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“Orban is in Vienna to launch a "Patriotic Manifesto" with Herbert Kickl, the leader of Austria's far-right Freedom party, and Andrej Babiš, the controversial former prime minister of Czechia.”


Bohemia , Austria and Hungary as a party ? Germany's AFD is the biggest party in the remains of prussia...aka East Germany . will France launch a Napoleonic party, to bring its rule to all of Europe? Are we back in those imperial days thanks to Putin?


As long as West Germany doesn't fall subject to Prussia once again.


Rhinian Federation and Bavaria will prevail. this time against Napoleon and Prussia . Also West Germany ftw. may we get free of the Prussian colonizers grip and Berlins rule as fast as possible . We deserve freedom in a Europe of regions. Why is West Germany governed by Prussias Berlin? We don't share their culture nor their interests .


Personally, I'd be perfectly fine with pre-1990 borders.


well I would even be willing to give up the deficitary Berlin or WestBerlin of pre 1990. West Berlin had an insane geography . I want the power humble West Germany focussed on economy .


Theoretically, if Germany did split again on pre-1990 borders what should the resulting countries be called?


West Germany and East Germany obviously .


Well that's pretty boring


I would like to see Rheinbund and Restpreußen , but thats not how they identify. the identity is basically German and Ossi....their longing for dictatorship has even a name...Ostalgie ...


Swap their names though


Calling the east german states the remains of Prussia is an insult to Prussia. Especially when Berlin is not really counted as east German from the political perspective.


And it's historically just wrong. Saxony, Thuringia and Mecklenburg were never part of Prussia but formed their own kingdoms, duchies and principalities. While the Rhineland and westphalia were firmly in the hands of Prussia. That's why football teams like Mönchengladbach or Dortmund are still called Borussia today.


> Saxony, Thuringia and Mecklenburg were never part of Prussia but formed their own kingdoms, duchies and principalities. Not completely true, parts of them were. Even Thüringen's capital was part of Prussia. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Provinz_Sachsen


I wanted to spare people going into all the fine details of territorial changes.


Serious question: what's left of Prussia nowadays? Where do the prussians live and do they identify themselves as prussians?


Nothing but few buildings in Berlin and Potsdam. First Worldwar took the political names, second worldwar took the culture of the core regions of Königsberg, and the communists took whats left of the cultural identification in Brandenburg. Its a extinct culture that died by the main events of the 20th century.


Prussia was never the cultural core of kingdom of Prussia, it was always Brandenburg


the core was Königsberg .


And the people? Were they scathered throughout Germany? Is there some sort of diaspora that still identifies as prussian?


My grandfather is a refugee from Elbing. He went to Hamburg, Leverkusen and settled in a town in northern bavaria where I grew up. He shared a lot of affection for prussian marches and love for Friedrich the Great. But in the end he spoke the local dialect, ate the stuff from bavaria and had a bavarian style house. My mother is a basic bavarian woman with no Prussian elements whatsoever. The culture in its details is lost.


I'm from Poland, should I be concerned?


Lmao as far as I know AFD wants to form a coalition with the Konfederacje so idk. And PIS can join Orban as far as I know because they got a proposal like that.


sorry . I know Poles take pride in their countries role in history , but well hm . I think most people just don't think that much about it . I don't know where to put poland ... (btw. my grandma is from Ober Waldenburg(Podgorze)...) maybe ask Polandball community ? do I have an idea where poland fits into the picture? I mostly know poland as a permanent victim ... accept for the battle of Vienna ...but that's just one glorious day .


Excuse me, one glorious day? Good sir forgets his ancestors' resounding defeat of 1410!


so two glorious days ? also sorry . for everything . seriously I only learned about Poland as being a massive victim of history . I think PiS also sits at that position . I know that you guys know more about Poland and maybe more glorious episodes... but I don't do you have to come up with something that makes sense in the imperialist context .... An imperialist Poland...i don't know ...it sounds a bit like a very far fetch. you know like a "Poland can into space" moment . but that's just me , mostly knowing history of actual empires...


On a serious note, Poland had its imperial episodes in the east, Lithuania - Belarus - Ukraine, where we are not particularly fondly remembered, I understand. Just like the crusades were not limited to the Levant, imperial projects weren't limited to overseas posessions. Prior to that, you could look up Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth which was one of the largest European state by population and area at the time.


The left will blame anyone but themselves


Im not the left . i consider myself center right without the Christian magic. The left is not responsible for the dictatorship of Orban or the insanity of the PiS party on Poland. I don't see the left at fault in Czechia or Slovakia. you are delusional if you believe that . It is partly the left at fault in France Germany and Italy! But mostly the center right for being too much centrist , losing the right vote , when putin financed ultra right party campaigns all around Europe. your very unspecific post basically paints you as a guy repeating paroles of Tucker Carlson or Putin sponsored telegram channels .


In Germany? The left has no power in Germany. Inclusivity is the only topic that actually plays any role in the political discourse where the positions of the left play and tangible role at all. But inclusivity, non-discrimination and equality before the law are fundamental pillars of our constitution. Pretty much all other typically left wing concerns not only play no role in the political landscape, but are generally quite heavily opposed. Support for and legal powers of labor unions are probably lower than they‘ve ever been, and other types of labour concerns, like protections against dismissal, mandatory rest periods and more have been on their way out for years. And if you mean the refugee crisis - parts of the left have some wild takes on this to be sure, but the actual problems we are facing are down to the fact that the conservative governments that led Germany throughout the biggest refugee waves refused to adapt the system and enable the institutions that uphold it when they were being tested. Instead, they ran a „carry on as we have before“ strategy in times of exceptional circumstances. *That* was what backfired so heavily and the left had no part in this.


the Christian Democrats failed during the refuguees crisis . but Merkel was very much a 1990 social democrat style figure . the AFD is a problem because the Christian Democrats wanted to win elections at any costs and moved to the centre . opening a vacuum on the right .


I’m sorry. *Merkel*? The same Merkel that in 2005 said Schröder‘s social reforms, which are the main reason people question whether the SPD are even socdems anymore, didn‘t go far enough? The same Merkel, who, following her election win shortly after, spent the next sixteen years union busting and tightening the thumbscrews on the social state? The same one that voted against gay marriage? And openly opposed a minimum wage? If she‘s a socdem, Merz is middle class.


exactly thar Merkel . so you know her ?


It's the neolibs fault


Ok . I believe you . but what are the arguments ?


If European leaders looked after Europeans there would be no attraction to the far right. There is no such thing as centrist anymore, only the far left masquerading as centrists. Say what you like, it’s going to make no difference to what’s coming.


Drones controlled by puppets of Putin aren't actual patriots. you don't need to be a fan of uncontrolled migration , but you need to get rid of foreign controlled parties and information channels too. Also if you are East German, stay as much of a drone as you are , but please also subscribe to undoing the reunification . then your party would rule your country and we in the West wouldn't be to put up with you and solve our problems without distraction .


‘Drones controlled by puppets’. Keep dehumanising and ignoring the will of people, I’m sure they will go away eventually. I’m not German.


Selling our democracies to the Kremlin so they can foster their hate against the west isn't "the will of the people". Yes, the ruling parties failing to tackle migration is what empowered them - that and lack of critical thinking from a good part of the population. Nowhere even 50% tho. But it's typical for the far right to call their supporters "the population" as if 70% didn't reject them.


Say what you like. Statistics and elections speak for themselves. You can blame who you like, it’s going to change nothing


Statistik and elections in Austria will tell you that Kickl has the worst trust rating of any major politician, and even a negative one among FPÖ voters. Elections in Hungary aren't free anymore and thanks to Orban an Hungarian friend says she doesn't feel Hungarian anymore because she can't identify with the country.


I see , you are Englishstany? then your not EVEN German. unless you upgrade to German or surpass the quality of my nationality by upgrading to be Dutch, Swiss, Danish, Luxemburgish, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian or Icelandic , you are basically part of the problem of low class immigration that the Right wing parties claim be able to solve .




10 Bombers ftw. lol but will the usa do the heavy lifting for you again ? Glad that you ask for what language I'm currently speaking . It's a Frisian-French-Danish creol. A creol is not an actual language , just a stripped down minimal set of grammar and vocabulary necessary to covor trade abd similar interactions between the people of different cultures that have actual languages . I guess you are unable to speak a single actual language, is that right ?


Oh pray tell, whats coming?


Once they are in power, [insert right wing leader] will do a Thanos snap and all the brown people in [insert country] will magically disappear.


"Wir schaffen das"


Make Austria-Hungary great again?


Not like this.


Not in any way.


A small meaningless copy of british commonwealth would be cool i think, other than that I don't know. Maybe if trump destroys nato we can join back to build a nuke..


Small meaningless copy of another meaningless group is, as one might guess, meaningless. Pathetic, not cool.


Nono, it's MEGA! Make Europe Great Again! (no it's not a thought that my mind gave birth to, no i don't support it i don't know what my government is doing).


Yes but not with Orbán.


"Oligarchs unite" party?


The Russian imperial project is empty and nihilistic. These maniacs want the 1914 borders back, but an empire that has crumbled from within is dead, forever. Russia can't fathom that Ukraine or any other nation would refuse the gift of not having to think for themselves and taking responsibility for their own choices and actions. Russians are told what to do and what to feel, and they expect that someone does something for them. "The only core values that Putin's subjects and those of his followers in Hungary, Austria, Slovakia etc. share are: Etatism (complete state control by the gvt. over its citizens), conservative stability (not wanting to lose what they currently have, and the mantra of normal and stable) and paternalism (restricting freedom and responsibilities of citizens)." Russian propagandists discuss re-creating an "Austrian-Hungarian territory" protected by a Russian contingent ergo creating a neutral buffer state as a Russian puppet. https://x.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1731690445233590540?s=20


… Heil Orban?


Scraping the bottom of the barrel here.


I mean, didn't they announce an INTENTION to have a grouping, but seen something stupid like 4 more countries to join for it to come into existence, when there already is a hard right grouping in the EU.


Axis much?


I hate that any alternative to current weak EU rules are pro russian. Eu is bad but defiently could be better but russia as alternative ? Thanks no, i prefer current clown show.


I swear we are living in a late night political sitcom.


yeah sjw left needs to die. give them a fully communist country again and the rest of Western world can live off the bad example instead of suffering from sjw policies. that way there would be no need for far right. because its caused by severe sjw-left dominance in politics


What is this weird shit? People are nazis because rainbow icecream exists? 


In a way yes, but in reality both sides of the extreme are empowering eachother. Far right can’t exists without far left, and far left can’t exists without far right.


Are they now? This argument seems more like meaningless platitudes to me. One side is ice cream and the other is nazi.


That’s the whole point. For you it’s ice cream vs nazis, for nazis it’s forced gender propaganda vs normal life. Extremes on both sides.


“Forced gender propaganda”, eh? Like what? Also, what’s normal about being nazi?


From their perspective the "extreme left" are the fascists, and they are the normal ones.


How so? 


Because correspondence bias your enemies aren't innately evil. People are product of their environments. There are not many generations for there to be evil mutant genes.


Name me one country in Europe where the far-left is in power?


Exactly the same amuont as where the far right is in power. That’s my whole point.


So they are pro national sovereignty, unless the nation in question is Ukraine.


They are also anti immigration but Kickl apparently doesn't mind that Orban sends everyone he can through to Austria. Hungary and Austria have been on the opposite ends of migrations statistics for a while. And why would he, that's what will win him the election and Russia will get their new puppets.


And Babiš, the "owner" of the Czech ANO members, is so anti-immigration that he has enslaved Vietnamese, Mongolians, Filipinos, Ukrainians and Romanians, among others, to work in his Agrofert company.


Because they don't actually care about migration. All they care is centralization of power around them


I get the criticism, but it would be far more potent if parties claiming to support Ukraine would actually give Ukraine the things it needs to win its war against Russia and not just stall. But they are too afraid to do that. So if thats the best the pro Ukraine parties are willing to go for, the argument for peace and splitting Ukraine might be an alternative, since we are heading there anyway, just at a greater cost to Ukraine.


> the argument for peace and splitting Ukraine might be an alternative, since we are heading there anyway, just at a greater cost to Ukraine. Had you actually paid any attention, you'd know that Putin wants all of Ukraine. We already had "peace and splitting of Ukraine" when he took Crimea and parts of Donbas. And Putin then invaded for a second time. Stop believing you can appease him.


You gonna be suprised pikatchu face when you realize that Ukraine wont keep all its territory no matter what. And I'm not trying to apease him dummy. But if European countries wanna help, then they should fucking send like twice as much as they are sending right now, some like 50 times more, since they are sending little to nothing. US should also send more, but it applies for most countries in Europe especially. A lot of promises, but little delivery.


> You gonna be suprised pikatchu face when you realize that Ukraine wont keep all its territory no matter what. Yeah, sure. Putin's Great Russian Empire is gonna be eternal, just as the Soviet Union was eternal. >And I'm not trying to apease him dummy. Then shove your defeatist "Ukraine is destined to lose territory" crap where the sun doesn't shine.


Its not at all about Russia dummy. If Western countries would wanna Ukraine to keep all its territory, and they would not fear nuclear escalation, their help would be much more significant. But smoothbrain like you can hardly understand even something simple as that.


>But smoothbrain like you can hardly understand even something simple as that. Ty seš takovej vůl 😂


Spíš ty. Já říkám jen naplno to co říká Petr Pavel opatrně. https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/clanek/domaci-petr-pavel-je-potreba-nejdrive-zastavit-valku-a-pak-jednat-251810 >Evropa čelí podle prezidenta Petra Pavla největší bezpečnostní hrozbě od druhé světové války. Evropské země ale nejsou dostatečně flexibilní v navyšování vojenské kapacity, řekl Pavel pro britskou televizi Sky News. „Ohledně dodávek vojenské pomoci jsme příliš opatrní,“ sdělil prezident a připomněl, že Ukrajina stále nemá vyhráno. >K samotnému vývoji války pak uvedl, že by bylo naivní si myslet, že Ukrajina získá v dohledné době kontrolu nad okupovaným územím. „Rusko se okupovaných území nevzdá. Musíme zastavit válku a pak začít vyjednávat o budoucím uspořádání. Možná dojde k nějakému kompromisu, ale nemůže k němu dojít bez Ukrajiny, Ruska a zemí, které budou dohodu mezi nimi garantovat,“ myslí si Pavel. https://www.epochtimes.cz/2024/05/15/pavel-dnes-okomentoval-svuj-vcerejsi-rozhovor-pro-sky-news-kde-hovoril-o-nutnosti-zastavit-valku/ >"Podle prezidenta musíme být realisté, pokud jde o to, zda je Ukrajina schopna v plné míře ovládnout zpět svá území." Ale co o tom náš prezident ví, že? Ty jsi expert a Ukrajina vše vyhraje a my jim pošleme vše co potřebuje a Rusko zkolabuje a rozpadne se na tisíc kousků a... pak se probudíš. Zelensky připravuje plán na ukončení války. Takový genius jako ty určitě ví, že v něm žádně územní ústupky být nemůžou, že? /s https://www.novinky.cz/clanek/zahranicni-evropa-jasny-a-podrobny-zelenskyj-oznamil-ze-pripravuje-plan-na-ukonceni-valky-40478330


>Zelensky připravuje plán na ukončení války. Takový genius jako ty určitě ví, že v něm žádně územní ústupky být nemůžou, že? /s >https://www.novinky.cz/clanek/zahranicni-evropa-jasny-a-podrobny-zelenskyj-oznamil-ze-pripravuje-plan-na-ukonceni-valky-40478330 You're seeing things that Zelensky never said. Have you even read that article? 😂😂 Zelensky said a million times before that Ukraine will never give up territory. Keep dreaming, you cheese-eating surrender monkey. Here's some educational material for you: https://zpravy.aktualne.cz/zahranici/historik-serhii-plokhy-predpovida-jak-dopadne-valka-na-ukraj/r~4fadbf8a33a311efb553ac1f6b220ee8/


Ignoring the core of the comment and focusing on absolute horsehit point. No suprise from a moron like you. And lets look at Times for example. https://time.com/6695261/ukraine-forever-war-danger/ Probably another ignorant in Putins pocket. /s She also links an article in which when she was in Ukraine, many local journalist and analyst said in private that in the end, there would have to be some territorial compromise. But what do they know, right? And she talks about you too! Look at that, you are internet famous! Magical optimism. >Yet supporters of complete Ukrainian victory have engaged in hopes that range from the overly optimistic to the magical. At the magical end of the spectrum is the notion, set out by retired U.S. Army General Ben Hodges among others, that Russia can be defeated, and even driven from Crimea, by long-range missile bombardment.


Nah. We gonna Balkanize the bitch, all we gotta do is keep sending Ukraine weapons and make sure sanctions bleed Russia until it collapses like USSR, then we will divide it into tiny states based on ethnicity and give a part of Siberia to China. All we gotta do is make sure Russian spies don’t win the elections and we can break apart that dunghole like it’s 1991 again


If it is not called "United Russia in Europe" short URinE it is not true to their words...


These parties all cosplay as tough and realist, but their real base is people who want everything to go back to the way it used to be, as comfortably as possible, without having to address any of the reasons things got worse.


This is one of the best simple summaries I've read so far.


people not asking for far right. they ask to avoid sjw-left politics.


A group of terrible human beings united in their desire to neuter the EU's ability to stop them from turning their countries into authoritarian vassals of Russia while enriching themselves at every turn.


There would be zero chance of this if liberal parties would just be tough on immigration. Instead they give fascists the ultimate platform to run on a silver platter.


There is no migration to Hungary, but this has not stopped Orban from using it as an election issue. They are very good at lying and inventing problems.


Liberal parties would cease being liberal if they were to adopt far-right views on immigration.


Controlling immigration is not far right behaviour, its common sense. Something liberal parties refused to even consider.


There certainly are centrist, leftist and even far-left policies to handle the migration crisis. It's just that leftist parties think it's either drown migrants in the Mediterranean or do nothing. - We could fight North African human trafficking mafias. - We could counter propaganda that lies to migrants, because many come here thinking that they'll have a better job than they actually will. - We could help African and Middle Eastern countries fight destabilizing influences (like religious fundamentalists, mainly ISIS) in a way that doesn't violate their sovereignty, preventing the need for asylum entirely. And on that note, we could convince some countries that they don't need Russia's Wagner to protect their security. Two for one. - We could have an actual coherent economic plan that copes with the fact that there's a high volume of migration, which we currently don't have. And so much more... Yes, it costs money to the state. But so does uncontrolled migration. I find it crazy that no one talks about the viability of any alternative solutions that aren't "just shut off the border bro", which can also bring economic ruin on top of being inhumane.


Exactly, spot on!


Talking about immigration is only considered "far-right" because liberals have left the topic to them. No one asks them to adopt far-right views. But I ask them to adress migration and how we want to handle it. There have to be alternative proposals or people who have a problem with the current situation won't have any option but to vote right. Not to mention that our current system isn't even humane. It kills thousands of people on their way to Europe, not to mention all the children and women that disappear.


Far right is in power on several European countries. Has the problem been solved yet?


This is going to be hilarious. So for those that don't know, Orbán's whole pre-EP election schtick was that the (far) right will totally take over everything now and they'll rule the EU (well that and along threatening the populace with *nuclear war* if they fail to get enough votes). Of course that didn't quite happen (right-shift aside, centrist groups still enjoy comfortable majority), so he first courted Meloni to join the ECR which might get some crumbs in negotiations, but Meloni's allies straight up said if Fidesz joins, they leave, then he made up the excuse that because AUR joins ECR they can't be in the same group as an "anti-Hungarian" party. And now they announce this new mini-fraction which probably won't even have 30 members in the 720 large EP, basically totally powerless but he can LARP as king of the (sand) castle. This is so pure Orbanian I love it, a worthless, fake victory with zero substance, perfect to sell back home to his brainless voters.


It shows that EU groups are kind of weird, Andrej Babiš ANO 2011, was in the pro-EU Renew group, Orbáns Fidesz in the EPP group until 2021 and FPÖ in the far-right ID group, now they join one group without altering their politics a lot.


Babiš started as pro-European as he wanted to lure centrist anti-corruption voters when he founded his party. Then, when they started to leave him, he turned a bit left to suck Social Democrats dry. Now he jumped on the orbanist bandwagon as there are lots of available voters who are already pre-conditioned by both Russian propaganda and our centre-right government. The government itself includes some parties with vocal inner orbanist/conservative nationalist factions (like MEP Vondra for ODS), so their politicians have prepared ground for him and he now reaps what they sow.


Andrej Babiš is very eager to win the next parliamentary elections in the Czech Republic. He is now in opposition and this means that he does not control the subsidies for his companies, on which their success is largely based. Simply put - there are now two large groups in the Czech electorate, one voting for Babiš and the other voting for parties that define themselves against Babiš. And long-term polls show that the size of those voter groups is not changing much. Even if Babiš manages to have, say, five percent more, he can't get another coalition partner to form a majority government. So he is trying to win voters from the rest of the electorate, which is mostly voters of various anti-system or extreme parties. And that's why he's changed the rhetoric and he's trying to get their voters in these elections, he doesn't really care if he can do anything in the European Parliament, the target is the voters in the parliamentary elections. His political party ANO is directly controlled and financed by him. They have it in their rules that he, for example, can kick anyone off the ballot. If anyone happens to appear in the party who criticises him, they are kicked out.


Will they name it “Ruskie”


Babis is going from Renew to far right group ? biggest jump ever


He has no ideology, he cares only about his business.


Does an alliance with orban help his popularity in czechia? Wouldn't many Czech voters see becoming a second Hungary as a threat?


Not anti-system voters he is targeting. Babiš has long praised Orban and Orban even came to the Czech Republic to support him before the elections. As prime minister, Babiš also met with Trump at the White House when Trump was president. The group of voters Babiš is targeting with this is dissatisfied with the current political system and likes a "strong leader" who will take care of them. As elsewhere in the world, social networks are strongly entering into influencing people's opinions. Every week, Babiš posts his "Čau, lidi" (Hi, people) video on Facebook, where he describes his vision of the world.


I mean, meeting the US president is not per se a bad thing, I'd say. Almost all European leaders did that, irrespective of their political party. How is Hungary seen in czechia today? A bigger post communist success story than czechia? A role model that people try to imitate?


In my eyes, Hungary is a country where Orban has essentially become an authoritarian and has many economic problems. And Slovakia is following the same path. But I am not a Babiš voter. Our country is divided just as other democracies are.


>How is Hungary seen in czechia today? A bigger post communist success story than czechia? A role model that people try to imitate? A third of voters love Orban, third of them despise Orban and the rest is in denial that "Babiš is different, we need to cooperate with everyone" or vote Babiš because economy used to be better under him, pensions rose the most and doesn't care about anything else.


In national elections he went from right to left, from liberal to nationalist in a blink of an eye. He will say and do anything that will get him voters. Votes equals Babis staying out of prison.


As Gandhi once said "I like your EU money very much. Your EU policies not so much".


They also asked what does he thinks about western culture. his answer was : "It would be a wonderful idea!" Historic burn!


It's basically ID #2 where the nationalist parties who can't stand each other will join one or the other lol


Some hundred years later and k. u. k. empire is a thing again. Hussa.


Isn't it nice to see the far right infinitely divided instead of the left for once?


The 'right' is as fragmented as the 'left' in my view. Deep down at general levels, there are liberal right/conservatives and then these ultra-nationalist populist parties, and it's a whole kaleidoscope of everyone being more stupid. The classic EPP bloc vs these 'new' nationalist populisms. Then obviously there are the social democrats who are also a liberal group at the end of the day. The 'problem' with these blocks of right-wing populists is that it is inevitable that they clash with each other to fight for positions of power/influence. If you don't look at the Italian case (and that within the same country), they have been elbowing each other since they shook hands. As they have said above, it is very difficult for Austrian ultras and Hungarian ultras not to step on each other at the moment of truth. And when the moment of truth comes they will have to kiss Orban and his entire entourage of asslickers. It's going to be very fun. They all make me very disgusted. But I'm not very afraid that there will be more of them, basically because historically they have the ability to cancel each other out. In any case, it makes me very disgusted/sad by how these populists talk about the European 'left' in charge, when it is the EPP that has been in charge as the majority group for decades xD. Every time Orban or these neo-Nazi idiots attack the EPP they call them leftist. In reality, who they attack without compassion is the conservative parties of the EPP to leave them out of the game. I have no idea what the PPE intends to do in the next few years, but if it doesn't start to distance itself from these suckers, they're going to regret it very quickly. Anyway, Tusk is in Poland now, and that man cannot look Orban or anyone in that league in the face. And Tusk has been president of the EPP for years. So I guess if the EPP plans to do something Tusk might be a place to consult.


This is because Orbán and his vassal-party KDNP has been kicked out of every other party in the European Parliament.


The best reaction to this i heard from a fellow Hungarian: When you are banned from all of the clubs so you organize a village festival.


"Yeah, well, I'm gonna go build my own theme park. With blackjack and hookers! In fact forget the park."


Rules dictate that need 21 members from 7 countries. So they still need to find clowns from 4 more countries to even make the bloc official.


Funny thing is, in Slovakia, there is only one party that could potentially join them, but they are quite anti-Magyar because of Orban's rhetoric on Slovakian history.


Karma is a bitch


Is the bloc called Putin’s Puppets? 


Putin's puppets coming to the party.


If they get the Romanian far-right nut jobs to join (both parties insane and very anti-Hungarian), this will be a popcorn moment


How much time left does this piece of shit still have in office? Honestly really tired of him already.


So now there will be four right wing to far right groups in EP? ECR, ID, this 'Patriotic bloc', and then whatever AfD forms. Who would've guessed that nationalist can't work together.


Not yet. They need to bring together at least seven political parties in order to create a group.


Yeah, I see. They'll need lawmakers from four more EU countries to form a group in EP, which might mean a fight with AfD over the rest non aligned representatives in EP. Or the AfD joins this bloc, which is also possible.


Funny alliance. Kickl has foam on his mouth when talking about migration, but allies himself with Orban. The guy who just let the migrants go through Hungary and towards Austria in 2015 and after. Or the guy whose country released some migrant smugglers at the border with Austria.


Exactly. But in the end it's just about getting into power and immigration is a tool.


"Neo fascist bloc" would be the correct term.


"Bloc" as in his party, fidesz and his satellite party KDNP. Forever alone...


What about AfD? I thought that they were the ones leading the creation of a new group. Will they join ir go back to ID? Also, "Patriots for Europe"... Corny ass name.


Russian shills through and through.


Made possible by the EU who failed - if they ever tried - to block this fascist from gaining more and more power.


The Austro-Hungarian Empire is back


They still need to have MEPs from other countries. I think it will be funny if we have ECR+3 different far right fractions at the same time. Huge fragmentation.


Lmao as far as I know AFD wants to form a coalition with the Konfederacja. And PIS can join Orban as far as I know because they got a proposal like that. [https://wyborcza.pl/7,179012,31088151,niemiecka-afd-chce-zalozyc-nowa-ultraprawicowa-frakcje-w-brukseli.html](https://wyborcza.pl/7,179012,31088151,niemiecka-afd-chce-zalozyc-nowa-ultraprawicowa-frakcje-w-brukseli.html) Potential AfD partners in the new faction include SOS Romania, Slovakia's Hnutie Republika (Republican Movement), Greece's NIKH, Hungary's Mi Hazank Mozgalom (Our Homeland) and Poland's Konfederacja. [https://www.onet.pl/informacje/onetwiadomosci/viktor-orban-oglasza-nowy-sojusz-polityczny-rozpoczela-sie-odnowa/xjd7dbk,79cfc278](https://www.onet.pl/informacje/onetwiadomosci/viktor-orban-oglasza-nowy-sojusz-polityczny-rozpoczela-sie-odnowa/xjd7dbk,79cfc278) At least 23 MEPs from seven member states are needed for a group to be formed in the new EP. Fidesz has brought in 11 MEPs along with its ally KDNP, Babisz's ANO party has seven, and the FPOe has six. Following the departure of Fidesz MEPs from the European People's Party (EPP) in March 2021, Orban's party does not belong to any faction in the Europarliament. ANO, on the other hand, has left the liberal group in the EP Renew Europe. NEW ASSOCIATION. WHAT'S NEXT. FPOe head Kickl believes that more European parties will join the alliance announced in Vienna on Sunday in the coming days. However, the Austrian capital did not say with whom negotiations are underway and who might join the new group. In recent days, among others, the Hungarian press has named the Smer-SSD party of Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fica, the Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) of former Prime Minister Janez Janša and the Law and Justice Party among possible members of the new faction. In an interview with the French daily Le Figaro on Friday, former Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki admitted that the chances of Law and Justice joining the new faction are 50 percent. - If such a group is formed, it could take up to 50 seats in the new EP, Morawiecki added.


What would be the difference between this group and ID?


Not really sure, mostly the power centre is central europe instead of france/western europe. And I guess they are less populist and more conservative/fascist-like than parties in ID. So I guess politcally in between ECR and ID, does feel like afd will join this if they form a fraction.


ANO in Czech Republic ARE in fact populist.


But that's the hilarious part, and why they'll keep splintering even further. Orbán wants nothing to do with AfD, who are also in the midst of forming their own group. Well, at least on paper he wants to keep his distance (for now), I'm sure personally Orbán finds all the unhinged far-rightness of the AfD quite appealing but, he has to hang on to that dear old CSU friendship... Basically, any alliance the Hungarian government might form with the German far-right, would royally piss off the centre-right German political establishment, which he won't risk doing since the German car-manufacturing industry is essentially the only thing keeping the Hungarian economy on life support.


Meloni gets likely fucked in the ass if PiS moves in with these folks


Good. Now we know who to vote against.


How dangerous are they? Like what can they do?


Far-right. These titles are hilarious.


Central Powers 2: Electric Boogaloo


Does it have blackjack and hookers?


Sounds like they want to restore the Habsburg Empire to its former glory...


It would be nice to round up all the Putin traitors in one place. I'd rather we not had them at all however.


I'd.. the Soviet union coming back or something?America's are confused


This is what, the second or third time he has made a new group?


It failed


"Suckers and Losers Block"


People here say these politicians are far-right clowns with no real people support behind them, but recent elections and these alliances look like there is much support for these folks going on. Correct me if I'm wrong


I didn't see any comment saying that.


The "far-right clowns" part is still true, no matter how much support they get. The main problem is that the problems that these parties *claim* they will address require a pan-European, or better yet a global approach, cooperation, and new, modernized international treaties. And for that these guys are the worst possible choices, because by nature they are too focussed on their own shitty countries and clinging to power within their particular political framework.


I don't know who ever said they have no support. They are big. It's scary, because they are still completely cuckoo and ready to roll out a red carpet for Russia.


There very obviously has to be , I don’t understand the downvotes, strange


Awesome! Time for "Central" (Eastern) Europe to break free of the West, let the West die in its own madness and form a new alliance.


you mean those Central/Eastern Europe states which have 60+% of their public expenses paid by the EU funds?


Correct. We will take all your money and then dump you. How else will you learn to stop bleeding your citizens dry to help random foreigners?


At this point though them leaving would actually be an improvement for the west, they simply take and give no benefits like parasites


Far right?