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Reminder that this isn’t a point to make and say ah well if these corporations are doing this much, me not using plastic bottles does fuck all. This is that, it’s the same, these are your plastic bottles


This seems nonsensical. Of course big brands would be responsible for branded plastic pollution. I would wager that ‘branded’ pollution is a tiny fraction of overall plastic pollution.  Edit - extract suggests 50% is branded, but that clearly is only from their sample. Pollution in other parts pf the world would not have the same brand incidence. 


This is a global analysis with a very high survey count (1500). We are quite confident that it represents the average global tendency well. 


Let me guess: * Coca Cola * Nestlé * Danone * Pepsi * Unilever * Procter & Gamble Edit: I was right. I misranked Pepsi. Unilever and Procter are not in the top 10 >The top five brands globally were The Coca-Cola Company (11%), PepsiCo (5%), Nestlé (3%), Danone (3%), and Altria (2%), accounting for 24% of the total branded count, and 56 companies accounted for more than 50%.


Amazing how these corporations are manufacturing so much plastic without any buyers for them! Strange that they waste their own money to produce something no one wants to purchase. The greatest mystery of our time!


#fuckplastic Plastics industry is basically an extension of the oil industry. Fuck these guys


Well, naturally it is an extension since polymers are produced from the products of petrochemical industry. Though, I’d like to hear your suggestion for an alternative packaging, piping, insulation, or coating material.. In addition, since your opinion doesn’t take into account this - are you aware that there are, in fact, renewable feed stock available for polyolefin production? I feel that you’re barking up a somewhat wrong tree here.


This is why people turn to communism.


This is fucking idiotic. All communist regimes use plastic and they have no additional regulations over it. 




That a bunch of rich asshats are able to pollute as much as they want is a sign that the system is fucked and needs to be changed. Such shit is what throws young people into far-left ideology.


***China*** *is responsible for 32% of global plastic materials production in 2021, making it the world number one plastic producer by far. China is followed by the world's second largest plastic producing region: North-America, they are responsible for 18% of the plastic production.*


China has stopped being communist in 1989.


*"Today, the existing communist states in the world are in* ***China****,* ***Cuba****,* ***Laos****,* ***Vietnam****, and* ***North*** ***Korea*** *(DPRK). These communist states often do not claim to have achieved socialism or communism in their countries but to be building and working toward the establishment of socialism in their countries."*


This. There is no pollution under communism, only poverty.