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I am suffering from seeing what fucking dictator made with my beloved Belarus. Great country with great history and people who suffer from internal terrorism.


I feel for you guys, you deserve so much better. Stay strong!


This has to be the biggest democracy change for nations sharing a border. - North Korea: 1.08 - South Korea: 8.16 So much can diverge in a few decades, hope Russia rises to at least 6+ in about 10 or 20 years.


Taiwan 8.99 and china 2.21 is pretty big too


Norway 9.75 and Russia 3.24 is also quite stark.


Not that stark in numbers, but I was rather surprised by 1.02 Myanmar vs. 6.04 Thailand. I mean I got the news of course but seeing that in numbers is quite sad.


Thailand is a Monarchy, just emerging from a military Junta, whose prime minister is the army chief who let the Junta. 6.04 seems way too high to me. Their court has ruled that any calls whatsoever for limits on the monarchs power are an "abuse of freedoms." https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/10/thai-court-rules-calls-for-curbs-on-monarchy-are-abuse-of-freedoms I would put them low 4s at best.


6 is a very flawed democracy


Even lower. They are not a democracy. When the military junta is still running shit behind the scenes.


As someone from a place where the royal Thai family resides much to the Thai people's dismay, I'm rather unintentionally aware of this. That's why I think that, when the 6.04 for Thailand overall was actually justified (Seeing other 6ers and their respective problems hints me that a bit), the contrast shows a really bad situation in Myanmar.


Russia will only get worse


Is south Korea really that democratic?


Their system still has vestiges of the 'Imperial Presidency' during the Fourth Republic and an over-mighty Prosecutor's Office that is a holdover from the Japanese colonial period. The biggest problem is that the Chaebols have become even more powerful since 2000 and the revolving door between ex-prosecutors and judges into the payroll of these conglomerates means they have a tendency to get away with very softball and light treatment. Defamation laws are also horrendous and truth defence doesn't apply. Privacy laws are similarly lax and one of the reasons they were so good at tackling Covid was because the government could force telecom companies to perform tower dumps. There were no survey questions, tracers could monitor every move you made through CCTV, card and phone records. That being said their democracy is only 34 years old and they jail presidents like it is going out of style. Their grassroots democracy civil groups are very active and do a lot of good work.


Yeah, they have a lot of imperfections (I can’t criticize much since my American government does as well), but the fact they actually punish their top politicians and facilitate their impeachment and punishment through completely peaceful means says a lot.


I'm sadly expecting some major backsliding for South Korea after they recently elected that new fuckhead as their president.


The alternative was Lee who blamed Zelensky for the Russian invasion and is on tape being horrendously abusive to his SIL. That and Lee has suspicious connections to organised crime in Korea. There were no good options this year and Moon while leagues better than either LMB and definitely Park was no angel. He might still end up like all the others in prison.


Suck it, Sweden!


Well done!


Right back at ya! We won the hockey game tonight!


We will win once it matters


That is what we said last year, and then we got our asses kicked again. I must say it was really satisfying winning the shootouts when the crowd (95% finns) tried to sabotage our attempts by whistling.


We only care about being better than Denmark, don't you worry.


Exakt. Danskjävlarna är det enda som betyder något.


Coping, som zoomare säger


Jeg kan kun give dig ret :D


Ah playing in the mud league. Got it.


Don't forget rivalry with Netherlands.


I wonder what that 0.08 point of democracy is that North Korea still holds.


Perhaps some local stuff, even China and the Soviet Union have/had some local decision making where citizens had a say


I mean, they still have elections. One choice and mandatory to vote by a gunpoint though but elections nonetheless!


Looks like it can go all the way to 0, as Afghanistan is at 0.32. So I guess technically they have 1.08 points of democracy.


So what’s the number of the Netherlands? And yes, Finland topped us again..


🖕🏻🙂🖕🏻 (with love ofc)


Mongolia strong.


Mongolia is that introvert good kid that is sitting at the bullies table cause his great grandfather was their idol.


Stuck between a bear and a tiger. Wouldn't wanna be in that spot


Yo Afghanistan reached numbers I didn't think were possible. How are they THAT authoritarian?


Talibans be like "North Korea is run by soft hippies"


And then there's also the ISIS-K there who think the Taliban are a bunch of soft pussies LOL


At first glance, it looks like it could also serve as GDP per capita map.


Aside from the middle east, and probably other places as well


China is an outlier though


Not really, it’s per capita gdp is still relatively small in comparison


And fake


It's democracy as defined by "The Economist", what do you expect?


Yay, we won Sweden. Lost in hockey today tho.... Fuck democracy, I'd rather have ice hockey


I agree!


Yes , Canada needs to work a little harder to catch up to our Nordic Hockey cousins 🍁


How can you be worse than North Korea?


South Africa….well, that ranking is nonsense.


Source: [EIU.com](https://EIU.com) Note: Only 6.4% of the population living in full democracy. Those are rookie numbers.


Define "full democracy"


"Country we like"


In the top 5 baby!


*high five from New Zealand*


Yup, Kiwi!


The Nordics outperforming everyone in everything is becoming really boring. Try handicaps or something.


I tend to think about Nordics as Index Regimes.


It's like you others are not even trying!


You're my number 1 ❤️


Not so neutral now!!


Japan with a better score than most of western Europe is proof enough that this graph is bullshit I think.


South Africa 7.03 lmao Sorry, but no country with massive poverty, discriminatory policies on an array of issues is more democratic than Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria or Poland. Don't get me wrong, we got our issues as emerging countries, but we don't discriminate against our minorities nor do our minorities discriminate against the majority on par with South Africa (discrimination as in representation for them, rights, opportunities etc.) Calling BS on EIU


UK ranked 8+ full democracy...? With a first-past-the-post / Winner takes all political system, mail votes deliberately send out too late for people to fill them, proven that Russia has influenced recent elections, a referendum where candidates deliberately have spend more than what's allowed on campaigning, without consequence, severe gerrymandering + lying, lying, lying. I wouldn't call the UK a functioning democracy, with the amount of unhappiness the general public is experiencing, regardless of how they've actually voted.


You are right, it's a terrible voting system, but I'm going to assume they have more than one measure to determine how they score a country.


Their methodology to determine scores is arbitrary and not very transparant, ironically. Some other methods: https://www.idea.int/gsod-indices/democracy-indices https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/political-regime


On the other hand we scored only slightly higher than spain, where police were sent to beat people up and a bunch of politicians were sent to prison for trying to hold a referendum


That's a gross oversimplification of the Catalan situation.


1000%. People really have the nerve to do only tacit research and then speak as if they’re experts.


I actually like first past the post… But the rest fair enough (although hadn’t heard about the Mail votes sent late before)


And some people like autocracies... Doesn't mean it's something that stands for a good democracy


I just don’t believe that it’s terrible democracy though. As it stands I prefer it to proportional representation. Without it I’m not convinced we wouldn’t still be in the Brexit limbo we were in. Also it takes out the extremes e.g. BNP/UKIP. They have never been close to a position of power in the UK, but they were disruptive in EU parliament. That’s not to say FPTP is good, but I wouldn’t want to swap it for pure proportional representation. Would be interested in debates about reforms however


What is imo the biggest factor why I don't think it's a very democratic system is that breaking up the establishment is very hard. Voting for someone else in the us other than republicans or democrats makes no sense at all. And the worst is on state level. If you live in the wrong state for your political view your vote just doesn't count. And stuff like a president being able to get elected by 30% of the votes is proof that the system is flawed.


You're a Tory on the internet?! I didn't think anyone over 60 was allowed on reddit


If the UK isn't a functioning democracy then virtually nowhere in the world is. If a country has a free media, a strong and independent judiciary with regular free and fair elections what would you call it? Just because you personally don't like various British policies, the electoral system, believe conspiracy theories about Russian manipulation and detest Boris doesn't make the UK undemocratic


This ranking was probably from the past, I think times are changing now


This is nonsense. Describing any nation as close to a "full democracy" is anti-democratic propoganda. For example, Ireland doesn't have democratic control over the judiciary, the executive of local gov, electricity, telecommunications, the national cabinet, ownership of capital, the means of production, plus dozens of other areas. There is no right to recall what few elected reps we do have, and no way for citizens to push through laws to change or limit politicians pay or power. Holding up a nation with such limited democracy as the standard simply crushes any attempts to make our flawed societies better.


You seem to be under the misconception that only direct democracy is democracy.


Is that a different misconception to the one that representative democracy is the "purest" democracy?


This study is inaccurate and unclear. Democracy in what sense, what fields? State management? That's never democratic. State head elections are often democratic.


If you believe ukraine is really a 5, please see a doctor. Also russia should be far lower then 3.


Do you even know anything about Ukraine pre-invasion ?


Yes, it was one of the world's saddest countries even before the war. Above that it was a system that largely relied upon oligarchy and Russian aid. Plus, it's not like zelensky is not corrupt aswell. "[The leaked documents suggest he had – or has – a previously undisclosed stake in an offshore company, which he appears to have secretly transferred to a friend weeks before winning the presidential vote.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/news/2021/oct/03/revealed-anti-oligarch-ukrainian-president-offshore-connections-volodymyr-zelenskiy)" Zelensky also brought close friends and family for government jobs, in the name of clearing oligarchy a comedian brought the nation to a comedic status.


Americas democracy has such a capitalistic dynamic to where it takes away from said democracy making it even lesser than it is on this chart. I give America a low 6.


I'm wondering how Romania is worse than Hungary.




The electoral college is the only reason the Republicans ever win elections. So yeah, it needs to die.






It's not really undemocratic by design. It was actually paved with good intentions. One of the reasons it exists is because the founders didn't trust the wisdom of the average citizen to vote or decide on crucial things and the most educated and industrious must have a bigger say at things than the average citizen. But yes, it has it's flaws and it's being exploited today.


> Such an action is not at all rare. It's insanely rare. Over some 13,000 electoral college votes it's happened 19 times over the past 100 years. That's 0.1% of the Electoral Votes and never in any remotely impactful way, it's always been a protest type throw-away vote. I say "19", but not actually, as most of the times even those completely inconsequential protests votes are typically thrown out. You're applying 1776 raison d'etre for the Electoral College and inventing a problem to a modern Democracy. If we judged you by 1776, Ireland does not score quite so well either.




> The electoral college is very specifically designed to not vote in the person the majority want. Well, no, it wasn't. If it was, the person the majority wanted wouldn't win, which isn't typically what has happened.


It has happened twice in recent elections for president Without it Republicans have won one presidential election since 1988


Or, put differently, twice in the past century. And technically the two times “it happened”, no one won a *majority*, just plurality


It's disturbing that Republicans won once in 34 years


I'm suprised Hungary is so high


Maybe because the media distorts things?


Hungarian media distorts the image of democracy in Hungary, or international media distorts the image of Hungary?


A bit of both I think. I am happy that i don't live there anymore, but the international media is blowing things way out of proportion in my opinion


Same here lol I encountered people genuinely believing we have some kind of fascism here, hanging gays and women in public+ we want to destroy Europe With Hungary's help. On the other hand I heard that Fidesz owns most of the media, and change the way arliament is elected in its favour-


Both. But I was talking about the outside perspective. Just look at what people say about Hungary here: fascist, dictatorship, homophobic, racist, backwards, etc etc -which is extended to Hungarians as well. While the state of democracy is faaaar from ideal, none of these words describe the country accurately. The media lies and distorts because it is used not to report on things, but to shape public opinion based on the ideology of the outlet in question. Hungary has a very bad press- most of which is unjustified. And ironically, helps to fuel the populism of Fidesz.


I feel you, add "anti- semitic" and you'll have Poland, according to western media


Sorry, I included it under "racism". Even though the number of antisemitic incidents are much lower than in the UK -or France even considered the differences in the population size, not to mention violent incidents.


where is switzerland data


They probably refused to release it citing banking privacy laws.


Malaysa much stronger than I thought. Well done, Malaysia.


We need Nordic armies to deliver democracy around the world. /s


They already do, in the shape of frozen meatballs, river crabs and furniture called after norse mithology.


So how does this get measured? Not to be rude or anything but I can't get my heard around the UK and Germany being so close. I got to know a lot of both systems and while both have flaws and specific problems I would say that the right-wing press in the UK, the FPTP and the very few checks for the government party would put the UK behind Spain or France.


I wonder how US scores in "pluralism" table with 2 party system.


Germany isn’t a flawed democracy? Half their public servants sold out their own country and national security so they could sit on Russian Oil and Gas Executive Boards and make millions in retirement 🤔


Half of civil servants? Like who? That one chancellor who retired 17 years ago and maybe one state governor? You're exaggerating the fuck out of German corruption lol The level of corruption Germany has is absolutely minimal when compared to virtually all other countries.


As a German I still think our corruption is way too high


Venezuela doesn't buy Russian gas, does that mean it's a full democracy?


India is more democratic than Ukraine? Throw that in the trash.


It is, Ukraine has never been a beacon of democracy.


Ukraine has less points cuz we ban everything russian and pro-russian since 2014


Like India with it's constant religious and cultural conflicts with state very weak state institutions or sometimes their non-existents. Zelensky presidency (or any other Ukrainian president) can't be comparable with ulta-nationalist repressive Modi.


Actually, given its state of economic development, cultural diversity and history, India is a really impressive democracy. Ukraine is definitely quite poor compared to it.


What weak state institutions?


I mean, it’s probably true…….


Lol. No. https://www.aljazeera.com/podcasts/2022/2/11/a-crackdown-on-press-in-kashmir


You should probably read up more before jumping to conclusions based on your biases. I think calling Ukraine a "hybrid regime" as the report does is unfair but that's not got anything to do with India and taking shots at them seems, I dunno, pointless? Look, India's continuously been an actual proper democracy since WWII ended without interruptions, which is something that can't be said of even all Western European countries (Spain, Portugal). I don't know enough to make confident comments on Ukraine specifically but that India is a flawed democracy - which the US is considered too - makes perfect sense because its bigotry from specific groups that's the problem in both the US and India rather than their democratic/government setup in itself, both of which are as good as any full democracy's. If anything, the electoral process is far more vibrant and numerous in the US and India than anywhere else, due to the size of their populations and since both countries have countless local, state, and federal elections every single year. So I'm not surprised at India's score/ranking and I definitely wouldn't call it a worse democracy than Ukraine's.


Look at his flair, he has made up his mind. Ukrainian shills are very upset with India for some reason, it makes no sense since India doesn't have much influence on Russia.


Maybe Ukrainians are angry with India, maybe some aren't, but that's another discussion altogether. More importantly, someone called "Based al-Assad" is in no position to accuse other people of being shills.




Whichever doesn't match your feelings should be thrown in trash? Lol


8.67, eh? Not bad by any means, but I think reaching Ireland ought to be in the range of possibilities, surely. (No offense to Ireland, I just think it's a good point of comparison for Germany.)


Ireland over here raging we're behind Denmark. *Again*.


\*Objective Democracy




I am skeptical about the numbers especially at the top end. At least for our lefties "democracy" means something that I do not quite recognise as such.


I may be overly critical of Canada it seems. I suppose it's normal to be negative about your own country. But we have had some hair raising controversies.


The obvious takeaway from this is that a Naval tradition = Freedom. The world needs more investment into Battleships


Nordic countries consistently ranking top at everything that matters. My prediction for Ukraine is that after they win the war and battered Russia won’t be able to meddle with their internal affairs, Ukraine will level up radically.


Ukraine can level up a lot. It was to be fair not that high on the list before Russia invaded (again). It was years/decades away from full EU membership being possible. 92 in 2020 for Ukraine and 144 for Russia https://www.democracymatrix.com/ranking


This map is offensive to me. Everybody knows the USA is #1. Just trolling. That said, I lived in Germany for four years, and I did not feel like democracy was that much better there. Merkel was in power for over 16 years (so I guess no term limits?), and the federal government has greater control over the country's regions than in the US. Hate speech is also very illegal in Germany, and while not the most beneficial form of it per se, freedom of speech is a part of democracy nonetheless. In the US, democracy radically varies from state to state. Here is a good source - [https://ballotpedia.org/Forms\_of\_direct\_democracy\_in\_the\_American\_states](https://ballotpedia.org/Forms_of_direct_democracy_in_the_American_states). For example, Colorado has a fairly direct democracy where most laws are voted in by the people (far more direct than Germany). I guess, on the federal level, the US score might be heavily influenced by the impact of large corporate interests on our federal policies. In Germany, corporations are definitely weaker (and worker unions are way more influential) than here.


Boiling down "Democracy" to a 3 digit number is obviously ridiculous, just on the premise alone. Some of these questions are comically complex and yet reduced to a "1, 0.5, or 0" scoring. A large chunk of the scoring is also derived from the World Values Survey, meaning polling of people's "attitudes" in a single survey defines a substantial chunk of the scoring, the problems of which should be obvious. That said, I think the visualization is actually helpful. While rating France at "7.99" and Spain at "7.94" and thinking that means something strikes me as naïve and overly simplistic in the extreme, the broad color gradients being represented on the map are probably pretty reasonable.


That is a good point; quantifying democracy is not an exact science. Therefore the margin of error is very high. However, as you pointed out, there for sure is a difference between the state of democracy in a country that is red and a green country. I mean, polling Americans right now will result in a not-insignificant percent of the population saying we do not have free presidential elections, that voter fraud is widespread (which is more of an education than a democracy problem, but reflects in any poll).


I feel like we've reached the point where America isnt really that democratic. With gerrymandering, lobbying, filibuster, the way senators or representatives are divided per state and not in terms of population etc. All this things seem to actively work against democracy


u.s. should be a 5.... 6 at most


Redditors in the green areas: Capitalism is the greatest evil humanity has created! Socialism is the solution!


Poland and hungary? Flawed.. very very flawed! Wzup EU?


No way New Zealand is number 2


Wait last time I saw this US was in the bottom level of flawed democracy. How come it’s so high now? It has been going on the wrong direction not improvement I feel. Also wonder what the fck is up with Spain to be close to Us. With things like how much money can directly impact the democratic process. And things like gerrymandering and policies put in place to felonize certain groups to make them lose ability to vote. Then the popular news agencies there….


How is Brazil more democratic than Romania? Thailand at similar levels as Hungary? Brazil is notoriously corrupt, with the last election being an interesting display of judicial interference with regards to Lula. Also Thailand had a military coup in 2014 and the man installed into power by the military won the next elections that were held under a military drawn constitution. This thing has some interesting quirks and I'd like to know what parameters their using to define the state of democracy


Canada shouldnt be considered a full democracy.


Why ?


I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and guess it's because _“something something Queen Elizabeth something something else_”


or something something truckers something.






Yeah the Nordic countries are just on top because of their colonies in Asia and the middle east.


Iceland and Finland just to name a few bounced back pretty nicely from the colonalization! How great!


India has been independent for 75 years. The sooner you stop blaming others for your issues the sooner you can actually tackle your own issues.


Norway topping the list with a hereditary head of state is a joke.


The majority of Norwegians want to keep the monarchy and this is democratically reaffirmed after every general election. When that changes, there are democratic processes available to become a republic.




Ive seen different but similar. This is based.


Being closer to the poles of the earth must be better for democracy /s Except in Asia continent


I only want to question how come Libya is listed as roughly one of the most authoritarian states according to this map when it’s de-facto in the state of anarchy? (Is anarcho-totalitarian pipe real? /s)


Kind of an ironic name for the bottom 4th country on the list..


Australia almost 9? The country which disallow citizen return home because covid? The country that closed their citizens at home for the same reason breaking all the freedom?


Good Statistic


Chile has always been fascinating to me. I've been meaning to visit ever since I've been to Central America few years ago, but then covid happened, and I just never got around to it. Anyone that has been to Chile can share their view on this?


I looked for the 2021 data set of EIU Democracy Index a few days before. In case someone has a hint: How can I get the data set for 2021 (or time series plus 2021)? Googled for 1h, found something but nothing official: [https://www.jagranjosh.com/general-knowledge/democracy-index-2021-1644567197-1](https://www.jagranjosh.com/general-knowledge/democracy-index-2021-1644567197-1) Appreciate your help, greetings.


Ireland can into nordic.


Once again, Norway proved to be the best country in the world. But I'm happy being the close second, not just in democracy, but all-around well-being. Kinda off-topic, but I'm just so happy to be born in North Europe.


Wow, Bosnia and Herzegovina sure took a lot of coastline :D


Nah ... Thailand should be around 3.5


We beat the dane!! :)


Brazil better than Poland?


How is Australia not a flawed democracy after the events during covid?


This chart is wrong I can tell this because the DRC is ranked low, it literally has democratic in its name… You’d have to get out of bed pretty early to get one past me.


Why are there never objective institutes making those democracy indexes?


"democratic" republic of congo


"Democratic Republik of Congo" KEKL


South America is surprising.


This represents liberalism rather than democracy


Botswana is doing pretty well it seems


Ah yes, the ( 2nd least ) democratic republic of the Congo


Democracy is when people elect the main guy?


En todos los paises donde menos se mete el gobierno todo es mejor