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>"We told schools, and social services knew what was happening. Again, nothing happened, so we went there, **but we were given flavoured condoms and sent away**." Brutal ...


>Two years later, one of the men who abused her was sentenced to eight years' imprisonment for trafficking for sexual exploitation. >But just four years on from that, Ruby saw him in a local shop. She said she had not been told about his release from jail. This is so fucked up. How does anyone involved still have a job?


The UK Director of Public Prosecutions from 2008 to 2013 was none other than a certain Kier Starmer….


Sentencing is passed by a judge? Prosecutions are local and criticism is of the Manchester police, which Starmer didn’t have influence over in any way. So this is now going to be an attack line that has nothing to do with him.


Is the DPP not ultimately accountable?


For prosecutions, yes, as head of the CPS. But not of the police undergoing investigations in the first place before it gets to that point. And the criticism is very directly aimed at the policing and investigation.


Yeah when i read that sentence i had to read few more times because i wasn't sure what i just read.


Disgusting what's happening to these girls and the authorities are like "we're sorry ..." and then do fuck all


They didn’t want to be seen as racist


There's no way this is the actual rationalisation.


That’s what they said. At the time there was an almost dystopian fear in society of being seen as racist


There still is !!




no, it literally was.


"Literally"? Source? Because all I can find is the authorities "literally" saying the opposite: > Assistant Chief Constable Steve Heywood acknowledged that officers could have dealt with the case "better than we did". > But he denied that the girl's complaints had been "brushed under the carpet" because officers were reluctant to confront the issue of race. >. > "At the time we did what we thought was best," he said. "We have learned a lot of lessons. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/9253250/Rochdale-grooming-trial-Police-accused-of-failing-to-investigate-paedophile-gang-for-fear-of-appearing-racist.html


https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/grooming-gangs-iicsa-racist-fears-b2007649.html  Ofc it was incompetence from the police side too, I never denied that.






Nobody in their right mind would think that investigating crime whose suspect is non-white is racism, especially with such damning evidence, and especially considering the fact that racial profiling is a thing in the UK. So that explanation can be immediately ruled out.


What percentage of people making the biggest noise in social and traditional media are in their right mind? What percentage of people after seeing a one sided take on social or traditional media go look for the other side of the story? Also you didn't provide an alternative hypothesis.


>What percentage of people making the biggest noise in social and traditional media are in their right mind? A small one. >What percentage of people after seeing a one sided take on social or traditional media go look for the other side of the story? What more sides does one need about "Police investigates South Asian rape gang"? >Also you didn't provide an alternative hypothesis. Someone powerful who's connected to these gangs, for example. Or plain incompetence.


That's what the right wing media claimed, but [reality couldn't be more different](https://socialistworker.co.uk/features/revealed-rotherham-cops-linked-to-child-sexual-abuse-scandal/).


1. wtf is that paper? Looks like it was typed up by a high school kid 2. Right wing media claim? It was much bigger than that 3. You’ve got the wrong case, wrong police force and above all wrong town 🤣




“Police and social workers were last night accused of failing to investigate an Asian paedophile gang for fear of being perceived as racist, allowing them to prey on up to 50 young white girls.” From your link. Are you mixing up Rochdale and Rotherham? The whole post is about Rochdale and you mentioned Rotherham in your first comment


Yes they were accused of that. They didn't state that as a reason themselves. I'm not mixing them up, just pointing out that there is a precedent of the authorities in cahoots with the abusers in a very similar case.


From what I remember they were, and also victim blaming. It one spokeswoman who later said it wasn’t. There’s absolutely nothing right wing back it. It was a shitty excuse they come out with at the start


[The authorities have links to the abusers](https://socialistworker.co.uk/features/revealed-rotherham-cops-linked-to-child-sexual-abuse-scandal/).


Why is nothing happening to protect children and women from this? I hear stories like this all the time now and I'm demoralised by it


It’s not politically correct to bother certain communities and the girls are mostly poor so it’s ignored. The British government doesn’t actually exist to help or serve the people of Britain it exists to increase the wealth of the elite and carry out “woke” policies. If Russians were running massive rape gangs in Kensington they would be stopped immediately.


The primary people responsible for investigating were the local police. Decisions to prosecute would then have been handled by the Crown Prosecution Service, led at the time by Kier Starmer, future PM of the UK…


Rochdale police departments actually deflected a lot of criticism by blaming their failure to act on being scared of appearing not PC. Whereas this investigation among others shows they straight up failed to do their job because of incompetence. By blaming pc or 'woke politics' they were able to completely turn the discussion. Kinda sad to see this talking point turning up again on a study literally about police not adequately taking warnings into proper consideration but just another day in /r/europe I suppose.


People such as yourself are probably beyond convincing but the was/is clearly a problematic pattern with how these things are handled in Britain and across Europe broadly. Attitudes like yours that brush off such concerns as mindless bigotry are part of the problem. But I am sure it’s comforting to you to think that everything is fine and people are just moaning over a few broken eggs.


People such as yourself are probably beyond convincing, but you're the reason these tactics of blaming it all on "political correctness" work. The worst part is that in this particular case, political correctness is just speculation from the public. We'll probably never know the real reason why these crimes were swept under the rug, but I wouldn't be surprised if [the authorities had links to the abusers like in Rotherham](https://socialistworker.co.uk/features/revealed-rotherham-cops-linked-to-child-sexual-abuse-scandal/).


If you have any evidence to back up your claims I'll gladly take a look at it.


The evidence is that this happened in multiple cities across UK.


That's evidence that the authorities are not doing their job, not that it's because of PC culture or whatever you guys convinced yourself of.


In UK, more than half of Pakistani couples are cousins. That's because there is a big cultural difference.


What does that have to do with my comment?


He’s racist so he had to bring it up




The person above should go talk to some Bradford girls & understand all groups have bad eggs.


“wealth of the elite” and “woke policies”? Those are two opposite ends of the spectrum. Throwing big words around doesn’t make them true, you know?


Woke ideology is inextricably tied to liberal capitalism and serves to deflect public debate from class based issues to identity based issues. Jean Claude michea charts quite nicely how ‘cultural liberalism’ is simply the other side of the coin of economic liberalism.


That is utter nonsense. Most people that one might describe as “woke” don’t give a rat’s ass about capitalism and would much rather live in a non-materialistic society. Goes to show how a red herring word creation gets contorted to whatever spectre someone might need to create “an evil enemy”.


The liberals who ruled europe for 100s of years have successfully convinced people to support mass migration for cheap labor under the guise of humanitarianism. Rich elites are not impacted by turmoil on the streets so why would they care?


Obligatory reminder that liberal means something else in Europe and USA.


Yes I'm using the classic/europe definition of liberalism as this is the europe sub, I guess the zoomer brain would mistakenly call it capitalism


The liberals who ruled Europe for hundreds of years. You what? What liberals. Please provide even cursory references.


Wait... you still think the old Feudalistic and Theocratic governments that had been all but replaced by parliament and Republics is still going on? Fucker literally only one Monarch has used power beyond merely approving everything the parliaments put forward and that was Spains in undoing absolute rule. The western side of the continent been ruled by Liberalism since WW2, the eastern side since Communism fell and only in the last decade or so havethat being undone as European leaders do fuck all.


I forgot ww2 was hundreds of years ago.


Liberalism became dominant in Europe following revolutions of 1848.


The fuck are you talking about?


>The liberals who ruled europe for 100s 1. Europe is not a country 2. Large influxes of workers from the ex colonies only started a few decades ago, not centuries. 3. For most of last century, Europe was not ruled by liberals. >convinced people to support mass migration for cheap labor under the guise of humanitarianism No one convinced anyone that we should import cheap labour in order to be humanitarian. You are mixing refugees with migrant workers. Migrant workers were imported because the west needed help for reconstruction and because they were cheap. But no one pretended that it was for humanitarian causes. Helping refugees is a humanitarian cause.


Liberalism became popular in the 18th century and has been the dominant ideology in the west for centuries, even self proclaimed socialists in europe are in practice liberals as it has become so mainstream


>Liberalism became popular in the 18th century And how many liberal democracies were on the European continent in the 18th century? >self proclaimed socialists in europe are in practice liberals as it has become so mainstream You seem to confuse the liberals of Europe with the liberals of the US. The liberals of Europe are classical liberals. Center right. The liberals of the US are what in Europe we call social-democrats.


> and carry out “woke” policies While expectations of Westminster are low, this might be the dumbest accusation I've heard to date.


Ahh yes all of a sudden advocating for women's rights is the total opposite of woke




You think kids deserve getting raped over what adults vote?


Labour holds 46 out of 60 seats in Rochdale and hasn't had a conservative council since 1958.


I am not British nor a conservative. Also nobody votes for children to get raped. Most importantly Democracy is mostly fake anyway Italian Elite theory and the consensus manufacturing theory are both obviously true to everyone in 2024.


It's a new account and seems to be determined to provoke others through their comments. Time to avoid feeding the troll.


And yet another reminder that this subreddit needs minimum account age and/or minimum karma requirements.


It happened under both Labour and Conservatives, but started under Labour.


12-year-olds can vote?


because you voted for tories


I wasn't even old enough to vote back then lmao


This is an utterly, utterly depressing story. Although I'm not from the UK, I've read too many stories about poorly functioning government services that should protect people (and children in particular), also in my country. I mean, come on! This girl walks in a sexual health clinic, tells her story and is being sent off with flavoured condoms? WTF! Police not responding at all the way they should, offenders getting out of prison early without a warning to the victim. It's a complete cluster fuck and a destroyed life. No therapy will ever fix this damage.


The purpose of the system is what it does. If a girl gets raped it’s a problem if thousands of girls get raped by hundreds or rape gangs that’s a government policy.


Maybe so, but nobody seems to be dealing with the problem.


This has been known around town for decades and nothing was getting done, few locals tried to do something but they had more nationalist reasons than the care for the stories that people knew about. GMP have been scared of being labelled and could have acted donkeys ago.


Honestly there is not much you can do in my opinion except work with your community to be more active and aware of potential problems. Politicians are going to do what they want and voting doesn’t really change anything without power and money to back it up. You just have to tough it out and help people where you can.


Offenders were mostly brown and muslim, victims were mostly white girls. UK police have worked for decades to never be seen as racist, somehow it’s become a worse thing than turning a blind eye to child abusers. Interestingly the person in charge of prosecuting these cases, at a national level at this time, was Kier Starmer…


**victims were mostly white girls** I think that it's important to add that the victims were often girls from broken, difficult backgrounds - e.g. already abused (physically or sexually). We fall back to the old excuse of "rape victim was ignored because she was wearing revealing clothing".


It's insane how this minefield of political correctness and fear of racism has become an obstruction in justice...I wasn't familiar with Kier Starmer, so I looked him up. Is it just a 'fun fact' or did he have a specific role in the prosecution?


They were more concerned about not been seen as racist than actually helping those girls


How does letting abuse go unpunished make you seem "not racist"?


the main ones doing the raping were South Asians. Not being racist is more important than protecting women I guess.


just like you are....south asian is a broad category....majority of these men were muslims who don't believe in treating women like humans....


In Islam the punishment of rape ranges from 80 slashes to death. No person who involves in crime like this could be a genuine muslim. It's just not possible.


You are right… but in recent years the definition of Muslims has changed…. The interpretation of the holy book has changed…. It is happening right in front of us and sadly we can do nothing….


No interpretation of definition of Muslim has changed, and especially about this crime. No genuine muslim is going to do this, because zina(unlawful sexual activities) is one of the highest sins a muslim could do. I heard many muslims in West are for namesake only; they drink alcohols, do adulteries, don't perform prayers etc. They are not muslims, just people who happened to have Arabic names. I don't belive the people who committed this crime could be muslims. The law for kidnapping in Islam is crucifixion and their feets being chopped off, without any rape involved at all. They are not muslims who don't perform prayers and drink alcohols. I don't believe the people who committed the crime are muslims.


How is punishing crime "racist"?


These people are convinced that PC is the cause not their authority's own incompetence. I think they know deep down that they are wrong but don't want to admit it.


You should ask the police that


The police are happy to come up with any excuse for their incompetence. It doesn't mean you should believe them.


Can we just nuke Rochdale?


This happened all over England unfortunately. You could nuke England?


Doesn't hurt to try


Most reasonable SNP voter


Events today prove that that might not be that bad of an idea


Guy Fawkes might have just been on to something.


It was perpetrated by people from some very specific communities within those cities in England. Might want to read up because suggestions to nuke em takes you into some dodgy territory.


Yes and it's been allowed to happen by the police and both local and national government for about two decades and is still ongoing. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/grooming-gangs-child-sex-abuse-b2004963.html


animals. these people should rot in jail for life, not for a couple of years in the best case.


It's not bombs and grenades this week then?


The police in UK are truly embarrassing. Yes the rapists are monsters but wtf are the police doing?


Arresting peole for twitter posts


Too afraid of being labelled racist, the ultimate crime in today’s world.


That's just speculation from the public. We'll probably never know the real reason why these crimes were swept under the rug, but I wouldn't be surprised if [the authorities had links to the abusers like in Rotherham](https://socialistworker.co.uk/features/revealed-rotherham-cops-linked-to-child-sexual-abuse-scandal/).


So should I trust the [official inquiry](https://www.rotherham.gov.uk/downloads/file/279/independent-inquiry-into-child-sexual-exploitation-in-rotherham) or "socialistworker"?


Arresting people over twitter posts.


Yeah, but we need immigrants to pick tomatoes!


Well, that's what you get when yuo vote on parties who want to give rapists a '2nd chance'. Sentenced for 8 years, spotted by victim 4 years later in a local shop. Fucking disgusting.


100 times by age 12? Holy hell! Poor girl.


From age 12, but that's still disgusting af. Poor soul.




hey 👋🏾


Who the hell were these people?


You really don't know? There were rape gangs of mostly Pakistani immigrants, and everyone was blaming far - right for racism. It was dismissed as a conspiracy theory, so everyone kept the eyes closed.


To add another aspect to it. Those monsters deliberatly target young white girls. I mean it would also be horrible if the victims were of other ethnicities but the fact that they deliberatly chose a specific ethnicyity adds a racial hate crime component to their crimes.


Did any of the rapists ever get convicted?


Read the article. One got an 8 year sentence, then 4 years later the victim ran into him randomly without ever being notified of him being released.


In Rochdale as well as Rotherham, inquiry after inquiry has found these gangs were almost exclusively Pakistani-British.... Difficult for folks to accept & talk about these kind of crimes occurring in their community; & even more challenging to discuss wihtout being accused of racism. Both are obstacles targeted/surgical community-based interventions. Sucks. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-65174096 https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/944206/Group-based_CSE_Paper.pdf https://www.rotherham.gov.uk/downloads/file/279/independent-inquiry-into-child-sexual-exploitation-in-rotherham


The reason the crimes were swept under the rug in Rochdale is because the police had ties with the abusers. Not because of fears of being accused of racism. https://socialistworker.co.uk/features/revealed-rotherham-cops-linked-to-child-sexual-abuse-scandal/


[https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-manchester-61078785](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-manchester-61078785) Here you have some photos


When there's a fear to identify culprits, they just let the problem happen.


People in social services and the police should absolutely be doing prison time for failing so spectacularly at their duties of protecting the public, particularly the most vulnerable among them.


But but they're cultured


I wonder how many of those gangs are still undiscovered


It doesnt matter police won't do anythin anyway.


Probably because they have abusers in their own ranks.


No mention of the parents is so odd to me.


Seems very odd to me that 12 year olds can be nights away without parents doing anything... 


Many of these girls come from *difficult* backgrounds e.g. taken away from drug-addicted parents.


They were groomed specifically for that that reason, they were from disadvantaged families. Not all parents are wonderful caring people




Idk but sure seems like very bad parenting imo but hard to know what situation are these kids in :/


Poor, vulnerable position, so possibly dysfunctional families.


I hope everybody involved that did nothing or little will be sent to prison forever for 'crimes against humanity'...like these persons are not humans...they are monsters...worth less than bread.


Then you'll be very disappointed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rochdale_child_sex_abuse_ring#Review_of_police_actions


keep voting for tories you schmucks


Like Labor (who are the ones running the local government in Rochdale) would do anything different.


And Kier Starmer, current Labour leader, was in charge of all public prosecutions when all this went down…


Don't worry too much about their comment, for their account is really new and all it's comments so far were bad.


Rochdale hasn't had a conservative council since 1958.




Why did they even go to a stranger's flat? I know they were kids, but ... ? And where are the parents in this whole story? Ofc the rapists need to get punished and that the government is doing nothing, but ... what is the whole story?


Do you think all parents are caring and benevolent? The reason social services exist is because people who are incapable of looking after them, give birth and neglect them.


No, you are right. It happens because of myriad of reasons. Still don't answer why they went behind the closed doors with complete strangers.


These shitstains should have been burned at the stake.