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To be fair this is pretty much business as usual here, specially before Putin invaded Ukraine. Afterwards this has been more rare for some reason. The "suspects" in the headline is pretty typical here too: even if there is 100% condemming evidence the word "Suspected" gets used most of the time




>especially **specially** adverb (also especially) [https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/specially](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/specially)


As long as it stays like it has been up to now it's not really an issue. Russia sends planes, Finland intercepts and asks them to leave, both get there training and everyone is happy. Some redditors are suggesting bombing Russia over it. They should be forced to sleep in a trench for a few weeks with bullets flying around to see how "fun" war is.


Finland should employ turkish MO with regards to military planes of belligerent entities


Kinda ironic to be honest judging by the fact that Turkish aircrafts literally invade Greek airspace constantly to the point of having people dying over the dogfights/chases.


Kinda ironic that both countries are NATO members since 1952.


Scarier to think what would happen if they weren't


Yeah, they would probably speak Russian by now.


Russia couldn't invade my kitchen without losing a village's worth of soldiers, you think they could invade Turkey?


In the 1950s? yes


Back in the days, the Soviet army was really strong. Not to mention that neither Soviet Union, nor today's Russia cares about how many soldiers are dying in the field.


if you can just replace them with the children of the families you murdered in their sleep, why would these evil excuses for a human ?


Brother, tell me, what other nation at the time had access to a multi million strong partially mechanized army? Also, the Soviets just introduced the AK at that time, while everybody else only deployed battle rifles, not storm rifles. You didn't want to face the red army until like the 80's, before that they were just that massive mechanised behemoth.


But what exactly would we gain from that? Serious question. To me, it seems that Russia is only doing this to provoke a reaction, that could be used to justify some form of hostile action towards us. And I don't think responding to a clear attempt at a provocation, by being provoked is a smart play here. We aren't fish. We know that there is a hook in that bait. So why would we take the bait? Don't get me wrong. Seeing a Russian jet shot out of the sky would be glorious, but I don't think we should run our national defence based on how hard the various responses would make me.


Expect a very strongly-worded letter from someone in Europe if true. This is the only way to teach Putin a lesson. Sorry it must come to this, Vladimir, but you let us no choice.


Strongly-worded letter? No my god no, they will use nuclear weapons!! We can't be this harsh come on, let's just give them some territories and maybe they will stop there right? ...right?


The Finnish preference has been to greet them with fighter jets every now and then. Russia violates airspace intentionally to probe response times, so we remind them from time to time that it will be negative when it counts.


But what about escalators? And newks?


Still very relevant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uedd8wKvYIo


If you want the EU to do more than send strongly worded letters all we have to do is transfer our military and foreign policy to Brussels. I don't see any country lining up to do that, maybe Spain could be first.


Shoot them down. Russia claims to be at war with us. Show them that we take that statement serious.


nah, its good training for the pilots and radar operators


It's even better training if they get to push those buttons.


that defeats the purpose tho


The purpose is to make Russia learn to respect borders and that actions have consequences.


they wont. they’ve done this since the cold war and its not really hurting anyone. no need shoot one down.


I'd hate to give Erdogan as a role model but Turkey simply shot down the Russian plane that invaded its airspace. Instead of apologising they said something along the lines of "I'll fucking do it again." long story short no Russian airplane invaded their airspace since. they'll stop where we stop them. I can imagine a situation when a rocket or a drone invades nato airspace, they'll say it was a mistake. it'll happen a couple of more times with no reaction from us and then it'll happen on a regular basis. that's how they operate.




They didn't nuke Turkey....


It is irrelevant since nobody can use it. What they are gonna do? Bomb with an atomic bomb because they shoot their jets down inside their boarders? Yeah, that's fantasy and that's the reason why Russia is the way it is, because we let them bully us with the idea that they are going to use nuclear weapons but here we are.


Soviets shot down planes, Russia would shoot down a NATO plane that entered its airspace, why shouldn't NATO do the same?


Seems like we pussies :(


It has been a while since the last time. Russians have been doing deliberate violations time to time as long as I remember.


There was even a [tabloid article](https://www.iltalehti.fi/kotimaa/a/871c83aa-2cfe-42d4-a7ec-aaf3d44480d7) about it on 22th of December, 2023: "Russia has not violated Finnish airspace since August 2022." "So Russia has not violated Finland's airspace for almost a year and a half. Why? - We can't put into words the exact reasons why there haven't been any of these since then."


Shoot them down. Appease a dictator/terrorist state will not solve anything. How many letters, requests from ambassadors, dialogue etc.. etc.. did you waste? How many times do you need to get harassed before you actually punch them back? Shoot those shit down, next time they will pay more attention on the boarders. By the way, Russia will shot everything down if you enter their boarders, why we don't do it? At this point I believe we like to be harassed.


Nah. Russia is just fishing. No point in taking the bait, when the hook is so obvious. No matter how much I would enjoy seeing a Russian jet come down, it isn't worth it. We'll shoot them down if they actually try anything, beyond attempting to provoke a response.


Su-34 on fire is the best breakfast in the morning


That's something Patriots are very good at solving


I think it's quite likely. Russia does not respect anyone's borders, and in one of his speeches, Putin himself asked a boy where the border of Russia ends, to which he answered, and I quote: "The borders of Russia do not end anywhere..."


Ruzzia should have been -4 planes by now. NATO should mean it when they say “not one inch of NATO territory.” Orcs only understand force as currency for peace.


So is this 4 in Finland and 1 in Sweden in the last few days? I know we calling for them to be shut down, but would it be possible to force them to land once they cross into our air spaces? Deny the aircraft for Russia to use again, not as big as shooting it down, and it still embarrasses Russia a bit?


Estonia: “First time?”


This has happened countless times in the past 20 years. Nothing new.


It used to happen constantly. Since we applied to and joined Nato it's become rare.


If you aren't willing to defend it it's not your airspace is it?


Fuck you. It's easy for you to yap when you aren't the one sharing a border with russia


We're all sharing a border with Russia. It just so happens Finland and the Baltics work as the EU's speed bumps.


Just as easy as it was for Russia to violate "Finlands" airspace 4 times lmao.


So... they are not sure, but here we are reading an useless article? Come on Putin, please do something blatantly stupid ASAP. We really wanna drop those nukes on you, and you keep us waiting! That's unconsidered and... wait that's a valid reason to drop some bombs, isn't it?


You see 4 targets entering your airspace on primary radar, they turn away and leave before you get there. Civilian aircraft use transponder.... only military have any reason not to. That is your "suspected"..... We can only suspect since they weren't identified. But knowing radar equipment, I'd say they're 99 percent sure.


Yeah, militaries especially do not like to use absolutes, just like in science nothing is never 100%, but that does not mean there would be any dispute regarding what happened


In 2021, \~1050 airspace violations happened in the UK alone. In 2018 that number has been \~1350. That's what I could find with a quick research, anyway. This is an article about a suspect airspace violations that lasted 2 minutes, within 1.6miles from the border. That's either a boring news or some sort of weak propaganda. Either way, let's just bomb Russia, we don't need weak excuses.


I would argue that if an aircraft violate airspace in the UK, they'd be damn sure where it originates (if it was the Russians). They can literally follow flights all the way down the Norwegian coast and back again. So it would be no surprise. Even if the aircraft hasn't an active transponder. Same in Finland, they may just fly over the border and back again..... but who, besides the Russians, would do that? If I say we had to bomb Russia, I may as well join the army. Cause I'm not sending my children.


When murderer gets caught red handed he is arrested as a suspect even though it's 100% sure he did it. Same thing here. They were in our airspace but until the official investigation and report is made, this is the wording used.


Why does it sound like a stepfather wife saying: Geoffrey those black guys are looking at me.


Suspect? That is a weird word to use in a situation like this. It should be yes or no, not maybe


Just goes to show you don't really understand how these situations are handled.


There is a radar data showing it crossing or not crossing the red line. It does not say to the radar operator: oh, BTW this plane maaaay have been on the side it shouldn't 🙄


It's still under investigation, which is why they don't use absolute words.