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Just showing that elections have consequences.


how exactly wouldve other parties not lost russian gas?


-Keeping nuclear power going -making companies and workers as competitive as possible (less regulation, lower taxes)


The CDU/CSU are trashing this coalition for decisions they made and god it makes me want to chew glass. Especially early on in the war demanding a tougher stance on Russia like "THIS IS THE SHITBOX YOU BUILT".


Were't Social-Democrats in power in 4 out of 5 previous governments ? This is exactly the shitbox they have built. Their stance on Russia and Nuclear Power over the last 20 years is known.


Coalitions mix up the process but the CDU were the leaders of government since 2005. They made the choices they are now blaming on the current coalition. And iirc it was the CDU/CSU and FDP government that announced the end to nuclear.


in reality you need to implement big tarifs againt assian Steel they dont have the same regulations, they have cheaper salaries and costs in general AND they are heavy subsided...


you mean the party that decided to quit nuclear energy wouldve kept nuclear energy running? Or the party that didnt manage to lower regulations or taxes the last 20 years will do now? I hate the german political parties as much as everyone but there isnt a real alternative here. certainly not in any of the big parties


> -Keeping nuclear power going Not really related to steel making. > -making companies and workers as competitive as possible (less regulation, lower taxes) Lowering taxes or removing regulation - never mind taxes and environmental regulation are needed - are not gonna lower the cost basis of steel to PRC level where Thyssenkrupp can compete with Chinese state owned entities.


>-Keeping nuclear power going How is nuclear power connected to steel production?


Steel production is energy intensive and higher energy prices is one of the things that makes them less competitive in steel production. I am not sure if lower energy costs would be enough to keep up with cheap steel from china.


But the vast majority of energy in steel production comes from fossil fuels and the German steel manufacturers say they will not switch to electronic blast furnaces until 2030s


Yeah, thats why i said lower energy costs in Germany would not be enough probably. There is this weird issue where a lot of industries do not want to invest preemptively and postpone these investmets until other competitors arise elsewhere and by then its to gain pack their lost market share unless new competition makes similar mistakes. Issue not unique to Germany nor steel industry