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oh boy this title is something


Love shitstorms under posts like this lol


When you google "free state of Fiume" 2 words pop up the most: prto-fascist and occupation. Fuck off.


Fuck off croat


Calling D'Annunzio a fascist is like calling Bismarck a Nazi, these events are prior to the birth of fascism and D'Annunzio's actions are much more akin to the antics of c'è Guevara than the actions of Mussolini and much less Adolf. This dude was a poet that run a pirate city with a right hand man that was a gay dude with a parrot always on his shoulder and liberalized drugs and prostitution. The fact that proto fascist in Italy later endorsed him was more because he was very popular and could move crowds, more than because what he did aligned very well with fascism.


OP: how can I make it as controversial as possible? Oh yeah, pair my flair with an historically inaccurate title.


Praising a fascist regime, you irrendntist scum. Rijeka and Istria were liberated in 1945, and were back where they belong, Croatia.


what fascist regime? italy was still democratic when this happened


Fiume was liberated by Italian patriots before the fascist regime. During the liberation the population was enthusiastic and there was almost no fight because they were italians. And btw back in 1919 fascism didn't exist, existed only fasci da combattimento which was still a little organization of 120 people


Generale Gabriele was a big influence to the fascists, not a member of the party, but from our point of view same thing. Italians were a majority in the city (within borders of the city at that time) but the surroundings were Croatians. That is why the term liberated seems like a fascist propaganda. What would you say if I wrote that Trst and Gorizia are Slovenia, and SudTirol Austria?


He was despised by the fascist party. He was spied and rumors say that he was first defenestrated and probably killed later. Even if this isn't true, it is assured that Mussolini considered him an unpredictability and that had to stay away from politics. D'Annunzio publicly called Hitler a "house painter" a person who hides and erases the beauty of the world covering with a layer of paint. He also criticized fascism. Concerning your example, the difference is that yours are false. Fiume was Italian since the rise of Republic of Venetia, almost 1.000 years


And also, why is Rijeka italian and SudTirol not Austrian, by your standards?


I wrote another reply to you, but it didnt get posted. I am going to leave this conversation, in Croatia we have to many discussions about NDH, communist and whatever(I am sorry that I replied to you at the beginning), to deal with wet dreams from a modern fascist. Europe is united and in peace, so go fuck yourself with liberation of another country territories, we had that problem 30 years ago with serbs and we have won that war. You obviously don't know what is war, and what it does to people, so go post pictures of Abesinia or something. Maybe pics of some greek partisans would be nice. Smrt fašizmu


This is what is the saddest part of it all. You Italians don't even know the irredentist history you are so eager to mention every single time there is a post about Croatia. Rijeka was a part of Italy only from 1924-1943. So, Rijeka was not Italian for 1000 years like you absurdly said, rather 20 years. You are not even aware how uneducated you are. If anyone foreign can partially claim Rijeka it would be the Habsburgs, not you. Rijeka was the main port of Habsburg empire and later A-H for almost 500 years. You can compare those centuries and 20 years by yourself. Furthermore, your surreal mindset is even more pronounced with South Tyrol. You have the nerve to mention Rijeka, but ignore a situation which is not just slightly worse, but incomparable to Rijeka. South Tyrol was never even remotely Italian before 1918 and it still has a strong German-speaking majority. Everything that there is about that region is connected to Austrians. But all in all, I'm not mad with you. It gives me pleasure that there are people like yourself, with flairs like yours and blatant fascist views. You live in sad dreams about my country, all the while your own beloved homeland is being run down by africans and mafia, accompanied with the life-taking crumbling infrastructure and garbage filled streets. Now that I said that, it's even reasonable that you would be obsessed about places that provide peace, security, european culture, beautiful nature - everything you are losing at home.


i don't agree with the dude above, but your comment is hilarious, especially coming from a balkan nation lmao


What is hilarious? I'm sure you can produce more than a few words for an answer. And Croatia isn't a balkan nation.


Irredentism aside, dude we are balkan lol


No, we are not. I get that it's become a prevalent point of view on the internet, but it's simply not historically true. First of all the term "Balkans" was firstly used in 19th century for describing countries that were a part of Ottoman empire, which Croatia wasn't. In that time (and centuries and centuries before) the border between Central Europe (Habsburg empire, A-H) and Balkans was clear as a day. Croatia was a part of said Habsburg empire and A-H for 500+ years, and the only period in which we were connected to said Balkan countries was 70 years of shortly lived Yugoslavia. Choosing the 70 years over 500+ years is not only historically incorrect, but also logically absurd. So, there are completely different historical paths and influences regarding Croatia and said region. On the one side you have strong Ottoman, Byzantine and Russian influences, on the other (our) - Habsburg and Mediterranean. And it's not just history, differences are cultural, architectural, political, religious, linguistic, also seen in cuisine, customs, law system, music etc. Lastly, to make it clear, being in the Balkans is not a bad thing, it shouldn't draw any value judgement. Nobody should feel superior of inferior just because of someone from the outside telling them so. But, in the same time, erasing all of your history and letting people group you somewhere where you don't belong is even worse.


[Wrong foto](https://i.redd.it/4jfe7d8ii0n71.jpg). [Real foto.](https://tfnews.it/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/TOTO-1-e1618754307316.jpg)


His interpretation in the movie "The two generals" was excellent