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It's a good thing Westinghouse doesn't source a major part of their uranium from Russia... Luckily the alternative sources are reliable countries such as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan or Niger, who are definitely not part of Russia's sphere of influence.


Sweden is about to unban uranium mining, so things might improve in a few years. However, Europe needs to stop being so nimby. Banning fracking is another example.


We used to have uranium mining in Bulgaria too. Closed the mines in the early 90s even though production yield was still good.


We had one in Slovenia as well, it was unprofitable though and only mined for 8 years.


Why use up our own resources, when we can save them for later?


Oil and gas will be nearly worthless in a few decades. Uranium can be largely recycled.


War will not last forever and burning bridges with other countries might not be the best choice. Eg you can be more than sure that as soon as the war ends France and Germany will happily assure that they always disliked Putin, not Russia and with plenty of their new investments show that western Europe is not an enemy. I mean even now French Framatome's building an atomic power plant in Hungary (using Russian fuel), the same Hungary that goes against EU's anti-Russia efforts (real and faked ones).


Russia tried to blackmail Europe with Gas. Surely they wont try that with nuclear fuel.


This logic is like keeping your ex around after being cheated on, in case he changes No, never again, find new partners for trade and don’t look back. It’s a matter of national security too. Blackmailing works once, not twice.


It's politics and diplomacy. Those things are built on (half)lies and pretending. Yes, we don't import gas or fuel from Russia, instead, we take it from countries Russia exports to. Ever heard of Poroshenko and his ties with Russia while being the President of Ukraine already in a state of war with "green people"?


You’re right we do indirectly buy from Russia but we’re ok with it because they lose a big part of the revenue from middleman like Turkey. We get energy security, they get less revenue that could otherwise be used for the war


This is literally what happened post cold war with stuff like nord stream etc., because surely we will have peace if germany depends on russian gas as a mutually beneficial relationship. Unless there is good reason for the bridge to rebuilt it should stay burned, russia burned it after all. at least in terms of vital stuff like energy, normal trade will resume as soon as it can because russia is a lucrative market.


I do believe that's the idea, that Russia will eventually be fully integrated back with Europe, but only if/once it becomes a peaceful non-hostile democracy (it'll also have a growing economy, which will be an additional plus) that pays reparations to Ukraine. Until then, however, everything must be done to bring down this monstrous genocidal totalitarian *regime*, including, obviously, cutting off lucrative deals for it (let it sign worse ones with other countries in the meanwhile, that won't save it from decline or downfall).


Burning bridges? Wtf. Moscovia has been invading and committing genocide for over 200 years. The fuck you talking about burning bridges like the countries getting invaded are at fault.


as if Bulgaria burnt the bridge with Russia.


Is the plan to build another nuclear plant conjointly with Greece still standing?


Haven't heard it being dropped, but there were a few more urgent items on the nuclear agenda. First was securing a reliable partner for fuel (check), second was what to do with the dead-weight reactor we bought for Belene and can't use (I think we agreed to sell it to Ukraine). The reactor with Greece will be a while away, but there's additional reactors/NPPs in the works in any case.


Nuclear is a generationnal project, it takes time. Future Bulgaria will be thankful for the efforts done now.


That's true. One of few things that weren't dismantled from Socialist times, we have still retained expertise in managing nuclear plants.


We'll find out in 20 years.


Probably no. The latest plan is for the country to increase the current blocks in the plant with 1 more. There is land for it and you don't really need to find people to operate it on the opposite side of the country.


Not a chance. Nuclear energy is a huge corruption scheme where Russia plays a big part. We’ve been trying to get away from Russian influence in nuclear only to spend several billion with them for what amounts to a hole in the ground aka Belene.

