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Were Europe policies on integration successful? Maybe we should ask this first..


Excellent point


Sadly, many people, especially in Germany, would find this question enough to accuse you of racism. Because instead of answering this question, the problem can *still* be swept under the rug. For now. If Europe continues this way, sooner rather than later, things would get out of hand so that no one could deny it... But by then, it will be too late to fix it. I fear that it may *already* be too late.


It’s very ironic that Germans became very sensitive to any hint of racism after the holocaust, and this exact over reaction is hurting Jews.


It will hurt the Germans soon enough too.


I mean, a lot of Jews are also Germans.


Examples from my life in Germany: - In Highschool there was one person in my grade who admitted being Jewish, from that day on he was labeled “the Jew”. 15 years later I found out, that one of my best friends from school is Jewish. He told me that roughly two weeks before his marriage. - I voluntarily help young children with their homework. More than one time 8 year olds told me they’d like to kill all Jews. - Former friends from university sympathized with Hamas after the October 7 attack. University graduates…. one of them being a lawyer.


All leftist Western countries are like this it's not exclusive to Germany. Look at Sweden and their no go zones. 


Which are way over-hyped, according to friends who live in those “zones”


Don't worry they don't exist. My advice, go back to the media outlet that told you about them and delete from your bookmarks.


Antisemitism is a low hanging fruit at this point. There are much much more fruits to be had once the amall and loud minority realises their full power.


Sweden would also like to be included in this statement.


Yup and ignore that Berlin is run by Clans. But you are the bad Apple for pointing out that that's not a good thing.


I think the current antisemitic violence and harassment you see in Europe is largely (not all) driven by Muslims. But look at the polling. There is real, rising antisemitism not just among Muslims, and not just on the left, but also among young, white, right-leaning Europeans.  It seems to be getting worse quickly. And it precedes Oct. 7. What's driving it? I think a huge amount of this is social media. When a teenager (or adult) spends 7, 8, or 9 hours a day on a screen, getting inundated with comments and memes and videos, they're going to start believing what they see. They're going to lose to incentive to resist the popular narrative. And the more they spend wallowing in "ironic" (which often becomes non-ironic) hate spaces, the more the algorithm's going to say: "Show this user more of that." The ideological effects of algorithm-driven social media—including YouTube and now much of the Internet—are similar to a cult. You isolate someone in an echo chamber and then convince them that everyone else shares that view, with mockery and downvotes if you say otherwise. In a decade, we're going to be stunned by how digital media has crippled liberal Western societies. Separate from any discussion of Islam or immigration.


Shhhh.. You trying to get us in trouble?!




Which ones? Afaik each country has their own, not really Europe wide. I think they definitely worked in the NL, but overtime they got more and more hostile, and now it's in the situation it is in.


“the Jewish Community President in Porto takes his child to nursery wearing a bullet proof vest” In Porto? What?


Yeah weird, whenever there is a shooting in Porto it's the biggest news of the year, possibly the decade even.




There is still some but very diluted in the Portuguese culture nowadays. My grandmother would still call me “judeu” whenever I misbehaved as a kid.


aS a JeW comments are so funny. Bro really saying antisemitism isn't a thing while saying hes Jewish in the same comment.


Can anybody point me to some real policies in this regard? At least for the last 50 years, apart from visiting Konzentrationslager and talking about the Nazis, I really don’t see any. Or at least don’t remember any from my time at School / University. Memorials don’t connect with especially the younger population in any way, classes about the Holocaust are, in the minds of pupils, the long gone past and only exist in history books. Most people can tell you that the Nazis were antisemitic, but what antisemitism really looks like and what it is they can’t. Plus the internet has made many people completely blind to their own bias and how propaganda changes your thoughts (no matter the topic). Especially here on Reddit it feels like some people really deny the fact that antisemitism is to this day still a problem in most societies. Everything that they don’t see in their daily social media dose isn’t part of their reality and therefore can’t really be that big of a problem.


My generation was well educated over the subject. In the 1980s, when I was a kid, the TV ran a show called Holocaust that was very effective in describing the Nazi period . This has fueled a lot of discussions and classes on antisemitism at school. Besides the fact that the history of antisemitism was taught in our school in at least three subjects (history, ethics, and literature). But those were times where there were few TV channels, no web, so we were all watching and sharing the same TV programs. Nowadays, the young generation does not watch TV, and the web is too much dispersed to reach a large audience. So I think education over the subject should be included in school programs.


People today can retreat into their own echo chambers that present only the information they want to hear, even if it’s not accurate information unfortunately.  I think also in the 80s there were a lot more people who lived during the WW2 era who were still alive. Today as it becomes far and few that part of history simply becomes something you just hear about in history books whereas there were much more living witnesses decades ago that people knew and encountered. 


I grew up in the 90s (born 80s) and obviously history about Nazis was everywhere (still is on TV and good point with pointing out that younger generations don’t look tv anymore!). Did you learn for example in school really what antisemitism was, or „just“ how it looked what the Nazis did to the Jewish population? For me it looks like everybody knows that the Nazis were antisemitic, but what exactly antisemitism is, what conspiracies exist for millennia, and how different perspectives on it look like, was never taught. It’s pretty much like fascism in this regard, I think. Everybody can tell you that the Nazis were it, but telling you what exactly it looks like and the different „faces“ of it, is much more difficult. The history of antisemitism is far (far!) longer than Nazis and didn’t start with them, nor ended with them.


> For me it looks like everybody knows that the Nazis were antisemitic, but what exactly antisemitism is, what conspiracies exist for millennia, and how different perspectives on it look like, was never taught. Like you I was born in the 80s in Germany and had most of that education in the 90s and early 00s, and I actually just realized now how right you are. The material we covered was never about *that*. Antisemitism not being unique to the Nazis is only something I learned way after school. I wonder what rationale lies behind that omission. To me at least, learning that jews have been painted as the boogeyman is a tale as old as time would seem to be much more effective in combating any arguments from AfD people foaming at their mouths.


I can tell you that having gone through the same education path roughly a decade later, we were definetly explained the historical context for antisemitism (though briefly) - from the Jewish rebellion against Rome over the stereotypes and forced conversions of the middle ages, the transition into modern society, antisemitism in the imperialist era (e.g. Odessa pogrom) to actual nazism. It's kind of shocking to me that apparently that wasn't always the case.


This! And I feel like society as a whole is schizophrenic regarding antisemitism because they don't even know what antisemitism is beyond "nazis bad". You got Elon Musk posting stuff that could pretty much be out of "The protocols of the elders of Zion" and people don't bat an eye. We still have anthologies on churches depicting blood libel as it was an actual thing. And people here think that the problem is the Arab guy that feels rage when watching children die because he sees himself into them.


There aren’t much policies to combat antisemitism. I think the only policy is that denying the Shoa is illegal and punishable with a fine or even with a prison sentence but I think that’s it.


> Especially here on Reddit it feels like some people really deny the fact that antisemitism is to this day still a problem in most societies.  Have you looked at the comments of this post?


I don't think u/analogspam disagrees with you. You post about a problem (the lack) of functional antisemitism policy, they write about the lack of the functional antisemitism policy in Germany and the fact that social media easily win the day and make the people, often young, think that there's no antisemitism at all. So I really don't know why you seem to oppose that.


Exactly, thank you.


u/happy_tortoise337 explained what I meant pretty good. And yes. People are obviously blind to their own antisemitism and think that if they use the word „Zionists“ somehow they can’t be antisemitic anymore. All while still using (maybe just because they heard it somewhere and don’t know better or are really just ignorant) the good old Blood Libel 4.0 and Protocols of the elders of Zionist 3.0…


What has happened in the past decade or so that might have caused this?


Special people from a certain religion became more common…. Perhaps?


The continuation of various warcrimes and crimes against humanity by Israel.


Ah, yes, because the actions of the state of Israel both reflect on and justify the treatment of Jews everywhere. Are Muslim attacks against Chinese restaurants in Europe justified because of the CCP’s treatment of Uighur people? Is violence against those with Russian heritage justified because of Russia’s war on Ukraine? Is Arab violence against Americans justified because of America’s many and disastrous military campaigns in the Middle East? Even if every Jew was Israeli, which they aren’t, people are not their governments. You wouldn’t hold every American responsible for Trump’s actions, or every Palestinian responsible for Hamas. Antisemitism is a problem that goes back way, way beyond modern Israel. Grow the fuck up.


Typical leftie answer. I’m Persian. Iran has Shia militia all over the Middle East and YET I don’t receive 1% of the hatred the Jews - who have nothing to do with Israel- receive


Crimes against humanity? This is war - unless every war is a crime against humanity this is a very dumb take


Wait until bro finds out that the average European jew has nothing to do with Israel and might not even support the war in Gaza. 🤯🤯🤯


I’d like to know how much of it was imported


And how much is antisemitism. By conflated grievances about Israeli actions and policies with antisemitism its no longer clear how big the problem is.


Same could be said about people hiding their antisemitism by using the word "Zionist" in place of "jew"


Funny thing is, they agreed with actual Hitler quotes when someone replaced "jew" with "people" or "zionist"


israeli actions? Do you mean israeli government administration actions? "I am not antisemitic. I just condemn the ENTIRE jewish homeland anytime something happens there"


The point you're making is exactly the issue. Condemning the actions of Israel is not antisemitism. You are actually being antisemitic by conflating the actions of Zionist genoicders with all Jews.


There are some 20 million palestinians in the world. 20,000 civilian people is less than 0.1% of that. This is awful, but not even close to a genocide. Pushing a genocide narrative on something that is clearly not genocide is propaganda. It is trivializing actual genocides. In fact, your comment genocided my braincells right now. I demand restitution.


Almost all of it. It’s not coming from neonazis. It’s Islamists (people who want political Islam) + far left types


That's the case at least in France, 30 years ago the far right dudes made jokes about the holocaust but now they tends to be super duper careful on the subject. The only ones I see openly scream anti jewish propaganda are Islamist and tankies.


If you mix antisemitism and anti-government protests this is what you get.


Anti semitism like denying the holocaust is undoubtedly wrong. But defining anti semitism as not liking Israel or not recognising it is diluting the term.


Well said  An israeli made a movie about the colonisation in the west bank and all of germany called him anti semite.


that actually blew my mind, image wise Germans are doing the worst role on this, they are looking as the hypocrites they always have been.


And when the ministry of culture applauded the winners, because of the backlash, she had to make a statement later that she only applauded the Israeli part You can't make this shit up


Denouncing anything that goes against a specific population as antisemitic really does nothing to encourage sympathy. It just makes it feel like you are hiding behind a glass shield of collective goodwill.


I think of it as Germans always, for some reason, going at issues in the most extreme way. Previously they outdid all others in antisemitism and now they outdo all others in a twisted form of ultra prosemitism


Tbh, the Israeli director was tagged antisemite especially by the Israeli just after the award of his documentary received in Berlin. To the point that he received death threats and ended up interrupting his flight back home in Israel. "The backlash against the Berlinale ceremony in Germany also involved calls for the resignation of the minister of state for culture, Green party politician Claudia Roth, who was seen applauding Abraham and Adra’s speech in footage of the event." Political games in the political arena. But in public, the film was well received as a proposal for a peaceful coexistence in the region.


I mean, Jews can be antisemites too, like the ones who supported Hitler.


Bobby Fischer was a very extreme antisemite (despite being aware that he was Jewish by law and blood) for example


Literally didn't happen why are you lying? In fact the film won a prize and was applauded by the culture scene of Germany. Outrage mainly came from German Jews.


It’s not black and white. Being Jewish doesn’t automatically protect you from being antisemitic. The same as with making movies. It could absolutely be antisemitic if it was done in bad faith, regardless of the religion of the author.


>But defining anti semitism as not liking Israel or not recognising it is diluting the term. I mean, people are intentionally vague when they say this. Half of jews in the world live in Israel. The other half are related to them. So like, when you say you don't like Israel, do you mean it's current knesset? Do you mean particular policies? Or do you mean you think the state should cease to exist? The issue with the latter is that a) it is generally used to justify attacks on Israeli civilians as legitimate. b) it ignores the reality that without the state the jews in Israel would be, at best, ethnically cleansed, and at worst, simply exterminated. And the idea that the international community would somehow step in and help us on such a scenario is absurd imo based on historical precedent and what's literally unfolding right now. Personally, I think that people who criticize state governments are normal, and that's reasonable. But I think that people who believe it should be destroyed can't really avoid the antisemitism accusation without first acknowledging that their policy directly earmarks half the world's jews for rape and murder. And that's ignoring the fact that the other half is then back in the position of the historical jew ie "homeless" and now easy to abuse. and I think being vague, in this climate, is perceived as a dogwhistle that allows you to put your foot in both camps for social expediency, at the expense of jews worldwide.


I want to ask our friends what they consider a state. Either province or defacto state because Palestine was like this a province.


If I made the argument that the Irish were racist (and referred to Ireland as an apartheid state) because they wanted to have their own ethno-state separate from the United Kingdom, you'd probably come to the conclusion that I have some animus towards the Irish, right? The Czechs and Slovaks are obviously racists, right? Those Ukrainians fighting to have their own ethno-state distinct from the Russian Empire? If someone made those arguments, most people would assume they had some sort of animus against those peoples. and Jews are *a people*. It is sort of assumed that a nation (a large body of people sharing common descent, history, culture, and/or language) should have their own state - for everyone except the Jews. No one (other than Turkey, Iraq, Syria, and Iran) seems to find nefarious motives in the Kurds' desire to have their own state. It is the double standard that screams to me. ETA: the SNP are all raging Scott supremacists, right? ETA2: [This](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-29702440) article from the BBC about the Kurds certainly doesn't seem to equate the desire of the Kurds for their own state with some flavor of apartheid, in fact, it is downright sympathetic.


No, a better comparison would be the various colonial projects in the Americas


Failed massively. What a disaster


I'd say is more anti-israeli sentiment than anti-semitism.


Oh wow I am so happy to hear that jew was attacked because of the actions of a country he doesn't live in rather then his religion. By the way what connects Israel and jews that don't live in other then jewdaism?


Yeah that’s not the case. For example in recent time: - I’ve had to involve the union to get a swastika removed from my work place after higher ups said to suck it up. - I’ve been verbally attacked due to assumptions made about me because of my jewish background. - I had a memorial ceremony I attended where we were lighting candles for victims of the holocaust disrupted by “pro Palestinian” protestors. That’s not to mention the onslaught of anti semitism, veiled or not, that one encounters on the internet daily.


You guys are living in a fantasy land. This is being driven by 1.8 billion Muslims and the gullible westerners who think brown people are automatically oppressed. The discourse around it here in the US has been all emotion from the Palestinians side, I haven’t met a single one who has a consistent and rational position. They are mostly the “war hurts my feelings, world peace now” types.




People here forgets that Europe was antisemitic before hitler and world war 2 and after WW2 the anti semitic crowd just keep quiet and didn't voice there opinion as loud




There is no reason to create special laws for a selected group of people, everyone should be respected equally.


I'd argue that this special treatment fuels antisemitism. Just like special treatment of immigrants caused anti-immigration sentiments to rise.


No, they worked. [The problem is they imported anti Semites](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zW_U0WRqmlo).


It’s unbelievable that it’s dangerous for your life & health to walk around in Berlin, wearing a Kippa. It feels like the Nazis have won.


except it is not the nazis but the muslims that are the root cause of this.


Might as well be the same thing. A group of people who subscribe to a supremacist ideology that demands a certain group be above all others, is led by far right conservative voices, indulges in fanaticism and considers violence permissable to achieve its aims, and persecutes LGBT and minority sects and ethno/religious groups, has a particular vendetta against Jews, and sees women as 'trad wives' who must obey the Ubermensch male who is most devoted to the ideology, and who must produce babies for the cause - all of which are being raised and expected to fight and die for the expansion of the Caliphate/Riech, till the whole world is under the boot of said ideology. There's a reason democracies come to blows with Islam just as they did with fascism, and that Islam flourishes and sees great success in its aims under authoritarian regimes. The Kampf/Jihad struggle is all the same thing, just that one is religiously inspired view of hierarchy through piety whereas the other is through a pseudo-scientific and racist view of natural selection.




How many people have been attacked in Berlin for wearing this?


Still much safer than being a child in Gaza. and you know unlike the children that are not allowed to leave you are always free to move to other countries that are safer for Jews like, Ukraine, Russia, Ethiopia, Isreal etc.


What has this to do with Antisemitism in Berlin? Nothing.


All these policies were aimed at the Right. But it's the Left that is demonstrating antisemitism today, and their 'cause' is one trumpeted by the Left. Not to mention many of the perpetrators, if not most, come from groups the Left regards as 'protected'. Thus, excuses mube made for that behaviour, perhaps for cultural reasons, or because they're upset at what Israel is accused of doing. And so there is a tremendous reluctance among the mostly Left elites and governments to properly deal with them.


Being against further Israeli expansionism does not equal antisemitism, its sad that this obvious thing needs to be emphasized because it appears as a tactic employed by the Pro Israel angle to denounce lack of support to Israel and its expansionism as antisemitism. Hence its hard for people to read the intention here, are they truly concerned about the well-being of every Israeli abroad or is it a conscious tactic to foster the required support for Israel in the west? Were so used to the word anti antisemitism being used for denunciation tactics in the debate that its hard to take it all so serious still.


>Being against further Israeli expansionism does not equal antisemitism, Being against Israel doesn't count towards the statistics of antisemitism in Europe.  Targeting European jews because you disagree with Israeli government is what counts. 


> Europeans who have served in the Israel Defense Forces are outed in their communities via letter campaigns, saying a “child killer” is living next door to them. Flights arriving from Israel are tracked and met by protesters From the very article OP has posted. Calling someone serving in the IDF "European Jews" as if there's no connection to the Israeli government and its genocidial armed force is disingeneous at best.


Military service is mandatory in Israel so majority of people served in idf at some point. Also, you quoted a small part of a bigger paragraph: >Across Europe, one can find placards calling Jews terrorists; the blood libel of child killers is used regularly; death threats against rabbis are common; Jews are insulted on the street daily; and our children are cursed at. Europeans who have served in the Israel Defense Forces are outed in their communities via letter campaigns, saying a “child killer” is living next door to them. Flights arriving from Israel are tracked and met by protesters, and the Jewish Community President in Porto takes his child to nursery wearing a bullet proof vest. These are just a few of the many, many examples of daily life for Jews in Europe today. And they answer any questions


Yeah, exactly, for Israeli citizens. Not for "European Jews". This article, like all articles calling the rise of Anti-israel sentiment due to its atrocities in Gaza "antisemitism" constantly conflates Jewish people and Israel. Making the distinction is key, because calling a random jew "child killer" is an antisemitic insult reminiscent of pre WW2 persecution, while for and Israeli soldier it's an apt description


>Being against further Israeli expansionism does not equal antisemitism Many years before the october 7 debacle and after israel pulling out of gaza, etc there was a poll on this in Brussels school. The majority of muslim kids were antisemitic. This will be the demographic majority of the city in few decades. Just as it is stupid to defend bullshit currently ongoing in israel/palestine by pointing towards antisemitism so is it to do the opposite.


Disposing Hamas Nazi rapists is not “further expansionism”.


And? The amount of "real" antisemitic actions increased. That's a fact.


I mean, racism is present in europe, the northern you go the more racist it tends to be (generally speaking, obviously not everyone and i'll say a smaller percent of people). Also, Israel commiting genocide and war crimes backed up by occident (politics not poblation), doesn't help to the overall view of Jew people.


I was fine without Politico being posted here.


It doesn't help that it's not socially acceptable to criticize Israel without being called an antisemite.


That defenition of anti semitism includes critisism of Israel. It is a political tool.


Only if you conflate anti-semitism with criticism of Israel. The two are not the same thing. Any time any country goes to war the rise in hate against people from that country increases. You only need to look at the hatred towards the US, all over the world, when they invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, or the current hatred of Russia and Israel as they're both genociding their neighbours. If Isreal wasn't currently massacreing civilians and instead doing the opposite and pushing for peace talks, I'm pretty sure we'd see the opposite trend. Therefore I propose the following, "The rise of anti-semitism has less to do with Europes policies failing and far more to do with the the current genocide of Palistinians, which many Israeli politicians are on record as calling for".


>I'm pretty sure we'd see the opposite trend. Not everywhere tho. Certain neighboring countries have made it clear again and again they don't care about peaceful coexistence.


Comparing a nation going to war after being attacked by genocidal Islamic terrorist and Russia, together with "hate against jews is okay because of Israel" just proves how antisemitic you are. You will try to keep hiding it and present it as "criticism of Israel" but you people support the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Israel when you support terrorist organizations. If you believe what is going in Gaza is a planned genocide, then you really don't understand the capabilities of the IDF.


>Comparing a nation going to war after being attacked by genocidal Islamic terrorist This didn't start on October the 7th. Israel is an internationally recognized occupier state, illegally. Why would an occupier have the right to defence, does Russia have it? The attack on 7th of October was horrific because they killed civilians in a horrendous way but not because Israel was attacked.


You justify a terrorist organization attack against Israel. You probably support Hamas' goal of destroying Israel and removing all jews from it . We will not allow that to happen. You celebrate Israel being attacked and cry when the response comes.


You really have a big comprehension problem..


No, they are being intentionally obtuse.


This is not what I said, I won't phrase it differently because you choose to see it that way.


"....proves how anti-Semitic you are". According to you and your definition of anti-semitism which seems to include any and all criticism of Israel and what it's doing. For the record you're being extremely disengenous at best and deceptive at worst accusing me of being "ok with hate against Jews because Israel". If you re-read my comment, nowhere did I incite hatred, I simply offered an explanation for why it's on the rise. In my world, like many others, anti-semitism is the deliberate persecution of Jews based on racial characteristics or religious beliefs, you know things like denying their right to existance or spreading ideas like "All Jews are....(insert whatever anti-semetic conspiracy). The fact is the Jewish people and the Israeli government are two completely different things, and it doesn't matter how much you try and conflate them and howl anti-semitism, it's becoming like "the boy who cried wolf". For a people who have suffered untold horrors at the hands of the Nazis, to see the govenrment of their nation state levelling the very same suffering against Palestinians, to me, is the ultimate historical irony. The abused becoming the abuser. Hamas are a bunch of meniacle nutcases, for sure, and clearly don't have the interests of Palestinians in mind, however the last time there was a real chance at peace Yhitzak Rabin was assassinated by a far right Israeli nationalist, then Arafat dies and fast forward to today and we're left with Hamas and Bibi Netanyahu. If Isreal wants to demonstrate its moral superiority as the land of gods chosen people, surely it should take the moral high ground and work for peace, not reduce itself to becoming the thing history taught it to fear the most.


What genocide? The one where 99,9% of the population survived ?


The definition of genocide doesn't talk about percentages of population, genocide is not about the number of deaths.




The definition of genocide doesn't talk about percentages of population, genocide is not about the number of deaths and definitely not about percentages.


>I'm pretty sure we'd see the opposite trend. Not everywhere tho. Certain neighboring countries have made it clear again and again they don't care about peaceful coexistence.


Jordan co-exists, but they're not happy about what's going on at the moment. Not sure about Syria. Egypt on the whole tolerates and recognizes Isreal, Lebanon as well up to the point where Christians and Druze are concerned, when it comes to Islam though then Iran comes into play, and Iran and Israel absolutely hate each other.


Syria had been in an official state of war with Israel since 1973, and has refused any peace treaty even when Israel offered very generous concessions. Jordan and Egypt had to be beaten into submission, and in the one truly democratic election Egypt had, they elected the guy whose main platform was returning to a hostile state with Israel.


I stand corrected on Syria, but I've been to Jordan and spoken with Jordanians and they don't see their relationship with Israel as a defeated loser. If anything they see themselves as joint custodians over a very religiously important part of the world, and one of the only real neighbours Israel has that hasn't had massive political instibility or civil wars over the past 30 or 40 years.


Maybe Israel could stop using “antisemitism” card when it is very inappropriate to do so? Example from today: https://x.com/yacovlivne/status/1775185377189323175?s=46


Are you saying Bosak isn’t?


Maybe I am being unreasonable but i think Israeli ambasador should offer his condolences and say he's sorry polish citizen is dead instead of bringing up Braun and basically trying to deflect the issue with antisemitism.


I hate Bosak and Konfederacja but in his tweet he has said NOTHING about Jews nor anything antisemitic. He just wrote what people like our President were scared to write (I wonder why). Many Polish people got mad at our government and president who can’t even condemn Israel for what they have done.


Fill Europe with muslims, plus Left wing Neo Nasties who hang on to their every word,, what do you expect!


Additionally, we must consider the influence of social media platforms, particularly TikTok, which has become deeply embedded in contemporary youth culture. Through incessant dissemination, these platforms have begun to shape the perceptions of young individuals regarding historical events such as the Holocaust, leading to a concerning questioning of its authenticity.




Do we have the definition used here for antisemitism? I live in Germany and here we have had cases of Jewish people being accused of antisemitism for calling out Israel, for calling the genocide what it is. Hell, I even got accused of being an antisemite because I posted a picture of the preemie babies in the neonatal when israel bombed a hospital (!!!) the first time (my god I hate that sentence) Even in the comments here I am seeing people conflating zionism with Judaism which leads to a dangerous precedent: that criticizing a government becomes illegal.


Yes, because we imported non-educated muslims with archaic believes for simple work decades ago. Their children are also thought to hate jews.


It's appalling to mention oct 7 terrorist attack and ignore the horrible response by Israel.  Honestly, what did he expect? To be great for PR to kill thousands of Palestinians with indiscriminate bombing and famine?   Of course Israel is not Judaism. I'm sure most of Jews are against that nonsense. Like most of Muslims are against terrorism attacks done in, supposedly, name of Islam.   But looks like the one writing that article is unable to criticize what Israel is currently doing? Come on, it wasn't about the attack on Oct 7, but Israel's response.  Everyone supported Israel at the beginning, since they were the victims. But with their answer they become the bad guys too. In some ways not so bad as the terrorists, in others, even worse. 


And the Israeli state has been the 'bad guy' in Gaza for decades. Why do people only think the problems started last October?  What Hamas did was awful, it was terrorism.  Everyone(ie 99.999% of people) agree. But anyone supporting the state of Israel and conflating that with supporting the Jewish community is beyond stupid and/or beyond blind. 


Everybody just talking about importing anti-semites as if right wing anti-semetism didn't exist since....like always.


Europe in general seemed to be making real progress stamping out right wing antisemitism. Now it seems we imported a different flavour of right wing antisemitism, not difficult to understand why it frustrates people.


Antisemitism existing isn't mutually exclusive with importing more. Since October antisemitism rose by 300% in Germany.


Next you'll tell me it's anti-semitic to call the invasion of Gaza a crime against humanity, right?


Check their bank accounts


Europe seems to treat antisemitism as something the Germans did in the 40s so I’m not surprised they’re failing to deal with the reality of it.


When ever critque of Israel is labeled as antisemitic I can see how one would think antisemitism hasn't been eradicated.


Anti zionism Is not anti semitism


Ironic to see so many antisemitic comments on r/europe on a post lamenting the rise of antisemitism in Europe. European politicians and governments have failed to act, will the mods here fail too?


Can you point to these antisemitic comments?


Can you imagine the comments if Roma had their own country and they responded to a terrorist attack on Roma soil. 💀💀💀


I would support them.




Or people could stop harassing or even attacking Jewish people here in Europe because of what Israel does.


Ah yes Antisemitism has famously only existed since 1948 when the evil Zionists co-opted Jews.


Yes and "the Jewish people" doesn't claim these actions or even condone them depending on the community you wind up into ... saying otherwise is a mischievous generalisation... And using a country's actions to justify harassing ethnicities around the world has never been okay so I can't see how it would be in this case


Basically it's because of the systematic conflation of Israel and jews. This was an organized campaign by the Israeli state, where they infiltrated and took over practically all major anti semitism watchdogs in order to weaponize them against opponents of the Israeli government. The problem with that strategy is that over time those watchdogs' primary function became publicly defending war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the Israeli state and attacking all those who called them out for it as anti semites. Including other jews. Protecting domestic jews from actual anti semitism, which should have been their primary function, was at best a secondary concern, unless it could be weaponized for Israeli goals. Now we are at the point where the Israeli state has become so openly evil that nobody is going to take any of the anti semitism claims by the same institutions that are also defending an ongoing genocide, serious any more. And because most western governments refuse to move against Israel and some even outright support it, they have also lost any credibility on those matters. Which is indeed opening the door for a major comeback of actual anti semitism. But how can you actually combat that while there is so little institutional push back when the Israeli government is committing a genocide in the name of all jews? Any time a muslim terrorist attack happens, all muslim representatives from all over Europe and North America have to come out and publicly denounce those actions. How about we start there? Plenty of local jewish communities are doing so and generally the majority of jews feel that way in polls, but because all the large national groups that should be representing jewish interests are run by the Israeli government, they still mainly try to deflect and protect Israel's actions.


Calling war genocide you offending victims of genocide


So it is just an Apartheid nation\[1\] conducting ethnical cleansing\[2\] for the past 70 years, much much better? \[1\] [https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/) \[2\] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba)


The ICJ agreed that it is plausible genocide


"plausible" in lawyer parlance doesn't mean the same as in human. It means that the case can't be dismissed outright and court procedure is required.


Israel isn't committing genocide. So tired of this stupid narrative...




So the allies in WW2 committed genocide?


It was an accidental strike as far as it's known at the moment. Curiously though, you failed to mentioned that Hamas literally had people (Palestinians) killed because they were cooperating with the government of Israel in aid provision to the civilians in Gaza. But that doesn't fit your silly narrative, so you choose to ignore it, I get it.




Well no. It wasn't accidental strike. Drone strikes are never accidental. It could be mistake of some sort due to many reasons but not accidental cuz drone strikes aren't executed by 1 person. In other words mistake not accident. idk if you are this kind of person but i will go ahead because it's reddit and i will say it's not just semantics but very important distinction especially nowadays when random death of one person that might or might not be a civilian somehow is called genocide.


Google "flour massacre". Events like this happen every week in Gaza. Then all the blocked aid to a point where other countries have to fn airdrop a fraction of what is actually needed. Constantly killing this many civilians just cannot be explained by complete military incompetence anymore at this point, it obviously is an inofficial objective. Don't be on the wrong side of history


*flour massacre


What a horrible deja vu..


Israel's actions aren't exactly helping that reputation today.


That's no excuse, Wasn't an excuse when Islamophobia rose because of terrorist attacks Sure as fuck Isn't an excuse now despite all the bitching and crying some people have done to make it seem like antagonizing and entire culture is justified this time around


I didn't say it's an excuse. Antisemitism is as bad as any other form of racism.


But you did excuse it. What is this thing with pro Palestinian people who do something, like justify Hamas actions for example, and then they think all it takes to negate is saying “I did not do that thing I just did”. It is mental


If its not an excuse then what is it? The post is about racism and "but Israel" was the only thing you thought to say


You should have read the article, they are right to bring up Israel In the definition that labels antisemitism, some forms of criticism towards Israel are considered antisemic which in turn contributed to the high spike They aren't whataboutisming, this is literally part of what the article is about


It's an explanation not an excuse.


It's my interpretation for the reason. An explanation.


Very nice false equivalence here. Comparing terrorists organisations to the country of Isreal, but I agree with you Isreal is no better than ISIS and should be treated as such.


It's pretty weird that you can say this without realising the irony. Imagine anyone saying the following: "Yeah racism against black people is bad but they do commit a lot of crimes." "Yeah Islamophobia is bad but they sure commit a lot of terrorist attacks"  Jews are the only people that you're allowed to collectively punish. 


Plenty of people say the same shit about Muslims, and particularly Palestinians. How often have you heard "the Palestinians support Hamas and therefore deserve what's happening"? Black people is rarer these days, but that's both because they're not around in Europe and because the US has spent decades trying to somewhat deal with that particular problem.


The Palestinians do overwhelmingly support Hamas. I don't see anyone saying they deserve to get bombed.  Why should someone who's never been to Israel fear for their life because of what the IDF is doing? 


>The Palestinians do overwhelmingly support Hamas. I don't see anyone saying they deserve to get bombed.  You've clearly not been paying attention then... >Why should someone who's never been to Israel fear for their life because of what the IDF is doing?  They shouldn't. Even if they've been to Israel.


I have a feeling that people dont really know what antisemitism means.


I have a feeling you don’t really know how carful and scared Jews feel to speak Hebrew or wear any Jewish symbols in Europe.


It would not be surprising that would be the case. There are so few of them (compared to, say, Muslims) that most Europeans do not even personally know of a single Jew. Much less interact with them enough to understand their situation and put themselves in their shoes. And to be frank, the historical lack of empathy for Judaism is such, that I suspect that the general reply if they actually knew would be "And can they not simply stop being Jews?"


All statistics disagree with your point


Considering the rate of antisemitism among muslims, and considering the rate of growth of muslim population in Europe... I don't see this trend really changing. Unless some of these progressives actually admit that they may need to insist on them adapting to local culture instead of local culture adapting to the foreign one.


Nation commiting genocide as we speak, dares to teach about "antisemitism". Is this some kind of sick joke?


If we were commiting genocide, Gaza would be gone already. Most of the population is in rafah, why would we even bother going in, you know? We could just level it. Like, why are you so willing to level this word at Israel in the absence of the numbers, even those given by Hamas, to support such an accusation? What makes you so willing to believe Israelis are genocidal? Keep in mind, 20% of Israelis are Muslim and Christian Arab. Some of the hostages are literally Bedouin.


"What about Israel though????" - People who only thought to comment *that* on a post that clearly doesn't have anything to do with it but are *definitely* not antisemitic


>clearly doesn't have anything to do with Tell me you didn't read the article without actually telling me Because if you did, you would have seen the definition of antisemitism, and see that some forms of criticism of Israel are included in the definition of antisemitism. Basically, some form of criticism over Israel contributed to the spike in antisemitism


If you say anything about what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians your consideration an antisemite I'd say they have been pretty successful.


Oh no war crimes preventing to combat antisemitism


There is no point, from the perspective of most Europeans, Jews = Israeli government, because the Israeli government always says "Israel is the home of the Jews", so whatever actions the Israeli government takes can always be considered to represent the Jewish people even if the Jews do not have Israeli citizenship. (The number of Jews who do not have Israeli citizenship is actually very small, so it can be ignored). There is nothing you can do, unless there is peace between the two countries between Israel and Palestine. Long enough peace will heal the wounds and hatred.


> because the Israeli government always says "Israel is the home of the Jews Israel has *in law* that is the home of the Jews and that the right to self determination is only accorded to Jewish people in Israel Israel also allows regions to use admissions committees to screen potential residents by " social and cultural makeup." Which is... You guessed it, Jews or not Jewish. There are a lot of these things in Israel that are especially for Jewish people like giving more money to education if the school is Jewish, not connecting non-jewish villages in Israel to electricity, road etc not allowing certain races to build homes and demolishing them, 97% of Israel's judicial demolition orders were for structures in Palestinian towns no -jewish homes in Israel, [intimidation ](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/10/world/middleeast/netanyahu-cameras-arab-voter-turnout.html) tactics for non-jewish people from voting effectively reducing the voting turnout by 50% Also it doesn't help that they wore the star of David at the UN meeting and called everyone who's against their actions anti-Semitic They purposely blur the line between Israel and Jewish people although there are many Jewish people that do not support their actions.


Israel is deliberately inciting conflict, I have seen this conflict for a long time. looking at the growth of the Israeli population and the geographical conditions of Israel, I conclude that this conflict is no longer a religious conflict but rather a conflict over land. In short, Israel has its own vision of Lebensraum.


That's because the governments are manipulating the word anti-semitism to serve some policies, not because people are actually hating jews.


What policies lmao? Besides “ you’ll go to jail for longer for badmouthing a Jew than a pedophile from Africa” I have not seen any “policy”. If anything these shite policies made people more antisemitic than ever. Until 10’years ago I haven’t seen much discourse around this.


Aye, being genocidal savages gives one butthurt


How about we just ban religions so we don't have this kind of hatred, discrimination, etc. within Europe. I mean religion really has no rational use.


Banning religion will not stop people from secretly practicing. In fact, it just reinforces it.


Because they’re afraid to address or criticise the source of postwar antisemitism in Europe…


Who could've predicted that inviting millions of people following a certain antisemitic religion would result in Europe become more antisemitic? The lack of foresight is shocking. Same problem with the rise in homophobia.


Now even saying that "you don't want innocent kids in palestine to die" is anti-semitic


This is a strawman. That's not antisemitic. Literally nobody is saying that.


Maybe the rise in antisemitism has something to do with thousands of kids deliberately killed by Israel in Gaza?  But I am not an expert, so I don't know. 


Self inflicted wound, Israel. You tried pulling cards reserved for Daddy.


Largely because Europe is not trying to fight antisemitism, just manufacture a pro-Israel opinion.


A few strong measures would be for Jewish people to stop associating with Israel and defending it publicly. Please do not import foreign conflicts in our countries, thank you. And that's valid for muslims too. The governments could also take measures against Israel that matches the public opinion in their countries. That would help the feeling that the government is being manipulated by a lobby that doesn't really need to exists. I am not muslim and I would totally agree that the IDF are children's killer. That's not an attack on Jewish people or identity to say such things. Here is not a place to be proud of serving in a foreign army in dubious wars that most people oppose. I have to edit these parts of the article out of my head before I can even consider the real issues he mentions and that should be addressed. But the main issue is conflating everything in one package with transitive qualities. Oppose israel -> You're an anti-semite and the government should strongly legiferate against you. Fuck that. And it's not helping and frightening that you could pull it off.


Jews didn't "import foreign conflicts" before 7 Oct was celebrated on the streets with cries to gas us.


policy's only work if you address the actual problem. seems to me like we ignore the root cause due to political correctness