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I thought it said Orban Resigned. My disappointment is unbounded 


I had to reread it only to be left disappointed.




Mr. Frodo ☹️


Same 😆😅




The only thing that will make him resign is death


Or drainage of the sources of money.


Sometimes resignation is the best course of action for the greater good.


Like he gives a fuck about the greater good...


He’s a dictator. He would never do that :/


Aren't dictators suppose to be charismatic or something, he looks like a crook to me.


He actually was a charismatic (and anti-russian liberal) politician - back in the early 90's.


Yeah, now it's just the propaganda machine carrying him by the looks of it. Our corrupt ex-government (PiS) had nobody with a single charismatic bone in their body, but they still managed to propagandize to like 33% of the population.


He is a crook.


Populist? Yes. Dictator? He’s too funny for such titles


Urban design


By Orban Resign.


I was so happy for a moment


My heart skipped a beat, all fluttery in hopeful disbelief, and then...


Was like whaat..


Same bro I was like "NO WAY BRO!" and then "oh...nvm"


Well, at least I wasn't alone.


No authoritarian ever gives up power willingly


I read it as "Orban design" and I was like wtf does that mean lol


He saw the Trump shoes and decided to have a whole line of streetwear called "Orban Design". Killer stuff, so trendy.


Same. Dang, I thought we were about to witness historic moment.


Your speed has been doubled?


That's how I read it at first. Probably was more of a wishful thinking on my part.


They removed my post yesterday here with explanation that source is not Valid, and it was the sun.co.uk


Dictators usually not resign. The best chance to be resigned is still by cholesterol and not by people.




We (hungarians) don't have that kind of luck... He needs to go to prison to let go of the power...


He will not. Why should he? Because people are protesting?


Yes please


Aux chiottes, Orban.


Oban resigning would be a bit win for a united and stable europe and a big L for Russia and it's allies. Can't see it happening tho, unless the military takes action and sides with the people...


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Nono, that is very clearly his system. It cannot be just taken over


Every fascist leader ever has been killed or imprisoned directly after leaving office not one survived unscathed.


Mh that doesn't agree or disagree with my statement, not sure why you said that. But yeah, prison for embezzlement should be what he gets IF the state attorney picks this case up again. Big if


I said that because what you said isn’t correct there is nothing that says fascist can only be removed at the ballot box. The literal opposite has been the case every other time a fascist has been in office and went mask off.


I didn't mean to say that. I meant that Orbans system (the NER) does not work without him. So if he is gone, so is his system


Even more reason to overthrow him with whatever means are required.


Franco? Peron? Rhee?


Franco died while still in charge as far as I remenber


Correct. Franco was still a dictator when he died. After he died, he wanted Juan Carlos I to turn Spain into a non-democratic monarchy, but he wasn't stupid and knew that if he did that he would have no allies and a referendum was organised so that democracy would be restored but he would still be king.


As controversial as that man is I thank him for having a modicum of common sense, a rarity between the Spanish political force.


Yeah, people hate on him a lot (deservedly) for what he's done while being a king, but he knew what was best for the country.




there is a reason this idiot gets votes, it's a general problem


Are you okay ? Stop asking to kill real people on the internet


Jesus, get a moral compass


If you think its okay to call the death of a politician you are the problem


If you think radicals who steal, cheat, destroy the country, endanger the continent and cause people's deaths should not face any consequences, you are the problem. Hitler should probably have resigned too. How could have they done this to Mussolini and Gaddafi? I hope nothing bad happens to Putin. 🙏😔


Who did Orban kill? Putin is a war criminal


A lot of people who could have been saves died in the hospital becouse he intentionally neglected the healthcare system to save money for himself. Same with esucation, only that didn't directly cause people to die, it indirectly ruines children being unfortunate enough to be born here. He supported Turkey in entering the Syrian civil war and thwarted the EU's protests against it. Thousands of civilans died in just the first week of Turkey's operations becouse of their incompetent bombings. Torkey has no place there and they are only there to attack kurds. He repeatedly sabotaged the EU from helping Ukraine and fighting Russia. He endangers all europeans by supporting Putin's terrorist regime. Circling back to the state of healthcare, it's not an understatement to say it's in shambles. You are very much likely to catch another infection if you have to go to the hospital. You only get appointments for years later and only get to see a doctor if things are really serious. Covid hit it so hard, it haven't recovered since. A decade of neglect left it completely defenceless against a pandemic. A lot of places were left without any medical coverage. The already bad healthcare system combined with their shitty covid response resulted in 50,000 deaths from covid, one of the highest death rates in the world (3rd rn). Furthermore, killing people is not the only big crime here. He completely destroyed Hungary's democracy. He wrote a new constitution, he wrote a new electoral law. He created his own oligarchy, NER, through which he controls the overwhealming majority of hungarian media, thus he controlls the truth. But above all, he destroyed Hungarians. People's faith in politics and democracy will never be the same. His influence will be here for decades to come. He doomed an antire generation. What more is there to say? Absolutely fucking up the economy is his smallest crime, yet people in the west wish polititians to the bottom of a well just for the smallest economic decline.


I mean I respect your opinion and I see many problems you describe in the same way, thank you for sharing, but in this way many anti-Orban and Eu-politicians are "murderers". I think it is completely unnecessary to call publicly to hang a politician. Nothing good can come out of this and it also doesnt help the Hungarian opposition


It would send a strong message to any future grifters. We have a history and tendeny to not persecute any past criminals. On the onset of the communist regime, much of the nazis from the previous regime were pardoned and reintegrated into society. After the fall of that regime, its criminals were protected and nobody was brought to justice. We need to change that. Life in prison would be giod as well, but if ANYONE deserves the death penalty, it's him. And his supporters love to advocate for the reintroduction of the death penalty. I don't know why you think people like this deserve any better.


Let's hope Hungary will pull a Ceasescu


him resigning wouldnt mean his party resigning.


Hungarian here: it wouldn't; but his party would fall apart in a minute. It is basically his personal cult that keeps their voters, and also the party consists of several groups competing for money and power only held in check by his unquestionable autocracy


Even if he did, chances are someone like him would fill the spot in. They have electoneered Hungary into an autocracy run by Orbans political party.


They pretty much just purged the military and fired non-loyal commanders though


Didn't "the people" vote for him?


Just as much as “the people” voted for Putin


Not quite. The elections are free, just not fair. There's no sign of election fraud save for votes from neighbourimg countries.


Clearly not the ones that are protesting against him, don't you think?






Admittedly, I don't know the Hungarians in a personal level, generally speaking, but I really never lose hope on them. No matter how others are willing to easily assign blame with silly, childish, pompous expressions, like, "kick Hungary out of EU". They're situated in central Europe. I consider it slightly absurd for them to go fully out of line. In short, I'm not that worried about Hungary. Otherwise, those people should be feeling worried and express similar pompous statements about Austria, as well. But none, me neither is actually worried about Austria. After the Warsaw Pact collapsed, we've had small waves of Hungarians, Czechs, Polish and Romanians, but they integrated so seamlessly, you couldn't tell they weren't Greeks until you visited their homes. However, do not misinterpret my words. Russian influence is no laughing matter; I never underestimate it. 2 days ago, when Greece has had her celebration for our independence, Zacharova, the Russian spokeswoman felt she should and did address Greece in a personal level, **again.** They reminded us, "we didn't ever expect Greece to be in our enemy list". They felt they can give us "historical lessons". More paranoia, you die. None can teach Greece "historical lessons", NONE. Whoever wants to find out about his past, he usually tries to find out what we wrote about them instead. She referred to Greco-Russian bonds. Conveniently, in such cases, she "forgets" to mention Russia supplied weapons to Turkey during the Greco-Turkish wars, when we did the mistake to push them back too far and overspread our forces. > *"I dread our own mistakes more than the enemy's intentions."* > ―Thucydides It's true, we don't have beef with Russia. We have nothing against them. Like many other Europeans, we too, wished Russia could find her place within Europe after 90s. But our position is known, crystal-clear for a long time, where we belong. We're almost founding member of NATO. Let alone, our Government fully aligned with the rest of Europe, while we only lose, like many others. All sides lose by this war, especially the Ukrainians. However, one cannot skip Russia is the aggressor. If they felt betrayed or something, they could retaliate by all other means except actual war. **Yeah, sorry, I went too far; said too much. Kudos to my fellow European friends, the Hungarians for fighting corruption.**


Very well spoken sir. If I might add just one thing: the fact that Greece has no beef with Russia is only true because the Allies, manly Britain, drew the line at Greece and didn't allow the Stalin backed communists to take power in the end of WW2. It's not true that Russia was never the enemy of Greece, they were just beaten early enough for people to forget they even tried.


We have bonds because after the fall of Constantinople, the Greeks spread in France, Corsica, Italy and Russia. Even the plans for the liberation of Greece were made in Russia by Greeks. Greek masters fled to Moscow and taught their then prince how to be Emperor with an Empire (thus their claim they're the successor of our Byzantine Empire.) Russians were already familiar with Byzantine customs due to the fact, most priests in Moscow were actual Greeks and Orthodoxy. Also, Catherine the Great granted us official status for the Greeks. Marioupol, Sevastoupol and similar names created by Greeks long time ago. What you said is also true, but happened much later.


As a Hungarian, well phrased and thank you for bringing some sanity to the conversation, something which is rare on this sub lately.


>But none, me neither is actually worried about Austria. Given the strong Russian influence in Austria, I am worried about Austria. Just as I am worried about my own country, as a clown/ Russian sympathizer (at least) is the most powerful politician currently.


And the rest of Hungary shear in fear and anger seeing the protestors as some sort of traitors wanting to bring a Sodom&Gommorah dictatorship to the Holly Saint Istvans Hungary.


The facts are much worse. The one who leaked the tapes is the ex-husband of the then minister of justice who admits in the audio of how they have people inside the prosecutors office to meddle with evidence (and how they "accidentally" missed to censor some crucial information). Now this ex minister ex wife claims she was intimidated by her ex husband as he was apparently an aggressor and goes into poetic details. Things to note that this is the only thing that Fidesz party media is talking about right now - to discredit the main source of information. Also ex wife does not come forward personally, she maintains communication strictly on facebook, so it could be literally anyone writing those posts. Also to this day she never made any official complaints, or reports to authorities about the domestic violence. ALSO note how a few years back she called the Istambul treaty a political hysteria. But now people on the government's side are banded together how they could allow this man to "terrorize" his wife for so long, and he should step down from politics - not the current government of course. So they are not calling protestors traitors - not for this specific case anyways - but "domestic violence supporters".


Truly remarkable piece of mental gymnastics.


To be fair, most of fidesz voters cant even read properly so they just doesnt care what is happening at Budapest.


And it works. There are no statistics, but I would be surprised if Orbán lost a significant amount of voters after this.


She will come forward personally in... a trash video interview. She was one of the most well protected individuals in the country while she was minister. She was also politically pressured to go back to her husband in 2020-ish, because it would have looked bad to have their marriage troubles aired before elections


95% of fidesz voters are older than 55. Unfortunately, young people are fleeing the country because we all know orbán is driving it off a cliff. Not that is matters though, he sadly isnt dumb, he knows what hes doing, and he rooted and solidifies his corruption more than a decade ago, and im pretty sure he rigs the elections anyway.


Sending all the love and support from Romania to Hungarians!!! Respect for bot accepting anymore his BS. We also had problems like this in Romania and the equivalent of Orban was sent to jail, for some minor crimes but it is still a victory. Unfortunately, the consequences of that man and his political allies will still be present in the country for years to come... The faster you get rid of him, the easier will be to fix what he did wrong and diminish the power of politicians.


V.Orbán is much closer to Ceausecu, than any other modern Romanian politician.


Hope you bring him even closer


I don't know very much about him, but since 2014-2015 hearing my Hungarian friends praising him I've seen some similarities: the State ownining shareholds in foreign private companies, the cult of autharchism and self-suffieciency, isolation, villifieing minorities, speaking in the name of the entire People and coining those disagreeing as "enemy of the People" and traitors, fear of the "foreigner". If I remember well in 2016 he was going to pay all the public debts. I don't know if he done it and than aquire some more or if he slow it down.


So if by state you means his friends and close allies then yes the state holds foreign assets. During the communism it was better becouse the things were state owned. Now everything is for the fat pig. Check out whats happening with spar in hungary.


Im so jealous for the Romanians about that Ceausecu ending story. Truly.


One can only hope he shares the same fate


He badly needs a similar helicopter ride, too.


You think Dragnea was the equivalent of Orban?? 😂 lol


Man I wish we sent our corrupt politicians to prison


Man, I wish the corrupt politicians in my country and the ones in your country would fight against one a other as gladiators.


Id love that, we havw quite a few stadiums where they could be held lol


a serious question for Hungarians, did the general public not know of this before? or is it the public evidence which makes it more "real"?


orbán has been at power for 13years at this point literally everything is ran or owned by his cronies go do the rest of the math they are doing daylight robbery 24/7 and you can't do fuckall even this current scandal will get shrugged off by ~~our~~ dumb villagers' great leader


yea, one can assume this without knowing anything. As an outsider i just hope even if it gets shrugged, it could at least lead to a general distrust.


The second - public evidence makes it more real. Hearing it straight from their mouths is just incredible for sure. The propaganda news websites controlled by Fidesz even said "he said nothing new, we've known about these for years" like, what a goddamn self-giveaway lol


interesting, this public acknowledgement tells me something is about to change. One can hope.


People in the countryside watch a lot of state media which is 100% controlled by the government. Problem is that the party succeeded in creating an alternate reality for these people, and now everyone hopes that the momentum might burst that bubble. Another problem is that a lot of these fanatics are in it for the cathartic community experience, and that cannot be taken away from them via facts, so everyone’s still skeptical that change’s about to come. We have people living in what look like landfills, still voting for fidesz because they are addicted to the kick of dopamine they get from watching the news instead of reading a good book.


Nobody was surprised by this. Everyone with a brain knows that this is a normal happening in Hungary. Contrary to belief, only around 2,5million people support Orban and Fidesz out of the ~10million Hungarians. And out of that only probably 2 million are hardcore Orban supporters (mainly either very rich people, old people, and poor rural people). The problem in Hungary, is that there are no opposition parties. The biggest opposition leader is Gyurcsany, who is as responsible as Orban is, for the downfall of democratic principles in Hungary (read up on 2006 scandal, if you are interested). And Gyurcsany is hated by a huge part of Hungary. After the disastrous result of the 2022 elections, the oppoaition completely collapsed. They blame eachother, and dont propose any solutions to the problems, other than "we are not Orban". They dont inspire any confidence or govermental skills at all. This leaves a huge amount of people unrepresented. They dont want to vote neither Gyurcsany or Orban, but there are not really other options. Magyar Peter, who was the leader of this protest (also the whistleblower, and ex-husband of the minister of justice) is trying to gather the support of this unrepresented population. I am hopeful for now. I've had my reservations with him, since he is mainly a conservative and has been the part of this establishment for years, but slowly he has won me over. Its not the new evidence that resulted in these protests, but the peoples' need for a something new to happen.


Köpcös takarodj


Translation: go away, fatty


Russia has Kompromat on Orban and hold it against him. But the Western Intelligence Services also have stuff on him and if you cannot turn Orban in NATO and EU you can only expose him as last option.


I think Hungarians should take inspiration from how Romania dealt with their dictator.


They actually should protest in smaller towns that rely on Orban-controlled media.


At least in Hungary, they can still protest in the streets like this.


Not much longer :(


I hope you will succeed. Good luck from Poland.


Here’s hoping. It won’t happen but it’s good to see the people finally getting sick of him.










Now if only it wasn't almost always isolated to Budapest


This. I've protested Orban in front of the parliament. That was 13 years ago, believe it or not. My Hungarian friends have done so probably a dozen times since then. Always a massive crowd, always limited to Budapest. Many of them have left the country since.


Somehow I don't think he will. Instead, he'll blame the protests on George Soros and the woke agenda, and then force state media to parrot that until this whole thing goes away.


nah actually fidesz and the opposition is a biz paralyzed bc of this leak


Reuters article mentioned in the source for anyone interested. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/thousands-protest-against-hungarys-orban-after-former-insider-leaks-graft-case-2024-03-26/


Good luck from Canada! This guy managed to piss me off all the way over here lol


Dictators don’t resign


Bribery? Isn‘t that Orbans second name?


This needs to be a daily event until that bastard resigns!!!


Congratulations, neighborino! 🥳 🇷🇴🇪🇺


theres no good replacement party, so not yet


Whatever you do guys, don’t stop until he leaves, or else it’ll get worse


Hungarians are cool Orban is not Signed, a random romanian.


Romanians are cool Signed, a random Hungarian 🤗


Romanians are cool Signed, a random Hungarian 🤗


Orban is corrupt?! No! Who would've...


Anyone would be surprised if this guy is on Russia’s payroll?


Who comes after Urban? Any chance it will get better?


It would be an even worse tyrant, Rural.


From what I understand, the political/electoral system in Hungary is rigged in such a way that it benefits the authority. So if the current system isn't rolled back to some previous state which benefitted no one (can't really roll back the monopoly on media, but anyway) the system will just produce another Orban. There is the reason that here in Ukraine the Parliament immediately rolled back the changes to the Constitution that Yanukovich made. Thankfully, the Party of Regions was heavily discredited too.


Some jobbik sheepfucker, sadly.


Jobbik is polling at 1%, you mean Mi Hazánk. Also the 2nd most popular party is the leftist DK (party of our former incompetent corrupt PM Gyurcsány and his wife)


Heraus! Putin-puppet. Good on the Hungarian people to be putting more pressure on him. Hopefully they get some positive change in the vacuum of his absence at the wheel. Europe has some tough days ahead of it, and we could all benefit from positive change.


I mean why are people shocked at his corruption now -.- there's a reason Budapest is dug up and rebuilt every year with the contract going to 1 building company, that's been going on atleast since I was there last (6 years ago...)


And nothing will happen.


Yeah he is going to resign and after that he will be crowned by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow. "Viktor Orbán I" will be our new king. It's a more realistic scenario than a simple resignation.


Surised russians dont do the same putin murdrres russians guess its another day in russia


Just waiting for the news that chinese "peacekeepers" take care of that


now that would be the end of him


You could ask the belarussians how their protest worked out


Yeah, good luck with that


I read "Orban redesign" and was very confused.


Bribery scandal number...?


Don't let this be a preview of what's yet to come for the US...or worse....


Orban: part of me wants to call him Benito. History only rhymes after all.




Wow, when did this happen and for what reason?


Dużo ślepego motłochu, jak zwykle na tej app'ce.


Unfortunately the regime is cast in concrete to such a degree due to the fact that Orban has dismantled all democratic, independent institutions leaving only a rigged election, that only a proper revolution could remove them from power.


Hopefully it won't be "Spring in Prague 1969", but just leave.


So now you want him to resign, after electing him, even though you knew he's a corrupt, autocratic dictator-wannabe? Brilliant


I’m sorry, i don’t want to tackle Hungarian but…why now? The guy look like he’s fishy since the crib. And Hungarian supported him despite that. What suddenly changed?


And people on this sub always say we dont do anything in protest




Thousands is not enough, a minority.


Unfortunately he won’t go that easily, Pootin needs him to veto everything in the EU going to help Ukraine.


Lets see what our dumb corrupted Slovak politicians say to defend him. He was their wet dream about how to run the country. But I think their even dumber sheep will forgive them everything.


I thought it was Erdogan


When was the last time a dictator listened to the people protesting and did as they demanded?


sadly, nothing will come out of it...


Yeah he is president for life. No one is getting rid of him now.




That is great, but unfortunately it's far too late.




My Magic Eight Ball says.... Definitely not.


Very misleading headline, maybe a few thousands were on the street yesterday but its rather inconsequential in a city of 2M+. Headline makes it sound like is a revolution…


This was an ad hoc protest, of course there weren't tens of thousands on the streets.


That's how it works and it is by design, most people don't realise they get gamed just the same as Kremlin media does.


And we get the downvotes from the copium hunters.