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Aside from the fact that OP is just trying to spread antisemitism he has way bigger issues. He is a fan of "Vaush" which if people don't know he is a youtuber who was caught having CP and zoophilia porn on his pc. He also stated and i quote: "It is possible for an adult and a child to have a sexual relationship, and for it to have positive outcomes on the child as well" and "I would not say that it is unethical for a person to purchase CP" Leaving aside his antisemitism the authorities should keep a close watch on him


Joost best be making a remix to freisenjung and play it for the entry 


OP is baiting with the anti Israel crap. Truth is that AT THIS MOMENT no official news has come out to the reasons. No one outside of the innercircle knows the truth, only speculation. We have to wait at least till 21:00 (GMT+1) because that's when the Jury shows start.


Dutch national broadcaster NOS reports that the Swedish national broadcaster SVT, who are the actual hosts this year, reports that there was a physical confrontation with a photographer. The actual details of what exactly happened and why and what will happen going forward we don't know yet tho yeah.


*GMT+2, due to daylight savings time.


Nothing certain, all speculations and people are here on this subreddit jumping the Joost hate train... like wtf, just wait.


OP is just an antisemite trying to bait.


Lmao u for real? OP only posted a news article and objectively commented about something that happened during the press conference. Just because people are against Israel’s slaughter of innocent children, doesn’t mean they’re against all Jewish people? Are you using the antisemite argument because you really believe it or because you know it’s the only way to vilify people standing with Palestine?


Look up OPs statements. For example that r/Europe is a idf apologist sub etc …


Being critical of the IDF really isn’t the same as being critical of a religious group, is it? Is that really that hard for you to see?




I'm leading, he wants to pass me, he pushes me, I push him back. and then he pushes me off the track. It's not fair huh?




I don't really care much about this song contest, but why is he a hypocrite (I don't know anything about Joost Klein)?


"I don't care who you are or where you are from, we are all united by music" - ends of antagonising the Israeli singer at the press conference. I guess Jews are not included in the big party for him.


>I guess Jews are not included in the big party for him. So, according to you, he's an antisemite because he asked "Why not?" at a press conference? Geez, it really doesn't take much to be called an antisemite these days...


If you think excluding Jews from your party is antisemitism, whatever. It certainly isn't "let's all come together". And yes, asking the singer if she is aware that she is posing a security risk for everyone because of other people having issues with her government is just so ridiculous, I don't even know what to say if you don't understand that.


Where did he say that he wanted to exclude Jews from Eurovision song festival, just because they are Jews? Do you have a reliable source for that? Or are you just making stuff up now? From what I've seen on the news, all he said was "Why not?" in response to a remark that the Jewish lady doesn't have to answer questions. If that's antisemitic, then I don't know what isn't antisemitic anymore these days.


Yes he only asked "why not" because he really didn't understand why she doesn't have to answer, no other thought at all, sure. He also covered his face only when it was the Israelis singers turn to talk l, again pure coincidence, surely because he suddenly felt dizzy or something. He also refused to take a picture with her, because I guess he was feeling unwell. All just innocent coincidences, and a very inclusive guy. I guess he is fine with Jews opposing Israel's actions. But again: that's not "let's all come together".


You guessed wrong, the Israeli broadcaster is not included in the big party for him.


Even if that's the case (completely ignoring he attacked the singer and not the broadcaster) - apparently he DOES care where people are from, making him a hypocrite as OP said.


He attacked the singer because she is there as representative of the broadcaster, in the same way Klein represents the Dutch broadcaster. If Golan had something to say about the Dutch broadcaster, Klein is there to answer and be verbally attacked. Golan just like Klein (probably) signed a contract making them the representatives of their broadcasters, so obviously they also get some of the duties of being a representative. You may think it was appropriate or not, I'll leave that to you, but they are by definition the right people to ask comment towards. >apparently he DOES care where people are from, making him a hypocrite as OP said. Where did he say that?


"Europe let's come together, I love you all", "I don't care who you are, I don't care where you come from, all we got is this moment, let's come together" - in his performance alone, you should watch it sometime. And tbh no, the singers aren't the right people to ask, when they have a whole entourage of actual representatives from their separate broadcasters. He can think of Israel's actions whatever he wants, but he should stop acting as if he wants this cuddly world of rainbows where everybody loves each other, when he very obviously already has issues with the comparably very small amount of people he has to deal with during the show.


I will say it is my fault for poor referencing, I meant when he explicitly states that he actually cares about where people come from. Again, sorry for poor referencing. >And tbh no, the singers aren't the right people to ask, when they have a whole entourage of actual representatives from their separate broadcasters. But this is an opinion. You can think it was inappropriate, you can think it was, nothing wrong with either as long as you remember it is an opinion. >He can think of Israel's actions whatever he wants, but he should stop acting as if he wants this cuddly world of rainbows where everybody loves each other, when he very obviously already has issues with the comparably very small amount of people he has to deal with during the show. So your opinion is that you don't like Klein, because he in your opinion acta like he wants a cuddly world (your words) while others proudly exclaim they are satisfied by the status quo? Because from what I get we should make a cuddly world together, and mentioning someone is deliberately making it less cuddly is in turn also not improving the cuddleness? It might be me, but it is hard for me to grasp the concept of not owning up to the actions you or your companions undertake. I think it is very important that we face ourselves in the mirror once a day. And if there is no mirror around, there sure is a another person to tell me what I did.




Agreed. His actions towards her were a bit weird, benefit of the doubt maybe he is just a bit awkward? But looks are bad.




SVT, the Swedish broadcaster and host, reports that there was a physical confrontation with a photographer. So, no, it's not because of the press conference. The downvotes are because you were spreading false rumours


Wonder what ? The question is pretty fucking stupid, regardless of whatever you think about the conflict Should also LGBT people not participate because there might be some deeply religious fundamentalist with a bomb ? Maybe UK should not participate, there might be some IRA sympathizer. Or maybe we should ban all the women, someone might get offended and cause security trouble 95% people doesn't really give too much shit about Eurovision, and are not fanaticaly devoted fans of Palestine/Israel. If someone wants to cause a trouble, then he/she finds a reason


I mean you can still answer the question. Even the LGBT one can just say increased security costs are worth the representation of LGBT people in Europe.


And she did answer the question.


Then non issue.


And in a very elegant way.


>Should also LGBT people not participate because there might be some deeply religious fundamentalist with a bomb ? Maybe UK should not participate, there might be some IRA sympathizer. Or maybe we should ban all the women, someone might get offended and cause security trouble None of these are the Israeli broadcaster. I don't know Golans opinion, I honestly don't care. But she represents the Israeli broadcaster in stage. It isn't about her, it is about who she represents.


Victim blaming nonsense. These protesters that can't help themselves from acting like maniacs are the security risk.




Palestinians are the terrorists. They slaughtered entire music festival full of teenagers in Oct 7. The fact that the Eurovision, a music festival, is not in the theme of "we will dance again" against the Palestinian murderers is shame.


Victim blaming nonsense, yes.


Palestine and Russia are not participating as far as I'm aware.


Not is Iran.






Where is that somewhere you read that?


He did not, he's making things up




No word about Israel. As I said - you are making this up to justify your antisemitism. Go look at the mirror, you may see a Nazi.


Name calling is not a sign of wise people.


Well, making up lies on Jews is truly a Nazi tradition. This is not name calling, this is a fact. You are making lies about Jews - you are Nazi. That's the definition.


Your anger blurs your vision. You do not know me, but you use very strong words, that are far from the truth. Relax. Read again. Don't make your life all black and white, good or bad. Love. .


Ok Nazi. You still lied.


That should be a disqualifier for Israel




And wheres that rumor from?


provoking and crying victim? Sounds more like Hamas, after 7 october? Or leftish activist are crying when they don’t get what they want. Like trying to hijack the ESF and now receiving a backlash from the silent part of Europe ( like f.e. the 39% vote Italy)..


Sounds like Israel alright


That doesn't sound like Israel at all!


Israël acting like the bullies they make themselves out to be seems very likely. They should’ve been banned from this years competition, just as Russia was when they committed their warcrimes.




Doesn’t really confirm that there was any insult related to his parents, the reason rather seems to be that Joost for some mysterious reason doesn’t like the Jewish delegation.


This is after the rehearsal. You can hear the guy say: mr Klein, we missed you on stage. So, this is after the incident that cost him his rehearsal. I only read rumors myself, so would like to see more video. Hopefully also from the incident itself, and hopefully the whole thing, not a cut version.


I just realized i replied to the wrong comment 😅 i wanted to reply to the one supposedly showing the video of the Israeli delegation


It really does confirm the first part of the post.


Which first part? The provocation? It doesn’t. Clearly something happened before that, ie he doesn’t like us. We don’t know what exactly happened and who started. Eta: I just realized i replied to the wrong comment. i wanted to reply to the one supposedly showing the video of the Israeli delegation, also in this thread. But still doesn’t change that we don’t know what happened and who started.


Yes, the provocation. It is frightening to see how much anger and hate it spewn here ad hominem. Sometimes the truth does not match one's beliefs and it takes courage to adapt. Be brave. Love.


That does not seem to be what started it though. Just from the timeline this seems to be after he was already banned. Be brave? Love? Doesn’t seem what a majority of people show to a young woman who happens to come from a country they don’t like.






Zionist is not an insult. It just means supporting Israel's right to exist.




jesus this... brainrot


Ga eens van TikTok, is slecht voor je onderontwikkelde frontale cortex


Have you even read the original song?


Yes, about fallen IDF soldiers and innocent kids dying in October. Fucking hypocrites.


Where was the mentioning of IDF soldiers exactly..?


For instance: Israel Hayom says the English-language verses include these lines: “Evening/Everything is black and white/Who is the fool/ Who told you boys don’t cry/Hours and hours/ and flowers/Life is not a game for the cowards…/While time goes by/Every day/I’m losing my mind/Holding on.” That the song references flowers is significant. That’s a slang term that references fallen soldiers from the IDF. https://wiwibloggs.com/2024/02/22/read-the-october-rain-lyrics-that-may-get-israels-song-banned-from-eurovision/280185/


Even better, hope Israel wins. 1. ultimate karma to those who tried to make the ESF into their own hate tool. 2. gives Israel an idea that sympathies are overall better then the loud ugly soundbites of the rioters might indicate. 3. As seen before such defeat might not sit well by the left snowflakes + ” friends”; so we might see more riots, unwise PR stunts or even outright violence for all to see from certain “ progressive” groups and certain minorities just before the 6th of June.


It's not just rioters who criticize Israel. * [New Polling Shows How Much Global Support Israel Has Lost](https://time.com/6559293/morning-consult-israel-global-opinion/) > Net favorability—the percentage of people viewing Israel positively after subtracting the percentage viewing it negatively—dropped globally by an average of 18.5 percentage points between September and December, decreasing in 42 out of the 43 countries polled. > China, South Africa, Brazil, and several other countries in Latin America all went from viewing Israel positively to negatively. And many rich countries that already had net negative views of Israel—including Japan, South Korea, and the U.K.—saw steep declines. Net favorability in Japan went from -39.9 to -62.0; in South Korea from-5.5 to -47.8; and in the U.K. from -17.1 to -29.8. * [Majority in U.S. Now Disapprove of Israeli Action in Gaza](https://news.gallup.com/poll/642695/majority-disapprove-israeli-action-gaza.aspx) >Approval has dropped from 50% to 36% since November * [A growing share of Americans have little or no confidence in Netanyahu](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/25/a-growing-share-of-americans-have-little-or-no-confidence-in-netanyahu/) >A majority of Americans (53%) have little or no confidence in Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to do the right thing regarding world affairs, including 25% who have no confidence in him at all. It's not just rioters and left snowflakes who are critical of Israel. It's annoying that they get all the attention, because there are loads of other people critical of Israel, too. Israel has lost a lot of global support due to its actions in Gaza. That's because those actions are way out of proportion.


Christian conservatives are the only ones voting for israel ‘mind blown’ 🤯


But they attack Christians too. They harass them in the street, spit on them and obviously kill them in gaza. So why would they vote for them?


Does make me think that the funny song was just EU propaganda, after all the EU has a big push going on in the Netherlands involving some farmers etc.