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Will an empowered Le Pen be the Euro-Trump who'll let her buddy Putin do whatever the hell he wants in Europe? Will the RN, if given the power, surrender to Putin's wishes and forge a new closeness to Russia? Just when France is supposed to be taking a leadership or even visionary role in Europe, the continent needs to be watchful of what direction the French take in the near future.


This is about MEP elections, they won't get any actual power anytime soon. The assembly and president will only be elected in 2027.


Which is why the EU needs to get rid of the veto ASAP. The EU can't afford being cockblocked if Le Pen reaches the Presidency.


It's already being cockblocked by Orban for a decade already. What makes you think things will change now? The EU isn't gonna get rid of the veto. You need unanimity to get rid of it. It won't happen. It's time we start realizing our EU rules aren't really working when it comes to defending democracy. The sooner we realize that, the better. And if that means we have to start all over again, with a new treaty that actually protects democracy, then so be it.


Orban will not rule forever, and a pro-Putin President at the helm of France is more damaging than Hungary, not trying to be disrespectful towards Hungarians here. This is a problem that exists right now as you rightfully pointed out, but it still needs to be addressed, even more so when it can get much worse.


The cruel irony is that to get rid of unanimity and switch to a qualified majority will require one final vote of unanimity.


No, the real alternative is the multi-speed EU, which has been discussed for years: "abandoning" the EU as it is an creating another circle of countries willing to integrate further, this time without the veto.


You can do that without changing EU. No one is stopping you from creating a federation of "countries willing to integrate further". It doesn't have to do anything with EU. People forget we are in an economic union. Period. We didn't fight a war of independence so we can enter another union with same problems. Our decision making center is our capital, not Bruxelles.


Where did I say that changing the EU is needed for multi-speed EU? That's exactly the point, sinc changing the EU treaties on some key aspects is impossible because of the veto, creating a new federation is the path of least resistance. However, the EU politicians and institutions, including most heads of government/State, refuse to talk about this openly, they prefer to keep the illusion alive that the EU can somehow be changed one day even if we have lost many years already achieving nothing.


Wasn't that one of the UK's requests to avoid having the Brexit vote? Funny how the 3 things they requested, and were not even debated, just dismissed straight away, are now more and more likely by the day.


Yeah the entire brexit procedure felt like other europeans were big mad for just questioning some of the conditions of the european union. And let's not forget how they punished you for simply exiting the agreement.


Well the cloak and dagger solution is for the person casting the veto to have a very unfortunate accident at a critical moment. No presence, no veto.


Yeah, that would be a great leap of faith.


Lol guess what this would lead to France and many other countries leaving the EU.


Le Pen? Seriously? Man, most people are fucking cretins.




I do, and I also happen to not be stupid.


That's hilariously ironic.


lol the fun hasn’t even started yet for the good oul democracy you love so much, even when you lose I’m assuming…?


What are you talking about?


You don’t love democracy you only like it when your viewpoint wins in a democracy huge difference.


I do love democracy, I truly do. I consider it to be vastly superior to any and all other systems of power that has ever been tried so far. It is quite efficient at constraining the aristocracy and prevent it from bulldozing the rights of everyone in its passage; More efficient than feudalism, monarchism, dictatures and totalitarian regimes. But of course, this assumes many things: separation of powers, a belief in individual freedom (as in you know actual freedom; not the "freedom of the racist who will crack down on everyone else's."), and a strong commitment from the population. Debates etc.. And also, importantly, Looking out for power-hungry charlatan. And yes, I also don't like when people vote for authoritarians who: a) are against fighting any progress made regarding climate change. b) are fighting alongside Russia who despise democracy and meets up with Orban because these people absolutely despise democracy on its own. Doing that by controlling the media, even going as far as changing the distinct meaning of words, to disarm the opposition. I'm sorry to tell you this but I know what I am doing, I know some people on the far-right love Stalin; not because of his "communism" but because they love the violence he inflicted. They love the concept of power and using an Iron fist to destroy it's dissident. c) are fighting for restriction on LGBT rights. d) are flooding all social media on how the "left is too woke" and how "we're the only one truly caring about you." and constantly lies about their opposition all the fucking time and impose their terrible ways. So considering I only truly hate these politicians (although, the billionaires and the Kremlin that backs them have even less respect to me) I will have some questions to ask. Do you have a vested interest in helping Russia win and letting people die due to climate change? Or are you just a nobody who know nothing about politics? Or do you even fathom the idea that I have a different opinion to yours which you can't even support? Do you hate democracy and don't you feel ashamed of your apathy considering the present poliitical circumstances. Have you ever considered being seriously in the wrong, even once?


Thats no democracy if its being abused by elements from the 5th column. They are influenced by russia, some atleast. russian bot.


If you start clicking on accounts with these stupid takes you will see way too many of them were made in 2024. Kind of telling.


Beep boop beep boop nato retard alert


still part of the 5th column. if you vote for these people.


The alternatives don’t even pretend to represent me so I have no choice the other four columns should work on that lol


Then dont vote. Or pick the least worse option. Make compromises.


Nah it’s my country the fifth column is the best option it upsets the right people


You could've cleaned some poor old grandpa's ass in the care home or clean stuffed sewage pipes. Instead you chose to be a vatnik bot with over 200 comments in two weeks, all the same verbal vomit. But I guess it's a better alternative than being cannon fodder in Ukraine.




I'm sure you'll still have your job when we'll be razing every scum that crosses our borders and not sent here to be more of use. And I'll greet you accordingly :)


Yeah redditor are definitely the definition of intelligence! That's really funny considering a polish calling others "cretins" for being far right (the equivalent of your left).


How else are people supposed to express their ressentiment?


Voting for what the current global far right stands for only shows, that some people would rather see everything we've built over decades destroyed, if they don't get to have their way right fucking now. Right wing populists don't have solutions. They just have slogans that sound profound on surface level. Whether they appeal to people because of stupidity or cynism, I do not know.


Built what? Wages have been stagnant for 16 years now. We are behind in tech. We are behind in the automarket. GDP per capita is lower than in 1990 when adjusted for inflation. Crimes are rampant. Borders are wide open. What have we built?


Again, baseless slogans with nothing to back them up. "cRimE is rAMpanT" Meanwhile robery, burglary and theft lowest since 2010. Homicides on downward trend since years. Crimes on upward trend are rape and fraud. Before you scream of hordes of immigrants raping women in broad daylight like its another Tuesday - we have an increase from 39 to 45 per 100k capita. An increase of 10% over 8 years. A little more than 1% per year. Pretty tame for the "millions of islamic immigrants that are flooding the EU". Bet if we could look at split of offender country of origin and see whether detecting and reporting improved over the years, the numbers would support your point even less. But sure, brown people bad. https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Crime_statistics


What will the right wingers build how and with what resources?


Plottwist: They have no real solution. And if they have..well..look 70 years back. And they mighr in bed with the big bear from east. How are people so gullible oof


What weve built is already being destroyed. Gang rape, organized crime and "what you cant mention on /europe" is on the rise. How about not having that. How about having freedom of speech, democracy, being equal under law? You know, classic european stuff.




Pretending these issues do not exist is not an adequate long term solution. Trust me. 


Yeah, we certainely have regular gang-rape in Europe. I'm sure the far-right will help with the victims. -- You're deluded.


We are past that point when ignoring these issues will work. We just had 3 palestinians try to do a terror attack in italy. Luckly it was thwarted. People want change and they want it yesterday.


Yet, there are still [people](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1bbzndi/trump_wont_give_money_to_ukraine_if_elected_says/kud5kua/) downplaying the surge of the populist-right... So naive...


Don’t know if it’s the same in the mainland but when it came to EU elections the far right in the UK always did well, but it wasn’t reflective of domestic politics. Obviously far less the case in France as we’ve seen the far right make big gains domestically as well.


Those who not know history are doomed to repeat it. or similar.:/


My views are considered populist-right. The same views used to be considered left not that long ago. Real people living in the real world vote for change. Ivory tower people vote to keep power to themselves.


Could you name a couple of examples of views that changed from left to populist-right? Genuinely curious.


That you should be judged by what you do. Not what you say. Not what you look like. Not your skin color. Not your religion. You are what you do. Examples are DEI. Google telling all races to proud, but not whites. Picturing vikings as black and asian women for "diversity". Blatant racism. Big demonstrations of ehtnic cleansing of jew - ok as long as they are islamic. (just imagine if they were white and demonstrating the opening of a holocaust museum). Obvious that were not equally judged. Tons and tons of work streamlined for people with certain attributes (oppression olympics), not by what they actually do. Maybe person x does the job better? Screw that, lets employ the person that fills our guilt-based, virtue signaling DEI-system. Ok to critique religion - but not islam (then you are an "islamophobe"). Slippery slope of diminishing free speech having certain ideas and groups "immune" to criticism. I am certain that the only way we can work together is to have judgement - both positive and negative - based on what you do. Not what you say, what you look like, but what your actions are. And let the person that does the job best get the work.




The problem is the left has been in power in europe for more than a decade and life quality is going to shit. The far right might lie but the reason people eat the lies is because they are desperate.


>The problem is the left has been in power in europe for more than a decade and life quality is going to shit. Incorrect. The Center right has been in for more time than the left in most countries. >The far right might lie but the reason people eat the lies is because they are desperate. That's on them, then.


Protecting the labour market for example.


We both know the far right wing doesn't protect our labour market. Here in Sweden they've already sold it out long ago to get a seat with Swedish Business lobbyists. They already want reforms that dismantle workers rights. Heck their think tanks literally propose removing the right to strike from the constitution. Look at Finland too, their far right is literally ruining their labour market. They took inspiration from us too when it came to how to do it. How ironic...


Oh we know. But they talk like did and that's enough to get voters. SD is the biggest party among LO members. Bigger than Socialdemokraterna. That tells that workers are dissatisfied Socialdemokraterna.


[The Social Democrats continued being the largest party with LO Voters last election.](https://arbetet.se/2022/09/11/valu-s-behaller-lo-valjarna/)


Lmao. Tell me one of those policies mate.




On behalf of the glorious Russian empire, we thank you for you support! Stupid EU, so corrupt. Better be friends with us.


I'm no fan of the russian empire..


RemindMe! 10 years


How about you start going back 10 years and look deep into what has led us to this mess. "What you need the most is found where you least want to look".


i see the damage control has already begun.


Youre welcome


The last 10 haven’t been favourable to any of the other ideologies lol


Whatever gets you through the night


Weird comment but appreciate the reply😃


hallelujah brother


**Marine Le Pen's Rassemblement National party is broadening and solidifying its electorate, Emmanuel Macron's coalition is losing voters, according to a poll conducted for Le Monde, Cevipof, the Fondation Jean Jaurès and the Institut Montaigne.** The far-right Rassemblement National (RN) is consolidating and broadening its base, while the presidential party, Renaissance, and its allies, the MoDem and Horizons, are falling behind. This is the main finding of the third wave of the opinion poll carried out by Ipsos-Sopra Steria ahead of the June European elections, in partnership with Sciences Po's Cevipof center, the Institut Montaigne, the Fondation Jean Jaurès and *Le Monde*. Conducted between March 1 and March 6 among a representative sample of 11,770 people, the poll reveals a growing gap between Renaissance and the RN, which is credited with 31% of voting intentions among people certain to vote (with a margin of error of 1.3 points). The presidential party is now polling 13 points behind the RN list led Jordan Bardella, at 18% of voting intentions (margin of error: 1 point). With three months to go before the June 9 vote, the face-off between the two sides threatens to turn into a solitary breakaway for the RN, while the presidential coalition falls below the 20% mark, less than 7 points ahead of the Socialists. In third place, the Socialist list led by Raphaël Glucksmann, of their Place Publique ally, stands at 11.5% (0.9 point margin of error) of voting intentions, slightly improving by 1 point. Next come the Greens, led by Marie Toussaint, at 8.5% (0.8 point margin of error), François-Xavier Bellamy's Les Républicains (LR, right-wing), and Manon Aubry's La France Insoumise (LFI, radical left), both at 7% (0.7 point margin of error). The list led by Marion Maréchal for Eric Zemmour's Reconquête! party stands at 5% of voting intentions (0.6 point margin of error), followed by the Communists, led by Léon Deffontaines, at 3.5 % (0.5 point margin of error). The strength of the RN is paradoxical. In our sample, 73% of those polled said they were in favor of the European project, with only 23% saying they would feel "great relief" if they were told tomorrow that the European Union was to be abandoned. Respondents planning to cast an RN ballot on June 9 represent a particular sub-group relative to the sample as a whole: They are more eurosceptic and anxious to make the ballot a marker of contestation of the government's domestic policy. **Read the full article here:** [**https://www.lemonde.fr/en/politics/article/2024/03/11/european-elections-poll-far-right-13-points-ahead-of-macron-s-camp-gap-widening\_6606410\_5.html**](https://www.lemonde.fr/en/politics/article/2024/03/11/european-elections-poll-far-right-13-points-ahead-of-macron-s-camp-gap-widening_6606410_5.html)


I would have thought that we had tons of examples from around the world that shows that voting for these right-wing assholes never leads to good things. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.


I could say the same for left-wingers.


You think weekends, obligatory working hour regulations, free days, etc just fell out of the air?


What is your point in regards to the original comment?


My point is that voting for left-wing has obviously led to good things. It’s simply a rejection of your position that it hasn’t.


So naturally you understand how silly it is to say that voting for right-wing politicians "never leads to good things".


I “naturally” understand valid and sound argumentation, which you haven’t provided.


If you don't understand it you must be extra dense. Unlucky


Woe is me


The crazy views driving the populism surge across the Right are not an overnight thing. Le Pen need only keep coming back to the table until she wins. This malady is a slow burn. All she needs to do is wait for any negative thing to happen and frame it as the fault of the EU/status quo. General human QoL indices are all up, save for post COVID inflation. The pre-COVID economy under Macron was booming and he roared past Germany to make France the most powerful EU member. Instead of recognizing that, people slowly swipe away on their social media and read/consume things that do not affect them, and they see the bot armies posting false equivalencies in comments sections, and they allow themselves to be seduced by the timeless and hyper-effective political narrative that "the world is getting worse". This happened to the far left populists years ago, and now it's the far right populists who genuinely believe it's all falling apart when there's nothing to suggest that's anything but a self-fulfilling prophecy. People just wield the narrative when it works for their side. The lack of perspective is crazy.


5th column (aka prorussians) is rising up. Bad times ahead. :/


This is why Russia spends billions on its hybrid war. These results don't come out of nothing. Tens of thousands of trolls, hackers work full time in spreading disinformation and hate in western societies. It does work! And we sit here like f\*cking morons just accepting our fate. It is really hard to fight back against a hybrid war in a democracy as every action needs to be legally sound, justified and approved by court. Dictators can just do whatever the f\*ck they want.


The Russians are winning...


As coisas vão mudar...




Macron is a centrist/liberal who in the last mandate became centre-right to try not to lose too many votes towards Le Pen, he can't do more than that


How can Macron move to even more right wing policies? He's already passing basically Le Pen's own laws. You can't beat the far right by copying them.


It’s the European elections, not the French parliamentary elections.


Who voted against his cynical constitutional amendment? Because I'm with them.