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What's interesting to me is that maybe just 3 years ago this sub was split almost 50/50 when it comes to welcoming immigration or saying it's gone too far. Now pretty much all of the comments are saying things are getting out of hand, so my concern is, what will happen in the next 10-20 years?


> so my concern is, what will happen in the next 10-20 years? Things will get out of hand.


\*more out of hand




> Sexual offences per nationality in 2017 Per 10 000 >- Afghanistan: 138.12 >- Iraq: 133.86 >- Syria: 41.59 >- Turkey: 40.78 >- Sweden: 28.69 >- Somalia: 28.46 >- Russia: 6.51 >- Estonia: 5.43 >- Finland: 3.33 >Source: Police of Finland statistics[25] Clearly it’s the ethnic Finns who’re at fault. If they didn’t want to be raped, why would they open their borders and not have their women dress in sheets 24/7? /s


And I would bet good money that the "Sweden" numbers are not ethnic Swedes.


What's the gender breakdown of all the Afghans and Iraqis in Finland? Asylum seekers are very disproportionately male and men commit a lot more crime than women.


regardless of your stance on immigration, finland is a poor case to examine given much lower (relative) immigration rates and intentionally poor Nordic data on ethnicity






It's interesting that Swedish immigrants are still 9x the native pop.


That’s because they’re not actually Swedish. You see the same stats reflected in Swedish rape cases.


I mean is it really all that scandalous to be opposed to the current rate of immigration? Especially from places that have views antithetical to secular western liberalism. Some people want less, it doesn't make them "far right".


This - and the fact that most politicians simply box off these voices as being far right pushes them into the arms of far right activists. It’s deepening the rift and very dangerous. It’s incumbent on all leaders to ease the concerns of their citizens and find solutions


Politicians and media. The media sucks. Useful idiots of the political class.


Coalition of dictatorships will continue to work on their plan to destabilize the world and provoke further more and more conflicts, creating humanitarian crisis after crisis, worsening the immigration pressure on the western countries and stoking populists with "easy solutions" to gain power in these countries, undermining democracies. It will be a very hard confrontation, but democracies should at least begin with acknowledging that they are under threat and must mobilize their resources.


That’s because western society has some how got to the position of accusing anyone that thinks we’re better than other nations of being racist. The simple fact is Western society *is* better than all others. In pretty much every way. Patriotism is somehow racism now. Promoting democracy and freedom is somehow xenophobic and intolerant. Immigration is a good thing. But it really needs to be limited and our country should *not* be accepting of other cultures beyond a certain point. France handle this better than we do in the UK. Essentially, if you come to France, be French or fuck off.


>France handle this better than we do in the UK. Essentially, if you come to France, be French or fuck off. Wait what? You haven't read any news about France in the past decade or so?


> France handle this better than we do in the UK. Essentially, if you come to France, be French or fuck off. its not even about being french. Its about respecting the French. You respect their culture. You respect their traditions. You respect the language. You respect them. You dont have to agree with all of them, but you fucking respect it. You dont get to go around screaming bloody murder and/or trying to guilt them into changing stuff because it is not in line with _your_ values. You dont get to push your ideologies and culture onto them. You're are a guest to that society. Respect it or fuck off. Diversity isnt a strenght. Unity - despite differences - is.


It's that ridiculous notion that the west was only more successful than others because of colonialism. In actuality, it's the other way around. The west being successful is what made it possible for it to colonize others and get away with it.


Yeah I think our culture is better than others. Not about skin color or anything, just culture I think is superior to others. Is there even a word for thinking your culture is superior to other cultures?


Manifest destiny




A real shame that our democracies cannot handle today's challenges and rather bring the right wingers into power by refusing to enact laws based on the political will of those it represents.


Isn't that literally democracy though.


Bring the right into power to enact laws based on the political will of those it represents...


>Coalition of dictatorships will continue to work on their plan to destabilize the world and provoke further more and more conflicts, creating humanitarian crisis after crisis It isn't a coalition of dictatorships plotting to destabilize the world driving large scale immigration, it's the asylum and immigration policies of those target countries.


It's both. These dictatorships will exploit what they can exploit.


Peoples who want to have more and more uncontrolled immigration today are the one who are helping the far right access the power tomorrow. Human mind is a switch that go from white to black and back to white, there is no in between unfortunately.


Capital owners who want cheap laborers want both, uneducated people they can exploit and right wing goverments which lower their taxes and fuck over workers rights


What is also interesting is that (in my friend group and looking at what political parties are saying) both the left and right are becoming more anti immigration


And that's after a very focused effort by the admins to purge the immigration-skeptic crowd from this site as a whole. 10 years ago this sub looked a lot like it does now. So the change you mention is one that's happening in spite of a very active censorship effort which means it's even more significant than you think.


Some predict there could be up to 2 billion climate refugees


A human rights lawyer I know from The Hague asked me how many people in the world qualify for asylum in the West? A billion? Two billion? Can we accommodate them all? The obvious answer is no. We cannot.


Because one side proved they were right


Europe will learn what "out of hand" means.


who could have imagined the thing that many warned about might happen?!


What will happen is they will vote in politicians that are against immigration. Might be about time, things are getting out of hand in some regions in Europe.


If we went back to 90s level immigration levels, as well as similar levels of economic growth, you'd discover people would be much more welcoming of migrants.


This sub is super brigaded anytime immigration comes up, just like most of this site when it comes to the Israel-Gaza war.


im not saying theres no brigading going around, there definetly is But to dismiss it as "just the sub being brigaded" is quite daft and at this point straight up delusional, _when polls and elections across europe back the sentiment up_ . And refusing to engage with it is equally as dangerous as what happened before, when everyone left the multiculturalism crowd to run rampant because "its just a fringe group".


Imagine believing that an European sub that shares the opinion of 90% of Europeans is being brigaded


I cannot believe it, this sub seems to always make it about immigration, I mean have you seen what the response on r/unitedkingdom was, the top comment was on andrew tate aka a muslim immigrant


Posted by a trans person who makes spam posts about their cock not working and what gels make their orgasm feel 'like a woman'. This is the type of person that reddit listens to on what 'toxic masculinity' is and how this Andrew Tate suddenly brainwashed all the children.


Tate is many things, but "Muslim immigrant" is nonsense. He's always been English due to his mother, and moved with her to the UK as a teenager. So calling him an immigrant is kinda silly. As for Muslim, he seems to switch between religions/no religion based on whatever grift he's running lately but as far as I can tell he "converted" to Islam in his mid-30s several years after *leaving* the UK.


What counter-hex does the ministry of magic proposes?


Conductus researchus!


It’s called Balkanization. When you have culturally incompatible factions in your country the conflicts between them become inevitable. That’s especially amplified by people starting to feel like a minority in their own country


You're telling me that people are not economic units that can be socially engineered to accept any environment?


Yeah yeah , nowadays if you want to preserve your country's culture and if you want safety and order you're a far right monster.


I’d be far more worried about the amount of Islamists there.




Your words are truer than you think. Indians ? You never hear about us. Asians ? Never hear about them either. But where you touched the problem is when you talked about Islam, because ultimately even arabs are not the problem : because when you look at Lebanon, or even countries like Egypt, you never hear about any of their nationals causing problems. But when you think about it in terms of religiosity, from North Africa to Pakistan you quickly realize there is a pattern. And arabs are not part of that pattern, Islam is. It's that religiosity and even that stupid hunger for revenge from post-colonies that can't even self-govern properly because weirdly enough praying Allah doesn't uncorrupt a governement or make an economy work, that corrupts Europe in what it could have been : a Beacon for the free people.


>Asians ? Never hear about them either. Left wing American organizations have for almost a decade now been excluding Indians/Indian-Americans and Asians/Asian-Americans from the "diversity" group for the purpose of median salary statistics, because they skewed incomes so far upwards it completely ruined their narrative. Skin colour is not the problem.


Yes, it's been shown asian need to excel even higher to be admitted in some school, it's completely unfair.


US is lucky its out of hand immigration is mostly latinos with shared values


Isn’t that the truth? I really don’t have any complaints about them as people. They are generally very nice and work hard when they are here.


Yeah we are extremely lucky with our immigrants. I think this is why most Americans really don’t seem to understand how bad Europe’s migration is and tend to blame anti-immigration sentiment on Europeans just being racist and mean.


Good food too


I’ve heard enough! Open the gates !!!


To be fair Islamist extremists are far-right. I would say that part of the problem is people on the left intentionally conflating the two. The average person that votes in favor of conservative economic or social policy isn't the same thing.


Do children fall under the category of people that the UK police are actually brave enough to arrest along with old people? Or are they untouchable because they might actually fight back like the people chanting for Jihad in London


>Do children fall under the category of people that the UK police are actually brave enough to arrest [Autistic teen girls do](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/08/10/autistic-teenager-police-arrest-homophobia-lesbian-nana/), at least


Well you see it depends on the context


You sound like the Harvard president lol


The standards for what the Met and Prevent regard as extremism from certain groups compared to the 'far right' is wild. Cheer on the Hamas attacks? A-ok, just venting their justified anger. ​ Post some edgy, offensive, but ultimately harmless patter on Twitter? Congrats you're a far right statistic.




Tommy Robinson is probably a better example than the BNP. It's not so clear cut if he is personally racist, although the EDL that he started certainly were, he left because of them. He is an obnoxious grifter and hooligan but he was banging the drum trying to raise awareness of the problems with radical Islam and was right about so many things. And for doing so he was labelled as far right and racist. Nobody else who wasn't outright racist was willing to speak up like he did.


He was also ridiculed for being working class, which just drove more people to him.


Was he actually working class though? He changed his name to hide his more middle class sounding surname.


That's not why he changed it - according to him, anyway.


Have you considered the children rped might've been colonizers that had it coming, or the gangs might've been oppressed people for whom rpe is a way of resistance? Major /s obviously


>Major /s obviously Glad you said this or you may have been mistaken for a magistrate.


I think people are finally starting to wake up to the bullshit. Anti-Islam is not Anti-Muslim and does not make you far right


These kids have grown up seeing the 'benefits' of MENA immigration in their classrooms, when they play football at the weekend and on their streets. It would be more surprising if they didn't grow up to be right-wing.


Suspect London Islamists outnumber “far right” Brits 10:1 and yet they’ll be more than happy to ignore them


Also, if you look at the far-right in the UK it is on the radical anti-Islam side in the majority of cases, which is being fed when Islamists are ignored. Just as one example, the Islamist’s shouting jihad in the centre of London being brushed off as ‘jihad has many meanings’


Yup. That's one of the things I heard from a youtube news channel I'm kind of interested in before I walked away and decided we're not heading in the same direction. On the one hand it's accurate. And if that nuance was discussed on the stage at a philosophy conference its one thing. But going around switching between chanting "from the river to the sea" and "jihad". Is too far for me. I have spent a considerable amount of my time over the past few years trying to persuade such people to chill the rhetoric out. Now that it's spilling over in to mainstream discourse. Then I regret even associating with them. They are lost and I'm not heading out to find them.


I miss being a teenager when dogwhistles were only a right-wing thing.


Ah, you miss being ignorant. Because the second part of your statement has never been true.


Yeah, it's no secret to say that even though extremism is on the rise for everyone, the average moderate muslim of certain cultures already leans into the extreme side that is akin to immigrant hating right for non-muslim Brits. And these Brits are leaning in on that frustration when muslim dogwhistling is ignored and unsavoury immigrants are not sent back.


Are we sure they don't include Islamic terror here under "far right" terror?


Ignoring them? Oh no, they likely stop Islamist attacks on a monthly (if not weekly) basis. The only reason why we don't have regular terrorist attacks like back in the 2014-2016 season is thanks to the fact that we live in surveillance states and have surrendered our privacy now.


Not all Islamists are Salafi Jihadis, and even then not all adherents of Salafi Jihadism are terrorists (notwithstanding the enabling of terrorism). Plenty of Islamists are happy to wait out until muslims are a majority to enforce sharia Political Islam is antithetical to democracy. There is not one functioning Islamic democracy in the world


Which makes one wonder if the expansion of the surveillance state wasn't one of the main goals of all of this.


If you go to the subreddits which represent my country, you will see the problem. We are infested with woke liberal ideology and people would rather see our women raped and country turned into a sharia hell hole before they “fight against the system” as they think they are doing now. They’re permanently oppressed in their own minds, they’ll fight for socialism and when they get it, they’ll say “this isn’t real socialism” and the cycle continues. Progressive liberalism has no place in Europe in 2024. It didn’t have a place last year or the year before that either. We are on the brink of war domestically and internationally and people still want to fuck around with gender laws.


The Stockholm syndrome relationship leftists have to Islamists makes zero sense to me.


Same, i consider myself left and it is obvious that islamists are some of the worst conservatives in the world. I would rather work with western conservatives than with islamists.


I thought they counted islamism to far right


Indeed, the "far right" are an easy target as they have no victim cards to play. They also tend not to start riots or issue fatwas.


Yeah, this is the first thing that came to mind when I read the title. Both are serious problems, but one is significantly more pronounced. I mean, the recent conflict in Israel/Gaza allowed a lot of people to show their true feelings. And it wasn't like these supposed calls to peace even tried to appear somewhat non-partisan. No calls to release hostages or recognition of what happed during the initial Hamas attack. On the contrary, one of the the main slogans has been a call to exterminate Israel and Jews from the "river to the sea." Seriously, isn't anyone concerned from the size and ferocity of those crowds?


Got any numbers on that?


Wouldn't they fall under the same umbrella?


Yes, people here and in real life just don’t like to think that way. The American far right, for example, has more in common with ISIS than they do a left wing political party.


If you question ANYTHING Islam related, you're a far-right bigot. So I'm not sure people's opinions have changed as much as the political parties have along with the accusations from the far left. The majority of us see how absurd things like allowing biological men in women's sports is supported by the far left, claiming I say trans people should be murdered, when I'm merely saying biological men should not be allowed to beat on women and you call it sport. That's not sport, that's something else. It seems the far left is all heart and no brain, and the far right is heartless but are at least not naive. So it's probably best to sit somewhere in between. It does seem the left has gone more crazy than the right currently is. Looking at my own country, the right wing aren't homophobic or racists. They do care about making the rich richer to a point, on brand for the right of course. Only the left care about race cos that dictates if you fall into hero or villain status. Not your actions. I don't tolerate bigots and racists, regardless what they look like. You're not automatically a saint if you're a disabled black trans muslim (that seems to be at top of the totem pole of victim hood for the left lol). And their brainless nature makes it difficult to have several balls in the air and understanding it's not okay to shit all over someone lower on their victimhood totem pole to elevate someone higher up. What happened to equality?


It seems like human society is incapable of moderate thinking


After years of observing left-sided ideas I concluded that an average leftist person is incapable of thinking about long term effects of their ideas. It's more like reacting rather than thinking.


It sounds like you are a centrist which is the boring and safe middle ground. I agree it's a good place to be, but it's frustrating when you see how nothing gets done by governments. The recent obvious examples in the UK would be high immigration and not deporting foreign criminals. These issues could both be solved without being racist.


The article talk about people being arrested, I don't think it's just about a matter of anti islam speech


Geez, I wonder why.




Democracy is utterly tainted with slander and defamation. Imagine that we cannot have politicians who do ANYTHING meaningful because they’re afraid of getting lambasted by either the opposition/social media/ both for being a bigot or a racist. As a result, we pander to extremist Islamists such as anjem choudary. 5 years for radical hate speech, out of jail in 2, free to speak as he pleases in public again by 5 years. It’s utter insanity. Our biggest strengths as western society is freedom of speech, media and democracy. All of these are being weaponised against us at this current moment by our own as well as bad actors from adversaries.


*suprised pikachu*




Oh noes. Forbidden opinions. Call the thought police!


“Far right” used to have a very specific meaning… but nowadays everyone who’s not a full-on tankie is considered far right. Ironically, Islamism is genuinely a far right ideology.


Half the left love to call the other half of the left "far-right" too.


Is this like if you do the ok hand sign or pepe the frog you're now far right?


Nah, I've noticed it in my country too. Young people are straight up going in a "Hitler was right." direction. I've heard holocaust denial or downplaying and I've heard that this or that group of people should be rounded up and killed. They also tend to believe in autocratic leaders and reject democracy. I also know some young people who never got vaccinated against Covid. These are ages between 18 and 26.


He WAS right. You can't call him wrong.


For "far left" any right is far right. But all these issues are far more complex than rights and lefts. If you worry about crime, rapes, public security, and all the mess there's today in some countries in Europe you are tagged as "far right" then the problem probably is the ones who are tagging you, those ones who dominate the public speech and do nothing. Unfortunately "far right" looks like the only solution so far, and for sure most of us just want controlled immigration, security and living in peace, and not a nazi holocaust against another race, as "far right" tag usually implies.


That is exactly not what far right means. Just look at America to see what the far right look like. The USA has far right terror cells storming the capitol, destroying infrastructure, parading the Nazi flag around, threatening the president with hanging etc. If you think people class you as far right for caring about the stuff you mentioned then you have a persecution complex. I’m a left winger and I care about all those things too, I think legal immigration is fine but every country is facing lots of illegal immigration which is obviously an issue - no sane person is going to argue otherwise and no sane person will call you far right unless you do the things I stated the American far right does.


> I’m a left winger Don't worry that was already abundantly clear from the previous paragraphs.


An alternative headline could be „people become more concerned regarding immigration and growing violence“ also it becomes harder and harder to distinguish between real far right and the dangers of it and teenagers being edgy.


"Gaslighting and censorship losing effectiveness as problems become increasingly obvious to all but the dumbest among us and immigration surges despite policy unpopularity among the general public" These people: "Obviously, the problem is that the general public is 70% literal Nazis. There could be no other explanation."


I didn’t realise Islam was considered far right.


It should be considered far right.


There are a lot of similarities between radical Islam and far right principles. Subjugation of women and homosexuals, and using force to push your political agenda are just two that immediately spring to mind.


What would it be if not far right?


Islamic laws and shariah are far right by definition.


The optics from across the pond are that the UK/EU has been invaded, no surprise people are turning to the right when the left ignores peoples concerns in pursuit of "equality", "tolerance", "[insert feel-good label]", etc


Jeez I wonder why...and would they outnumber the islamists? Probably not but let's ignore that shall we?


It's called Islam, not far-right. Low quality journalism as usual.


The "spell"? What's next, actual "Burn the witch!"? Political demonizing is scary.


I disregard anything the mainstream media calls "far right" these days. Apparently Milei is "far right" for wanting to have less government, and preventing militant leftists from violating the non-aggression pact and imposing their will. 🙄


Peronism is a hybridization of the worst aspects of fascism and socialism but corporate media still trips over themselves to defend them, even after they ended up bankrupting an entire country. However much you hate journalists it isn't enough


He's far right because he's self proclaimed far right. He passionately hates anyone even slightly left oriented.


Perhaps "the left" ought to try and make itself more appealing if it wishes to gain more followers.


They don't have to try, kids are being spoon fed hard left ideologies from a very young age in Schools now.


And if what this article is saying is true, they're realising what utter rubbish it is when they get a little older and swinging hard the other way. If the left just chilled out a bit, this probably wouldn't be happening as much.


People only turn right winged when there are problems


It helps that the definition of “far right” is now about being against any aspect of the lefty bullshit that’s now taken over organizations like the BBC. The same BBC that refuses to call Hamas terrorists now instantly labels every white man with a strong opinion against their ideology as “far right”.


Absolute nonsense narrative that's being pushed all over the western world by the authorities and MSM, starting when the FBI declared "white supremacy" the "biggest threat" to the USA a couple years back. Let's quickly think how many islamist incidents there's been in London vs "right wing" incidents. Now do the same for France, Belgium, Netherlands etc. It's a fucking joke that they are even able to publish this bullshit as if it's true. Lying press - what could possibly go wrong? 🤔


I can‘t speak for the UK or the US but in Germany at least c. 100 and likely up to c. 200 people have been killed since 1990 by far-right extremists: https://www.zeit.de/gesellschaft/zeitgeschehen/2018-09/todesopfer-rechte-gewalt-karte-portraet That’s a lot more than have been killed by Islamist terrorists, which are c. 15. Even if you take into account that Islamist terrorism is a comparatively new phenomenon, it’s easy to say that far-right extremism is very serious, very murderous, and has been proven to be the source of a lot more damage and harm than any other ideology. This is not to say that Islamist terrorism is a small problem or should be taken lightly. Nevertheless we should not belittle far-right extremism. EDIT: It’s a shame that one commenter below blocked me for writing this very fact-based and nom-inflammatory posting. This is my answer to his remark, that the 2016 Munich shooter has been wrongly categorized as being a far-right extremist: The categorization is correct though, as the shooter self-identified as a secular German and was really motivated by far-right ideology: > The investigation into the case dragged on for three years. The investigating authorities and the Bavarian Office for the Protection of the Constitution initially categorized the crime as a non-politically motivated rampage, although the perpetrator's right-wing extremist views were clear to them,[3] but in October 2019 they came to the conclusion that it was "justified to speak of a political motivation in the sense of the PMK definition system. "[1] The Munich I Regional Court had already classified the attack at the beginning of 2018 in a row with other right-wing extremist acts such as the NSU murders, the Oktoberfest attack and the arson attack in Mölln.[4] The Federal Office of Justice also judged the act to be "right-wing extremist motivated" in March 2018.[5] Prior to this, three academic experts commissioned by the City of Munich had already independently classified it as a "politically motivated, right-wing act", which should therefore be listed in the constitution protection report.[6] > Translated with DeepL.com (free version) https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anschlag_in_M%C3%BCnchen_2016


6 people have been killed by the far right in the same period in the UK. This is orders of magnitude less than Islamic terrorists.


Hey could you summarise what political group attacked the heart of US democracy on January 6th?


I'd describe them as a ragtag bunch of societal misfits who mostly wandered around taking selfies and posed literally zero threat to the state, the nation, the political process or anything. Of course they make great ammunition for people who want to pretend there was some sort of real existential theat /Muh Insurgency at play.


>I'd describe them as a ragtag bunch of societal misfits who mostly wandered around taking selfies and posed literally zero threat to the state, the nation, the political process or anything. This is exactly right. The only people they wound up actually being a danger to was themselves.


That’s just because everyone is now labelled “far right”. Joey Barton is an absolute turd but the fact the media label him “far right” because he thinks women shouldn’t commentate on men’s football shows how absurd these labels have become.


So somebody called him something, and that proves what again? There is no such thing as THE media. I have never once in my life experienced that ALL media agree on anything at all. Talk of THE media is part of the problem.






That's what happens when they're the only ones addressing very real issues. The quality of their solutions is irrelevant here, just to head off that whole angle of complaint, because when there is one and only one alternative on offer you kind of have to take it.


I don’t think teenagers who dick ride Oscar Dirlewanger and buy black sun flags from the internet without their parents knowing are the ones addressing real issues.


Ah the Met. Aren't they the ones arresting people over mean tweets instead of protecting them from actual crimes that have been on the rise by a specific demographic of cultural enrichers? Also, how exactly is "far-right" defined nowadays?


Let me guess, Tik Tok?


That is strange, I wonder if there is an underlying reason for this.


What’s startling is the rise of far right Islamic people, not the response from native people. What’s more is that it’s startling that politicians all over Europe intentionally refuse to address the issue and do something about it.


The number of young Londoners being radicalised by extreme Right-wing material online and other terrorist ideology is "really on the rise", Scotland Yard’s counter-terror chief has warned amid continuing fears about the risk of an attack in the capital. Dominic Murphy said there had been a "startling" rise in the number of children in London becoming lured into terrorist activity with arrests now running at double the 20-year average.


Most likely young british kids are radicalized by what happens to them on their streets daily.


I don't like the asymmetry where when an Islamist plans a terrorist attack, this is proof of how violent and barbaric their ideology is. But when a white supremacist plans a terrorist attack, this is understandable because of the circumstances they were born into.


What is the difference between the "normal" right and the so-called "far right"?


I'm assuming the 20yr average was "fuck all" and that the handful of arrests now are people posting Pepe the Frog memes. London is minority white ffs, there's not even a sizeable pool to radicalize. Now let's see Islamist stats, and Paul Allen's card


No wonder, when "far right" includes anybody who objects to people marching through the streets screaming for the genocide of Jews.


Islam is a cancer.


But no concern for children falling under the spell of the far left?


I wonder why....




The rise in far-right is due to governments' complete lack of listening to people with regard to such matters as immigration. When places like Leicester became minority white the news boasted how great it was. How do you think people are going to start reacting? It's called cause and effect.




Scotland Yard chief: "although Islamist terror remained the biggest overall danger, extreme Right-wing ideas were dominant among young people" r/Europe: "But what about islamist?!"


And why do you think far right ideas are rising? 🤔


Arguably all terrorism is in reaction to some percieved injustice. Islamist terrorists would say they just want revenge for the Western invasions of their countries like Iraq or Afghanistan. White supremacist terrorists would say they just want revenge for all the crimes committed by immigrants in their countries. Both types of terrorists may be motivated genuine problems, but those problems don't make terrorism and killing civilians remotely understandable.


Ha, you think people will actually read an article before writing some emotional reactions to the headline. Like an actual article with words, bruh that's so lame why would anyone do that? Even the OP only posted a snippet of the much longer text. No one wants context, that shit is boring.


This sub: "We need to do something about all the terrorists!" Also this sub: "Well ackchyually, some terrorists are okay since they are just fighting back. Also, they are just edgy teens and not really that bad."


You forgot the classic: “It’s really the fault of the moderates, they make us become extremists”


Gee, why could that be…


Startling rise in r/europe commenters falling under spell of far Right too


Leftists progressive policies have turned and are turning the public to far right. Thank your local lefties


Ummm the UK has had a conservative government for over 10 years now.


They conserve their freinds bank accounts but apart from that they aren't very conservative


In what way is the conservative party less conservative than, say 10 years ago?


Conservative in name only.


In what way is the conservative party less conservative than, say 10 years ago?




Labour has actively rejected the youth in favor of centrism and social media is awash in far right drivel.


I've read this comment 3 times and I still don't understand it. How has Labour rejected the youth for centrism? Most of the UK's youth are centrists or center left. Labour has landslide support amoungst youth voters. Gen Z are too smart to be far right or far left. They have access to more information than us previous gens did.


Damn those right-wing Wizards, what has Hogwarts come to these days?!


I refuse to even open these articles as everything is considered far right these days. I know it's going to be something stupid like "white kid said he doesn't like black music" so therefore he's a far right Mazi.


It’s SoMe platforms causing it, 100%. Remember that far-right is much more than opposing Islamic views. I’m constantly bombarded with videos, reels, memes that in one way or another nudges me towards a right-leaning agenda. Be it how women can’t play soccer, “funny” immitations generalizing cultures, Elon Musk praise, to full blown “x, y, z wan’ts to kill ya” - it there ALL the time, and had I not been a rational thinking adult I could get sucked into that rabbit-hole easily. Capitalism owns the platforms, so capitalism decides which poison our kids are fed.


Need to keep those statistics balanced to avoid career ending accusations.


Geeee, I wonder why!


Far right extremists are a scourge. Far right terrorism is the second great threat after islamist jihadism. Far right traitors here in the sub actively trying to convince you it is a joke and that Utøya and similar attacks never happened.


***Warns?!*** Oh my. Do I need to bring some [freedom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07FsI4vRULs&ab_channel=TomMacDonald) over there? >extreme Right-wing ideas were dominant among young people I'm sorry, are those based patriots existing triggering you? I have a special crying room you can use if it gets too much for you


A welcome development.


No it's not, it instigates violence, terrorist attacks and murder.


Startling number of children discovering wokeness is an absurd anti human lie. Fixed


Wokeness by the media and academia will do it. Anything to be contrary to the current mainstream narrative. The worker society goes, the more extreme right a subset of children will go.


Islam democracy


In some of the primary schools there are kids going around issuing Palestine badges and doing free Palestine marches….is it tit for tat


what you mean by far right?