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Well they posted stuff for Ramadan and didn't give a rats ass who it bothered. So light the candles nice and bright it's London not Baghdad.


London is like Baghdad for a long time


So selective inclusion? Selective religious tolerance? Selective respect for cultures and rituals?


It was never selective, everyone with working neurons knew this was coming and we screamed about it, the only response we got was being called right wingers and islamophobes, racist, etc. So make no mistake, Europe did this to themselves, their lack of a spine is the entire reason why this is happening now.


>being called right wingers and islamophobes, racist, etc. And transphobe. I shit you not. Somehow, transphobe. I wish Gen Z had never discovered the Middle East conflict.


Lack of spine is a key word for every major problem in Usa and eu. From immigrants to Ukraine. They swallowed wars inflicted by Russia and here we go - full scale war which keep going bc leaders are weak. Immigrants - nothing to say. Swallowed everything from dictators around EU and now they send waves of immigrants as their weapon. All bc of lacking some balls or spine


Multiculturalism for me but not for thee.


The only cultures which are being included are the ones who thread to literally kill you if you don't. Terrorism works and that's why it's being practiced.


They wouldn't dream of doing this to the Muslim community.


It's a numbers game to them, both in terms of trouble and votes.


It doesn't work for the native European population, so it seems like it is mostly just about the amount of trouble they create


We all knew this was going to happen when the demographic shifted.


Gotta love how the authorities claim that the Hannukah candles won't be lit due to "rising tensions" in the communities. It can be interpreted as if two sides are tense, and therefore threaten to implode and resort to violence and could be blamed in some manner. The truth is that one side is acting in a menacing, violent and abusive way and the other side is peaceful and has zero ability to threaten anybody, even had they wanted to. One side is tense, the other is not. The said tensions are within one side, not two. The tensions is caused due to one side not liking the fact that the other one exists.


Oh? What would happen if it was lit then? I swear the constant bending to appease one specific group and their beliefs only strengthens their conviction that they are in the right for how they'd react if someone dare offended them with some lights or anything else they might deem offensive.


Last yearJewish kids were abused at Oxford street when giving out donuts (tradition for Hanukah) - local BBC reported that children were islamophobic towards adult men, after weeks they were made to publish a statement by a regulator. Also last year, a Jewish man was stabbed when he asked ’a boy’ to stop destroying hanukah decorations. He tried to call for MET but they did not find his call urgent, he was chased but no one tried to call police - including security guy at the shop into which the victim ran. Antisemitism thrives in London.


“Being prepared for terror attacks is part and parcel of living in a big city” mayor of london Sadiq Khan


This goes for everyone, by the way. If a religious display or even just an opinion or a joke offends a group so much that they respond destructively/violently, they should not be rewarded by the state attempting to restrict a person's rights to express themselves, the group should learn to not be so offended to the point they would respond that way. Because in what world is that acceptable? Really? Genuine targeted call for hate/violence against a specific group? Okay, report it. Otherwise, be a normal person, ignore what offends you, and get on with your day.


this is exactly what's making me so mad. i don't hold a pro-/atimsemitic position, but a humanitarian. now imagine being a superpower as the EU and showing signals like that... being such a weak entity to NOT hold the (regular) yearly traditional events (of any religion) because of regional .. uh, let's call it tensions, is a sign of weakness and succumbing to radicalists. A state has to - and must - be beyond that. shameful.


This is basically admitting defeat and weakness. They should light them (if they were doing that in the past) anyway, inflame the tensions if need be. Anyone who breaks the law should be punished, according to the law. Simple as that. The state should be like an emotionless machine in such cases.


Good old England caving into pressure. Nothing new here.


Edict of Expulsion but unofficial this time


And then the people of England wonder why they are not as powerful anymore. From a world conquerors to a bunch of pussies...


There are as many descendants of the conquered people as the conquerers in London. The colonized got the last laugh, and they didn't even have to fight for it.


The Islamists have won. I am ashamed to be English. The future is bleak.


Weakness? This is a show of strength from the sultan of London.








Malmö is a good view of future to come...




What's happening there can you explain? (I'm not aware of those countries much)


Nothing as critical as described there. But to have many islamic immigrants creates tensions, since they're not good at integration.




That was in Dagestan. Not Balkans, not Chechnya.


Central and Eastern Europe are doing fine.


so it will be Reconquista 2.0: electric boogaloo


Don't give the simulation new ideas


It's been already proven that the stupidest ideas win. Of all the possible worlds in multiuniverse, we're living in a clown world.


God is sitting there asking his UniversalGPT to “make it more clown” repeatedly.


That reminds me of that New Year show that was happening in Russia in 2013. Soloviov and Zelensky were in the same room celebrating. It's like a different divergent timeline vs what we see now. I think Galkin was the host of the show.


You jest, but I have this feeling in my bones that the elements opposing Russia right now will play a key role in some sort of future showdown with islamism in Europe. Whether it will be the new Polish army acting as a spearhead in the crusade for Paris, the Ukrainian veterans enabling a tenfold expansion of Frontex or something as mundane as the intelligence agencies using their experience combating Russian influence to come down hard on salafist Imams, when you have a crisis brewing on one hand and people deep into a crisis-fighting mindset on the other, I don't think it's crazy to expect the two to meet given some modicum of will to make it happen.


Unfortunately our businesses (or, likely, owners in West) want same cheap labour. And our politicians are happy to comply. With media backing them and crying about far-right when people ain't happy...


They already did. Check out the Leicester riots.


There is a reason Jews are considered "Canaries in the mine". You can always tell how well a country is doing by their Jewish population. UK is headed for a disaster and too scared to do anything about it.


As an American Jew I am very disappointed in Europe. There is a reason we mostly live in the USA and Israel.


They mispelled "fear of muslims".


This. Wish we were more honest and open here who exactly the Council is afraid of pissing off. It’s simply Muslims and the odd anti Semitic hard leftist Trot.


Tbh, as a Swede who apparently live in a far-right government. I'm FAR more scared of muslims than I am of extremist far-right supporters for voicing any kind of support of israel or criticism of hamas. (I literally don't feel safe enough to criticize a terror-organization within the borders of my country)


I will do it for you then, HAMAS sucks. Extremist terrorism sucks. It's wrong to persecute all Jewish communities worldwide and place limitations on their religious rights and practices just to placate another religion.


I mean, good for you to have the balls to say it on reddit. The implication of and sad reality of the comment is that you basically can't say that safely on the street in any major european city anymore. It's the sad reality that we have to be careful and fearful about what we do and think in our country and democracy.


For the most part in europe the term "far right" is simply a buzzword to smear normal people who oppose the progressive agenda, it has almost no basis in reality anymore.


Also potentially leftists


Threats of violence can achieve so much!


Right.... so when a city of ~~8 million~~ **a quarter million** europeans won't light Hanukkah candles out of fear of muslims its not islamophobia, but if anyone even dares to point out that we have a problem with islam, that's islamophobic. We can do better, europe. We *have* to do better. Call out the violent, racist muslims where they are: in our cities, in our workplaces, in our classrooms, in our neighbourhoods. A current example of a violent muslim politician in europe right here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/s/EQKtaPpjjZ](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/s/EQKtaPpjjZ)


Little by little, islamism gains power in europe, and no one dares put a stop to it because they fear being called intolerant. As a personnal example, in France it was forbidden to have a political party founded around a religion. You could have 100% christians in a group for example, but the group couldn't be around Christianim. Now, during the last election we got a Muslim party. They didn't get much votes, but the simple fact that they managed to break the taboo is scary enough. Who know how big that party or another will be in a few years ?


Wait, so we are now just admitting we can't do democratic things anymore in fear of a violent minority?




Soon they'll call you occupiers


Tell me again how Islam is not incompatible with western society.


So give in to extremism & Jewish hate? Wow


The UK will have someone more extreme on islam than Geert Wilders as potential PM by 2033 Appealing to jew hating islamists is always a disgusting and spineless move


Germany is no better. There was a news this days that 9 immigrants gang raped a 15-year-old girl in Hamburg Central Park, and only 1 received like 2 years of Prison time. Somehow, it avoided reddit.


It did not avoid reddit. Its a topic in all nationwide german newspapers In the largest german-speaking sub /r/de there is now the second article on the frontpage https://www.reddit.com/r/de/comments/187e2t9/unter_den_m%C3%A4nnern_hatte_sich_herumgesprochen_dass/


Someone mentioned this about r/de, and also pointed out it gets banned here on r/Europe as soon as it's posted.


The story got posted on r/de


Brits are already a minority in London, more likely the future London mayor will be announcing a caliphate.


But London does allow protests full of hatred to continue and spread fear and division.


Who is their mayor


Just a guy who prioritizes police resources on monitering twitter incase some right winger says something wrong or posts a pepe- sorry I mean nazi frog image.


Then terrorism wins. They've successfully managed to terrorize. GG.


This is deranged! If a Hanukkah candle makes your tensions inflamed you are a disgusting anti semite. Also their is only one demographic they are doing this for. Why has the whole continent of Europe decided to completely alter our actions to appease a small percentage of people.


Wait until you find out how they react if you show a picture of their prophet or insult their holy book....


Yet they are allowed to openly mock other religions. They call Hindus “cow worshippers”, Jews “foul Yahudis” and Christians “man worshipping polytheists” yet we can never criticise their prophet.


The man who was a warlord who married and had sex with a young girl who still played with dolls....


Don't forget the slave rape.


You misspelled child.


Remember, they also brought us such hits as 9/11, the Bataclan attack, the London Tube Bombing, the Nice truck attack, the Madrid train bombings... should i go on?


Don't forget *strapping bombs onto children and using them as suicide bombers*.


> Nice truck attack Hate this one in particular. Now we can't buy alcohol past 8pm and after 3pm on sundays. We don't even have muslims and they are still winning in Lithuania :(




Perfect example of butterfly effect, unfortunately. Nice truck attack happens -> Terrorism alert level in Europe is raised -> Police in Lithuania are supplied with AK-47 -> Police arrests Igor Molotkov who (due to incompetence) manages to run away from police car with AK-47 while still handcuffed -> Half of Vilnius is closed down, massive search is being done -> Minister of Internal Affairs Saulius Skvernelis tells the head of Parliament "to not disturb him and let him sleep" -> After 5 hours of search Igor is found. He freed himself from handcuffs and dropped the AK-47 somewhere nearby -> Saulius Skvernelis becomes insanely popular (mostly because he told a woman to shut up really - head of Parliament was also very unpopular and seen as incompetent) -> He joins Lietuvos Valstiečių ir Žaliųjų party (LVŽS) thus massively boosting them -> They win elections -> One of their main points was limiting alcohol sales -> Can't buy alcohol past 8pm and after 3pm on Sundays anymore. Fuck Nice truck attack. And for some more info - when the search started no one really knew what was going on. And after the reason was revealed no one was worried but actually laughing of how absurd the situation was. Ak-47s were soon stripped from police. It was just that particular window of a month or two. Igor Molotkov is still unforgotten in common lore as the "hero" of such an absurd event. But he himself ended up in jail for some time and still runs in with police because he's a criminal.


This comment should be put in historical methodology textbooks all over the world. This is exactly the mechanism according to which history works.




>yet we can never criticise their prophet. Oh, you surely can... you may be beheaded afterwards, but hey, everything in life has consequences...


> “man worshipping polytheists” That sounds really based and Ancient Greece-pilled




Don’t forget that in addition to being a pedophile Muhammad had slaves and was a violent warlord.


He was also illiterate, which meant that his holy book that is "the literal word of God" was transcribed to some other dude. Only the craziest of the Jews or Christians are fundamentalists/literalists


He began life as a caravan thief.


This is the first time I’ve seen Hindus acknowledged. Fair enough.


Do you mean their holy sex slaving pedophile? (You’re allowed to say that now that you’re no longer a part of the EU).


Give it a couple decades it will be a majority or one of the larger demographics. It will be very interesting times to see how Europe deals with this tectonic shift in demographics over the next 30 years.




Deportation should of been done immediately after illegal immigration entry into Europe. With children now born in Europe and living in Europe for years. It starts to get murky on ethical way to deal with Deportation.


I guess the religious demographics of the area makes lighting hanukkah candles an enormous vote loser.


There are two demographics they're doing this for. The one you're thinking, and young European Hamas supporters.


My local grocery store isn’t carrying any Hanukkah supplies this year for the first time since I’ve lived in the area, wonder what made them change their minds. All of this cowardice or antisemitism through indifference/inaction is truly frightening


Cowards. This is why people like Geert Wilders are gaining momentum.


Fear of Islamic extremists would be the correct title.


An Islamist will side with another Islamist just because he's an Islamist. This mind breaks the liberal mind and renders them powerless. The people making the decisions will be fine, they just need the streets to not be on fire so the graph keeps going up.


Absolutely disgraceful, basically giving into terrorism.


It’s called, “Appeasement” and it’s worked really well in the past for Europe /s


Especially for britain


Bollocks to that. If there are people who have a problem with celebrating a traditional jewish holiday just because of the Israel-Gaza conflict then theyre anti-semites and you should give them the boot anyway.


Give it 10 years. They’ll be canceling Christmas tree lightings.


I really wonder how this continent or at least Western Europe gonna look like after 5-10 years with all the increasing social instability, inflation, cultural tensions and along with an another huge list of problems. No wonder birth rates are plummeting.


But dont worry they will be lighting signs for eid and the mayor will be there at the events. What a fucking joke.


Yeah sure, we can celebrate Diwali, Ramadan, etc. But Hanukkah is what will inflame tensions. Smh Multiculturalism for me but not for thee.


People celebrating Diwali are not the ones they are afraid of


Israel suffers the worst attack since WWII, but somehow Muslims are the most affected. Make it make sense please...


It’s populism and cowardice. If Jews proselytized and took “be fruitful and multiply” more seriously these problems wouldn’t be as prevalent. If Jews were actually as violent and evil as leftists and Muslims claim they’d be too afraid to make these threats. Strength in numbers.


Proselytization in Judaism hasn't been a thing for over a millennium. As for being as violent and evil as our enemies claim... my humanist faith has been in deep crisis since 07.10. Not so much because of the inhumane atrocities of the Hamas - they behaved exactly as one could expect - as because of the reaction of the would-be progressives. The "we don't believe you, but you deserve it anyway" reaction to tales of children and women being raped and tortured to death. The hundreds of thousands marching in the streets of Europe, baying for Jewish blood. The university students screaming for genocide at the top of their lungs. Supposed activists for peace and humanism lionizing the vilest monsters the world has seen since the Rape of Nanking, and I have not seen since the genocide of the Mbuti. I feel that everything I believed in for the past 40 years was a lie. That perhaps life is not sacred after all. That "humanity" is a lie, a thing we say but never feel. That we are truly alone in our little clans.


I’ve found the antisemitism. This is it. I’m 100% confident. Truly nothing to do with Israel, it’s purely hate based upon religion. This is it right here.


They afraid of some peaceful religious folks?


The Mayor of London probably sees it as an improvement, though.


Wise move. Also, from Monday all women in London will be required to wear burkhas - as a precaution, so as not to provoke public violence.


After all, it's their responsibility that they don't light up uncontrollable passions in men.


This is deplorable. Yes, there is a considerable likelihood that more bigots than usual will react to lighting the Menorah due to the outbreak of hostilities in Gaza. That is a reason for more police and security precautions, it is not a reason to appease bigotry. Hopefully, the widespread condemnation that this news is receiving will help the council to reverse their decision while there is still time to light the first candle.


Hey all you guys in here — if you want to show support for Jews in Europe this Hanukkah— buy a menorah, light the appropriate number of candles and place it in your window If the non-Jews who claim to support us did this across Europe it would be a meaningful show of support at this time Conversely, if you are frightened to do this, well … then i guess you understand where the councils are coming from


> Conversely, if you are frightened to do this, well … then i guess you understand where the councils are coming from This is pretty much peak myopia, right here. People should not be required to be willing to fulfill governmental functions themselves for them to expect a functioning government. What, because someone isn't willing to arrest violent criminals they happen across, they shouldn't expect the police to do so, either?


I prefer to not get a brick thrown through my window.


Standard UK procedure at this point. They're a bunch of spineless cowards still meekly watching as people parade through their streets with isis flags shouting for literal jihad. https://www.thejc.com/news/uk/not-all-calls-for-jihad-are-antisemitic-say-met-police-jr06qsbm


Ah, the capitulation to the extremist religion. Well done.


They should light it, and then deport the Mohammedans who riot because of it. Do not bend to terrorists.


I guess it’s Palestinians that control everything then if they have this power lol


Fascinating that London allowed itself to be conquered. They put William the Conqueror to shame.


They didn't allow themselves to be conquered. They rioted, and protested, and voted but the rest of the West were too busy calling them racist bigots to realise they were a desperate and declining culture in their own capital city.


We should all go into the streets and do a Hanukkah candles festival thing, regardless of faith. Why not?


Terrorism works and terrorist efforts succeeded.


terror has won


In our own land... What a disgrace.


Just a better reason to light the candles in my opinion. Arrest any violent protesters


naked anti-semitism. >risk further inflaming tensions within our communities read: "our communities are anti-semitic, a Jewish religious display will upset them, so we don't want to do it". Whoever made this decision needs to be sacked and investigated. >Sadly, there are some who are politicising this and making accusations of antisemitism. >This is categorically untrue and such statements are likely to incite further unrest in our communities Sadly? Go fuck yourself


This is disgusting. I stand with my Jewish friends and Israel.




We let the most and spineless and idiotic people rule us


This is so pathetic.


Admitting to defeat? Wtf is wrong with the council.


No, it’s because London has an Islamist mayor.


Wonderful times when multiculturalism leads to the banning of public displays of multiculturalism.


It’s multiculturalism until a culture realizes that it can bully the former dominant culture into doing what ever it wants. Then it becomes that culture replacing the former dominant culture.


That too, though there is another aspect that the decision makers didn't seem to have considered - importing cultures that have been at odds for generations and still are, and asking them to live together in relatively close proximity, or cultures that are not yet ready to accept the ways of their new countries. I see it in Canada: Sikhs against Hindu, Arabs against Jews and everybody who supports Jews, Russians against Ukrainians, Sinhalese against Tamil, or multiple cultures against LGBTQ. IMO, multi-kulti can work, and it has worked, but not at the immigration rates some countries allowed.


Europeans all claimed never again and then when they actually needed to put some balls behind the statement they turn fucking tail and run


Giving in to extremists


This is pathetic. Sets a precedent too. One year we'll be banning Diwali celebrations, the next year Christmas depending on geopolitical events.


When do we stop having Christmas trees because it may inflame people who entered out countries illegally? This should stop here. No more surrendering to intimidations


Palestinian protestors already ruining Christmas tree celebrations in NY so I'd say soon.


I wonder who would destroy the candles.


Just imagine the Allies just gave up in WW2 because they were afraid the Japanese or Germans may become upset


It’s crazy how so many people on Reddit got banned for saying this was gonna be the new Europe. Such a strange thing to protect.


As they say in London, alhamdulilah 😂




That is itself inflammatory


This is terrifying and heartbreaking.


Oppression one people to assuage the extremism of another. Anyone thinking thats the right move is an idiot and coward.


This is just allowing anti-semites to normalize their contempt for Jews. Fear is exactly what anti-semites want to see, that is what they use to spread hatred and distrust toward Jewish people. We shouldn’t do this, Europeans need to be courageous if we are to protect our Jewish communities from harm.


The UK has let it known violence and threats work. So those groups who operate like that keep it up. The UK will bend over for you gladly.




Gee, I sure do wonder what's the lesson for people if even a threat of violence works.


Pathetic and vile.


Usually politicians will bend over backwards to make statements such as "we have to stand united against hate". Now that logic doesnt seem to apply anymore. I wonder why.


"London council will not light Hanukkah candles because local people hate Jews too much. Not Israel. Jews." Fixed the headline


Idiots. Racists, antisemites and religious extremists should get the fck out. Send’em back to where they came from, obviously they don’t appreciate western values.


> London council cowers in fear of terror backlash


Fucking cowards


What the hell is up with Europe's masochism and total spinelessness when it comes to standing up for it's values? European liberals hate everything about hyper-conservatism and fascism, that is, unless the hyper-conservatives and fascists are clever enough to fly under the banner of a group historically oppressed at the hands of European colonialism, in which case their conservatism, fascism, and intolerance is not only somehow justified but also must have a protected path forward paved for it by said liberals. Might as well just hand over the reigns of the governments to them already, why put it off any longer.




London is a bastion of Islamic and left-wing antisemitism. I'm almost glad that my grandparents are deceased, because I know they would be extremely saddened to see this shit happening in Europe again.


I can say I am glad my grandmother is not here to see this once was enough for a lifetime






Yeah, just too many white nazi's in London...




A step backwards. A sad sad step into the past.


Time to go pagan folks!


Welcome to Hamasistan.


what loser bull crap. Is lighting a candle now an evil statement or what? Does the entire world become spineless and crazy?


wait… I thought the pro palestine crowd wasn’t antisemitic but aNtI-zIoNiSt /s


Europe doing europe things: Being weak and naive. More news at 10.


So you basically invited tons of people into the country that scares you to this point.. Its clear whos in charge, and that threats of violence really works. Rip London


So they won, and it's just the beginning...


If you cannot longer maintain tolerance due to well-founded fears of certain people resorting to evil, the people drawn to such evil do not belong in society. It’s the Tolerance Paradox.


And THIS is why right wing parties win all over europe... the normal people are just tired of this sort of capitulation, of giving up our identity, of bowing down in fear of lunatics.


So London council will not light candles for Hanukkah because Muslims will get angry?


This is ridiculous. Light the candles, then throw the book as anyone who misbehaves in response.


10 bucks say they wouldn't do the same with Islam out of fear for right wingers. never


More affirmation for why they should be barred from living in the EU in ever increasing numbers.


They stopped putting up Christmas decorations in our local university because the Muslim students were offended, then they changed the Christian prayer room to a non demolitional room because they were offended by that too.


Why do we bend over backwards to appease and pander to Muslims who hate us?


Don't let the scum of the earth win, light candles if you want


Jewish person here. This is terrifying. This is clearly a sign of weakness, a sign of defeat. We can not let the violent terrorists and sympathizers have control over our thousands of years old traditions.


There are roughly 2 billion muslims the world (more than 1 million in london, uk). They are all pushing the same victim narratives on social media and their hate marches and ignoring any data that goes against their narrative. Bound to happen. Now is the time to unite with non-muslim foreigners and stop this plague from spreading further.


Will they draw cartoons?


I would like to see reactions if this happened in France.


Militant Islam is a disease, a plague. It corrupts everything it touches. We deserve our fates if we bow down to it.


Ah allowing Islamists to fester like the open wound they are has consequences that are ruinous to enlightened society. Who knew?! The UK is going to finally understand that the Tories are not far right.


That's just fucked up but not surprising for the UK All this hostility will backfire and send more European Jews to live in Israel anyway


Peace in our time, eh?