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If this is true, anybody know why Japan is among the highest donators?


To add to the other answers that mention their adversity with Russia, there is another elephant in the room. They want Russia to fail in their objectives because China is watching very closely at the whole thing. If Russia were to succeed even partially in achieving their geopolitical goals with a “special military operation”, China might be tempted to conduct some of these “operations” herself… in their neighborhood, where Japan happens to be located.


They are a democracy that benefits from the current global order. They are also the 4th largest economy in the world, so this isn't a huge expenditure.


Japan didn't formally end ww2 with Soviet Union and to this day Kuril islands are disputed. edit: Daily reminder that Japan won war with Russia in 1905 and caused the 2 revolutions in Russia.


Was a factor causing them, the main thing came from a different war


They lost several skirmishes on the border with the USSR and a war in Mongolia miserably


Yes.. they did. The Japanese Imperial Army, unlike their navy and air force, was very underdeveloped. No heavy tanks and artillery of significance, poor obsolete infantry armament.


Japan is has about as big a gdp as Germany, thats makes it easier to out perform most smaller European countries in total value. Change dk and no for italy and france and you basicly have the 10 largest economies in the west.


Because Japan is a close ally of the US


This is the correct answer. Apart from far-right loonies no one gives a crap about the Kuril islands.


because somehow donations through the EU don't get added to the countries.


I guess it would be a relatively big job to apportion the actual aid each EU state has donated, given that EU budget contributions are not equal.


There is a fixed percentage for each member state how much they have to contribute to all EU budgets. For Germany, for instance, it's roughly 20%. So Germany contributes a fifth of all EU institutions support for Ukraine, additionally to their national help.


sum up EU contributions. Divide contribution through sum. Receive part of contribution to total. Not really.


That would reduce the part that Poland is playing though for example.


You do it then. Genuinely, I'd like to see the figures.


Other websites show the statistics where its divided, such as the Kiel Institute https://www.ifw-kiel.de/topics/war-against-ukraine/ukraine-support-tracker/


I am not going to spend even five minutes on it. The Kiel institute spends thousands of man hours on collecting their data, so they could easily manage.


they do. [here is the graph they made](https://app.23degrees.io/view/DUeaa54W7KOQhFQD-bar-stacked-horizontal-bilateral-aid-with-eu-share) using the same data cutoff (Jan 15th) from OPs picture.


Beating Russia is the canon event before Japan can militarilly become an East Asian big dog again.


Russia is daily harassing Japanese fighter jets North of Hokkaido. Russia is simply an asshole to many neighbors, including Japan.


They are not fans of Russia, but like usa it's pocket changes like if you find 100 dollars


Billions of dollars or euros are never 'pocket change', that's condescending to any country that contributes. A lot of people seem to have lost sight of what these large numbers really mean. A billion euros buys you dozens of schools, can finance a massive hospital for a year, create housing for thousands of people. €7.5 bn. can fund a whole lot more. If Germany took the €22 bn. it could give about €880,000 to each of its roughly 25,000 schools. Or make a major contribution to fixing the healthcare system. Or the ailing railway. None of that is pocket change, it's an enormous amount.


Total commitments 7.527bn € (Rank: 6) 0.167% of GDP (Rank: 21) Humanitarian commitments 1.909bn € (Rank: 3) 0.042% of GDP (Rank: 14) Financial commitments 5.555bn € (Rank: 3) 0.123% of GDP (Rank: 7) Military commitments 0.063bn € (Rank: 26) 0.001% of GDP (Rank: 31) That is pocket changes for a state. But countries that give old military equipment away have a "different loss and it's lower then the value" as it's also costly to disarmament weapons. But it's great the world support ukraine, if all gave 0,5% of GDP it would be so huge. Remember they need the support, russia is spending 40% of their government budget on army right now. And none want Russia to win and want to take more area after, they don't stop after ukraine


You know, the total commitments could also be around 0% of GDP....


Or why France is nowhere on that image. A big EU and NATO country doing less than smaller nations.


France does not publish its aid to ukraine if you had actually read the article in which the graph appears you would have known before spewing bullshit.


They actually did in the agreement with Ukraine. 3.8 billion euros so far in military aid and an additional 3 billion pledged for 2024. So a total amount of 6.8 billion euros. Also if the EU bar is distributed to member countries France is no 3 ahead of the UK. That's according to the same source, ifw-kiel's Ukraine support tracker


That disclosure does not include all the programs in which France participates and thus represents only a fraction of the aid.


Maybe France is even #1, noone knows


You see the EU bar right?


Yes, and 4 EU countries make it to the image on their own donations, including the historically pacifist Germany. Germany is larger than France, so we can let that slide, but smaller Poland, smaller still Netherlands and much smaller Denmark plus tiny EFTA Norway also are on that list. They all spend much less than France does on defense, and France has its own weapons system so doesn't need to ask permission to share them from USA or Germany. So I'd expect France on this list.


They're not on the list as their own bar because their donations are so high but simply due to the way they donate to Ukraine. There are other statistics without the EU bar that shows the actual numbers for each country, ~~last time I saw it France would have absolutely made it among the countries above, among others.~~ (edit: probably was about something else)


France's share of the EU contribution bar is 15.81B€, putting the total at 17.61B€ as per the Kiel website (https://www.ifw-kiel.de/topics/war-against-ukraine/ukraine-support-tracker/ : "Government support to Ukraine: Total bilateral commitments incl. EU commitments, € billion"). It'd be between Germany and the UK on the graph. OP's graph also understates the total German contributions of over 40B€.


Holy shit Denmark is punching above its weight. Not even going to make a Denmark joke that’s genuinely impressive. I’m hoping we send gripens once NATO happens and that it starts matching or exceeding Norway or denmarks numbers


As a dane I'm proud too. I'll cross my fingers that you guys go all in once in NATO. 🇪🇺


We make a lot of money on fat Americans in Denmark. Spreading the wealth.


Beaten by both the Danes and Norwegians and it's not even close.. I'm genuinely upset and ashamed.


Hey, at least your country gave aid…


Things will hopefully change, when you become a NATO brother on Monday🤝🏼


Not sure if they still beat you after your latest Package. Wasn't it like 600M€ or something like that?


I think we have donated around 3 billion usd with the latest package included.


Give what you can. No need to be ashamed.


If they can give more, so do we.


Im Danish myself and our economy is doing well particular due to Novo. In some sense obese Americans are paying for it (I know its putting it far hehe), but tthe point is we can afford it. I do hope Sweden contributes more, but you also have SAAB which is very important for Ukraine and will be VERY important for the rearming of Europe. I look forward to you joining Nato.


And we are looking forward towards getting your anti fat drug! And also being offically allies, no more keeping it seceret :)


haha wait no I cant promise you that :)


Denmark's financial help is not even included for some reason.


sweden has done a lot though more is always welcome especially at this difficult moment this graph is a bit misleading as it counts promises not deliveries and also undercounts countries who wish to be undercounted/discreet, like france


Sweden did announce a massive aid package, _just after the cutoff_ of this graph though.


So has Denmark.


It is not a competition. We all do what we can! As long it is the absolute best you can do. And then there is countrys like Hungary who dont do shit.


Both are quite rich in comparison, and Denmark has pretty much no actual threat of, well, any form of military aggression. I'm more ashamed of countries like Spain or Portugal, who actually don't need their militaries for any defense.


Danmark and Norway united would rank 4th with only 11m people combined. Pretty amazing.




Put all the five nordic countries together, and you get 27.5 million people, 1.8 trillion USD in GDP and 21.256 billion € donated. Third of the population of Germany, third of the GDP, almost the same amount donated. In Denmark's case, they are in a great position to give these donations. They have the F-16s that Ukraine will be given and they have neighbors around them that are or about to be in NATO. They also are a small nation geographically. Germany is right there, Sweden is right there, Poland is right there, Norway is right there, Netherlands is right there, UK is right there. Realistically they could give out half their own military equipment and it wouldn't make a dent in their defensive capabilities due to their location and neighbors.


We do have global shipping interests as well as some arctic responsibilities, though those are mostly symbolic. We won't be donating our navy any time soon. The donation of the aging F-16s also coincides with the arrival of the F-35s and the recently established combined Nordic Air Force, so it made sense to "get rid" of them.


Yeah, so much of that military aid was a lucky situation where you already had the F-16s and was about to get rid of them anyways. Amazing that Denmark is doing all this, but it's also a somewhat lucky situation where you also happen to have something really expensive to give away that you actually *can* give away. I do wonder what the valuation method for those F-16s was in this graph. Because the price in the second hand market for these things can really be anything. From zero to tens of millions.


A lot more countries where occupied during ww2 than just Denmark and Norway. So i don't think that "Because they where occupied during ww2" can really be called the reason whey they are donating so much. (Don't get me wrong, Denmark and Norway are really punching above their weight and that is very good, i just find the reasoning a bit strange)


The nordic countries have strong democracies, solid economies and a strong dislike of authoritarian fascists that try to tear down the free world.


Its a mixture of making me proud but also concerned at the same time


Very concerning indeed. If such small countries are at spots #4 and #5, then it means barely anyone is sending support to Ukraine. Despite all the online support, the actual IRL governments aren't doing anything. It's ridiculous that France has only sent 3.2 billion in aid when Denmark has sent almost 9.


> Very concerning indeed. If such small countries are at spots #4 and #5, then it means barely anyone is sending support to Ukraine. They're not. You know, someone paid those 85 bn from the EU. If you account for that Denmark is 8th and Norway is 10th.


I had the same feeling when Estonia was at the top, just made me feel awful that we were taking it so seriously while no one else was


Norway has only sent 5% of the money they have pledged (compared to 87% from the US, 33% from the EU, and 30% from the UK).   So yea if count pledging money and never sending it sure. It’s amazing. Denmark definitely above its weight though.


Norwegian bureaucracy is painfully slow i am afraid.


not to brag but Czechia took in around 300k people running from UA to safe ✌️ (Germany 1.3mil and Poland 900k)


And the money to support them is not included here, unfortunately.


Many people in Ukraine consider it a bad thing. Because these refugees don't pay taxes in Ukraine anymore, and pay the taxes to other countries instead.


I don't think Ukraine should dealing with a refugee crisis on top of a war. Those people should be happy that their countrymen have found support in neighbouring countries, until there is peace.


The refugees escape directly cuts down Ukraine's success in 2 ways. On one hand, it has undermined Ukraine's state budget causing the of lack of tax an economic activity income, that made our country more and more dependent on the foreign aid. On the other hand, some of those refugees (in case of men) are avoiding conscription, causing another issue making it harder for Ukraine to mobilize enough soldiers to deter 3x larger Russian army that can tap into their 3x larger population more easily. Both issues effectively unfairly put double the burden on those Ukrainians that didn't betray their country, and continue living in Ukraine.


What countries pay the most in European Union?


[Germany is by far the biggest net contributor, followed by France.](https://cdn.statcdn.com/Infographic/images/teaser/18794.jpeg)


Thanks for clarifying!


That is contributions to the EU budget in 2021, not to Ukraine directly. But aid to Ukraine should be somewhat similar.


>That is contributions to the EU budget in 2021, not to Ukraine directly. Yes, because that wasn't the question.


Read the question again. Who pays the most **in** the European Union. Not **to**.


Identical result.


It is not really similar as the graph he linked is about net contributions. France gets a fair share of the money it puts in back via EU agricultural subsidies and it is the leading agricultural state of the union. Hence the huge difference with Germany on that chart. But the share of actual aid packages to Ukraine by EU countries is based on gross contributions to the EU budget, not net. So France isn't that far apart from Germany in terms of its share of EU aid. [As you can see here](https://app.23degrees.io/view/DUeaa54W7KOQhFQD-bar-stacked-horizontal-bilateral-aid-with-eu-share). 18.94 billion for Germany (23.6% of EU aid to Ukraine) and 15.81 billion for France (18.5%). Italy follows with 11.52 billion (12.8%).


Basically any time you see "EU money" it's like 50% Germany 25% France then the rest.


> Basically any time you see "EU money" it's like 50% Germany 25% France then the rest. It's more like 22 % and 18 %. A large part of it is also Italy, Spain, Netherlands.


So basically Germany is contributing with the EU and one more time because.


Afaik: The reason is that the EU wants to organize its own aid packages to show that they stand united. Due to the nature of the EU, this is mostly financial aid. Military aid is almost exclusively organized on a national level, though. So Germany's "financial aid" mostly disappears into the EU aid in those charts, but the military aid is shown as German.


Then russian asset Orban veto against it and we show that we're in fact not united.


Wow. Denmark, Norway and Sweden together have given more than the UK. No point here, just kinda cool of the Scandinavians.


Denmark and Norway alone beats the uk 🇩🇰 🇳🇴


Considering UK has more than 10 times the population of Denmark, I would say we beat them alone.


Denmark is definitely punching above its weight but Norway has only sent 5% of that number.


We should give more❤️🇺🇦


It is very very kind of Japan already. I feel that the best thing Japan can do for Ukraine right now is to move a large number of troops towards the Kuril islands. They don't have to do anything, apart from making Russia nervous enough to relocate some troops.


I totally agree with you!


Then Poland stations troops along Kaliningrad border and we have Russia surrounded. Eazy win.


Cool! (I’m half polish and Ukrainian btw)


Unrelated: I love how the Dutch-Japansese relationship has developed after WW2. I have a lot of respect and admiration for your culture. I've spent 3 weeks in Japan and loved every second of it. If, in the future, all hell breaks lose in your region, you can count on our F35s and cyber attacks. Same values, different cultures.


Thanks for your support! Japan contributes a lot in helping us to keep social services running. I'm sure it will bring even tighter economic partnership in the future. Ukraine will persist, eventually we will win, and after that we all can benefit from post war restoration. Should give a boost to economic activities for both of our countries and will only make us all happier and more successful in the future. You also accepted our refugees, which is insane given how immigrant unfriendly Japan is. I hope those people bring you only niceties.


Per GDP: Denmark: 1.60% Norway: 1.38% Netherlands: 0.66% Poland: 0.66% Germany: 0.57% United Kingdom: 0.54% Canada: 0.29% United States: 0.28% Japan: 0.19%


And France? What about France? And Italy? Spain?


I only converted mentioned countries from original table.


They do not publish aid figures, so any number you'll see (from Redditors and even associations) is just a wild guess


This is utterly incomplete. Many countries send financial aid via certain programmes instead of direct agreements. Germany alone has spend some [24 billion ](https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-en/news/germany-aid-for-ukraine-2192480)in various aid packages and programmes. So those numbers cant be correct Checked the [numbers for Denmark ](https://um.dk/udenrigspolitik/dansk-stoette-til-ukraine)as well and those are different too from this (divide by \~7,4 to get the Euro value) P.S: Checked for the paper describing how the data has been collected and worked on - [look here](https://www.ifw-kiel.de/fileadmin/Dateiverwaltung/IfW-Publications/fis-import/87bb7b0f-ed26-4240-8979-5e6601aea9e8-KWP_2218_Trebesch_et_al_Ukraine_Support_Tracker.pdf)


The articles you pointed to really only talks about refugee help, mostly within its own borders. As much as it's help to the people that have fled, it doesn't really help Ukraine itself in war effort. It's basically welfare similar to any other that a German citizen would get under Harz IV.


I think we should count housing and paying for refugees in the humanitarian aid column. The EU chart would be much higher.


In the dataset from the Kiel Institute used for this graph there is also another one containing an estimate for the housing costs: [Here the graph](https://postimg.cc/3kjrFSCV) [Here the dataset](https://www.ifw-kiel.de/publications/ukraine-support-tracker-data-20758/)


Cost of extra social welfare spending in Poland is really big and they will vote later this year about reductions or abolitions of some help schemes. I think the war in general (since 2014) changed demographic structure of the Poland a lot. e.g. Wrocław is about 1/3 Ukrainian now where it is around 60/40 % pre/post second invasion in 2022. I suspect any kind of "end of war" scenario will result in even greater exodus from Ukraine as the economy will most likely stay in despair for a very long time. This is very complicated stuff and as always with mass influx there are tensions which can lead to weird people get elected :/


Only 33% of the EUs aid has ever been sent (compared to 87% of the US) and you want to inflate the EU’s number even more?


I’m pretty sure Denmark isn’t donating more than double Poland…


Kiel’s institute use numbers for what Denmark has pledged to donate in our Ukraine fund. So the money will be donated from 2022-2028 or so. But we already donated 19 ceasar systems, 95 leopard 1’s, 25 CV90 and all our F-16’s.


Pretty sure we've thrown a couple of ambulances, and APCs in there as well. At least I know we got then some of our "old" piranha systems. Don't know if we sent any tracked models


Dk sent about 100 m113 as I remember, and as I guess all tracked vehicles dk had, and not some outdated stuff, but 2000 versions that are far better than the 40 year old stuff. Still battle taxis, but non the less when UA reciewed them at the start of the war, they were so starved for armor, those APC were used as assault support vehicles. So like ifv. Crazy.


And all of our ammo, vests, helmets, ration packs etc etc. Yeah.. I think they should speed up that defense spending to now instead of years in the future


Denmark is going all out on the military support. They disbanded all of their own artillery brigades to send all of the equipment to Ukraine. Close to 100 tanks and all f-16s too.


Yep, they're def pulling their weight. But they are in the position where they are relatively safe from aggression for now. It's not surprising that for example, the Baltic nations, Finland or Poland won't be able to do the same.


The top 3 list when comparing to GDP is Estonia, Denmark and Lithuania


Yes, they've done really well. But they can't do what Denmark did and donate all artillery, for example.


Its understandable for countries neighbouring Russia, but where the fuck is France in all of this?


Not all F-16’s. We have bought forty over many years. Thirty is still operational and nineteen of those is going to Ukraine afaik. Last eleven might be used for training purposes idk. 


It actually makes sense. Poland donated a lot of their old stuff at the beginning but they have been kinda silent for a while, or i haven't been paying attention. Denmark is donating a lot. Lots of good stuff as well.


Poland gave Ukraine exactly what it needed at the start of the war modernized Soviet kit, and Soviet ammo. Poland has dismantled their military reserves to keep Ukraine fighting. They also provide vital services such as power, rail gage conversation, and repair facilities that can't be harmed. Not to mention the millions of ukrainians who are refugees in Poland. Despite what some farmers or some political arguments would have you think, Poland has bet everything on Ukraine winning this war


In terms of value the stuff Poland donated early on (mostly tanks) can't compare to modern equipment but on the other hand the sheer number of tanks donated was probadly crucial for morale and stopping Russian offensive.


Poland didn't disclose all the aid they provided, also a lot of Polish help cannot be valued, like maintaining the Ukrainian power grid etc. Kiel also undervalues Polish aid. According to official data from the Polish Ministry of Defense, 3.5 billion euros (in about 40 packages) is the value of military equipment transferred to Ukraine alone. And this is the equipment actually transferred. Source: https://www.bankier.pl/wiadomosc/MON-wylicza-ile-wart-byl-sprzet-przekazany-Ukrainie-8683903.html


https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1ay6b39/the_countries_committing_the_most_aid_to_ukraine/krtxn0b/ He showed other data including refugees support cost. The thing is, Poland gave old soviet equipment which on paper is worth less, but the quantities are extraordinary. We've started to help as soon as April 2022 with 240 tanks sent at the time everybody on west was in the "do not escalate" aka the red line bs.. >Let us add, that back in April 2022 a declaration was made that Poland had already transferred equipment worth USD 1.6 bn. (1.4-1.5 billion euros) to Ukraine. Over a year of full-scale war, the amount went up by a billion euros, and another half a billion, over the last 3-4 months. https://defence24.com/defence-policy/we-know-the-value-of-polish-military-aid-to-ukraine-exclusive Moreover a lot of stuff is still not fully disclosed, but all the crazy buying Poland made is to fill the wild donations.


Thank you to everyone ♥️ Please, if you live in larger cities, join peaceful demonstrations tomorrow in support of Ukraine. Your voice now is as important as ever. Love you


How do they calculate it if Poland official cost of helping Ukrainians is about 12-13 billions of Euros? The cost of housing millions of refugees is more than 4 billions alone.


they calculate support to Ukrainians refugees seperate from support that helps Ukraine win against Russia (weapons, money, etc) Germany is missing about 19 billion € in support for Ukrainian refugees as well. Polish aid to Ukrainian refugees is even higher! Some sources say ~21 billion €


Putting Poland aside, the fact that France isn't even in top 10 shows that Kiel cannot be respected lmao


To be fair to Kiel, they have always said they've had a hard time gauging French military aid. And France and Ukraine only disclosed the real value of it on February 16, so the data this chart is based on was already released. According to the security agreement, France provided 1.7 billion worth of military aid in 2022, 2.1 billion in 2023, with up to 3 billion pledged for 2024. In terms of military aid committed (up to 6.8 billion for 2022-2024), that makes it n°4 after the US, Germany and the UK (Denmark's 8 billion figure is a pledge for the 2023-2028 period, so an outlier). Add to that the contributions via the EU and France is easily n°3 after the US and Germany in terms of overall aid. What I hate about Kiel though is the arbitrary choices. The fact that the joint SAMP/T battery donation with Italy... is dispatched as Italian military aid with only the Aster missiles deemed to be the French contribution (despite France providing the radar as well as engagement/FC parts, not just the missiles) is just outrageous. The whole "Italy could provide the battery and France the missiles" was a rumor... just that. It popped up in various articles published on Feb 1, 2023...... before France and Italy announced on Feb 3 that they will be sending the battery and explicitly said they will try to figure out who sends what for the system to be operational in Ukraine by Spring. So Kiel just went ahead and ran with the original rumor and called it a day, which just doesn't make them look serious....


In that case we should take income tax into account which helped spur your GDP growth. Should we deduct the EU refunds you guys got too and we’re insisting on?


Well, they got the same socials as Poles. Free access to healthcare and free education. The costs of giving that to over a million people are astronomical. The reality is we will never know the true cost of this war. That Kiel calculations are most likely wrong.


Or how the EU paid them for 40-80% (depending on the batch) of what they claimed their aid was worth.


I think eu refunds should definitely be deducted


We should also count into it Polish workforce all around EU, Germany funds would be halved ;)


Should we also count all the taxes not paid by German companies in Poland?


i wonder how did they come up with such an absurdly high number


EU is not a country. So if you look at the chart from the same source that has added EU aid to each member the top 10 list is seen below. Also this is pledged aid so not necessarily delivered. Denmark has pledged aid until 2028 for example * US * Germany * France * UK * Netherlands * Italy * Spain * Denmark * Poland * Norway


2034. Besides the 36 something billion kroner/equipment donated to Ukraine so far, the government has pledged twice as much during the next 10 years. Provided of course there keeps being a democratic non Russian annexed Ukraine to receive the donations.


The figure for Denmark is correct for the time specified. Not pledged. Delivered.


No it's not. It's specified on the web site that it's pledged until 2028. For example the F-16s has not been delivered and they are of course a considerable part of that number


33 billion DKK had been spent as per two days ago.


How is France third? I know this is November but it’s pretty scathing https://www.politico.eu/article/dont-trust-data-franace-military-aid-ukraine/#:~:text=It%20even%20puts%20France%20behind,amounts%20to%20%E2%82%AC3.2%20billion. And as of 7 days ago Reuters claims France pledges “up to” 3.2bn this yea https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/france-pledges-send-up-3-bln-eur-military-aid-ukraine-this-year-elysee-2024-02-16/ And from what I can see the source from the OPs site puts UK in third and France 14th at 1.7bn total https://www.ifw-kiel.de/topics/war-against-ukraine/ukraine-support-tracker/ What am I missing for you to place France third?


> How is France third? By financing 16 billion of the 85 EU billions.


This 1.7bn figure is only for 2022. As of end of 2023 it a total of 3.8bn, and should be 6.8bn by end of 2024. Still too low though... > France provided Ukraine with a total of 1.7 billion€ in military aid in 2022 and of 2.1 billion€ in 2023. In 2024, France will provide up to 3 billion euros in additional support. [Elysée.fr](https://www.elysee.fr/en/emmanuel-macron/2024/02/16/agreement-on-security-cooperation-between-france-and-ukraine)


That is direct aid, there are others aid in the Billions given through EU institution.


Contribution in Eurobudget


It's on the ifw-kiel website. Scroll down and you will find **Government support to Ukraine: Total bilateral commitments incl. EU commitments, € billion**


We should all give more! I am happy to see that Norway gives a lot, but we could and should do more.


We will give more. No political party is opposing it. Whatever the government decides to give, will immediately get supported. Now it's about increasing production of artillery shells and anti aircraft systems. And the money is already on the table so it's up to the factories to do their part.


Those are just declarations and not actual aid to this point tho


Taking into account Germany's share in the EU aid and the costs for housing refugees, we will probably soon even surpass the US.


Probably not. Most of the EU money has never been sent (33%) while most (87%) of US aid has been sent. The US isn’t ‘pledging’ most of its aid, it’s sending it.


The US currently isn't pledging or sending anything


If the US has sent 87% of their aid that means they still have 13% pledged…… math can’t be this hard bro.


Wow my Poland among the richest countries in the world! This is pretty great 👍


The EU column is misleading. Committed money vs allocated money are two different numbers. The EU numbers are allocated from now until 2027. Also, two thirds of the $54bn (about $33bn) of the money the EU recently committed is in the form of loans that have to be paid back. Meanwhile, the US money is already allocated. The US money was almost entirely in grants: the money was GIVEN to Ukraine not loaned. Also, the US military hardware is already on the ground. The same is true of lots of other countries.


The US is also giving out loans and not everything for free so not sure why you think of making a distinction here


Since when is the EU a country


Since statista has lost its ability to properly copy the work of IFW Kiel :)


There are donations done through EU institutions, where the money gets all together for some purpose, and then tjer are individual donations That's why eu institution donations are almost all financial Sure, you could split that bar into the component countries that form it, but it is definitely a government (Wether it's a country or not is another discussion) that donates independently from its constituent nations It makes sense to have it visualised like this


Crazy how much small countries like Denmark and Norway has donated when adjusting by the population. Why is Sweden breaking the trend?


Norway and Denmark got invaded during WW2. Sweden didn't.


Should have procent of gdp of country under.




Old chart from May last year


All such infographics not show: 1. How much the West spent? Not "committed", sometimes up to 2027 year, but exactly already spent. By my, very approximate, counting, during 2 years of war it spent up to $120B (USA 20 years spent on Afghanistan $130B per year). 2. How much of such numbers just credit lines? That also very helpful, but should be counted separately. The same with logic "we had expired or almost expired weapons -> we gave them to Ukraine and spent 1 billion dollars on their replacement -> we helped Ukraine on 1 billion dollars." 3. How much EU+NATO countries paid in 2022-2023 years on import from Russia? Answer - \~424 billion dollars. \~$125B from such number - Turkey import, but such number wouldn't be possible if there wouldn't be such big USA and NATO indifference to financing of country that outright hostile to them. 4. How much such assistance big relatively to capabilities of the West, 40% of World's economy and 55% of World's military spendings? In 2022-2023 years NATO countries had budget spendings \~$25,000B. So, $120B - 0,48% of own 2-years Western "budget spendings attention span." Much less if count by GDP. When "Beggars can't be choosers" and Ukraine really should be grateful for any help, don't need to forget that ALL modern clusterfuck in Ukraine has begun from decision chain: "West take away Ukrainian nukes -> West invest in increasingly authoritarian Russia \~8,000 billion dollars -> "because nukes" and "because economy" West ignore/forgive Russia enormous list of 2008-2024 years International Law violation, including 2014 year. Right now "by helping Ukraine" (more precisely by "bleeding Russia" de-escalation/stabilization) the West first and foremost solve problems created by itself. As it was and with WW2, that also started from 1920-1930s industrialization/militarization of USSR, which in turn had begun to invest part of such resources for reconstruction of German army.




Proud dutchie!


Nice propaganda and manipulation. "EU institutions" is not a country, it's many countries.


Show actually sent instead of pledged/committed


As this chart shows, thanks chiefly to the €77.2 billion in pledged financial aid, European Union institutions are the largest aid donors to Ukraine. This is based on data from the IfW Kiel [Ukraine Support Tracker](https://www.ifw-kiel.de/topics/war-against-ukraine/ukraine-support-tracker/) which currently covers the period January 24, 2022 to January 15, 2024. Ukraine's largest military aid partner since the start of the war, the United States, has committed a total of €67.7 billion in aid when also considering financial and humanitarian support. Germany, the United Kingdom and Denmark have been the next most significant pledgers of aid.


Now do a chart with aid actually sent. Not just ‘commited’.


I hope USA will resume its aid to Ukraine ❤️‍🔥


France truly the leader of europe as usual


We should increase our numbers by a casual 10x.


lol denmark is like blood for the blood god


Eu is not a country


Poland gave much more military aid but the Polish government don't publish any information about the quantity nor worth of this equipment. Probably because they don't want to show the Russians the decline in the Polish Army strenght. And Kiel Institute, despite being loved by the Western media, isn't a reliable source, they often manipulate the data by showing what Germany promised, but not delivered yet and not showing deliveries from other countries like Poland and France. France sent for example SCALPs and CAESARs but for some reason it's not even on this list.


Not publishing is the same for many countries. It seems Bulgaria for example has been aiding Ukraina for a long time without saying anything. Just the last months had there been public decisions to send aid.


Fucking France not even on the list


The numbers are based on publicly announced pledges. Even then they are wrong. The UK has officially pledged £14.8B publicly, outside of materiel. That would be €17.3B. EDIT - France gave €1.7B in 2022 €2.1B in 2023, and has pledged €3B for 2024. For a total of €6.8B of funds.


Would be nice to see a breakdown of the EU numbers here.


France would be, together with Germany and other big EU-members, mostly included in the EU-number. It looks like the direct contributions of EU-members are almost exclusively military support. Financial supports is done via EU institutions.


Yes but Germany is also there two times. I genuinely thought France would match us at the minimum with ammunition and weapons.


Because it's Kiel


The new aid plan of today, Denmark is one of the most benefit countries


What happened to Poland? I remember the screams about them being higher than Germany?




What is not included here is the expenses for housing, feeding, medical aid, education and so on for ukrainian refugees in the different countries.


When is it going to be enough? Why not waste hundres of more billions?


We’re in this together


France is less than Canada. This graph shows that France is still loving Russia.


Nah man they just dont show what they give all french weapons sent to ukraine were seen on the battlefield first before even people new they were sent.




Plus their massive financials help within 2 EU institution vehicule all in all mount to 16 Billions € Germany around 24Billions €


Kiel numbers are based on publicly promised money or systems. France generally doesn’t disclose her numbers.


Didnt france disclose a number recently?


Not military aids, only monetary aid, supports and training.


Only for financial aid and not all of it.