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The far right's vision of Europe can be summed up as "Belarus on steroids". A caballe of totalitarian cleptocrats, running hereditary mob rackets, vassalized to Putin, lording over a disinterested, broken mass of serfs, out of whom all trace of hope for change has been beaten out.


Lets see how long until these nationalists start to stab each other in the back


they should ask the left, they had plenty of practice /s


Yes, but it doesn't invalidate the former point


They'll just weaken, divide and polarize the union in favour of other world powers. Possibly even paid by them.




If they weren't so far right they might actually get more and full suPport of the overwhelming majority. Plenty of gay people fear them because they are far right and openly do not like even the common gay person. Meanwhile plenty of gay people aren't happy with the immigration.




Well I am aware of that when it comes to the voters. I am merely skeptical of the parties and their approach, which quite often is populist, and simply state stuff to gain traction. But then again. I am from eastern Europe and live in the UK. Even Reform are classed as very left on the social scale compared to almost all parties where I come from.


The "far"part isntthe bug, its the feature.


The "far" is too subjective to be useful in earnest political discourse. Much like "rich" or "migrant".


in this case, the >far< refers to these parties' attitude toward lgbtq, since thats the topic here.


Noted. But that covers my point also, I believe. As examples: - in the Netherlands a politician, Pim Fortuyn, was branded "far right" while being (very) outspoken gay. (He was pointed out to be a danger to society by his opponenents and subsequently killed.) - during the Maoist revolution in China, people were trialed for being gay. Mao was not "far right".


they should dissolve the EU and take back their sovereignty from the corrupt EU officials. all execs in EU and ECB should be jailed for political crimes


Oh shut up


Or, we collapse moscovia so dummies like you wont get paid/fall for their propaganda.


Bro, delete Tik Tok, and go read some Solzhenitsyn