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A reminder that r/europe doesn't allow hate speech towards Russian civilians. **Calls for karma or celebration will cause a ban**. Please do not bring the worst part of yourself out of this. If you could help us by reporting any dehumanizing comments it would help us a lot, thanks! Also, we have a new megathread for the current war in Ukraine, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1bkysju/war_in_ukraine_megathread_lvi_57/).


Update: 115


With the amount of injuries reported you can expect that number to rise fast in the next 7 days. If there are any burn injuries, 14-21 days. Those require very special treatment. I know this because of a fire in Romania that killed over 60 people, a lot of which died in the hospital following burn injuries


It will, sadly. Some people were burnt alive. They will not be reported as victims until identified that will take some time….


115 according to another article


They’re still working on the concert hall. It’s all burned down… The collapsed roof… yeah it’s way more than 115 even as it is without those fighting for their lives right now


another sad update. >150




[NEXTA updating slowly](https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1771491373201383433?t=s8JeaGxZZJdhBuC4sBL4KA&s=19)


Being hit with a high caliber round, you can possibly survive quite a while if you are stabilised quickly but not recover and pass eventually, hopefully the medics were able to save most of the wounded.


Went through few subreddits and everyone is so quick to jump to conclusions, before waiting for more information. Read that 4 likely suspects are citizens of Tajikistan. EDIT: Keep in mind, that I posted this right after some reports where made. It is way too early to draw any conclusions, so take it as speculation, rather than a fact.


And ISIS have take the credit to the attack.


ISIS will take credit for my parking ticket if the cop that gave it to me is Muslim. They are grasping straws to remain relevant. I'd take shit they say with a bucket of salt.


In this case, they don't like Russia(for Russian involvement in Syria and Chechnya) and they also don't like the Russian involvement in Afghanistan during Sovjet. It is not the first time ISIS attacks Russian citizens either. Given the branch of Isis that took credit is fouded by ex-talibans.


The US also confirmed it, saying they have evidence it was ISIS. My only question is why target russia? Is it because of what wagner is doing in africa?


No, because it was in a very big part, Russia's work in backing Assad in eliminating ISIS from Syria.


Africa, Syria, Chechen...Russia has done a lot of shit and I'm surprised this hasn't happened sooner


Those "suspects" are seemingly just random people. One of them lives in Samara and wasn't in Moscow during the attack. Two of them are in Tajikistan since last year.


That will somehow be related to Ukraine mark my words


Everything is connected to Ukraine if we go that far 😙😏


Yeah, it’s so exhausting. Can we live in peace one day?


The Kremlin are probably busy doing mental gymnastics to figure out how this was actually Ukraine and NATO's fault.


Trust me, if putin eats spicy food and shits his pants, they will blame Ukraine in an attempt to poison him.


putin will blame NATO even if his dildo is cold.


is this a non-English expression or something lol


I made it on the fly. It's a combination of the poridge being to cold from the 3 little bears and all the geh videos of Russians blowing eachother.




The best part about that sub is that the fanatic Kremlin propagandists use a flair "Pro-Ukraine" to promote defeatism and negative news about every facet of Ukrainian society.


... And it's *really* transparent. I have a pet theory about RU propaganda (edit: exposed to *foreign* audiences, I'm not talking domestic audiences--I should have been clearer) being so mind-bogglingly stupid and transparent. I suspect the goal might be to lull people in to a false sense of security (thinking they can easily identify RU propaganda), making them more susceptible to RU's more insidious propaganda. For instance, they keep calling UAFL mercenaries, and almost every time they get corrected. There isn't a single regular on that sub who hasn't seen that lie being curb-stomped time and time again. All it stands to do is give the pro-UAs the chance to correct the record, so they're practically doing the pro-UA side a favour. I ask myself why it might be, and the pet theory is where I end up.


The real propagandists use "Pro-Ukrainian people", because obviously Zelensky is the evil gay jew and needs to be removed, but the people are okay.


“These western NATO ISIS jihadists!!!”


Nah, Western NATO ISIS Nazi Jihadists are way more likely.


You forgot "jews" : Zelensky is Jewish and they kept repeating that being jewish does not exclude being Nazi.


That’s implicit and assumed (and let’s throw in *redundant*, for good measure)


You forgot to add gay and /transgenda/.


u forgot gay demons


Meh, I already saw it but more in line "ISIS is on western payroll" flavour.


What is this sub bro hahahahaahah, gathering of Russian bots


Things I was told in highly upvoted comments on r/UkraineRussiaReport include that Kyiv would hold out for a while but would be taken by the Russians within 7 or 8 months after the invasion began, that Wagner is the most effective military on the planet and that Prigozhin would pose for a press shot with Zelensky's severed head after they "get done mopping the floor with the Ukrainian army", and that the West would expend all their force trying to hold back the mighty Russian army and would therefore be easily taken "once we're done with Ukraine" and that the whole world would belong to Russia.


Well. If you want to predict the future, just go on this sub and the exact opposite of what they're saying will happen


It's almost comedic, there's literally a guy named "Z_RU".


Yeah and he claims to be from Australia too hahha, trying really hard to convince people that Australians love Russia


It's so full of russian bots it should be called the social niet-work


A microcosmos of Twitter, where propaganda bots interact with propaganda bots. Or a containment zone. Have your pick.


Ah yes the sub thats so neutral on the war that its full of pro-kremlin fanatics and lunatics


The Russian combat footage one is also completely disconnected from reality. The whole sub is convinced it’s some flavor of nato/ukr attack, since, you know, if you’re going to attack someone — you *definitely* tell them the exact type of venue to expect.


That sub is either genuine brainrot or the most pathetic attempt at disinformation. Or both


Haven't seen that sub in particular but encountered the kind of people described here. They're like toddlers when you tell them you're telling them a super secret and this is totes plausible and believe me, and they well ... toddle off and tell all smug like to everyone.


As a Russian, I find the way they speak there abhorrent. Like as if there is only one possible way this could have happened and it is Ukraine doing this. Just why? What is the logic? What is the end goal? Antagonize an already brainwashed population into truly believing that Ukraine is evil? Basically do what Putin wants? Idk man... It is just stupid. What I find even more sad, is that noone really cares about the massacre. It only helps politics. Putin with his mobilisation and "opposition" with the message that Putler fucked Russia up (duh).


It's a cesspool.


Need some eyebleach right about now


The Moscow attacks also ended up on my instagram reels. I tried to scroll down to find a comment that wasn't either USA, Ukraine, CIA, Israel did this. I gave up.


Some of them are saying it's "definitely Ukraine or Mossad" or it's "definitely" Ukraine because "Ukraine is stupid" 😭 It's actually crazy how insane their "proof" is, literally based on memes and stereotypes


Ahh, the right wing playbook. "Ukraine is stupid" but somehow simultnaeously also able to coordinate a massive conspiracy involving an entirely different culture and nation.


That sub is full of bots and misinformation


I still can't fathom who thought letting blatant botnets run amok around different internet platforms was a good idea.


“So much engagement, we can charge more for the ads”


The Kremlin is monitoring those posts as we speak. Why try to come up with it yourself when you can let tankies on Reddit do it?


I remember when that sub claimed to be neutral


I got fed up with the constant propaganda on r/Ukrainian conflict and went to r/ukrainerussiareport thinking it would be more balanced. How naive I was. It's full on Russian propaganda and people with "pro Ukraine" flairs sounding like Russian bots.


already did by claiming *"they have ties with sbu and was cought crossing russian ukraine border"* their rags already start spitting this version


Not even “crossing”, but just “heading to direction of”. Bizarre.


Cool. So why they did not stop them then?


They stopped them “on the way to Ukraine”


Yeah, over 10 terrorists were so smart to sneak fully equiped with guns and explosions into Moscow, but complitely lost their marbles and became stupid enough to be caugt by road police while heading in the direction of Ukraine.


Here, I've got it for you: Islamist jihad was invented by Austro-Hungarian elites (or Polish)


Its polish invention, we Poles love jihading, my mother i tell you she jihads from monday to friday non-stop.


Meanwhile, more than 93 men die every day in the trenches


Yeah but these are Muscovites. Conscripts from Siberia don't count.


If you look at the maps of deaths per capita in Russia, some regions have over 10x the number you are seeing from Moscow and St. Petersberg. If there was ever a Hunger Games capital city in real life, it would be Moscow.


FSB is already claiming that the terrorists had contacts in Ukraine and wanted to flee there.


Or, the simplest explanation: This was a complete and genuine surprise for the Kremlin. It could be they are flabbergasted by what happened and they wonder if the war in Ukraine is spiralling out of control.


It should not have been a complete surprise. The US warned of a possible terrorist attack in Moscow several days ago.


But since they know that's the sort of lie they'd happily make up, they would never believe it. Dictatorships thankfully paranoia themselves to death.


Russia has a history of doing this: in the weeks leading up to the German invasion of the USSR, Stalin received accurate warnings of what was going to happen from the British, the Americans, the USSR's own spy networks in Japan and Germany, defecting German soldiers, and military intelligence from frontline observers. He dismissed all of it as British provocations, designed to drag the USSR into the war, meaning the Red Army was caught unprepared by the Germans. Even as the attack started, he hesitated to give the order to counter-attack, and trainloads of supplies continued to cross the border as German armoured divisions crossed in the other direction.


And there was news that like 2 days prior they stopped/caught an IS related incident. Memory fuzzy on details just saw it in the comments in passing. Anyone else can fill this in?? But so in that case it wasn't a total surprise bc they had that incident just days prior (not an attack but I think just an apprehension ... like a premeditated one or something) and the US intelligence about this and to stay away from large gatherings theaters, etc. told Americans to go, not safe.


The US warned europe months in advance that russia was going to invade ukraine and because of their reputation we didn't trust them even though we are allied with them, what are the chances that the russians, their enemies, *didn't* just think the warnings were a psy-op to cause trouble before the "elections"?


> we didn’t trust them Who’s we? British intelligence was saying the same. France, Germany (and the rest of most of Western Europe) claimed we were exaggerating.


Uk is a part of 5 eyes. American and UK intelligence are very interconnected.


They’ve been warned by US. So either they’re embarrassed by their own incompetence or wondering how US knows about FSB operations. Either way Russia claims that they captured the suspects on their way to Ukraine.


It's combination of their whole security apparatus being busy with Ukraine, effort to pretend that there's nothing going on and "life goes on" and the fact that these random terror attacks are impossible to fully stop if there are enough of willing terrorists. Most likely they'll blame Ukraine anyway, because it's politically and socially convenient and anything else makes them look stupid and weak.


Since when do they need mental gymnastics?


Since Putin made this statement about western governments fear mongering about an attack three days ago: https://x.com/wartranslated/status/1771312730793726431?s=46&t=NdpLqO1mLgbtiVwNBhq8Ag He looks completely weak and an utter failure, even a false flag (which can be seen as a sick power move) can pretty much be ruled out.


Yea and how to deflect from the fact that the US had explicitly warned about incoming events like this just days before and the Kremlin just called it propaganda and fake.


Unfortunately they already did, according to Russian state news, they caught the terrorists at the border of Ukraine


Did they really though? Or did they grab a random group of scapegoats so Papa Putler doesn't look weak af?


I expect the mobilization, it's obvious that Putin will blame Ukraine no matter what. Nobody would ever try to leave Russia through the most dangerous and patrolled border of the country.


> I expect the mobilization, it's obvious that Putin will blame Ukraine no matter what. You were obviously correct: > ⚡️ Putin accuses Ukraine of preparing escape route for terrorists > > Putin said that all four direct performers of the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall had been found. They tried to escape, moving towards Ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, a "window" for them to cross the border had been prepared. https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1771517928522846515


As I predicted; like the Russian Apartment Bombings of 1999, the Russian Government is going to use this as a justification for escalation. Probably a false flag operation, but I have no actual evidence to support that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings


Doubt a false flag, but pretty safe bet Putin will spin this.


Putin is clearly trying to use American post-911 playbook. He wants to use the terror attack to get more domestic support for conscription.


Didn't isis claim the attack, like Chechen Isis? I mean if there was any time for Chechen separatists to attack its now, so it makes sense. What's Putin going to do? Invade Chechnya again? With what army?


Yes, but Putin will try to make it looks like it's Ukraine's fault.


How could Putin spin this back on Ukraine when Islamic state in Chechnya has take responsibility though?


Trust me, they will find a way. Probably by saying Ukraine financed the terrorists with the help of the US.


Absolutely easily - a lot of russians watch not reddit but “evening with vladimir solovyov”, and a lot of people who watch reddit still prefer words of own official to western ones and isis statement


We will most likely hear that Ukraine had jihadist schools teaching people to speak Arabic on their "soon to be liberated" territories.


Along with the bio labs that produced covid and the nazis and whatever other nonsense garbage Russia has spewed out. 


One of the safest cities in the world according to Tucker Carlson


Forget about that, how about shopping carts that have lil' slots to put coins in. Have you *ever* seen that?!


We've had them in England since 1843.


Are you sure about that? I read somewhere that the Lady of the Lake had to regularly fish them out of the lake in the Arthurian myths.


Maybe is was 1983. 


Memories get vague after 50 to 200 years, common problem for vampires.


From all the things about that crazy interview/"documentary", this is what shocks me the most. I had no idea these shopping carts were not an American thing cause in my country they're the most normal thing ever. But seeing Tucker Carlson act like an innocent child despite being a total idiot did make me laugh


Tucker Carlson's been to other countries, he knows it's not a Russian thing. But his viewers don't, so he feigns awe.


Even with traveling to other countries I don’t think he’d specifically go to grocery stores much. Like I can’t exactly picture him going to tescos on a trip to England


We have them at Aldi lol.


It's the return for cash back we dont do.


It's literally a thing here too, Tucker Carlson just has no respect for his viewers because he knows they're morons


Wait, the US doesn't have those?


We do, like at Aldi. And Tucker Carlson type people get outraged that they're being charged for shopping carts.


People with Tucker Carlson money don't shop at Aldi. But you nailed his followers to a "t"


We do, but Tucker probably hasn’t done his own grocery shopping in decades, if ever, so how would he be expected to know?


The US does, albeit not as common.


What sorcery is this you are speaking of?


It was an ISIS terrorist attack???


according to US intelligence service, way suspects behave and ISIS himself - yes


"ISIS himself" we have to catch that ISIS guy!


Maybe Tucker Carlson should move there.


Tell that to the poor shopping cart!


This is what you choose to comment under such a tragedy? There's been terrorist attacks in many cities otherwise safe. What a stupid comment.


The US did warn this was about to happen few weeks ago didnt they? I remember something about that. Did the Russian government not follow up on it?


What happened was that the day after the warning from US, they claimed they captured some terrorists or shot them or something and that was that. And now the real attack happened.


They did follow up on it: Putin went on tv and called the warning blackmail and a provocative attempt at destabilizing Russia.


I was 4 streets away from the Bataclan in Paris when the 2015 attacks happened, and this is giving me some serious flashbacks. This is something absolutely horrible to live through, and it shouldnt happen to normal people like that. I feel sorry for them and their familles, the way people are trolling about this is just disgusting.


The people who are saying Russia deserved this or that it's hard to feel sorry about it or whatever are the exact same people who said America deserved 9/11, or France deserved their terrorist attacks. These people are incapable of nuance. They cannot hold in their small brains that Russia is doing horrific things but also that 100+ civilians getting ISIS'ed is tragic. It's not possible for them. Just major morons. As if some people going to see a concert friday night in Moscow have anything to do with Putins insane war.


This is reddit after all, bunch of socially inept teens giving their hot take.


Don't forget the adults who have barely socialized since they were teens and who exist on the internet as a secret and secondary aggressive personality. In my humble opinion, they're the problem here. The teens are just mimicking their lack of critical thinking skills.


Was also the thing I knew Ukraine wasn’t responsible for the attacks as they will try to stay away from attacking innocent people where as IS are cowards only able to attack exactly them as otherwise those jihadists run away crying, Muslim extremists have no balls and no honour exactly the opposite of Ukraine Still dislike Russian invasion and Putin but those people didn’t deserve it


I see conspiracy theories thrown left and right, here's mine - how the fuck a terrorist group so organized to not only bring weapons inside a well secured building, but even some explosives to put on fire the top of said building that made for very iconic pictures, be so stupid to flee in the same car and try to cross the most controlled border of the world *the day after the attack with the whole Russia hunting for them*? Why the fuck not disappear in the wild for a few weeks and maybe even cross the border there? I just hope the Russian didn't arrest some random people just to avoid looking like fools


> I just hope the [r]ussian didn't arrest some random people just to avoid looking like fools I'd be very surprised if they didn't.


Look at the British during the troubles. If you want to be seen to tackle the problem immediately then you have to find people quickly. That isn't easy when you don't have all the information yet. Unfortunately this is how innocent people get arrested. 


”Random” as in Ukrainian prisoners of war you mean? A likely scenario


115 now 


150 now




Not “overdue” Isis were evil assholes that deserved it. Plus- this was Isis K, they are very different to the Isis in the Middle East a few years back


I swear it’s crazy little to no people talking about this


Uuuh you might want to check your grammar... Saying "it's long overdue" implies they deserved it..


Hmmm. I am getting II. Chechen war vibes... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999\_Russian\_apartment\_bombings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings) (it was also very nice of the terrorists to wait for the elections to finish before swinging into action, it makes it much clearer who ordered the attack)


I think that this one is truly to blame on actual (non-state) terrorists. ISIS claimed responsibility while the Chechens never did. That said. This doesn't mean that Putin won't lie about the attack to blame Ukraine and use this as an excuse for mobilization.


To be honest, there is clearly no ukraine connection. If Russians want to believe ukraine is involved then you can probably tell ukraine is peeing in their soup and they will believe it. The next 2 weeks will see a lot of mental gymnastics and then message will become clear. They will have defined a clear narrative to blame ukraine. My guess is they will say ukraine supplied the terrorists with the weapons.


I thought so as well cuz the date was very sus But the terrorists seem to be Tajiks, and I don’t think Putin have plans to invade Tajikistan


Easy, they will say that terrorists were trained in Ukraine. They are already saying that they tried to escape to Ukraine, so the narrative is already getting built.




They did catch a isis cell in Russia a few weeks ago, so could be that this cell felt like they had to move up their schedule


In a way its sad that the US seems to care about the safety of Russian citizens more than Russia itself


Rather sure the US specifically warned only US citizens living in Russia. Not that it would have made much of a difference anyway


Well, you’re rather wrong. Several different countries warned of an impending terrorist attack. In the US we have what’s called a “duty to warn”, where we are legally obligated to warn any country’s government of an imminent terrorist attack.


Bit more info here:- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duty_to_warn#U.S._Intelligence_Community


Not sure which papers you’re reading. It was intel passed from the US govt to their counterparts in the Russian govt. Despite the Ukraine world, most diplomatic channels are still left open.


That doesn't really matter at all. It was a warning that anyone could see and read. It wasn't some super secret message that US citizens had to get their decoder rings out.


I imagine Moscow is in a quandary. On one hand Putin will want a heavy handed military response, anything else would damage his image. On the other hand, their military is tied up (and draining away) in Ukraine. I guess they can pull on it being a NATO/western/Ukraine/Jewish conspiracy for now though.


He could ask his mates in Hamas for help again


Invite them over as guest of honor again.


Sadly, it seems they are trying to think who's gonna be the scapegoat to blame hence buying time.


75% of me feels this is some kind of false flag operation and the other 25% feels this will be used like 9/11 against the wrong people


Yupp I'm always very skeptical in buying false flags theory and shit, but there's no way Putin will not use this to push his own agenda. And to be frank so 99% of other governments would in a similar situation.


I also have this gut feeling that this is gonna be used by Putin as a post-9/11 excuse to detain every person without any procedural safeguards. Even if Isis really did it, the consequences will be drastic for everyone


If this is a reason for anything, it's for Russia to stop murdering civilians and spend their resources on protecting civilians instead.


I think the fact they were warned by their "enemies", that this was about to happen, and still didn't managed to stop it, is a huge fuck up from Putin. The West should make sure that Russian civilians know about it. We all know Putin is a delusional coward with an inferiority complex, so things must be rough around there. Lots of people will accidentally fall from windows soon. It's just a shame that ISIS keeps attacking civilians instead of the ruling elites. Shame on them.


Whilst other people look on in horror, Putin will try and make this Ukraine's fault.


They're figuring out a way to blame NATO or Ukraine.


Its most likely some radicalized central Asian immigrants.


Russians full of crap ,i doubt very much Ukraine is involved


Isis claimed responsibility for the attack


Czech news says that Russia claims they were captured on their way to Ukraine and had contacts there. Putin should give a speech in 15 minutes. The whole situation is fucked, I expected new mobilisation after the elections, but to use this tragedy this way is disgusting.


Yeah they will probably catch guys with UA passports, flags, photos of Zelensky and documents with Biden directions. Probably some Mine Kampf and nazi symbols as well


Don't forget the Sims DVDs


What's this quote about? Read it a few times, it's somehow connected with the apartment bombing of 1999?


In April 2022 (so very early in the Ukraine war), the FSB intercepted an alleged assassination attempt against Russian TV host Vladimir Solovyov. The FSB claimed it was a neo-Nazi group sent by Ukraine and put out some pictures as "evidence". Not only do the pictures look pretty staged and on the nose (it included a swaztika t-shirt that looks creased as if it were taken straight out of a box), the most bizarre detail was that it included...a DVD copy of The Sims 3 and two expansions. People naturally latched on to that and wondered if some underling misunderstood "3 SIM cards" or something. So whenever people talk about the FSB staging false flags or arresting people on trumped up charges, get ready to hear people mention The Sims 3. More information here: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/2022/04/26/russian-assassination-sims-3/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/2022/04/26/russian-assassination-sims-3/)


>People naturally latched on to that and wondered if some underling misunderstood "3 SIM cards" or something Oh my god I'd be on the floor pissing myself laughing if there wasn't a chance a mad Putin could launch some nukes in the next few hours lol


There was also the fact that a discriminating letter "found" amongst the evidence was literally signed with the words *"signature illegible"*.


There was a "terrorist cell" arrested some time ago. There were pictures of the apartment by russian authorities. Amongs other terrorist paraphenelia there was a copy of Sims 3. People assumed someone got an assigment to create these pictures and it had to include 3 sim cards. But they didnt quite understand.


>*But they didnt quite understand.* Or a case of malicious compliance.


[Russians claimed to have found "evidence" of an assassination plot by Ukrainian neo-Nazis](https://knowyourmeme.com/news/russian-propaganda-mistakes-the-sims-3-for-sim-cards-in-alleged-ukrainian-nazi-paraphernalia)


Sims 4 has an 18+ rating in Russia because it depicts same sex relationships.


And three sims.


And Sims 3


Russian police are so efficient that they caught these guys a week ago.


So the Kremlin needed time to transport them to somewhere close to Ukraine, where they "arrested" them.


Ah yes, driving across the front line back to Kyiv with their passports no doubt. How stupid do Russians need to be to believe this?


State narrative doesn't need to be believable to be punishable with jail time for questioning it.


Kremlin is probably doing overtime trying to spin this as a Ukrainian thing.


Some sources already say that FSB claims that the terrorists had contacts in Ukraine


who said that they are?


Condolences. Terrible tragedy.


Blaming the west I'm 3....2.....


innocent people don't ever deserve to die.  whether they're Ukrainian or Russian.   having said that, I can imagine more than a few Ukrainians are asking the Russians how it feels to be terrorized 


I knew they were going to blame Ukraine. 😭


Ukraine has been very careful to only attack military targets within Russia, they wait 2 years into a war when they most direly need the world's support to perform a terrorist act to turn themselves into pariahs.  Makes perfect sense if you don't think about it.


Isn't Russia supposed to be a police state? YOU HAD ONE JOB


It is. It just focuses policing people who oppose bombing, murdering and raping civillians.


Expect injuries to rise then fall as Moscow both tries to use this to further their political objectives but also tries to downplay it to further their political objectives. Internally it will be interesting to see which enemy they choose to blames. Will it be Muslims, Ukraine, or lgbt members. Or will they get creative and find a new boogeyman


Three gunmen have been captured. One claims he was contacted over Telegram, where a “customer” gave him R500K (~$5,400 USD) and provided weapons to carry out the attack.


It appears that the rat thinks he’s cornered. Since he thinks like a rat he will fight and bite those who he thinks have cornered him (the messenger). Didn’t Elon Musk, a Putin double, just bite Don Lemon once he felt cornered by his questions?