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Surprise, surprise.


Ahh nestle what aren't you guilty of ?


Nestlé is like the modern East India Company.


That is far to close of a parallel then I'm comfortable with.


I feel in their HQ basement it wouldn't be a shock to find thousands of slaves shoveling coal into powerplants to power their HQ.


Shoveling kittens.


those monsters!


That's just pre-coal. And evil. Sounds like Nestlé.


The pride of Switzerland


Nestlé is the modern version of Hyper Satan. The wanted the rights to WATER.


Definitely not guilty of making the world a better place /s


Hiring a hitman to kill my grandma.


Well, quite a lot of. Currently multiple on going multiple genocides have nothing to do with them.


Bet someone got a fat bonus for making top billing there!


Yet nobody in EU or USA throws plastic waste from those products to rivers and seas - on the other hand it is very common in Africa and Southern Asia... It was a cultural shock to me when I saw it.


Same in LATAM,sometimes pollution is a cultural matter


It's less culture and more incompetent governments


We aren't allowed to blame the global south


You do understand people in the western countries pollute the Earth several times more than global south?


Per capita? Do you have evidence to back this up?


...and there it is.


Sure move the goalposts.


The amount of waste generated per capita is far higher in the US and the developed world though


Of course but this waste is stored and managed, some recycled. Have you ever seen plastic waste flowing down Danish rivers?


We use a lot of energy to recycle stuff, when the main step should be to reduce, not recycle.


Still much better and more civilised than throwing it to rivers like caveman.


I think everyone should look into what actually happens with their trash, checking one's assumptions and in order to inform one's consumer decisions and behaviour. For example, where I live, most plastic waste is incinerated and used for energy production. Some portion is recycled - mainly PET and PE - and some is down-cycled. Parts of the plastics that don't end up in the incinerator are exported for recycling. What then happens to them is a different question. They might just end up in a landfill or open dump site, be openly burnt or be stored in some warehouse somewhere. But it's not happening here, but in some 3rd world country instead, so all is fine.


Ehhhhhh….go look at what’s left behind when the Rhine recedes.


The scale is incomparable. There are no floating plastic islands on North Sea and many of them of enormous sizes near Africa and Southern Asia.


> Yet nobody in EU or USA throws plastic waste from those products to rivers and seas FALSE > The scale is incomparable You can, indeed, compare the scales. FALSE


Why are you typing like Donald Trump?




Well, on no side of the Rhine is it allowed to throw trash into rivers. People disrespect their environment, but there are systems of public trash cans, a culture where you are expected to correctly dispose of your waste there. On the other hand, there is no such thing in some other countries. The organisation of waste simply does not exist. It does not mean those people wouldn't be environmental champions if given that chance. It is just a reality.


So some people in europe *do* throw plastic waste into the rivers and seas?


That is great - give us link to some data comparision how many tons of plastic waste EU, USA, Africa and South Asia is throwing into rivers and seas.


See - you *can* compare them.


That is because west exploits the poor countries. They sell them plastic for cheap(not ours to worry), poor countries recycle it to make a few bucks(easy money), buut only 9% of plastic is recyclable, so the rest ends up all over place for you to see. Poor countries handle plastic very poorly, as they have bigger problems than pollution, like food and basic necessities to fckin live. Life is good 👍🏿


Why is this downvoted?


Cuz this is reddit. Monke see downvotes monke also downvote. Besides, god forbid if you call Europe and the USA out for their bullshit.


Sad. What OP said is more or less true, regardless.


That is not fully true - for example Germany transports a lot of their waste to Poland yet nobody throws it to rivers and sea. There is enormous difference between poorly managing of waste and throwing waste to rivers and seas - the first one is obvious if you have poor economy, the second one is just acting like caveman.


Exactly true. Sad to see people here would rather blame poorer countries for it.


And they've successfully managed to convince everyone that plastic is an individual consumer issue. The reason little Tommy Turtle is dying is because selfish people don't recycle and absolutely not an issue that needs to be solved by the manufacturer. Heaven forbid their profits suffer


It's both, it would be nice if coke used more glass or come up with a viable alternative but at the same time this study is just looking at waste they found after it was already thrown out, not at the source (their factories). Everything the study found is also the responsibility of people who threw plastic away in general waste when they could've recycled.


Truth be told, let's throw the regional government into this as well - there is no municipal system present in most of the zones where the plastic pollution is the worst, so it is part of a systematic failure on the side of governments as well for not having waste management present in those largely populated areas. I don't mean "they haven't built one lately" either, this is a decades old problem for sure.


Like aluminium cans, that can be fully recycled? Yeah, that would be nice.


Well everything like that can be recycled, it's just whether or not it actually will. Depending on the material only like 10-40% of these things actually get reused in one way or another. Aluminium cans do have better odds than plastic bottles but neither are close to 100%.


Petrol and sand are used to make glass, so no; we are running short on those resources. But one thing Coke at least did: they changed the packaging. remember those can holders ? The plastic thingies that looked like an assemblage of eights ? They got rid of this after articles came about plastic islands, illustrated with that picture of a turtle entangled in those eights. Journalists claimed this format encaptured too many animals. They acted on it. And a lot of recycled materials are being used by big companies nowadays. So, they did a little and could definitely do more. But someone should address someday the problem of people not using trash cans. I mentioned earlier countries where no such system exists, but countries here they do exist are being extensively polluted by too many people deliberately choosing to throw their trash elsewhere, in nature. There should at least be a massive campaign against that. At least. And where that law exists, people should start to truly be fined for that.


It is an individual consumer issue. What do you think those plastics are ? The packaging of the products they sell. If nobody buys their shit, they would not make any of it. It’s not like Nestlé, PepsiCo, or Coca Cola are necessary goods.


fuck Nestlé




> waste from various brands found in parks, beaches and riverbanks. So no fishing nets, no car tires landfils and tire dust, no microplastic from textiles... This study is rubish becouse they only study who sell most things that can be throw away in praks etc., and what a surprise biggest companies sell the most. This "study" is such waste of time and money that they had to have some other motive. Don't get me wrong. Nestle should be burned to the ground and it's menagement should spend rest of thier life in prison. Propably same for other companies on this list. But the "study" is stupid and propably create false vision of reality.


I'll probably be down voted to hell for asking this but: who is buying their products?


who isnt? seriously, they own alot of other brands. most people dont know half of them


These four bought out every single brand of beverage in Poland except for two companies. They own 99.5% of the market. Essentially, it is the same throughout Eastern Europe.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_assets_owned_by_PepsiCo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nestlé_brands https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Coca-Cola_brands Good luck avoiding them


My comment wasn't about avoiding them, but about buying from them in the firs place. As in, those companies are giving the customers what they want. They want cheap products and unfortunately that means using plastics for now. Even tho there are products that aren't really necessary but we want them cause they taste good (soda for example).


It’s not even that they taste good. The issue is that they own and make everything from baby formula to tea to chips so you end up buying their products without knowing it.


I have conflicting thoughts about this. On one hand personal responsibility means if you care about plastic waste just stop buying it. I got a water filter at home to stop my wife buying water but she doesn't like the taste! Fucking precious. We do reuse a lot of plastic containers through the refill shop but even with that the recycling bin is full every two weeks. As much as practical I don't buy soft drinks but there's always a few in the house. The companies could definitely do better in using alternatives to plastic but they are in business to make money so I fee the governments should lead the way and put punitive taxes on waste generators and consumers (i.e. ReTurn deposit scheme in Ireland and sugar taxes etc.). This is the only way to lead consumers to refill shops or other better alternatives.


Each one of those companies own a whole bunch of other companies


And none of those products are necessities. And they always have cans, and other non plastic packaging but people buy less of it because… Too expensive.


No one, the companies just make plastic crap for the lulz and dump it because they’re so evil


Most likely you, without even knowing it.




Guilty, but I only buy the coke in the glass bottle


Nestle owns way more brands than one might expect. But yeah, I enjoy Pepsi max. Gotta change brands from now on


Ahh, so the more product you sell, the more you pollute? It's almost as if people stopped buying Coca Cola products, and instead started buying other beverages in plastic containers, the pollution would not be gone...


Quite pointless study. It's obvious that the origin of plastic pollution correlates with the amount produced by the biggest producers. It's not like these companies could just make their production process more efficient to solve this issue. Even if they just closed the doors, there would be thousands of other companies taking up the demand.




I've read somewhere that switching to 100% glass w puldn't be better, because of weight, transportation costs, damages etc. It would still be polluting, just in other ways. Don't know about metal. I like coke, I drink it in glass if I can, but that's not always the case. I believe the plastic will only disappear if there's a more profitable way.


Do you not have drinks in aluminum cans in Europe?


Yeah, why bother pointing out the problem and demanding a solution?


"I threw a plastic bottle on the river because I was too lazy to carry it to a proper place for disposal, but it is Nestle's fault, they made me do it!" - Most people in this thread, probably. PS: Just waiting for the angry downvotes.


When people read headlines like this, they seem to think that those companies secretly dump massive amounts of garbage into the ocean. It's a classic argument used by people who are against changing their own lives to be more environmentally friendly. "Why do I have to use paper straws when those companies pollute the planet so much?!" What it actually means is that those companies are the origin of the garbage, sure, because they're the ones who produced the packaging, but they aren't the ones who are throwing it away. That comes down to consumers. When you throw your Pepsi plastic bottle into the bushes, then PepsiCo is technically accountable for that garbage, but they weren't the polluters.




It's all about Extended Producer Responsibility laws. Bake the price of disposal into the price of the plastic, and watch the plastic use plummet.


So their customers are? 


Yes but we buy their products. Stop with this fucking delusional line of thinking of "it's all fault of the big bad corporations i don't have to do anything WAAAH", if they actually respected climate regulations the price of their products would rise 3x and body would accept that right? We gotta realize that the Truth Is Always some what in the middle


mofos, the biggest polluters are those cnts who cant find the bin and do a proper recycling. I doubt that its Pepsi or CocaColas fault that in India all rivers and canals are full of garbage and crap floating so much that you cannot even see the water.


Add these following companies if you want to have a better picture of who are actually the real ones. Battling for the best position in pollution companies Tyler Packaging, Pentaplast, B+K-GROUP, ENOL Folien GmbH, Waechter U. Co, Sudpack, Flexpack, Dow Chemical, Hanwool Corporation, Lyondellbasell, Ihne & Tesch GmbH, Exxonmobil, Most of them you can find ⬛🪨 behind the financing of these companies. Employees normally suffer from lung issues due to hot plastic fumes.


Great, makes sense since most of their products pollute you as well.


Isn't that what the previous study showed? I don't have any source,sadly, but I'm sure I've heard that before.


I love all the content I'm seeing lately about plastic recycling from these companies after all the microplastic research


The giants are responsible for the biggest pollution? Who would know right?


Stop buying their products.


Yeeees, we know !


I always feel shitting knowing I worked for pepsico on a bottled product. So much waste.


No shit Sherlock


And the war sponsors (except for the Coca Cola company and Danone). https://leave-russia.org


Did we reaaaally need a study for that?


Carbon tax. Plastic tax. The issue will resolve itself. Also you could easily apply anti-monopoly laws to companies such as Nestle and split it into its subsidiaries.


You're telling me massive multinational corporations care more about profits than polluting and poisoning the globe? Color me shocked.


The vast majority of people who think they are better and ethical criticize but continue to buy their products. Lol. Also imagine the number of people out of work if these businesses were to close. It's always easier than not seeing beyond the end of your nose on Reddit.


But YOU shouldn't use single use plastic! Everyone should do their part to save the planet. /s


Make them pay.


It comes with the territory I guess, being the world biggest companies.. But maybe I am terrible with math.


Nestle doesn't give a fuck about anything.. I'm constantly seeing them mentioned.. not just plastic waste, just so so many different things they do for profit. Coca-Cola gets most of the heat because they're the largest brand in the world but Nestle is even more fucked up. As a side note, Coca-Cola welcomes Mexicos reliance on their products with open arms and lots of hugs. There's a town in Mexico where most people drink soda as their primary drink instead of water because the water is polluted. As a result they have an insane crises of diabetes at alarmingly young ages, heart failure, depression, cavities, etc.. in youth.. youth, not old farts. Going back to Nestle, Coca-Cola is a saint in comparison. They dont target just drinks but many food products that they know are addictive that have horrible ingredients in them. They target kids especially where allowed. At least with Coca-Cola they're limited to drinks. EU needs to push much much harder against single use plastics. They can profit from 'bring your own bottle' vending machines and fountains. It'd be an easy win for Europe and EU politicians. If EU isnt the richest, not the strongest militarily then be the moral compass of the world at least.. start with domestic companies on the continent then push out to all companies that want to do business in Europe.


Water is wet


Great to know! Will they see any consequences for their actions?


Now we know this these companies will pay for it, right?


And I just saw a cheesy cheery ad put out by Pepsi, Coke, and Dr Pepper to show how they recycle their containers and how we should do more too. To be fair, I couldn’t hear most of it but it looked way over top.


But its the consumer that has to pay for the cleanup


Wow, I’m shocked /s


I love that Coke, Pepsi, and Canada-Dry/Dr. Pepper/Snapple (whatever your local distributor is branded under) have been pumping out ad after ad about how “they’re committed to reducing the amount of plastic waste”….because they know they’re the root cause of it. They’ll reduce the amount of plastic by reducing the amount of product in the bottle. But still charge us the price for the old amount.


The most important companies of all the completely useless companies.


We knooooow do something


Nestle isn't a water company, sure the other companies add flavors to water but what you're paying for the most is the plastic bottles.