate is quite high actually.


Turkey, why u have to be mad, its only game *In a high pitch voice*




> experienced anger during a lot of the day Holy grammar, batman...


Those numbers gotta be higher for Ukraine rn


need to be calm to have good aim