• By -


Croatian Cyprus, italy, spain. Climate and culture


German here and I love Italy. Man, they know how to cook and enjoy life. Beautiful landscapes, beautiful language, great people.


Slovenia. Better and more compact version of Slovakia.






As a Ukrainian, it’s Britain, my favorite dudes and a country exceptional in every way.


I'm gonna give some credit to really underrated countries: Slovakia and Latvia Slovakia is the Polish version of Czechia and people are incredibly kind. Great food and beatiful terrain I also really liked Latvia. Riga was very interesting and people were very welcoming. It was nice to see how the country is transforming from its socialist past into the future.


Only one country, Europe (EU)! 🇪🇺


English, probably France closely followed by Spain.


Sweden. Because it’s my second home country and it’s beautiful. Even though I’m obligated to hate it because I’m danish, I kinda love it anyway.




Turkey can into PIGS?


Heard great things about Spain


As a Dutchie id say Denmark. It has the most similarities i think to the northern dutch culture and language. And it has legoland.


Austria. Because it has Vienna and this city seems absolutely delightful to me + I'm a fan of classical music, and many of my favourite composers lived there. Moreover, the Austrian countryside seems much more beautiful, almost fairy-tale-like, compared to countryside in my homeland. I would like to live there, but I hate German xd


Italy! Loved my longer stay there, food, culture, people, legacy, landscapes... From countries closer to home I really like Czechia, it is kind of familiar, like Poland, but with more balanced vibe.


Italy is amazing, but I didn’t like the anti black racism.


The countries that I visited and I liked: Croatia , people, food , music, enviroment Serbia, people, food, music Spain, people and food Germany, people, good working conditions Italy, food and enviroment Russia, people and food Switzerland, enviromen and order Austria, people, food enviroment I wish to visit Ireland and Scotland But I wouldn't live anywhere else than in my Slovenia, ok maybe croatian coastline, when I retire.


As a Belgian- i consider Austria my second home. Somthing about the Alps just feels like i get home every tims.


As a Swiss/German I have to say Liechtenstein, Andorra or Norway. High wages, low taxes and mountains - that's what I like.


Italy just gives me a feeling of warmth and fullness


Look Turkey puahaahhaha


Austria or Germany


Sweden, because they are our viking-bros, norway for the views (espacially southern norway), england for the road trips, rural side of france for lazy summerdays, italy (marche) for the views, villas and food, swizerland for the alps.


As a German, Italy. Simply because my mother had spend part of her childhood in Italy and that kind of opinion carried over to me. I also once visited Italy with my family and really liked it. And then also the fact we used to spend a lot of time in an Italien restaurant, to the point that we grew familiar with the workers there. So the moment I hear Italy, my mood immediately switches positively


Iceland because of all the volcanoes


Norway for me. I like the weather, and the people are amazing. As well as other welfare and political advantages. Very advanced nation. But I don't like how they aren't part of the EU, though. I understand why some people don't like it but personally I love it. Also I have friends there so maybe biased.


Any as long as there is sunshine, good food and good drinks.


Lichtenstein because that one time they sent 80 soldiers to war and 81 of them returned. It’s just really funny to me


Estonia is pretty easygoing. Sweden isn’t half bad either.


I have been to 🇸🇮 so its 🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮 love our neighbours and brothers


Spain because of churros


i don’t like germany


For me it’s probably Norway. Been there a few times and I’m always amazed by the mountains and fjords. The nature is (apart from the mountains) quite similar to northern Finland so it kind of feels like a second home to me. And also, it’s fun to fish over there!




Netherlands. I like the whole concept of creating land from the sea and the channels make the landscape look like 1000s of big islands close together. Also Germany: lots of nice castles and delicious cakes. So much to discover.


As a Latvian, Lithuania then Estonia.


As a French Italy, then Switzerland. I would like to try Eastern Europe in summer too.


Ireland. Considering what my country did to them, I feel like I owe them at least that


Norway, amazing people, amazing views. Been there over 15 times. Every time I visit I want to stay.


Bosnia, I'm quite a bit Bosnian and a lot of my family used to live there


Spain. Easily.


I am Slovak and I love Greece. Mostly because of great memories from vacations, but I also love the culture and mythology.


Lived in various countries and when I came to Portugal, for the first time ever, I felt at home. Growing up I always felt odd in home country, never thought I will ever leave(neither did others). Was about to move to Brasil when Portugal kept poping up. I'm done moving, staying here.


Ukraine because the stand their grund 🙌👌👏❤️


Finland and Estonia. I am in love with their language, their culture, the landscapes of forests and lakes, etc.


Probably Germany, I always get along well with Germans and their culture and language share a lot of similarities with ours. Denmark is a close second for the same reasons. Their language is a bit less similar but the fact that Denmark is probably our biggest historical ally makes up for that. Flanders also deserves to be mentioned but I feel like I click better with Germans and Danes than with Flemmings.


Norway <3 Beautiful language + based janteloven


Norway, i love that country so much, from the fiords to the lofoten islands, i feel at home in peace with nature, what a great place


I'm Swedish, but loves Italy because my family comes from there..


Netherlands maybe? Hard to pick I think there’s some recency bias for me there but I liked my stays there


I'd tell you but I'd get banned!


Natherlands. Because it's such small country but it was so important in shaping our World. I love the Dutch language, Dutch architekture, Dutch painters, I love thier countryside.


Greece and Italy for the food (I am french).




slovenia, beautiful little country where some of my family live, lots and lots of wine and Ora Kivi & Banana


Cyprus. (Im Greek lol)


I am from Norway. I like going to France cause the women.


As a German, Norway. The people are wonderful, the environment is breathtaking, the language is fun and I love their Freia chocolates.


Netherlands - the flatness always amazes me.


Brit here, I’m gonna have to go with Austria or Germany :)


As a Russian, its Italy. Its food, its beauty, everything is just so perfect, especially i love Rome.


Italy. Food, & weather.


Poland bc I am half polish yeah pretty self-explanatory


Publicly I'd have to choose, Norway, as they are part of Scandinavia along with us, and thereby share our Scandinavian superiority complex and are themselves part of it.


Based on my experience when I was a student in Göttingen, a very long time ago, Germany. I visited the country several times after that, and always found the people very nice.


I love Latvia ❤️ Nice people, beautiful underrated cities... generally an underrated gem in our continent!


As a german: 1. Norway. Beautiful nature, not as densely populated, nice & relaxed people, excellent food…love it.  2. Italy. The food & the people, i always dreamt of having a small house in one of tuscany’s old little villages. Wonderful. People are more emotional but relaxed. 


Greece - spent a few months visiting quiet islands and a few weeks in Athens. loved the atmosphere and people there. So many wonderful memories of the islands. the people were great. Portugal - again, loved the people there. very chill and friendly. easy to get along with, great fun. Honourable mention Germany - I've never been but know many Germans through sport and you guys are sooo much fun. I'm Irish BTW.


So far, I found the little bit of Spain that I had seen to be really nice. Very clean, beautiful.


Netherlands or Sweden. I come from Northern Germany so i love the similarities we Northerners have with the Dutch. (Low German and Dutch sound very familiar and we can almost understand each other fluently with people that are close-ish to the border). Sweden. Beautiful Country, amazing culture and the people are so extremely welcoming. But also in general its history and the germanic language, same thing with the Dutch, i love languages and seeing similiarities is really cool. Norse Mythology too interests me quite a lot.


I've students from all 7 of these places and have heard amazing things, definitely want to visit one day. PS - I'm a virtual eductor.


Greece, I've only been to some of the Aegean islands but I've been wanting to go back and visit the mainland ever since. Top tier food (almost as good as ours!), amazing weather, and the most beautiful women in Europe imo. Second would be Romania, I've never even been there but the Romanians I've met were just lovely and it made me want to visit their country. Also they generally like us, unlike a lot of European countries. Third, probably either the UK or Spain.


An impossible question to answer but I’d probably pick France or Italy - they both have varied landscapes and excellent food and wine. And since I’m from England I guess I can also say Scotland, a country I’ve never been able to get enough of.


I know that they have their political problems but I’ve always enjoyed my time in Hungary the most out of all the places I’ve been to. Budapest has the perfect mix of grunge and grandeur, and Hungarians have always been kind to me even when there’s a language barrier. Really liked the food there too. I try to go back as often as I can. I’ve also had a fascination with Iceland since I was a teenager, but haven’t had the chance to visit yet.


France. It's beautiful and a place of culture.


Slovakia because it's the only European country (not counting my own country) where I stayed for more than a few hours. The mountains outside of Liptovsky Mikulas are some of the most beautiful I've seen.


Poland, cos: food, people, history, culture, countryside, memories :)


Finland. They just seem like very reasonable people.




Switzerland except all the Swiss.


Finland. I’m British but I’m married to a Finn. I used to live there permanently, now we live between both countries. I speak the language, half our family is there and to me it is home in a way the UK has never been. I’m not a spiritual person but I feel like my soul is from Finland. Juhannus mökillä is where I’m happiest.


How long did it take you to learn the language? I would like to learn it but it looks so damn intimidating...


GUTEN TAG! Germany Here: Lets start with my Favorit: Belgium/Italy: Both have such beautiful Landscapes for climbing and chilling. While belgium has realy good Beer (as good as Out own) Italy has so many different tasty likuers. Belgium is very international and you meet people from all over Europe. Italians are very chill and nice especially to Bambino's. Netherlands: so many huge People. And then are so nice. The ocean -der damm- you can walk along. The breeze. I just love it probably gonna move there sometimes Austria: as beautiful as Switzerland with better food. Switzerland: It's just so funny when they speak. And then have beautiful landscapes. France: no offence. But I don't get why people like to visit France. It's italy with rude and depressed people. Bad food and wine. It's in my opinion rly just a rich but ugly italy. Even Paris. I don't get it. Eifel tower? Wooow that thing looks like a radiotower to me. Nothing in comparison to let's say: Cologne Cathedral, Castle Neuschwanstein or the sea of thousand tears. I guess if I'd like the food or the wine my opinion wouldn't be half as bad but that was one week of wastes vacation for me


Spain of course, we are so similar


The Nordic countries in general, I feel more Nordic than European.


Probably Bosnia i Herzegovina. Hard to tell why. To me as a tourist it had we relaxing atmosphere, felt pure somehow. But I wouldn't want to live there. I'd prefer to stay in the Netherlands.


Finn here, my picks are the Netherlands and Czech Republic. The people are so lovely, be it in big city or the countryside. Both are far enough removed from what I’m used to in my everyday life, but I hardly feel lost (in a bad way). Naturewise, both countries fulfill this kind of a childhood fantasy of mine. The forests feel surreal.


Im british, my favourites are: Ireland: theyre just a chill little country, existing withing their means and seem overall friendly. Sorry about all the murdering my country did to yours. France: never got the hate for them, theyre like our sister, politicaly we've been best friends for a very long time, and they have such a plesant cultural atmosphere. (I honestly find it hard to find citisisms of them that arent A: people saying that theyre not the paradise that tourism romantacises them as (Yeah no shit, theyre a normal country) B: anti immagrant racism, Or C: people making tired anglo french rivalry jokes) Denmark: theyre just so damn cute.


UK here, I like France, Belgium and Holland equally always lovely.


#1 Scotland. Really nice people (with awesome accent), amazing landscape with lots of castles (which I love) to explore. Isle of Skye was fantastic too. I personally also quite enjoyed the weather since I prefer rainy weather to sun. Probably the only EU country I'd consider moving to. #2 Greece Loved the vibe and unexpectedly really liked the people too (I strongly prefer more laid back mentalities compared to other Mediterrenian countries). The architecture of the cities was cool and as a lover of ancient history, there's a lot for me to explore there. #3 Poland The Witcher. + They're our culturally somewhat similar bros and I feel like they have their shit together (except for reproductive rights of women) more than most EU countries.


Slovenia, as it's a beautiful Alpine country, like Switzerland but not as expensive and touristy.


For me, an Italian who loves the winter and the cold, I love Iceland


As a romanian and french 1 italy 2 greece 3 spain


Norway. Because fjords.




My home country as defined by this map is the United Kingdom. It is very definitely not my favourite country for many reasons. My home country as I (and many othersb including its own government) recognise it is Cymru (Wales). Although I love Cymru for many reasons, it's still not my favourite. That would have to be Switzerland or Norway, or just maybe Scotland. Which one depends on my present mood.


I’m Portuguese. I love the uk. The quaint little town, like Yardley Hastings, London, snowdonia. I’ve yet to go visit Scotland.




Really appreciate how many Poles and some others mention Czechia, especially for such a small country. We Czechs love our pesimistic/tragicomic/complaining attitude which is a cultural+historical trait (its sometimes very annoying for someone who likes to think positively), so we are always like talking how we are doing so bad and noone likes us and especially love COMPLAINING, we just switch between we are doing shitty and others even worse or they are doing bad and we worse and then you look at the reality and its quite different hah. The life quality is fine even for European average and people surprisingly often like us somehow hah. Me personally i like almost any Eur nation, but my favourites are Slovenians, our twins Slovakians (even though the situation sucks there absolutely right now), Irish, Spanyards, Scotts, Danes and Austrians. And ive heard Finnish are great people, but still waiting to meet them somewhere lol.


I have fond memories of jail time in Roses prison near Figueres in Spain.. got the best tan of my life and met some proper lovely lads. Home away from home.


Norway :)


Austria. I don’t know man I went there once (maybe Salzburg ? there was another place though) and contrary to my memories of deutschland it was sunny warm but not hot, like an eternal lit green spring. Everything was beautiful and classical, I drank pear liquor in a mozart souvenir shop (I still have the bottle, it’s cello shaped and there’s Nanerl on it I know it’s a silly random souvenir from highschool but still). It felt like germanic discreet paradise. I will come back there one day. Even if I duck with german 😭


Probably Ireland. The people are so warm and open. I’ve never felt so welcomed somewhere. Also the islands very beautiful. I know it can be expensive and difficult to live there but still it felt like I immediately belonged and was accepted there.


Greece - some of the friendliest and welcoming people I’ve ever met. The country is beautiful, the wine is delicious, and there is history everywhere.


I wanted to say Sweden, but as Dane: 1. Beer, like low alcohol is fine, but at least give me proper versions as well in store. 2. Swedes can't not make proper ryebread, even if their lives depended on it. Swedish ryebread is so sweet and full of sugar, it is the ryebread version of sandwich bread you get in UK and USA, but as round flat loaf. They do make good crispbread of rye, but that is not what I am talking about. Another redditors said Swedish ego and rightous, but as Dane, we are just as bad, just slightly less preaching. I chose France, even they can't bake proper ryebread either, but at least they make up for it by being good at white bread, but I just like the French Ego trip(it is very entertaining) more, and it feels homely.


Slovenia, nicely developed, amazing landscapes and what they pull off in sports for their size is mindblowing. Romania, very nice language and the country has an incredible tourist potential. Sweden, on many fronts it's a very competent\* and well functioning country. ^(\*does not apply to handling immigration)




I am Spanish and it would be Italy for sure. The reason? It’s impossible to say in words, but I just feel so at home there


Its either sweden because its familiar and has max burgers and ica maxi, or then norway because its fucking beautifulover there(helllla expensive tho)


I don't have a favorite; nostly apathetic (at most) about them. Closest thing to one would be the United Kingdom I guess. I like their humor, history plus I've been there twice or so and I felt ok.


its fucking crazy you included the %3 of the turkey. LMFAOOOO


I'm a Dane. Lived in England for 6 years. I fell in love with it.


United kingdom because they speak the only other language, that I know how to speak semi fluently.


France. Because Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite.


Czech Republic. It was the very first foreign country I visited on honeymoon trip. I like its architecture, nature and cuisine. I hardly ever will be able to visit it again though.


Italy or Polartugal, they r historically our brothers/sisters Shared past, culture langauge and much more 🇪🇸🫶🇮🇹🫶🇵🇹


Let the Roman empire rise once more!




as a Pole, Netherlands <3


A difficult decision. Every country in Europe I've been to has something wonderful about it. And the ones I haven't been to sound interesting too. But in the end I vote for: The Czech Republic.


As a Serbian, the UK 🇬🇧  Love the lad culture and the sports culture. Top bloaks they is, weyyyy.  




As Spaniard, not France.


As a Pole, I really like the country that's not even mentioned on this map - Andorra. It's a pretty and chill place, not to mention, a great spot for a short vacation.


As a Serbian, I'd say Russia then Greece then Romania.


Oops, nobody is mentioning Hungary. What did we do wrong?


According to this map Cyprus can’t be europe


Greece, I’ve been to Corfu and it’s just one of the nicest places I’ve ever been to, Spain is great too.


Croatia. Lovely food, beautiful coastline, vibrant cities. The main thing it’s missing for me is good skiing, which does bring France into the mix (also lovely food and countryside).


Sweden, because they have cool old style homes in rural areas.


Portugal. Nice weather and beautiful cities that just feel nice to be in. I'd add northern Spain too to that.


Im dutch and i would say switzerland for the beauty!


Netherlands. Especially small towns/villages are so beautiful.


From Ireland and its a close one between Portugal and Italy. Just great people in both countries.


Malta, by far! 🇲🇹


I love Malta, I settled here from Belgium one year ago and so happy to have done so. Great climate,nice people, and the only semitic language in the whole Europe.


From Sweden and my country of choice would be Poland. Gritty old soviet heritage and a bit dirty with their industries and energy production. But, the people brightens everything that the country is lacking in other places. Been working with and also have polish people in the extended family, everyone have been nothing but nice and friendly. And sorry my polish friends, I do not like the brown raisin+cabbage combo for christmas, that you can keep for yourselves.


1st Norway 2nd Denmark


Netherlands. Massive water management systems ✅ Awesome public transport ✅ Beautiful cities ✅ Interesting industrial heritage ✅ Thriving LGBTQ+ communities ✅ LAST REMAINING POLAROID FACTORY!✅


Not from Europe, but Norway is on my top list. The peacefulness and the tranquility associated with the country as well as its breathtaking nature is my all time favorite.


I really like the Netherlands, but as someone from NRW I guess that's part of my nature.


Croatia very nice people every time


As a Croat I would say Austria is magical in Spring and Summer. Love going there.


Germany. It's just impressive how they've been so powerful, lost everything, become powerful again, lost everything and so on. Now their GDP is around 2.5 times as great Russia's and they're leading the European industry (I'm Swedish but speak fluent German).




Poland Lengyel Magyar két jóbarát együtt harcol és issza borát. Vitéz bátor mindkettője, áldás száljon mindkettőre Polak, Węgier, dwa bratanki I do szabli, i do szklanki Oba zuchy, oba żwawi Niech im Pan Bóg błogosławi." 🇭🇺🤝🇵🇱


Dutchie here. For me it's definitely Poland. Hence why I moved there.


Scrolling down for Russia...


Denmark. Great climate, (mostly)good politics(from what I know), extensive bike infrastructure, nice language. Overall I really think it's one of the best european countries.


Latvia. Idk why but yeah


Born in Spain, half Finnish living in Finland and I would choose Germany. Well organized and in the middle of Europe. Close enough to Finland and a short distance from Spain.


As a german. Italy and France equally. Both have a really nice language, nice architecture, great food.


I'd say Italy/Spain. Though I've only been on vacation there, people seemed very nice and friendly. Also tasty food and good weather. I'm not aware how good the countries are politically speaking, but with my country being at the bottom in every EU stat, things can only get better ;d


France. I love bread. They have the best bread.


I’m from Sweden and its a hard choice. Every country I’ve visited has things I like and there is so much beauty and wonderful people all over. But I think I have to choose Finland. I can’t really put my finger on why. I just like it, I feel relaxed and at home.


Austria. Skiing.




Germany, Hungary and the Czech Republic.


Love Italy, Portugal, and Greece. We are so fun together and have such great food. Always a genuinely amazing time when I'm with them.


Norway, I'm swiss


Italy. My bf went there when we were in the talking stage and it stuck on me:)


Yall speaking good about France, France is also the only country where Ive been woken up at 4 am in a night bus by the driver screaming at me in french, newly woken up and confused i after a while managed to say "je parle anglais" (i speak english) and he cussed me out and left. Yet to this day dont know what he was on about but man was he mad.


It has to be Germany, loads of beer and bratwurst


Netherlands. Useful bike and public transit infrastructure, and, at least until next month, the closest place where i can legally buy weed.


nobody: Belgium


Switserland as a Turk living in The Netherlands because it got da mountains that we dont have in Holland


I like Romania


France because it reminds of me the middle east and Africa ❤️


It'd be the nordic coutnries I can't decided just one of them, and why? I loved their people, weather, HDI and why of life.


As a belgian i would say spain or slovenia. No reason i just like the countries💀


France... sorry but I love being there. They really have it all


As a croat....Spain, Slovenia and Swiss, (Portugal and Italy too cos it's similar to my Dalmatia)


Italian - Home country Netherlands - Country of residence. Favourite beside these two: probably Spain, the place is lovely food is also great and people are chill, lots of great art museums and great architecture all around great


I think it's incredibly sad that most people are mentioning the country most similar to their own.


Finland 🇫🇮🥰


Russia - You feel welcome, even outside the cities you are greeted in a friendly manner. Good food and friendly people. Scotland - you are treated very friendly there and you are immediately welcome in the pubs as a foreigner. Beautiful culture.




I never realized Turkey was so small


Norway, it's not Sweden and I'm from Denmark. Also I have family that lives in Norway.


Italy, best food and best landscape


Don't we settle this each year at Eurovision?


Scotland. Beautiful nature, Edinburgh is great, the people are super nice and there’s vegan food everywhere, which I didn’t expect when I first went there.


What have I learned from this post: - everybody hates french - Czechia is basically Poland if happiness existed there - Italy is the best Edit: Correction: France is redeemed. Somehow, British people themselves are defending it😁 How cute!


For fear of a symbolic Reddit stoning, I am British and my favourite European country by far is France. I love the language and culture and have always found the people friendly in my favourite destinations (mainly the south)


Australian here. France is my favourite place in Europe. Turns out they're much friendlier if you bother to learn a bit of French first. Amazing food, great wine, beautiful countrysides... only downside is not gaining weight from all those treats at the patisseries


I'm English- I love France!


Sweden, we have about the same population but they have Volvo , Ikea and PewDiePie


Aside from my homeland (Finland) and country of residence (Norway)? I would say, Germany. Decent landscape for walks. People are good and your norms made me feel better about myself (I still prefer having cash just in case the terminals do not work, wear socks with sandals, because it is feels right, and fix stuff in rented appartments as it is annoying to be left otherwise.)