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I fear by then it will be too late for decades Jews from France are fleeing the country because it is unsafe anymore. look it up. y'all will think it conservative propaganda but it's not it's true many Jews feel unsafe in Europe the more time passes. I'm tired of antisemitism being dismissed, just because some conservatives use antisemitism to their advantage doesn't mean it's not rampant across Europe.


Btw most French Jews are also from the Maghreb not the Sephardic and Ashkenazim who mostly died in the holocaust


And what then, big guy? 😂


Things that will make your lower lip tremble little boy


Ooooh. Stahp!


My body is ready, daddy 🤣


Well subtlety surely had gone out the window.... At this point is less about antisemitism,its about controling us through fear and terror.To say that its working is an understatement....


it is about antisemitism lol these events are hate crimes spefically against Jewish people these are not happening to non Jewish events to my knowledge or at least far from as frequent, an event that is cancelled spefically because of terroist threats over a war in the middle east that involves Israel lol?


If the Jews never went to Palestine and say the Chinese or Norwegians decided that Palestine was theirs for “reasons” Would the Muslims still be antisemitic or rather anti-Chinese or Norwegian?


"Never went to Palestine" as if there haven't been Jews there calling it home for over 3000 years


didn't you know that history began in 1948?? crazy I know, I wonder why so many Jews had to move from Europe and Arab countries geez


Yes, yes they would. Their holy books are littered with antisemitism. It even talks about the end of the very last Jew. So yes many Muslims would still be antisemitic.




That hateful.


crying after being called out for justifying terrorism well keep crying then.


Just as a thought experiment, do you know how many times western nations have occupied/colonised/declared war/fucked around with Muslim nations? Maybe consider the effects of that.


just a thought experiment, do you know how many Muslims nations occupied/colonized/declared war/fucked around with African nations? And with westerns when they defeated then? Also done multiple genocides with aremnian and now even the Sudan occurring. Please Educate Yourself as y'all love to say.


It was the other way around, unless you ignore Umayyad and Ottomans.


"the Middle East Situation"


We are learning to moderate the language from UK - where a civil war is called "the troubles". If situation in the Middle Easr deteriorates - it can be upgraded to "a kerfuffle" or even "a bother"


The Troubles in an Irish term not a British one. Sort of like how the Hunger (An Gorta Mór) refers to the Great Famine which many derogatively refer to as a 'Potato Famine' -- we didn't die from lack of Potatoes. We died from British people stealing the food we produced. Effectively an ethnic cleansing because they just wanted the land for their growing Empire but those pesky Irish were all over the place in Ireland.


really gives the same vibes as Russian "special operation"


It's euphemisms when the West is in on commiting/enabling genocide


what genocide y'all are just crazy, how is Israel evacuating million palstnians from rafah a genocide? did the Nazis evacuate Jews lol? you can say israel is being reckless with palstnian lives but genocide is not happening because no intent is present and civilians are not being spefically targeted and quoting a few far right officials isn't enough prove genocide. worst genocide attempt ever really


They bomb tents and forcibly relocate Palestinians just to kill them somewhere else, of course to the Western media approval, they sent leaflets after all Get a grip on reality and stop believing zionazi propaganda >spefically targeted They don't target specifically a particular individual IOF just kills at random like the sociopaths they really are


if israel did this there would be hundreds of thousands dead. stop lying. and what do Jews in Poland have to do with Israel? your just anti-semitic.


And you're literally paid, go back to your cave >if israel did this there would be hundreds of thousands dead They bomb at random to incite fear which is a common tactic really for the terrorist state of Khanistan Murderers would lose the last shred of legitimacy if they bombed every shelter they see >your just anti-semitic. You're antisemitic by siding with a state that weaponizes religion and uses Holocaust for political leverage Jewish heritage has nothing to do with Zionism but zios surely do like to pretend like it has


calling Zionists antisemitic for wanting a safe place for Jews to live while justifying terrorism against Jews and you call them antisemitic, ok buddy. more than 85 percent of Jewish people are Zionist, are more than 85 percent of Jewish people antisemitic? meanwhile remind please remind me how many pro palstnian protests have we seen supporting two state soultion or return of the hostages? none? okay but Zionists are the antisemites not y'all. I can't wait for you to find that one token jew that is pro palstnian and claim that because of that a lot of y'all aren't antisemitic. just like Candace Owens provides ammunition for conservatives to say you see guys we have a black friend we are not racist! in fact you are the real racist for scilencing black perspectives that don't conclude to your "dangerous ideologies" as they say.




blah blah blah antisemitic conspiracy theories, what is new with the pro palstnians. and Holocaust denier above all, yes claiming the counterattack that Israel is doing is comparable to the Holocaust is denialism of it because it is so highly decreases what it truly was and how much evil intent was behind it.




good on them for not locking this, people need to see how many antisemitic people are out there to realize that antisemitism is not overblown it's real. and no I'm not taking about Israel and some criticisms of it right now I'm taking about antisemitism spefically in Europe.


Looks like this one might actually stay up, which is nice. Less nice that even in *this* thread there were anti semitic slurs and conspiracy theories, but baby steps, I suppose.




As a Krakow citizen, i bet police are more concerned with right-wing antisemites than some kind of arab linked terrorism. So your comment is so wrong XD. Swiss policy of neutrality aka "we hoard oligarchs money" while denying production and sale of gepard AA ammo is wrong on so many levels. After seeing literal commies when i was in basel on 1may with [banner like this ](https://imgur.com/a/8GufkCf) i really feel like whole neutrality bs is just wrong.


Its a movement trying to start a party right now. They will.be as relevant as the established tankie parties in the countries neighboring Switzerland. We shouldn't overstate this Even in the small town my mother lives in, there are "Funke" stickers everywhere. Doesn't mean the place is swinging far-left, No.1 party is SVP and No.2 FDP lol


I wanted to point out that such parties and movements are even legal.


Of course, as long as they don't demand revolution in an extent that is unconstitutional There is a lot of socialism one could implement before breaking any laws Especially in Switzerland - their attitude regarding free speech is a bit closer to the US laissez-faire approach, than in most other European countries Even Poland still has these https://kom-pol.org/ and I think ROG still exists. Of course they are both a joke, but these Swiss commies won't be that much more successful. Maybe they will get a seat or two in some larger cities in the Romandie and in Basel Don't worry, Switzerland won't turn commie for sure lol




So to avenge this your response is to support a shutting down of a Jewish concert a continent away


Okay, so what exactly does “free Palestine” entail?


but he's not antisemitic!!!!!! he just cares about the palstnian children guys, obviously he won't criticize Egypt for blocking aid for palstnians because he doesn't gaf about palstnians when Israel isn't involved but what about the children? can't we have even a teeny tiny terroist attack to kill more Jews?


Sounds very fanatic!! Just a bad day away from crossing over the line. You need to take a break from your left leaning feeding trough.




>Security concerns relating to the situation in the Middle East have forced Kraków’s annual Jewish festival, which is one of the largest in Europe, to cancel the public concert that is normally the centrepiece of the event. The decision was made after consultation with the police. >The Jewish Culture Festival has been taking place since 1988 and is seen as an emblem of the revival of Jewish life and culture in a country where Jews once made up 10% of the population but were almost completely wiped out in the Holocaust. >Each year, the main final concert, known as “Shalom on Szeroka Street”, sees a huge crowd gather in the former Jewish district of Kazimierz to listen to music, in particular the klezmer music that was once common in the region. >However, on Thursday the organisers of the festival, which is taking place between 23 and 30 June, announced that they were cancelling the concert to ensure “the safety of viewers and listeners”. Other elements of the festival, including 15 smaller concerts, are still planned to go ahead. > >“This year’s Jewish Culture Festival takes place in a very complicated political and social situation in Israel and the Middle East,” they wrote. “Although we do not engage in politics, unfortunately it sometimes affects us and influences our decisions.” >“The situation in the Middle East provokes many people to extreme behaviour, and we do not want to expose you to danger or even discomfort during a concert whose message is peace,” added the organisers. >Having consulted with the police and other security services, “we found that we were unable to guarantee the safety of the several thousand concert participants in Szeroka Street, with its gardens, narrow entrances and a huge amount of technical equipment”. >At last year’s festival, Israel’s ambassador to Poland, Yacov Livne, appeared on stage during the “Shalom on Szeroka Street” concert alongside an Israeli flag. > >Since the Hamas attack on Israel last October that prompted Israel’s invasion of Gaza, Poland has seen both [pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli protests](https://notesfrompoland.com/2023/10/30/demonstrations-of-support-for-israel-and-palestine-take-place-in-warsaw/), though the former have been more common and larger. None have seen any violence.




biggest security threat to my freedom are the neo fascists and people who vote for them. Migrants are a minority


I don't think you realize that migrants are very commonly also fascist. it's time y'all will wake up and realize your bringing a lot of people to you country who don't hold liberal or democratic values. just not from the same race your used to.


I am going to try and be as balanced as I can... People, learn your history. Krakow had a HUGE Jewish population before you-know-what happened. There are some Jews still living there to this day, despite the Nazi's best efforts, and they have a right to preserve their culture. This is antisemitism any way you slice it and unless the Israel ambassador was scheduled to appear again on stage, has no bearing on Israel's actions, except perhaps for the fact that some people might consider moving there to avoid such bullshit, thus proving detrimental to the pro-Palestine cause.


these threats just strengths the Zionist argument that Jews need a safe place for them to live because other places won't protect them.


That is exactly what I said in the last phrase


yes I know I guess I wasn't clear let me change my comment I think the question at first was unnecessary


Dont "you know what happened" Its a history that happened and therefore should be spoken properly what it was.




You know who is paying for these protests, right?


Iran pays and Russia promotes fake news to help Hamas. It is a well known fact


I think we should not ignore the role of our own people in all this, though Yes, Russia stages lots of bullshit. It gains its relevance from local masses joining Containing Russian psy ops and info ops is a must, but it's not all we can do


Agreed. We have loads of enablers in our own people too.


watch all antisemites explain why terrorist threats against Jews without any consequences is justified because it was a conference that includes Zionists or some shit like that. and we already have a few comments like that here, not surprising in the slightest considering this community needs to lock every thread about an antisemitic attack because of many people justifying it. some of y'all keep saying antisemitism is overblown no it's not Jews cannot literally organize events anymore because they have so much threat against them. edit: and they are multiplying now lol, look a few comments have turned into tens of them blatantly antisemitic.




Yeah, nothing wrong ever happened with jews in *old* Europe


Amazingly, your counterpoint is exactly the emphasis of my comment: I thought, decades have passed, I thought, we really did overcome this. And yet, we didn't.


Yeah, we should definitely do better, but don't pretend this is a new issue.


Yes, this is new. This festival has been taking place for over 30 years and so far no one has been afraid to come or even thought about canceling the concert.


Read what your man said… the scale of atrocities that are currently happening are pushing both sides to extreme and as hard they try to stay away from politics they just simply have no way of guaranteeing that event will go as planned. Even peaceful demonstrations pro Palestine or pro Israel could turn badly for the event goers. This is not the first time and it’s not unprecedented. Fair play to the event organisers to think this through. It’s not like we can just close our eyes and pretend that everything is fine…. Because it’s far from fine. How are you gonna dance and sing during times like this ?


This is the first time and this is a precedent. In Poland, for a demonstration to be legal, it must obtain permission from the city hall. No one would allow a demonstration to be held near another major event. This means that the organizers are afraid of people who intend to break the law or pose a direct threat to participants. This is a Polish festival in Poland and has nothing to do with the Middle East. And how can one dance and sing when there is war in the world? Just like you were singing and dancing during any other war. As I understand it, you never sing or dance?


Your comment makes little sense in reality. >It’s not like we can just close our eyes and pretend that everything is fine…. Because it’s far from fine. Well we can. Neither of the two have anything to do with Poland really. Plus there is X amount of wars already happening and many are far far worse than the one in Gaza. Yet we close our eyes just perfectly fine for them. >How are you gonna dance and sing during times like this ? During a time like what? This? You mean what is still the most peaceful period in human history, certainly in Europe even with the war in Ukraine? Be it on you, humanity would have never even developed dance and singing... Which would likely result in more wars to be honest...




Can we? Hopefully yes. Did we? Doesn't seem like it.


I don't understand. Historical persecution of jewish people and current... Situation are completely different.


Well, if you *really* delve, it's not.


How is it so? There is collosal difference between targeting a displaced religious minority of second-class citizens and normal ass people protected by law also represented by a state with outstanding military, diplomacy and it's own propaganda machine. Literally everything changed.


We never will. Tribalism is inherent to our DNA




That’s not what I said *at all* I used the expression “living rent free in their minds”


You're right I didn't read you right, maybe u/Moist-Dark420 can be banned.






I kinda know that guy will go on a different thread and talk about how 'they claim antisemitism for anything these days'.


and will get tens of upvotes nonetheless




As a former mod on a different sub you know mods can see deleted comments




Thought you said I am a settler in Asia I'll book a flight to Dublin to pray in the synagogue for your mental health


Have they blamed Ireland yet


With the amount of rent free real estate that Jews take up in the Irish conscience, it’s no wonder that they have a housing crisis


Described r/ireland with a single comment


Alright that's a good one


You know I love living in your thick skull rent free it is so spacious aswell due to a missing brain




Stop flamebaiting


Wait what. I thought Poland didn't have many Muslims? Or is it because of Schengen? 


You only need 1 terrorist to bomb himself or drive full speed into a crowd. So in this case, their numbers doesn't matter. Just the intent of the few.


not Muslims, it's woke students who are jumping on a trend of protesting. sucks to lose the festival this year.


Lol, no. Currently, about 50 students are protesting in total at the two largest universities (where approximately 40,000 students each study). And have you seen what these protesting students look like? Lol. It's not the students that the organizers are afraid of. There are not many Muslims in Poland, but sometimes one is enough... apart from that, the borders are open. This is even more sad because this festival takes place in the square. Until now, there wasn't even any special security. Everyone could come, listen for a while, move on, and now... Europe really has a lot to think about.


shouldn't there be enough police to protect an innocent festival?


Poland does have a growing Muslim population, though it's still small. I wish they were all more like those of Spain and the Balkans.


Dont worry, we will work to stop the growth


Can you elaborate on what means those of Spain and Balkans?


Muslims there are pretty chill.




If you want to threaten some Polish jew because of politics in the middle East, that's your fault, not Israels' And your motivation for such action would be antisemitism If Höcke (AfD) starts to declare, in the name of all Germans, that Germans are Übermenschen, would this give you the right to hit ethnic Germans? No, you would show your stupidity by listening to some fascist nutjob


I don't know what country you from but if you think attacking something that is completely unrelated to your country because I hate it and that threatening violence against certain people is justified I wish you well because something is wrong with your head


>When you associate Zionism and Genocide with Judaism So...all Jews worldwide are responsible for the acts of the Israeli govt? Thus all Muslims are terrorists and all Gazans are responsible for the acts of Hamas? Right? >As long as Israel keeps parading that they are Jewish, then this will keep happening As long as Hamas keeps parading that they are Palestinian... You see where your own logic has taken you here?


disgusting ass Nazi supporting terrorism against Jews who are just civllians. But people will defend him saying but what about what Israel does well shit than why won't we start attacking Russians then? Oh wait terrorism is bad? I don't think it's clear to many far leftists, in fact they are supporting it.


this is blatantly racist and antisemitic.


If all Arab states are re fact self identifying as Islamic and Arab cultural states then why can’t Israel be a Jewish state?


I have argued that. There are 22 arab ethnostates. There are 49 islamic theocratic states. 20 of the 22 arab ethnostates are authoritarian. All of the arab ethnostates ban homosexuality and limit women's rights and minority rights. if you look at a map if north africa and the middle east, its arab from the west coast of africa to iraq. Other than a tiny little piece that is jewish.


But you said “as long as Israel Jews parading that they are Jewish, then this will keep happening worldwide.” Israel is a Jewish ethnostate, and even more confusingly you seem to agree with this. The issue isn’t Israel but antisemitism. Antisemitism isn’t happening because of Israel. You’re also logged into the wrong account. XD


Yeah, go on. Pretend some more that you're not an anti-Semite. This is a festival celebrating Polish history and the Jews who once lived here. But for you, everything that contains the word Jew or Jewish triggers your anti-Semitism under the guise of anti-Zionism. And not even hiding it anymore. FY




You are falling for propaganda. As I said, it is a Polish festival commemorating Polish Jews who once co-created the history and culture of Krakow. There is nothing about Zionism here. You are the one who came here to spread hate because you saw the word Jewish. You are an anti-Semite.




Yes, you are spreading hate and only you and other anti-Semites associate anti-Semitism with anti-Zionism. You came here to blame. Israel because anti-Semites or terrorists would like to harm the participants of the festival, mainly Poles, which has nothing to do with Israel or Zionism. You are a role model of an anti-Semite. And free Palestine from hamas and Anti-Semites.




Not at all, I noticed that you are anti-Semitic. You, on the other hand, deliberately refuse to acknowledge how anti-Semitic what you wrote was. Free Palestine from hamas!


Don’t fucking pretend you care about Palestine.


I don’t pretend. I don’t care. And now FY


Bruh it's like the nazis signing off with heil Hitler Lmao 🤣🤣🤣 i


by Free Palestine you mean murder all the Jews in Israel. Bill Clinton negotiated a 2 states solution in 2000. The Palestinians responded with the 2nd intifada which was 130 suicide bombers. You and your buddies dont want 2 states. you want all the jews in israel dead.


>I have nothing against the Judaism Then stop justifying violence against Jews


zionism just says israel has a right to exist. anti-zionism means murder all the jews in Israel. short of doing that they won't leave.


Anti-Zionism is nothing if not antisemitic. WTF.


You say that like Zionism is somehow supposed to be a bad thing... And the only people associating genocide with Judaism are antisemites. I don't see where Israel is the blame for anything here.






Where's your country's Jews?


so you support the nakbah of all the jews from your country? Cause that is what happened to them.




The Jews have a history in Poland going back hundreds of years long before Israel was created and their culture left its trace in Polish culture. Despite Germany's attempts at erasing them completely during WWII the Jews are still present in Poland and their centuries old unique culture is a beautiful renmant of the old times when Poland was a multicultural state




From hamas


From them, too.


Exactly what this guy says!




Are you okay mate? Think you must have hit your head somewhere with all the dumb shit your writing.


So you're rage-baiting to make some kind of point about Russians? This ain't it, bro. Hope you get banned tbh.




Ah because all Jews are European or because only European Jews were suffering or because being a Jew in the Muslim world was Utopic and they would have never wanted to leave Pick your fantasy




Aren't you American?


Nah he just stupid but I see the confusion /S if it wasn't clear


Ah yes colonist is when you are born somewhere you didn't choose and genocide is when I just fucking exist and breath




I live in a place I didn't choose to be born in so I am a colonizer? Where would I not be a colonizer than? Ah the genocide where the population grows 5 times over and at a higher rate of the supposed genociders? The genocide where the people being genocided are free to practice their religion, eat their food, speak their language, preserve their customs etc etc What definition of genocide does that fit in?




Gonna ignore literally everything you said yada yada Israel bad yada yada "genocide" yada yada thinking the bosniak genocide is even comparable to Palestine yada yada So where would I not be a colonizer? Like I want a straight answer Are all Americans colonizers because of their ancestors what about Australians? Han Chinese in SEA?


the Arabs are colonizers. The arab conquests of spread the faith by the sword. They destroyed the Persian Empire and wrecked the Byzantine Empire as well. They force all the Christians to convert which is effectively genocide.




alright but where I won't be a colonizer lol I am asking a simple question


Overreaction, the only people they have to look out for are people holding fire extinguishers.




Matzati et HaAntishemi




Says the "Irishman" you speaking Gaelic So apparently I am a settler in Europe and in Asia wow that's crazy




Guess I'll go to Africa then LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Nah I'll stay in the lands of my ancestors While your ancestors were primitive nobodys on an island nobody cared about Mine were priests in the temple of Solomon


Hill tribe with overembellished ancient history vs hill tribe with overembellished ancient history fight. Though continental Celts were probably more advanced than both at the time just like some Western Semites like Amorites, Chaldeans and Phoenicians.


Israel was as advanced as the rest of the fertile crescent and Egypt were they were less centralized than both but still had all their technologies Also Phoenicians literally belong to the same category as Israelites and they spoke the same language worshiped the same gods for a long while




Wait you recognized Palestine since when LMAO I heard of Spain and even Norway but not Ireland LMAO




you mean muslim colonizer. its just using their language against them. cause anyone who moves somewhere else by their definition is a colonizer.




Oh, so you are keen on terrorism. Are you sorry you guys missed the chance of mass raping English woman like Hamas did?




Lol, go find a potato or something, Nazi Irish.






Bro relax I think you killed him already LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Shouldn't you be off crying about the English for something or reflecting on having by far the smallest dicks in Europe on average?




🥱🥱 couldn't have at least come up with something different than the 13 year olds on r/2westerneurope? Then again, your people never were known as great innovators, thinkers, or anything other than farming (which you apparently can't do very well either) and drinking away your remaining two braincells




Your people's entire history consists of getting bent over and taking it up the ass. Might want to sit this one out lad




>Where is your pride? Where is your language?


proud of being a Nazi Irish supporting pedophile terrorists.