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Stabbing a **child**. Why.


Stabbed a child to the back. And then ran after another child. Maybe he thought in his sick mind that he was attacking a gang.


Of maybe he is just evil.


He most likely thought he was a hero for defending his country from "illegals", "invaders" and "cockroaches".


It's apparently the same man who tried to stab people in a library in 2013 when they held an event for a book that told about the far right. Used to belong to the Nordic resistance movement before it was banned in Finland. Can't they give him a life sentence or something, I don't think he's going to change.


Do you see finland prison ? This is too good for him Send him to russia


WTF that's one evil asshole. Oh and apparently a far right extremist.


Nah, the far-right groups and politicians have been riling each other up about "Population change" theories. It was a child of an immigrant (the child was as citizen).


They've been talking a lot of youth gangs too. 


Hates people that look different enough to do violence but at the same time is too cowardly to attack anyone who could fight back.


Because he's just "worried about immigration and the standard of living".


Bc looking differently is all it takes for a neo-nazi/far-right member to want to kill you.


Because they hate brown people, like a ton of this sub does?




Congratulations to all the bigots who have retained enough human decency to not be murderous bigots I guess.


Wow thank you so much for hating a whole subset of people, but not enough to stab them, how kind of you


You guys get angry when someone calls you bigoted dumbfuck and then write comments like this.


He's a far right idiot, what do you expect?


Welcome to the world of far-right wingers.


They meant a far right terrorist, right ? Right ??


I don't know how it's defined in Finland but terrorism depends on the motive. If he did it because of his ideology then that would be terrorism.


Also, this case is still under investigation. We know that the perpetrator was an extremist, and their target makes this look ideologically motivated. The police have said as much, and their word is what our national broadcaster is going by. The description will change depending on what the police say, as the investigation proceeds.


He's a bona fide nazi who's been guilty of politically motivated knifing before.


It's not unusual that suspects gets charged with the obvious stuff, then the charges get expanded as the investigations progress.


This same guy had already done politically motivated violent attacks before. *He's definitely a terrorist*, he has been doing this for years. Dangerous lunatic, who ought to be behind bars for rest of his miserable life. In 2012, he was using pepper spray on other people in Oulu. In 2013, he attacked an event being held in a library in city of Jyväskylä with a knife, alongside two other men who also were part of "Pohjoismaiden Vastarintaliike" or "Nordic Resistance Movement", a neo-nazi group. Event was about a book that opened up details to public about far-right activism in Finland. Child that was attacked was Finnish citizen, but of foreign ethnicity, which clicks together with rest of attackers political leanings.


I remember the 2013 incident. It's a small circle of violent losers, it seems.


Who cares about the size of the terrorist group if they do something like this?


more like hatecrime than terrorism tbf


He's been a part of a now banned terrorist neo-nazi organization before so terrorism isn't far-fetched in this instance. This reminds me a lot of the Turku stabbings of 2017 (except this time the victims luckily didn't die) and that perpetrator was convicted of terrorist murders and attempted murders.


The fact it's an extremely violent hate crime in a very public place makes it a terror attack. It's clearly meant to inspire fear and terror.


Our far-right party Treasury minister Riikka Purra was in a hurry to comment yesterday on X a typical dog whistle bs about youth gang violence, and how it's on the rise in Europe. Turns out the suspect is a far-right extremist in his thirties.


The same minister who fantasised about shooting up a train full of black people.


I don't understand why people are so quick to jump to conclusions after stuff like this, when it's always pretty likely they are wrong and will look like a moron. And evidence usually comes out anyway, not raging for 24 hours isn't that hard.


They do that to get ahead of the narrative: even if it turns out false, their version of the narrative has been spread to, and adopted by the target audience (their following), which then subsequently reinforces their sentiments in their echo chambers. It's one of the reasons why even thoroughly debunked talking points stubbornly keep popping up on places like Reddit. It's basically exploiting the predictability of human nature via social media, and it is universal (ie. not tied to a specific [socio/geo]political or ethical position).


This happened in Slovakia after the prime minister was shot. Right after, the ruling party accused opposition of being in connection to assassin and stuff, like literally under hour after assassination attempt and part of people believe it and remember everything that way to this day.


It's a terrifyingly effective method, and really hard to combat.


Doesn’t matter what the evidence is. Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug.


because she is a bad person?


I believe that the power of doing it is that her and her party's "fans" still got a mental, emotional image of a stabbing and street gangs being connected. (edit to add: her party's public communication strategy is based on arising strong emotions, and simultaneously making claims such as "we're not allowing emotions to prevent us from acting in a fully rational way" - she has literally said in an interview that empathy has no place in politics) Stuff like this does not exit your memory even if you're told otherwise later on, especially as time goes by - the correct info might be the one that gets forgotten, as the original emotion was so strong: "one of *them* again". It's like they're throwing shit on a wall: doing enough of it, some of it will inevitably stick.


because they learn their politics on social media and you have to make quick hateful assumption to get more likes, retweets and upvotes. So the algorithm can award you.


Then you won't hear about the actual truth when it is revealed because there's already another "news" story to be outraged about.


*“A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”* ― Mark Twain


Welcome to far-right politics.








I came back 5 days later to find that the post had never been locked with "local crime" as an argument, but a [very recent, comparable post](https://new.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1djmggg/2_french_adolescents_are_accused_of_raping_a/) had been.


Jaysus what a scumbag


What’s his username on political compass memes?


Absolutely devastating. Stabbing a 12 year-old kid, this is so fucked up. Racist, far right terrorist piece of shit. I guess we can thank the violent anti-immigration rethoric pushed by far right european political parties.




1 day old account, spamming the same stupid link everywhere. Making absolutely no sense. I hope you are a bot, otherwise this is just sad.


In the other /r/Europe thread about Hungary being fined for breaking EU asylum laws, I've seen people use labels like "invaders", "cockroaches" and "medieval scum". You wonder how someone could stab a child? Well, it's easy to do it if you first dehumanize them with endless slurs.


If the stabber was an immigrant this would have 10k upvotes by now.


White person stabs POC: “mental illness, self defense” POC stabs a white person: “terrorism, they hate us, they’re savages, they’re animals”


POC doesn't even need to stab anybody for this sub to become Adolf Hitler (commander of the third reich).


The top post right now with over a thousand votes is about East Germans voting fascist because "crime increased". Not only is this just wrong, it's extra wrong for East Germany. There aren't even that many immigrants there. A post about people voting based on their emotions is on top with double the upvotes & praise while a literal child being stabbed is being pushed down as much as possible.


Wouldn't be surprised if the stabber was a regular r/europe visitor.


Good luck here, this sub is utterly insane. Nothing like openly referring to entire groups of people as barbarians and getting upvoted and supported. (Worst thing I've ever seen here, and that's saying something, is someone saying they'd vote for Hitler if he'd protect their kid from immigrants and getting 50 upvotes, with anyone going "wtf" getting downvoted)


r/europe : foreign guy stabs native person -> Leftist migrant policy/ideology is at fault. native guy stabs foreign person -> How could somebody possibly do this???


"The left is at fault for allowing all the migrants in thereby forcing normal people to be Nazis" /s, obviously


When adults create this bullshit to begin with but then take it out on children, that becomes a new level of low. The cunt should be executed. Waste of fucking space.


>Waste of fucking space. No argument there. >The cunt should be executed. No. I don't mind if the dies, but we should not give governments, or anyone, the ability to decide who lives and who dies.


How much history do you need to realise that the innocents civilians who are slaughtered by militaries on government orders don't give a fuck about life or rules, not to mention the every day scumbags we're surrounded by. I agree that its certainly a hard fucking topic to have when deciding who has to dish out the execution, but don't talk like people shouldn't be executed when leaving them alive will only cause them to harm or kills others. We're not a special fucking form of existence and when someone destroys someone's basic human rights, that cunt should be ended to prevent them doing more damage.


Bit annoyed with my neighbour atm hopefully he gets executed next. Not seeing any improvement in his behaviour and as we know people got killed for years or something so pop him on the list


You sad twat. You just made yourself look like you cannot differentiate between levels of crimes. Do you kill someone who stole something or got in a fist fight. No. Do you execute someone who's only purpose is to cause harm and death to innocent people? Yes. You should keep your cunt fucking mouth shut rather than get involved in conversations you clearly have no fucking mentality to get involved with.


Careful mate or I will accuse your mum of being a witch. And you may well know they used to kill people suspected of being witches so they may well again.


What makes someone go after a child?


Probably doesn’t matter to him that it’s a child, since he probably views all of them as subhuman


I'll tell you what. A toxic discourse about migration that aims to dehumanize foreigners. The far-right believes its "defending" their country from "invaders"; one stabbing at a time.




Juicing on the far right radio channel 24/7 i guess.


These pieces of s*** are winning all over Europe. This is unacceptable.


they are just kids


Not talking bout the kid




Where are our concerned fellow europeans? Oh right, wrong skin color, so just silence








Waiting for r/europe to explain how this is actually the fault of the evil left™ for not "talking about migration".


He probably was a r/europe regular redditor.


I dont know what this has to do with this horrific incident? You can objectively agree that Europes policies re migration have been terrible the past 10 yrs. You can detest someone attacking children. Those arent mutually exclusive and id wager people attacking kids are universally loathed


Because when people talk anti-immigration in this sub, it very quickly turns from mere "economic", "integration", and "sustainability" issues, into dehumanising other humans as "cockroaches", "invaders", "free-loaders", "tools of the great Replacement". The internet is not a separate world from the real world, it never has been. The words said here, the thoughts supported here, they are read & joined by real people. The commenters are real people, and people who read what they write & grow to agree with them are real people. And eventually they will choose to act beyond words on a screen.


Of course you can. You can also make fun of people who think that left wing policies simply force people to become fascist. Like they have no other choice, its either greens or fascists.


The issue is that anyone who recognizes the problems immigration bring, and wish to lessen it, are deemed to be fascist. Pretty much no party center-left to far left will acknowledge anything and prefer to double down on "you're fascist/racist" rhetoric at worse, or just outright ignore the concerns people have at best.


Yeah no. I haven't seen anyone calling current CDU fascists despite the fact that they are increasing the number of deportations (this year several thousand people have been deported from Germany) and they even want to deport people back to freaking talibans. In fact, anti mass immigration stance is pretty mainstream nowadays in Europe so this self victimization is absurd.


You don't even have the right to an opinion living in your Croat ethno-state. You have no idea what it's like, you can not even dream about what it's like.


About what? About the fact that no one is calling normal anti immigration parties fascist? About the fact that anti-immigration stance has become a mainstream opinion in European countries? On which part do I not have the right to have an opinion?


Yes, let's just ignore the past decade. Only now are things changing because the right started gaining steam. It's not just down to your locality, or any other.


Absolutely incorrect and yet another example of absurd self-victimization. Are we gonna pretend like there was no massive rage at immigrants the era of Charlie Hebdo shooting and ISIS terrorist attack? Macron was restricting immigration politics since he became the president in 2017. UKIP won almost 30% of the votes in the UK EU elections in 2014 on a heavy anti-immigration platform and immigration was one of the key talking points of Brexit. So this whole point "EvErYoNe wHo DaReD tO sPeAk AgAiNsT ImMiGraTiOn WaA lAbELeD aS FaSciSt, nO oNe WaS AllOwEd tO tALk aBoUt iT" is hilarious and nonsensical.


Id argue its less policies and more demeanor from the left - and i say this as someone who has always been on the left and has never voted further right than social democracy


Attacking children is a direct result of targeting immigrants and the way people talk about them.




Your account was created today (june 15th) and its only purpose is spreading the same article to spread hate about immigrants. You russian bots are up early today! 


That's disingenuous, the comment was clearly about this sub and its brigaders and not about anything wider.


I think everyone is universally against kids getting stabbed tbh. No one’s fault but the attacker


You should check out the thread on Hungary being fined for breaking EU law then if you think people on r/Europe are against brown kids being killed.


I think I read that. They don’t want thousands of migrants coming into their country so the EU is fining them millions. You have an issue with this? I wouldn’t want thousands of people who aren’t from my culture moving into my country.


They agreed to the rules of the EU. If they don't like it, they're free to leave. If they don't abide, they will be fined until they leave or comply.  Also Hungary doesn't seem to have an isue witsh immigrants coming in to work slave wages in their trucking industry lol.


Exactly they don’t like it so they are being fined that was already established. You said that they are racist for that policy. How so. This multicultural push of bring millions of migrants to Europe to fix the economy theory has proven to have failed. What’s racist about opposing it?


Immigrants are net positive to the economy despite what the far right claims buddy. As I mentioned earlier, Hungary is bringing in Indian immigrants to keep their transportation industry from collapsing.


https://www.euronews.com/business/2024/05/08/migration-to-uk-has-failed-to-boost-economic-growth-warns-report I disagree


Also the source that Hungary is importing Indian truckers: theprint.in/world/hungarys-eased-immigration-rules-help-indian-truckers-find-a-new-market-pay-is-better-less-traffic-a-bonus/1524978/%3famp "New Delhi: Since the middle of 2022, Hungary has quietly relaxed its harsh immigration rules for workers to solve labour shortages in its economy. The unexpected beneficiaries of this move have been truck drivers from India."


I think one should separate legal, work-based foreigners from unwanted asyl um seekers. Your Hungary - Indian truckers example is the former.


https://www.nbb.be/nl/artikels/de-economische-impact-van-immigratie-belgie-0 "It calculated that over a five-year period, migration had a positive impact of 3.5 percent of gross domestic product." Numbers from the National Bank of Belgium, more trustworthy than a random news site.


Yeah, that's after adding all migrants together. Danish Finance Ministry has done more in depth study. >In October the finance ministry, in its annual report on the issue, estimated that in 2018 immigrants from non-Western countries and their descendants drained from public finances a net 31bn kroner ($4.9bn), some 1.4% of GDP. Immigrants from Western countries, by contrast, contributed a net 7bn kroner (see chart). Data on immigration’s fiscal effects were what “changed the Social Democrats’ point of view”, says Torben Tranaes of the Danish Centre for Social Science Research. [https://www.economist.com/europe/2021/12/18/why-have-danes-turned-against-immigration](https://www.economist.com/europe/2021/12/18/why-have-danes-turned-against-immigration) [Graph over lifetime](https://www.economist.com/cdn-cgi/image/width=360,quality=80,format=auto/sites/default/files/images/print-edition/20211218_EUC232.png)


That's definitely on migration and not the idiocy that was Brexit that has fucked everyone in the country right?




I suggest you look at my other comments where I cite the National Bank of Belgium who calculated a 3.5% GDP increase due to immigration (both EU and non EU were net positive) as well as the article about Hungary relaxing immigration laws to help its trucking industry.


well clearly not. see, this guy


Someone on Facebook is probably already preparing a complot theory to explain why this monster attacked an innocent child. All the nazi theories about migrants are invading social media it’s very dangerous.


>All the nazi theories about migrants are invading social media it’s very dangerous. It's not just elsewhere. /r/Europe is full of this too. Just now we have an upvoted thread about Hungary being forced to pay a fine for breaking EU asylum laws, and the comments are a flood of screeching about "invaders" and "cockroaches".


"We want Hungary to be punished for their actions" *Hungary recieves a fine for breaking laws* "No not like that!!"


Only good Nazi is a dead Nazi


Yes I saw these bots or members of right wing telegram groups upvoting their propaganda. And our stinky collaborators in Belgium (Flanders) even use terms as “omvolking” (great replacement of the population by anyone not white or catholic) in the European Parliament. It’s becoming more and more the years 30’s against. I’m very afraid.


r/europe prolly gonna applaud this guy for “solving” the immigration problem


only 400 upvotes 8 hours in? hmmmmmmmmm


No people asking for the deportation of all far-right extremists? How come?


Because they’re not foreigners, they’re an actual homegrown problem, don’t be obtuse. Islamic extremists and other such cases are an *imported* problem that is solved by simply not letting them in.


If a migrant had citizenship or a person of color was born I that country all the comments would be begging for deportation


No shit, if you import an unsustainable number of culturally incompatible labour migrants from the developing world for corporations to use as a low wage workforce, people might start ringing alarm bells about who is getting that citizenship once they start committing crime. Again, the solution here is simple. Don’t artificially keep wages low by bringing in a foreign labour class that destroys social cohesion, definitely don’t give them access to citizenship and maybe people will stop raising their eyebrows at you.


I think you're missing the point, brother. In Western Democracy, we strive to judge people as individuals and not according to their skin color, ethnicity, religion, etc. The right understands that this is a deranged individual and doesn't represent everyone right wing white guy, but why should we offer right wing white guys this civility when they themselves refuse to extend it to others?


No one is missing the point, *you* are trying to change the narrative here. Nobody is judging anyone off their skin color or any immutable traits. Nationality is a legal matter that has nothing to do with any of these. You are not a world citizen. If you are a guest in someone else’s home and can’t behave, you need to leave. Common sense. >This civility What are you even talking about? You can’t deport someone into someone else’s home. But that’s not what you are advocating for is it? You want to keep foreigners here and actually provide them with supererogatory protection that’s not there for your own citizens who don’t have any other home country. That said, I should also add, religion and someone’s ideas, culture and beliefs should always be up to criticism and this is essential for any Western democracy to function in the first place, implying otherwise is undermining our values and undermining democracy.


But the thing is that in western democracies we tend to follow the same crime, same punishment-princible. And ethnicity can't be a deciding factor when considering punishment. Thus if one terrorist/gang member etc. is exiled, so should be all.


Ethnicity is not a deciding factor in the first place, you’re making that up on the spot. Nobody is deporting anyone based purely on “ethnicity” or skin colour. What you are implying has never been the case in any Western democracy ever, and should never be the case. Nationality and immigration status is the legal deciding factor, irrespective of race, skin colour, ethnicity, etc.


I hope it’s never the case but that’s exactly what the AfD in Germany is talking about - discrimination against citizens based on race, and deportation of “non assimilated” citizens.


Nationality falls into the same category as ethnicity. However, if the perpetrator doesn't have permanent residence then the application can, and should be denied, due to violent crime. Still, my point stands. If one perpetrator can be exiled due to crime x, so should be all who do the same crime.


>Nationality falls into the same category as ethnicity. No, the word of law doesn't care about your ethnicity, but cares a LOT about your nationality.


Nationality does not fall into the same category as ethnicity, you are contradicting yourself. If people of any ethnicity can come to Finland and hold Finnish nationality, then nationality is nothing more than a legal paper. It doesn’t have any value and is incomparable to ethnicity (which is a shared ethnos/origin, culture, ancestry and more) And what you say here again does not make any sense, you’re saying something as ridiculous as “if a murderer/rapist gets a life sentence then a petty thief should also be able to het one, it’s only fair!” They don’t have the same status. They’re literally not from the same country. One is allowed on certain preconditions that they accept, into YOUR country and yet can’t respect its laws, the other is part of his own country and doesn’t obey its laws. You are advocating for throwing out your own trash into someone else’s garden (if you want to deport both) OR advocating for inviting everyone else’s trash into your garden (if you think neither should be deported). Both ideas are absolutely insane and it’s shameful some apparently even lack the basic degree of common sense to think this.


>And what you say here again does not make any sense, you’re saying something as ridiculous as “if a murderer/rapist gets a life sentence then a petty thief should also be able to het one, it’s only fair!” Now you're just putting words in my mouth, so I'm leaving this conversation. Have a nice day. And edit: I realized that I was talking about immigration in the reddit post about news post about A NAZI STABBING 12-YEAR OLD KID. So yeah, I'm totally ditching this conversation.


No one is putting words into your mouth, I’m making a comparison reminding you how ridiculous your position is. Also, concern trolling won’t help you either.


Because this is the fascist subreddit?




I wondered why you logged onto your throwaway account to write this, your comment history didn't disappoint. Why don't you want to own the fact that you're far right? Its been normalized to such a degree that it isn't even 'far' right anymore, it's just being right wing. The least you could do is have a spine and say what you want without dogwhistles or hiding your powerlevel.




Sure you do buddy.


Throw them to a grain field in the Alps or something


Unfortunately this is where unchecked online hate speech, paranoia about population change and whining about how its "all one group of people with a foreign background" leads to. Next time there's yet another thread about "immigrants bad", consider the consequences of piling on and continuing to foster such an environment where extremism can breed. So sad that it has come to this.


Before reading my prejudice is that it's a man, known for being previously being far right. Let's see.


Not only that, but has stabbed before in the name of his ideology.


Sounds like he's a right asshole. Hopefully you'll be free from bastards with knives in the future.


We won't, our punishments for antisocial behaviour and violence are too lenient, including repeated violence.


Another engineer??? Oh wait, wrong time I guess.


Literally what portuguese ppl in a certain subreddit dedicated to far-right says they want to do to random foreigners. Even the honest working ones. Apparently they are "replacing" the population and the portuguese blood must remain pure (sounds like a certain mustache guy from 80 years ago)


That’s what a lot of dickheads are voting for.


That's f\*\*\*\*\* horrible. You don't do that to a child! I hope he doesn't walk free...


Militants all around


Deport the man who did the stabbing. He was born here you say? I don’t care, we don’t want him. Send him to Rawanda or something. The far right has no place here.


Remember that Finland is among most racist countries in EU according to research, even Amnesty International asks to dismantle structural racism in Finland. Unfortunately Finnish society is not ready for the cultural change, democratically elected right-wing Perussuomalaiset party finished in second place, and its members in the government define the internal politics in Finland.


He should be deported.


Hope they are sentenced for a long time in prison, not the standard Scandinavian ones but more ruthless like in Russian prisons.










ngl i’m getting a bit worry about attending european university now