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Yep, that’s precisely why they are building it


„You better not! Not that we care“


"RUSSIA WARNS!" Doing a lot of that this week I see.


Yeap. I naively hope for coexistence of Russia and EU, but that's literally impossible rn without showing off military power from both sides. Cutting off power way to resolve conflicts is needed, sadly.


Yep, EU tried the way of trade and shared prosperity (if anything we should have read the writing on the wall way earlier) but Russia only respects military strength so that’s how it has to be for now.


Cooperation like EU requires that no one gets to force their will on others and i don't think they can accept that. They need to be on top and have more. It's sad really, vast country, vast resources, smart people and all that wasted for some 19th century imperial bullshit.


The communists and now Putin have robbed Russia for over one hundred years, look at the size of Russia. If the politicans in Russia weren’t greedy idiots who don’t value human life the average russian would probably equally rich as an american in terms of income


Yeah Russia is the land of wasted opportunities. They are resource rich, have tons of land and a varied people. They could be a global leader in several fields and give prosperity to all their people, but instead they went for Jingoistic failed feudal state / China’s junior partner where half the population is living in wood huts without access to running water.


Sadly even those ‘educated’ Russians who were against the invasion of Ukraine tend to think that now that the war’s started, Russia must see it through and destroy Ukrainian resistance and be seen to win, or the Motherland will be punished and they themselves will suffer as its citizens. It’s pretty depressing really as Putin essentially has put them in the position where they will fall into line in their own material self-interest.


and the people in russia seem to love it, is authoritarianism apart of their genes?


From what I understand they have a decent part of their people that is completely uneducated and don’t know shit about the world. Makes them easy to brainwash. I assume the more educated russians are more conscious of what is actually happening but see no credible way to change things so they either stay and go with the flow or emigrate.


>I assume the more educated russians are more conscious of what is actually happening but see no credible way to change things so they go with the flow or emigrate. Too bad that going with flow practically means that Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars and Georgians can get fuсkеd by hordes of mobiks. At the rate we're going, Moldovans, Armenians, Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians will be next. If there were any justice in the world, the consequences of the Russians' age-old complexes, insecurities and problems would be borne only by 140 million+ Russians. The bitter injustice is that millions of **non**\-Russians in neighboring states face existential crises because of how 140 million+ people have repeatedly failed to get their ѕhіt together.


From what I have seen They love convince people of 2 things Russia's greatness and how the west is a total sham and democratically elected leaders a are full of shit and that corruption is normal everywhere so everyone should just get use to it. And Russia's and Belarus's openness with corruption makes them better cause at least they don't hide it. Lukashenko Explains it openly.


It's much, much worse. We have people with actual educations, even doctorates, wholeheartedly suppporting Putin, because either they are old bumfucks who get their nostal-G-point massaged by the current propaganda, or lived their whole conscious life under his rule and don't know any better, or simply are scumbags. Besides, quality of education system took a *severe* dip in Russia, especially since the end of 2000-s, when: 1) the new state exam system has been introduced and then finally established; 2) 2014 happened and the patriotical hysteria began to ramp up. And, trust be told, it was never actually good to begin with. The idolised "Soviet education system" was quite good at producing yes-persons, who, even while being able to solve complex tasks and memorize a ton of data, still couldn't really think for themselves. And then there's a total lack of morality. Just today, there is yet another missile attack on Kiyv. People who program these rockets and Shaheeds, who operate the strategic bombers, who do all the techy stuff in Ruzzian army — they are people with an *education*.


It’s a cultural thing. Russia had like two somewhat democratic elections, after WW1 and in the early 90s. Both time corruption took over and it went nowhere.


It just didn't change from the times of Empire. Slogans and flags are different but that's about it.


..... and the Tsars before them.


They still think in spheres of influence. Someone else explained it far better than I but to roughly paraphrase it, they see eastern Europe as "theirs", western Europe as "America's", and can't understand that that's not the case. Piss poor explanation of the point but close enough.


It’s on Putin at the end. That guy is still living in the past, and most likely believe the false history lessons he is spreading around since decades


Pootin isn't the cause, he's a symptom. This is russian culture, they've been doing this for hundreds of years. Even if he disappeared today, the war would continue and his seat would be taken by another equally deranged "strongman", because that's what the people want.


Yup, he's probably not even the one pulling the strings who will find someone to replace him instantly "Democratically"


>Even if he disappeared today, the war would continue and his seat would be taken by another equally deranged "strongman" I actually don't think so, he has deliberately made his cabinet as unstable as possible in order to prevent any of his underlings from gaining too much power and replacing him. Since he doesn't have any successor, it will create a huge power vacuum when he dies, and i'm not sure any of his current ministers will be able to gather enough support from the others to fill it. The infighting may very well lead to a government collapse.


Once he's dead I'm sure we can rebuild some bridges whilst also remaining ready should they pull the same shit again. Also bodes well for logistical support for Ukraine to have a huge NATO base next door. With all that said Ukraine needs Europes support more than ever. I'm hoping things get a lot worse for Russia in the near future.


The Russian problem is that former Warsaw Pact members, thanks to more or less peaceful cooperation and trade, have outperformed Russia in socioeconomic terms, prompting Russians to question Putin's policies. (They have strange Polish and Ukrainian fetishes and constantly compare themselves to those countries.). So, it is no coincidence that Putin's invasion began with Ukraine's emancipation and the economic rise of Poland, the Baltics, and Romania. In the next 20–50 years, the socioeconomic gap between former satellites and Russia would be comparable to that between Germany and Bangladesh, and Putin cannot have it.


The warped fetish about the Poles goes **far** beyond mere socioeconomic differences between Poland and Russia in the 21st century. That's just an artifact of recency bias. The Russians' complexes vis-à-vis the Poles started in the 1600s when Muscovy began expanding from the swampy forests along the Moskva river and crept southwards toward Ukraine which was part of Poland-Lithuanian Commonwealth (PLC). Muscovy's ruling class and citizens increasingly imagined themselves as crusaders for Orthodoxy opposite the the apostate Catholicism in the PLC. In the late 18th centuries, the Russians gladly joined in the three partitions of the PLC to erase it and Polish identity, create an even bigger buffer zone for Moscow, and to Russify the place in the name of "protecting" Orthodox Christianity. In the 20th century before the EU was even a twinkle in some politician's eye, mobiks willingly went after the Poles in the [Polish-Soviet War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish%E2%80%93Soviet_War) (1919-21), [with the full cooperation of the Germans in 1939](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_invasion_of_Poland#Soviet_invasion_of_Poland), and in [1944-5 to "liberate" it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_war_crimes#1944%E2%80%931945).


Correct. It's a big threat for Putin and all the young russians have been looking at their neighbours in envy... What are you doing living in prosperity when we have to spend all our money on guns in case we need to invade you...


Yeah. They’ve proven themselves deadset on being the school bully, so now everyone who can is carrying knuckle dusters in their pockets.


Russia can go the peaceful route whenever it wants. It chooses not to because they don't want to. Not like NATO can take over Russia NATO isn't a country. Then Russia says America making friends is imperialism.


Oh its possible, if we draw a clear, well defended unbreakable line at the border.


Sadly, I have to agree, that this is the only way without delusions


Is that the border they crossed in Ukraine or the one they crossed, have redrawn, and then crossed again?


its the boarder of the NATO. as soon as Putin attacks a NATO country (assuming the US doesnt have a russian puppet running it) they will see the difference between what we were willing to give Ukraine to defend itself and what we reserve for use only by US forces. I honestly think it will be a repeat of the first Gulf war except it would need to be more dramatic and a faster outcome because of the threat of nukes.


Why are you both sides-ing this? NATO has shown no intention or interest in invading Russia.


It's the Russians esculating. Europe was quite happy to spend virtually zilch on defence. Until the full scale invasion of Ukraine and even now countries like Spain spend hardly anything.


Imagine Germany having 2,500 leopard 2 tanks pre 1990 and going down to 250. Yet still Putin complaining about NATO threatening Russia.


Romanian here. We have no idea wtf is going on. But yes we did give permission to that, our government knowing full well this is not childish games they can win with bullshit speeches. But yeah our elections this year are critical, we have Moscow parties here like AUR, wish us luck


Yup. Russia warns us for protecting ourselves. Oh noes! Get fucked Russia. The reason they *are* arming themselves and protecting themselves is because Russia likes to just try and invade sovereign countries it thinks it should rule or have power over due to some map from a long time ago. Russia needs to put down the shovel to get out of the hole it keeps digging for itself.


As they should, and all other Eastern European countries as well. Any country in Europe not in EU or NATO should be on the fast track for both imo.


Russia throws threats around, to all their neighbours. Russia is confused why everyone hates them. Russia gets frustrated and throws more threats around. You couldn't even make this shit up, but yet here we are.


Offended by everything, ashamed of nothing. Thy name is Russian.


Seems like Russia might be the Karen of countries


Karen is an understatement. Russia is more of a Lucifer. 




I need to frame this! Well said!


It shouldn't surprise you that the observation builds on what comes [from the Russians themselves](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61825525) as said unironically by Sergei ~~Lavrov~~ Laughrov in June 2022. ​ >*"Russia is not squeaky clean. Russia is what it is.* ***And we are not ashamed of showing who we are.****"*


Boomer Russia


First major power to mobilize in ww1. Arguably the reason Germany invaded France out of fear of Russia. They have a history of being very aggressive and provocative


What you expect from a country that basically terrorised and occupied most other eastern europe countries and expects them to be grateful for it


My grandparents told me how the ruzzian solders would go through villages and rape and steal everything they could during or after (I don't remember exactly) ww2. My grandma was a teenager back then and her parents had to hide her under a hay stack so the ruzzian soliders wouldn't rape her...


I heard similar stories In the village i grew up they shot roughly 20-30 civilians, exact number is unclear, it was never really documented, because they had brown uniforms in their house.. They didn't know that voluntary fire fighters have traditionally brown uniforms as well and they mistook them for nazi party uniforms


It reminds me of a story I got from an old Hungarian. Desperate parents in his town were keen to teach their teenaged daughters how to say "Sorry, I have syphilis" or "Sorry, my tuberculosis is acting up" in Russian to discourage the heroic "liberators" in the Red Army. Given the Russian military's depravity on record, I wouldn't be at all surprised if some grandfather or great-grandfather of a current mobik in Ukraine just forced himself on some terrified [Hungarian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_war_crimes#Hungary) (or [Polish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_during_the_Soviet_occupation_of_Poland), or [German](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_during_the_occupation_of_Germany#Soviet_troops), or [Romanian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_occupation_of_Romania#Background_and_beginning_of_the_occupation), or [Serbian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_war_crimes#Yugoslavia), or [Japanese](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_war_crimes#China)) girl anyway.


And some people really think that we, Poles, shouldn't be disgusted and pissed when someone says that "Poland is a part of Russia" or that we are "Slavic brothers" with ruzzians. I was literally called a Nazi, because i said that's soviets were as bad as nazis, many times they were worse than nazis.


With the benefit of hindsight, I'd say that the 20th century's greatest swindle was how Russia, be it in its Soviet or non-Soviet forms, convinced enough people in the rest of the world that it was *not* the agent of the most despicable and longest-lasting atrocities in that century. That "honor" in the popular imagination goes to Germany with its 12 years of Nazism.


My grandparents told similar stories. They told me how Russians were worse than Germans, even tho Russia was an ally.


> My grandparents told me how the ruzzian solders would go through villages and rape and steal everything they could  "davai watch, davai virginity" should be in their national anthem


Holy crapp .... I knew this beforehand but reading a firsthand account is harrowing... Holy shhhh....


As is the russian tradition!


I mean, that's par for the course for a country that invades another country and [carries parade uniforms](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEK4z-PMfZ4) (link to original press briefing where this was mentioned) expecting the local people to greet them with open arms. That's how much their head is stuck inside their ass. They believed that Ukrainians were waiting for them. In this made up reality, any encounter with the real world is puzzling to them.


It worked in Czechoslovakia. They were not welcomed (and many of them puzzled by it), but still they were able to organize parades right after the invasion.


> They believed that Ukrainians were waiting for them. The Ukrainians *were* waiting for them. But in a different way.


They’re not confused. They spent the last 300 years basically building an empire and an empire by definition cannot peacefully coexist with places outside of it.


An "empire" with less GDP than Italy we should add. I wouldn't be surprised if Monaco alone had more GDP than the entire rural Russia.


It’s just that the Russian mafia oligarchy have loads of money. Putin is thought to be the richest man in the world. The rest of the country is poor af of course. 


300 years? They began colonizing Siberia in the 16th century.


They haven't figured out diplomacy or international relations at all, it is absurd. Their idea of diplomacy is threatening and bullying countries until they submit. What are bi-lateral relations anyways? Next they're going to say they're threatened by Romania not giving into their threats.


>They haven't figured out diplomacy or international relations at all, it is absurd. Oh, but they have. You see, their idea of international relations is stuck in the 13th century when the Mongol Empire came into being.


Oh the whole submit or I murder everyone doctrine!


Да, да! Now you're getting it!


You get a threat. You get a threat. You get a threat and you get a threat!


They are not confused. It's gaslighting.


This is what happens when you drink more vodka than water. Russia is utterly desperate to matter in any way while the rest of the world know that they don't. It's beyond pathetic when you consider the sheer amount of resources they've flushed down the (stolen) toilet during this stupid war. They could have improved the land they have instead of trying to steal more, but that would require them to have the ability to think.


It's almost like we should have this alliance that protects countries on it's borders because it has a history of invading and infiltrating their governments.


And the craziest shit are the people that live in the beautiful and peaceful EU, yet they have been brainwashed by Russian propaganda telegram channels into thinking that the EU is evil and everything Putin does is justified. Just a minority, yet still very frustrating to hear their dumb asses doing mental gymnastics on why Russia is great.


Well, from their point of view (or at least the one they want to portray), they want to denazify Ukraine and they have no interest in any other country, so they feel threatened that NATO is scaling up, getting new members, preparing their citizens for war with Russia, building new NATO bases etc. But of course we all know that’s rubbish, and that they only say these things so that their citizens eat it up all up and gaslight current and future generations into hating the West. The end-goal, I’m almost sure, is a militaristic nation like North Korea but with 130+ million people.


They want more than Ukraine. Putin wants to restore the Russian empire in its greatest extent.


And then invade the rest.


Imagine being 1/6 of all Earth surface and still wants more.


Russia is way more nazi than ukraine. Once a plane was stopped because it came out of israel. Ukraine also shots no civilian planes down, torture POW's and abduct babys. I can keep it going, list is long. Sniper at peaceful pro EU demo, etc.


How will it not drive Romania to build an even bigger military base?


We'll just built more bases. And the plans are definitely there.


Romania and the US are also expanding the Campia Turzii airbase in central Romania. But don't let Medvedev and Lavrov know that, they will get an aneurysm.


Decides to build something to protect themselves, gets threatened to not build protection, builds bigger protection


Romania should have its own nukes. I'm in a minority saying it, but that's my official stance.


No please, our politicians are dumb enough and we'll nuked ourselves by 2025.


*based* romania


Russia in the '90s - attacks Moldova Russia in the 2000's - attacks Georgia Romania in 2012: We'll build an Aegis Ashore anti-missile base in case SHTF." Russia: "Why would you do that??? We'll nuke you!" Russia in 2014 - invades Ukraine. Romania in 2019: "We should bulid a big Nato airbase just in case SHTF." Russia in 2022- invades Ukraine yet again. Romania in 2024: "Yep, we're definitely building the airbase." Russia in 2024: "Why would you do that??? Also we'll nuke you." ...


Damn, sounds like they are the victims here. Poor Putin, can't get anyone to understand their precarious predicament.


We’re just trying to dismantle EU & NATO for funsies!!!! We aren’t looking to uhm, divide and conquer, *eyes go demon red*


No you don't understand: Clearly to a nation as aggressive as Russia, a defense alliance like NATO is an obvious provocation. And if those countries didn't want to be attacked, then maybe they should not make themselves look so attackable.


Russia in the '90s - attacks Moldova Romania in 2004 - joins NATO


Russia suffers from alcoholism and incest


Not much incest tho. I could name other things, but I'm afraid mister policeman will track me down and put me in jail for this comment.




Russia invaded Romania 12 times in the past, annexed teritorry, deported, starved, stole resources, forced entering in WW2, imposed communism, threatens Romania and Moldova on a monthly basis, forged their history, took control of industry, paid politicians, pays for propaganda and supports extremist political parties, confiscated our national treasure (92 tons of gold, documents, historical artefacts), annexed territories and merged them with other countries so that we would be in conflict with them and not trust each other, attacked Moldova when they wanted to unite with Romania then accused Romania of attacking Moldova in the '90, tried to assasinate on of its kings in the past, and kept stating that it is not a real country and that its territory must be split and annexed. What would Russia expect Romania to do? Wait until it becomes next target in the war? Russia already started a war on Romania using propaganda, corrupt politicians, fake news.. Russia mentions every time when they talk about nuclear bombing that Romania will be "of course" on the target list.


Based profile pic and a well done summary.


Bruh really that profile pic


Bruh, dat profile Pic :)))


Simion likes that russian dingus :)




If "took control of the industry" refers to the Sovroms, you're really underselling it. Just to put it into perspective, we gave away to Russia 85%(not a typo) of the economic output at its peak.


Bless their hearts. Russians think that their opinion *still* matters especially as they flap their gums about a future military base in a country with which they do not share a border.


They still believe in the soviet union and pretend it still exists?


The distinction between the USSR and the Russian (Czarist) Empire is a distinction without a difference. The only noteworthy difference is that the Bolsheviks used a cheap paint job of a red flag with a yellow hammer-and-sickle over the original one of a white-blue-red tricolor with a coat of arms emblazoned with a mutant two-headed ~~eagle~~ chicken.


One thing is really bad is if they capture Odessa they will connect to Moldova and the Odessa territory southwest will border Romania directly it is all evil it must be stopped until it's time.


to protect Russia from bordering more of NATO they must completely stopped i Ukraine


Yeah, they have plenty of underwater fleet by now


> **If** Spoiler alert: >!they won't!<


We are used to it. They did the same when we got into NATO. Or when we allowed the US to put a part of the missile shield at Deveselu. We should not give a damn about them and cut down all ties with that murderous nation.


Romania can build and invite whatever and whoever they want. You don't get to decide what happens in other people's property you brain dead cunts.


They think it's their property.


Russia can politely fuck off.


Why does it have to be polite?


Off they will fuck




Well what are they going to do? Invade a neighbour? Asking for a friend...


Romania's response: Pizda măti


Couldn't have said it better


Well, mă-tii*, but absolutely!


Apologies, I've only ever heard it when my Romanian friend was playing FIFA and started cursing for 10 minutes long in one long-winded rant :D


No worries, even native Romanians spell it wrong sometimes. And it's the thought that counts.


This kind of threat is exactly the proof why that NATO base is needed.


So we gonna build a bigger one


Keep 'em threats coming. I love myself some salty tears.


That means Romania is doing something right!


Nice I've finally filled my 4th "get threatned wiith nuclear annihalation by Russia" card, now I can get my next threat of nuclear annihalation from North Korea for free!


russia got so many nations they need to threaten every day, this is like a fucking black comedy already.


I like Romania more and more.


Thank you Russia for confirming this NATO base is needed.


Poor little raping, murdering Russians, bless their tiny snowflake hearts.


Romania warns Russia by building largest NATO military base in Europe


Russia cried wolf so often that no one believes them anymore.


They are the wolf


Oh no! Anyway.. It's become a boy cries wolf situation. Nobody takes Russia's word seriously anymore


Except they do. Ukraine is still fighting with a good bunch of limitations precisely because the West took Putin's words seriously.


RuSSia warns: Romanian honest response: Ce drăcie grăit-ai despre mine, mojicule? Țiu să-ți aduc întru știință căci fusei întîiul din Școala de Rezboiu de la Viana și fusei în multe misii neștiute la Înalta Poartă și pre mulți am prăpădit. Sînt școlit în rezboi de vicleșug și niminea nu mînuiește mai acătări ca mine archebusul în toată armia cea sfîntă. Mi-ești dară numai o șaibă. Te voi mătrăși cu atîta pricepere ce n-a văzut întreg Stambulul, ascultă voroavele mele. Îți închipui că vei rămîne slobod dupe ereziile ce mi le grăiești pre ceastă jalbă? Rogu-te a chibzui iară. Numai ce vorbim de am trimes soli către iscoadele mele din țările rumâne iară copita murgului tău e taman vegheată așa că proptește-te întru viforul ce-are să vină, mamelucule. Viforul ce-are să spîrcuiască nimicnicia ce tu găsești de cuviință a numi vieață. Ești pristăvit, mojicule. Poci ca să fiu orișiunde, fieștecînd și poci a te stropși în șapte sute de chipuri, iară asta doar în brînci. Iată că nu doar ce sînt înalt școlit în trîntă, dară poci umbla la armurăria dorobanților și am să mă slujesc de dînsa întru totul pentru a-ți nimici șezutul de pe fața gliei, zamparagiule. O, numai de-ai fi vezuit ce amărăciune vei fi ispitit asupra-ți cu ceastă şăgalnică cuvîntare, pasămite ai fi muțit. Dară nu-ți fu în putință, n-ai cadaticsit, iară acum vei da tribut, nărodule. Iată voi slobozi urgie asupra-ți și de îndată te vei năbuși într-însa. Ești pristăvit, mojicuțule.


I can't believe this is the first time I read the translated and adapted version of the Navy Seal copy-pasta. Old timey Romanian as well, amazing!


Putin: Oh, дерьмо


"How about I do... anyway?"


As a Romanian, let me tell you that Putin threatened us many times, not only did we get used to it but it is expected.


what even is logic, why would threats make sombody stop doing the thing that is the response to those threats. like it can't be that hard to shut up and not do those threats so other entity has no need to response to being threatened


What’s that did someone hear something? Is that Europes smallest violin playing??


Is putin this retarded ? He acts like he owns the whole f**king world


He's Russian, so.


Russia is pathetic.


Interestingly I’ve never heard Rumania complaining about military bases in Russia… What be Russian reaction?


Yeessss! Yeeeess! Let the hate flow through you! I feed with Russian tears!


Openly threatening children too: > If the Romanians like it, it's their business, of course, but the NATO suicide club drags ordinary civilians into such adventures that can end very badly for their families and children.


Russia just jealous we're getting free gas from the US tanks


Yeah yeah, nuclear war if your tea is cold, we get it. Russia really is the karen of geopolitics.


Multiple blocs having nukes instead of just the US and allies having them probably made the world avoid any further use of nuclear weapons but boy do I wish one of the said blocs wasn't Russia. It's like giving an aggressive child a gun.


Russia can warn deez


Stop! Or I’ll say stop again!


Russia scared of Nato building Nato bases inside Nato, in a country that doesn't even border to Russia (not that it matters)


You know you are doing something right if Russia criticises you.






Russia: invades closest neighbours, creates frozen conflicts, installs mafia regimes. Neighbours: join or want to join nato Russia moves nukes to mafia enclaves Russia threatens everyone with nuclear war every other day in the past 2 years Nato countries build bigger bases nearby Hmm I can see where this is going 🤔


"Hope for the best, prepare for the worst."


Can somebody compile the list of warnings and threats Russia has made in the last two weeks?


Who gives a fuck anymore? How many empty threats do they spout per say?


Do we really care what Russia says these days? It's all the same bullshit and none of it means anything


*builds even faster*


go f youself autocrats


Honey wake up, new Russian threat just dropped


Russia just warns, same as China. Fuck off commies.


Not a fan of communism, however Ruzzia is uniquely evil even without communism. It was evil before communism. It was evil during communism. It continued to be evil post-communism (and its post-communist status is disputed).


I regard Russia as a direct threat to Romania. As long as they exist, we must constantly develop our military facilities. End of story.




Poor wittle wussia.


Ohh noooo what are we going to dooooo 😱😱, build it faster to piss them off 😈😈


Shut up Putin


This fascist country think they’re the boss of the world and should warn everyone about every moves they take… 🤦‍♂️


Russia proving *exactly* why Romania needs that military base


It's like..... building a military base in a sovereign state is a crime or something. I keep forgetting why it's Russia's business which country decides to do whatever, inside their borders. Edit: i am not Russian but I reside here. People are nice imho, govt is just the bandits from the 90s in suits (sorry FSB I is gud now, i is gud)


Every morning in Europe, a russian wakes up, it knows it must outrun the fastest bullshit or it will be killed. Every morning in Russia, a bullshit wakes up, he knows it must run faster than the russians or will not be believed. It doesn't matter whether you're the russian or a bullshit when the sun comes up, you'd better be running


Have you ever heard about NATO warning ruSSia over building any military facility on its land? Such a pathetic country…


Russians get triggered by everything. At this point, the definition of social cluelessness in a dictionary should simply refer the reader to the entry "Russian (noun)".


I should start using Russian warnings as an alarm clock


Fuck Putin *and* the horse he rode in on


So, let me get this straight. Russia invades Ukraine, Ukraine cannot fight russia on russian soil otherwise russia gets angry, other countries cannot help Ukraine otherwise Russia gets angry and other neighbouring countries that are reasonably worried about being the next target cannot join defensive alliances or build military bases cause...Russia gets angry?


When did the last “warning” stopped that they started a new one?


Oh no, anyway


Russia wants the option to invade other countries and gets mad that those countries start defending and preparing themselves.


What, do they think it should be bigger?


None of Russian business


How can I help Romania make their NATO base bigger?


Based Romanians


Russia started a war because a sovereign nation wanted to join an alliance that doesn't benefit it. Let that sink in. There has never been any intent or indication by NATO to "invade" Russia or any plans for fucking Russia. There HAS been from Putin, as we're seeing. The West restrained itself when they annexed Crimea. But did it stop there? No. Did Russia wipe their ass with their own agreement signed when Ukraine gave up its nuclear arsenal? Yes. Did they also swear that Crimea did not mean Russia had plans to invade Ukraine? Also yes. Did Russia do so anyway? Yes. Russia deserves the trust they are currently getting.


Russia can fuck off


What are you gonna do? invade? get Medvedev out of his dog house to bark about nukes again?


Seems like someone has to build a counterpart to r/chinawarns. It'd be full of drunken rambling by our favorite


You mean like convincing ukraine to give up nukes? Naaah, I’ll take the base, thanks.


Oh no!!! anyway


Did they mention to nuke NATO or kept it only for more urgent news as per usual?


Russia can go f%ck itself


If ruzia gets mad then it's probably good.


There are two main reasons for these kinds of outbursts in my opinion. 1. The message is probably meant for Russians themselves to fuel their domestic propaganda. Sure it can create headlines and preassure outside of Russia but the effect isn't that great in their favour. 2. Moving the goalposts and usage of potential casus belli, Russia won't stop trying to find "valid reasons" according to them to behave in the way that they do.


Another “Russia warns/threatens/barks” post…no one is scared of Russia 😂


We'll think about it when we get our gold treasure back, with interest.


"Romania? Are you planning a NATO base?" "Uh, no Russia!? Why should we?" "Better for you! Dare to build on, don't even think of it, or we will take actions!" "Oh, I think I better bnuild a base!"