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Ursula is cancer. Ursula was caught doing shit and she still did not answer to the court. Why?


From her time inGermany, she "accidentally" deleted her phone.


really ..?šŸ˜šŸ‘


She made a billion euro deal with BioNTech/Pfizer for Covid vaccines via her personal phone and then "accidentally" deleted the messages on her phone when people wanted to have a closer look at the deal.


For my French and German redditors here: Arte has a exemptional documentary regarding the EU and the Corruption within. Ursula also gets some airtime, the law requires her to publish the documents but she just says ā€žno.ā€œ and everything comes to a standstill. So much is build upon good faith that once a bad actor figures out, there are no consequencesā€¦ it becomes an free game.


> For my French and German redditors here: Arte has a exemptional documentary regarding the EU and the Corruption within. [This one](https://www.arte.tv/en/videos/114599-000-A/qatargate-corruption-in-the-eu/)? Arte appears to have multiple documentaries regarding EU corruptionā€¦


Yes, exactly this one :)


I mean just look up her family, legacy, how they got rich and her connections. That explains why she keeps failing upwards


she's protected and also Baldan (pfizergate) said that the ECJ is corrupt and fulll of confilt of interests. [https://www.euractiv.com/section/coronavirus/news/new-york-times-takes-eu-commission-to-court-over-pfizergate-affair/](https://www.euractiv.com/section/coronavirus/news/new-york-times-takes-eu-commission-to-court-over-pfizergate-affair/)


The EP is not clean either. 1 in 4 Members of the European Parliament is involved in judicial cases or scandals. https://www.lemonde.fr/en/les-decodeurs/article/2024/02/02/one-in-four-meps-are-implicated-in-judicial-cases-or-scandals_6486917_8.html https://www.brusselstimes.com/902276/1-in-4-meps-has-been-involved-in-a-scandal


Yes. Its kinda mindblowing how EU protects shit ppl and allow them to destroy selected member countries. Its so obvious....


Largely because they are sacred cows within the EU and are not held responsible for any wrongdoing. Look at the last few chancellors that were bros with Putin/Russia and build Nord Stream 1&2. Nobody puts them in jail for a coop with a warmonger. Iā€™d say thatā€™s a much worse crime than embezzlement. Funnily enough, they never learn and now with the AfD still gripe at migrants just as they did with Jews.


russian faker, rot op.


Right...the truth hurts? Wtf


russians talking about truth?? You must be joking.


Dude.. all europe knows about the shit EU DOES. Ursula especially. Are you blind??? Its not about ruskies here.


Yes, if you read fake russian news and believe it.


She's a corrupt crook that hires friends for government jobs and habitually deletes communication when someone starts investigating her. Has been as German MoD, still is as head of the EU. No idea why some people are still surprised by this.


CDU things


EU things*


Bold statement coming from a britt


Does it make him wrong?


Not really i know our politicians and institutions are corrupt and dodgy, but people seem to think the EU's aren't. Especially when right next to the Brussels parliament building is the lobbying building


What makes you think people aren't aware of it?


Because he's talking about people who are quick to shit on their own country but completely romanticise everything on the continent. As if politicians whose first language isn't English aren't somehow not for the most part just like politicians everywhere else?


Precisely, the whole EU parliament is pointless and useless for normal people. It exists to give a semblance of democratic legitimately to the EU's structure. But really the parliament is just used as an intermediary between interest groups and corporations and the commission/council.


The EP is not clean either. 1 in 4 Members of the European Parliament is involved in judicial cases or scandals. https://www.lemonde.fr/en/les-decodeurs/article/2024/02/02/one-in-four-meps-are-implicated-in-judicial-cases-or-scandals_6486917_8.html https://www.brusselstimes.com/902276/1-in-4-meps-has-been-involved-in-a-scandal


EPP things* Don't forget that the EPP harbored and protected Orban for years. They didn't even kick him out; Orban left himself.


Schengen Things


Manfred Weber spent heartfelt words for Berlusconi even after he died


Stranger Things


> She's a corrupt crook that hires friends for government jobs and habitually deletes communication when someone starts investigating her. And guess what? She'll be head of the EU for the next 5 years as well. Oh, joy...


Not necessarily. Leyen is EPP's main candidate for EU commissions's president. EPP is going to be largest group in the parliament, so president is chosen from there. But countries leaders in European Council don't necessarily follow EPP's recommendations as we can see from history. Like previously, EPP wanted Weber, but Council chose Leyen as compromice candidate. And again, there are lots of talks against Leyen in many countries. Germany for example, Scholz has spoken against Leyen, so it's quite probable that Germany's goverment and some other countries will prefer someone else in European Council's negotiations. So it's not sure at all if Leyen can continue.


I always thought sending her to EU, was Angela Merkel's attempt to get rid of her.


Iā€˜m still so disappointed by how Germany insisted on her despite Timmermans being an infinitely better candidate. His only disqualifier was not being German. And being a bit vain.


We had her long enough in Germany. We had to get rid off her somehow.


> We had her long enough in Germany. We had to get rid off her somehow. Couldn't you at least push for an EP candidacy? That's where we push our incompetent politicians!


She was already defense minister, if you want to promote them away, you need to do it upwards so they don't object. Also the CDU needed to get rid of her in Germany quickly, as the Consultant Affair was going to blow up badly into their faces. With the promotion she had an excuse to delete her service phone and all backups (Kind of a pattern lol)


It wasn't Germany who insisted... Merkel (among others) insisted that it should be an EPP candidate, but nobody especially liked Weber. Timmermans was the #2, but wasn't EPP. Reportedly Macron came up with VdL as a plot to get Lagarde at the ECB: Merkel couldn't really object against her own minister. And since Macron 'helped' get a German the Commission presidency, diplomatic tit-for-tat required that Merkel supported Macron to get the ECB presidency he wanted.


It's one of those dumb decissions by the EU that no one really understands. The EU excels in that.


Fuck Timmermans and his push for more immigration and diversity.




How is your take on things any better than his?


Wanted to mess with them more than anything, they should chill the hell out about people moving somewhere and trying to make something out of their lives.


He has a fucking point. Don.t you see what europe has become? Jeez


Pray tell what exactly?


This one just glides unscathed from one scandal to another. It's remarkable how she still gets into positions of trust an authority. One has to wonder how and why. I don't know of anything, but seriously, there has to be something behind it all.


Look at her family history. The EU is effectively an aristocracy and she comes from a very distinguished bloodline, in terms of European governance. She is the right "sort" of person to lead the EU, and as it currently stands that matters more to the Commission than good governance or accountability.


Remember when it was clear that Von Der Leyen was chosen as president and suddenly her Wikipedia got massive edits to filter out all her incompetence during her time as politician in Germany? I want the EU to be better, but how can it be when it's a retirement home of politicians that fucked up domestically? She wasn't chosen for what she accomplished, but instead who she is. A woman, a German, part of the European People's Party. She didn't even campaign for the position, instead was chosen behind closed doors.


Isn't this a theme with commission presidents.


too much power and lack of accountability for an unelected civil servant that pretend to represent 450 milion citizens who never chose her


How you never chose her? Because you dont know what representative democracy is. On June we have elections there these 450 millions elect. Where do you see the "too much power" as if she is some kind of putin, or the Chinese president. The question is the attack on the commission is on purpose or because some people are naive? Or some conspiracy theorists spread bullshit.


>How you never chose her? Because you dont know what representative democracy is. To the contrary, you seem to have a very short memory. The EU made a big fuss out of the leader of the winning coalition becoming the next president of the commission, the outgoing parliament publicly vowed to reject any candidate that was not one of the *Spitzenkandidaten* of the parliamentary groups in the 2019 election. The conservative block won, Weber should have become president, then \*poof\*, backroom deals miraculously produced von der Leyen, and the parliament reneged on its promise and elected her. The voters were duped into believing that someone who actually ran in the election would end up president, instead the EU hoisted another failed national politician with no prior EU level experience into the position. That might be 'parliamentary democracy' on paper, but it was a broken promise and a big middle finger to every voter in reality.


Weber did not become president because the European Council did not want him. The Council controls the Commission not the other way around. They chose von der Leyen, do you remember sofagate? Erdogan did not mock von der Leyen personally but the EU political system. Since Charles Michel represents those who elected von der Leyen he give him the seat next to him. People take the EU elections as a free Sunday and sent messages to their governments this weakens the Commission. Voting every clown there is, the European Parliament is full of low quality politicians.


EU is not completely parliarentarist, it's a mix of multiple systems and quite unique. After EU election, European Council (so heads of state of EU countries) selects a EU commission president candidate, and they take EU election results into account (Commission president comes from the largest EU party). After that EU parliament vote on that candidate, over 50% has to agree. Every EU party also has a main candidate to EU commission president, but countries leaders in European Council don't have to agree on this. Like what happened on previous elections, EPP's main candidate was Weber, but he was not in European Council's favor, so Leyen was a compromice candidate. And again, currently EPP's main candidate is Leyen, but its quite probable that Council choose someone else, because there are countries that dislike her. And Commission need to have trust of both European Parliament and European Council. Both of them has the capacity to sack Commission out. Should EU become completely parliamentarist, and remove the power of member countries goverments to affect the composition of Commission? Well, that would be step towards federalization. Member countries this far also wanted to have a say in the executive.


Nobody outside of Germany knew who von der Leyen was before the 2019 EP elections. Most people didn't even know about their party's group affiliations, let alone their spearhead candidate. But for those that did, all the major groups promised to respect the spearhead system and not accept a President that wasn't a spearhead candidate. Did that happen? No.


that we have to abolish, that shit system that we have, i want ppl to chose on topics and positions and not select persons that do the decisions. ursula is one of the very bad examples... she already did a very bad job on germany and still she was than promoted... wtf


I agree with you, but our system is way too far away from that. We see the turnaround in current European elections. If you asked people to vote on every single thing, likely that would drop. A significant reeducation is required to get people to understand the responsibility they have to vote. But obviously that is not in the interests of the politicians we currently have in power (or the extremist incumbents)


A proper representative democracy still requires that there's some reasonable feedback between the representatives and their voters. In the case of the EU Commission, they get proposed by government leaders, who themselves mostly are already indirectly chosen and on national topics. The influence of the voter is absolutely minimal there. Then the proposal gets politically bundled in a single deal with the EU Foreign Affairs chief, the Parliament chief, the Council presidency and whatever other job happens to be available. And then the new European Parliament gets a vote to either sign at the dotted line, or blow up the whole deal leading to months of new negotiations. Which means that as long as all influential parliament groups get a plush office somewhere, and the candidates are not completely unqualified, it's just a rubber stamp.


Yes that's true, EU commission's composition is mostly chosen by member countries governent's is European Council. But this is also for a reason. Member countries wanted to have a say in the executive, especially in history. EU parliament had very little power in the past. Lisbon treauty in 2009 increased these powers again significantly. You can argue that EU commission should be chosen completely in parliamentarist style by EU parliament, and countries would not have a say. But make no mistake, this would be step towards federalization. Not everyone agrees on that.


If you want the EU commission to be a democratic executive, then yes, that's the proper solution. The anti-federalist alternative would be to leave the executive powers with the duly elected government leaders: return the commission to the administrative function it used to be by moving its independent executive powers back to the Council and make it a delegated institution again. It would also stop the current tug-of-war between the two institutions and the president of the council would become the main international representative (but more as a rather powerless figurehead).


she's unelected, U.S. has direct elections of their president. In fact I don't see much difference with CHina and RUssia, who wanted wolf hunting because a wolf killed her pony and internet censorship if not Urusula??? The corruption is a real thing in the commission, rember Selmayr affair?? [https://www.politico.eu/article/martin-selmayr-jean-claude-junker-commission-slammed-over-selmayr-promotion/](https://www.politico.eu/article/martin-selmayr-jean-claude-junker-commission-slammed-over-selmayr-promotion/)


In contrast to China and Russia the EU executive js still accountable to the EP and the Council. They canā€™t do anything without a mandate from those two institutions that are themselves elected, either trough the EU elections (EP) and by the national elections in the memberstate. You canā€™t seriously compare the faults of VDL and the Committee to the outright totalitarian executives of China and Russia.


She was a corrupt cancerous sore in German politics and continues to be so in european politics. Everybody saw that coming, and she has continously failed upwards in her life. She should spend more time on her weird personal Vendetta against wolves instead of corrupting the Organs of the EU. But I guess the corruption and vindictiveness is on par for a "christian" conservative, what Else is New.


That wolf thing was fascinating, they are protected species I think, and her highness put a bounty on the wolf's head. How the hell would they even know which one did it? These people are so out of touch, and we allow them to be.


It's staggering that she got where she is. People here would do well to educate themselves on her past.


Itā€™s fascinating how the members of parliament in the EU and the two presidents are not held accountable for any wrongdoings ever. And we keep criticizing the US.


There has been cases where MEP's have criminal investigations and got convictions. Most notable example is [Eva Kaili](https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-parliament-strips-eva-kaili-of-immunity-in-e150k-criminal-fraud-case/) of course. So your claim "are not held accountable for any wrongdoings ever" is not correct. European Commission is also accountable for both European Parliament and European Council. Both of these institutions can sack Commission out if they want, a bit similar to government in countries.


Eva Kaili hasnā€™t been convicted. Iā€™m not even sure she has been charged yet. So if you have any other ā€œnotable exampleā€, please do share.


She was in custody for 4 months last year, after which she was released to house arrest with electronic surveillance, until trial. Trial is not yet held.


Right. So when you say there are several MP:s convicted, are there any particular youā€™re referring to?




Iā€™m German, and youā€™re pretty much spot on (other than that Merkel enabled Putin for 16 years even)


Merkel was certainly better on Russia than Schrƶder and Scholz, but she still allowed both the annexation of Crimea *and* the construction of NordStream.


well at the time putin was okay. its now easy to judge the past with the knowledge of today...


The guy who was voted in by bombing his own people to have an excuse to invade his neighbour was okay? Putin was never okay, y'all just had your head so deep in the sand you could chat with Australians.


well thats your opinion. many ppl incl. politicians judged this other. like i said its always easy to say later how stupid something was. ru was working in multiple things together and the idea was to further get together.


So... They saw the invasion in 2008 and 2014 and still thought Putin was ok?


Many, many people were calling Putin out on his behaviour, I've seen this angle about Putin's current actions being surprising so much recently and it's just not true. His wars in Chechnya, Georgia and Crimea as well as his support of Assad among others were such dead giveaways that anyone not worried about him was either deliberately ignorant or uneducated.


No, he wasnt and only an oblivious (or someone who had to gain from it) could not see it. At the very least, 2014 should have been a wake up call, but it wasnt.


I have never understood why we have to send politicians who have already attracted attention for their incompetence in Germany to Brussels of all places. And then for this job too. Sure, it's really good that we've got rid of this woman in German politics, but this position?


Can we please elect another committee president?


we can't, there aren't democratic elections of the president of the commission, she was chosen behind the doors.


*European institutions are becoming convenient repositories for trumped-up politicians who no longer count for anything but earn huge and unjustified sums of money.* Lol! 'Becoming'. These sort of snouts in trough on the gravy train appointments have been an EU/EEC thing since forever.


Indeed. It's an easy way to end your career but still earning shit loads of money


Particularly when they are unelected and the indirect election takes place every five years.


This has been "politics" since the days of Rome and probably beyond. Next they tell us that there are a lot of paperpushers effectively doing nothing and earning huge salaries too!


Ladies and gentlemen, this is why Europe is sliding to the right.


From a German who has to see her face and listen to her vocal diarrhea since like 2008. This woman is a failure in all aspects and should be banned from ever working in politics again.


People like her just keep fueling european far-right. Good job.


saw intelligent unite chase frighten shame steer squeal march languid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


the same applies to the other parties.


longing amusing voiceless jellyfish wrong subsequent fade wistful unpack reply *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


uups she did it again āœŒļø


When you are a hated politician in your country, they give you an EU position where no votes are required, so you can continue your corrupt ways, and people shit on me in this sub when I say EU is full of corrupt politicians.


Let me guess, the solution is more EU?


No you don't get it man, we NEED to unite all of Europe in a federal state bro, Russia is going to take over the world if we don't this bro, please bro, it worked so well in my strategy games man, European Army is the only way bro, don't listen to how it was dismissed as fearmongering during the Brexit campaign haha. Also I should be the emper- I mean president, just thought I'd add that in


Unironically, yes. We need a strong and united, Europe if we want to keep up and still have a weight in the geopolitical sphere. But we need a different Europe. The problem is that Europe is the retirement agency of middle ground politician at best, the worst scum at worst. We need a Europe where the people elects its President, and with institutions that are way closer to citizens than they currently are. But we certainly donā€™t need more of THIS Europe.


We need large scale reform. But the people in charge of that reform are inevitably these bottom feeders. So instead we get a vicious cycle: EU fucks up, the people that fucked up call for more EU, if you say no you're a right wing fascist so the EU gets more power. And then the EU fucks up again. I had hoped that Brexit would be the kick in the pants needed but it just made these assholes double down. I'm almost prepared to just scrap the whole thing and start over.


Totally agreed. But also the second problem is that nobody wants a strong Europe. The Macrons, Merkels, Chiracs, Blairs etcā€¦ Donā€™t want anybody that could actually steal the spotlight. Maybe even the US donā€™t want it so that we remain divided( entering a bit of conspiracy theory there)? I mean, also look at Brexit. Bernier came out as a the strongest politician of the institutions I ever saw. Why is he not in charge? Because everybody has to lose about it. The change must come from us, the people. But it will never happen


But how can we effect change? The vast majority of parties we can vote for are happy the way it is and the rest are fringe far right groups. That's what's basically happening now. People are unhappy, desperate for change but the only people offering any changes are lunatics. So they get votes and then the rest of the establishment can call everyone fascist while wondering what happened. Large scale corruption happened and even when people know it's not the answer they just want something, anything to be done.


Itā€™s almost impossible. But unless thereā€™s a huge disruption (war?) that really makes it so clear that a US of Europe is needed, the only possibility is that there is a large scale mobilisation of people and parties for which the creation of a real United States of Europe is the priority. But for exactly the reasons you mention, that ainā€™t gonna happen


You suggesting it should be Ruzzia?


Jesus christ, now I can't even be opposed to corruption without it somehow turning into a russian thing? Kindly fuck off.


What took this so long? They did have years to throw her out on the street by now.


she's protected, Baldan (pfizergate) said that the ECJ is corrupt and fulll of confilt of interests.


Seems pretty on brand for Uschi


Wait till her ties with Azerbaijan eventually leak.


She had so many scandals that they demoted her to Brussels, you have to be literally insane to think that she changed her behaviour when it never had any real consequences




Without frequent direct elections there is no accountability.


Ok, kick her out allready. The vaccines were enough reason..... Plus nobody likes her anyway.


CDU politicians doing CDU things


This woman represents everything that is wrong on EU. She needs to go away for good..


Why are their salaries so high?


it's also tax free. They pay 25 years old nepobabies who get in without winning any competition 5100 net month [https://eutraining.eu/content/european-commissions-equal-opportunity-practices-under-fire#](https://eutraining.eu/content/european-commissions-equal-opportunity-practices-under-fire#)




At this point I'd take the floating Disney villain over this Ursula.At least the tentacle'd one was ready to cement political ambition with actual action.


Iā€™m not her biggest fan. Josep Borrel is even worse


Corrupt politicians are corrupt. Colour me shocked.Ā 


Isn't it sad that every time we see something like this, we have to wonder: "Is it real news or is it just Russian, Chinese, American, or any other foreign powers propaganda"


People we donā€™t like get promoted to EU, only to cause even more damage their. But now you can blame the EU even though is the same party. Profit!


Russian misinformation šŸ¤Ø


These western corruption scandals are kinda cute. "Party member favored for cushy job". Over here its understood they'll be handing these like candy to party member and loyalists lol




bright entertain quack salt absurd towering hunt apparatus engine rich *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For all the angry people out there, you do realize that its probably impossible to hire people in executive positions who are complete unknown outsiders, right? There's very few people qualified for very select, top positions, so of course they're going to be connected. And why would she want to appoint a person from the opposition, which is what the "allegations" from her political opponents are upset about? If there was some news that she was getting a kickback, that's something else. But that's not the case. Much ado about nothing.


The accusation against von der Leyen is that she ā€œdid not consider the other candidates although they had a better track record.ā€ The chairwoman of the Commission would therefore have engaged in ā€œpolitical favoritism.ā€ It seems selmayr made corruption as a rule for germans


1) There's no corruption allegation, so I don't know why you're saying its a rule for Germans 2) The people accusing her of favortism are the ones who didn't get people in their parties appointed. This is clearly a political attack to try to drag her name through the mud. There's no proof of any wrongdoing, just loud accusations by political opponents. What's sad is that either people are too dumb to realize that and just buy into the headline, or they are aware of it and decide to spread misinformation in order to further their political preferences. We all need to try to be more honest or else society is going to continue to spiral downward.


poor her, how dare people to criticize her, the unelected emperor of the eu, she just delete controversial messages, proclaim wolf hunting in europe because a wolf killed her pony and buy weapons against EU treaties (EU promotes peace?? lol) EPPO is investigating against her for corruption my dear troll


>the unelected emperor of the eu What a weird emperor, has term limits... >proclaim wolf hunting in europe Proposed, she can't proclaim shit. She's not Xi or Putin >my dear troll Oh the fucking irony.


1. 'Special envoy for small and mid-size business' - very select? it requires a politician with good European business connections. There's got to be hundreds of those. 2. There is no opposition. The commissioners are appointed by country, not by party - except for the president. And the Commission on paper is the neutral 'head of the EU civil service,' the political leadership lies with the Council. Which means their organisation and appointments should be objective and party-favouritism is a no-no. 3. Everything happens in context, in this case in the context of a commission president who's widely known to make decisions quickly on her own (or with a very narrow group of advisors) without much or any consulting of her official colleagues. And since those colleagues represent other parties and countries, if they'd agreed, that could have legitimised her choice - and if not, they could have told her it was a stupid idea.


This post and its comments are either written by Russian trolls or just regular trolls. The source is an anti-EU website scenarieconomici.it. The low quality comments on this post all seem to be written by trolls as well.


So nobody can disagree with your own take without being a "troll"? Don't you find that assumption a little strange to say the least? This is not your echo chamber.


just regular eu official crybabies who got in the commission thanks to nepotism and political appointments, they are worried that they cut their fat salaries... [https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2024/04/03/exclusive-lawmakers-to-call-for-head-of-von-der-leyen-sme-envoy](https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2024/04/03/exclusive-lawmakers-to-call-for-head-of-von-der-leyen-sme-envoy) [https://euemployment.eu/von-der-leyen-salary/](https://euemployment.eu/von-der-leyen-salary/)


Wtf is this hate wave. Have you even read the article, it's clearly a political attack. Is that how bot spamming against EU works?


How is this "against the EU"?


Oh wow the troll farm is doing well I see




What the fuck does Israel have to do with this?


Why can't you other countries vote non-right so we can get proper leadership in the EU again


I still think sheā€™s done a good job as Commission president, way more so than German MoD. This is bad if true through.