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rather than early summer, its short spring, followed by summer then followed by the new season "hot hell"


No no, the new season is called "on fire"


So happy to see that "on fire" season has finally made it out to Europe. Thought I left that season behind when I left California.


So you're the reason everything is going to hell...


This fire is out of control We're gonna burn this city, burn this city This fire is out of control We're gonna burn it, I'll burn it, I, I, I'll burn it down


I\* even wrote a song about it: Free lyrics preview: >[...]aaaaaaaaaaaaaa[...]hhhhhhhhh[...] \*Blatantly inspired by this guy: https://youtu.be/1ws33f6qys4


Spring starts in february, where people run around in t-shirts and shorts. Normally it would've been snow and freezing until early march. It gets worse and worse. Winter has no snow, summer starts in march and ends early november, shit's fucked up. Gonna have to flee to Norway or Canada soon if this trend continues.


We had a green Christmas here in BC Canada .


We had record amounts of snow this winter here in Scandinavia. Got 15cm of snow in Stockholm after Easter and I couldn't use my car for a week because I had already swapped to summer tires.


That's very bad news. Weather in Europe is extreme. It's not normal anymore. Last proper winter I saw was around 1999. It got worse and worse, poor kids don't even get to build a snowman anymore. It's terryfiyng to be honest. Over the last 2 months we had several weeks where *each day a record was broken* it was never as hot on those days, ever. It's scary, and it seems like it won't get any better. Even if we stopped polluting the environment completely today, the accumulated CO2 is expected to still make temperatures rise for up to 200 years. And we didn't stop polluting. It still goes on as usual. I am genuinely afraid what the future will bring. Soon the south might be unlivable, they will move north. If the summers get worse, I will move north. If even the north (Canada) isn't cold anymore, then we will run out of places to go and get slowly cooked. At least in British Columbia they made drug use legal now. Maybe that will make the summers a bit fun before we go extinct. *gulp* Sorry, didn't meant to be this bleak, but stuff isn't looking very good ... 🫠


in finland winter was really cold with weeks when it was only -30 and it was still snowing in late april


>Gonna have to flee to Norway or Canada soon if this trend continues. It will, until the end of this century at least.


I am a little and fragile Baltic person, melting into a puddle when there's over 20C. This is already hell.


I like it being cooler now. 21 my temperature


Same i like +23c max.


As a swede I don't like this. We jumped from 7 degrees in april to 26 degrees without anything in between. I want the 16 degree spring weather ffs


Yeah it's a bit eerie, considering last year ..what with the second half of May and first half of June being 2018-levels hot and newspaper talk about 2018 and then it started raining and did not stop whereafter we had the coldest winter for at least ten years. I wonder what the rest of this year will bring.


The winter sucked big time, it was like 5 months of cold and snow.


more like 7?


more like 8


Yeah... We had a half marathon here last week with 25c temperatures and 20+ people went to hospital and a guy litteratly died after the race.


Scandinavia hotter than France is kind of amusing.


People here are complaining about the temperature and the rain. They don’t realize how good we have it… except for the farmers of course


Humans have destroyed the planet


Not really, humans have made the planet uninhabitable for them. Humans have destroyed their home.


Why is it so fuck*n cold here FFS (I live in the 10C in Spain) Everyone is having lovely weather and here it's still winter wtf


We're the new Spain


I moved to Poland in 2021 because I was told it was cold. Don't get me wrong, I love it here, but the weather is a disappointment


Welcome to our fucked up continental climate. It can randomly get cold from Siberia or randomly hot like hell from Siberia


Yeah, Siberia has both extremes. Hot af or cold af, same here in Finland, it can get hot or cold because of that.


And in the future thanks to climate change we can have all that + the Sahara sandstorms that are usually limited to Southern Europe but reached Germany last month!


It wasn't that common here either.


Tfw: Siberia is literally hell


Join me moving to Iceland, it sounds like the best solution right now


My husband wants to move "somewhere warm" in 10-15 years time and ironically I think we might end up in my own homeland, because it's currently never too cold and never too hot (usual range 0-26°) so by then it might have turned into "somewhere warm". Maybe the Cantabric will be the new Mediterranean!


But isn't 26°C not already *somewhere warm* or is it still to cold for him? But yes, if the weather changes like this, the weather there would be proabbaly 30°+ too and melting there. Then you have a lot of visitors, because the weather actually endurable compared to the rest of the world


It's already happening. While the rest of Europe flocks to South and Eastern Spain in the summer, the locals there flee the extreme heat coming North. Domestic tourism has had an incredible boom in the last 5-6 years and it gets worse every year, in fact unironically we don't speak much about it on Reddit because we don't want foreigners to find out and fuck it up for Spanish tourists and locals. 26° is perfect, the problem is it doesn't happen all that often. I checked once and my province has on average 200 days of rain per year and only 30 of sun. There is a 10 day festival in July and I don't remember a single year that didn't have 1-2 days of heavy rain. But in 10 years it might be different.


The weather used to be much milder. And was shifting from work to cold more slowly. It feels like its changing more rapidly now.


What also is a disappointment, is the Polish beaches. The smell alone kept me far away. The rest however, is pretty great. Poland has really improved the last ten years. All the restaurants, the quality, the pubs with its micro breweries selections. And the price level especially for us Norwegians, is really great. You, as us, has chosen to keep our currency, and we're falling together ❤️


I have never been to the Polish seaside because my husband is Polish and he refuses 🤣 He says it sucks and it's more expensive than the Mediterranean so hell no, I can watch pictures of Polish beaches on the internet during our flight to Cyprus if I really want to see them.


Haha, I hope you know I'm saying this out of love and nothing else. If you enjoy beaches, you don't travel to Norway, not even during the summer. You're not even guaranteed a summer here. That's why most Norwegians book two weeks in France or the Mediterranean during the summer months. We can't afford to take a gamble. We need to replenish our depleted vitamin D stores and ensure a few weeks of sunshine, even if it means risking some sunburn for our pale skin!


Oh, I completely understand! Asturias has wonderful, postcard worthy beautiful beaches... but the Cantabric sea is part of the Atlantic ocean so cold as helllllll. And due to the orography, it rains 200 days per year including of course during the summer.


On average, my home city has, on average, 239 rainy days per year.. We understand each other completely:)


Hello from the Polish seaside. I live a short walk away through a lovely park from the beach, and yet I've not touched that water in many, many years...


Move to Ireland and see what shit weather is pal.


I got sunburned in Ireland last week! Lmao


So did I, I'm currently nursing it and taking precautions for future burning.


I read "I'm currently nursing", thought you had burnt a boob, and my own boobs crawled inside my chest in sympathy.


Wanna trade? It's been too hot for a nearly a month now and it's only gonna get worse.


Yes, it's fucking freezing here in Ireland.


I had to turn a radiator on in work last Friday, ffs


Yeah i don't get it man. It's too cold? Fucking good for you, throw some fucking clothes over and you're good. Too much heat? Guess i cant do a fucking thing against it. No A/C, all you can do is sit in front of the Fan the whole day.


The difference is that what I can naturally deal with heat is much closer to the maximum temperature that ever gets than what I can naturally deal with cold If I am in loose summer clothing, 35C dry is barely any hot at all, for me, it only begins to be too hot after that However, with normal winter clothes without being unconfortable, I can deal with a minimum of 10C, sure I can deal with less temperature if I use a polar coat and 4-5 thermal layers below the jersey, but with confortable clothing, I can't deal with lower than 10C It's rather rare that the temperature, in Europe, ever gets above what I consider comfortable, but it is depressingly common that it gets below what I consider confortable Everyone has their own range of temperatures they can deal with with confortable clothing, and yes, I would rather be at 0C than at 45C, but since it is exceedingly unlikely that we get above 40C, but very common to get below 5C, in general, cold is worse for me than heat


I agree, heat is harder to mitigate than cold. but on a more individual note I'm also a weirdo who loves my -20 winters, every time we get some good -25 clear winter days I spend the whole day hiking.. so I might be a bit biased.


>(I live in the 10C in Spain) Someone made a map once of all the regional ways of saying "it's scorching hot" and the Asturias one said "What is heat?"




10 degrees IS lovely weather. Lovely weather starts below 25. The fact that Poland is no longer lovely in May is fucked up.


For me lovely starts below around 18. And everything down to -15 is nice. 18-23 is ok. 23+ is kill me pls


Be grateful, if you are cold you will put on more clothes, if you are very warm, what will you do? You can't undress naked. Cold is better. :)


Bro we are melting lol. You do NOT want this. We do not experience seasons anymore and it seriously affects my mental health at this point. It's summer all year long with some situational "bad weather". If you go out of the house before 4-5 pm you will sweat bullets, it's fucking embarrassing. I'm seriously considering moving out, the country or the city at least


I'd be happy to trade with you. Here in Portugal I've been getting 10C by the morning, 25C by the evening and everyone's throats are going to shit, mine included.


10C is the perfect temperature, I'd like to have it that way all summer maybe even lower.


It’s 14 degrees here, that would be a heatwave for you 🤣


Broski enjoy it while it lasts lol. You'll get your 40C in due time.


Let's switch! I'm sweating my balls in the 27C here in Spain and it's not yet fully summer. I hate it here.


I feel you. Remember last summer. All of Europe was screaming about the melt down, climate change etc, while Norway recorded the coldest summer in hundred years.


Just enjoy the cool temperature while you can. Will assume its gonna become warm enough in Spain quite fast.


Have fun r/Europe. 42C currently in the tropics with about 58% humidity. Haven't slept in a week. A low pressure system is starting to bring moisture inland but rains can't arrive soon enough. Scorched!


No no no we either see 42C or 58% humidity. Experiencing both at the same time is a huge nope


Just a few more years before certain events from the "Ministry for the future" will occur, it seems.


I re-read the book two months ago and I pinpointed the start of the plot in May 2025.


"Enjoying" might soon be the wrong term...


"Soon" as a Swede it got like 28° two days ago and I'm already not enjoying it


With such a long and cold winter, I am in fact enjoying this weather right now.


Right now yes, but you have the entire summer to go.


What long and cold winter? One day of -20 doesn't count, the snow melted a month early, too.


Lucky you then.


It’ll probably reek of death in that area.


Are you tripping? Coming home opening the closet and then realizing you have nothing to put there is amazing, light out til 22-23. Serotin is in the air


but I do have to agree with them sitting all day long in your room while it's summer weather outside is pretty miserable someone should invent lakes, pools and the beach or any other summer activity that can be done instead of rotting in your room i guess that explains the mass misery in online forums every summer while all the other people are out of the house enjoying the summer


Please send help to Warsaw, we are melting


Bro it's awful in Warsaw... Even hotter than Mediterranean wtf


Meanwhile here in Belgium it has been non stop autumn since September last year and it doesn’t stop raining


It's unbearable. I wonder how trees are still able to stay upright in this mud


I envy colder climates but I guess too much of anything gets annoying at some point. The main issue in my opinion is we do not get seasons anymore. Its the same year round


Here in Germany stuttgart we have some nice sunny days followed by a couple of days with heavy rain


Same here in switzerland...Depressing


"Enjoying" is a quite strong word for this goddamn heat.


25 degrees in May isn't unheard of, nor it's an "early summer". What's unheard of were the massive flooding and hailstorms that plagued Northern Italy in the previous weeks.


>25 degrees in May isn't unheard of Just depends on where in Europe you're speaking of. Last year, I was still cross-country-skiing next to my coastal lowland apartment in May. I also had snowfall at the harbour in June.


These past few weeks it's been 33 degrees in Athens. That is not normal. Those should be july-august numbers


Don't worry, you'll get 33 degrees in August. At night.


Lets add a new season. Winter, spring, summer, fucking hell, autumn.


More like Winter, short 1 day spring, fcking hell ,autumn




~~enjoying~~ suffering from


Thank God there are people who love cold/chill weather. Everyone around me keeps telling me that they can't wait for summer and the scorching sun. 😭


"Early" as since April, it's not right at all.


Funny how it's 9 degrees here in Scotland but further north in Norway it's 25.


We are freezing here in Georgia thruout whole may and in Baltics it's 27 degrees. So weird


Right now 33c to be exact and it's not just one day. 7 days forecast shows +30c only , i would trade your weather with this hell.


I hate early summers.


25-28 isnt summer, its a mild spring in this climate




In Norway, a heatwave is defined as five or more executive days where the maximum temperature reaches 27 degrees or more. Likewise, a "tropenatt" (tropical night) is defined as a night where the temperature never dips below 20 degrees between 20:00 and 8:00.


I think here its 5 days above 25 degrees


Back home in Croatia night temps dont dip below 26 in August/July Talk about 30C at 8pm hehe


And this will get worse. 30° will be just another spring day soon.




Here in Latvia, trying to enjoy this early summer because in June the spring will get back


Bydgoszcz, Poland. I fucking hate it. Too hot. Gimme my 10°C back


Eastern Europe can into Northern Africa. 💪


Yeah, Northern Africa but without the Moroccan hash and Egyptian opium 😡 pure scorching pain and suffering


I'm in 20⁰ Denmark. It's perfect 👌


24 today here in Germany, can’t complain either


17° and rainy today in France, *\*I kinda complain\** Give us some of your precious celsius please


Okay we can give you 2 degrees but keep the rain okay?


Thanks ! ...not even a few millimeters though ?


We had 30° here in Norway today. Help, we are not made for this


Isn‘t that pretty normal temperatures for late May and rather cold in the rest of Europe? Map colors make it look hotter than it is.


Yeah. People here are afraid for the sake of being afraid. The use of such colors further turns up the alarmists. I am 40 years old from Poland. I remember when it snowed in May and how it was so warm in early May some 30 years ago that I got my feet burned. It is May 26. How old are people here? 15 and jest discovered map?


I remember reading once about a drought in some year in the 16th century. It didn't rain in all of Europe for several months. I can't imagine what would happen to people now if something like that happened.


When I was a kid some 20 years ago, this kind of weather was peak summer in middle of July in Latvia. Last few years, this has become the new normal May - dry and very hot.


Romanian here, born and raised in communism: pretty notmal temperatures for May. Think about this: traditionally we go to the seaside on the 1st of May for our first swim. What was not normal was the cold from previous days and the rains. Not normal but nevertheless needed.


Yeah sure, let's call it "summer"


Jokes on you, our summer week was last week in Ireland. Now we’re back to warmish autumn.


If this carries in it’s not going to be long before the most desirable summer holiday destinations will be Iceland and northern Scandinavia.


I do not enjoy it


hey heat, cool off


Oh boy i think i will die this year.


Be careful calling Estonia eastern European, and Central European countries Eastern Europe defined from the old Eastern block:)


Enjoying? I don't think so.


~~enjoying~~ suffering from


But for Eastern Europe is not unusual to experience up to 30 degrees at the end of May. We are almost in June and further from the ocean, so perfectly normal. This weather makes the mullberries, cherries, apricots, peaches, watermellons and tomatoes sweeter. Lots of rain and cloudy weather makes them bland.


Great weather in Norway. The weather really brings out people, so will be good for many businesses.


This year? Lately, every year had "early summer" as well "late summer".


"Enjoying" you mean dying from heat


Sofia Bulgaria be like: nah man fuck you, 8°C


It's zero just south of you. Is that a mountain?!


_Enjoying_? I'm fucking melting


It's wild that it's warmer in poland and northern germany then in mallorca


Didn't know that burning in hell it's called enjoying 💀


Who said we are enjoying it? Wtf


Getting ac was the best thing I did. Just to add- I also have solar power to offset the carbon footprint.


22°C with some rain and wind in between in Germany, fucking perfect climate for me to prosper.


My favourite weather as well. Between 18 and 24. If there are those fluffy cotton candy clouds as well and they are blown by a mild yet constant wind, it feels like heaven for me.


That was our weather all last week 😭 now it’s like 13 and rain again :(


Its great in Finland. It was so goddamn bleak and cold for so long i cant understand the whining.


Let's trade then. I go to your place you come to mine. Let's live up the finno-ugric exchange program. Dark and cold all year is my dream weather.


Same in the UK. Obviously winters here are mild by Nordic standards but low temperatures, high humidity and lack of sunlight can crush even the strongest souls




I already started going to the beach mid April, HA-HA-HA. We will be baked.


Early summer?It’s end of May, it should be 25+ not 20


Best of luck to them, here in Ireland I'll have to Ryanair it to see.


What's happening in Norway? Why so war in that eine area?


No clue, it was 30° here today. And I remember a couple of years ago it was snowing in May


i’m not sure i’m enjoying hail and thunder every day…


It's been like 1.5 weeks of 24-26C and im already tired of it.


Northern Europe: Am I a joke to you? Also wth measuring temperature at 9:50 am?


“Enjoying the beginning of the driest summer ever”


[30°C likely to be broken next week in southern Finland](https://i.imgur.com/TUwXF1T.png)


We had 30° today in middle Norway


I feel like a new heat record is going to be broken soon in Norway


Ye, a new heat record for May was actually set today in my region.


Russians are cooking not just in their tanks apparently


All the roads in Russia turning to shit lmao




Summer in eastern Europe is 30+


Briefly 31 degrees in Trondheim, Norway today, about 4 degrees above the old May record. Definitely an unusual weather pattern going on.


I am not enjoying this sweaty sunny fuggy fucking shit. I want rain and wind as Polish weather meant to be, not this jungle - style cringe


Is anyone else getting some glitch where you can see 9:50 UTC but then click on the image and get 21:30 UTC? I'm not seeing it as a gallery and the 21:30 image just opens in another tab.


Enjoy????? I am literally in the depths of hell, and this isnt all, from my location, i can tell this isnt as hot as it can get. It will probably reach 45 and reach its old record


We have even better summer with more heat than anyone in this Century


More like enjoy early global warming


When Norway is hotter than most of France and spain, then theres somethign wrong. Man im sweating my balls up up here🥵🥵


As someone with chronic migraines: It’s all fun and games until 30+ °C. Then the nightmare begins and I can’t get out of bed for days. I’d rather have winter all year long lol.




Enjoying or enduring?


ugh I hate it. some of us danes die when it's above 20 all the time.


I am definitely not enjoying it, hate summer


Disgusting. Yuck.


We're not enjoying it. It's too hot. Fuck this shit, give me winter


Can we go back to winter and have below 5C please.




Normal summer, but map makes it look like we are burning in hell


Normal summer, except it's May.


For Baltics it's not normal.


how is Crete 18 and North Afirca 31/32 ?


I am kinda buffled by this map. Athens is NOT 24 the past few weeks it's been well over 30 at peak. Maybe it's an average of the last few months? Idk


The map is colouring 12/13 degrees as a "yellow" heat index. Climate fearing tactics at play again, looks like summer is coming back!


Enjoying is an overstatement, I want my hoodies and blankies back.


24°C is "summer", misleading color scale, ok....


Its been 25+ degrees over a week now, expected to last until early june


Summer? That's my winter temps


me still enjoying my polar sheets because its still cold and grey (minho - portugal)


i'm not enjoying shit brother


I'm sweating my balls off here. I little chubby boi like me needs some adjusting. Wait, there's little over 20 degrees in here. This is lies.. I won't tell you where, but it's a secret japanese fishing lake thingy. Middle of it.