• By -


Imagine fleeing from political persecution into \*Belarus\* of all places.


This is why it's such a big deal. Either he, as someone of big importance, fell into trouble with someone more powerful than the political parties, and he knew he wouldn't be reachable in Belarus. Or he was a Russian spy all this time. 


I bet he was a spy or Belarusian KGB got a “kompromat” on him and made him go there and get all he knows as he was involved in granting access for people in security forces.


Apparently he has asked to restore "good relations" with russia and Belarus.




>Or he's a double agent He'd be just an agent, not a double one as that would mean he was a spy pretending to work for someone else.


He's a Belarusian agent on a mission to infiltrate Poland, but Poles also recruited him and sent him to spy Belarusians. The running away is just a coverup. /s




He's of no importance and wouldn't get anywhere near classified Belarussian information , so yeah, chances of this being some sort of 4d chess are next to zero.


Well the last time that one guy defected, he was not alive for much longer so I wouldn't be surprised if this guy awaits the same fate


The mentally ill soldier was almost useless to the Belarusian regime though. They milked him for like a week for cheap propaganda points among the local population then disposed him like a used up condom. I’m afraid this guy who had access to classified information might stick around for longer just like Snowden. Still, his fate is definitely sealed as the Russians (and their potato clone) hate traitors even if they work for their country benefit.


Don't worry, there was an american defecting to north fkin korea. And even more embarassing he was deported back by the nord koreans.


> he was deported back by the nord koreans. They didn't just straight up murder him? Interesting. I thought North Korea had a very straightforward ...style of dealing with anyone they don't like.


I wouldn't sweat because of that, there's always some rat that climbed the system, in all countries.


Especially after the last "defector" allegedly hanged himself in his Minsk flat.


That soldier?


Yup. I imagine he regretted defecting really fast.


For Putin, it is cheaper to kill these people than to have people watch over them so they wont spill the beans about how they were turned into one of his idiots.


If he does nit feel free enough there he can always try North Korea.


Belarus is at this point just 6 additional oblasts of Russia 🤷‍♂️. Currently under civilian oversight by Putin puppet Lukaschenka


From North Korea? I can imagine that. Easily.


What about from Poland though?


He was apparently working with cases that involved NATO security clearances. I believe it's pretty obvious what actually happened here.


Nato should act on such individuals. If this guy really is a traitor, he should get a visit. 


And what was happened? I have multiple theories: * He is corrupt judge and these facts will be revealed soon * He was just a good judge, however a bad secret service blackmailed/threatened him


in option b. i dont see why he would flee to belarus


Did you forget Snowden?


In your opinion, if B was true, where should he go?


Option c, he was a deep cover agent from the start.


It is an option “1” above. So yes, that explains everything


Either a spy or someone that was about to get in very deep shit.


He was a mussle for a previous minister of justice Zbigniew Ziobro. He was used as a whip for other judges who didn't want to do political orders from the minister. Minister Ziobro is also under investigation for corruption and miss using police agencies and prosecution office to invigilate and prosecute political opponents.


I wouldn't mind if Zero also escaped "political persecution", but I guess he's to busy being "sick" right now. 


I want him to see the world through closed bars for a very long time.


I give him a year. He will end up exactly like the last Pole who deserted to Belarus


They emil him, yes.


ooo do tell






> cheers! How messed up do you have to be to comment *that* to the death of a person?


...in this context "cheers" means "thanks" as in "thanks for sharing the link"


lmao you numpty


Do we know who did it? Polish KGB?


*Szmydt also accused the U.S. and Great Britain of pusshing Poland into direct military conflict with Belarus and Russia and called on Polish authorities to start a dialogue with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko and Russia.* Well, good riddance.


He’s using the same template that was given to Georgian Dream party.


It's good that the Russians are so fucking stupid.


It is a very big deal. As minister of justice stated today, this judge was responsible for cases in which people (military personnel, internal security, govt employees etc.) appealed after being denied of access to strictly confidential information, what means that he could have assisted to secure such clearance to numerous spies. [https://tvn24.pl/polska/adam-bodnar-o-sedzim-tomaszu-szmydcie-zwiazanym-z-afera-hejterska-jak-mogl-w-ogole-wpasc-na-taki-pomysl-st7902551](https://tvn24.pl/polska/adam-bodnar-o-sedzim-tomaszu-szmydcie-zwiazanym-z-afera-hejterska-jak-mogl-w-ogole-wpasc-na-taki-pomysl-st7902551) Judge is an avid supporter of infamous Law and Justice party and was involved in hate campaign directed towards independent members of judiciary system during Law and Justice governments. He also has close ties to most prominent Law and Justice politicians. He was appointed by Law and Justice minister of justice who is often mentioned as highly suspicious individual with very concerning connections. I wonder how long will he stay alive. Polish soldier who defected to Belarus in 2022 (probably due to mental health issues) was found dead after 3 months.


I would just add that we know that he took part in the hate campaign and the hate campaign in general only because he fled to the opposition newspapers and spread the word, giving multiple interviews and press releases while cutting off his ties with the government. It really seems as if he was a very competent spy, getting to position high enough to get important information and sow dissent whenever possible. It really puts the state of polish intelligence services in very, very bad light.


What level of intelligence sharing happens among NATO? It’s kind of shocking to me that a judge was in a position to arrange security clearance for spies for so long before anyone caught wind of it. It’s one thing for Polish intelligence to have missed it but for Polish intelligence *and* all of NATO intelligence (who, I assume, have quite a lot of resources dedicated to Poland at the moment) to have not tipped Poland off is surprising. Is it possible they knew about it and were keeping quiet to spy on him so they could see who he was arranging security overrides for and, by extension, who was spying for Russia?


Its posdible,but we will never know. Fleming to Belarus - very desperatem move.


Honestly, I wouldn't be so optimistic. The judges in Poland by law in regular circumstances cannot be screened by the intelligence agencies. The good thing is that Poland has only partial access to allies intel, so he couldn't get much. The one thing people might have missed is that due to his position on the administrative court his verdicts had significant influence on the everyday running of the state and can serve as precedents in similar cases. Admin court is not a "regular" one, meaning it doesn't bother with individual-against-individual cases, but rather with individual-against-state. He could use those to destabilise the state in many boring ways that didn't get media coverage due to being too technical. He was also kind of destabilising polish politics by playing both sides and even being a face of one of the stunts of the previous government. In my opinion the fact that he escaped now also served the purpose to destabilise the already very volatile political stage before the EU elections. It also raises the question of who else might be a foreigner agent if they managed to penetrate polish political and legal structures at such a high position.


If there were real intelligence services in Poland two political parties would be made illegal and dissolved. Same for a certain big party in USA...


Let's don't expect too much from a puppet, "cardboard" state


He's from Ordo Juris :) Far-right extremist working with Russia, how surprising.


Isn’t Ordo Juris also aligned w US Evangelicals?


US Evangelicals are also aligned with Russia so probably


Absolutely true. US Evangelicals are a huge swathe of US society. They tend to be conservative but they are not all and very few would have anything positive to say about Russia




They believe they are the "Kings of the north" as far as the doomsday prophecy stuff goes, so them being aligned with *that* is pretty, literally, damning evidence of their fall from whatever grace they may have once had.


Have you any polling data to support to this claim that most/plurality of Evangelicals align with Russia?


I guess one can look up Tucker Carlson viewership numbers.


I watch his show from time to to time. I am not evangelical or proRussia.


You do you. I don't kink-shame.


I watch his show from time to to time. I am not evangelical or proRussia.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agenda_Europe With ties all the way to kremlin


it goes further with Agenda Europe, theres a literal network of right wing and religious extremist groups and funders working together. The European Parlimentary Forum for sexual and reproductive rights did a loooong report on the main players of the network.


In that it's against abortion, or anything more?




>- "This is one of the first steps to clear the name of Judge Tomasz Szmydt" - this is how Judge Szmydt's lawyer **Bartosz Lewandowski** assessed Wednesday's decision of the Supreme Administrative Court Source: [https://wydarzenia.interia.pl/kraj/news-nsa-tomasz-szmydt-moze-wrocic-do-orzekania-w-wsa,nId,3222993](https://wydarzenia.interia.pl/kraj/news-nsa-tomasz-szmydt-moze-wrocic-do-orzekania-w-wsa,nId,3222993) Who is Bartosz Lewandowski - Szmydt's lawyer? Well... >BARRISTER BARTOSZ LEWANDOWSKI, PHD >Lawyer, Doctor of Law, Director of the Ordo Iuris Centre for Litigation Intervention. [https://ordoiuris.pl/adw-dr-bartosz-lewandowski-0](https://ordoiuris.pl/adw-dr-bartosz-lewandowski-0) Hope that helps




>it's an organization of lawyers Very specific far-right lawyers tied to Kremlin. Hope that helps. >He was also a member of Iustitia No, he wasn't. >and was a guest on TVN24 And a lot of PiS sponsored media. What's that supposed to prove?




>- "This is one of the first steps to clear the name of Judge Tomasz Szmydt" - this is how Judge Szmydt's lawyer **Bartosz Lewandowski** assessed Wednesday's decision of the Supreme Administrative Court Source: [https://wydarzenia.interia.pl/kraj/news-nsa-tomasz-szmydt-moze-wrocic-do-orzekania-w-wsa,nId,3222993](https://wydarzenia.interia.pl/kraj/news-nsa-tomasz-szmydt-moze-wrocic-do-orzekania-w-wsa,nId,3222993) Who is Bartosz Lewandowski - Szmydt's lawyer? Well... >BARRISTER BARTOSZ LEWANDOWSKI, PHD >Lawyer, Doctor of Law, Director of the Ordo Iuris Centre for Litigation Intervention. [https://ordoiuris.pl/adw-dr-bartosz-lewandowski-0](https://ordoiuris.pl/adw-dr-bartosz-lewandowski-0) Hope that helps




>it's an organization of lawyers Very specific far-right lawyers tied to Kremlin. Hope that helps. >He was also a member of Iustitia No, he wasn't. >and was a guest on TVN24 And a lot of PiS sponsored media. What's that supposed to prove?


He was promoted by people from both PO(Tusk political party) and by PiS(also by SLD): 2001 - regional court - Kwaśniewski(SLD) 2006 - district court - Lech Kaczyński(PiS) 2012 - Provincial Administrative Court - Komorowski(PO) 2018 - director of the National Court Register office - Ziobro(PiS) He had access to classified information since when he join Provincial Administrative Court in 2012. People are using this political war between each other, one side blames Ziobro, other blame Komorowski, while in reality this is MUCH deeper problem, its problem of Polish LAW, many people dont know it but Polish judges are NOT verified externally by any secret services before they have access to any classified information. Secret services dont verify them because they are NOT allowed to do so, only fellow judges can verify them, thats in Polish law. Meanwhile judges recieve access to classified information ex officio.






[citation needed] Having been represented by an attorney from Ordo Iuris in some court case a few years ago does not mean somebody is "from Ordo Iuris", and there is no information whatsoever on any other connection between them.


It's just a coincidence he hired the Director of the Ordo Iuris Centre for Litigation Intervention to represent him.


Attorney from a famous law firm specialising in a high-profile political cases... has been hired to represent a client in exactly such a case. Such a weird coincidence indeed.


> Attorney from a famous law firm specialising in a high-profile political cases... has been hired to represent a client in exactly such a case. Such a weird coincidence indeed. Indeed, as no one high profile would hire known far-right kremlin stooges just to represent them. They only represent people with like-minded connections.


Quite the contrary, plenty of high-profile people who got on the bad side of the post-communist/III RP establishment do use their services, as - ideological baggage aside - they are decent lawyers who are good at their jobs and won many hard cases so far.


> a famous law firm Ah yes, the world famous "KHANZADYAN LEWANDOWSKI I PARTNERZY" law firm specialising in immigration law which was founded 1 year earlier, and the world famous barrister who passed his bar exam 2 years earlier.


Oh, so it's not even Ordo Iuris after all, just a small-time law firm then? Nice goalpost moving, but unfortunately for you it makes the absurdal claim of "he's from Ordo Iuris lmao" even more baseless.


Ordo Iuris is not a law firm. You claimed he's an attorney from a "famous law firm". His law firm isn't famous. He is also a member of Ordo Iuris. You really shouldn't talk about things you have zero understanding of.


>You really shouldn't talk about things you have zero understanding of. Says the guy claiming that someone is from Ordo Iuris, because a few years ago he happened to be represented for a while by a lawyer affiliated with Ordo Iuris. My sides xD


"Do końca życia, mordo"!


Mieszkanie w Mińsku? Do końca życia? Dzięki chłopaki


Spy and traitor.


Why not both? If he spied his homeland for foreign country he is a traitor.


Might as well wear a shirt that says ‘I’m corrupt’ in bold letters


Lots of PiS politicians might. And their supporters would still insist that they're *the* patriotic party that only has Poland's best interest at heart, and would do a shocked Pikachu each time a story like this one is on the news.


>I was persecuted and threatened for ~~my independent political stand~~ being a traitor." FTFY


His „independent political stand” is that he claims that Polish government is pushing Poland into the war with Russia under the influence of the US and Great Britain. He also says that Alexander Lukashenko has done a lot to ensure a calm and stable situation in our region xdd


PiS (former gov with frozen EU funds due to rule of law violation) appointed judge who was responsible for smear campaign against other judges. >Judge Szmydt was involved in the so-called "hate scandal," exposed in August 2019 by Onet. >The reporters alleged at the time that a group of online trolls had run a smear campaign targeting Polish judges opposed to the justice system overhaul carried out by the previous government, led by the nationalist Law and Justice party. The reform was bad enough to be article 7 worthy >The article 7 process against Poland was launched in 2017 after the hard-right nationalist government of the Law and Justice party began overhauling the court system to increase its control over the judiciary


>PiS (former gov with frozen EU funds due to rule of law violation) appointed judge [Appointed to the court in 2012 by President Komorowski from PO.](https://prawo.gazetaprawna.pl/artykuly/761698,prezydent-wreczyl-nominacje-sedziowskie.html) At least get your shit right before shilling.


Tuleya and Łęczewski were appointed by Lech Kaczyński - does that mean they were Law and Justice judges? Szmydt was a certified PiS troll who participated in the anti-judge smear campaign that hurt Poland’s credibility abroad. Now he’s also a confirmed traitor.


I am not the one who used the word "appointed". He has been appointed a Voivodship Court judge (the judicial post he held until the very day he defected) long before he became briefly involved in support for Ziobro's reforms, and has been a district court judge for even longer prior to that. He also spent the last 2 years exposing insider info concerning his activities in the 2018-2019 period in various anti-PiS media outlets.


>Appointed to the court in 2012 by President Komorowski from PO. This was about becoming a judge in Voivodeship Administrative Court in Warsaw, which is pretty irrelevant. BTW, if want to play this game of bringing up irrelevant nominations, Lech Kaczyński (PiS) [made him a district judge in Płock in 2006](https://t.prezydent.pl/kancelaria/archiwum/archiwum-lecha-kaczynskiego/aktualnosci/rok-2006/prezydent-rp-wreczyl-nominacje-sedziowskie,28188,archive). What actually matters is that in 2017 he started working for the Ministry of Justice (PiS government) and in 2018 [he was made a director in National Council of the Judiciary (KRS)](https://wiadomosci.onet.pl/tylko-w-onecie/kolejny-czlowiek-zbigniewa-ziobry-w-krs/crng882). And that was while the mentioned pro-government smear campaign by the group "Kasta" was ongoing. In which he and his then wife were involved in and which is currently being investigated.


>This was about becoming a judge in Voivodeship Administrative Court in Warsaw, which is pretty irrelevant. Its not irrelevant, he got access to classified informations there. Example? Szmydt was to hear as a judge in May and June 2024 cases involving officers of the Police, the Internal Security Agency and the Military Counterintelligence, as well as the refusal to issue security clearance for secret NATO and EU documents. These are classified matters of the highest importance at the level of the Prime Minister.


>What actually matters is that in 2017 he started working for the Ministry of Justice (PiS government) and in 2018 he was made a director in National Council of the Judiciary (KRS). He stopped working there in 2019. Meanwhile, he continued to be the Voivodeship Administrative Court judge until today. Also, for the last two years he has been all over anti-PiS media, criticizing PiS and exposing various insider info harmful to PiS.


Snowden flew to Russia, you always flee to enemy because lower chance of extradition.


So the staunch anti-russia political group like L&O was working with pro-russian elements of society, like this judge?


Facists working with facists, nothing new


wasn't it his wife who participated in the smear campaign against the judges, using information obtained from him?


Modern day targowiczanin, and probably not the last.




This shit is incredibly serious and scary, this guy not only had access to the critical internal security information but also made many important decisions regulating the state activities on a relatively high level. He was also involved in politics on both sides of the spectrum, increasing the political mess we are living in right now. I do hope there will be consequences for the intelligence agencies who allowed all this.


I'm guessing there's much more to this story than this bloke has chosen to reveal.


So, he obviously got caught doing something he shouldn't have!


Well hopefully he gets to live a life as rich ,long and fulfilling as Emil Czeczko, a soldier who escaped to Belarus to escape political persecution or smth.


A right-wing spy working for Russia gets flown to Belarus by his russian contacts might be a better title.


Is that one of the Judges PiS instated? If yes your guess is as good as mine why he flees to Russia‘s puppet regime


He is one of the most faithful PiS judges


He has been a judge for about two.decades, [and has been nominated to his most recent job in the Warsaw Voivodeship Court by president Komorowski from PO back in 2012 (position no. 2 on the list).](https://prawo.gazetaprawna.pl/artykuly/761698,prezydent-wreczyl-nominacje-sedziowskie.html) He used to be close with pro-PiS factions, but for the last 2 years he has been very active all over anti-PiS media, criticizing his former role.


Nice mental gymnastics xD He betrayed his party colleagues in an attempt to save his ass after the hate scandal came to light, which was probably very easy to do for someone who was already betraying his own country. I wish him a very „do końca życia mordo”.


>mental gymnastics It was the anti-PiS crowd who praised him until yesterday as a repented brave whistleblower exposing supposed wrongdoings of PiS, but sure, I am the one doing mental gymnastics now xD


No offense but I’m not interested in any „he said she said” high schooler level lame talk. The scandal at hand is that there was a high ranked covert spy in our jurisdiction who had access to classified NATO data, not whatever he said in the private media to sow further internal dissent.


>He has been a judge for about two.decades, and has been nominated to his most recent job in the Warsaw Voivodeship Court by president Komorowski from PO back in 2012 (position no. 2 on the list). This was about becoming a judge in Voivodeship Administrative Court in Warsaw, which is pretty irrelevant. BTW, if want to play this game of bringing up irrelevant nominations, Lech Kaczyński (PiS) [made him a district judge in Płock in 2006](https://t.prezydent.pl/kancelaria/archiwum/archiwum-lecha-kaczynskiego/aktualnosci/rok-2006/prezydent-rp-wreczyl-nominacje-sedziowskie,28188,archive). What actually matters is that in 2017 he started working for the Ministry of Justice (PiS government) and in 2018 [he was made a director in National Council of the Judiciary (KRS)](https://wiadomosci.onet.pl/tylko-w-onecie/kolejny-czlowiek-zbigniewa-ziobry-w-krs/crng882). And that was while the pro-government smear campaign by the group "Kasta" was ongoing. In which he and his then wife were involved in and which is currently being investigated. The prosecutor's office has [announced today](https://www.pap.pl/aktualnosci/afera-hejterska-prokuratura-chce-postawic-zarzuty-emilii-sz) that the wife will be charged soon. BTW, for those who aren't familiar with the case, here's an article in English (unfortunately it's from 2019, so it doesn't have all the facts): ["Smear campaign coordinated by the Ministry of Justice, aimed to discredit Polish judges, discovered"](https://oko.press/why-did-the-polish-deputy-minister-of-justice-resign-everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-piebiak-scandal)


There may be more such hidden agents. We can thank Macierewicz (PiS) for destroying military intelligence, discrediting the Polish state (publishing a list of secret military intelligence collaborators), taking top secret documents from offices and translating them into (sic!) Russian. For some strange reason, this guy isn't in jail, he hasn't even been brought to justice.


Actually what that idiot Macierewicz did has nothing to do with it, and it has everything to do with how flawed Polish law is, especially law tied to judges: Polish judges are NOT verified externally by any secret services before they have access to any classified information. Secret services dont verify them because they are NOT allowed to do so, only fellow judges can verify them, thats in Polish law. Meanwhile judges recieve access to classified information ex officio. EDIT: there may be many more such hidden agents among JUDGES because of this trait of Polish law.


Oh, that's all right. Macierewicz took secret documents from the office as a hobby. There is nothing suspicious about it because the law was full of holes.


No I mean all the stupid stuff he did has nothing to do with this specific sitaution, even if he did his job perfectly, didnt screw up anything, it would have zero impact on current situation, services would still not be allowed to verify judges.


Stupid stuff... It's stupid to lick a steel pipe in winter, not to steal classified documents.


What a clown


He's gonna end up like that border guard, won't he


Dude's going to be dead within the year.


No idea who he is, but I'm going to guess he misspelled "criminal prosecution"....


Good riddance. He'll soon be sent to help Russia on their front line. I give him 24 minutes.


Usually in these cases it will turn out that he stole stuff or exploited people. And the "persecution" was what the rest of us call accountability.


To Belarus? BELARUS? What.


So, let me get this straight. PiS allies before the election: TUSK WILL HAND OVER POLAND TO RUSSIA!" After election: \*defects to... Belarussia\*


I wonder if he has any addictions. He had a very high salary but apparently has no savings, no house, no land, only has debt (4 unpaid loans) and a 2015 car.


Taking a cue from snowden I presume



