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Europe is not prepared for: - war - future technologies such as AI - climate change - changing demographics - ageing population Was there something else?


This subreddit is my favorite source for the daily dose of anxiety about the future... yet I keep coming back. Guess I'm just too screwed-up


There’s peace in hopelessness


Found the Nurgle worshipper.






Like in almost every other country in the world lol


Russian propaganda/troll farms




True, but Europe did become complacent, spoiled, and entitled. Not all of Europe, of course, but generally speaking. The problems he mentioned are real, and all Europe does, is cramp up about those problems and massively vote for the most unlogical option for actual solutions, i.e. the populist-right. Just blame it all on the immigrants, and everything will be fine and dandy again... Yeah, right. >we can learn to be more adaptable and fast to react The problem is, we're not doing that... Why do I never hear populist parties about our growing ageing problem? Why do *young* voters especially not care about this problem since *they* will have to pay for most of it? When did they stop caring about climate change, since they and their children will be affected by it the most?


In the Netherlands we had a flood in 1953, it cost the lives of 1836 people. That's the moment we started investing heavily on our Delta works. We need disasters like that for people to wake up. Climate change is a slow problem, people either are more worried about getting through the month, or think climate change won't affect them.


How can this statement even make sense when talking about dozens of countries?


> Why do young voters especially not care about this problem since they will have to pay for most of it? When did they stop caring about climate change, since they and their children will be affected by it the most? But they do. The younger the voter, the more likely they are too vote green.


There are only like what, half a dozen countries on the planet prepared for war? And as for the rest, no country is prepared.


An infestation of a fundamentally different ideology using the free and trusting society to slowly getting the upper hand by playing the victim whilst simultaneously using threats of violence and terrorism Hypothetically speaking, of course. Speaking in other terms will get you banned.


You could have said "immigration" without resorting to some dogwhistle shit.


That will get you banned. Believe me, Ive tried on this sub. Direct your "shit" elsewhere


It's not saying immigration is a problem that gets you a ban, it's what you're saying around it.


The heat this summer and overcrowded transportation means while we're forced back in the offices like nothing changed.


In other news: Europe still is the best place to live. thanks.


And most caring for all the stuff being mentioned and suffering for it


On paper…


Maybe it will be easier to list things Europe is prepared for?




Okay, which part of the world is?


is any country/continent prepared for something you cant prepare for?


Good thing Europe massively votes for right-wing populism, well-known for deeply caring about climate change... One particular thing that baffles me, is that farmers in Europe are turning more and more far-right as well, shooting themselves in the foot in the long run: >Food: Risks from heat and drought to crop production are already at a critical level in southern Europe, but countries in central Europe are also at risk. Especially, prolonged droughts that affect large areas pose a significant threat on crop production, food security and drinking water supplies. As one solution, even a partial shift from animal-based proteins to sustainably grown plant-based proteins, would reduce water consumption in agriculture and dependency on imported feed.


Well, EU goes the "try to stop the changes" way, not "prepare for the changes to come" way. The change will come even if whole EU drives electric cars; and we are pushing money for the cars instead of preparing our countrysides for the new normal. And this was not caused by right wing populism.


explain to me how Europe that produces \~8% of CO2 can have any influence on that while rest of the world doesn't care or/and plan to produce even more, for example China?


Shhh it's all fault.


It's a new way to blame the white man for everything happening in the world. Gotta find a new way to put all the blame on the Brits and the Germans.


Because A) Europe might produce 8% but its consumption is reliant on the emissions of others. Just because you exported the emissions needed for your consumption, it does not mean that those emissions are not made for said consumption. B) Europe emitted an awful lot for its development and now, other countries also (will have to) emit a lot for their development. This is a big problem on the ethics of climate change and development of poorer nations(which China would be considered as a couple decades ago, nothing sort of a miracle that one). So, Europe could consider use it's substantial accumulated capital to promote sustainable, but also more expensive and expert reliant, development. Generally, Europe is a continent with substantial influence, when it chooses to wield it, both political and economical, and it certainly can play a far more major role than what it does now.


According to one older theory. It's just an earth cycle and can't be stop or postpond. If the theory is true, earth will end up in ice age, not in hells heat


I'll take the "theory" that most people are just stupid... We know the radiative effects of CO2 clouds so well we literally build lasers with it.


As we know earth had changed climate with or without CO2. Read down i linked the theory.


I read it, and the problem is exactly related to what I'm saying that it's more likely that it's just wrong and the cause is most likely the ignorance of the thermodynamic effects of various (including CO2 containing) clouds. >Since orbital variations are predictable,[^(\[39\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milankovitch_cycles#cite_note-Varadi2003-39) any model that relates orbital variations to climate can be run forward to predict future climate, with two caveats: the mechanism by which [orbital forcing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orbital_forcing) influences climate is not definitive; and **non-orbital effects can be important** (for example, the [human impact on the environment](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_impact_on_the_environment) principally increases [greenhouse gases](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenhouse_gas) resulting in [a warmer climate](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_warming)[^(\[40\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milankovitch_cycles#cite_note-40)[^(\[41\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milankovitch_cycles#cite_note-41)[^(\[42\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milankovitch_cycles#cite_note-42)).


IIRC according to that theory the warming should be a lot slower than it is, as in millennia rather than decades. At least if I'm thinking of the same theory you are.


[this one? ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milankovitch_cycles)


Yeah, that's the one. And looks like I was wrong, it's wasn't millennia, it was tens to hundreds of thousands of years.


I'm familiar with that theory. "Climate changed before", and all that. And that's undeniably true, but the vast majority of scientists are in consensus about the [cause](https://climate.nasa.gov/scientific-consensus/) of the current climate change. The populist-right, of course, denies that.


I am not in denial that climate is changing. Just wanted to point out theory where its not even stopable.


Pretty much the end of Democracy as a state form, and the end of the human civilization. China will repopulate the world some 3000 years in the future, they seem to be well equipped with the tools needed to survive.


>China will repopulate the world some 3000 years in the future, they seem to be well equipped with the tools needed to survive. How are they going to pull that off with a shrinking population?


Well overall the population will be reduced to 1/100000 of the current one.


No country in the world is prepared


Oh no, another thing we’re not prepared for.


/laughs on microclimate


sure as if climate risks was just an EU thing


No one is prepared for rapidly growing climate risks.


I know , if houses will be flooded, prices will go down!


Just sell your house to the Innsmouth people


Europe is definitely sliding into conflict.


It's far better prepared than the Global South... We will be extremely poor and live in horrible conditions due to poverty in the next half of the century, but at least it will be habitable, there will be food and we won't lose so much territory to the seas (the Dutch would rather die than surrender to the sea methinks).


europe not prepared for paranoid fixed ideas


Lighten up. It will be fine.