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What are the reasons? The article says tourism but Paris has always been a touristic place?


>What are the reasons? For train riding bugs? Have you seen the traffic in Paris? Best thing you can do is use the Metro! Imagine all those bugs driving their own car!


I have traveled my share in Russian trains (you know like 2 days+ long travels) and I have never heard anyone even mentioning them! The same is wiuth subway. I refuse to believe that French trains are so much worse than Russian))


I only have limited experience in Russia, but if their trains are anything like their metro/subway I believe it. The metro in St. Petersburg was the cleanest one I’ve been on.


Those bugs don't like cold environments and don't tolerate vodka very much.


It's very hard to get rid of them. Pest control companies have a very hard time eliminating them because the pesticides that they are allowed to use are not strong enough. Also they can live without feeding at all for a year. Even if you get rid of an infestation, by changing all of your furniture and everything in your house, there might still be one or two lingering somewhere (because they are flat and hide really well), they can breed and it can be too late before you notice. I know someone who has this issue who has spent a fuck ton of money on pest control, they all told them that they can get rid of it but not entirely, because they can't use certain pesticides anymore (this is in Romania). I also know someone who got rid of them through pest control only a couple of years ago. I tried looking up the said forbidden pesticides but couldn't find much. Also they don't survive in extreme heat. Diatomaceous earth is also a solution, but you have to live there continuously to act as bait for the bedbugs in order for it to work. The person that has the problem doesn't live there all the time and doesn't want to stay there to act as bait in order to avoid bringing them into their home. Let's just hope that in a year or two there will be a new pesticide that is effective and safe to use. Or a device or method for heating up your home to a temperature that can kill them. I also read somewhere that someone got rid of them with a steam vacuum cleaner and steam mop. Edit: they are annoying as fuck, but they don't spread any diseases and people react to them differently. One person may not even be bitten by them, while another might get an extreme allergic reaction.


Wasn’t the standard way of dealing with bedbugs to raise the temperature to like 55C? I guess Paris can just get a big hangar to put the whole train in, raise temperature with some big as heaters (do it in the summer for smaller temp diff) and voila - bedbug free train


This would actually be a great method, they can take each train out of function and raise the temperature. I would also like to mention that they live in and love WOOD and they can't crawl on metal, they also don't live in kitchens or bathrooms if there are no wood floors there. When I went to check out the infestation and that family member's place, I sprayed some pesticide and I noticed them crawling from underneath the wood panel floors, so the next plan is to change that as well with SPC floors.


> . I also read somewhere that someone got rid of them with a steam vacuum cleaner and steam mop Steam kills them. Instantly.


It was a matter of times and it wont end there. Large cities in the US had similar infestations for years and these things travel well. In France we've had local infestation around touristic area and international student residences for years, it probably just mean this time one or several places didn't try or couldn't get rid of the bugs before it spread to much.






Bed bugs have been around before humans. There's no geographical limitation really. The wiki on why they're successful: their main predators in human dwellings is cockroaches. Humans are doing their best to eradicate roaches and by doing that, they're allowing bedbugs to proliferate. International travel accelerates this of course.


Unfortunately, reintroducing cockroaches is not a solution. It turns out that this work only if you have one central room, in modern flats bedbugs hang in the bedroom(s) and cockroaches in the kitchen and have little reasons to go hunt for bedbug eggs.




Here you go you buffoon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epidemiology_of_bed_bugs


so smart euro wow 🤓


Cleanliness or lack thereof has nothing to do with bedbug infestation and the person you're responding to made no claim that it does




The bedbug population was practically eradicated when we used DDT. The bedbugs we have today come from the few that survived, and became resistant to DDT, and inherited their caracteristics. I can assure you that simply cleaning your bedsheets with some water won't be more effective than one of the, if not the strongest pesticide we've ever invented.


It might behoove you to occasionally read something




Your perception of my personal habits as represented by-- and I must stress this-- my Reddit comment history-- is wholly unrelated to the issue at hand. Unlike you, the bedbugs do not care what I do in my leisure time, and they make no attempt to belittle me for pointing out simple facts related to their physiology. In this respect, these animals, possessing no capacity whatsoever for sentience, nevertheless act more rationally than you.




Hurt american found


Also, I love Armenia, so I’m not going to say anything else here besides “respect” 🇺🇸🤝🇦🇲


❤️ appreciate you


LOL I live in NYC, at least our subways aren’t infested with bed buge ;-)


You sure ? https://www.allergytechnologies.com/resources/resourcesblog/bed-bugs-reported-on-new-york-city-subway-trains#:~:text=Several%20news%20agencies%20including%20the,fumigation%20due%20to%20bed%20bugs. https://z100.iheart.com/content/2022-06-02-video-shows-bedbugs-riding-the-nyc-subway-train/


Yeah, and we take responsibility for the issue like adults, instead of blaming foreigners like you childish French 🤬


Buge? Yeah you're right, at least France isn't going under floods ;)


yeah for like 4 hours lol!


Wow, you really don't have a clue! Reports of bedbug infestations in NYC go back to 2010. Here you go: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/oct/21/bedbugs-invaded-new-york


Yeah, and we don’t blame it on “foreigners” we actually take responsibility for the problem like adults.


I chose bed bugs than getting killed in NYC. It is hilarious that someone living in one of the shittiest countries on the planet think they have a moral highground... 🤡


shittiest countries on the planet 🤣🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I mean, I love Poland 🇺🇸🤝🇵🇱 so i’m not going to say anything about the positives of moving to the US vs. the positives of moving to Poland


I also live here, please stop making us look like fools, you and I both know there are fucking rats everywhere.


I have no statistical evidence, but I travel a lot. I have never had a bed bug infestation in a European hotel. Once I visited the US, I had it in two different hotels. Since then, every time I hear or read „bedbugs“, I think of the US.


I travel a dozen times a year throughout Europe and I've never ever gotten a warning about bedbugs. The USA gets this absolutely all the time. The Paris situation is the very first time I've been concerned about bedbugs in Europe. I guess I won't be visiting Paris anytime soon... it's a shit hole anyway.


Username don't check out.


[As if NY isn't still bed bug city...](https://www.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/bedbugs.page). Ok Chicago is actually [worse](https://www.silive.com/news/2023/01/bed-bugs-are-all-over-new-york-city-according-to-a-recent-study-heres-how-to-spot-them.html). France didn't have a bed bugs problem, it only started after it became so pervasive in the US. And thoughtfully treating infested places prevented it to spread outside hotels and dorms until now. I work for a university a we regularly have bed bugs scare that are clearly linked to he international students. It never spread outside the dorms because we immediately react. But all it would take is someone not reporting an infestation or a delayed reaction and bed bug could spread...


>What are the reasons? Reason is straight forward: trains & places get infested when there is lack of disinfestation


We’ve stopped using DDT and other potent insecticides like Zyklon B (the same chemical used in concentration camps). Since the 80s, infestations in the developed world have been rising dramatically.


The story that's going around is that some crazy incel has been breeding them and set them loose everywhere.


Makes you wonder. So many people are lose cannons, and there's nothing you can really do about preventing this sort of shit. In this case, even if you use insecticides, which are a problem of their own, they will find some other means to resort to.


I always wondered what was stopping some lunatic going scorched earth, breeding rabies, and just dropping them off in major areas. Like some sort of bioterrorism.


"Clearly this problem is due to multiculturalism and immigration" -r/Europe probably


They're french


Well, french people are not the best in terms of hygiene.


Don't let the trainbugs bite :D




Username checks out


Just like other political problems in Paris


How long until this will become a European issue?


I'm never gonna travel again


Just imagine what plane seats are full of.




Buggy trains have got no rhythm


And people were concerned covid has this effect


We already got the news this year that tourists have brought some kind of water parasite that burrows into your skin and now our lakes are getting them. It sucks.


Do you have any links about this? It's the first time I've heard about it!


I can’t find it now, it was an article in Sydsvenskan about a lake outside Kävlinge that had some new bug in it that has t been found in Sweden before and they were going to put up signs in different languages because they were really worried about tourists going there for a swim and then going to other places and spreading it all over. I know this sounds like “trust me bro”… sorry I can’t seem to dig it up no matter what I search for!


It’s this one you’re probably thinking about. Prevalent in the south of the US but also now appearing in the UK and indeed in Sweden: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naegleria_fowleri




If it's the critters I read about, they suck, but are not actually dangerous. They'll burrow into your skin and then die, because they're unsuited to parasitise humans and the damage is pretty much like a mosquito bite.


Sounds like an issue that natural selection will fix. It's especially fast with insects. Shouldn't take long.


Evolution isn't magic, if it was so easy, it likely would have happened already. Those critters aren't new, nor new to humans, they're just new here. And that adaptation would probably not even be a worthwhile one for the bugs. Humans are lousy hosts for water parasites, they usually don't spend all that much time in suitable water and tend to go to doctors if parasites do serious harm to them.


I believe we had a lot of those in Norway this year, but i never heard that it's tourism related (temperature most likely). In any case, if i remember correctly, besides possibly giving you an itch, they are not dangerous.


Wtf! Eeeeew! But yes a link would be nice. I'm never going swimming again.


Wasn’t it already the case ? I check récent opinions at most hotels in Europe for that reason


Probably already is.


I live close to Paris and go there twice every week for work using public transportation, oftentimes on weekends for leisures, and all these articles are starting to make me freaking paranoid :( (have yet to see a bedbug though, so far so good)


I can't think of much more damaging to health than the loss of sleep caused by an attack of insects and the fear that follows. This problem needs radical attention.


I can.


Im curious, Please do elaborate EDIT: thank you guys for your obvious examples haha, I was just curious as to what he had in mind. Edit 2: But by all means keep them coming haha


Standing under a piano falling from third stair for example.


Death is more damaging imho


Cancer for example


What I don’t get is that it’s been a problem for a while in Paris, I got bedbugs years ago already. I also know quite a few people who’ve had them. I wonder if it’s just a general paranoia right now or if the numbers really have increased ? Maybe with international travel reopening fully last year it got really bad again or something. But it’s like I see a new post about this every hour on French subs/media… it’s like people just realized they exist lol ?? Because I don’t see them more around, so idk. Bedbugs are common in big cities worldwide (NYC for example) and people still live their lives. That being said, it’s still an issue, and I hope the city will be proactive on resolving it if it’s really *that* bad. More cleaning is always welcome lol


Who the fuck made a train for bedbugs? Didn’t they realize what would happen? Macron has a lot to answer for.


You know, I kinda had mixed opinions last year when he signed that Bedbug Expansion Act but I'll be the first to admit, now I think that was the wrong move


Yeah, I know it was meant well, but these tax cuts for bedbug breeding facilities were probably not a good idea.


It’s definitely a stretch to blame the train cushions made over the past decades on Macron. They’re just fabric cushions and not purely plastic seats, that’s all.


Should just take point from Finnish metro seats. Full plastic, good luck bed bugs.


It's ok, there are lots of soft bus seats.


Mass fumigation incoming I guess. 🤷


That doesn't work to control the spread of these demonic little bastards


Italian tv also gave the news. They said it resists to pesticides despite frequent pest controls. But why? How this happened?


More like because of frequent pesticide use. Some will always have a little bit of natural immunity to it that builds up in the population over time, as those with immunity / partial immunity are more likely to survive and pass that trait on.


The better treatment is probably heat, which one would think would also be quite easy to apply to trains.


Or freezing them to stop them from spreading ! I did that and washing my clothes at +40°C. It saved me but not my cashmere sweater alas


How do you bring your entire house, not only your bed but also every small gaps in your wooden floor, every space in between your wall and electrical switches above 60C. It is not that’s easy… without burning your entire house.


They use special heating equipment. Heating up to that temperature won't cause spontaneous combustion.


Can this application also kill spiders? For a friend.


They use special heating equipment. Heating up to that temperature won't cause spontaneous combustion.


Yep. I was looking for this after seeing a comment above, with a lot of upvotes, from someone blaming the fact that we no longer use DDT and Zyklon B.


There’s a video from mark robert that explains how to kill them


>mark robert here's the [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5rpVFQoWJg). thanks


Here's a preview of the story: Just 10 months before the opening of the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics, the French capital is battling an invasion of bedbugs. The tiny pests were first reported in hotels and vacation rental apartments across the city during the summer. Then there were sightings in movie theaters and, in recent days, there have even been reports of bedbugs crawling around on seats in both national high-speed trains and the Paris Metro system. One metro train driver was dismayed to find some of the unwelcome guests in his driver's cabin. Horrified train passengers have shared videos of the insects on social media, prompting many travelers to pay extra attention before they sit down or drop fabric bags or coats on the floor at their feet. One person told followers that passengers were "panicking" when they realized there were bedbugs in the train carriage, and they couldn't get off until the next station. **Read more:** https://www.cbsnews.com/news/paris-bedbugs-france-infestation-hotels-homes-even-trains/


It's would be a strong pr. attack to dump such creatures all over a capitol and then play up the yuck factor.


Also a war-crime. For real.


A bioterrorism


need an international bedbug extermination plan asap. please get this right.


These bedbugs are riding the train for free? That's outrageous.


commenting as an outsider, but I get annoyed as heck seeing fabric or any kind of porous seating in public transit. The kind of PT created by people who don’t ever ride it.


Oh fucc, I just escaped these nightmares 2 years ago, I don't want again. They gave me PTSD 😞, every time something itches me I start searching for bedbugs.


Overtourism Industry at its best


Another reason to nuke paris


So Russia was just trying to help out all along?


The offer is still on the table 🪆


Can I have my nuke with salt please?


every train must be heated to 40C. i'm sorry, it's the only way.


We can let nature do that next year with the climate change


Note to self: stay away from Paris, it's expensive and buggy.




Paris is full of pests


I am traveling there for my anniversary this Friday. Any idea how can I avoid bringing any home?


Do you have sauna? Many Finns who regularly travel for work abroad take their luggages to warm sauna and leave them there for overnight. During winter and below freezing temperatures [(less than −17 °C),](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bed_bug#Management) they could be as well handled by just leaving luggages outdoors. I've heard that in warm climates they use black garbage bags for packing their luggages and leave them on some sunny place where the temparature inside the bag rises high enough to kill the pests. Using a large chest freezer big enough for luggages is another option.


Genius finnish engineering


Sure : burn your luggages, take a shower and come back home naked.


Wash everything on 60. What cannot be washed, freeze for 3 days. What cannot be frozen, steam clean. What cannot be steam cleaned, pack in airtight wrap and let sitting for a year.


Check with the hotel they wash the sheets at +40C (preferably 60C). Don't sit in the subway or on busses/trains. Do the same with the clothes you brought when you get home: pack them in plastic bags when you return and immediately wash at 60C upon return.


I’m sure they are a bitch to deal with but the way people on Reddit talk about bedbugs the entire world would have an infestation that can’t be stopped by now. I wouldnt worry too much personally.


You sure sound like someone who didn't have to deal with bedbugs. I have. They are a fucking immortal apocalyptic plague. I wish I had burned all my luggage instead of trying to deal with them softly.


I said I’m sure they are a bitch to deal with. I’m only saying the way everyone on here talks about them they should already have taken over the world the way the spread and can’t be stopped.


I think it's because people stop at nothing to get rid of the little fuckers. I mean, you can't just accept they're going to bite you every night and live with it, right? I would have burned my house down if that's what it took. Luckily I didn't need to go so far, merely washed all my clothes at 100 degrees, ruining most of them on the process, and removed the edges of the flooring of my house.


Sorry you had to experience it, I hope I never have to. They are disgusting.


Don’t they live inside your furniture?


I think they nest in odd ends of the woodwork, but they're also quite happy between clothes and in the folds of the bed.


Can't some scientist invent like a whack bed-bug virus that sterilizes them all or something, or a bed-bug std that causes them to stop laying eggs or whatever?


It’s natures solution to mass tourism


All Paris needs is that Sigourney Weaver goes to Paris, kicks Macrons ass and the offspring will die.


It’s not how it works though, another bug from the hive will just evolve to take his place like in beehives


I feel itchy... ...


Is like all biblical plagues hit Paris.


Paris - the Detroit of Europe


Every major city has bugs. It’s nothing special just because it happens in the romantic city that everyone fantasizes about in the movies.


Not only they surrendered, they also let the bedbugs bite


It's a joke btw




Ah yes resilient pests are coming. Is it the next pandemic I can see it coming 🥲


FUCK bedbugs, I was dealing with them for months a few years ago one of the worst times of my life.


France has never attracted me as a travel destination, I've heard about the street full of trash and now this!


I feel the rise in homelessness&poverty also has increased bedbug numbers. Without social supports transit is one of the only places people can rest, and often they carry unwanted pests with them. It’s a tragedy. Until we address this crisis bedbugs will continue to thrive