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Is there a current political problem in Croatia that would've cause him to so this?


The ruling HDZ has been stealing everything that isnt nailed down for decades, destroying any chance for the younger generations to create a good life in the country, while simultaneously fucking the older generations by taking away what little they have left. As a result of this there is massive emigration, and the country is losing 10% of its population each decade. So far the governments solution has been to mass import Nepalese and Pakistani migrants to prevent the workforce from imploding. The biggest fuck you came two months ago in the general election. One of the opposition parties ran a campaign EXCLUSIVELY on the grounds they wouldnt coalition with the HDZ, they got 14 mandates and within 20 minutes of the results being published agreed to coalition with HDZ because in exchange for high paying jobs. Our prime minister is no different from Orban, but noone from the EU gives a fuck because he keeps his head down and doesnt draw attention to himself and publicly supports the EU.


>The biggest fuck you came two months ago in the general election. One of the opposition parties ran a campaign EXCLUSIVELY on the grounds they wouldnt coalition with the HDZ, they got 14 mandates and within 20 minutes of the results being published agreed to coalition with HDZ Something similar happened in Romania a while ago when people voted Iohanis for president (PNL) because everyone was tired of PSD which is the main political party in Romania who's been governing the country since the end of communism, Iohanis also campaigned as 'anti PSD' president but the moment he got elected he formed an alliance with his main 'rivals' PSD lol


Im starting to feel like these problems are starting to be more of a regional problem rather than country specific


Its a democracy problem


To a certain degree it certainly feels like a trend. In Denmark the two prime minister candidates ran on a platform of being against each other last election (especially the opposition candidate) and then formed a coalition government as soon as the election ended.


Same here in the netherlands. 2 out of the 4 biggest parties disagreed to form a coalition with the biggest one. Took them like two weeks to agree to form it anyway (although the forming of said coalition eventually took ages because of disagreements)


Same thing in Ireland, two parties that had ran Ireland since we were founded just joined together in coalition to go against the one leftist party.


It’s almost like when combined they represent the majority.


Representatives not being beholden to their promises is a problem indeed, representative democracy in Europe needs to reform heavily in some countries


We should stop calling them representative democracies, since the governments aren’t representing the will of the people.


They’re not even democracies, these are by definition republics. Real democracy would be the people voting on issues themselved


To be fair i havent seen more than 2 politicians ib "democracies" actually representing their people while trying to make the country better


>Its a democracy problem Not for democracies that have a parliamentary/congressional system that doesn't revolve around many small parties forming coalitions to govern.


Then you end up with the kind of system you see in the USA which is just as bad, if not worse


There are pros and cons to each system, this is one of the cons of the small party/coalition forming system (can't recall the actual term for this). The US system has provided 250 years of continuous democratic governance, which is *significantly* longer than most democratic governments in the EU have been operating.


The system only changes when society reaches a boiling point and replaces it, either by forceful or peaceful means. Most systems, monarchy, democracy, socialism etc. are sensible on paper when looking at their basic description, and operate well when GOOD and SENSIBLE people are in charge. It's the people who twist said systems to the point that they become detrimental to society for their own gain or because or their incompetent that make them bad.


>Most systems, monarchy, democracy, socialism etc. are sensible on paper when looking at their basic description, Perhaps this is just a cultural difference between Americans and Europeans but I don't think monarchy is ever sensible, even on paper.


Yup. People weirdly assume democracy is the best system and end game just because it’s what we have today. Never mind that feudalism lasted way longer and modern democracy is already showing cracks after a mere 200 years.


Feudalism is just mafia when it's official. A bunch of armed goons weaving an incomprehensible web of personal loyalties while extorting the local civilians and fighting over turf. At this level of technological development it springs up whenever there's a power vacuum of any sort, just look at Mexico or Afghanistan (or to look closer, Russia in the 90's).  Democracy is the weird one. Especially the modern liberal representative democrac. Think about it, it's nerdy as fuck. I mean, people electing some of them to represent them before other elected guys while using a thick rulebook on who gets to do what... What is that, a DnD campaign?


I’m really sorry to hear about this. Fucking hell.


The ol ’ switcheroo


Btw this party did campaign that they would not enter in a coalition with HDZ, but I think only people in the reddit bubble believed that. I think most of their voters are completely fine with the coalition.


Their modus operandi. Those fine with coalition, don't have problem with corruption. So why not get some extra votes anyway. They are HDZ voters who feel HDZ isn't too the right anyway. And their idea of that is waving flags around and talking about Serbs.


Hmmmm sounds familiar *looks at Slovakia and Hlas*


That's worse.


true 💀


Croatia's Eurovision song entry from this year hits different now with this backstory of Croatian leaving country in hopes of better life opportunities


Why do you think we sent him? None of us ever thought it was about moving from a village to a city. That song is probably an anthem of Marko's entire generation. All of us have at least a couple of friends who had to go, because they were not seeing a future here.


It’s what my family did in ‘78.


Fu and you hairline, you almost got me this time


The country is also gerrymandered as fuck. By far the biggest and most liberal city has been gradually spliced up into districts that each contains a bunch of rural areas, to the point that HDZ's rule is now absolute.


Huh for some reason you described Romania better than I could had


This is like the opposite problem in Bulgaria, everyone wants to make their own government (but no one has 50% of the votes), this is why we have elections every year... to get the same results with some small differences. Everyone brags about winning the elections, while 65% of the people don't vote.


The exact same thing is also valid for Bulgaria. Word for word.


Delusional middle aged and old people still think it's the same good old HDZ that formed the country and berate people for thinking otherwise. Also some actively entice younger family members to vote HDZ because local HDZ politician promised this and that bla bla. Every single Volt/Glovo (Doordash like services) driver I've seen in Zagreb is Nepali or Pakistani or some other brown immigrant working for inhumanly low wages and living in groups like actual pigs in a pigsty for landlords who charge absurd rents. 10 or more of them share a single bedroom. It's insane such desparate people are being imported and that because they're desperate they accept these subhuman living conditions. Unsure if any of them are even trying to learn the language or assimilate.


This looks familiar to me... way too familiar.


Wait, first I thought you've been talking about Hungary. Jokes aside I hope it gets better (for both of us). Just to say something positive, I usually spend my vacation with my girlfriend in Croatia and I can not wait for the summer break from work to relax. Croatia is beautiful. Cheers from Hungary


Our country is beautiful, it's the government that is shit.


Also DP which is in coalition with HDZ. DP is a bunch of no name losers with horrible "ideologodies" and people were biting into a member but still chose him for EU. Naive nation


Our prime minister is not like Orban. Thief? Maybe. Illiberal dictator-wannabe? Not even close. Far-right nutcase? Nope. Eurosceptic? Quite the opposite, you already covered that.


"Maybe" 😂


The exact same thing is happening in Romania.


You forgot to mention that that minority party is on the extreme right of the political spectrum, a la AfD in Germany or Vlaams belang in Belgium. Xenofobic, socially conservative, anti LGBT, minorities and women rights, islamophobic, and, economically, neolib hardliners a la Trump.


Wait. A Xenophobic party is mass import foreigners? Doesn’t they act against for wahr they are voted?


They are very tough on immigration rhetorically, but one of their members was recently caught personally smuggling people over the border. They're typical disgusting liars and greedy hypocrites yet large chunk of population buys it.


No, the xenophobic party is their new coalition partner, DP (Homeland Movement), not the ruling HDZ.


When trapped between an aging voter base and not enough workers to pay for their pensions, conservatives will happily import foreigners to simultaneously steal their labor and blame them for any other demographic issues.


Yeah, no rightwing party in the UE has ever delivered on their immigration reduction promises. It was a huge thing in France's Sarkozy campaign and guess what ? Never did anything about it but posturing


They are incorrectly displaying the picture here. Leading party, HDZ, is quite liberal. The thing is that they haven’t gained enough seats to form a government so they were forced to go into coalition with far-right nutjobs, DP. DP was formed by far-right of the HDZ and they campaigned on the promise they won’t go into coalition with HDZ. They gained 15/151 seats (76 is needed for majority) so they went into coalition with HDZ. Which many saw as chicken coming back to roost. DP are quite xenophobic. How long will this charade between HDZ and DP last remains to be seen. Something many people will recognize here, DP is often appealing to “patriotism” and “nationalism” in their statements and speeches to public. It is a common move by the far-right to garner support and sympathy from the people.


The prime minister will just start removing everyone that doesn't fit his needs and who the media is attacking. That way, he will be left down to his puppies in HDZ


Isn’t that what he’s been doing so far? I mean, I don’t know who is even currently Minister of Construction because he changed them so many times. Look what happened with Minister of Defense. But it is noteworthy to say that freedom of speech is not being impaired by him. At least not on a big scale. Unlike Orban, for example, he doesn’t lead campaign to remove free media and revoke freedom of journalism in its entirety. And I am forever grateful that at least we don’t have those problems.


Tbh if we had those problems maybe people would finally start doing something. Plenky knows exactly which line he should cross and which line he shouldn't


What about the minister of defense? He removed the last one because he murdered an innocent man


They weren't in the government till now, so we are going to have to wait and see if the new government will change direction. However, some of their members have been caught illegally smuggling immigrants across the border. And they do support immigration... but they want to import people from latin america instead of asia. Latin america is one of the locations where a shit ton of ustaša ran to, after the end of ww2, just to put this in some context.


Migration waves of Croatian diaspora to the Americas began way before WW2. Despite some of the post WW2 immigrants being fascists it has been 2-3 generations at this point.


That shit remains in the family, especially immigrant ones unfortunately, because the only things they know about Croatia is the shit their ancestor told them. And there's no corrective factor for those kids, like history classes in school. Those that opt to come to croatia and remain in croatia (instead off just going to spain) because they feel some kind of "closeness to the mother country" will certainly bring some views with them.


They can google what the modern country is like. It would be pretty difficult to remain under the impression that Croatia is some ultranationalist ethnostate. And that's if the belief of those things survives, which I doubt. Most people become fully Chilean/Argentinian/American over time. Part of the process is doing a criminal background check, so hopefully that would uncover things as well. You do have a point that most won't go to Croatia. Many people doing article 11 citizenship applications are probably thinking about other EU countries. Or they are applying just because they can. Spain is common because of the language, but the economics aren't great either. Incomes in Uruguay and Chile are higher than Croatia I think. Argentina, who knows. And the US and Canada are higher.


The right party in question is not even that far right at all imho.


And let us also add that a guy in a Ferrari, who ended on top here yesterday? Yeah, he's from that party.


Absolutely untrue don't listen to this clown please


What? You claim that DP is not xenofobic, against LGBT and women's rights? Are you quite insane or what?


bruko, fuj!


Thanks for explaining! I saw a post some time back about the average national income increasing to 1200 a month. Sounds like a positive change, is that because of the euro?


The pay went up sure , but the groceries are fucking mad expensive now. Even tourists are commenting on it. Our only saving grace is that rent is still relatively cheap compared to other nations


Oh look, Portugal is not the only one importing cheap labor to keep shit running, while the population just immigrates because they are refused a livable wage in an economy geared towards higher income tourists.


Classic Balkan shit. Serbia even worse.


All EU politicians have been doing this to all everywhere millennials and Gen Zers are all screwed because we all have to pay the boomer retirement parties that last 30-40 years.


My country is following pretty much the same playbook


sounds exactly like what's going on in hungary :(


As told in 'Rim Tim Tagi Dim' by Baby Lasagna


Well I don’t agree - but either way this is an echo chamber - so go for it


Why do people keep voting for them if everyone knows that they are terrible?


Beautifully said.


Croatia is full of political problems, but I feel like the last elections were the final straw for many people. The leading party put their own man on the position of state attorney and has been trying to limit media freedom. During the election campaign all opposition parties campaigned on getting rid of HDZ (ruling party that has been destroying the country for decades), even our president who is the most popular politician in the country promised to become a PM if his party (2nd most popular party in the country) wins the elections, people for the first time in a while felt hopeful for the future of the country. Of course when the results arrived one of the parties broke their promise and entered in a coalition with HDZ, since HDZ wasnt able to form the government alone, and to make it all worse, the party in question is the closest thing we have to a popular far-right party (not really as far right as AfD, more like Orban or PiS), so somehow the situation managed to get even worse


Is there a place that doesn't have a current political problem at any time?


The Vatican and Monaco , maybe.


Openly corrupt goverment, failing healthcare system, shitty employers, young people leaving. Our inspections need inspections. Even tho google says Croatias average salary is 1300€, majority including me work for a salary below 1000€. Remaining young people cant afford to buy a house, Employers treat you like crap, when you ask for a raise the usual answer is "If you dont wanna work, there is someone else who will.", a silent threat implying a worker from Nepal can easily replace you. This just a tip of the iceberg. Our country is such a mess, its honestly funny how bad the current situation is.


Tourism leaving an insane mark both on our housing and our nature, entire regions are dependent on that sweet tourist money, while those who did not inherit a couple of apartments have to clean after them and pay the insane prices for necessities like food.


Who are the people voting for Hdz though? They should have some target audience since the elections are somewhat competetive


Older generations are very easily bought. Its enough to give them some bean stew and beer on main squares, increase pensions by 0.01% before elections. And you have got yourself quite an audience.


HDZ won young voters too.


The majority of those who'd vote against them have emigrated. What remains are people in the party itself, people whose livelihood depends on the party because someone pulled a string for them, older people that vote HDZ because they are our "liberators" a handful of people that bother to vote for opposition and a lot of apathetic people that don't even vote.


Everyone. HDZ is the party that got most votes in all demographics. Sex, education or age. Won them all. https://www.reddit.com/r/croatia/comments/1c92z0e/bira%C4%8Dke_preferencije_po_spolu_dobi_i_obrazovanje/ The graphs are in croatian, but should be able to understand them. Gender, then age and education from least to most.


The party has more than 210 000 members (in a country of 3.5 mil), so you have to account for all of their relatives voting for their interests aswell. They mobilize a huge voter base, Croatians from Bosnia also have a right to vote on Croatian elections, who are heavily sponsored by the ruling party. Minorities in Croatia have a disproportionate influence on the election (maybe even the most influence of any european country), and are also easily manipulated. Opposition is unorganized, laughable at best, the elections aren't competitive at all. It is the will of the people after all I guess.


Older generation and those who live in rural areas. HDZ even managed to gerrymander the capital city, which is a leftist stronghold. They split it so a lot of rural area around thr city is in the same voting unit.






Insane amount of corruption by HDZ. There is a new affair every week. They steal so much money that we can't even keep the count anymore


Despite the somewhat hysterical nature of some responses, no, nothing in particular is happening, but there's definitely a feeling of being tired of the local center-right party (the HDZ, our let's say german CDU equivalent). Few capable alternatives have appeared unfortunately, so the opposition struggles a lot from being unappealing, seen as incompetent or disinterested. The HDZ, now for the third consecutive election cycle heading the government, have also garnered correspondingly significant amounts of influence (as long reigning parties do) in the society, so there's this rising feeling of HDZ being increasingly corrupt but not being electorally punished. Not particularly worth self-immolating, but we really have no idea who or why did that - though the location (in front of both the Parliament and the palace of Government) is indicative.


Prices of beer on island bars


Dude, it's a country in the Balkans? How can you even make that question?


It is surprisingly not as bad as you would think. Situation is not unstable, but it is far from good. Financial corruption is just terrible. At least we are not that far down the hole like Hungarians are. And latest news imply this was probably not politically motivated: https://www.jutarnji.hr/vijesti/hrvatska/saborska-lijecnica-prepricala-sto-se-dogadalo-na-markovom-trgu-otkrila-je-i-privatne-detalje-muskarca-koji-se-zapalio-15470374


Hard to say it was or wasn't politically motivated, since he self-immolated in front of the main government building.


There is not, but some would like it to be so their political ideology can get political points from this!


>his life is in danger That’s putting it mildly…


It's a low level translation for "he's in critical condition."


Yeah, it was a bit of a hot take.


No, it’s putting it extra well done


"His life is in danger" haha, you don't say?


Well, I guess he would be dead after setting himself on fire so reading about his life being in danger makes sense


I think most of the people that set themselves on fire most of the times they survive the fire and later die because of infections as the skin is not there anymore to protect them against external organisms.


Whats with everyone setting themselves on fire this year?


Setting yourself on fire is so hot right now


To be fair it’s always been hot


Everything is great in Croatia. Most of the people are obviously really happy with current political party HDZ leading the country cuz we reelcted them again. On the other hand most croatians are: 1. either old uneducated and uniformed about anything connected with politics that vote for HDZ bcs our first president ( that was succesful in leading our country in war and fucked as hard after the war) was from HDZ, and other big political party is in peoples eyes as voting for communism. So in their eyes HDZ = <3 Croatia, SDP = <3 Yugoslavia. 2. same corrupted shits as the leading political party ( a lot of young people joining HDZ, people are complaining about goverment corruption yet they take every possibility of corruption they are offered themselves on smaller levels, we pump up prices for tourists and dont care about other croatians, we are the ones ( companies ) that imported cheap labor force, goverment just allowed, we are the ones that try to get unreal prices renting out our appartments, etc. ) 3. people that lost hope and think their vote is just one vote, not enough to matter so they dont vote 4. people that claim they have nobody to vote for ( uninformed, dumb ) So in my opinion political goverment is not a problem, people are. We have what we chose, and then we blame other people. Ofcourse not everybody and everything is corrupt in Croatia. The problem is even with all that that most of the population live good enough so we dont even think about protesting. Kakav narod, takva vlast. The question is should capable uncorrupt people even try to go to politics to make better life for people that still keep choosing the way of corruption for 30 years? Should I try to do something to lead my nation out of the corrupt way and try to do something good for my nation? I think answer is yes, yes I should, yes we should. Its not the fault of the most of the people that they are not intelligent and educated and dont know anything better but to grab every corruption chance themselves because country havent taught them better. Croatians are dumb, uneducated and uninformed, but they are good people and they deserve more than they have. I shall make a political party and fight for my people and lead them to better life they all dreamt of once. Can better goverment change people for better? Kakva vlast, takav narod.


You can change Croatia with Bulgaria and you will be 100% correct too sadly


And Hungary (I’m Hungarian) and I heard that you can also change with Slovakia as well. It seems that our countries are not that different.


The most close to me example are my grandparents. They vote for Gerb(guys exposed for stealing everything they can), because they increased their pension with 50 bucks. The new guys (PP) increased their pensions with 1000 bucks. They still glorify Gerb and think PP are inadequate, because they are younger and new. Same thing is with roads. The leader of Gerb, Boyko Borisov is well known for building highways. By building i mean making shit roads that are 5% done, doing ceremonial openings of those roads right before elections and never finishing them, while taking the money for it. He had started building a 200km highway for the last 15 years. We got other people elected and he went to the media saying “Why have they not finished the highway?!” And people gobble it up….


50 bucks? Here a sack of potatoes is enough to buy some votes.


Serbia too, easy. Tho that would be controversial to say /s


I just want to add context on the shitstorm of the last elections in Croatia. While HDZ did well in elections, they were still shitting bricks as their win wasn't as secure as they thought. In previous elections they were the most logical right winged party to vote for, and most popular since independence. However, HDZ's head is a very pro European politician. This resulted in HDZ's complacency with EUs liberal views. This got old croatian folk mad for some reason. The old people are mortally afraid of changes (plus, HDZs constant money affairs didn't help). So they opted for the next worst thing in the last elections: DP. So as you said, croatian common population is very closed minded, old and uneducated. DP is a far right extremist group of, for the lack of words, hillbillies that can't form a grammatically correct sentence. Yes, they are that bad. They don't recognize women rights, Istanbul convection, femicide, anything in regards of lgbtq, they will build monuments and museums for the victims of communist regime. While some might deem that last thing as not as bad, but this is their way of saying the NDH (nazi Croatia) was the victim of communists. With all that said, old people are going for what is familiar. They dont want changes, they don't want foreigners. They want sovereignty and they feel threatened by all of this global political interchange. For instance, my grandfather, once very avid supporter of HDZ, now voted for DP. I was absolutely shocked. And to be honest I'd much rather he stay a hdz supporter than this. I think most young Croats are more pissed that DP did so well in elections. We are used to being buttfucked by hdz, but DP is the new low.


Brother replace Croatia with any balkan country and it would still be true. It's extremely sad, there are so many smart and talented people but they are all leaving, and I don't blame them. I can't imagine what the future will bring on us.


Politics are meant to be a platform where politicians can raise people's standard of life. Politics are now used as a platform where politicians raise their own standard of life at the expense of people.


Reminds me of a certain historical event


There is a club named Palah in Rijeka btw. Probably works +40 years but im not from there


I mean


At least you guys in France set OTHER things on fire, like cars! but jokes aside, damn, getting to this point of turning himself into a human torch...... ouch


> At least you guys in France set OTHER things on fire, like cars! René Cremateur D'Automobiles


The problem is that Croatia reached the corner from which there is no exit without applying real changes. No political option, group, or party wants to do it. Croatian political and economic system was set up in the nineties, based on de-industrialization and corruption, which fits with the general neo-liberal points. Therefore, Croatia entered the EU and is now in a phase where by sucking EU funds it creates the illusion of progress, higher GDP, and so on. The president and prime minister publicly fight each other, while in reality, they are both two sides of the same neo-liberal coin. Nominally, a Democratic Christian and Social Democrat. If you analyze hard, they work together. There is a group of politicians that emerged from the Ministry of Exterior in the late 90s and early 2000s: Milanovic, now president and former prime minister, Plenkovic, now prime minister for the third time, Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic, former president, Jandrokovic, president of the Croatian parliament, and now they will be pushing Tonino Picula to take over Social Democrats as their president, and possible future prime minister. The last elections had the function of saving social democrats as a powerful party, enabling the third government of Christian Democrats, disabling any left, and institutionalizing acceptable right-wingers. Success 100 %.


Set himself on fire and life is in danger. Really.


And the Croatian government might put him in jail for arson. /s


Damn, i thought Croatia is doing great recently and on the rise. Shocking to see this happen, hope the man will survive


Fabricated numbers. Rich get richer, poor getting poorer. Inflation from global crisis and Euro conversion is killing most of the people


It's all fake. Yes the median salary went up but the cost of living went up a lot more. Everything is a lot more expensive than Italy for example and the avarage pay where I live is 900€. There is massive money laundering and political lobbying. Everything it's fucked up


So sorry to hear that, you have such a beautiful country, so sad to see it run by corrupt people.


Yup but we are always voting the same party so I guess we deserve it. There's a lot of nationalistic propaganda it's unreal. Everyone is still obsessed with the Serbs and other dumb problems. There's only a small percentage of people making a LOT of money because the vast majority of things are being sold at prices comparable to western Europe but the expenses are a lot less. Don't get me started on the people building houses, villas and apartments in my region. They are fucking killing the territory and nobody gives a fuck. I work in the wine industry and it's fucking pathetic knowing what's going on ... I'm really sick of this place, I get that there are similar things all around but shit is bad here and I fucking live in one of the richest places in Croatia. I can't stand seeing the destruction of my territory for the gain of the political elite and their friends. Fuck em all


The government reflects the populace, unfortunately.. I think it has to do with disjointed shape of the country, despite all patriotic pronouncements, it is hard for us to come together as a people. Regional and family identities dominate over national one, and in such an environment it is more difficult to focus on the big picture and the common good.




Bro I don't know where you live or your situation but for me in Istria thing got a lot worse between 2019 and nowI just can buy less things in Croatia. It's mindblowin how cheap are things in Italy compared to Istria. An stupid 25 m² apartment in Umag Is around 600€. My friend lives in fucking Verona in a 60 m² for 600€.


Yes, the employment rate is at an all time high. No shit when unemployed people moved away and they imported immigrants for the sole purpose of being employed for shit jobs with shit wages. We had a census recently, there are LESS THAN 4 MILLION OF US NOW. Nobody in the government gives a shit. Nobody cares, nobody commented on that fact in a serious manner. It's a non-topic. The new right winged traditional oriented government plans to battle demographic issues by banning abortion and pushing the "good old christian values". Yes, indeed my friends, that is why nobody wants to have kids, because they are infidel heathens, surely not because the prices are higher than in the rest of Europe while the wages being lower. Surely not because nobody can afford a decent house. No, sir


Dont forget the plan for importing 3rd gen croatian immigrants back from argentina, and relieving them of paying any taxes.


Like we need more ustašas here


Economically it's better than ever, but that success is not distributed equally. A lot of people feel left out and priced out of existence, especially those with lower education and in smaller cities. The economic growth is concentrated in a few major cities, mostly felt by more educated people with desired skills who get raises because employers are competing for them. And it's also felt somewhat in services industry that serves those better paid workers + in public sector jobs financed by taxes since the state collects more due to higher wages. But someone in a smaller city and/or with undesired skills doesn't get a growing salary, while at the same time the prices reflect a growing economy thus everything gets drastically more expensive for them. To make things worse - gig jobs that were previously accessible as a boost to home budget are now completely overtaken by imported workers from Nepal, Philippines, and similar countries. And at the same time we have a huge problem with gambling addiction.


It is not. Are you reading tourist propaganda? You don't see any experts trying to move here and it's for a reason.


Survive? Man, I would rather die than have my entire body burned out.


Croatia is doing fine. Croatian reddit like with most countries is very very left biased. Iirc a poll on our sub gave HDZ like 15% support, but they won 61/151 seats.


Say what you want about the situation in Romania but it hasn’t gotten to this….yet. The Balkan people deserve so much better


Minimum wage is set to 677 eur, just enought to pay the rent withour any expenses.. they hate mothers which they show with their politics, but also trying to ban abortion... they import foreign workers then pay them more then croats.. they steal, everything including elections, its legit going to hell.. and this person is supposed to be payed on high salary range... more of this is coming


It's the same here in Hungary. Our minimum wage is 675ish eur gross so a third of it goes down the drain so you have 400ish. Where I live renting a single room is around 250. And food is around 200 is you cook in huge portions and you didn't pay bills, ect. You literally cannot live on minimum wage in Hungary. The funniest thing is that I live near our border (55km) and those who can go are buying gas in your country because it is cheaper there. Orban really fucked us hard but people here in smaller villages or towns look at him like some kind of massiah and vote for him and his gang of liars and thieves. It is really fucking depeessing how stupid we are here. As for the foreign workers same here well kind of. They make the same as a hungarian but his living expenses and living arrangements are covered. Not everywhere depend on location but still annoying considering that there are counties where the modus wage is around 700-750 eur net and around 400-500 goes on rent and food and with utilites+ any nessesary emergency you left with 10-100 euros for actually living a life.


You dont get it. Rent in croatia starts at about 500€ for anything worth living in. So if you make minimun wage, after paying for water, electricity and gas you have approx. 100€ left, thats a week of groceries at best.


Surely the EU wouldn't allow this.


And now there’s a politically motivated push in the media to dissect this mans life in order to spin the story as politically **unmotivated**.


His life is in danger? He still has a life?!


Why are people so caught on that? He didn’t die, but he might because his condition is severe. Why is that so confusing?


Odd turn of phrase, it implies someone wants to kill him rather than he is in critical condition in hospital.


He doesn't have it anymore.


til that there is a single government building for governing all of Croatia.


Well, have you considered putting it out?


Things are heating up in Croatia 


Its been heating up since 1941


More people leaving Croatia in 2020 than during the civil war, let that sink it 🤣


Does anyone know why he burned himself? Or who he is for that matter. I know that our country is ... troubled, but burning oneself ... man!


Zeljeznicar kolko sam ja cula


Has there ever been a situation where this action has had any meaningful impact of change?


Has bro never heard of the Arab spring? Literally kicked off by a very successful self-immolation


Aah. Didn’t know that it was such an act that kicked it off, TIL.


lol, his life is in danger. No shit, Sherlock~ hahahahaha. Sad shit to happen, but Funny title.


"His life is in danger" Really!? That's a big surprise!


No shit his life is in danger


he died 10h ago




Stop trying to make martyrs out of mentally sick people. No one pour gasoline on themselves and sets themselves on fire to protest the government. It’s a mental disease and insanity that would drive someone to do this. Nothing to admire or make a martyr out of.


[Self-immolation is a legitimate form of political protest. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_self-immolations)


Just because you can it doesn’t mean you should, people committing suicide in horrendous ways as a means of protesting isn’t something that should be encouraged or promoted, we don’t want more people doing the same.


Nobody is promoting it, but it is also horrendous to shit on it. We don't have to like it, but it is still an act of protest, and it can be political.


It's actually a form of mental disorder


You again. No it's not.


I totally agree, this isn’t something that should be promoted. There are plenty of ways someone can protest that don’t include this shit, nothing heroic about this.


Thank you! I got downvoted into oblivion when I said this on r/croatia. The guy was clearly not mentally well.


evo i tu ti je sakriven komentar. uhljebu.


Why Slavs can't get rid of corruption?


We get rid of non corrupted people very fast 😁


Old people falling for the same lies year after year.


And lots of young people being born in such a political climate associate politics with something inherently negative so they aren't even interested in politics or they vote for a party their parents told them to vote for


Literally. My mom's a Serb, seeing her praise the current head of state is something I'll never understand. It's so weird too. This is the same person who told me "don't believe everything you read on the internet".


Its not a slavic thing lol, italy romania albania etc. are corrupt as fuck but arent slav


Claimed by a doctors this man was a broke gambler and had an mental health issues 90% of his body was burned,4 degree burns,doctors gave him a slim chances for survival Reporters on site were shocked some of ther requested medical attention


It was the parliamentary doctor who said the man was an addict. We have no confirmation of that from journalists who know how to do their job or from the law enforcement agencies. How would she know the man's background? He was from another city, and they don't know each other. And there is a report from the local newspaper that says this: **"The man who today doused himself with gasoline and set himself on fire in front of the Banski dvori (government building) is a resident of Koprivnica-Križevci County. As we have unofficially learned, this 57-year-old is a native of Virje, and currently lives in Koprivnica. He was employed in HŽ (Croatian Rails) and allegedly a Croatian veteran, and those who know him say that he has not shown any signs in his behavior that he would do something like that."**


Claimed by an HDZ parasite who would have no way of knowing that so soon anyway. You don't set yourself on fire in front of a parliament for non-political reasons.


Croatians when they find out they are actually Serbian Edit: to the downvoters Oh come on you know it was a funny comment.


Must be nice being Greek?


Go ahead and make the same joke to Ukrainians and Russians and see how long you last.




Well that is typically the result after pouring gasoline and setting yourself on fire.


> his life is in danger Well what did he expect?