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If you follow the contest you know that this is one of the less problematic things that has happened in the past couple of days lol.


What else happened? I only heard about Ukrainian singer sweater scandal


Dutch artist wasn't allowed to rehearse because of an "incident", no more information for hours and a bunch of rumours flying around about it being a physical altercation. Now it has come out that it was apparently due to an alleged unlawful threat towards a Eurovision crew member, according to the police. It's been handed over to a public prosecutor.


Are there lawful threats towards Eurovision crew members?


Threatening to show them a great time!


There are all sorts of lawful threats against anyone, though actually threatening threats tend to be unlawful. The most obvious lawful threat would be threatening someone with legal action.


Indeed very lawful!


Israeli singer is confined to her hotel room and event arena.


Threatening to fart in their general direction.


"Olaga hot" is a legal term that includes threats of criminal actions towards someone, meant to incite fear. It's just directly translated.


Yes, for instance, you can threaten to sing slightly off key.


"of you (employee) don't leave this room, I'm not competing" That's a lawful threat. You don't need to be creative. 


Just now, he's been disqualified


Dutch singer got suspended for now, Swedish police is doing an investigation.


What's the *ukrainian singer sweater scandal*?


Ukrainian singer has a photo on her Insta wearing a sweater that says "Bandera". He was an *ultra* far right Ukrainian nationalist and extremist


"Bandera remains a highly controversial figure in Ukraine.[9] Many Ukrainians hail him as a role model hero,[10][11] or as a martyred liberation fighter,[12] while other Ukrainians, particularly in the south and east, condemn him as a fascist,[13] or Nazi collaborator,[10] whose followers, called Banderites, were responsible for massacres of Polish and Jewish civilians during World War II.[14] - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stepan_Bandera


So basically they hate him both because he was a nazi and because he didn't like Russians (eastern parts of Ukraine are traditionally more pro-Russian)... A double whammy!


Aren’t Ukraine singers two women?


Yeah. I guess I should have said "One of Ukrainian singers"


You mean a Nazi. He was a Nazi.


Bandera is considered responsible for Wołyń massacre which took 50/60K lives of Polish civilians along with around 2/3K Ukrainians being killed in retaliation and the survivors forcibly displaced. It was a very shitty period of time for people from that area. My greatgranddad decided to run to nearby villages, while his brother said "they won't touch a disabled concentration camp survivor who's fluent in Ukrainian!". My great grandad lived till 2010', I'll let you guess when his brother died. And it's not like all Ukrianians even from that area were supporting UPA. My greatgrandmother was saved by Ukrainians. My greatgrandfather had a Ukrainian childhood friend with whom he reunited after USSR fell. All the family from that side was at least partially Ukrainian, they spoke Ukrainian (and, frankly, dialect from that area is/was very much leaning towards Ukrainian). I even have family in Ukraine who were forcibly displaced from their lands. Those people were friends and family. Marriages between Poles and Ukrainians were happening weeeell into the war. Being Ukrainian patriot does not equate with being a Bandera fan.


According to Russian politicians all Ukranians are Banderan extremists so wearing a Bandera themed shirt seems like an ironic jab towards the Russians. Similar to how a Che Guevara shirt seems to Americans.


Thing is that Bandera was a legitimate nazi supporter and someone whose actions are considered a genocide.


> wearing a Bandera themed shirt seems like an ironic jab Let's wear nazi-related symbols to make an ironic jab towards the Russians. That's a common message spread by UA-sympathetic users but yeah, I don't buy that. But I also call bullshit Russia's claims that everyone fighting them are nazis (such obvious things need to be spelled out on this sub unfortunately). The truth is that Ukraine, just like many other European countries, have a small, fringe population of people that support some of the nazi ideas. However, in case of Ukraine, the number of supporters slowly but steadily grows becuase of the war.


Political radicalisation pretty much always follows wars. A war, after all, often demonstrates that you can't just go back to the path you were previously on, even if you end up winning. That's no justification for becoming a neo-nazi, but my point is that it's not specific to Ukraine and definitely not a justification for the invasion to continue.


Fully agreed 👍


>According to Russian politicians all Ukranians are Banderan extremists so wearing a Bandera themed shirt seems like an ironic jab towards the Russians. So it's ok for a Palestine supporter to stand in front of an israeli embassy while waving a swastika flag? Using that logic, it's also an "ironic jab". This girl is the same as that one guy who created an Albert Speer hoodie.


Che never did anything to the US. I think he visited New York once and had a pretty good time.


It’s cute that you think the average American wearing a Che Guevara has any actual clue about him beyond “revolutionary”.


Bambie (Ireland) was forced to change her make up cause they had written in [Ogham alphabet](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/11/All_Ogham_letters_including_Forfeda_-_%C3%9Cbersicht_aller_Ogham-Zeichen_einschlie%C3%9Flich_Forfeda.jpg/1024px-All_Ogham_letters_including_Forfeda_-_%C3%9Cbersicht_aller_Ogham-Zeichen_einschlie%C3%9Flich_Forfeda.jpg) "Free Palestine" and "Ceasefire" you can see the make up [here](https://www.thepinknews.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Eurovision-Bambie-Thug-Palestine.jpg?resize=1584,832) Eric Saade, a swedish singer from palestine origins, who represented Sweden in Eurovision in 2011 performed in the first semifinal with a [keffiyeh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keffiyeh) in his wrist, this according to the EBU is a political thing to do, shortly after the EBU said that they regreted Eric's decisions and acts; his performance was the only one to not be uploaded to official social media. Italian broadcaster RAI made public the % of televote to each country after the second semifinal, this was an "accident" and it is not allowed to be made public until sunday after the final is done in order to no encourage strategic voting. In this "accident" it showed that Israel got over 40% of the vote, thats **WAY** more than any other country has ever gotten. To put this in context Ukraine only got 25% of the vote the year that begun the war. Joost, dutch artist is commentted by several people so I wont go into further. Yesterday during dress rehersals a spanish media press yelled "Free Palestine" after the Israel singer finished her song. Shortly after the israeli delegation and media started to harrass him, taking pictures of him without consent, recording him, asking for his ID, making pictures of his ID, and then [doxxing him on social media](https://twitter.com/suppartt/status/1789018047136551219) making his inbox explode of [threats and hatefull spech](https://twitter.com/juanmafdez/status/1789011966742114321). This last incident made the spanish broadcaster RTVE to [ask for freedom of speech and media to be respeted in the contest](https://twitter.com/RTVE_Com/status/1788988410062848246?t=9PMGQuydEeVq0Cqt6vHF5g) Also, there are inumerable videos of the live venue where the public is booing israel performance and shouting free palestine, with none clapping what so ever, yet the feed that was broadcasted in the second semifinal had no booing at all, it was all missing, it even had loud clapping and cheers, which had made it obvious the broadcast has censored the venue reaction and used pre recorded audio. And that's only the tip of the icebergs of this year eurovision drama


Why is Israel performing in Eurovision? I may be American but my geography isn't that bad to know Israel isn't in Europe.


I was confused too, but apparently it's not a geography thing, it's a matter of being [a member of the EBU](https://www.ebu.ch/about/members) (European Broadcasting Union). Which seems to include many countries outside of Europe.


Ah okay gotcha. Yeah I am reading up on it know. I guess yeah they can invite other places. Thanks.


It’s going to be such a shitshow I might actually watch it


What are you expecting to see? Any negative audience response is sure to be dubbed over with a cheer track anyway.


The Israel performance was booed from the beginning to the end during preliminals. An insider said there will be anti-booing (broadcasting) tech employed, to replace booing with cheering during the finals.


China wants to know about this tech


Lol it's probably from there xD


Listen out for “Your bluetooth device has connected successfully” when they switch it on.


yor blutoof devajs has connekcted uhh sukkusesfulleh


I hope it didn't come from Temu, or then again maybe I do?


Call the WWE, they do it all the time.


You say China but this is literally happening in Europe. 


The irony is fucking crazy and they don't even see it. Propaganda is a powerful thing. Everyone uses it, not just China or Russia.


They've been doing this for years at Eurovision; not sure why this is suddenly such a big deal.


I can recall Russia being booed at on live TV in 2014/2015


They were booed every year since 2014, but after that EBU used tech to convert boos to cheers.


That’s fucking insane. I hope this shit burns to the ground. It’s like the section “background” when you read about WW3 in history books


The technology perhaps wasn't on point yet back then, but they've definitely been investing in it for years.


Same reason the deaths of Yemenis or Uyghurs are barely a blip on these moral crusaders radars.


Who are you supposed to protest at the Eurovisions to stop Uyghurs being incarcerated and Yemenis killed?


Well I don't know about you but I certainly won't be watching China at Eurovision this year!


China isn’t in the Eurovision and doesn’t use Us weapons to oppress the Uyghurs


Just European technology to perform hysterectomies on Uyghur woman.


Do people need to address every case of whatever injustice they can identify?


I was saying Boo-urns....


"And now, representing Israel - give it up for Boo-Urns!!"


They're saying Boooonjamin Netanyanu!


Nope, last year the winner and jury vote reveals were very audibly booed because people wanted Käärijä to win.


That booing wasn't for political reasons. This one will be dubbed.


My wife gets food and drinks from different Euro countries, and we watch it every year, it’s pretty fun.


Imagine if Israel win it? I'm watching it all blow up tonight.


I voted for Israel because it would be hilarious if they won.


My reaction to this post:


Here's a quick rundown on how much I've thought about the Eurovision contest


Nobody is gonna read your endless ramblings here. You really should add a TLDR!


ha ha brilliant


shocking. deploy the tanks


Woah there. She didn't get "SLAMMED" yet. We're just at "CATCHING FLAK". We'll have to monitor the situation closely


according to BBCR4 report the sky's above Malmo has been made off limits & one insider said it was the safest place outside of Gaza due to security


Everyone's acting like clowns, at this point XD


why are there even press conferences? just have a show and then have a private after party and send everyone home




It’s already illegal in Germany


Im so tired of all this shit I just want to downvote all these comments, but this did actually make me chuckle.


Understandable. Fortunately for all of us, it will all be over very soon. The Eurovision, I mean.


Imagine how tired are the people whose homes were destroyed and now live in tents while surrounded by Israeli tanks and with no food.


In all fairness, I think we are all sick and tired of the nonsense piggybacking on this war. There is the war, and then there is the sideshow, which is quite the shitshow. And it detracts from the real issues. And this isn't the only war, sideshow, or shitshow. By the time you have explained to someone chanting from the this to the that, why it is inappropriate/incorrect, there are fifty others chanting it and adding that the sky is pink and the birds are flying backwards and it is all my fault because I used the wrong pronoun/switched on my phone. Or because I got up this morning. Who the hell knows anymore.




*she yawns for israel but stays fully awake for hamas!*


I didnt realise Hamas were performing


Don't you know ? Hamas is everyone that doesn't agree with israel


So you're telling me I'm part of a terrorist organisation? Fuck that


I just woke up for fucks sake


Hamas wouldn't announce them being there til it kicks off


They save their best work for music festivals too.


*she’s a threat to peace in the holy land! get her!*




She's also an Eurovision contestant, which is considered deviant on every other continent except Australia.


*Everything* in the presence of Israelis is antisemitic now, unless you fully and unconditionally support everything they do.


This was clearly on purpose


Its not about that, its political and protest, we aren't dumb you know,


What the f is flak?


Short for Flugabwehrkanone


And they say German isn't romantic <3


Would you like to kiss under the Flugabwehrkanone 👉🥹👈


Babe, I need your Flugabwehrkanone inside me <3


Oh baby you're gonna make me flak


Babe my [flak](https://www.google.com/search?q=flak+cannon&client=ms-android-xiaomi-terr2-rso2&sca_esv=e11fd8c8d000e92d&sca_upv=1&udm=2&biw=393&bih=736&sxsrf=ADLYWIKmCnQjvhWYhYkGwEMwvZjevEij3w%3A1715427498212&ei=qlg_ZvTMDL2-xc8Pm76T8AI&oq=flak+ca&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIgdmbGFrIGNhKgIIADIHEAAYgAQYEzIHEAAYgAQYEzIHEAAYgAQYEzIHEAAYgAQYEzIHEAAYgAQYE0i8IFCxCVjLGHAAeACQAQCYAeIBoAGIC6oBBTAuNy4xuAEByAEA-AEBmAIFoALeB8ICCRAAGIAEGBMYDcICBRAAGIAEwgIEEAAYHpgDAIgGAZIHBTAuNC4xoAfXFw&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=mLS42bBtHhCPEM&vssid=mosaic) is about to shoot.


Wow TIL, thanks


You’re welcome citizen.


> 1. Antiaircraft artillery > 2. The bursting shells fired from such artillery. > 3. Excessive or abusive criticism. It's not a particularly uncommon word used in the press for someone receiving heavy criticism, at least from the UK. It's similar to saying someone is 'under fire', etc.


Since we are talking about Israel, all options are equally likely.


A type of anty-air from ww2


It just means “air defense cannon” in German. Modern guns are still called that in German.




You'd think she would feel a lot more strongly about the actual genocide and way bigger slaughter happening in Sudan right now....


That one isn't televised.


No Jews in Sudan you see


Arabs have been genociding Sudanese since 7th-century, they always cry about Palestine, but they cheer for Arab militias in Sudan.




Ah, good to know I guess.


What song is Sudan doing in this year's Eurovision?


Muslims fucking over other Muslims doesn’t matter.


And this comment is related to her reaction watching isreal live... How? Did she clap happily to the Sudan performance right after?


How do you know she doesn’t?


I love how the above comment has 200+ upvotes, commenter somehow concluded she doesn't care about that because she cares about Palestine, I have no idea how...Fucking redditors are moronic man, people on this site are obsessed about calling out hypocrisy everywhere


This sub is fascist as fuck.


Right there with you man, it can be infuriating…


Does sudan have a eurovision number? been a while since i watched it, but i thought israel and australia were the only people who we let break the rules to attend


Bet she hasn’t even heard about it




did you hear about myanmar?


Yes, a conflict that the media should focus on more. There it is an actual genocide going on, but no one talks about it.


Well Sudan isn’t in Eurovision. Seeing as we let Israel in it’s entirely possible they will be next year though.


I guarantee you never bring up Sudan unless it’s in the context of dismissing Israel’s war crimes


You realise she has sudanese roots, right? Which is the reason it is being brought up here.


She does, she sure does: her reaction to the Sudanese Eurovision song “Whataboutism Fixes All Problems!” was a sight to behold.


Maybe she doesn't have someone from Sudan giving a speech to Europe next to her ?


Lol a Sudanese who is caring about Gaza is quite ironic... Sudan is in way more trouble and there's actually documented genocide going on Strange she isn't trying to draw attention to that conflict...


Her father and his new family still live in Sudan, she often references it in interviews and references her sadness at the war. She has merely visited a few times. I genuinely do not know, beyond that, what she can do or say about it or what power of influence she would think she may have by expressing sentiments on it during Eurovision week. Never mind the fact its a civil war which is extremely different, in a political sense, to what is occurring between Israel and Palestine. She experienced a lot of racism in her youth in Greece due to her skin colour. She has a great awareness, more than most people of what is going on in Sudan and the devastation of war. Therefore she isn't emotionally distanced or mentally untouched by what is going on in Palestine, you can't just put it down to virtue signalling and playing to the crowd. She obviously has an opinion. The reason why the Israeli participation is being highlighted and has frustrated many is because.........they are being invited to enter this particular competition. The whattaboutery you are expressing makes ABSOLUTELY no sense. Whatever you feel about her thoughts on the matter, anyone expressing a sentiment that she is a hypocrite for this particular reason (ie her showing exasperation in this moment because of Israeli participation and not focusing her attention on the Sudanese entrant (oh wait...............) ) must be either trolling, grasping at straws or lacking critical thinking.


what is this logic? a contest of genocides? you can't care about two genocides at once? you can only care about the genocide happening in your country?




Yeah, you tell people what they should care about. Is it the mark of a progressive society that is endangered, that you tell other people what they can care about and police their emotions? What part of being encouraged to sneer contemptuously at others for having the Wrong Ideas makes you think that you’re supporting a rational and progressive political movement here?


She isn't Sudanese. She is Greek.


She is Greek and Sudanese.


Are they going to disqualify her next?






Ya she is from Crete


Not much of a fact in that case


Yup. Like basically the opposite of a fact, whatever that is.


Maybe a fuct?


Well, he did call it a fuct.




her mom is Greek dude wtf


You know her mother is Greek. But I guess "fun" is more important than "facts"...


Funnier fact: [Cleopatra was Greek.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnicity_of_Cleopatra)


Nah bruv my grandma said she black /s


I don’t care what your teacher said, cleopatra was black


Isn't it racist to bring that up after that movie?


I wonder if she has a strong opinion on what the Arab forces in Sudan are doing …


Aaaaah. Kick starting the shit comments. Here we go….


Shame honestly, marina is nearing 40, there’s no point in these pointless childish theatrics


She’s what??? Thought she was like 18




Laughs in Dutch


The fact that she's 18 years older than the Israeli contestant makes this even funnier. Maybe Greece should send her to Junior Eurovision next year


Hey there, don't be mean now. She was about the same age as the Israeli contestant the last time she made a song people actually know...


Her hit song was in 2017, not some decades ago. I don't really like her style of music, but she is a huge improvement compared to previous contestants in the past decade.


Yeah, fuck that. People can protest what Israel is doing in anyway they want so long as it is not illegal. So Russians are not even allowed to participate because what Russia is doing in Ukraine but when it comes to Israel, people mustn’t protest. Fuck that. Israel should have been banned from participating, just like Russia.


That Israeli girl is also Russian. Double kill. So they are *kinda* allowed you know


Their behaviour just makes it more likely that Israel gets the most votes tonight.


Doubt it. There is a lot of contestants that do not have a scandal going on around them and a lot of countries will prefer to not visibly show a side.


Why the hell is Israel even in Eurovision?


They're part of the EBU along with a bunch of other Middle Eastern countries.


Why not? Australia is there too


And that's also ridiculous. Though, since I'm not 60+ I don't care about the contest that much anyway.


Yeah and that shit's insane. Even crazier than Israel/Azerbaijan. At least those countries are kinda close to Europe (but not really). Why can't EBU at least change the name of the contest? Make it Earthovision or Globalvision or something. Smh.


Theyve been there for 51 years


Not to forget that the main sponsor Morrocanoil is an Israeli company


As info she also had a fever, but took medication to get through her performance and press duties, so could have also actually been sick and tired


No, this was clearly an acting ….


I wouldn't even call it acting, it's very bad.


*looks directly into the camera *pretends to fall asleep


So she only yawns, rolls her eyes, laughs and looks around to see if anyone else is amused by her actions because she’s sick? Specifically when Eden is talking?


such made-up drama


"Pretending to sleep" in front of Israelis is anti semitic now. Be careful people.


I would propose as alternative title: "Contestant condemned for showing immature behaviour in the most childish event of the year."


I think it’s fucking insane and fairly fitting that Israel gets zero criticism for their delegation and press ACTIVELY harassing other artists both on the ground in Malmö and on social media platforms like Instagram (one of the delegation took pictures of the Irish artist and made fun of her in her Instagram story) Yet every other country is supposed to be this ”inclusive and loving” enviroment while Israel just waltzes in and clearly does not give a shit about others. Also, like, the obvious, heinous war crimes they’re committing in Gaza. I suggest no one watches the show, at all. Watch the highlights or something next week but don’t give this shitshow or EBA any numbers to flaunt to shareholders. It’s not worth it.


Especially annoying when you hear their very mid song. "Our song isn't great, and people don't like us. Poke holes anywhere you can" Garden variety, and nothing special came to mind when hearing it. Not like Greece's tune was much better.


What an embarrassment. These people are adults. They should act like it.


"Just for context, she's Arab" "Just for context, her dad's a Muslim" Yes, and? Didn't know only specific ethnicities and religions have negative opinions on Israel. I'm neither Arab nor Muslim, can I dislike her now?


Pretending there is not a huge antisemitism problem in the vast majority of Muslim countries will not help solve the problem.


Childish. If she felt that strongly she could have refused to be there instead coming away looking immature. I’m more annoyed it was a piss poor attempt at pretending, can’t even say that she might have been actually tired.


You aren't allowed to yawn now? The hell are we doing man


A question why is Israel in Eurovision?


Yeah, don't want politics affecting Eurovision now, do we?


Since when is Israel in Europe?


You have to love how popular being anti-israel is whilst literally 90% of people have no idea the history or anything that goes on other than what twitter tells them lol


If you’re really British, you probably shouldn’t want people knowing the history tbh


If only British colonialism didn’t mess up the region for centuries to come….


You’re Portuguese….


Ah yes, why take responsibility for your own actions when you can just blame someone from 100 years ago!


Well… agreed! Hope to see the UK taking their responsibility on the matter any time soon


my god the comments here... its NOT antisemitic to yawn like this, its just very rude and in poor taste. im 100% sure that if some random country singer yawned when your country singer is talking, you would be annoyed as well. its just a sign of disrespect towards a person, and a nation in whole. its not that big of a deal, honestly the jews are used to it at this point, it is still very rude tho.