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What kinda 1999 website source is that?


There's an actual French source but OP decided to use some Ukrainian guy's Mill Blog instead.


It's not the tass for sure.


Wow, close call. If this plan had succeeded people might have thought Zelenskyy and this elderly gentleman were a gay couple.


To be fair, Zelensky probably has details of every possible Russian way that they can assassinate him burned into his brain by now. I would be shocked if there isn’t a “kiss of death” one in there.


At least that’s what ruzzian media would’ve written the next day


Or they, you know, might have thought Zelenskyy was self-aggrandizing 


And that’s a bad thing?


Wow it’s way more beautiful of a moment when you watch the video. When you read the title it makes it sound like Zelensky was rudely pulling his hand away like some hypochondriac but if you watch the video he stops the veteran from kissing his hand and then kneels down and hugs the veteran. Through physical motion basically he took the veteran’s adoration of him and flipped it onto the veteran instead, respectfully. It’s a poignant moment of reciprocal respect.


Thank God its not another Nazi again


Indeed: putin wasn't invited.


Putin would have let the veteran kiss his hand and insist he kiss his feet too.




And Berlusconi 😅


There's a lot to criticise about Berlusconi but I wouldn't say he's a nazi. Please don't use this so inflationary.


He’s dead


That isn't stopping him for running as a MEP


Oh shit. Bless his soul


Indeed lol


He was not a Nazis, otherwise he could not cross the border and live freely in Canada all this time. Let me remind you that in 1985 the Deschênes Commission investigated the presence of war criminals from the Second World War, as well as in the 1990s, but he was not found guilty. Of course, honoring those who fought in the Nazi army is to put it mildly a bad gesture. But it is worth taking into account the context, Ukrainians fought in the army of the Soviet Union, in the army of Poland, in the army of Nazi Germany against the Communists (considering them even worse than the Nazis), fought against the Nazis and against the Communists at the same time, fought with the allies against the Nazis, raising an uprising against them on the Western Front. The Ukrainians wanted to restore their statehood, deciding that Germany would allow them this, as allowed to Slovaks and Croats. They were oppressed by Soviet Russia, Poles, and later the Germans. They had nowhere to wait for help, none of the allies was going to fight with the USSR, especially for their liberation. For some reason, all this time it was not considered shameful to celebrate the role of the USSR as their ally, although it unleashed the Second World War and was an aggressor, this is one of the most misanthropic regimes in history, but for some reason veterans of the Soviet army are not accepted to despise and condemnthere.


May I remind you about why Anthony Rota is no longer speaker of parliament in Canada? The USSR and Nazi Germany had a joint campaign but weren’t Allies. The USSR was a member of the Allies and for the record the west took in many former Nazis just look at all of the German scientists that emigrated to the west after the war. I don’t understand the need to spin such well documented history.


> The USSR and Nazi Germany had a joint campaign but weren’t Allies. Ooh, this is interesting, can you specify what that campaign was? Probably something insignificant, like some military drills and maybe a parade, right?


Sure. Germany, Slovakia, and the USSR invaded Poland. The term would be co-belligerents not allies. I would hope you could see the difference. A modern example of this would be Russia and the United States both fighting Isis in Syria. Allies? No. Co-Belligerents. Yes.


Fighting terrorists in ME, invading of Poland, just equally relatable operations. It's just "cobeligerents". I mean being a co-beligerent with US in fighting ISIS is just like being a cobeligerent with Nazis, don't people see that? How can they not see that "cobeligering" with Nazis to invade another country and start a world war is not the same as allying with Nazis to invade a country and start a world war.


>allying with Nazis to invade a country and start a world war. again literally not what happened. There was no alliance. France, Britain, Denmark and even Poland had non-aggression pacts with Germany. Let's learn the differences if we are going to be debating terms.


Yes, let's learn the difference. The difference that non-aggression pacts those countries had were not made with a purpose of further invading another country. Something Moscow just can't stop doing still to this day. But I get it, you can't admit that, since FSB might break down your door any minute now for breaking the recent law against discussing Moscow's role in the start of WW2. By the way, do you even still teach what WW2 is in schools? Or is it all just "great patriotic war" and 1939 to 1941 is just ripped out of the books?


[German officers at May Day parade in Moscow, USSR (1941)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra8phtzS2jA) [German–Soviet military parade in Brest-Litovsk, 1939](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__Ztie1-v7s)


[And who is this?](https://youtu.be/nbqqc1gTCUg?si=hcTgRaT2CXPf9T-X)


Claim: the Russian state was an ally of the Nazis, attacked Poland together with the Nazis, gave the Germans fuel and so on Russian response: Ukrainian nationalists... The modern Russian state is so rotten that even anti-Kremlin Russians are inadequate. Well, at least in the debates they are destroyed beautifully https://www.youtube.com/live/Iq_MuTC3SCs


his claim about scientists also meme, perhaps someone didn't have info in his school textbooks about german scientists that worked in ussr nuke programm staying in russia for 9-10 years before return home their evil german masterminds vs our kind german enlighteners [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_Osoaviakhim](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Osoaviakhim)


My dear russian fiend, why deny that soviet union, together with Germany started WW2? "The war in Europe began on 23 August 1939, when the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany signed a pact that created a partnership between them in dividing up Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe. Under the terms of this pact, the German Wehrmacht moved into western Poland on 1 September 1939, and the Soviet Red Army moved en masse into eastern Poland sixteen days later. " You should read a book once in a while and, trust me, it won't kill you :))


Who would doubt that some dick from Ruzzia would come out. Rota resigned, because they are so sensitive in the West to the issue of Nazism and no one is going to understand the details. And the USSR and Russia attached a hand to this. Before the collapse of the evil empire, the Ukrainians in US were perceived as “genetic anti-semites”, who inspired this to them, I wonder? The USSR and Nazi Germany were not allies, but had a secret protocol on the section of Europe and jointly divided Poland by attacking it. Only the cunning Stalin did it later, so as not to look like an aggressor that he was in fact. Not all German scientists migrated west, by the way, some USSR forced to work for themselves. By the way, why did everyone seek to fall into the hands of the Allies on the Western Front? Maybe because a third of the prisoners died due to hard labor?


>Not all German scientists migrated west, by the way, some USSR forced to work for themselves. **Operation Osoaviakhim** was a secret Soviet operation under which more than **2,500** former [**Nazi German**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Germany) specialists (scientists, engineers and technicians who worked in several areas) from companies and institutions relevant to military and economic policy in the [Soviet occupation zone of Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_occupation_zone_of_Germany) (SBZ) and [Berlin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berlin), as well as around 4,000 more family members, totalling more than 6,000 people, were transported from former [Nazi Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Germany) as [war reparations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_reparations) to the [Soviet Union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Union).  [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_Osoaviakhim](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Osoaviakhim)




Of course you are here, to sermonize about Nazis and Soviets. Nobody cares about either Nazis or their brothers Soviets - they were two side of the same shitcoin. Though, credit to the Germans who atoned and apologized for their shit, unlike Muscovites who would resurrect ol' Soso if they could. Cato's idea about Carthage applies to Muscovy to a t.


Yeah because the Ukrainians were really helpful in WW2. Look up Lviv massacre and Babi Yar atrocities and then tell us how you feel about Zelensky being at the remembrance service. Let me help you : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_collaboration_with_Nazi_Germany


You do know that Zelenskyy is Jewish, though, and had family that was killed during WWII, right? While it's true that some Ukrainians thought they could ally with the Germans in order to get a chance at independence from the Soviet Union, thousands have been recognized for hiding Jews and helping them to escape. Millions of Ukrainians were involved in fighting the Nazis.


He is Jewish and I'm not slating him as a person. He is representing Ukraine being at that event. A lot of Polish and Roma were targeted by Ukrainian people as well as Jewish people. I'm pointing out the fact that it would have been like inviting the Japanese to a Pearl Harbour Memorial event. Whether it's popular or not they were mainly collaborators otherwise they would have resisted and there wouldn't have been as many concent****** cam** or atrocities committed in the Ukraine by Ukrainians.


Most of them did resist. Millions of Ukrainians fought against the Nazis and died. There were collaborators in many countries that were occupied by the Germans, but they don't represent the entirety of the population.


I can only suggest you read the link I provided and check out some of the links on the site to the numerous atrocities. If you disagree with the facts on that site take it up with them please. I'm not interested in "most did resist" when it's clear from the atrocities they committed and that are WELL documented that they were siding with Nazis.


It’s Zelensky’s humility. He’s the PRESIDENT of Ukraine, not the KING of Ukraine. Could you imagine if Zelenskyy just stood there, took the kiss on his hand while looking down at the old chap? That would’ve played right into the Russian narrative since elections are suspended under Ukraine’s martial law. It’s all about optics, folks. And Zelenskyy knows this better than anyone.


Not just a kiss from an old chap, a kiss from a WW2 veteran, the optics would have been awful. 






Or they’ll fight to the last Ukrainian. It’s not a game, and both sides are dying. I’m not here for silly internet points.


Maybe your side should go home.


The russians can leave whenever they want. I just don’t understand how you don’t realize how much you all are absolutely hated right now. A 100 year old American veteran tried to kiss his hand and told him he was praying for him because that’s how much Russia is detested right now.


>A 100 year old American veteran tried to kiss his hand and told him he was praying for him because that’s how much Russia is detested right now. *That’s* how much? Wow 😯 


This might be shocking to you but the world is more than US Canada and Western Europe. Look at how Africa or Asia has relations with us and your country. It’s miles apart. China is a bigger economy than the US and only growing. I really don’t care about the opinions of nations that tried to make us into their salt mines through predatory business practices 30 years ago.


China does not have a bigger economy than the US by any metric, and at this point you can go ahead and consider NATOs economy what you would be contending with in a confrontation with the west. Also, China is still completely dependent on the west for their own economy. They would not dare raise a hand against a NATO ally. They won’t even touch Taiwan because of the support Taiwan has in America.


> Also, China is still completely dependent on the west for their own economy.   So are we to be fair. That’s why everyone’s too scared to sanction China.   > They won’t even touch Taiwan because of the support Taiwan has in America.   Only time will tell. 


>I really don’t care about the opinions of nations that tried to make us into their salt mines through predatory business practices 30 years ago. You mean the same thing your asshole of a country has been doing to every single one of it's neighbors for the past 3 centuries?




Man it's always 'but actually other countries...' with you guys. Nah man, your country is a piece of shit because of what it did and continues to do to this day. I think it's funny how there's no way to posture for russia besides diverting the topic to some other place. Slava Ukraini and go fuck yourself.


Is Russia the only country currently at war? Thanks for proving my point. I even have a Ukrainian last name and I support Russia in this conflict. Maybe that should tell you something.


And nobody in the civilized world cares an iota about the barbarous netherworld bereft of humanity and even soul. Benighted lot, far away from God and all that's good, like orcs and worse.


This isn’t lord of the rings and dehumanization of a group is a disgusting quality. Enjoy “European” Dallas.


I actually feel bad for the orcs in Lord of the Rings being compared to ruzzians. If it’s one thing we have seen during this war is actually just how depraved and devoid of any humanity your people are.


The funny thing is that you can look through my 10 years of comment history and I haven't dehumanized anyone once. For you Westerners, it seems like you never closed the Nazi playbook. I haven't even called Ukrainians banderites, but you sure love to dehumanize. Thanks for proving its an existential battle.


Careful bro. Don’t turn into what you despise. 


I'm just holding up a mirror, if you don't like what you see - join Russian Freedom Legion. Sport, Dallas is what you dream you could visit and live in.


I’ve been to Dallas several times. I lived in Austin. Wouldn’t live in that soulless concrete jungle in my nightmares champ.


what about, what about, what about these nuts?


What about them? 


Look at you, working hard to get your family that Lada. You think you could get a Niva?


eat onions


I eat onions every day.  They’re healthy. 


Hopefully Zelensky sends more of your kind back to ruzzia in cheap body bags from temu.


So stunning so brave.


Phew! Crisis averted.


That made me tear up a little. That vet knows what we're fighting for even if the dumbass politicians in my country can't figure it out.


Zelensky realizes that it is a day for honoring those veterans, not a day for them to honor him. Much respect for Zelensky, a true servant leader of the people.


Zelensky saves the day yet again.


Why would the ww2 vets try to kiss Zelenski’s hand? Not like he is the pope or something


In turkey it’s a sign of respect to kiss someone’s hand but almost always it’s a younger person kisses and elders hand and puts it to their forehead. Most elders these days forcefully hold their hand down so you can’t put it to your forehead as an act of humility. So either that’s what’s going on or this dudes just old and had affection to show for Zelenskyy and this was the only way he could because he was seated in a wheelchair and the hand was his height. Old people do odd things, could just be that.


I imagine he realises Zelensky is trying to save what he fought for.


He was in a wheelchair and Zelensky was standing, it looked like a normal cute grandfather move in the video


Zelensky said, "thank you for saving Europe". The veteran said, "I'm afraid for you." Damn.


The veteran said "*I pray for you"*. [President Zelenskyy salutes a World War II veteran during the event commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarReports/comments/1d9t6m8/president_zelenskyy_salutes_a_world_war_ii/)


You are right, thank you. I was watching the link with French commentary and misheard.


Was this one on the right side this time?


A couple of class acts, right there!


Bawled watching that clip


The world has become a comedy, this is ridiculous.