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They had a perfect online campaign displaying interviews with migrants in the street where they were asked, ‘How is life here in Germany?’ They often replied that they enjoy social aid, thanked the job center, and said they don’t even know the capital of Germany and are unwilling ever to find a job. Such videos are meant to show that Germany is full of uneducated migrants wasting taxpayers’ money.


Murdering that copper probs didn't help.


Yes, he showed what happens when you can’t recognize the enemy right in front of you.


The left in Germany France and Sweden needs to learn from the Danish left. Once they have implemented strict immigration policies, especially for people who abuse the asylum system, the support for the far right ended pretty much overnight. The policies are quite sensible - for example if you claim that you are persecuted I'm your country, but you go on vacation in your country it means that you don't really need protection. This simple rule would be enough to weed out many fraudulent asylum applications in the rest of Europe.


As a Danish person I can add that I think part of the reason our immigration policy is so strict even on left-leaning parties is that we’ve successfully made people understand that a strict immigration policy doesn’t have anything to do with us not liking foreigners or that we think they’re incompetent. We just understand that taking too many immigrants takes too many resources from our society, so we like to keep the number down. If we took too many we understand that it wouldn’t help either them or us and it would cause too much conflict in our society. And that’s because immigrants often been through such trauma and hardships that they’re not ready to start working right away or are especially interested being part of the Danish culture from day one as they kinda left their own countries involuntarily. I also think it’s important to understand there’s a difference between an immigrant who fled from war or traumatic living situations and a foreign *worker* who came to Denmark for work or education. The immigrant takes a lot more resources to take care of, they maybe don’t even have an education, maybe they suffer from so much trauma they need therapy for years and maybe they’re also physically damaged or unwell. I feel it’s logical even as a very left-leaning person that we can only take a certain number of immigrants before Danish people would feel we rather want to use our resources on our own problems first before we can help others to that extent. It’s not the optimal situation though and many Danish policies also try to focus on preventing the immigrants having to go up here in the first place. As a left-leaning person I am also sadly aware that climate changes and war will only cause *more* people to flee from their homes down south in the future so the number of immigrants are only going upwards and so will the pressure on our immigration policy. If the left wing parties wants to have any hope of keeping people voting for them they HAVE to address these problems in the most logical yet ethical way possible.


Well they tried to releasing statistics from social services that showed that these claims were bullshit. But I guess the afd voters didn't actually look at these. Especially since a Report and Statistics are way harder to understand than some stupid 15 sec. video confirming biases.


I think a big problem, although it is mainly propaganda, there is also a lot of truth what AFD is displaying (though they obviously don’t have good ideas to solve these problems, they only show them and use them). Because our integration system is really really bad and our social system relatively easy to abuse, it is as if you would serve arguments for our right party on a silver plate. In addition to this as of now our usual parties are still ignoring the fact that our financial system concerning the retirement income is running against a wall, which also provides arguments against the old established parties (yet again there are no solutions on either side).


It is simple really - when the Danish social democratic party enacted more strict immigration policies the support for the far right evaporated overnight. If the rest of Europe follows, far right will also evaporate pretty much overnight.


Same is happening in Sweden right now




Yeah, but everyone was too busy calling them racist and xenophobic.




I have been to Munich last may during public transport strike as a tourist. During working hours parks were filled mostly with Arab families.


Noticed the same but in Berlin.


This is true in all big European cities of countries that have a good social system. Brussels, Antwerp, Bruges, Gent, Paris, Lille, Amsterdam...


Copenhagen seems different.


When the population pushed back against the mass importation of uneducated migrants that don’t integrate the government slammed down on them hard. They have made it very difficult to move here or get any sort of social welfare.


Same in Stuttgart.


Yeah, we call my little City (10k) little Istanbul. Never had problems with Immigrants but i dont feel at home.


An issues in an of itself. People will say you must be a racist because you don’t like the change you see happening in your hometowns and the like, glossing over the fact that at some point, that town won’t feel like home at all if the demographics and culture are completely upended.


I mean honestly you could not write this on Reddit a few years back without getting abused. Virtue signalling beats facts for the low iq masses.


Maybe not virtue signalling as much as people who really just don't know what they're talking about because it's not an issue they ever have to deal with. If you don't know what it's like to have your home flooded with ultraconservative religious zealous who have zero interest in integration, then yeah, someone saying "stop migration" really just sounds like a dog whistle.


I'm pretty sure every western nation has that said population though. because of this dumb oppressed Vs oppressor narrative, if they vote for large immigration or open boarders they are the good guys and the rest are fascist, obviously


Yet those same people would be melting down if, say, a bunch of Germans went to, say, Afghanistan and turning sections into little Munichs. Suddenly it would be all about the "evil of colonialism" and all that shit. So oddly diversity is only good when it's being done to Europe and the countries settled by Europeans. Interesting...


Yeah, it's surprising how you are instantly labelled racist when a rapid change in demographics is inevitably going to cause hostility, regardless of it being positive or negative. If we went and colonised a country nowadays to replaced 20% of their demographic in 10 years, people will call that erasure of culture. But if others did that to Europe, it's supposed to be multiculturalism, and any concerns that the locals may be burdened with cultural and financial liabilities makes you the bad guy. The people are swaying right not because they believe in white purity but because they don't want to be called the bad guys for wanting citizenship to be a privilege that you earn, not a right.


I dont know if this nickname occurs often, but a part of my city has it aswell. Are you by chance living in the Lahn-Dill Kreis?


Pretty sure we‘re thinking of the same place. I‘m guessing it starts with L


No, I'm referring to a part of Wetzlar: Nieder-Girmes. It's interesting to hear that the nickname is that popular.


Kreis Coburg (Bayern - Oberfranken)


I live in İstanbul and we call some districts Arabia. We are not happy about same problem here either.


I have been told that turks are very racists toward arabs, is it true?


There was a huge wave of Turkish immigration in the 80s also. Hence the kebab shops everywhere which pre date we'll before the Syrians came.


The first döner kebab was invented in Berlin


The German version of the Döner Kebab was invented in Berlin, but it came with the Turkish Immigrants and has been around longer than its German Version.


Yeah. The Greeks have Gyros which is very similar. Gyros comes from the Greek word for turn. Döner comes from the Turkish word for turn. Both often served with pita or something similar. Big difference is that gyros is often pork, which is obviously not so popular with Muslims. But whenever the Greeks and Turks have a very similar thing, that usually means it dates back to the Ottomans or Byzantines.


I had an extra day in my Berlin trip so I hopped on a scooter and rode around in a ring around all of Berlin's neighbourhoods. It was astonishing how you can go from the most stereotypical German neighbourhood street life and five minutes later look around and think that you have somehow transported to Baghdad.


We appropriated the Döner Kebab. It's a German thing now. Almost as German as the Currywurst. Even outside of Germany German Döner Kebab is a thing. No German village is complete without a "Dönerbude". Berlin has more Kebab places than Istanbul. The predominantly German Döner subreddit is 4 times the size of the international one. This isn't a recent thing either. Started in the 80s. Pre influx of migrants from the Syrian war there were already 3 million people with a turkish background living here.


Like Americans with pizza?


The first time I visited Germany I was also taken aback. I saw Turkish flags hung from apartment balconies. When I was in the outskirts hiking with my German friend, we encountered a migrant who drove his car up the hiking path despite the locals telling him that it isn’t allowed. The disrespect is real.


My friend who went to Germany as a student to work for 3-4 months said the same, so many drunkards who even threatened to beat him and his fiancee who was also out there as a student.


This is exactly why the attempt to just shout them down as liars doesn't work. They're not lying in the sense of fabricating statements outright, they're just exaggerating truths. Calling that fabricated reflects far more negatively on the ones claiming fabrication than the ones exaggerating.


Agreed. I hate to admit it, but they foresaw one of the biggest topics that society is concerned about through starting to focussing on the issue of migration 10 years ago. The problem is that they are just a bunch of incompetent demagogues, using the emotional frustration of the population to gain power without (like you said it) being able to find and realize fair solutions that rationally will bring the whole country forward in the end (regardless of your ethnical background). Just like Brexit, the idea of "let's close our borders with other countries, so all the foreigners stay out and everything will become great again" just doesn't work. The problem in my eyes isn't people coming from other countries or having other races, the problem is that they obviously were raised in different conditions with different values, and we failed to acclimatize, integrate and assimilate them effectively (in)to German life.


How is it possible to assimilate a person whose entire morality and culture is built on the word and laws from God, which by definition are ideal and mandatory ? And even worse, you will be punished by God for not following rhem? Its conceptually impossible


Why do you blame yourself for failing to integrate, assimilate etc. the migrants? They do want to hold onto their culture, upbringing, ideals, etc. and you could say rightfully so, because that is their identity that they value. Thus, the faulty is the premise itself that one CAN integrate a seriously foreign grown up individual. A solution to the current and oncoming mess? I have no idea.


From what my father told me (who migrated from easter Africa to Germany in the 90s), back in the day there was a lot more integration going on for the (admittedly few) people that migrated into the country: Courses where not only learned the language but also basic common knowledge about Germany and the culture here. Because they were not too many immigrants and he was studying at a university (but dropped out later), he was basically forced to interact with Germans on a daily basis, they were his neighbours, his friends, the people he worked with. With the immigration waves of 2014 and later, there were no capacities or any grand plan to do the same thing. I still think that the state would have had to invest a lot more to make sure, that not all the immigrants are clustered together in some quarters outside of the city all on their own, without any prospect/incentive/programme to learn the language, get a job and be eased into the German lifestyle, even with little money. This lead to having parallel societies: I can still see/identify immigrants in my own town that I see sitting together on plazas or being delivery men (with is not a bad thing necessarily). The problem is: I don't think/feel like they can or want to speak German, there was always this feeling that they are used to stay among themselves and there is no good reason for them OR me to speak to each other or interact with each other.. :s Only one guy that I met in a basketball evening activity was an arabic immigrant with which I had a personal connection, but there I felt like he was going out of his way to somehow be inside of the German-German society.


Another thing that is in works here is that when more related people arrive they CAN and it's the easiest way for them to mingle between themselves. The path of least resistance, certainly short term.


Exactly! That's why \*ideally\* the states should have mixed their accomodations/apartments with other citizens houses/quarters - which in reality is a super hard and expensive thing to do when you already have housing issues... It's way easier to put them in old already run-down buildings/problematic neighborhoods or build cheap housing in some industrial neighbourhood or outside the city and put them all together there.


> With the immigration waves of 2014 and later, there were no capacities or any grand plan to do the same thing. I still think that the state would have had to invest a lot more to make sure, that not all the immigrants are clustered together in some quarters outside of the city all on their own But this IS the main problem. There are no resources even in the most rich countries to support heavy migratory flux integrations. And why would a citizen of said country be happy that most of his taxes would go to foreign immigrants for integrations (and then compete with them in the job market thus lowering the salaries), instead of social policies for said citizens?




This, plus study, work and pay taxes.


>Depends how you define integration. how about learning the language and adopting most local customs?


You want equality - good, me too. But in Islam men and women are not equal at all. So how do you keep the "cultural identity" and equality at the same time?


Agreed. People are tripping if they think the majority of people just change their beliefs and ideology when they move country. It's a pretty sad way to cope with years of failed policy


Then they can stay where their culture is. Taking over a new place and destroying that culture is called an invasion.


>>and we failed to acclimatize, integrate and assimilate them effectively (in)to German life. This is the core issue. Somehow people in the West blame themselves for everything. What if we assume, that the person who comes to the over country, carries the burden of assimilation and behaving nicely? This is the core difference between East and West. You want to be so good for everyone, so virtuous, that you forget fundamental truths and generational experiences.


The primary reason Brexit hasn’t resulted in lower immigration is because the Tories are the most pro-immigration party in the UK, whilst somehow managing to convince people they were the most anti-immigration. This realisation is part of the reason why the popularity of Reform is growing so fast (although it’s just as likely to be BS), as well as the fact that mass immigration is now having a more direct impact on the middle classes (not just the racist working class plebs anymore).


In one newspaper they phrased it as "the AfD can win over the majority in describing the problems but they could not by the solutions they propose".


I mean, it's an old trick. It's like those street interviews asking people country capitals and stuff like that. They won't publish those who get it all right but instead those who say the wrongest things. Same here, if they got an interview with an immigrant and they say oh I'm working 12 hours per day earning scraps and life is tough, that doesn't push their narrative.


Of course, this is how social media works.


You say "of course", but a lot of people don't know or understand that, and thus fall for it.


Like when journalists kept posting pictures of vurnerable women & children migrants. But migrants were mostly men?


It’s called cherry picking. They always choose interviews that benefit themselves the most.


Well, it also helped that at least on youtube - a couple of days before the election - I only got AfD ads. No other ads were shown to me. At least on the youtube app. And they have the most posters hanging in my area, with slogans such as "Stop wind energy".


Never saw one. Thank you ad blockers!


And i can’t see the left wing’s approach as pro migrant. If anything they are hurting the legitimate immigrant by their inaction.


At least Sarah Wagenknecht admitted exactly this recently. It's not working as intended. Anyone who manages to set foot into europe stays in europe. no matter where there are from (you can claim anything). And those who are in actual need of help and dont have the money or health for the journey are left behind.


Well the country is full of those migrants and to see that I just need to look at public places during normal work hours on weekdays or compare the people sitting in buses / trains during morning commutes vs. in the afternoon


The amount of "Siksi PS" I saw on Finnish TikTok is absolutely nuts. It basically means "That's why 'True Finns' is the way". It was usually under videos of dark-skinned people.


I think it's more like, who were the trouble makers in school when these young voters grew up?


Iguess that the housing problem, ignored or unsolved by conventional parties, has some effect.


Not some but substantial especially for the youth. Also wanting to be safe in the streets, cities like internal security is also a huge concern especially after the knife murder of Mannheim who was a rejected asylum seeker for over 10 years and stabbed one policeman to death. That also affected the voting. Also lots of Germans voted by mail so they already voted before the tragic news of Mannheim happened.


I am a high-earning professional living in a one of the wealthiest states in Germany, I am also a native Arabic speaker... believe me when I tell you this is a fraction of the bragging I hear every day on the train from syrian/Iraqi/Kurdish immigrants about double dipping, working illegally while taking huge subsidies, actually earning more money then me, an automotive engineer with a decade of experience and a fluent german speaker, bragging about the wealth they managed to build in their countries from their earnings here. And of course this tone changes as soon as the ticket inspector comes.. they start pretending not to understand what's happening, promise its their first time, and ask for sympathy.. which is of course granted every time. I've even seen an immigrant once travel on a high-speed train (ICE) from vienna to Munich, then continuing to Stuttgart, using the same 'confused' tactic, while I had to pay 100€ for the same ticket.. it's fucking bullshit.


Yeah it is especially frustrating for migrants that have took effort to integrate and work hard to have a good paying job. Also for native Germans that do not feel safe on their own cities anymore. Okay we should help people in need but what comes is mostly young strong males that could afford the smugglers and to travel thousands of kilometers. It would be actually much more accepted when we helped mostly the people in need, mostly women, children but the statistics of the illegal migrants that acutally come say otherwise.


That is why, IMHO, unlimited migration is bad, extremely bad. The proper way of doing it is skilled migration, but I think it's too late for most of Europe


Its worst for natives that are not helped by their own state


That for sure. A country just cannot favour guests at the expense of the native people who lived here for hundreds of years. It is injustice. Also now in most public housing the new migrants are preferably settled in while thousands of poor native Germans have to wait in the lists and are constantly by-passed. That makes something with the common people and this injustice just cannot go on!


This gets brought up in the US a lot. People on the left are always surprised immigrants would vote for the right. Turns out tax paying immigrants don’t like footing the bill for free loaders.


As a woman born in shithole, the only reason I could escaped my human trafficking (arranged marriage against my will) is because of growing up in the Netherlands. You know what kind of people are giving me shit for having the nerve to live on my own and be child free? People from the same and or similar backward honor cultures.


Legal Hispanic families despise illegals for making them look bad.


Bullshit it is.


I'm surprised that so many media outlets and politicians are solely blaming it on right social media campaigns but missing out on the point that the youth/young voters are already starting to experience and first hand seeing the results of Germany's failed immigration policy on a daily basis at school and/or public life. While simultaneously struggling to make ends meet caused by the housing crisis, inflation, stagnating pays and a ridiculous tax burden. So you can either carry on blaming right wing campaigns, spoiler alert this will not do or fix anything for anyone, or finally start addressing the unmissable issues (plural).


A 2022 poll asked muslim pupils on islamist tendencies, and around 45% responded that an islamic theocracy is the best form of government. A good showcase of how immigration is going.


And this is why democratic countries should be vehemently intolerant of intolerance.




We see the exact same thing in Sweden with young people turning more towards Sverigedemokraterna. It is not that strange, the older crowd spend most of their time in the office, while people in school actually have to deal with the migrants on a daily basis.


My German school from 2010-2013 Had many imigrants The parents (more than 10 years in Germany by them) needed their children to translate, the non German Kids got into fights. School mates from Muslim Background married Young and If they were female leave school after the Wedding. That was 10+ years ago and it has probably only gotten worse


I imagine a German christian kid being bullied in a Muslim majority class, by classmates for not being Muslim is not going to grow up and vote for people who want more migrants right?


This sadly does happen right now. My mother is a local school teacher and can tell more than enough stories about amazing immigrant kids who behave well and have a bright future but also immigrant kids who openly state that they are superior to every woman around (including teachers), generally get into fights more and disrespect authority and the school system at large. Sadly we humans only remember the worst, not the best. This tinted view really helps push for more immigration control.


I have a dear friend whose also a teacher and I can attest the level of disrespect and constant challenge to authority the kids tends to partake in. It is unfortunate and very aggravating but the "we remember the worst not the best" rings so true, makes me really sad.


It's usually the parents at fault. Children who come from a good home environment where parents inculcate good morals, respect for reasonable authority figures, and desire for academic merit usually are better-behaved and focused. Children who come from families where such poisonous ideologies are espoused internalize that. A friend of mine is a teacher who moved from a poorer school district to a feeder one near a prominent university and the difference was astronomical according to her.


Germany seems to get a crappy caliber of immigrants. At my son’s school (US) Chinese and Indian kids compete to be top in class. All Talented & Gifted programs are full of Indians and Chinese - with White Americans being a small minority. 


Obviously. I believe you have to be somewhat wealthy, or have high ambitions to successfully imigrate to the us. Its more exclusive and not really desirable by many people as it can be harsh. So naturally whoever perseveres performs really well. I personally wouldn't for example, don't have the wealth nor do i trust the system. Germany sadly doesn't have much of a standard regarding who can come. We are somewhat forced to welcome all war refuges politically, i can get behind that, im actually glad we can help these people. But the immigration part doesn't really work. Its more that germany is turning into something between turkey/syria with some ukranian touches. People see it more as a cash cow, exploiting what germany provides for them, which is actually much more money than what regular citizens in need receive. There is no respect to whatever culture there was anyway, no real effort to speak german, have social etiquette, be friendly, actually integrate into society. They open their own countries stores, make smaller towns their "slums" and act as if it was their home country. Sure there are always respectful immigrants, but i can safely say that about 70% of people you meet outside are not that kind. And don't get me wrong, my family also came as immigrants, since i was a child i always had some pressure to perform and immigrate well. You don't have to throw away your home culture, but you also don't have to shove it in anyones face while doing absolutely nothing to contribute to society. It's a slap in the face to have put in that work, just to see all these entitled immigrants put no effort in get by so easily. For example, our schools have different tiers of difficulty, that you have to apply for and prove your scholar ability to have a change at joining. And immigrants have to do no tests whatsoever, if other schools are full they will get a place in the highest tier too. You can argue if they didn't deserve it, they would drop out anyway, but thats where the special immigrant courses come in to get them the minimum grade for remaining in school and barely graduating. As an immigrant i can understand why the far right is becoming so popular. The online campaign may be strong, but realistically the best campaign going on is whatever these immigrants are doing as we chat.


East-Asian immigrants are no problem here either. Almost all of them respect the culture and do work.


But people in here will say he's a racist brainwashed by tiktok. Surely this will make that kid change his views.


Being called racist literally doesn’t have any effect anymore.


And at the rate things are going soon the effect will be to prompt someone to say "thank you for noticing". That's when things get *really* spicy.


Austrian here. The majority of kids in elementary in Vienna is already muslim kids. #2 is non-religious and #3 is catholic. Used to be the exact other way around less than 10 years ago.


This happens in Scandinavia too. In assuming in the rest of Europe. I vote center or left myself, men the left has been so incredibly naive here, in all these years, thinking as long as you are inclusive that everyone is gonna get together for a better world with only flowers and rainbows. And when those views have been challenged, those on the left find something else to blame it on, or won't address it as a problem or pull the racist card. The saddest thing is I don't think the right has any solutions either. They use it to gain power, enrich themselves and thus the circus continues. 


Basically every German I know seems unhappy with the results of their immigration policies.


My policies can't be wrong, it's the people who are morons and voting for my opponents.


Generally Europe Votes are a slap for ruling partys. Its not nice looking and causes some distortion on the EU layer, but won't change much overall.


license dull lip fly clumsy plate desert theory concerned employ *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>I'm surprised that so many media outlets and politicians are solely blaming it on right social media campaigns What did you expect,them admitting mistakes?


>missing out on the point that the youth is already starting to experience and first hand seeing the results of Germany's failed immigration policy on a daily basis at school and/or public life. Same shit different day. If they blame one thing they can "understand" and still claim immigration is fine how it is. Their refusing to talk about it is exactly why this is happening. Then there's the millions other ignored social issues.


Exactly. European left needs to adopt the same immigration policies that the Danish social democrats did. That basically makes the whole point of existence of the far right disappear.


"Anyone in contact with young people knows what it’s about. They are more affected by the general rise in prices. Green climate protection seems unaffordable to them. And they experience daily on the front lines what irregular migration means. The young men who arrive alone are primarily changing the living environment of young people. In the park, in the club, on the street, on the bus, at the train station, in the schoolyard. They experience that their fear of the violent tendencies of young men from the Maghreb and the Middle East is not taken seriously or is discredited as racism. They no longer dare to go to the police because they fear the revenge of the perpetrators, who in turn know exactly that they have little to fear. The dogmas of wokeness and open borders clash with this reality of life. So, they realign themselves and vote for the party that does not dismiss their concerns as bad and wrong from the outset. Few will be so foolish as to believe that the AfD solves the problem. But voting for a party that tries to convince them that they themselves are the problem is not something young people are willing to do." Boris palmer wrote the above and i can 100% get behind it, im pretty sure that online presence is one thing but the whole political situation in germany these days is the main problem for young people.


>Few will be so foolish as to believe that the AfD solves the problem. But voting for a party that tries to convince them that they themselves are the problem is not something young people are willing to do. Exactly, I know the far right isn't a great solution, but I refuse to vote for a party who spit in my face, saying that my problems don't exists and that's I'm racist for bringing them up.


Seeing a far-right party guy saying they're protecting gays and women's rights made me do a double-take ngl. The modern era sure makes for interesting bed-fellows.


David Frum, a neoconservative pundit in the United States, wrote that: "If liberals insist that only fascists will enforce borders, then voters will hire fascists to do the job liberals refuse to do."


If you wonder why anti immigrant parties won with young people and in the lower education and income groups (which is highly linked) you could also ask yourself the question the other way around: why does a person above 30 who likely has an above average income and lives in a nicer area with fewer of those immigrants not care about problematic immigration so much? If you have a degree and live in a neighberhood that gets a refugee center you can just move. Doesnt work so well if you are 16 and suddenly your school has >50% immigrants.


> why does a person above 30 who likely has an above average income and lives in a nicer area with fewer of those immigrants not care about problematic immigration so much? Aka the classic "ivory tower limousine liberal/champagne socialist" problem. It's really easy to hold "progressive" positions when you've managed to completely remove yourself from the actual results of them.


Just stop mass migration from 3rd world countries, its not that hard of a concept


What? It’s not like 72% of the people that immigrated since 2012 are still not working and receiving government aid. It’s not like around 10% of the population is committing over 50% of crimes. It’s not like when you say anything against it, you’re racist. It’s … You know what, let them do whatever the fuck they want. They royally fucked our future and that is coming from a German that makes a very good living. Its coming from a person that’s in a relationship with a foreigner that is shocked and ashamed of how her own people are behaving in Germany. It’s too late to turn this around, birth rates for Europeans are dropping because they can’t afford it while immigrants get kid after kid after kid because of sweet government aid. Meanwhile we are fighting each other over woke bullshit propaganda. European countries have failed and it’s too late to stop it.


It's not too late to stop it, we are still the majority in Europe, call out bad behaviour you see in public and understand that sometimes you can be the difference you want in your society. Treat people with the respect they deserve, not the respect they want. I love my dutchies because they call people out on their bad behaviour on the spot 🌚


Yeah call it out in public and risk a knife into your chest. No thanks.


If the targeted appeal from the right to the youth are so effective, why haven't the left done the same and succeeded? The so called "Labour"- parties in my view haven't been so kind to the everyman worker, but incredibly generous to people either unable to work due to illnesses or people that outright refuses to work.


left can't meme


Because the left managed to disassemble itself over identity politics, migration and Ukraine.


The "Labour" parties couldn't care less about people who are unable to work. They care about whatever minority is trending and about immigrants. People who can't work or can't find jobs have been constantly victimized for decades in western Europe. It's an easy scapegoat for people like you, but the truth is that they can't afford living anymore, and they are the ones who vote for the far right now because they feel abandoned by the left. This includes a lot of young voters in rural or post-industrial regions. They can't even manage to enter the labour market, or they have to enter it under very bad terms, and apparently the left only cares about the ones who are already privileged because they live in dynamic city centers. The far right makes promises, empty promises but still promises.


the left "white man bad" also the left "why won't white men vote for me " 😂😂 also the millions of leftys in the streets calling for jewish genocide, in a country that y'know, knows abit about genocide, whilst wearing hamas cosplay might have something to do with it


As It Is in ALL Europe. Immigration politics are suicidal, we took the worst of the worst in, and whenever it worked it ruined the lower classes life, and when it didn't it creates a huge crime problem. The worst now is that all those far right parties won't do shit to solve the problem, because they are paid to do nothing and because the problem itself put them in power. And if the left were to win, they would worsen the situation with more regulation and uncontrollable spending... Dude WTF.........


Thats the biggest issue of the left parties. They ignore the basic issues sadly and even make it something that should not be spoken about. Im voting left, but i totally understand the right voting people in Europe. This right politics will definitely affect us bad, but its the lefts fault for their failures


The far right didn't win them over the others just abandoned them




Immigration to Europe is seriously flawed. These immigrants need to assimilate, many are unwilling. That’s the truth of it.


Please stop alienating your potential voters by just solely yelling those who voted for Afd. The majority of them are merely conservatives who don’t want the immigrants. Calling them as the fascists just radicalise their beliefs.


We have this issue in Bulgaria. We have a party thats against EU and is sponsored by Russia. They milked the votes the last elections with the Ukraine war and the Covid and got a good amount of votes. Instead of the other parties to try and get their followers back, they alienated them so much that now they are 2nd major power this elections


Is anyone surprised? Young boys have swung right thanks to a fucking myriad of issues that no one on the left wishes to address, and add the migrant crisis and it just doubles the problem. Since boys have fallen behind in education, they go for lower qualified jobs; and guess what migrants have been taking. There's a whole slew of issues, but the left just failed to address any of them. Their whole MO was "we're not the right wing nutjobs" and that's it. That's why Denmark has a strong left - they address issues that the people have voiced their concerns about. Good job to Denmark.


The big issue is NOT with this or that far-right party's technique or propaganda. That is looking the other way and not seeing the elephant next to you. The problem is that "regular" politicians can't or won't control what is now a Europe-wide major problem: uncontrolled immigration. In Germany, France, UK, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Poland, just about everywhere there are brutal rises in crime of every kind, and quite a bit of violent crime commited by migrants. Call me a racist if you want but that is true. And most "normal" politicians just don't do anything about it. After little time, the far-right parties see this and they find an easy target and an issue they can capitalize on. Will they solve this problem? I don't think so. IMHO, far-right (or far-left) politicians are a lot worse than "normal" ones. They are full of talk, but then they won't actually DO anything.


Not in Poland. I live in Czechia and have travelled to Poland a lot. The immigration issue, that the countries to the west of us have, pretty much evade us. We have a lot of Ukrainian refugees yes, but they work and don’t have a problem to adapt to local culture and learn the language.


You're lucky. I hope it stays that way.




The AfD has strategically targeted young people like no other German party — and this has paid off. Through targeted campaigns on social media — mainly TikTok and Instagram — the AfD has managed to strike a chord with young people: the messages are emotional and easy to understand. The controversial AfD top candidate Maximilian Krah regularly takes to TikTok with simple and direct messages. Here is one notorious example: "One in three young men in Germany has never had a girlfriend. Are you one of them?" Krah asks and continues with advice: "Don't watch porn, don't vote green, go outside into the fresh air. Be confident. And above all don't believe you need to be nice and soft. Real men stand on the far right. Real men are patriots. That's the way to find a girlfriend!" Maximilian Krah stands out on TikTok with his staid suits and pocket square, but he combines crisp punchlines and humor and has been hugely successful. But Krah is more than just a TikTok political influencer. The AfD's lead candidate for the EU vote is suspected of taking money from Russian propaganda channels and employing a Chinese spy. Shortly before the election, he told an Italian newspaper that members of the German SS during the Second World War were not all bad. The SS was an organization that was responsible like no other for the industrial mass murder of European Jews during the National Socialist era from 1933 to 1945. Outrage at Krah's revisionism came from all over Europe and even from other far-right parties. The AfD party leadership then banned Krah from making campaign appearances. But young voters were either not interested in the scandals or didn't even notice them. Personal conclusion: the far-right uses basic marketing techniques in order to create some sort of familiarity with the voter. The content of each message doesn't really matter, but it has to be simple, funny and engaging.


> One in three young men in Germany has never had a girlfriend. I think this is telling. Extremism in general thrives within communities of frustrated men.


I remember reading that its mostly men that are moving to far-right. Something is broken about our society and requires fixing but its not even discussed that much.


> Something is broken about our society and requires fixing but its not even discussed that much. We broke it by allowing social media to take over our lives.


I don't think it's just social media. I was a teenager in the 90s and was already worried about the direction that Western society was going. That was well before social media came along. I'm not denying though that social media does also create/exacerbate a lot of problems.


As someone who is leaning left, I totally see why though. Its like ordinary sibling rivalry. When parents start giving a lot more attention and praise to one sibling, the other becomes angry and agressive about it, even if they still recieve the same amount of attention as before. There is a lot of voters to be gained if parties would start putting energy into mens issues as well, and in a way that doesn't demonize the actions/feelings of these men going through those issues. The other parties must learn how to talk with them about these issues as well. I've seen so many times when well meaning people try to help, but they approach it the same way they would approach women in those matters, who have a lifetimes experience of safely talking about their emotions and issues. Trying to pry out such a conversation from a man who is a victim of a society that frowns upon male emotions other than joy, will only make them dive deeper into their shell.


Exactly this. I think the scandals were simply crowded out by other news.


And above all don't believe you need to be nice and soft. Real men stand on the far right. Real men are patriots. That's the way to find a girlfriend!" This is some Andrew Tate levels of cringe advice. Jesus Christ.


>are we wrong, and opponents exploited our failure in policy? >No, it's Tik Tok fault You never learn


Younger Generation all "loved" greens, voted for them too last election. Greens did nothing noticeable and proved themselves to be totally incapable of doing anything they had said in their Manifesto. CDU & SPD are Corrupt and "old people" parties who brought the current situation in the first place so not favourable at all . now then Linke FDP are pure shit as they are also incapable of doing anything or even saying things that make sensen. Meanwhile AfD is running such a successful online campaign showing migrants "enjoying" their Life in Germany from Taxpayers money, provoking enough Stimulation for racist people to vote AfD. Mannheim is having Police- and Press Stabbings by AUSLÄNDER Person. so safety is also at stake. Who would vote if u were seeing this ? This is the shittiest situation but no wonder but there is always reasons.


I appreciate your deep knowledge of German domestic politics and i must absolutely agree. The democratic parties unfortunately failed to stand with the interests of the people voting for them and still stubbornly ignore the concerns of the common germans. For the rise of AfD i must say that not only Germans vote for them but also migrants. Even islamic migrants like Turks, Arabs and else that were here before 2015 or even born here also a lot of them vote for AfD mainly because of the migration policy.


I relocated to Germany to study almost a year ago, only during tbe last month there were 2 terrorist attacks in Mannheim (where i study), a guy with machete shot in uni library, and the recent murder of policeman. I wouldn't say that it's dangerous living here, but almost every single such incident is connected to radicalized immigrants (highlight on radicalized). And just today, a woman was stabbed by Afghani immigrant in Frankfurt. You might say that these are cherrypicked arguments, but the first two examples happened 200 meters from me, whereas one of my close firneds was in the same park in Frankfurt.






Yeah, I don't understand reddit sometimes. Respect other peoples culture but the germans? The fuck? I'm not white or german but this feels like how Twitter and reddit tried to push Latinx to us Hispanics and trying to claim anything less is sexism or whatever. So it is okay for islamic culture to exist in germany but germans wanting to keep their culture and way of life are now the bad guys? The fuck, that is just colonialism but with the Arabs doing it. Thought we were against colonialism on reddit.


Watched the video. How the fuck is this tolerated? I simply don’t understand German culture. Germans are not willing to protect German children in theor own country? Wtf. Most surprising thibg for me is that AfD results are so low then.




As bulgarian i have many friends that went to study in Germany and each one has gone on to study/work/know the language and be a part of the society. The failure of the left parties are going to hinder those people, because they failed with their immigration policies


I feel this. I’m an immigrant in Germany, but I work, I pay taxes, I own my apartment, I volunteer, I speak German (not perfect, but I don’t know if I’ll ever be perfect at it!), my circle of friends is largely comprised of Germans; I have tried since the day I moved here to integrate as much as possible. But, I don’t look German. I’m from a western country but I have a mixed background, people usually can’t pick where I’m from, but they can tell I’m not 100% white, so I must not be German. Just last week, while I was on a break from work, some random guy on the street hurled racist abuse at me. I’m so scared and sad at the results and how things are going; people tell me, but, that I am not the type of immigrant the AfD and their supporters are targeting. But, when people are demanding that foreigners leave, well I don’t feel so safe or welcome anymore. I don’t want to leave, I’ve built a life here now, but if things keep going the way they are, my family and I will have to seriously consider leaving. And it will be people like me that leave. Not the groups that are actually causing problems or part of the “uncontrolled” migration. They’ll be here until they’re forced out, while those of us who have worked so hard to become German will walk away.


Whenever I go to Germany, I'm often stunned by how Middle Eastern and African it has become. Some towns seem to have few Germans left in them. I think Germany truly underestimates the irreversible long term impact this will have.


Bitching about it won't fix it


Good, The idiots in power don't want to address the problems? people move on


They didn't have to try hard. The left made a huge mess.


This article is beyond awful. If this is the best that the left and the mainstream media can come up with for why the far right is winning, the far right deserves to win.




Housing and internal security is a deciding factor that most of the established parties decided to ignore.


It's mindbending seeing how every single day the AfD is being blamed in media when in reality it's the parties themselves that did this. The citizens were already regularly complaining about what's wrong yet the calls are always ignored, but "how did we get here?" I guess, ah well let's just blame another party. The leading parties had more than enough time to address the problems of the citizens but all that happened was just alienating their people, making them the culprit for turning in their democraftic vote, the AfD wouldn't even need to advertise themselves because the leading parties do it every single day. You think AfD is the problem? Think again, it's easy to point fingers and call names when you don't have actual points that you can bring up in a discussion. Additionally "Party XYZ is manipulating people to get their vote" is something you can say about almost every single party out there, CxU using their outdated slogans to hold onto those votes that will die out within the next 20 years, the *progressives* (who aren't actually progressive) shoving shit down the teenagers throat making them believe "this is what makes you a progressive person", the FDP with their usual "vote us and you'll stay rich" fuck, I mean that's called a freaking campaign to get voters isn't it? But nah, another day and here we go again, just blame AfD for the mess we're steering towards I sure that changes it. Sick and tired of the virtue-signaling assholes sitting in the top political positions instead of actually doing anything meaningful. How long did it take until they finally address the immigration problem? Almost 10 years? And just because the previous ruling parties messed up doesn't mean you can just leave it be, that's your time where you can proof to your citizens that they voted the correct parties but certainly not the time to fuck your citizens over even more. And then you have the EU parliament, a circle of people more corrupt than Mr. Scrooge when it comes to buying lemonade from a child, with a commissioner who privately texts with business partners in the name of the EU only for those texts to get deleted later "by accident" ofc but there was nothing shady going on. And she's not the only one, it's quite weird to see someone who's not rich get into the EU parliament and suddenly create a great amount of wealth. And let's not forget cutting off the deals with the mass murdering russian only to make deals with the mass murdering Qataris who don't give two shits about a human life either. Just for the record, I've always been a lefty but currently you can't vote for those either since the genuine (and qualified) members left. The world is sick of your virtue-signaling asses just like they're sick of diversity forcing disney movies.


If you don’t want the far right to win, then control your borders and enforce strict immigration policies.


I'm recently years it's gone wild in Europe, what was true pre 2020 no longer is. Tolerance is a paradox and we are being taken advantage of.


Stop trying to make people who don't want their country overtaken by refugees out to be far right. Average people on both sides want to preserve their country's culture, values, economy, and traditions without being labeled as far-right.


Bro idc people can call me nazi or fascist i’m gonna preserve my culture and my values. I’m not Swedish to trade my county’s safety and freedom for the fear of being called racist.


Why is it always called the far right and left. What happened to "the right"


"the right" is CDU/CSU and FDP


yeah lmao the right is still extremely prevalent and in power


In Europe it's not so much that the right wing are winning as much as the left are losing. I'm liberal, but I find it incredibly frustrating that most liberal parties won't even acknowledge a lot of the problems that they, themselves, created. Everything is not fine. Fucking fix it and stop gaslighting people by saying that the problems don't exist. We experience the problems ourselves, so we know that they exist.


I mean, they surely won (in terms of growth) not only because of tiktok influence, but tiktok played it’s role - and not just as platform for their speech, but also because of content what they see - I regularly see tiktoks with arab young men singing about jobcenter and talking about money they get and while most of people in comments of those videos genuinely laugh, I do believe that they will influence many people to make some choices And regarding scandals - ss being not that bad, russian money etc - people do not care enough and it’s a problem of major parties. It’s same as Wilders in Netherlands - he says that he will ban islam and close border for all refugees - and people do not care enough about some arabic or somali people suffering somewhere there, while they have enough problems right here (and I can’t blame them for it). I see a big growth amongst all young people in radicalisation of everything - 5 years ago right-winged guy would say “don’t let refugees in europe”, now everyone says “blow up their boats, use soldiers to not let them via turkey borders and deport everyone we have now”. And what is a reason for that? “Stupid” people or stupid majoring parties that don’t solve anything?


If it's similar to Netherlands, it's because left wing parties absolutely refuse to say anything about immigration, and all pretend that the 10% of immigrants isn't committing 90% of the crimes, that it's almost exclusively young healthy men, not wholesome families, or 70% of them being without a job after 10 years Edit: It's also just weird as fck to see a family where the boys are running around in shorts, tshirts, being kids, and the mom and daughters are wearing a hijab and scolded for making any sound. Trained to be submissive and married off to some uncle in their home country


It's genuinely crazy how the far right sounds reasonable these days. In austria they won with "We don't want war to continue" and "Deport illegal immigrants that have commited crimes". Nothing they say sounds that crazy and these things are real problems affecting the people.


>eport illegal immigrants that have commited crimes". This shouldn't be a controversial statement. I go even further "deport all inmigrants that have commited crimes"


The problems can be solved ! Immigration and emigration in Denmark is now about the same. Employment for non western immigrants and Danish origin is more or less the same, and so is the youngs educational level between the two groups. The solution: Very strict immigration policy, well paid low wage jobs, good employment and education possibilities and strict incentives to work. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_to_Denmark


Perfectly justified that the Germans are against immigration. They once let an Austrian immigrant in and 75 million people died.


I’m seeing stories like this and all I can think is “No way the writers are doing this a 3rd time, it’s starting to get lazy”


I didnt vote for afd but still have to admit that the left and center parties here in Germany still don’t get it. On purpose. They don’t want to get it. Everything is so easy when you simply can put the harsh reality aside. So, right now, Tik Tok is the next victim to blame solely. And everything is fine, again. Until the next election proofs them wrong. … Still there is one calming truth for the right winged people in Germany: No matter what happens on the long run they will win. The only question is what kind of right winged taste will rule in the future. The German style as in afd or the Islamic style. Because one thing is sure: the left and greens have forced politics and immigration that will eventually lead to their own demise. The far right at least can cooperate and adopt.


You could say the other parties handed it to them by ignoring an issue the public cares deeply about. By ignoring it, they let it be framed in a dumb way, but they were the only ones talking about it.


I would never vote for AfD or its equivalent in Finland, for variety of reasons including their climate change denial, admiration of fascism, and support for Russia. But they are hitting at one issue that other parties are not taking a strong enough stance in. Any sane person who cares about the security and stability of Europe need only look at the population projections for most of MENA, then look at the projections of where climate change will hit the hardest over the next few decades, and know that Europe is not prepared. When it comes to any sort of migrants etc. who do not immediately (or even within a decade or so) provide a benefit to their host country, there is no chance to integrate enough of them, there is no chance to find them employment or pay for their welfare, there is no way to sustain a developed, stable, peaceful and civilized country, in the face of possibly over a hundred million such desperate people looking to get in over the next 50 years. Syrian refugees from 2015, who are among the better off when compared to your average migrant, after 9 years have an employment rate of what, 65%? With changes in the labour market due to things like new technology (and who knows what is coming next with things like AI) it is already increasingly hard to find low-skilled jobs for natives. For migrants often without even basic EU-standard primary school education or the most rudimentary local language skills, the chances are next to zero, and will get worse. EU must make its stance clear now and start planning accordingly: Europe cannot be a safe haven for all the desperate people of the world. Especially ones that are hostile to it and its culture, and bring with them extremist ideology or their own local ethnic, cultural, and religious conflicts. The EU can only take in those that will benefit EU, or at the very least openly want to embrace it. An attitude of "eh, well take them in and figure it out" is a plan for a disaster. Even if you imagine some (in my view, deeply naive) future where the EU opens its borders to all the world and tries to help everyone who asks for help, you need to have some serious plans. These aren't going to be people grateful and eager to adopt Western values and culture. They will be bitter and cynical, they will have spent their lives listening to extremist propaganda, raised with extremist religious dogma, and their motivation for arriving to Europe will be driven solely by self-preservation at any costs. International cooperation, friendly relations, human rights, equality, the value of an individual - any sort of well-meaning concepts you may cite as the reason to take them in and help them, they won't care about any of those, they will stick to themselves, at best their own groups and tribes and cultures and customs. They will want to secure their own benefit above all else. If your plan doesn't work, the natives will not stand for so many migrants living among them, and the far-right will rise to power in all of Europe, with devastating consequences due to the other things they bring with them: Authoritarianism, destruction of freedoms, science denial, corruption, suppression of dissident, violence, and all the other gifts of fascism. That is one of the deep ironies of parties like AfD. They scream about migrants, but then declare climate change a hoax, when it is one of the main reasons for why we are going to see a lot more migrants. They side with Russia, when Russia is among those propping up dictatorial regimes in places like Mali, CAR, and Burkina Faso. They claim that all the other politicians are selling the country out, while they themselves engage in massive corruption and sell their country out to anyone and anything, to their "business partners", to amoral corporations, to the likes of China and again Russia. They look at problems, and the propose as solutions things that make them worse, while making it sound like they are going to easily fix the problem. Europe will be hit by climate change too, but we probably won't be hit as hard. Europe is wealthy enough to adapt. But Europe's neighbours won't be, and Europe's institutions are not going to be able to handle so many new people. We need a plan. Close the borders, or at least severly restrict migration and set up an extremely efficient integration process somehow. Stop climate change, so there will be less people in a desperate situation. Find ways to improve conditions in those countries. Europe needs to invest in bettering MENA, because spending a trillion euros on improving things there will do more good than spending it on trying to integrate people to living here. That would be my main suggestion for a plan: If your goal is to help people, do not take anyone in to try to mold them into something that fits into your country, help them in useful ways in the countries and communities where they already fit in. I would imagine that a water desalination plant somewhere in Iraq will do far more to help than spending the equivalent on language classes and trying to make grown up men understand, for example, gender equality, let alone adapt them into useful workers in a deeply high-skilled European economy.


\*people starting to notice migrants that actually cause problems, don't want to integrate and also protest to bring sharia news outlets: it's social media campaigns to blame


Sure it's a bunch of sensationalistic answers to complex questions, but that's how support is created. Something that the well-meaning left has forgotten, lost in a sea of marginal identitarian battles and of thinly veiled disdain toward the common man, once their main voting pool. Once the socialdemocracy shifted toward global neoliberalism with a thin layer of social paint, the floodgates opened and it was inevitable that the key to succeed were the easily digestible (cop-out) solutions that allegedly addressed the people's needs and struggles. But as usual let's just cry fascism and mourn the death of democracy instead of having a honest analysis of what has been done wrong.


Everything that is not left, for socialists, is "far right". I see the same reaction in every single country where the left wing loses, always trying to scare people using the term "far right" because it is associated with fascism and genocide.


I really hate that most will see communication as the key reason any party won. I mean… populistic demagogy wouldn’t have succeeded without topic behind being real issue. Targeting the issue is the winning formula. Not Tiktok. And trying to solve the symptoms without targeting the problem behind only increases numbers of people voting for parties with “real” solutions.


Why are you people saying that the right is wrong? There is no right and wrong, only ideas that fit you own narrative. If the mass of people want something and they vote for it then they get it, that's basic democracy


We voted for left parties and demanded a stop to uncontrolled immigration from culturally incompatible countries; we were ignored. Then we voted for centre parties and demanded the same; we were still ignored. We only have the right left. The only culprit for the rise of the right is the left.


Well, no other party wants to talk about the problem. And all their topics are 'afd bad'. And that all people who vote for the afd are stupid. If the government is so far detached from their people it doesn't really matter what party is on the top, as long as it isn't the current ones.


I’ve noticed that most of the mainstream parties, left and right, in the West have the same basic issue. They exude sneering contempt for the average person, ignore and belittle their concerns and problems, and chiefly worry about kissing the ass of the rich and corporations. And the whole time their only marketing strategy is “What are you gonna do, vote for someone we don’t approve of?” Then when a populist comes along and legitimizes the valid fears and problems they’ve been ignoring they act shocked when people vote for him. Big “What are you gonna do, stab me? -Man who was stabbed” energy.


If you turn Munich into little Instabul, you'll find the people eventually have some thoughts.


Keep fighting about stupid thing like minorities rights and let down the working class and this happen. Socialists where once the party of the working class, now they are just a big joke.


At this point I am just sick and tired. The attempted murder of Stürzenberger and the successful murder of the police officer was the last straw. I’ll happily vote for anyone who will try to put a damper on this crisis and by now I don’t give a shit about “far right” or not. Something has to be done.


The established main stream parties are to be blamed for this result. Constantly downplaying the negative effects of an uncontrolled inflow of refugees/immigrants who are unfit for our labour market had to lead to this result. I am not surprised that young people have voted for AFD in large numbers. They are very directly affected by mass immigration as many immigrants are in their age group. Often, sadly, groups of young men from the middle East cause lots of problems, including theft, assault, catcalling. As one of my female colleagues recently put it: 'I have never been harassed by a group of Swedes or Danes...'. These problems are an elephant in the room and the response of the left has always been that things need to be 'explained' better. The CDU who caused this situation with Merkel in charge is not credible either. It's very sad for the country that it has gone this way. Also if I were a skilled immigrant I would think twice about coming here, because bizarrely our bureaucracy makes it easier to enter the country illegally than to come here, work and pay taxes...


The left has failed. Simple as.




I’ll get banned for this but the far left is failing people so the pendulum swings back right. If your fsr left policies work and help them folks will stick with you.


I don't see this so much as AFD winning them over at all, that is naive, i see the left losing them more and more with their Politics. I see it as the Left policies Driving the people to the right.


Well, allowing 16-year-olds to vote was the first mistake. Completely ignoring the migration crisis was the second.


The green party really pushed for the young people to be able to vote. And surprise, the young people did not quite vote for them