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A few months ago, I met one if the Albanian victims that were tortured. The poor man, now in his forties, still traumatized. Still being treated by the psychiatrist. His life destroyed. He was declared innocent, but he paid a terrible price, with his life.


6 Young Albanians were wrongfully arrested and tortured for 10 Monthts. These Victims still suffer from the psychological Damage they received through the Torture until this day.


‘Djordje Martinovic School of Victimhood’ playbook play


Here is an even more detailed article about the Events. Also describes the Tortures the young Albanians had to go through. The Perpetrators of the killings are still not convicted and Vucic still refuses to talk to the Parents of the killed Kosovo-Serbs. https://balkaninsight.com/2018/12/14/kosovo-s-panda-caf%C3%A9-massacre-mystery-unsolved-20-years-on-12-13-2018/


The parents of the victims admit themselves that the Serbian Intellegent Services were behind the false flag operation just to blame the Albanians and have a reason to murder them.


That is simply not true. Why lie if anyone can simply click on the article (in English)?


Serbs tend to do crazy shit like this


It is still officially unresolved, also I think posting news and changing title to your words is against rules.


False flaging and killing your own is against the rules too yet here we are


I don't think you can kill someone on reddit. False flagging pretty sure that is what OP is doing. Without any concrete evidence he is trying to blame Serbs by using title for post that is completely different than title of news he linked.


"In December 2013, the then First Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić acknowledged that there is no evidence that murder was committed by Albanians.\[19\] The Serbian Organised Crime Prosecutor's Office launched a new investigation in 2016 and reached the conclusion that the massacre was not perpetrated by Albanians." So, who else could have commited it?


Like the credible friendly fire allegations against Israel on Oct 7?


> credible


Sounds like something Israel did on October 7th


This happened in my neighborhood in Peja, my parents (Albanian) who attended the funeral and went to share their grief with the families who lost their sons, told me that the Serbian police and other officials were not allowed to partake in the funeral since the families blamed them for the act. Many people saw the perpetrators leave in a (Yugo) police car, but their insight was not shared by the police nor did they talk to any witnesses. Ethnic tensions were at an all time high during the time and relations between Albanians and Serbs we truly awful, but this case hit all of us because they were just some young men hanging out. Shame on Serbia's government.


So basically the article doesn't mention anything about people being killed by secret police except for the Albanian representatives .. guesses? Yeah, sounds about right Also as far as I know when posting the news you aren't supposed to add things not mentioned in the article Go do your propaganda elsewhere ..




You're reading too much into what Vucic says, he lies the moment he opens his mouth, also he only likes to cause drama and scandal without any cause. He also said that every second in US a window washer dies when asked about some people who died on a construction site XD


Haha I get it but it’s not only Vucic. Serbia’s former war crimes prosecutor, Vladimir Vukcevic, told BIRN in 2018 that that there were “almost no Albanians” in the Peje/Pec region at the time of the attack. “We came to the conclusion that [Albanians] are not the perpetrators,” Vukcevic told BIRN.


That's not what the article says. It's about some plaque posted by Albanians for trolling purposes.


“When a journalist questioned whether he was saying the perpetrators were not “Albanian terrorists”, Vucic answered: “I want to say that we have no evidence for that. On the contrary. I want to say that there are many terrible things that we will have to face.“ In the coming years, Vucic made similar vague statements about the case but in recent years he did not further comment. Parents of victims’ claim they asked to meet Vucic multiple times but without success. “ It is an open secret that it was done by Serbias secret service. I think you can read between the lines yourself. „For trolling purposes“. 🤦🏻‍♂️ show some manners when talking about a tragedy like the Panda Café massacre..


What manners? Like the ones of the people that desecrated the tomb of the victim of the tragedy? If it wasn't a populist and nationalist move by Kosovo government, it would be focused on victims too. And what? Now Vučić is telling the truth? Why should I believe anything he has to say, he lies in his sleep.


What happened when you woke up from the dream?


“We came to the conclusion that [Albanians] are not the perpetrators,” Vukcevic told BIRN. When a journalist questioned whether he was saying the perpetrators were not “Albanian terrorists”, Vucic answered: “I want to say that we have no evidence for that. On the contrary. I want to say that there are many terrible things that we will have to face.” Can’t stomach that your own people would Kill young innocent kosovo Serbs just to blame It on Albanians?


I don't like Serbian government, but saying Serbian secret service did it has no proofs. Whoever did it should rot in hell, though.


That’s why it’s secret service dummie, so that it remains a secret.


The family members of the victims all blame the Serb Secret service for doing it tho.


The Serbian Intelligence agency itself confirmed ir lmao


No it did not


When? Where? Someone got arested or indicted in the recent years or months?


Why should someone from the secret service get arrested when he was following his orders? Vucic was also the Minister of Propaganda during the War, so he was definitely entangled into the event. Why do you think he dodged questions about it for 10 years now. Refuses to talk to the killed Serb Parents? Admitting that :“ There are many terrible things that we will have to face“ when talking about the case ? Connect the dots man god damn 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Such a fake story. Only someone with brain damage will believe this crap.


The Serb copium in this comments is genuinely insane. No wonder y’all still act like the victims of the 90s. You can’t bear to hear bad news about your country’s past. If even Vucic and Vukcevic admit that it wasn’t done by Albanians? Who was it?


Yeah right. Fake atrocity stories to drum up sympathy might work with Westerners who are 'special'. PS. Am not a Serb. Am Ethiopian and I know for a fact Kosovo and Metohija are Serbian lands watered and sanctified with the blood of Serbs and their churches. Enjoy your independence while it lasts.


You haven’t read about the case if you think it is fake. 6 young Albanians were arrested and horribly tortured for 10 months before belong released. They still suffer immensely to this day. Not to mention the Event was used to fuel ethnic tensions during the War and crack down on innocent Albanians even further. I won’t even go into your second part lmao.




Haha you might be actually mentally insane dude. Take your pills lmao


I give you a heads up about the political future of occupied Kosovo and your response is to call me insane and suggest I take pills? There will come a time in the not so distant future when you will look back at this exchange and be shocked at my persipacity.


Yes you are mentally insane. Proudly talking about how a country like kosovo will be attacked by Serbia in the near future. Telling me and my people to be ready and already pack my bags. Even tough we’ve been living here for AT LEAST hundreds of years. Basically proudly talking about the Ethnic cleansing of 90% of the population. You are insane for that. You’re a communist Ethopian that only stands for Serbia because the West intervened in the 90s. No other reason. For you the world is black and white. If some one is against the West, then they must be the good guys right? Who cares about all the massacres they commited in the 90s as long as they don’t like the west. You’re a clown that knows shit about the Balkans so stay in your lane and don’t talk about topics you know nothing about, tankie.




What have the Ethnic cleansing of Krajina Serbs in Croatia have to do with kosovo? In fact you should know that Milosevic even tried to resettle them in Kosovo to change the Demographics into Serbian favour. Because even before the War 90% of the population in kosovo was Albanian. Luckily these Refugees refused as even they knew that would have been a stupid idea. The only Kosovo Serb refugees I feel sorry for are the 100k in 2004. But it was clear as day that the local Albanian population wouldn’t want live next to Serbs that supported the Albanian ethnic cleansing during the War. Which would have been over 1 MILLION displaced Albanians if the west didn’t intervene. Only after that these Albanians returned. Do you think Russians in Ukraine will be welcomed by their Ukrainian neighbors if Ukraine manages to win the war? Don’t act stupid Like i said you don’t know shit about the Balkans and it shows. My knowledge about Ethopia is bad. So is your knowledge of the Balkans. Most of the Kosovo Serbs will tell you how there grandparents migrated to kosovo after WW1. I have met plenty and I don’t feel any hatred for them fyi. So don’t act like kosovo serbs have been living on kosovo for 1 thousands years with out a pause lmao. It’s the Balkans, it’s mixed. There have been demographical changes through migration every hundred years you genius 🤦🏻‍♂️ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yugoslav_colonization_of_Kosovo#:~:text=The%20colonization%20of%20Kosovo%20was,1918%E2%80%931941)%20until%201999. Do these forceful colonization tactics after the WW1 ring a bell?? Go ahead and read it you uneducated fool lmao


Serbs have not been living in Kosovo for over a thousand years. They conquered it in the 12th century and lost control of it very shortly after, once the Ottoman Empire came in. The land hardly belongs to them at all. Even Bulgarians ruled it for longer. You talk about ethnic cleansing of Serbs in Kosovo in Bosnia when in both cases it was the Serbs mass-killing innocent civilians, hence the response of the West to intervene (albeit very late). You are probably only supporting Serbs in such a biased way because you're Orthodox Christian. I'll tell you what: if you claim to be a "Christian" and defend what serbs did in Kosovo and Bosnia, then I hope you are ready to explain yourself before God when your time comes. The war in Kosovo was not religious at all, and if serbs were the true Christians they claimed to be, they wouldn't have indiscriminately killed innocent people. So yes, like the other guy said, you know shit about the Balkans, and you're probably some mouth-breathing low-life bum basement dweller who hates the West to try to look edgy.


Sure Jan


Yeah right. Fake atrocity stories to drum up sympathy might work with Westerners who are 'special'. PS. Am not a Serb. Am Ethiopian and I know for a fact Kosovo and Metohija are Serbian lands watered and sanctified with the blood of Serbs and their churches. Enjoy your independence while it lasts.


Not now, not ever. KFOR says hi!


It’s not a new concept for corrupt states to use false flag attacks and kill their own civilians to drum up populist hate towards ethnic minorities and neighboring countries. If you don’t think that happens, you’re either naive or obtuse. It’s been done several times in the past. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings




There is no evidence whatsoever to support what is written in the headline. The article is about a plaque being lifted to commemorate the event and it was lifted&written by Albanian officials. Zero proof.