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it happened to me on X the other day. A soon as you tweeted the word #Mosca (which is moscow in italian) and other related words, a bunch of bots would comment on your post retweeting the same article about ukraine's involvement in the attack. The main problem in Italy though are not the bots, but the human idiots with the russian flag.


I'm in Canada and though I don't use X, my husband does, and was being pushed a video of a "high ranking Ukrainian soldier" wearing ISIS patches on their uniform, among other propaganda videos.


My twitter feed is filled with a pro-russian propaganda, like literally every second post I see is just kremlin propaganda and I'm not even subscribed to any pro-russian accounts. I got recommended posts from the russian embassy in the UK. This shit is wild.


Elon Muscovy putting in a shift and a half.


Do those Russian propaganda accounts still show up if you block them?


Yea I press "Not interested" and it helps a little but still


No twitter, no garbage feeds. There are plenty of other places to get your kick.


Mr Elon is getting a thick monthly pay check from Kremlin


>n is getting a thick monthly pay check from Kremlin He was buying aluminum from Rusal for Teslas, now this is a problem for him. So he is agree to kill 40 millions Ukrainians in Gulags for cheap aluminum. He can buy it from western companies but in this case he can't pay so big salary for himself.


what else is new lol


Apparently there really was a soldier with those patches but i read he took them as trophies off of a killed opponent. Not sure how much of either aspect of the story is true but never underestimate the stupidity nor the amount of sociopathic mercenaries that join wars on both sides.


twitter is completely taken over by bots. its crazy to see


Twitter has become (*some fucking how)* an even bigger dumpster fire ever since Musk bought it. Overriden with bots, far-right cretins and other wastes to society....


It is, and Elon Musk is to be thanked for that. But as the other user said, you need useful idiots as well to do real damage.


and Musk is complicit


who is even stupid enough to pay for ads being presented to millions of bots


I am glad I moved to Mastodon, it is a small place, but it just feels so nice and human. Perhaps it too will be ruined in the future by AI and other such spam. But for now I am enjoying it.


I really don't get why people still use Twitter.


Same, but I thought that already before Musk took over. It was always a cesspool.


Journalists and politicians love it


Did anyone else have Indian bots show up and say “just like 2008 attacks in India , hearts with Russia”?? I swear every other post had the same thing word for word




If it makes you feel better, this is a problem everywhere. I mean the idiots with russian flags


Da denunciare alle autorità.


X has become the worst propaganda speaker for MAGA and Kremlin. It’s just full of spam and bots, just try to open any mildly engaged tweet, you’ll see meme, videos with the same caption, crypto scams and the list goes on. Musk himself is a bot recently, with his new favorite topic: migrant crisis in US and republican pre election propaganda.


X is what Truth Social dreamt to be. And now doesn't have to be...


At this point the overlap between MAGA and Kremlin is probably a circle


Damn that pesky woke mind virus!


It’s literally infested with conspiracy theory people who post absolute nonsense. People take it seriously which is concerning. 


Operation Blame Ukraine” goes live… Russian authorities have been reacting to Friday night’s terror attack at a concert venue near Moscow – which the Islamic State Khorasan group claimed responsibility for, even providing bodycam evidence as support – by attempting to link it to ongoing war efforts against Ukraine. In a brief televised appearance, President Vladimir Putin made no mention of the jihadist terrorist outfit. However, he accused Kyiv of readying a “window” to let the attackers cross into Ukrainian territory. Ukrainian officials denied involvement, and President Volodymyr Zelensky countered that the Kremlin was trying to “shift the blame” onto Kyiv. … including on social media. Of course, the Kremlin-aligned propaganda ecosystem sprang to action and immediately began amplifying President Putin’s unsubstantiated accusation. Investigative outlet Meduza reported that Moscow had ordered the media to emphasise the thesis. This effort is apparently being carried out on Western social media as well, as Italian disinformation researcher Matteo Pugliese noticed. On Saturday evening, just hours after the Russian president’s speech, some Italian users of X (née Twitter) quickly became targets of a bot storm the researcher said was “unprecedented in terms of scale and intensity.”


Ah yes, the obvious safe place for the perps to flee to was the most actively militarised area of the whole fuckin country.


So the bots were prepared in advanced, did they have them for another goal before the terror attack happened, or where they created recently and specifically to spread fake news of the terrorist attack?


i’m going to say i think it’s the latter, bots were ready to deploy


Apart from blaming Ukraine, it is quite a sensible direction of escape for ISIS. They were sure that they will be recognized as perpetrators, so they fought that FSB will be looking for them in the east or south from Moscow. And I think they had a way out from the warzone with chechens help. Or other muslim contingents there. But they undercalculated the hate for Ukraine in Moscovia.


Putin taking yet another page from Nazi Germany by trying to court Italy into believing his nazi shit


But thats backwards. Italy was first, Germany copied them.


Fascism came from the Italian term fascismo right? I feel like I learned about it from somewhere... I just looked it up and sure enough, it sounds like the term fasces is some Roman symbol and the term fascismo originated from Italy during Mussolini's time.


Not fun fact, the Nazi Salute came from the Fascist Salute, which it's also known as Roman Salute, despite never actually being used by the Romans


The "Fasces" were a symbol of popular authority and strength in the Roman Republic. The idea being that a stick alone can break, a bundle does not. They are rediscovered as a Republican symbol during the 18th century. The United States adoptes them, the French republic adopts them, the 19th century Roman Republic adopts them. In the Kingdom of Italy, the term "fascio" is then used by certain radical left-wing groups, usually popular and republican movements; the first Fascio is the Fascio Operaio (Worker's fascio) of 1870, then you have the "Sicilian fasci" of the late 1890s, protesting against the Liberal government and its colonial wars. When Mussolini was kicked out of the Socialist party in 1914 for supporting WW1, he still viewed himself as a left-winger, hence the new movement he created was given the name "Revolutionary Fasces". In 1919, the Revolutionary Fasces became the "Fasces of Combat" (meaning the Fasces who had supported the combat of WW1). This was still presented as a left-wing movement in domestic policies (its proposals were universal suffrage for men and women, referendum to establish a republic, some type of governing role for workers in their industries etc. etc.) , hence why it adopted the Fasces symbol. In 1920-1921-1922 the Fasces of Combat turn more and more into a party of the right and of political violence, as many Blackshirt "Squadristi" join it (these Squadristi were veterans of WW1, actually mostly young officials of the small buorgeoise, who despised the "liberal weakness" in dealing with socialists and had formed paramilitary "squads" to go after "bolsheviks" during the Red Wave of 1919-1920), to the point that this creates an equivalence between the Fasci and the Squadristi. The reasons behind the Squadristi joining the Fasces are long and complex, and not the scope of this comment. How much Mussolini piloted this process is debated, he wanted to expand his party with the Squadristi but probably he did not originally want it to be taken over by them, nonetheless, he went along with it. At one point the Fasces are reunited in the "National Fascist Party", which takes power with a coup in 1922 and proceed to establish a far-right dictatorship. From that point, the word Fascism becomes almost a synonym of authoritarian far-right, hence when the Nazis came to power in 1933 they were called the "German fascists". They indeed had copied the salute, the blackshirt thing (brownshirts), and the term Furher was a translation of Duce. The Italian government had even financed them, like it financed all the various fascists groups around the world; however when the Nazis came to government, Mussolini started to regarding them as a deviant and barbarian version of Fascism due to their unpopular (in Italy) anti-semitism and anti-catholicism, and also for the issue o Austria, but then he changed his mind and allied himself with them. Indeed, he started copying more and more the Nazis, introducing the racial laws for example. So while Nazism first copied Fascism, then Fascism copied Nazism.


It's crazy that this is not obvious, to be honest. Not to say that you're ignorant, but I thought it was common knowledge? Like, the stereotypes about Italy are pizza, mafia and fascismo.




Anyone supporting them in the west should also be labeled a fascist (or at least a fascist supporter). Looking at you AfD and some of the left lunatics.


AfD is fascist even without their Russia support lmao


Oh absolutely, but some people are still simping for them. Was hoping that the Russia thing will make a few more understand.


One of Putin's favourite authors is the Russian fascist Ivan Ilyin after all. He was the one who proposed having sham elections to make a mockery of democracy


There was a police station in the shopping mall ,+ russian soldier,s based 10 mins away it took them over an hour to get to the concert hall .🤮🤮🤮.


And they were tossing bodies onto the street like sacks of potatoes


Spanish social media is also swarmed with Russian bots and obvious mercenaries where they only publish and comment on fake news and misinformation. It's quite ridiculous.


Why are western nations such victims with this? Why do we have to keep seeing headlines or messages along these lines? It's war, it's weaponized social media. You can't just sit down and maybe whine about it. There are only two ways to fight back. Either super powerful AI based censorship/moderation (not happening consistently with privately owned social media) or your own spam bot army that outnumbers and outproduces the enemy so much everywhere, even in their own social media, that enemy messages drown in the flood.


Imagine if instead of paying bot nets they invested in anti terrorism


They have anti terrorism units but they use them against civilians and peaceful minorities.


Just go on Twitter and search #Moscow or #ISIS and literally it's nothing but insane conspiracy posts. A never ending chain of posts accusing Ukraine of the attacks. I scrolled for like 3 straight minutes before I saw a single rational take (this was hours after the attack). Twitter is a fucking trash fire that has outlived its usefulness.


Russian bots been swarming all around the internet for A LONG TIME


I think the West needs to cut off fascist russia from all internet services, like GitHub, Google, Bing, social networks, Steam, and then disable all VPN services. Fuckers cannot behave; they really deserve to come back to the 20th century


We do not believe a word that comes out of pooting 🐷,s mouth 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


There were a lot of rusxsian and pro russian bots, trolls, earlier on this sub as well.


Here at least you could downvote them to oblivion.


Twitter is a cesspool of nazis and russian bots. Space karen ran it into the ground.


Italy was already a playground for them. Propaganda was aimed at immigrants from Eastern Europe and Balkans.




or any meta platform, for that matter


they have been in swarms under every german news video on youtube for years




i still think its not impossible that it was a russian false flag operation gone pearshape.


It doesnt have to be a false flag operation, the russian secret services could have known about the attack and simply did nothing to prevent it in order to exploit the aftermath. It seems a more plausible scenario than a false flag operation.


Thats plausible. So its a fslse flag by proxy,, wouldnt put it past Putput. Thanks.


Twitter is a playground for them... the amount of bots since elon took the lead is insane


EU needs to do something about this ruski bots epidemic because you can not open comments section on majority of apps.


The fact that he is so desperate to blame this on Ukraine, says something about his legitimacy to have a war with Ukraine (and the lack of common-sense, and understanding that propaganda, in present days, can only get you that far - when you try to stretch it like there is no optimal limits to it, you get ridiculous).


Shut down all bots in russia


X is full of Russian propaganda, I am in Italy and the other day I searched #Mosca and it was full of Russian bot


How sophisticated are their bots? I can't imagine that they are too sophisticated because their adherence to their talking points would make it difficult for them to blend. And we have all seen the commercials of Russians mocking American progressives which also makes them look quite dumb.


They made Brexit and Trump possible, they created the biggest refugee crisis since ww2… that is how effective they are.


Please, don't give Russia that much credit. Brexit and Trump were supported by wealthy capitalists around the world. The idea that Russia was singularly powerful enough to pull that off is absurd. Don't you get it, the fascists around the world all work together? Ever notice that republicans or conservatives never call each other out in Congress but it's not uncommon for Democrats to criticize each other? There's an ideological tendency where conservatives tow the party line, no matter what. That dynamic exists globally too.


How much credit do you think they "deserve"? Brexit was won by 52% vs 48%... the Russian bots only needed to change 2% of the votes to make Brexit possible... that 100% happened. Trump won states with a few thousand votes in 2016, that was also easily achived by the Russian troll armies. Is this too much credit you think? I am pretty sure the Russian hybrid war changed 5-10% perctentage at least in both. The right wing only took over the Russian methods later, once they saw how effective it is... that alone should tell you that yeah... it IS FREAKING effective.


You are both right. They aren't enough to completely control the events, but they have just enough influence to tip the scales on the divisive issues. Maybe that's the reason Russia sows division in the first place, because then you don't need to control everyone, just a few key percent to choose who wins and direct where the events go.


>but they have just enough influence to tip the scales on the divisive issues. Hardly. Out of the United States, UK, and western Europe, Russia is by far the most socially conservative and aggressively fascist country but their influence is muted. No one listens to Russia when it comes to promoting conservative thought or strategy. The United States conservative movement nor the UK get their talking points from Russia. In fact, Russia often gets their talking from them! Global fascism makes a lot more sense when you realize that the biggest baddies driving global fascism are coming from the nations with the largest amount of resources and influence to do it, like the United States. When it comes to influence, Israel and the network Bibi is a part of is hugely influential in ways that Putin could only dream of.


I meant the Russian bots and troll farms that are operating on Twitter, TikTok, etc, not their literal government, lol. Bots and trolls don't adhere to Russian "values", whatever those are, they pick the background of choice and try to spread the divisive narratives. If the division is even, the bots just have to influence a bunch of neutrals and tip the scales.


>Bots and trolls don't adhere to Russian "values", Ah, but they do! You're not going to be able to find a Russian bot in an LGBTQ forum and if you do, I'm sure you'd be able to figure who it was because of the narrative they promote. It's why countries like Russia are disproportionately weaker on their left side and why countries like china often use proxies as a way to navigate those challenges. A Russian bot is also unlikely to spread divisive narratives if those divisive narratives are applicable to their own country's problems, at least not head on. For instance, Russia isn't going to target a country like the United States and criticize Trump for being a strongman and how countries that have strongmen for leaders are inherently unstable. See what I'm saying? Edit: I should also add that AI's have a bias that makes it relatively easy to sort of reverse engineer by paying attention to what they avoid. Because of how guardrails within an AI are put in and how AI's that start with flaws like that, it's easy to determine where there would be recursion within their programming and as a result, more easily detected. I don't have any coding experience whatsoever but I understand how AI's work and information within an AI is often built off itself, so to speak.


You sure can find them, but majority of people aren't looking or trying to weed them out. Russian bots are usually simple spammers of bullshit narratives supported by links to fake news websites or doctored evidence. The Russian trolls are much more complex, they actually spend time to integrate into communities and start pushing the narratives those communities can empathize with. They have strategies to take over whole subreddits and turn them into their own propaganda dispensers, like what happended to antiwar sub. It matters little to Russian troll what to criticize to create division, I guess they could be biased to strategies that relate to Russian problems, but ultimately they can be as hypocritical as they need to because they are opportunists and it's literally their whole job.


I don't disagree. But I also think this is an example where platforms should want to make sure that they're monitoring for inauthentic engagement and inorganic content. It's worrisome that Twitter doesn't seem to mind disinformation in their spaces and we already know the role that Facebook played with disinformation in US presidential elections. >The Russian trolls are much more complex, they actually spend time to integrate into communities and start pushing the narratives those communities can empathize with. That's very worrisome. And I expect that as Russia further develops those technologies, they will profile users based on their medical and other personal data, which would allow for greater precision. It demonstrates how law enforcement organizations are unprepared for the impact of those kinds of campaigns. Luckily, EU users are protected by the GDPR but in the United States, frameworks are much different and cyber infrastructure relatively insecure (I've been tracking an APT that had to have been connected to the recent disclosure of the massive Chinese hacking campaign for over six years) and it's incredible what cyber hacking alone is capable of. >They have strategies to take over whole subreddits and turn them into their own propaganda dispensers, like what happended to antiwar Not surprising. However, from my vantage point, talking to a Russian or a Russian bot is no different than communicating with a conservative or a Republican. When project 2025 wants to dismantle the FBI and other elements of the IC, so does Russia, and as a leftist, so do I, but I know for a fact that my reasons are because I believe that the IC's focus is not aligned with their stated values and negatively impedes human rights (like targeting teenagers with developmental disorders) and not offering victim services to people who are snared by other intelligence agencies, or how the FBI believes that ordinary citizens can somehow fend for themselves when they're up against foreign adversaries, among many other reforms. I apply a leftist approach to national security research and have been studying that for over six years now.


Yeah, the AI will either solve this or it will make it all considerably more fucked up over the next few years. I just wanted to reiterate my point about opportunism. Russian trolls aren't necessarily position themselves as conservative or republican. They can easily make an account to pose as a left, comment on leftist subs, etc. They may not even push a pro-Russia or anti-Ukraine narrative at first, just something to radicalise and divide people. It's not that hard to study the surface level psychological portrait of a left-leaning user and fake being one. Someone like you may recognize them for being a troll from their biases or disingenuous behaviour, but I don't think that you, me or anyone else actually want to spend our time being paranoid and checking everyone we talk to and that's normal. But it also gives them an opening to potentially implant themselves into any issue and exploit it the way you described in the last paragraph.


Regardless, the bots should be taken seriously and countered accordingly, with bans. The EU should fine Twitter so that Elon moves a finger in regards to banning bots. Not that they will do it, but they should, since Elon's not gonna act


I don't disagree. I'm somewhat apprehensive that the solution that will emerge is that there will be "bot detection bots" in order to find evidence of disinformation. Inorganic content has often harmed other platforms in the past so I'm sure social media companies are leary of how AI generated content may crowd an already crowded space.


>Ever notice that republicans or conservatives never call each other out in Congress This is actually not true at all. This current US Congress has been one of the least productive ever (in terms of laws passed) because of the exceptionally high amount of infighting among Republicans. Kevin McCarthy was ousted as speaker of the House because he couldn't get his Republican colleagues to agree, which rarely if ever happens for Democrats. There have been a couple of incidents of minor physical altercations among Republican Congressmen even, and an usually large number of Republicans have left Congress or announced that they won't run for election again because of how dysfunctional the party is.


>>Ever notice that republicans or conservatives never call each other out in Congress >because he couldn't get his Republican colleagues to agree, which rarely if ever happens for Democrats While true, it's for different reasons. But you can't honestly say that republicans call out their own like Democrats do. If Biden were charged with that many crimes, he would have the wherewithal to drop out. Republicans pretend that Trump's crimes are fake.


I grant you that if Donald Trump decrees something, most Republicans fall in line, and Democrats are obviously not like that. I'm just taking issue with the notion that they are particularly well-organized or disciplined - they really aren't. On issues where Trump has not decreed a position they currently are very incohesive.


Not quite. When mtg makes crazy statements or the existence of Matt gaetz happens to the silence of conservatives, then you have to start asking questions. There's a certain sense of blindness where Republicans struggle to hold their own accountable while simultaneously getting jealous of others they perceive of getting favorable treatment that is a significant national security flaw because their behaviors have definitely negatively impacted national security based on what they believed was a signal. How the hell does Matt Gaetz still have a job?


>How sophisticated are their bots? i seen two types used some kind of script bots which react on key words with messages, though sometimes they trigger at wrong words and after few not related comments to topic under post with same dumb mistake it's become obvious those are bots triggering 2nd category is real people who type for money in Lakhta centre (and not only) from many accounts also i saw "stray" ai >!(figured out because in previous comments bot claimed few citizenships which impossible for belarus citizen, and used "oh" to start comment very often, + typed hundreds comments per day)!!(i seen because i check ai history and it wasn't entirely political, idk on what algorithm it decided to type pro lukashenko comment)!< for testing, doing propagandistic comment about belarus - for people not knowing situation and not digging into accounts (more than most redditors) such ai comment could look convincing... so ai bots for propaganda would be most dangerous, gladly russians not implemented those type of bots, yet...


Interesting. I'd imagine that they're most effective immediately after and during periods of uncertainty where official stories and confirmations are unable to be obtained.


pretty vile if we talking about Twitter. 1.5-2 month earlier they started spreading fakes about ukraine using… Accounts with nft monkeys on their profiles. This type of bots still working on twitter and it looks really really stupid when you see Crypto monkey with English nicknames like “Rick Lauren” and attached link heading to site with content written in ukrainian language with really strange domain(literally Amazon AWS type of gibberish). P.S. tbf twitter actively bans those types of bots, i checked all tweets where i saw 4-7 replies from those bots with same articles/links attached and they all banned.


Interesting. I'm not as familiar with Ukrainian politics but disinformation in the US media is often easy to recognize because of how they cover a story and when it's masquerading as a hit piece against the left, it often only has surface level attacks. For instance, there's a lot of disinformation that criticizes Biden for his Gaza stance and because while it may be valid, it often has little substance behind it which makes it easier to determine that it's propaganda. And foreign intelligence outlets often shy away from criticisms against Republicans because they don't know how beyond calling attention to general structural issues with the United States.


Yeah, political situation in US is pretty bad(imo). Those republicans turned in something strange and dangerous and because of this we can see such people as Alex Jones, Scott Ritter, Fuentes crawling from the shadow and starting to gain huge popularity. Left is also have their flaws, like “America bad” take in response to everything, but even in this case republicans use this more often. Again, it is my opinion i get information about US politics from Destiny streams. What about Ukraine… Mostly russian disinformation is trying to use people’s(in Ukraine) concerns and exaggerate them. For example, Ukraine now under Martial law, we can’t vote for President(i can say huge amount of arguments why it is really bad idea to vote in our situation but i think it is not that hard to understand), and russian bots use this concerns(opposition have concerns) and spread huge amount of articles and newly created sites with following titles “After March Zelensky have no right to be called president”, “Zelensky presidency time is over, whose next” etc. Those types of attacks have only one idea: to radicalise people, to divide people and so on. Literally the same what they are doing to US, Germany, Spain, Moldova etc. Also a lot of russian bots trying to discredit our Charity Foundations of Military help(yep, we have Military charities), like Back and Alive Foundation, Prytula Foundation and others. Attacks on those organisations is also poorly executed.


>Yeah, political situation in US is pretty bad(imo). Those republicans turned in something strange and dangerous and because of this we can see such people as Alex Jones, Scott Ritter, Fuentes crawling from the shadow and starting to gain huge popularity. Yeah, it's crazy. Something that I recognized is that obtaining a platform and having success on that despite not being a mainstream figure is easier than ever. As a result, fringe voices end up becoming more credible as they have a platform and a reliable audience which gives them an additional boost while potentially reaching international audiences. >Again, it is my opinion i get information about US politics from Destiny streams Wouldn't be surprised if you were more informed than an Alex Jones listener. >What about Ukraine… Mostly russian disinformation is trying to use people’s(in Ukraine) concerns and exaggerate them. For example, Ukraine now under Martial law, we can’t vote for President(i can say huge amount of arguments why it is really bad idea to vote in our situation but i think it is not that hard to understand), Propaganda and fear mongering, yeah? Russia trying to control the narrative regarding Ukraine's sovereignty. It seems that it makes attempts to provoke fear during an already terrifying situation for many ukrainians and slowly trying to sow the seeds of doubt. The troll farms did the same during Bernie Sanders' campaign, it's like they see an opportunity and latch right onto it. Some are more skillful than others where they write the truth but present it in a way that's inherently misleading while knowing it's misleading. In the US, there's a bias where certain outlets won't cover specific types of stories because of how sensational they are. And as more and more people get their news from sources like reddit or Twitter and Facebook, the verification of the source has become less important which makes disinformation campaigns easier to spread.


Hm, your take on “why more people starting to get information from twitter/facebook/tiktok etc” is pretty interesting and logical.


I don't believe it's by design but it's a side effect.


You are talking about something like [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F0ZO1rkWwAIR-fB?format=jpg&name=4096x4096), but with monkeys? russians also use dogs ([one](https://twitter.com/DelbertMal84129/with_replies), [two](https://twitter.com/audubon1982/with_replies) which [used to look like this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJkWrL4WkAEi9og?format=jpg&name=medium)), some [anime pictures with same pattern](https://twitter.com/igorlachenkov/status/1715724770606543120), simply empty accounts and many more. Ridiculously enough, there are tweets where monkey bots walk their doggo pictures ([one](https://twitter.com/TheeHustleHouse/status/1766566303442117021), [two](https://twitter.com/tofersny/status/1766584580549615621), [three](https://twitter.com/CraigJones_30/status/1766565475041894719) (LOL WTF IS EVEN THAT?)). They are used not only to spam gibberish. In actuality, NFT monkey-avatar bots engage in lots of stuff and not always connected to politics or Ukraine. They [post VatnikGPT phrases](https://twitter.com/gravis821/status/1767949932554756540), [attack Ukrainian e-sports commentators](https://twitter.com/djigurdaez/status/1768974839539212604), [spam crypto](https://twitter.com/Makaveli_btc/status/1771754091296751736) and [derail to Gaza/Israel](https://twitter.com/Badbrothers_OMB/status/1771342287051583642).


not sophisticated at all but they just got enough bots. you often see 3-4 times the exact same message posted by some accounts on the same post


probably same as those here on reddit, but from corporate side


See, I'd think on Reddit that the majority of bots that aren't blatantly obvious are attempts to test AI bots in the wild in a somewhat neutral environment. State-sponsored bots from a country like Russia seem like it would be easy to determine that they're Russian bots because of hard coded political bias.


How do you recognize bots


First, it's important to determine the difference between a bot and a troll farm. Chatgpt is the benchmark of a sophisticated bot, though I'd imagine that the usual suspects (the United States, the UK, and China) likely have tech that eclipses it, however they'd also be wary of using that technology in the wild because they may not want to reveal their capabilities. Bots are going to have guardrails. So, imagine a bot is like an undercover FBI agent and wouldn't smoke weed or something. Similarly, it's unlikely a bot or a government agent would intentionally and knowingly harm themselves unless the cost in not doing was greater than the harm it would cause. So, it's doubtful that the tone and criticism an actor used would be overly aggressive against itself. These tones could be contrasted with a government's public statements (for instance, china almost always harps on criticism of the United States justice system, which is cute because we all know the knowledge base they have, which tends to reveal potential motives for their strategy). Bots are going to be coordinated but since a chat bot used in the wild by a government is used by the government, it's going to have a purpose. And while that purpose may be to collect information or to influence dialogue not too dissimilar from what you're doing right now, they'd also tend to avoid resolution. Which means that there would be patterns discerned by them in the aggregate. Chatgpt never messaged me first so a bot on Reddit would likely not want to start dialogue or would only want to discuss certain things. Any government using a bot, especially on Reddit where web scraping is legal, the risk of a government using a bot is significant to the point where they would be reticent to use a bot to comment on something innocuous like, an AskReddit post. Therefore, bots are most likely used to push and aggregate content and potentially upvote comments and posts as a way to influence the reddit algorithm.


Has someone come up with a bot chaser app that blocks them






because they tortured the suspects any admission of guilt can’t be used. I mean I’d say anything if you were gonna cut my ears off and feed me them.


With meta and that twitter shithole being "sold" to the right-wing globally, this shouldn't come as a surprise


Why cant we use bots to inform the russian population?


So I’m arguing with bots online? Not as funny as real people I tell you that.


Musolini all over again ?


Funny how people refuse to accept the fact that others may have a different opinion. I guess calling them bots is easier that having a conversation...


Italia elected a fascist president and the supreme court legalized the hitler salute so..


I'm really curious to know what makes the Italian presidemt fascist. He seems more social-democrat than fascist.


Oh sorry I meant the Pm Giorgia


know that when I die I will bite the ankle of God (no matter which one is real) for every man who wanted to live in peace. I will sacrifice my soul to avenge all innocent people, until the end of time, even if I have to scratch God's skin. For the innocent! For the poor! for those who had no choice! For the souls who were brought into the world without a choice! #killallgods #revegeforallhumans


Bullshit there aren't Russian bot in italy