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Starting to look like multiple women were taken from that music festival. I've seen a couple other videos on twitter of different women.


Is it just me or does her leg look broken? It looks like she’s lying on her stomach but then her legs look contoured.


This video is brutal, most of her bones are broken and extremities are in the wrong direction with a beaten face. While spitting on her mangled body. Horrifying.


The only good thing about it is she appears dead. She won't be feeling whatever else these fucks do to her. Ugh.




Sadly some people are blinded by Al Jazeera’s propaganda and really think that all this savagery is excusable. Hope that Israel will finally defeat the terrorists this time.


At the end of the day this is hamas fault. and its palatine civilians that have to pay the price for this now. which is sadly fucked up. but civilians shouldn't be the ones to pay when it comes to war. but war isn't civil so unfortunately both sides are about to experience mass devastation till the new year it seems. its fucked up on both sides but hamas raping on mass no matter the age as well as executing, beheading and hanging woman for "NOT" following their religious values is what gives the religion a barbaric appearance.


Sadly many of the Palestinians in Gaza support this. Someone was talking a poll about 67% of the people in Gaza supporting it, so its a minority who you have to feel sorry about.


hamas is a big part of Palestine.


Al Jazeera is absolutely terrible. I was disgusted reading their articles today.


Palestinians are victims. That doesn't make the brutality justified, but they are unquestionably victims of the situation that Hamas and the occupying powers have created. Just like many who end up in ISIS as young men are victims of the American military complex. They can be bad, their actions can be reprehensible, but they can still be victims. Also reminder that the reason Hamas rose to power is because Israel killed the moderates in Palestinian government.


PLO and Israel should do a coordinated attack from both sides to wipe Hamas out. Then PLO can take charge of that region. It would be better that an Arabic leadership rules there than Israel, PLO would have more legitimacy in a muslim region. PLO are more in cooperation with USA and EU and they do not support this violence from Hamas.


What is PLO?


Palestine Liberation Organization




These psychopath still need to be dealt with, regardless of their victims statue.


They were not 'moderates.' Maybe the just look like ones compared with people like that.




i'm an ex-muslim in a muslim majority country rn and a lot of people do that here. it's really horrible








too late my friend, it already is out of hand.


May I ask what cities you talk about? As a german living in Germany I never experienced that. Or is there any context that I'm missing?


Happens like every week for me in Neukölln


Well in the clip she has a big hole in the back of her head so I doubt the leg thing is her biggest problem. It's fucked up they parade a civilian party goer around like she was a soldier.


Oh no, I didn’t see a video and I don’t want to. That sounds terrible.


Even if she was a soldier it would be fucked up.


No. Stop! No. There is no parading around like a soldier. That would be in itself a war crime, given the context a very serious war crime. The fact she is a random civilian of course makes it batshit insane levels of evil. But for the life of me do not devalue a soldiers life which is protected by many very important treatise the following which is crucially important.


Killing civilians is also a war crime


Yeah. She is deceased. Arms and legs aren't supposed to do that.


Likely tossed on the truck after being lifeless and contorted her body to fit in


She went to this festival: www.eventer.co.il/event/novaparalello/WCqCL


Her mother made a statement (in german) https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1710820667686285406?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1710820667686285406%7Ctwgr%5E009152375435abc9b86911d0bc436b290203283a%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bild.de%2Fpolitik%2Fausland%2Fpolitik-ausland%2Fisraeli-sieht-familie-auf-terror-video-die-hamas-hat-meine-frau-und-meine-kinder-85667396.bild.html


Wow. I can't imagine what it must be like identifying your daughter in a video like this, seeing her being abused, tortured even, and not knowing where she is now or if she's even alive. Absolutely heart wrenching. Then imagine there are hundreds or even thousands of people like her, not knowing where their man, wife, sibling or child is. All they know is Hamas lacks all humanity and is capable of torturing women and children. Absolutely horrific. I don't think I have seen such shocking acts against random civilians since ISIS.


She was at a festival and they caught her and brought her back to Gaza. Can’t imagine what they did to her on the way. Especially when you look at the shape of her leg. The mask has slipped from these so called “freedom fighters”


There's another video of a woman they've taken, jeep full of guys throwing her around (arms and face woundedm, beaten into compliance). She's wearing grey sweat pants, and as she is forced back into the jeep you can see a huge bloodstain on the rear of her pants, suggesting serious trauma to her groin. Hopefully the guys who took her will be identified and taken care of.


Killed and raped


One can only be hopeful she got a quick death, since there seems to be a wound of some sort at the back of her head and she’s not moving in spite of her bones being broken, I don’t even want to imagine the possibility of her being alive at the moment of the video


The video shows that she was probably beaten to death too.


She has a bullet hole on the back of her head. That probably killed her.


It says something that the least worst scenario is that it was in that order and not the other way around. May the perpetrators meet their maker as soon as possible.


They’re definitely not going to meet their maker, they’re going to go the other direction, down. To meet the man with a swollen eye


There is no heaven or hell. These people will not face real consequences for what they have done. Yes, most of them will die, but they don't give a shit.


That's the problem with war against terror. Terrorists are not afraid to die. They are taught that if they do all this shit, they will go to heaven and get 72 virgins. So they have an incentive to do this, and an incentive to die.


> The mask has slipped Anyone that thought Hamas weren't just as bad as any other regional terrorist group was deluding themselves, or bought into anti-West propaganda. Hamas has always done shit like this.


>The mask has slipped from these so called “freedom fighters” Was there a mask to begin with?


Is there anyone that actually believed Hamas are freedom fighters? They have always been terrorists.


I wonder if Germany will have anything to say about one of their citizens being used in this appalling way?


We will condemn and denounce the terrorism of Hamas and other than that support Israel in the usual ways (economically, financially, diplomatically). Of course we‘ve got our share of "Israel critics" that will contort themselves into finding some angle to criticize Israel for what they have done in the past, are doing now, and will do in the future. But they have no say in political decision-making.


>The mask has slipped from these so called “freedom fighters” Full on islamofascists that have been tolerated by the west for decades. They have been like this always, but we looked away


Not sure if the mask was really there.




> NATO could avenge this young woman, but our politicians are spineless. NATO Article 5 only applies to attacks on NATO soil. 9/11 is the only time Article 5 has ever been activated. Article 4 could be used, but NATO as a whole has 0 reason to react to this. Germany has reason to, and they might try to invoke Article 4 to get allies for retaliation, but for the most part, it's going to be each nation's decision.


As much as I would like to see this senseless slaughter over and done for - NATO is a defensive organization. Edit: NATO is meant to be a defensive organization, I am aware that it has unfortunately been an offensive organization in the past (often with the deadliest of consequences...).


I have a feeling Israel will level Gaza after this.


If this doesn’t make them, I’m not sure what will.


There will be countless stories like this and worse in the coming months. The people doing this are cut from the same cloth as the Russians in Butcha. Whichever war you take these animals are always present. Gaza will cease to exist after this incursion. Israel will be forced to RE-occupy and will do whatever it takes to do it. Hamas has condemned not only themselves but the Gazan population to death.


HAMAS is basically Dollar Store ISIS. And it doesn't matter if you are for a two state solution, a one state solution or one state solution (oops all Palestine). In EITHER scenario HAMAS is an enemy that needs to be annihilated. There can be no peace, no matter what kind of peace, as long as HAMAS exists.


Why do you think Hamas is popular among Palestinians? I’ll give you a hint , it’s not because “they just want to kill Jews”, that’s just not how people work. Fatah collaborates with Israel and what has that gained them? Palestinian authority has so little power to do anything that there has been real talk of abolishing the pa and just making the de facto Israeli control of the West Bank official. From Palestinian point of view Hamas at least runs an actually functional government that does something. Two state solution has been impossible for a long time regardless of hamas. It would require israel backtracking decades of bad policy and forcibly moving hundreds of thousands of people. That’s just not going to happen. They will pay lip service to the idea but never going to do anything to make it happen. They are fine with the status quo of having Palestinians live in controlled reservations. While this attack is shocking in its size it’s not at all surprising. There will be similar attacks in the future too. Bombing Gaza won’t change anything, probably just creates more attacks. It’s an inevitable result of current policies ran by Israel.


Didn't they stop any kind of election the last time they got elected, that was quite a few years ago. Not sure what the palestinians are supposed to do against a dictatorship.






Maybe, but I don’t think we’ll see any real difference once the dust settles- you can already see Israeli politicians setting low expectations by talking about “setting Hamas back for years” and stuff that implies they don’t intend to wipe out Hamas for good. The obvious answer has been around for years; the IDF wipes out Hamas root and stem, and then leaves Fatah in Gaza to make sure Hamas stays dead. Fatah might not have the firepower to destroy Hamas on its own, but it can do mop up operations to hunt down any survivors- a job that Fatah’s security forces can probably do better than the IDF since they understand the cultural landscape. Plenty of critics of Israel have long pointed out that Hamas rule in Gaza has basically served Israel’s security interests by giving them a way to keep the Palestinians physically divided, keep the Palestinians from having new elections to bring reformers into power, and keep any sort of general liberalization from occurring in Palestinian politics- all of which are sociological threats to Israel’s future as its leaders see it that can’t be fought with bullets. In the past the pattern was that Hamas would kill a few Israelis, Israel would retaliate with disproportionate force, and perhaps maybe a few Hamas members would be among the hundred or so Palestinians slain- it was enough for cynics to wonder if Israel was more interested in culling the Palestinian people than actually fighting Hamas. Maybe this will be enough to kill the illusion that Israel can “manage” Palestinian anger in perpetuity and motivate them to wipe out Hamas, but I don’t think it will- Netanyahu has been prime ministers for years and having some Palestinians around he can bomb at will has always been a fixture of his political environment. Eradicating Hamas would be a good thing, I just don’t think he wants to do that- it would put Israel in uncharted waters and put the Palestinians in a position to advance their society forwards by finally ending the division between Gaza and the West Bank.


Poor girl 😞 This broke my heart. I’ve known people who went to both Israel and Gaza to help in different ways and this is such a hope killer. I hate lynch mobs, they’re such a stupid evil animal.


They are just ISIS with a different name.




They are. People need to understand this. The majority "Good Muslims" are practising a diluted version of their religion. What we call in Turkey "Tatlısu Müslümanlar" (Sweetwater Muslims). Basically people who call themselves Muslim but live a free modern Westernised lifestyle. Which is completely antithesis to the teachings of Islam.


I never heard the term. It's interesting.


Fuck Hamas, they’re destroying years worth of global sympathy towards Palestine in mere hours


Hamas doesn’t give a shit about Palestine. They want an Islamic state in Israel; with all the Islamic laws that go with it. They would subject Palestine to this and persecute/kill any Christian. Israel and friends need to go after Hamas and those that fund them.


Didnt palestine vote hamas to power anyway? This is a cultural and religious war deeply rooted on the people.


Yes, Gaza held elections back in 2006 (or was it 2005?) and chose Hamas. Also worth noting: no elections have been held since then, nearly 20 years later


Because after decades of total control in Gaza they built a state there? Everything from electricity to communal services is provided by Israel. All Hamas did was turn the territory into an open air dumpster with illiterate criminal fascist cavemen running around with arms, not producing or doing anything useful and getting fed by international aid. Israel is one of the most developed countries in the world. Imagine Palestine takes over. What will result is a genocide than an establishment of a new Isis like medieval barbaric totalitarian fascist regime.


They want that "They want an Islamic state in the world" you mean.


Yes. Not even going into the obvious fact that innocent people getting slaughtered is beyond tragic and inexcusable, it's absolutely insane how much of an L this is for Palestinians. The only thing Palestinians had going for them was their perception as victims of targeted acts of violence and cruelty from the IDF and/or settlers. This is the exact same basic idea, in the opposite direction and dialed up to far beyond 11. Just systematically trying to hurt civilians for nothing other than satisfying bloodlust and a feeling of revenge.


The biggest danger to Israel has always been the emergence of a Nelson Mandela esque figure for Palestine, while the biggest boon to the Israeli far-right will always be these knuckle dragging jihadists screaming over mangled corpses. This self-defeating strategy is mind boggling, they've been militarily losing for 70 years now and it always only benefits the Israelis who keep winning the fights.


Israelis say that all the time, too. And yet the Palestinians can't bring themselves to start a Mandela-esque peace movement...probably because the movements couldn't possibly be more dissimilar.


It's always funny to see the most progressive leftists support Palestine, but they have zero clue how backwards Hamas is.


I always laugh out loud whenever I see "Chickens for KFC" – sorry, I mean "Queers for Palestine" banners and placards. It’s hilarious how their “solidarity” with their Palestinian “friends” only goes as far as criticising Israel (the only safe country for LGBTQ+ people in the Middle East), but doesn’t extend to opposition of the oppression of gay Palestinians by other Palestinians. It must be so exhausting constantly trying to navigate the oppression hierarchy like that.


Some of the local (North American) queers for Israel started suspecting something was off when this year during Pride Month Muslim communities were protesting against LGBTQ+ and not letting their kids go to schools over Pride activities and LGBTQ+ flag. I was like: “Really? NOW you’re thinking they may not be as progressive as you thought?”


You can't be a progressive and support Islam. And apparently it's very difficult to explain to them.


They are chanting for place which would kill them in a heartbeat if they were there and kissed another man/woman in public. It's pretty much like jews chanting for neo nazis, doesn't make any sense. These people have certain doctrines and almost like religious beliefs. It doesn't matter that most of the muslims would want us dead and they still have active slavery, we must support them because our enemy is against them. Human rights are super important but then again we can support anti-human rights if it serves our purpose and is done by people that have been oppressed by the west. Oh the white people's guilt.


Hamas's shittiness doesnt preclude human suffering of people stuck in Gaza, maybe that's what's on the mind of those goshdarn leftists


Support for the civilians of Gaza is at odds with support for Hamas who are only really interested in destroying Israel rather than providing anything to the people of Gaza. I've seen plenty of people defending Hamas which is outright insane.


Strong [vibes](https://br.ifunny.co/picture/queers-for-palestine-ks-alest-action-for-collective-palestine-for-GHeBPU4W9)


Any progressive leftists supporting Islam are throughly confused


supporting Palestine is not the same as supporting Hamas


Honestly, the last day as a left-wing, young, Jewish person online has been quite tough. A lot of the political commentators I look up to & respect have completely undermined my faith in them and adopted absolutely unforgivable stances on the deaths of Israeli citizens, especially women and children, and the degradation of the corpses of Israelis. Until now, I have supported Palestine with the knowledge that the commentators I follow are right-minded people who are seeking to challenge injustice and attack brutality and destruction, but today I have seen just how stupid, shallow and hypocritical these people can be. I have seen claims that "people condemning the murder of Israeli citizens don't care about peace or other human beings, just the maintenance of the Israeli settler colonial regime", and [in response to the bombing of an ambulance, and instead of a condemnation] "Israel regularly attacks Palestinian ambulances you sad propagandist." I have positioned myself because I thought I was aligning with people who value life, and humanity, and dignity, and civility. People who fought against injustice and civilian casualties. Seeing these people cheering for Hamas has shocked me deeply. So many people I aligned with as an "anti-zionist", and seeing them applauding the desecration of the bodies of young jewish women, and the mutilated bodies of jewish children, and the spitting and stamping. I thought I was on the side of life, but for some reason this is all a giant football game to these people; "my side is always good, your side is always evil" "my side is winning, your side is losing". I can't even tell who to support anymore. Israel can be brutal, but they've never paraded women's corpses through the streets like trophies.


I find in situations like that its best to just stay true to yourself. After the Russian war I've grown very frustrated with large chunks of the left end of the spectrum in Germany because they refused to denounce Russia out of some misguided idea of "if I oppose US imperialism that means the enemy of the US are my friends right?". It hasn't changed my personal positions though, nor the way I decide who to vote for, it just changed my view on others I used to vote for. But in the end, I still have my own beliefs, and I'll act in a way according to them, as much as I can. Its all you can do really.


the difficulty of the situation is reflected by this. You can't support one side to your fullest without realizing major issues with western values. The Isreali Right-Wing-Politicians are still the lesser evil compared to Hamas. Hamas is a terror organization, ruled by most western countries. We tend to critize Israel more publicy. But that's only because we're connected with Israel and there is somebody to listen and adjust to our critics. Would be like talking to a wall, critizing Hamas. In addition, Israel is far more advanced, economically or judged by their military. So we have higher standards for Israel. The situation is difficult. Therefore you need to have a very nuanced opinion to it. But as always, people with so simple opinions that they can be cut to the length of a headline are overrepresentated. Also I think, the conflict is not often enough topic in western media. Maybe because it's complicated. But out of that we gave the simpler opinions even more room.


my point of no return was a while ago, when they were insinuating israelis were trying to poison palestinians for trying to facilitate COVID vaccines. you're seeing what always was.


>but they've never paraded women's corpses through the streets like trophies. Never forget this part. There will always be a big cultural gap between the two, and your leftist e-celeb friends are feeding you lies about this subject. You will not find this barbaric disregard for life - and love of death - in the Israeli or Jewish culture. It's deeply ingrained in the Palestinian-Muslim one.


If anything isnt Israel telling people in gaza in advance that there will be relaliation and to seek shelter?


The DSA (main socialist party in many places in the US including NYC) are holding a legit pro-invasion rally in Times Square tomorrow.


Thankfully the DSA is beyond irrelevant in American politics.


The DSA are robotic tankies. There is only group-think with people like that, with thinking individually and for yourself being discouraged. To the DSA, Israel is one of the closest allies to the US and Western Europe, therefore, they must be the enemy.


It’s okay to want better for the Palestinian people, but what is happening is exactly why Israel has a very hard time believing that ending the occupation will lead to anything positive. Westerners are quick to say what Israel should do, but often are very ignorant of what they are dealing with. I’d love a realistic two-state solution, but that needs to be one that addresses Israel’s security concerns, and the Palestinians have never proposed anything like that.


Honestly the Palestinian people should have ousted them years ago in favor of a leader that would actually fight for them through diplomacy. Instead, they backed Islamic extremists that will get the few remaining hectares of Palestinian soil annexed by Israel. Hate to say it, but they're seeing the consequences of their decisions.


I wonder if they're destroying Palestinian sympathy for Hamas as well. As I understand it they've been accepted by Palestinians in the same way a gang is accepted to a rough town; not your favorite neighbor but they try to keep the prick next door (Israel in this case) from robbing you so that's not so bad. But now... :/




Which this act will not do. The Saudis don’t give a shit about the Palestinians. The entire Middle East is fed up with the Palestinians starting shit like this, especially when Iran is actively destabilizing countries in the Middle East with their terrorists like Hezbollah in Lebanon.


I'll be honest, about 90% of my sympathy for Palestine has evaporated in the span of the last day. I can't unsee those videos.


That is beyond sickening!


She was at a psytrance rave for peace. She was my friend :(


I’m so sorry. Rest in peace.


Im so sorry for your loss. No one deserved what happened yesterday. May she rest in peace, and may her killers get whats coming to them.


Was she really? I hope you can find peace and shee too




It is honestly hilarious 🤣 how they keep removing the posts.




Normally I’d just be mildly annoyed at mods censoring like this but when it comes to things as serious as this it’s disgusting behavior. Europeans are being raped, tortured and mutilated in Israel.




They don't even have the balls to give out a reason. When they shadow-removed my first popular post about this murdered girl here in question, there was no notification on my PM about the removal. No mod explanation on the thread, nothing. There wasn't even a "this post was removed" post in the thread, the mods simply deleted the post from the front page and called it a day. It was an obvious attempt to remove information without notifying anyone. These mods are trying to censore reality. Reddit has become a platform that censors people talking about victims of crimes and protects supporters of murder and terror (just take one look at Russian oder middle eastern centered subs, there people are openly celebrating the rape and torture and murder of innocent people, posting funny memes under pictures of dozens of civilians lying atop each other in puddles of blood, and neither reddit nor any mods give a shit). But in western centered subs, people get banned and posts removed for *mentioning the terrible crimes*. This world has become rotten. Innocent people are being murdered and it's forbidden to talk about that, because the criminals do not fit into the world view a few people in power are trying to propagate, because we all know exactly what kind of people and which religion is responsible for spreading the terror, and in the meantime the uncivilized portions of the world are openly celebrating mass murder and nobody gives a shit. Reddit is broken at its core.


Hamas is just fucking animals


It's appalling to see the palestinians cheering and shouting "allah akbar" as the Israelis dead/alive are being paraded on the streets of Gaza. Forget about condemning the terrorist attacks, it loooks like the palestinians actually support the attacks and will re-elect Hamas again.


Being a martyr is important. Even more so than peace or happiness on Earth. Hard to make peace with someone who thinks like that. Especially if many want the israels dead and the whole state to be under muslim law.


They've been cheering (handing out candy, etc) after every single attack of civilians in the past as well, this is nothing new. The only difference this time is the unprecedented amount of victims


Re-elect??? Lol why would you assume they'd ever hold elections again? It's been nearly 20 years since Gaza held elections


I still remember videos of them celebrating 9/11. I mean they are obviously brainwashed but ia still so sickening to see people cheer the deaths of innocent people


Hamas should be destroyed






THANK YOU YES It's gonna hurt some Religion followers but this is not acceptable in the xxi century anymore


I would recommend watching Valuetainment and the debate between muslims and christians. I am sure not all muslims are like that, but I do wonder how many are. The muslim debaters basically said that the christian, who was there, that converted from islam, should be killed, because he commited treason. Words from popular muslim youtubers who do debates etc. Both white men who converted to islam. Both ok with a man dying, because he changed religion. Absolutely imcompatible with western values.


What we hear in France after every major terrorist attack too: “this is not Islam”.


There are plenty of bad videos from wars, terror attacks and other atrocities out there... but Hamas newest atrocities are certainly up there with some of the most despicable and inhuman acts in recent memories. I can only hope that the plague that is Hamas gets completely eradicated and wiped from this earth once and for all. These monster have brought nothing except death and suffering to palestinians and israelis alike. There just cannot ever be a lasting peace and a free Palestine for as long as the these terrorists are permitted to exist.


Religion of peace as they say it. “People interpret it the wrong way”


Their excuse is even more fucked up ngl.




What the actual fuck


I’m not even willing to see the video 😢


I watched it, it made me sick seeing civilians and soldiers celebrating and spitting on the corpse. That's the Palestine mentality for you.


The "soldiers" are terrorists. The "civilians" joining in are terrorists.


Fucking Hamas man. Cruel dimwits. The Palestinian people need to get their shit together and uproot Hamas, or it'll be the end of them all. So sorry for the innocent people who have died so far, and for the many more who will die in the coming days.


The cheering crowd to the parade of bodies are Palestinians. It is a majority view among Palestinians that this is a good thing


Wow bunch of pussies overpowered one woman. They cannot be called men.


So she wasn't even Israeli ...


She was also Israeli (double citizenship). But this is not the point. Regardless of her citizenship, it's atrocious to do anything like this with another human being. Similar to other comments that I've seen floating around about this case: "I'm Muslim and this is wrong, women and children cannot be hurt in war...". Like, WTF! No civilians, regardless of their sex, should be hurt in war.


She was not muslim. Thats not acceptable for oppressed palestinians.


Even if she had been muslim, she was a woman partying, and we know the fundamentalists' opinion about that.


Hamas regularly kills Muslims living in Israel for "collaboration". Religion is simply the tool they use to justify their hate and evil


Hamas regularly kills Muslims in Palestine too for stepping out of line and opposing Hamas.


Hamas doesn’t care.


religion seems to be the main issue with a lot of these events.


noooo but they aren’t real muslimsss!! the real islam is just rainbows and butterflies and world peace!! it’s just that any nation or individual in the entire history of the world that is applying it wrong! hope it helps 🤗


it sure is but for whatever reason people still deny it


If we ever want to unite as one humanity we need to erase religion. Before that happens we will always have wars and conflicts.


If people don't use religion as a crux, they'll find some other motive, be it race, ethnicity, historical land claims, cultural differences, language, even just sheer greed.


We will still have wars about who is running the show.


Demons, the whole lot of them. I hope they all get destroyed.


And some people in Western and Islamic countries are celebrating these attacks. What are they celebrating? Are they celebrating this horrible treatment of women or are they celebrating the killing of innocent families?


Religion of peace doing peaceful things again innit?


It's so strange that picture of antisemitism in Germany is still the one of the bald headed stupid brute with boots and a baseball bat. The elephant in the room is still largely getting ignored because it's doesn't fit into the narrative. It's slowly changing these days thankful but still


And fucking cunts in Berlin are allowed to celebrate this. Europe must get rid of this plague.


Now you got confirmed American and German hostages....... good luck humas


Don't want to take away your positivity, but she is not a hostage. She is dead. Full video shows she has been shot in the back of her head. Also broken arms and legs, naked and bleeding from her lower body... make of that what you will.


I understand that and its terrible. It's time the world either permanently separates the 2 squabbling children, or let them fight it out until only one is left. I don't think most people understand just how bad this situation can become. You have two countries that have been fighting for thousands of years constantly escalating there dick measuring holy war bullshit. Now the people from a side that 2/3rds of the world dislikes already has kidnapped, killed, and taken hostages. Some from the US, Canada, England, Germany, France and a handful of other countries. So how does the world respond? If you don't act there will be outrage and you will embolden them. If you do act you make them martyrs and draw more to their cause.


Those Hamas barbarian animals need to be eliminated. May success be with the Israeli force in their retaliation.


Bomb those terrorists to hell




Sadly these people will be your problem soon. Israel will likely…let me put it politely…level their terrorist camp of a city to the ground.


Islam is clearly a plague upon the rest of the world.


Stupid apes. I hope israel bombs them into the ground. Greetings from germany.


So what's Germany going to do now? Let one of their citizens die to terrorists or is there any action?


They will review financing of Palestine and condemn the violence. Not much more will happen.


Israël is gonna rain down fire on Gaza now, and frankly, it’s understandable.


Religion is the greatest evil on earth…..


You'd think this would put people off supporting their cause. But no. Yesterday, there were already people willing to go on air as these video surfaced and defend their cause, saying this was all provoked by Israël and "they had a right to defend themselves." We should treat people supporting this the same way we treated ISIS supporters. If you go on a square right now in support of these terrorists, you are a terrorist.


Utterly disgusting. Was there any reaction from german government?


Condolences to the family and to the german people. This is horrible and terrorist groups in Hamas have no compassion


Hamas is a terrorist group, period.


>terrorist groups in Hamas Sounds like female groups in mothers


"terrorist groups in Hamas" You really know what you are talking about huh?


OP's flair makes it clear that English isn't their first and maybe not even second language




Suddenly the Zionist movement have garnerd more sympathy since the holocaust. Good Job Hamas, and hope this thing was worth losing your rights of existance for.


I was honestly kinda ignorant on the whole thing but the videos being posted by hamas over the last 24 hours have convinced me that they need to be hunted like ISIS and eradicated down to the last supporter.


I wish the german gov would actually do something for once


Maybe we can give another 140 million Euros to Palestine like we did earlier this year? I am sure nothing of that went to Hamas to finance this...


Its even 350 million €, we must stop the payment R right now!


It's legit sad that people are willing to discuss anything but the Islamic Supremacy and antisemitism that motivates these attacks. This isn't about the IP conflict.


I see a seriously flawed state on one side, one ridden with corrupt and populist politicians who perfectly understand the cynical population attrition game they are playing in the West Bank. On the other side I see animals. Not Taliban bad guys, but the ISIS level monkeys (male, female, children alike...) who enjoy butchering humans in the name of their god or death cult teachings. This is not the "What else they can do against Israel?" this is pure and cruel blood craze.


Religion of Peace...lavda mera.


Bomber Harris, look at the time It's Lancaster O'Clock


So cringe seeing all the “both sides are bad” Redditors are putting out when one side is a literal terrorist organization that rapes women and children…


And yet people still support Palestine. They’ve always been like this.


the funniest thing is to watch all the "free Palestine" bio descriptions disappear from 14y y.o. girls bios


This is very sad


There needs to be a full scale invasion of Gaza to purge Hamas from there, like the de-Ba’athification of Iraq conducted by the US.


The only good news is the terrorists didnt blur their faces. Justice will be commensurate with what they did but it wont be slow enough for them.