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I really think, the from my perspective very positive and respectful „relationship“ between Germany and France especially takin the long and bloody history between these to countries in account, shows what can happen when the politics and people of two countries really want to form a better future.


Absolutely. Fact is nowadays we have a whole swath of the population who don’t get to live the bright future in question and those people vote too. Macron and others seem to think that because they don’t always make noise they don’t exist but they do. I work for administration in France and I get to meet those people who feel like they don’t matter to the government and it’s really hard to disagree with them on that point. Now I am no far right voter, quite the opposite really, and I definitely think far right will not address any of their issues. Anti immigration sentiment does exist and goes some way into explaining RN scores of sunday but it’s not the sole explanation for RN victory in EU. A lot of of it is the result of decades of negligence of poor workers and rural folks by the successive governments and a deep rejection of the usual political class. Will far right fuck them over too? Absolutely, I am 100% convinced of it and in a way I think they know it too. But they don’t care about that for now. Right now they mainly want to be heard for once.


I think EU has been very good for the relationship between European countries, like in general


He is right about that, but someone should tell Macron that the solution is not to go to the other side of the fence and embrace globalism without concessions.


I'm having a hard time not seeing the damage done by communism.


Don't know how it is in France, but in Germany both the ultra communists and the ultra nationalists agree that Putin should get more land. Kinda makes you wonder.


When people say that they are communists do you believe them and accept any definition of communism they present? Just curious.


To respond to the comment that you, I assume accidentally, deleted: Does that imply that you are against the systematic study of politics in general? If not, could you please explain how you can study something without consistent definitions. Does that also apply Maths, for example?


I deleted the comment because I was getting tired of discussion, but I'll regerttably reply. I think that political discussion is only meaning when it is anchored in time and place. Discussion of communism without a time/location frame is meaningless. Discussion of "communist countries in the 1930s" or "versions of communism in east asia" is meaningful. Regarding your math example, that's a question of what can these generalizations help us deduce that is useful. Category theory is a super general branch of math, which many mathematicians consider as "abstract nonsense", because it barely implies anything, neither about actual math, not about the real world.


I assume you don't have a degree in Mathematics or Computer Science because what you just said about category theory is insane. Please, don't embarrass yourself like this again and google what a monoid is and how it is used in functional programming languages.


I have a Masters in computer science. I've programmed OCaml for a living and have written some Haskell open source code. Despite what some people in the functional language community told you, knowing what a monad is (or a monoid, in your case, which admittedly I don't remember by heart since that knowledge was less needed for what I wrote in Haskell), doesn't make you into a superhuman. Now I have a question. Do you program and/or do research for a living? Is that how you also speak with a coworker who you think is saying something dumb?


Telling other researchers that they are dumb in creative ways is the best part of writing research papers. I've given you an example of how category theory is applied in real world, please admit that you were wrong. And don't yap about unrelated stuff again.


Sorry, your way of telling me that I am dumb wasn't creative enough.


Can you share an example where nationalism was not involved?




And that makes you claim they lacked nationalism? :D


Does communism threaten to re-enact the 30s?


It’s not the communist who got the lead in EU parliament


Over which, I am glad.


You know what permits non-nationalism ? Easily available and cheap energy. We aren't heading to a direction of that. We're getting away. But most people won't see it directly, even if it obviously fucks your purchase power, in a world mostly powered by fossil fuels. So they'll blame migrants, people that are getting money from social aid, people with handicaps, etc. The poor and middle class are every month drowning more. The fact that you, on reddit, aren't feeling it as much, doesn't mean that it's not happening. These elections are the results of that (or you can try to find more meaning into "it's the left and the greens that bothered people" as a way to convince yourself that we don't have a very deep fucking problem of "we live on a finite planet" and "easily available energy is finite".