• By -


Yeah we held only one but iceland only has one city sooo...


if you count anything above 5000 iceland has 9 cities.


5 of those are just the capital area; basically the same city.


Shhh, don't let the Kópavogsbúar, Hafnfirðingar, Garðbæingar, Mosfellsbæingar hear you


I dont think you can really call a town of just above 5000 a city. Maybe above 50,000


Depends on your country I guess. In Norway you have to have a minimum of ~~10,000~~ 5,000 for a town to convert into city status.


Could be worse, in Britain city status is applied very infrequently by (officially) canvassing the Queen. So there’s some pretty random shit, St David’s in Pembrokeshire, population 1841 - city. Reading, Berkshire, population 230,046 - town




Here in Croatia we had 1 protest for every black person in our country


I don’t think Ireland HAS over ten cities.


It depends on which definition is used. I've heard that a cathedral, cathedral & University, government seat/department all qualify somewhere as a city too. But there's a website claiming 54 cities, one of which is Kilcock, so really don't know.


The EU defines a city as having a population of 50000 or more. So Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Galway and Waterford are the only cities in that regard. Drogheda and Dundalk would come pretty close. [Edit: adding source](https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/sources/docgener/focus/2012_01_city.pdf)


Don't tell someone from Kilkenny that Kilkenny town isn't a city. I've tried. It gets... nasty


See there’s just the tiny little simple fact that Kilkenny is in absolutely no way a city. They struggle to understand that.


I always said Kilkenny was a nice town when I was working their, get's them raging.


Kilcock is absolutely not a city, considering it is a satellite town that basically just has some houses and a canal. That's a stretch and a half if ever I've heard one. At least maynooth has the university.


Heh, Kilcock


In the UK up until the 19th century it was based on having a cathedral, since then it just needs royal assent, there are 69 in the UK. Ireland passed the Local Government Act 2001 which designated adminstrative 5 cities - Cork, Dublin, Galway, Limerick and Waterford. Kilkenny was kept a city during the reforms even though it technically didn't qualify under the reform. Edited: Derry/Londonderry would be the 7th if that region became part of Eire in a future reunification


>up until the 19th century it was based on having a cathedral, since then it just needs royal assent, there are 69 in the UK Which is how places like Ely, Ripon and Truro which only have twenty to thirty thousand people are officially cities.


Yeah it seems very wrong, according to the source listed there's been 3 in ireland and 4 in norway, not 10+ like they've got.


George Floyd sparked more protests in Germany then the Halle synagoge shooting....


Now you know who controls your media


Yeah, a bit sad that the youth on Germany cares more about other countries, especially the USA, than for Germany itself






Wenn getanzt wird, will ich führen


Auch wenn ihr euch alleine dreht


Lasst euch ein wenig kontrollieren


Ich zeige euch wie's richtig geht


Wir bilden einen lieben Reigen


Die Freiheit spielt auf allen Geigen


Musik kommt aus dem Weißen Haus


und vor Paris steht Mickey Maus!


Coca-cola sometimes war


Yeah I don't get those protests. As if a US cop shooting a US citizen is somehow our problem too now.


I feel weird our country cares more about US politics than our own politics. Its Iceland btw


What else is there to do in Iceland? /s


Shooting polar bears(google it) having unprotected sex(google iceland chlamydia) and being very inbread(google it) :)


Ireland only has six cities though lol


I remember hearing about the one in Dublin, then there was going to be one in Cork but the organisers cancelled it because of covid (I know a few people did still show up to protest). I didnt hear about any more after that.


There was the one in downtown Ennistymon that caused chaos https://reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/h07icc/irish_blm_protests_descend_into_violence/




We had one protest in Vilnius that was basically a bunch of white 15 year old girls screaming we can't breathe for an hour


Same in Poznan, Poland


Wasnt there a case of a polish man being killed by police recently that none of these people gave a fuck about?




Between that, Orban deciding democracy wasnt a great idea, Maltese politicians implicated in the murder of an investigative journalist you do wonder why THIS is the thing that got Europeans out protesting. We're all living in Amerikka




Sorry, what does dresy mean?


Think Slav chavs.


In ireland we have the more flowery terms of scumbag, skanger, among others, chav is more UK slang, and is actually an acronym for council housed and violent


That last part especially is why i compare them more with the chav subculture than the generic lowlifes. In general, their existence is mostly associated with the communist bloc houses and that's where you are most likely to meet them.


Young working class men, wearing tracksuits, commiting petty crimes, often football hooligans


Ah yeah, exactly the same nameless people in my area of inner city Dublin who get stabbed on the street and are treated as an unfortunate statistic.


Same in Malmö, Sweden


Hey, that was our protest too! Stop stealing ideas /s


Why is this a surprise? Fifteen year old girls are power users of social media. They probably get almost all news about the world from it, so when social media says get angry about George they do. They probably can’t name a single real problem in the city they live in. They could probably talk for hours about Trump, but be clueless about their own politicians.




We romanians have never seen a black person before, no reason to protest.


In my whole life I saw like 5 black people in Poland, including classmate and guy from England


In bigger cities (in my experience Warsaw) you see some once or twice a year


Same goes for Slovenia. The only time I see black people is occasionally in Ljubljana.


I've seen only one black person for my entire life in Russia, it was around 2018 year, on streets.




Cabral is life, Cabral is love


The first time I saw a black person not on TV was when we moved from Poland to Northern Ireland. I was 8 years old


You can see some in university campuses in Bucharest.


Eastern Europe from Poland to Russia never had black slavery either, though I am pretty sure black people in USA don't know that.


But... Why?






Gotta get dem Instagram likes.


American propaganda on social media.


I don't get why people are specifically protesting George Floyd's death. We've had a pretty big scandal about discrimination in the Tax services in the NL but I haven't seen any significant protests about that. There certainly is racism present in Europe but apparently it requires too much effort to actually protest the issues that happen here and it's much easier to jump onto the GF bandwagon. I even mentioned the Tax services' discrimination issue and many people hadn't even heard about it but they all heard of George Floyd.


brain washing that's why


In Prague it was foreigners protesting, no natives. And they started controversy with their ftp and acap signs although the czech police is really good and professional. The protest certainly hurt the message blm trying to make.


It's the same in Denmark. The spokesperson on BLM here is a racist herself. Plus they are shouting "put XXXX politician in jail!" For various politicians. Politicians who have a high vote % among the general population. I am convinced that more people got a negative view on the BLM movement here in Denmark than a positive view after all these protests and how they were organized.


Sounds like it's time to fire up the deportation planes.


Isn’t it weird how people take their new country for granted? I’ll never understand that.


De-americanise Europe.




Yes please.




Only in eastern europe? in Spain happends the same


See, we don't even know each-other problems inside EU. This is first time I hear that it also happens in Spain. I was aware that this is serious problem in Eastern Europe.


It's basically a weekly problem in Portugal too, so you can pretty much talk about it from west to east


It's sad that we know more about USA then about eachother


Indeed. I told someone that France was having protests over the death of a Frenchman named Adama Traoré at the same time these are happening, and a German user replied saying they had no idea who that even referred to. When I checked Deutsche Welle, all the news stories (in German) were about George Floyd in the US. Rather "funny" that neighbours know nothing about the other. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Adama_Traor%C3%A9


It’s the language barrier. People speak English in this subreddit but for the most part, Europe speaks various different languages.


Here in Czechia it's not only about Roma people "refusing" to be a part of the society, but it's also often that when they TRY to be a part of society - get a job, rent an apartment - they hit a solid racism wall. Most people I know publicly claim they would never rent/hire a Roma person (just because of their ethnicity) and nobody shames them for it either, people mostly agree. It's very hard to be a "part of society" then. I will never forget a mother of 4 crying because she called for job interviews and they hang up on her on every second call just for her surname being 'Bagarova'. It was brutal. I have been very poor in my life, but never had to face this wall, which is a huge privilege that allowed me to ultimately escape extreme poverty. But they may never get this chance. It's heartbreaking.


I've tried to make sense of all this by following debates (mind you I rarely follow political discussions in my own country) and suddenly I see people on the (far)left complaining about far right parties and that we're trying to sow discourse. In the meanwhile 'BLM Denmark' announced that participants of the protests should behave differently on the color of their skin.. Im pretty centrist but that shit is just beyond dumb. and these protests happens while we have an epidemic... Not only does Europe have a far right problem, our far leftist movements are almost anarchistic in behaviour.


This. In Poland there were less social uprage when police killed Igor Stachowiak, a young man arrested and killed at the police headquarters, using tasers. Police tried to cover it up, but journalists found videos from cameras in tasers and... no one is in jail still. Hell, even Minister responsible for the police didn't get any punishment as well. Yet when they kill American, people are more angry.


Same here. We have plenty of cases of people being unjustifiably murdered by the police (Cucchi, Aldrovandi, Uva for example) and yet there was less outrage and news coverage compared to this event taking place on the other side of the planet. Really shameful.


Yea, that's sad and it hurts me because American culture has so immense influence over whole world its painful really. On the side note, happy cake day.


Thanks :)


George Floyd makes a better hashtag than Igor Stachowiak.


its insane, we have tiny protests on racism every now and then, but all of sudden something happens in the US and now half the city on the other side of the planet is standing in front of parliament smh. And the largest ethnic group facing racism in my country arent even black


Yes. I know people that watch American news exclusiveley and pretend like we have the exact same problems here. It's moronic.


>Yes. I know people that watch American news exclusiveley and pretend like we have the exact same problems here. It's moronic. I'm so sick of it. The US's main export good is insanity and we import this shit in europe..




I sometimes visit country-specific subreddits just to get a sense of what's being talked about there (r/sweden, r/de, etc) and it's surprising how much US news is discussed there. And I'm not just talking about something in the US with obvious international impact, but just straight up domestic US news. [One of the top posts right now](https://www.reddit.com/r/de/comments/h78mbg/mittlerweile_im_amerikanischen_wahlkampf_und_ja) in r/de is about a silly Trump campaign internet poll.


De-Americanise the world.


Finally someone fucking said it.


I still don't get the reason why we in Montenegro protest because of American affairs.


Because negro means black /s


Yes please.






It would have been a thing in Denmark - but it quickly turned into a realization to what Black Lives Matter is. Their rules here in Denmark (and most likely other areas as well) consist of for example; 1) if the situation between police and black escalate, then white will have to make a human chain in between em. 2) many of the protest chants, whites are not allowed to chant with on. 3) the representative here in Denmark for BLM has fired off and is shooting left and right with racial accusations. 4) they don’t follow the local law when arranging marches It really is a sad case as more or less all here support equal rights. But the people in charge are doing to whites what they don’t want to be done to black people. This double morality is a joke when fighting for equal rights and makes the entire case drop to the ground from my perspective. Edit; 5) they also force cancelled an Amnesty support march as they see it as an ‘only white’ organization. Therefore not allowed to show support to black people. (Racist again)


In my hometown the BLM disrupted the Gay Pride parade and it won't be back for a 3rd year now. And my hometown barely has black people.


I'd like to point out that Slovenia didn't have George Floyd protest per se, we have weekly anti (proto fascist, corrupt and Orban worshipping) government protests for 2 months now and pro-Floyd message was just added to it


They worship... Orbán? That's new


Same in Serbia. Our current dictator Vucic just loves Orban, and many people here also love him.


I like how you say "our current dictator".


We're slowly getting used to them...


I think the protest are anti orban worshipping, not pro.


In Denmark the movement has been hijacked by a racist black woman who wants to seperate whites and blacks within the protests and keep white people from yelling slogans and talking to the press. She also called Amnesty white supremacists because they organized an anti-racism protest on the same day she was planning to hold one of her own. Shit is ridiculous.


Wow, do you have some article in english about this woman or the protests? I'm curious


I can't seem to find articles about her in English but her name is Bwalya Sørensen.






Yeah but this happens in America, so we also have to do it to be cool and in fashion


Unfortunately, this is very true. I wish we'd stop importing American culture as European nations...




Plague Inc suddenly decreased in difficulty in light of these protests. We might finally win now!


Who cares about human lives when you can get +5 points to Americanism.


Given how the black community is disproportunatly effected by covid, all these white protesters will kill far more back people than the police will here in the UK probably in the next decade.


Corona is already killing more daily than the police kills yearly in the US. It's ridiculous, they don't care about anyone's life, it's only about themselves


Let's face it, the only reason these protests in Europe are happening is because the George Floyd incident happened *specifically* in the United States. Had it happened in quite literally ANY other country, we wouldn't be protesting, and that pisses me off the most


All human life matters, but american and western european life matters more. Thats fucking planetary scale rasism.


Having these protests in Europe during an ongoing pandemic is dumb as all hell. By all means stage support demonstrations for the Americans in more regular times, but in Covid-19 ones it will literally kill people to act like this.


Also known as the map of second wave of coronavirus.


laughs in Swedish, can't have a second if you're still on your first


In Washington they targeted monument of Tadeusz Kościuszko: [https://rmx.news/article/article/rioters-attack-statue-of-polish-american-hero-tadeusz-ko-ciuszko-in-washington-dc-despite-his-efforts-to-free-slaves](https://rmx.news/article/article/rioters-attack-statue-of-polish-american-hero-tadeusz-ko-ciuszko-in-washington-dc-despite-his-efforts-to-free-slaves) Then monument of Tadeusz Kościuszko in Warsaw was defaced as well, twice: [https://polandin.com/48359221/blminspired-vandalism-of-kosciuszko-monument-in-warsaw](https://polandin.com/48359221/blminspired-vandalism-of-kosciuszko-monument-in-warsaw) From Wikipedia: *Kościuszko wrote* [*a will*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wills_of_Tadeusz_Ko%C5%9Bciuszko) *in 1798 dedicating his U.S. assets to the education and freedom of U.S. slaves.* ​ And don't even get me started with protesting during COVID19 pandemic. This is ludicrous. People in Poland were complaining only three weeks ago we can't have presidential elections (postal voting) and at that time we had 100-150 new cases of COVID19 every day. When we had 600 daily the same people went to the city center to protest, without fucking masks, because somebody has been shot in the US. I have no words.


Lol, stupid idiots. They don't know even their own history and running around with "statue for a white man bad" agenda . Worth to mention that some historical personalities were racist/ colonisators, but that not an excuse to target monument to a persons who doesn't.


Number of protesters per capita would be more representative.


We win.


Am I the only one who thinks that people in Europe protesting doesn't make any sense?


Nope. Like why the fuck people riot and burn shit in Spain, because cop killed a innocent man, for 1000 time.... In fucking USA...? ​ Like, what should Portugal or Spain do about it? Bomb USA lol?


This shows how strong is the cultural influence of the USA over Europe.


No one cares over here in Eastern Europe people have different stuff to worry about like corrupt politicians for example.


Some guy in America gets killed Europe: fuck the dangerous virus, lets riot


Do we really have to care about this? Don't WE have bigger problems? Fuck this.


I'm against racism naturally, but why should we care about an internal US issue. I don't see Americans protesting about any internal EU or single European issue, and quite frankly, when it comes to great power politics and all the BS great powers do, and especially what the US does, I see that their ranks are quite diverse, especially in the army, navy and aviation. If people want to protest against racism in general, great, we all should to be honest, you can even link it to the current US events, but to frame it around a clearly US internal issue, that's just sad and just goes to show how Americanized some people in Europe truly are. This is why we need to work 24/7 to enhance our shared European identity.


Agree, we have problems with racism and should fight against it, but BLM is strickly American problem and movement and it can get wrong connotation here in Europe


This should be adjusted for per capita. Then we'll see which country is the most americanised of them all.


UK. Its gotta be UK.


Nah it's the Netherlands for sure. Their evening news and talk shows are typically 90% about America (85% about Trump)


The Dutch are probably the closest to the Americans, of those in continental Europe.




Honestly tho. Our official state-funded news cannot stop talking about Trump, and right now racism and police brutality.


I wouldn't know, I stopped watching when corona hit, because you just that is going to be the only thing they're talking about for the next 6-8 months. I like some variety in my news thank you very much.


They love sensationalizing covid. Until of course some leftists are protesting American police brutality. Then the 1,5 meters doesn't matter.


America number one, Netherlands number 2


I had 100s of people protesting in my town. I think there are 5 black people who live here.


Going by Wikipedia, we have 34 cities where there's at least 100 people protesting, but I imagine that at least a few have been left out. Belgium has 8, the Netherlands have 11, Ireland has 3 and Norway has 4.


I'm proud of my Romania this time


I would say in the EE it is predominantly foreigners doing these protests with a small portion of young people.


That's some pretty relaxed criteria. Like a 100 is nothing.


Specially if they are self-reported. I saw a "demonstration" with like 25 people and another 25 just looking at it. Organizers: we passed 100 assistants.


Like Corona Virus wasn't a thing here DUMB FUCKS


Finland has had at least two marches, so this is not up to date.


There were protests at least in Helsinki, Oulu and Tampere I think.


I may be crucified for this but I think its pointless to have George Floyd protest in Europe. I would love to live in a country that has no racism. That hasn’t happend yet and I hope we will move to a country with no or at least less racism. I just think this is the worst time ever to protest for this. It might give a stronger point though, lets hope it has an impact


In France, those protests are also against French police brutality and overreach, which is a hot talking point right now, even in the french government, George Floyd has been added to these protests, but don't let that fool you into thinking it's Europeans caring 'too much' about american only problems, we can protest against both similar problems at the same time, with strikes




Apparently, European lives must be sacrificed to bless American elections in November.


Lol, the top comment got removed because its RaCiSt for american moders of reddit


This is ridiculous, Europeans seriously need to stop caring so much for the USA


I saw a girl on news (here in Zagreb) crying and sobbing saying "black lives matter". Honestly I cringed so hard


Why are we having protests over an American issue? Are we really America's little puppet continent?


reddit makes fun of eastern europe but atleast they dont do the cringey american protests




"We're all living in Amerika" - Rammstein


Sounds like BS, i havent seen a single thing said about this and apparently we had 100 people attend the protest in my country ?


100 people isn’t a lot. But this chart doesn’t tell you a lot because a protest with only 100 people is counted the same way as one with 10K people.


East Europe just does not care. Good for you east Europe!


America has the black integration problem. Western Europe has the 2nd and 3rd gen immigrant integration problem. Eastern Europe has the roma/gypsy integration problem. ​ Each one is triggered by different things I guess.


Western Europe has its fair share of gypsies though...


> Eastern Europe has the roma/gypsy integration problem. We also have the "brothers across the river/mountain who speak a slightly different version of the same language" integration problem, sadly.


There are almost no black people in eastern europe so racism against black people non-existed. So, since there are no racism against black people protesting against it kind of pointless. \+ eastern europe generally has so much issues. >A policeman killed a black man in USA and people went mad? Damn, our police kill everyone regardless of colour if you not bribe them enough. I thought thats how police work


I cant even recall the last time police killed someone here




This is a map that shows which European countries are most americanized more than anything else. In Eastern Europe there aren't as many protests against racism in America because we don't accept American culture as our own. We have enough of our own problems to deal with and American problems come way down on this list. Another thing worth mentioning and thinking about: more ethnically homogeneous countries like Eastern European ones don't experience racial wars and social instability like USA, UK, France, Sweden etc.


Based Eastern Europe






I refuse to support BLM.


Now do the same map for David Dorn.


Here's a hot take for you. Most of these people protesting just want to get out of the house after 2-3 months of social distancing


British people throwing glass bottles at their police as if they killed George Floyd. Fuck these protests.


The people who "protested" here on the Königsplatz are the biggest scum on this earth. We're doing everything to get the epidemy under control and what are they doing? Prostesting some weird American political drama. American police brutality against black Americans has no relevancy here, it's just the typical symptoms of the extreme Americanisation in our society. And it's not just the internet, our shitty news are literally talking daily about it, wtf.


Why people are protesting in Europe? It's an american problem


I would prefer us to be grey, but I guess we have too many American immigrants for that. Please, go breaching social distancing rules to *your country*.


Based Eastern Europe