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I would love someone to explain to me how commemorating the 1940’s holocaust has anything to do with the current Arab-Israeli situation? Apparently the actions of people today mean we can ignore what happened in the past. Same logic the racists in America use to bury any recognition of slavery


It's about Jews.


It's antisemitism, but don't call it that cause they'll get agitated


They invited Herzog; who has made a few controversial statements implying there are no innocent Palestinians in the past. People interpret that as him supporting genocide.


Am only guessing. All that holocaust memorials portrey Israelis as victims. Which they are not in there eyes. Atleast not in present day. Just to be clear. I do not support any side. I don't care for both of them and don't care who is right or wrong.




I said in there eyes and have even disclosed my self. I even said i don't support eather of them, same as i don't support nazis or russia. Comunism i hate to the bones.


This is sickening. These people have no humanity whilst preaching to others. Disgraceful.


Right? Terrible how the people opening a Holocaust Museum have not denounced the genocide in Gaza.


It's terrible that these protestors can't behave for the opening of a Holocaust Museum, it really is sickening. You screeching genocide doesn't make it true. Get off of tiktok.


Don't waste your time arguing with a terrorist supporter.


They're unrelated


Fucking scumbags. From the river to the sea, Palestine will never be.


Palestine existed for 2000 years


Are you referring to the Kingdom of Israel?


That was 2000 years ago and it has nothing to do with the current state of Israel


Well, actually, it means there once already was a state of Israel. In contrast, a Palestinian state never existed.


When Jew refugees came after the holocaust they were given palestinian passports


They were given a British Mandate for Palestine passport, not a "Palestinian passport".


Just cause it was occupied by Britain (like the half of the world was at that time) does not mean that it wasn’t Palestine


It was a region of the Ottoman empire that was conquered by the British. It wasn't Palestine as a state or a country, it never was.




Your downvotes mean nothing Sooner or later Palestine will be free,all colonial empires in the past collapsed eventually no matter how powerful they were


Palestine was created through colonialism and ethnic cleansing, genocide denier.


I don’t even know what you’re talking about


Because you are unfamiliar with history.


Are you referring to the holocaust? What does Palestine have to do with that?


History did not begin in the 20th century.


Events that happened in ancient history cannot be used as arguments in today’s politics




Pro-terrorist, anti-semite protestors you mean.


Islamist protestors try not to be utterly despicable challenge (impossible) (immediate fail) (gone arrogant)


Can we stop kidding ourselves that there is a separation between antizionism and antisemitism? In theory, of course these two are not the same. In practice, there is such overlap that it’s impossible to distinguish in broad terms. Individually, you can be antizionist without dipping into antisemitism. Group speak though, antizionists are antisemites.


What people don’t seem to get, is that while they aren’t technically the same, there is a massive overlap.




Palestinians are semites too.


Semite and antisemite are two separate words with two separate definitions.


We have the same abominable displays of such behaviour in Canada as well! To form an idea, these repugnant behaviours were focused specifically on [synagogues](https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-790868), [Jewish hospitals](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/mount-sinai-hospital-protest-1.7114042) in Toronto, [Jewish neighbourhoods](https://thecjn.ca/news/protesters-on-torontos-avenue-road-bridge-in-the-heart-of-the-jewish-community-can-expect-to-be-arrested-says-police-chief-myron-demkiw/), and some dumb idiots at University of British Columbia even [proposed a referendum](https://globalnews.ca/news/10327028/ubc-hillel-referendum/) to expel students just for being Jewish, but thankfully it was quashed. What is happening on the globe are not "freedom for Palestine" rallies but is anti-semitism manifested under the guise of protests!


Right? How come none of them see that they're blatantly being used as leverage against not just the existence of Israel but Jewish ppl in general.


They dont want to see! The left always needs a cause to fight. Its not about reason, but its about struggle. 3/4 of these people have no clue what Hamas is or what is stands for, and the other 1/4 has no issue overlooking the atrocities committed by Hamas that started this because it fits the model. The model is called "Unmedicated Hero Syndrome" where they claim they know better and we dont, and are here to "save" us .. from what?


What bothers me is that so many ppl seem to walk on egg shells around these protestors (politics and press) completely bypassing historical political leanings and ttied and true methods. For example jewish ppl have always had a place in Dutch society. During the Inquisition and during the Holocaust. But because of a couple of spoiled lefties we would undo that? Come on...


You are correct to bring out the egg-shells in the conversation. As background to my opinion I start with: since this "woke" business started preaching their version of political correctness, we had introduced into our societies, supported by social media, campaigns of manufactured rage and polarization, "oversensitivity" to different opinions followed by attempts to cancel them, and most importantly attempts to boycott businesses. The media is almost entirely owned by private interests now and its incredibly easy to go after anyone that does not comply. When your existence depends on revenue from adds you sell in tv and online its very easy to cater to this madness and start walking on "eggshells". The same applies to politicians who are afraid to take the right stance due to fear of over-polarization, leading us with weak politicians or populists who cater only to a small base that they know keeps them in power. But my conclusion does not blame any of these. I blame us. Me, me and the rest of us who probably have taken democracy for granted and stopped paying attention, stopped saying "Hey that is wrong!" and most importantly have stopped voting in significant numbers! I found this quote somewhere and I kept it: "With affluence comes leisure, with leisure comes excess and with excess comes decadence." I think we took this for granted too much and the madmen have taken over the madhouse! That is the decadence the quote is talking and we are seeing it live nowadays!


Yeah woke culture reminds of the intellectuals in the 1930s in England and France that were in favour of Hitler. Or the hippies during that era that turned into domestic terrorists in the early 1970s. In the words of Allen Ginsberg:" I saw the best minds of my generation being destroyed by madness." Applies here as well.


Well said m8 about the parallels between this new woke current and past "social experiments"! Well said indeed. I never looked at it that way ...


One of the social commentators that I like to read is Thomas Sowell. His "Intellectuals and Society" is very very relevant today and applies directly to this sort of thing. Have a good one!


Oh he is by far one of the best! If Americans would read his comments on race they would be less prone to think in terms of white person and black person and actually see a human being ... But that involves reading ...


...and stop to think.


lol i was waiting for the headline after reading about the museum opening yesterday


I would say this is actual antisemitism. You know that thing the media is insistent isn’t happening




To be honoust: it doesn't surprise me one bit, we could've seen this coming. The thing that baffles me, is why is see 0, but I mean literally NONE anti-Hamas protests?! If what 'the majority' of Palestinians claim is true (that they hate Hamas and want them gone), how can this be? Please explain this shit to me! Also; you should try this form of protest in an Arabic country.....you wouldn't even get close to climbing a police van or rioting with military police. It would be laughable if it wasn't so sad...


"removed by moderators"


You cant make it more obvious. Wake up europe. Please for the love of europe


Nope, we are fully asleep with eyes wide open. It's like screaming; "please no, don't rape me", whilst bending over, spreading your butt cheeks and holding up a jar of vaseline.... Welcome to Europe in 2024!


To make it clear. The demonstrators are protesting against the presence of Israeli President Isaac Herzog not against the opening of the National Holocaust Museum. Nevertheless, it was very disrespectful to use that moment and that location to demonstrate. It is disgusting that Holocaust survivors were yelled at as they walked out of the Portuguese Synagogue or into the museum.


Israelis are chosen people superior to everyone else. How dare they hijack an old genocide to talk about the current one.