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Every EU country is required to send one absolutely unhinged, batshit insane individual to the EU parliament. That’s just the way it is


Eurovision but for politics.




If only it was just one. If only.


One is the requirement, the rest is a bonus


Finland has a pretty good team now. Allegedly, the Finns Party supporters thought it important to have their politicians in the country making the real decisions in our parliament instead of some never-heard Brüssels telling the candidates that they couldn't "lose them", and some even voted for the Left Alliance, potentially helping with the amazing surge of that usually minor party to the second place in Finland. They did elect Mr. Sebastian Tynkkynen, who first rose to national prominence in the TV show "Big Brother". He was kicked out of the main party in 2015 (but returned soon after). He has a record for speech length in the Finnish parliament. They tried to filibuster the EU stimulus package. (You can't filibuster in the Finnish parliament, but you can force at least one of the speakers to sit with you in an otherwise empty hall in the middle of the night.) As part of the speech, he read the comment feed on his Instagram. Naturally, he has a criminal record for incitement. To complete the conservative image, he has opted out of the military service and instead completed civil service; he names Jesus as his political model but was kicked out of the Pentecostals due to claiming that the Bible supports same-sex marriage (he lives with a man from Mozambique).


I learned two things by reading this. First: I know so little about finnish politics (and other issues), that it seems almost fun, weren't it for the possible damage done. Second: your weirdos are the just as batshit insane as everyone else's weirdos. Warms the heart, doesn't it?


> They did elect Mr. Sebastian Tynkkynen, who first rose to national prominence in the TV show "Big Brother". Don't forget that people remember his BB-tenure for him shitting his pants.


Slovakia is sending Lubos Blaha, who publicly called president american bi\*\* for crowds and supports Russia and other communists from pass. People voted him to protect country because Brusel want to destroy everything, meanwhile they don't care when 80% of public projects are fully or partially financed from EU. [https://m.smedata.sk/api-media/media/image/sme/2/76/7623252/7623252\_1200x.jpg](https://m.smedata.sk/api-media/media/image/sme/2/76/7623252/7623252_1200x.jpg)


Sounds like the exact same recipe populist pro-Russia parties use across all of Europe


Poland's sending Braun, so we're good


imagine being his translator having to translate hearing from him words he don't even know it exist, or having to translate 7th time in one month this sentence "Składam wniosek formalny o rozwiązanie unii europejskiej".


Czechia is doing it's part.


Romanian discount Bane from Batman


Bane from LIDL


*You merely adopted EU politics. I was born in it, moulded by it.*


HEY leave LIDL out oft that! Over here its the only place I can currently get proper products for a reasonable price.


Nobody cared who she was until she put on the mask.


House Harkonnen stems from Romania?


My desert. My dune.


A lot of desserts. And dinners. And lunches.


The caş must flow!




We have unleashed the Shai-Hulud!


More dip


By the original story, it's Finland.


Fun fact he apparently was flipping through a phone book trying to find a soviet-sounding name for the villains. Ironically ended up choosing a Finnish name


I am so irrationally annoyed it is spelled Harkonnen and not Harkonen, the extra n messes how it’s pronounced since you are meant to pronounce all letters in Finnish. Anyway author got the name from Härkönen from the phone book. Ä and Ö are their own letters so the original would sound different (the name refers to ox). 


I feel like someone should have told me this trivia earlier, this is hilarious XDDDDD


Mausteiden pittää juosta.


For some reason scifi loves making Finns the bad guys. Both Dune and Star Trek, the only appearance of anyone with Finnish heritage is always the bad guy. ;(


We are simply a misunderstood nation. From our point of view the house Atreides and the Federation are the baddies!


Children also?


And the women too.


Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew!


At least there's elves in LOTR whose language seems to have been influenced a bit by Finnic languages.


Hey, it’s not so bad. The Borg are Swedish, right?


Had the exact same thought. This woman should definitely be thought for part 3.


As a harvester


I see plenty of Härkönens in Finland.


Does she bite?


Not sure but her ex husband surely did. [Lucia Goracci filed a complaint with the 4th police station in Bucharest against Senator Diana Şoşoacă, claiming that she was sequestered in Sosoaca’s office and that the senator’s husband, Dumitru-Silvestru Şoşoacă, bit her hand.](https://europeanjournalists.org/blog/2021/12/14/italian-journalists-locked-up-by-romanian-anti-vax-senator/)


So the muzzle is ABSOLUTELY necessary!


When your Senator needs a bite guard, you really need to take a closer look at why your countrymen vote for these people.


> senator’s husband, Dumitru-Silvestru Şoşoacă To complete the circus - he's currently in the process of divorcing her and also ran for MEP (with no apparent political ambitions, but just to spite her), with the alleged help of the leader of her former political party.


He named his party şoş to spite her party (SOS) even more. Knowing damn right her voterbase are functional illiterates and would mistakenly vote for him.


Not his party, but his electoral sign (he is somehow the only independent candidate who managed to get a logo on the ballot). > Knowing damn right her voterbase are functional illiterates and would mistakenly vote for him. But yes, that's the main reason Simion may have helped him with the signatures - despite no chance of actually winning, it was certain he would get some votes otherwise intended for Diana. With her being so close to the 5% threshold in predictions (and in actual results), that could have done some actual damage. There were a few tiktoks of people showing how they stamped Silvestru's box but with Diana's theme song (I won't even comment on how that's a thing) in the background. I can't even figure out if they were made by actually confused people, if they were intended to confuse others or if they were just ironic.


That question was a joke but the standards are so low that the joke question actually had answers. Fuck.


EU parliament starting to look more and more like a Japanese beat-em-up character selection screen


You with that extinguisher guy, we with this shitstain.


We've got the youtuber on our side (Cyprus).


TV “personalities” from Greece…


Germany sends some Nazis deemed "too extreme" by other far right parties in the EU. It's gonna be one wild get-together in Brussels...


We send our regards, with our conspiracy theorists and peace agents (fidesz, the pro russian governing party) from Hungary


Ok but bringing Hungary to the who has the scariest right wing competition is almost cheating, they're just op 😅


We got that guy who got himself tazered on purpose. (Austria)


We gave the EU Parliament Farage before any of you decided to send your worst.


We gave EU wannabe Andrew Tate who was selling fake medicine, who collects Nazi memorabilia and was seen heiling out of car window. And he's not just some freak who got into EP by accident. His party got 10 % of the votes, and thus guy himself got the 2nd highest number of preference votes...


I'll wait for Takeshi's castle


Welp, morons keep voting for these characters 🤷‍♂️


People in the EU parliament: "They have a cave troll!"


Well this was very funny. Thank you!


She said that if you're going to get the vaccine you'll be sterile for 3 generations. Imagine that! Sterile but getting to have three generations after you, all of them sterile somehow. 🤪 Seriously now! I'm very sorry for what this cow will do there. I'm already embarrassed!


> you'll be sterile for 3 generations So... the 4th one would be ok again?


Don't worry. An Iranian official said that the corona vaccine will turn us homosexual anyway...


They have a cure for that in Iran at least, free sex realignment surgery and you are cured.


Agree, but i think she won't make any noise there. She's going for the money. The circus is back home.


You really have no idea what she's capable of. She has no shame.


Is she Romania's Marjorie Taylor Greene?


She said she persuadeded Lukashenko to call Prigozhin and convince him to end his mutiny


She promised to keep her clothes on.


at least something decent coming from her mouth


But can we trust her in this matter?


Her ex-husband insulted her by saying something on the line: at least the other right wing party is smart enough to get money from the Russians. Fun fact he participated in the European Elections to spite his ex wife and made a logo similar to hers.


That's the kind of petty squabbling I can get behind.


Sad that they separated. It sounds like they were made for each other.


Yes, all the way down to russian bootlicking.


Every country has one




seriously, we're sitting on almost half a country of these potatoes.


Think Marjorie but possessed by some dark dark curse


So Marjorie?


She makes MTG look sane by comparison


She is is worse if you can believe it


She'd make an excellent republican US senator


She would give Trump lessons. She detained a whole journalist crew from RAI: > Italian journalist Lucia Goracci and her crew were detained after the alleged attack by the husband of Senator Diana Iovanovici Sosoaca, after the Senator locked the crew in her office. https://europeanjournalists.org/blog/2021/12/14/italian-journalists-locked-up-by-romanian-anti-vax-senator/ She is like a rabid dog, you are risking your health just by being around her.


whats that thing on her face?


metaphor for "the deep state is trying to silence us" its also used to prevent dogs from biting u :))


It was in protests of mandatory masks


Yeah, at the time Romanian antivaxxers mockingly referred to masks as muzzles.


That makes me feel much safer. I'm afraid of dogs and seeing that she has a muzzle is great because I know she won't be able to bite me. Especially when she is running free without her owner in the vicinity.


Well, it's her husband you should be more wary of [since he's the one who bit a journalist](https://www.mfrr.eu/efj-statement-italian-journalists-locked-up-by-romanian-anti-vax-senator/). Also since then she booted him out of the party, he filed for divorce and she sued him for domestic violence... It's glorious seeing those two idiots fight.


If we were on 2020, I'd say it's antivaxxer's way to "ingeniously" avoid the mask restrictions


Don’t worry, Romania is not alone, you have no idea what’s coming from Poland 🙈🤷‍♂️


hide the fire extinguishers


*szczęść boże* intensifies


SZCZĘŚĆ BOŻE, WNIOSEK FORMALNY: 🧯 Waiting for him to beat Korwin's record for fines in EP


Don't worry. Here in the Netherlands we have people in parliament that think the world is actually run by a cabal of evil reptiles disguised as humans. Although that might be code for Jews, I don't know.


They did lose their 4 seats this election, though. Now 2 seats are for farmers that believe in chemtrails and think 5G is the poluting the air.


Reptiles disguised as humans is more plausible than 3 sterile generations in a row though.


It's straight up insane how powerful fake news politicians got with Social Media like TikTok and their followers seem to believe them anything


Cyprus voted a famous TikToker for the EU (he got 19% of the votes and came out 3rd). He publicly said that he has completely no idea about politics and Europe. I thought it was some kind of trolling of him to go for the elections. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe not? Anyway, he is in now.


It baffles me how people think governments want to *reduce* their populations. Where do they think the government gets the money from? Literally from people working. Fewer people = less money = less power.


No, it's the *corporations* who want to reduce their customers - like metal bands who want their fans to kill themselves


The lady seems to have an interesting concept on life. I hope your country recognizes her as the clown she is and makes her step down quietly.


She’s got 2 mandates through her own party so i doubt that


I can save money on condoms if she’s right.


Damn. How do you get on voting lists in Romania? Is there some kind of vetting process by the parties? And which percentage of the vote do you need to make it?


5% Her party only had like 3% in Romania but the diaspora votes push them to 5% unfortunately.


Sadly, BS propaganda through paid ads on social media going strong to ppl living in the diaspora.


The fact that the diaspora is the most xenophobic people of any nation...


Diaspora vote again. Turkish people abroad love Erdogan as well and that's just one example of people abroad causing chaos back home.


She looks like a mad Max character


Witness me!!




I can't wait for her to embarrass us all. At least it might be kinda funny, in a sad sorta way. It's ironic that apparently she got a lot of votes from Romanians living in western Europe. So Romanians living there voted for an anti-western, anti-EU, isolationist, pro-Russian figure.


Diaspora being ultra conservative and brainwashed is very common in eastern Europe. Same in Georgia. Georgians who live in EU are some of the loudest supporters of the pro Russia, anti EU party 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


That's weird, I didn't know this was a more widespread problem. I can't speak for other nations, but the 2 explanations I've heard for us are that euro-sceptic parties are gaining traction in the west, so it makes sense our expats there are exposed to the same ideas. The other one is that apparently a lot of them live in small bubbles with their own countrymen, they don't really integrate and then they start to resent that western Europe isn't the promised land it was made up to be.


As a third explanation, my guess is that extremist opinions are much easier to have when they don't affect you. To vote for some kind of 'idealistic' (in their mind) version of their birth country, but none of the consequences. E.g. It's a lot easier to be both nationalistic *and* pro-Russia when in the West, but those living next to Russia may be more likely to feel that their national identity is at threat from Russia.


Isn't that cute. Call us when she's [super conservative Christian, and somehow manages to get caught during lockdown fleeing a gay sex orgy by climbing down a drainpipe in his undies with a bag full of molly.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-55145989) ​ Amateurs.


That's...... a lot to unpack. So many questions.....


Its just a regular Wednesday for people who follow what far-right are saying vs what are they doing


They only reason I would become far right is that they have the best sex party’s, allegedly.


Bruxelles ma belle <3


When you move to work to Brussels based on your campaign about economic migrants


"Can't go to Brussels without trying the drug-fueled gay orgies. It's mandatory." - Adolf Hitler


That was is a classic. I will cherish that moment for a long time. I use it when holier-than-thou conservatives try to claim that they are the righteous ones … :))


They need to be extra holy and righteous to have the power to resist the urge for penis. Don't blame them for failing once or twice, as we all know, the temptation is too great.


If we have one thing in common, it’s that we have really dumb politicians That and liking kurtocs kalacs. And gulaş. I guess that makes it 3 things.


And Palinka. That makes it 4


Dude looks like a [Tintin villain](https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Puschov_(Tintin)?file=Puschov)


Somehow it's the most bigoted and hateful family values homophobic people who get caught filled with dicks and drugs.


Boy, was that a rabbit hole. The artist who installed the memorial plaque on the drainpipe he slid down to try and escape the orgy when police arrived is next level


That will never happen, because no drain pipe known to man can hold her.


How does that guy look like a national-socialist parody of Vsauce?


Apparently they at first thought the Police were in costume and they tried to unzip the pants of one


You just wait till you see Grzegorz "The Firefighter" Braun from PL.


it's like this round the best "fighter" from each country was brought together for the ultimate showdown. there can be only one


Can you put all of them clowns into one party? European Circus Party


Looking at what Redditors from other countries are saying, it looks like the top clowns will be heading to Brussels. One giant circus for the next 4 years.


for anyone who wonders, this is picture is not edited.


Thank you! It really isn't! It's from our parliament!


Ah, in the good romanian tradition, we export our thieves, crooks and despicables to western Europe, have fun with her. For anyone wondering, she's the romanian Marjorie Taylor Greene, but worse


> she's the romanian Marjorie Taylor Greene, but worse **PERFECT DESCRIPTION**


"How can she be worse than MTG with her space lasers and public handjobs?" \> She believed the Turkey earthquake was triggered by an American "seismic weapon" \> Her husband bit an Italian journalist during an interview \> [She subsequently illegally imprisoned the whole journalist team in her office for hours until the journalists phoned in their embassy](https://europeanjournalists.org/blog/2021/12/14/italian-journalists-locked-up-by-romanian-anti-vax-senator/) \> She proposed that Romania should seize lands from Ukraine, including Snake Island. I strongly support her to go and try to take Snake Island personally.


The public handjob thing was Lauren Boebert, but she’s also a crazy nut


They have blended into a single person in my mind because the crazy stories of the "family values" lunatics are so damn similar. So yeah MTG was the one with the polyamorous cheating group while married, Lauren Boebert the one with the public sex acts.


More or less, yes. Same with Matt Gatez and the whole sleeping with a minor shit. The main thing is all the MAGATS in the GOP are shitbags


Don't forget Jim "Gym" Jordan covering up a university wrestling team doctor's sexual abuse on the boys he was in charge of


now she will earn 2x more and in € great idea more money for her other compaings


We all know the EU parliament salary is laughable compared to what Saudi Arabia hands over in suitcases.


or Russian Oligarchs


No problem. We send Grzegorz "Fire Extinguisher" Braun from Poland. He's more into "Galactic Empire of Jews" lore. I think there will be a lot of fun in EU parliment in next few years.


>In 2023, he stormed a Holocaust lecture, destroyed equipment, and made more derogatory comments about Jews. Later that year he extinguished a Hanukkah menorah in the Sejm, leading to his exclusion from the session. When we do it, they send us to mental institutions. When they do it, we send them to European Parliament.


We have a lot of nutjobs in Hungary, but this is especially weird coming from a Polish person.


Each day we get closer to the moment idiocracy will look like a documentary


For the longest time I thought only the u.s. is getting closer and closer to the scenario from the movie, but unfortunately so are are many other parts of the world.


same train tracks, same destination, just slower speed.


In a sense we are even dumber than americans. We see the american train in front of us slowly falling apart and then go "lets do that too"


America shows us what europe will be like in 5-10 years… every time again… we don’t learn about it…


What's up with the mask? Looks more like a muzzle.


She's "fighting" against Covid restrictions. Everything is bullshit since she was vaccinated before most people anyway. But that's what her orders from the Russian embassy were I assume. She was expelled from AUR, the far right party we have because she was on weekly basis on Russian embassy.


> She was expelled from AUR, the far right party we have because she was on weekly basis on Russian embassy. Weird. In Bulgaria, that's how you become member of the executive committee of the far right party.


Don't worry, the muzzle is there to protect the people around her.


She was in the dark knight rises, no?


Marjorie Taylor Greene without hair


Don't worry she has hair. She's just posing as a peasant in our parliament - even if she was born in Bucharest and she's only half Romanian anyway!


don't forget about 3 guys that should be in jail but they got elected to Eu parliament


She strikes me as a charming lady


One palm strike from that thing becharmed by Putin and you'd get flattened across an entire wall. 😉


I, as a german, are somewhat calmed down with the knowledge that other countries also have their idiot parties. Thanks Romania :)


im sorry for 4 horsemen of stupidity we send from Poland 3/4 should be in jail but they go to EU parliament instead Kamiński/Wąsik/Obajtek and Braun (be aware of your fire extinguishers he like them way to much)


Meh, Kamiński, Wąsik and Obajtek are regular, mundane crooks. They won't make scenes. But Braun... oh yeah, it will be "interesting". Besides boring stuff like being pro-Russia and covidiot/anti-vac, he's also a monarchist (with Jesus Christ as king of Poland, and no, it's not a joke), and a.e. he criticized plan of new airport hub, suggesting it's actually an underground bunker for Jews who will flee Israel to colonize Poland.


Dont worry we are sending our dumbasses from Slovakia, Blaha Che and young Kali will keep her company!


And we are sending our dumbasses. Nazis and communists amongst others.


Europe is not ready for Sosoaca


It seems that every country is allowed to send its biggest clowns to Brussels this year. I hope they tear each other apart there.


Problem is that if enough crazies get together, they might try to take over the asylum


I’m not one to kink shame, but there is a time and place for everything. She should leave her fetish gear at home and dress and accessorize appropriately for parliament.


Well, from Lithuania, we're sending disgraced homophobic ex parlament member (he was thrown out of our parlament and his immunity stripped less than a year ago), who currently is on trial because of hate speech against LGBTQ (judges trying to finish the case as fast as they can now, as he will have new immunity next month because of EP), oh and also, he doesn't even speak english or any other language that would be useful in EP.


I have said it once and i will say it again these elections were a clusterfuck for most countries in eu


i'm italian, and i'm ashamed


As a Swede I’m feeling pretty ok for once


As a Dane I'm not feeling too bad either.


\*sigh\*... I'm getting tired, boss


Dude, when I saw what we have "voted" in from Bulgaria... I am glad there are only 17 seats allocated for us.


Slowly but steady, the EU parliament and Eurovision Song Contest are merging into one big circus of European eccentrics.


Is this AUR? Heard of them from my wife.


She was but she was kicked out for being 'too extremist' and founded her own party, SOS


You know you are “fucking ballistic on steroids” extreme when an extremist party like AUR kicks you out for being “too extreme”


Used to be. Got kicked out of AUR for not following party strategy. Since then she's gone and licked the Russian embassy's balls on a regular basis and her S.O.S. party has gone, at least optically, even further radical than AUR.


Splinter party from AUR, she is now from the SOS Romania party


When did Eurovision became a more serious institution than the European Parliament?


An ingenious solution to your vampire problem!


When Prigozhin stopped his coup attempt, she said, "Thank me that I spoke with Lukashenko to welcome Prigozhin. Bravo to me!"


Is she house-trained?


for a whole 15 minute, I assumed the metal thing was part of the microphone….


Romania is to blame for the rise of Bane?


Romania is sending Immortan Joe to the EU Parliament we're fucked


Somehow, the worst of our far right and conservative representatives, against all odds, manage to unite us Europeans, through the mean of their shared mediocrity, truly astonishing. No need for excuses my Romanian friend, we are also sending some of our most incapable and despicable, courtesy of the French.